UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /19 /#ubuntu-ops.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <PriceChild> jussio1: if there is no bot working in there, dump it in.
[00:00] <jussio1> ok
[00:00] <PriceChild> jussio1: if you're amazing, please don't remove the bot, just mute it when ubotu is fully functioning
[00:16] <Myrtti> should we add IANAL/WANAD factoids to -ot
[00:51] <jussio1> ok, Im off to bed. night all. just mute ubot5 if ubotu makes a comeback.
[02:50] <Jucato> um.. can we request a bot in #kubuntu ?
[02:50] <Jucato> %login
[02:50] <Jucato> !test
[02:50] <ubot5> Failed.
[02:51] <Jucato> ubot5: join #kubuntu
[02:51] <ubot5> Factoid join #kubuntu not found
[02:51] <Jucato> um nvm :)
[03:02] <ubot5> regeya called the ops in #ubuntu
[06:28] <Jordan_U> I think misfit_246 in #ubuntu might be a troll, he is saying that Automatix screwed up his machine but automatix has been discontinued, it even says so on their website
[06:39] <elkbuntu> Jordan_U, there's still plenty of places to aquire it
[06:58] <Jucato> !test
[06:58] <ubot5> Failed.
[07:22] <hischild> ubotu is gone again?
[07:26] <ompaul> it does have incredible uptime
[07:27] <hischild> so it would seem. ubot5 or something has taken over it appears. May i ask what is wrong with ubotu that he keeps dying?
[07:29] <ompaul> old age?
[07:29] <ompaul> you need to ask seveas
[07:31] <hischild> very well.
[07:32] <hischild> he seems afk right now (i've asked him in the dutch channel) so i hope he sees it when he gets back. Thanks for your help ompaul.
[08:22] <ubot5> Flannel called the ops in #ubuntu
[08:22] <Seveas> inadequate hosting plan
[08:22] <Seveas> searching for sponsors...
[08:24] <ompaul> what was the cost
[08:25] <ompaul> more like what are the needs
[08:25] <Seveas> the needs are rackspace for 2 2u machines I have ready
[08:25] <Seveas> and appropriate b/w
[08:28] <ompaul> Seveas, what is the bandwidth
[08:28] <ompaul> Seveas, you want them hosted in .nl I take it ;-)
[08:28] <Seveas> closing in on 100G/month (it's not just bots)
[08:30] <hischild> Seveas, you heard of pcextreme? from what i've heard they're doing a good job on it.
[08:30] <ompaul> are they in .nl?
[08:30] <Seveas> hischild, heard of them, but their website crashes firefox ;)
[08:30] <hischild> yes
[08:30] <hischild> Seveas, funny, i'm at their site right now
[08:31] <Seveas> ff 3.0 b5?
[08:31] <hischild> yes
[08:31] <hischild> i'm on fluxbox though, not gnome
[08:33] <hischild> Seveas, you might wish to remove ubot5 from #ubuntu
[08:34] <Seveas> whose bot is ubot5? and what happened to 2,3 and 4? :)
[08:35] <hischild> i have no idea. All i know is he does the same as ubotu, and ompaul told me to ask you about it. I was wondering what was wrong with him that he keeps dropping out
[08:35] <nalioth> Seveas: ubot3 runs perfect in all channels BUT #ubuntu
[08:35] <ompaul> hischild, your question is not the same as your statement
[08:35] <Seveas> nalioth, ack
[08:35] <Seveas> I've muted ubot5 in there now
[08:35] <ompaul> the q was why ubotu fell over
[08:36] <ompaul> Seveas, if you are around later on catch you then
[08:36] <hischild> ompaul, i'm sorry, but i'm not quite understanding what you're saying.
[08:36] <ompaul> gtg
[08:36] <Seveas> ompaul, yeah, gotta do some shopping first
[08:36] <Seveas> bbl
[08:48] <hischild> why would floodbot mute me when i'm not spamming at all? I've spoken 2 whole lines which i both typed
[08:48] <DrDerek> I decided I don't want to be banned anymore -- pici.
[08:49] <DrDerek> or maybe elkbuntu
[08:57] <DrDerek> moo?
[08:58] <nalioth> DrDerek: patience is a virtue
[08:58] <Myrtti> DrDerek: you realize that if your ban is removed, it's very unlikely you'll ever be banned by your request again?
[08:59] <DrDerek> yeah..
[08:59] <DrDerek> But Since I'm not going to be working any time soon.
[08:59] <DrDerek> I figure might as well get back.
[08:59] <DrDerek> I think I was fired today.
[09:00] <Myrtti> you "think"
[09:00] <DrDerek> My hours were cut from 40 to 15
[09:00] <DrDerek> and then down to 6
[09:00] <Myrtti> never leave those things at that stage. If you're uncertain, ask.
[09:00] <DrDerek> and I was sent home early the other day.
[09:00] <Myrtti> -____-
[09:00] <DrDerek> I think the store is not making enough money
[09:01] <DrDerek> and can't afford to pay me anymore
[09:01] <DrDerek> mostly because in the past 8 months we've gone from about 2-3 thousand dollars a day
[09:01] <DrDerek> down to about 800-1000
[09:02] <DrDerek> stupid economy
[09:03] <DrDerek> Myrtti - so yeah, if I won't be banned again by request -- that's fine.
[09:06] <DrDerek> I think I'm going to learn to play the bongos and play in seattle for money.
[09:30] <jpatrick> hey ikonia
[09:31] <nalioth> jpatrick: netsplit
[09:31] <jpatrick> nalioth: yes, I saw
[11:11] <jpatrick> mode/#ubuntu [+b lunitik!*@*] by ChanServ - and /remove'd by it?
[11:12] <nalioth> auto remove behaves like that, jpatrick
[11:13] <jpatrick> nalioth: had no idea, nice
[12:21] <ubotu> arvind_khadri called the ops in #ubuntu ()
[12:22] <jpatrick> Seveas: apparntly he also got kicked out of #ubuntu-ru </info>
[12:22] <Seveas> ack
=== ubotu2` is now known as ubotu2
[18:04] <Daviey> !awn | epic fail
[18:04] <ubot5> Factoid awn not found
[18:04] <ubotu> epic fail: awn is <Reply> Avant Window Navigator, is a dock-like navigation bar for the linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy
[18:04] <Daviey> ^^^^^
[18:06] <Kagar> Pici - do you think you could lift it -- I decided I didn't want to be banned anymore -- I was talking to Myrtti about it last night -- she said I most likely wouldn't be able to request a ban again, but I don't mind.
[18:07] <PriceChild> hmm that swapped round to be evil
[18:07] <PriceChild> whoops, -v
[18:08] <PriceChild> I'm just a fool.
[18:09] <PriceChild> no awn is <Reply> Avant Window Navigator, is a dock-like navigation bar for the linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy
[18:09] <PriceChild> !no awn is <Reply> Avant Window Navigator, is a dock-like navigation bar for the linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy
[18:09] <ubotu> In #ubuntu-ops, PriceChild said: !no awn is <Reply> Avant Window Navigator, is a dock-like navigation bar for the linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy
[18:09] <Kagar> PriceChild - do you think you could lift the ban I had set on myself? -- It sounded good at the time -- but my job is laying people off, and I'm one of them -- so I need something to do until I get another job.
[18:09] <PriceChild> @login
[18:09] <ubotu> OK
[18:09] <PriceChild> !no awn is <Reply> Avant Window Navigator, is a dock-like navigation bar for the linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy
[18:09] <ubotu> I'll remember that PriceChild
[18:09] <PriceChild> Kagar: what ban?
[18:09] <Kagar> hmm
[18:09] <Kagar> one sec, my nick didn't change.
[18:10] <Kagar> one second.
[18:11] <DrDerek> there.
[18:12] <PriceChild> DrDerek: what ban?
[18:12] <DrDerek> I had put a ban on myself because I needed to stop going to IRC for awhile -- which sounded good at the time -- but now I'm not going to have work for awhile -- I might as well have it removed.. as confusing as it may sound of myself to have done -- and I talked to Myrtti about it, she said most likely I wouldn't be able to set a ban on myself again, but that's fine.
[18:12] <DrDerek> and it's from offtopic/
[18:12] <nickrud> a lifetime ban for everyone in -offtopic sounds like a good idea all round ;)
[18:12] <DrDerek> I wanted it for a month - but meh.
[18:13] <DrDerek> nickrud - yeah, yeah..
[18:21] * PriceChild waits on the bantracker
[18:22] <DrDerek> mmk
[18:22] * DrDerek eats a grilled stuffed steak burrito from taco bell
[18:23] <PriceChild> DrDerek: unbanned, stop playing with the ops :)
[18:29] <DrDerek> yessir.
[18:29] <DrDerek> or ma'am
[18:29] <DrDerek> I offended elkbuntu last time with that -- I think the internet should invent a gender.
[18:30] <DrDerek> thanks PriceChild.
[18:56] <ubotu> hydrogen called the ops in #ubuntu+1 ()
[19:40] <ompaul> Seveas, perhaps this:
[19:40] <ompaul> Sorry, I don't know anything about ok - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[19:40] <ompaul> should become
[19:40] <ompaul> Sorry, I don't know anything about ok - I am a bot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[20:40] <Seveas> !staff | <AlexMoore> Everyone is interestes in making money. Do it today by doing short surveys. https://www.surveysavvy.com?id=3326021&action=join
[20:40] <Seveas> hmm, ubotu is acting up
[20:40] <Seveas> nalioth, christel, Gary, PriceChild --^
[20:41] <Seveas> @config list plugins.encyclopedia
[20:41] <ubotu> #database, #prefixchar, #searchorder, alert, aptdir, datadir, notfoundmsg, packagelookup, public, and relaychannel
[20:41] <Seveas> !staff
[20:41] <ubotu> Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel or Gary, I could use a bit of your time :)
[20:41] <Seveas> strange....
[20:42] <PriceChild> he just did #gentoo too
[20:43] <nalioth> gone
[22:05] <MetaMorfoziS> !sensors
[22:05] <ubotu> You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto
[22:06] <jussio1> MetaMorfoziS: hi, can we help you?
[22:06] <MetaMorfoziS> hi! Thank you, but the bot helped me
[22:06] <MetaMorfoziS> i just forget that link
[22:07] <MetaMorfoziS> the only thing that i not understand is why i'm forwarded to this channel
[22:07] <MetaMorfoziS> i wanted to join to #ubuntu
[22:07] <MetaMorfoziS> and i get the message: [23:05:24] [470] #ubuntu #ubuntu-ops Forwarding to another channel
[22:07] <MetaMorfoziS> but not problem, the bot the matter:)
[22:07] <jussio1> MetaMorfoziS: wait a moment, Ill look.
[22:07] <jussio1> @btlogin
[22:08] <MetaMorfoziS> ?
[22:08] <jussio1> MetaMorfoziS: this is the cannel for ubuntu operators. if you are here, you have been banned for some reason or another.
[22:08] <MetaMorfoziS> Oh, i thought that...
[22:09] <MetaMorfoziS> There was a little problem about a little idiot
[22:09] <MetaMorfoziS> as i see he cryed out a ban for me
[22:09] <MetaMorfoziS> lol...
[22:11] <jussio1> MetaMorfoziS: you will need to wait for the operator who banned you, in this case LjL
[22:11] <MetaMorfoziS> i don't want to do that
[22:11] <MetaMorfoziS> i'm the helper not who ask for help in the 99% of the time in that channel
[22:12] <MetaMorfoziS> now that channel has -1 helper... it's not problem for me
[22:12] <MetaMorfoziS> but if there was so many little idiot like that who banned me (not the operator, that kiddie who asked him)
[22:12] <MetaMorfoziS> then i don't want to stay too much here...
[22:12] <jussio1> MetaMorfoziS: ok. However, if you would like to re-enter #ubuntu you will need to wait for LjL
[22:13] <MetaMorfoziS> Okay, thanks for the information.
[22:14] <PriceChild> jussio1: what's the ban mask?
[22:14] <jussio1> PriceChild: metamorfozis!*@*!#ubuntu-ops
[22:16] <PriceChild> !hardy | MetaMorfoziS
[22:16] <ubotu> MetaMorfoziS: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu
[22:17] <MetaMorfoziS> If you not say, i never get it to know
[22:17] <MetaMorfoziS> ...
[22:17] <MetaMorfoziS> or you are that little idiot?:)
[22:17] <PriceChild> MetaMorfoziS: when the distribution is in the development cycle, we don't.....
[22:17] <PriceChild> pardon?
[22:18] <MetaMorfoziS> No, that guy has a nick started with "h" iirc
[22:19] <PriceChild> MetaMorfoziS: I'm sorry, you've lost me?
[22:19] <MetaMorfoziS> canbe...
[22:19] <MetaMorfoziS> i don't know why you telled me that command...
[22:20] <MetaMorfoziS> !nvidia | PriceChild
[22:20] <ubotu> PriceChild: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[22:20] <MetaMorfoziS> fifty-fifty :)
[22:21] <PriceChild> MetaMorfoziS: Well it seems you were banned from #ubuntu because you were offtopic (asking for hardy support) and then calling people idiots, sending random commands to them?
[22:21] <MetaMorfoziS> PriceChild > i just asked a genreal question
[22:21] <MetaMorfoziS> not related to the os
[22:21] <MetaMorfoziS> just a configuration help
[22:21] <Seeker`> PriceChild: What question did he ask?
[22:21] <PriceChild> It seems everyone else disagreed..
[22:22] <MetaMorfoziS> and i asked for don't tell go to hardy development channel (i was don't want to use their resoruces for my little problems)
[22:22] <PriceChild> Seeker`: quite unspecific, about dhclient on hardy
[22:22] <MetaMorfoziS> then a second that kiddie tooks me !hardy !hardy !hardy
[22:22] <MetaMorfoziS> like an idiot.
[22:22] <PriceChild> MetaMorfoziS: #ubuntu+1 is a user/support channel. It is not the development channel.
[22:22] <MetaMorfoziS> Then i was wrong.
[22:57] <MetaMorfoziS> Good night folks