UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /19 /#ubuntu-artwork.txt
Initial commit
=== Dana1 is now known as DanaG
[01:08] <DanaG> I can't wait until this summer .... when I get my new laptop, I am soooooo going to get a case skin of the Heron. I just wish this wallpaper were included along with the other one: "color-grey-translucent.svg" -- link is just above the GDM thingy. Note: this SVG chokes firefox for quite a while.
[03:40] <troy_s> DanaG: Consider laser etching if you get a metal exterior.
[03:40] <troy_s> DanaG: There are some amazing and beautiful applications of that technique on laptops.
[03:40] <DanaG> Hmm, but that may be more permanent than I'd want.
[03:41] <DanaG> Unless I can buy replacement laptop lids.
[03:41] <troy_s> http://tumbl.us/post/2451969
[03:41] <troy_s> DanaG: You shouldn't mind if it is a decent enough design.
[03:42] <troy_s> DanaG: Some amazingly beautiful work done.
[03:42] <DanaG> http://www.notebookreview.com/default.asp?newsID=3862
[03:43] <troy_s> http://www.jonnymac.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/05/engraving_finished.jpg
[03:44] <troy_s> http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1394/1177286747_a810b8c160.jpg
[03:44] <troy_s> Those are three of the more compositionally elegant etchings.
[03:45] <troy_s> DanaG: I have considered doing some custom airbrush work on a few of my friends exterior shells as per request... but it is a heck of a tough / tricky thing to do perfectly.
[03:45] <DanaG> Hmm, and I can look at the service guide to see if the lid is a purchasable part.
[03:52] <DanaG> Dang, not purchasable separately from the screen itself.
[03:52] <DanaG> I'd have to think about that idea of laser etching.
[03:54] <DanaG> ANd while at it, I also discovered that if you purchase without WWAN, you don't get the antennas for it, and can't add WWAN later -- but then again, I won't likely use that feature.
[05:18] <DanaG> http://lenovoblogs.com/designmatters/?p=111
[05:18] <DanaG> Laser etched magnesium alloy.
[05:50] <DanaG> Heh, ALSA thinks my USB headset has an SPDIF output.
[05:51] <DanaG> Oops, offtopic (my tab moved, so I thought this was #ubuntu+1)
=== savvas_ is now known as savvas
=== nand is now known as nand_away
=== nand_away is now known as nand
[18:56] <savvas> kwwii: looks like they're going for some other default bittorrent icon in gnome theme: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=525311 - however, will they use in ubuntu hardy the one i submitted?
[18:56] <ubotu> Gnome bug 525311 in general "Need icon for .torrent files" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed]