UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /19 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[00:08] <ffm> So, what's the current policy of LPBT on full names?
[00:43] <Fujitsu> YokoZar: Can you pastebin the email you got?
[00:45] <YokoZar> Fujitsu: http://pastebin.com/md1e3c4e
[00:45] <YokoZar> Actually I see the problem from the email nevermind
[00:46] <YokoZar> I put Pre-Depends: lzma instead of Pre-Depends: dpkg >= 1.14.12ubuntu3
[00:57] <Fujitsu> YokoZar: Yeah, reading errors can often help.
[00:59] <YokoZar> Fujitsu: well the error was only in the email (not the launchpad build report, which was the first place I checked throughly)
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[01:53] <YokoZar> Ok, so I fixed my upload, deleted the old package, and reuploaded, but then Launchpad still sent me a rejection notice saying that it didn't match the file in the archive. I could workaround this easily by updating the version, but it seems worth reporting that if you delete a package and then reupload one with the same version it can be rejected (perhaps since launchpad didn't delete it everywhere quick enough)
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[02:02] <Fujitsu> YokoZar: You need to wait some time for it to delete everywhere. I agree with this, as it is very wrong to delete and reupload them same version.
[02:02] <Zelut> can anyone refer me to how/where I can allow others to push to my project on LP?
[02:03] <Fujitsu> Zelut: Push bzr branches?
[02:03] <Zelut> Fujitsu: right. currently I'm the only one that can push updates to my project.
[02:04] <Fujitsu> Zelut: Do you want them to push their own branches, or to a central one?
[02:04] <Zelut> Fujitsu: there are a few people I trust enough that I'd like to allow pushing to central trunk.
[02:05] <Fujitsu> Zelut: You need to have a team, and push the branch to the team URL instead.
[02:05] <Zelut> Fujitsu: ahh, that makes sense. thank you.
[02:06] <Zelut> Also, I posted last week on the answers section regarding changing the name/URL of my project. Is that something I should keep waiting on?
[02:07] <Fujitsu> Probably.
[02:07] <Fujitsu> If it doesn't happen within a couple of days, poke here again.
[02:08] <Zelut> I've changed the name but I can't change the URL. I was told LP admin needed to do that.
[02:08] <Zelut> so I'll give it a bit more time. Its not too critical.
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[08:15] <elmargol> Can I somehow search inside translations?
[08:25] <Fujitsu> elmargol: bug #44
[08:27] <Fujitsu> ubotu is sick :(
[08:27] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 44 in rosetta "Translations should be searchable" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44 - Assigned to Данило Шеган (danilo)
[08:28] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about is sick :( - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[08:29] <elmargol> this sucks bigitme
[08:29] <elmargol> bigtime
[08:29] <Fujitsu> Not being able to search?
[08:31] <elmargol> yes
[08:31] <Fujitsu> Well, it is an absolutely incredibly huge dataset.
[08:31] <elmargol> 649 translations and I only need to change 1
[08:32] <Fujitsu> You might be able to Google for it, but I've not tried.
[08:32] <elmargol> Downloading the .po file does not work too :(
[09:19] <ubotu> New bug: #219410 in launchpad "Search bar is not centered in edge.launchpad.net" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/219410
[09:22] <ubotu> New bug: #219441 in launchpad "Every resource that supports GET should also support HEAD" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/219441
[09:22] <ubotu> New bug: #219442 in launchpad "Create an "Image" resource type" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/219442
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=== elmo changed the topic of #launchpad to: Reduced buildd service till 3pm UTC due to power outage || https://launchpad.net/ || Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 24 April 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions and spam reports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
[11:27] <janimo> can the launchpad PPAs be mirrored using rsync?
[11:33] <Fujitsu> janimo: No.
[11:42] <janimo> Fujitsu: ok thanks. I was remembering that was what mythbuntu were doing a while ago for getting signed archives but I may have misread it
[11:43] <Fujitsu> You could mirror it with debmirror.
[11:43] <laga> we use apt-mirror
[11:44] <janimo> Fujitsu.laga : thanks for the tips! I'll check those out
[11:44] <laga> janimo: we've got a ascript.. hang on
[11:46] <laga> janimo: https://code.launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/mythbuntu/mythbuntu-weekly-build
[11:46] <laga> maybe mirror_repository.sh will be useful for you
[11:46] <janimo> laga: thanks a lot, I'll look at it
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[13:58] <BlackLukes_> Hi, I have a question
[13:59] <BlackLukes_> Some days ago I clicked on the button "join" for the launchpad beta team
[13:59] <BlackLukes_> How much time do they take to approve me?
[14:06] <kiko> BlackLukes_, it's usually quick. I can do it now, hang on
[14:07] <kiko> man the logo for that team is hilarious
[14:07] <kiko> BlackLukes_, what's your launchpad ID?
[14:08] <BlackLukes_> 1 moment
[14:08] <kiko> ah, luca91
[14:08] <kiko> one sec
[14:08] <BlackLukes_> yesx
[14:08] <Fujitsu> Wasn't it an upside-down LP logo not too long ago?
[14:09] <kiko> Fujitsu, was it? I think that would actually be cooler
[14:09] <kiko> BlackLukes_, approved
[14:09] <BlackLukes_> thank you very much kiko
[14:31] <ubotu> New bug: #219571 in launchpad-bazaar "Cannot import SSH key from puttykeygen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/219571
[14:32] <BlackLukes_> I have another question: two days ago I sent an email to the beta team mailing list
[14:32] <BlackLukes_> and I received another email with this subject: "Your message to launchpad-users awaits moderator approval"
[14:32] <kiko> BlackLukes_, I'll be approving those today
[14:32] <BlackLukes_> I have no one reply, maybe because of I was not part of the team when I sent it, or not?
[14:32] <BlackLukes_> ok thanks
[14:33] <BlackLukes_> I'm sorry for these question, I'm a newbie!
[14:33] <kiko> no problem
[14:43] <rexbron> Hey, Would someone be able to help me figure out why a binary only upload was rejected?
[14:44] <Hobbsee> rexbron: binary only != diff-only?
[14:45] <rexbron> sorry, I meant diff only
[14:45] <rexbron> I checked the local md5 sums and they match the ones listed in the changes file
[14:47] <Hobbsee> rexbron: have you previously deleted the same version that you're uploading?
[14:47] <rexbron> Hobbsee: this is an update to a FTBFS
[14:47] <rexbron> I did not remove the old source package
[14:47] <Hobbsee> right. just checking.
[14:48] <Hobbsee> cprov: i presume you'll look into this?
[14:49] <cprov> sorry, I can't help you right now, fixing a more urgent problem.
[14:49] <rexbron> np, when you get time :)
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[16:48] <nand> barry: everything's working right, now, thanks!
[17:12] <barry> nand: fantastic!
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=== elmo changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ || Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 24 April 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions and spam reports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
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[22:52] <Frozenball> Yay
[22:52] <Frozenball> Can you register a project to launchpad which doesn't allow redistribution with modifications?
[23:17] <beuno> Frozenball, AFAIK, it has to fall under free software
[23:17] <beuno> so whatever license it has
[23:17] <beuno> it should fall under free software
[23:22] <Frozenball> I'll change the licence later
[23:22] <Frozenball> When I find proper