UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /19 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <kaNNib^L> do i have to wait for a week to get stable one?
[00:00] <arkaniad> which you should be able to apt-get update to
[00:00] <arkaniad> yes
[00:00] <arkaniad> but you can still install beta
[00:00] <kaNNib^L> after installing beta
[00:00] <arkaniad> and get stable via aptitude when they release
[00:00] <kaNNib^L> i could get updates
[00:00] <arkaniad> yes
[00:00] <kaNNib^L> and it would become stable then
[00:00] <kaNNib^L> ?
[00:00] <arkaniad> pretty much
[00:00] <kaNNib^L> pretty much or a stable one?
[00:01] <arkaniad> i am not 100% sure it would be the actual "Stable," but you will have updated past the bugs
[00:01] <arkaniad> if any
[00:01] <arkaniad> and there are always more updates
[00:02] <arkaniad> but, is your hardware compatible???
[00:02] <kaNNib^L> yup always
[00:02] <kaNNib^L> i dont know
[00:02] <arkaniad> sweet
[00:02] <arkaniad> lol
[00:02] <kaNNib^L> how to check?
[00:02] <arkaniad> is it liveCD or alternate :(
[00:02] <arkaniad> liveCD - pop in, boot from cd, and enjoy without installation!
[00:02] <kaNNib^L> well i have downloaded .iso then burnt it and now using it on Cd
[00:02] <kaNNib^L> yup liveCd
[00:02] <arkaniad> oh, so its in your CD drive
[00:02] <arkaniad> ok
[00:02] <kaNNib^L> yeah
[00:03] <kaNNib^L> exaclty
[00:03] <arkaniad> well then your hardware works i guess, eh?
[00:03] <arkaniad> :D
[00:03] <kaNNib^L> how to check?
[00:03] <arkaniad> well, you are using ubuntu as we speak right?
[00:03] <arkaniad> or kubuntu, w/e
[00:03] <kaNNib^L> kubutu
[00:03] <kaNNib^L> i know a much about GNOME
[00:04] <kaNNib^L> using kubuntu first time
[00:04] <arkaniad> and your net, sound, display works??
[00:04] <kaNNib^L> yup
[00:04] <arkaniad> well, then it will all work
[00:04] <kaNNib^L> oll rite
[00:05] <kaNNib^L> now just tell me again
[00:05] <kaNNib^L> that i should wait for a week to get stable version
[00:05] <kaNNib^L> or i can install beta version without any prob?
[00:05] <arkaniad> brvb
[00:05] <arkaniad> lol
[00:05] <kaNNib^L> plz man
[00:05] <arkaniad> ok sorry
[00:06] <arkaniad> beta would be fine,
[00:06] <arkaniad> IMHO,
[00:06] <arkaniad> just email me if there are any kinks
[00:06] <arkaniad> arkaniad@gmail.com
[00:06] <arkaniad> oh and
[00:06] <arkaniad> good choice picking Linux!
[00:07] <arkaniad> ok, now is there anyone here that can answer my questions about upgrading????
[00:07] <kaNNib^L> why gud choice?
[00:07] <kaNNib^L> yes sure i can
[00:07] <kaNNib^L> go ahead and ask anything
[00:07] <kaNNib^L> :D
[00:07] <arkaniad> because, linux is a very stable/versatile system that is secure. and looks cool.
[00:07] <arkaniad> ok,
[00:07] <kaNNib^L> well
[00:07] <arkaniad> anyone is free to ask this ques
[00:08] <kaNNib^L> is there that sort of graphics programs available
[00:08] <kaNNib^L> like adobe photoshop ?
[00:08] <kaNNib^L> so i could work on graphics easily
[00:08] <arkaniad> brb
[00:08] <arkaniad> sorry
[00:08] <arkaniad> again
[00:08] <arkaniad> yes there is!!!
[00:08] <arkaniad> GIMP
[00:09] <arkaniad> Gn Image Manipulation Tool
[00:09] <kaNNib^L> ok
[00:09] <kaNNib^L> babai
[00:09] <kaNNib^L> have fun and thanks
[00:09] <arkaniad> u goin?
[00:09] <kaNNib^L> what is ur name?
[00:09] <arkaniad> Tanner
[00:09] <arkaniad> but i prefer Arkaniad
[00:09] <kaNNib^L> yup it is 4 am here
[00:09] <arkaniad> oh and email me!
[00:09] <arkaniad> loo
[00:09] <kaNNib^L> oll rite i am yasir
[00:09] <arkaniad> its 6 pm here!
[00:09] <kaNNib^L> nice meeint u dear
[00:09] <arkaniad> bye!
[00:09] <kaNNib^L> lol
[00:09] <kaNNib^L> babai
[00:09] <arkaniad> lol?
[00:09] <kaNNib^L> and thanks
[00:09] <arkaniad> byeeaaaaa
[00:10] <arkaniad> kaNNib^L: oh and, if you have a good Graphix card, you can get COMPIZ!!!!!!!!!!!
[00:10] <kaNNib^L> compiz?
[00:10] <kaNNib^L> what is it?
[00:10] <kaNNib^L> now tell me
[00:10] <arkaniad> 3d desktop
[00:10] <arkaniad> eg. a cube that you can rotate
[00:11] <arkaniad> with your desktop on all 4 sides, cept top and botom
[00:11] <arkaniad> xgl and beryl are same thing too
[00:11] <kaNNib^L> i c
[00:11] <kaNNib^L> how can i get it?
[00:11] <arkaniad> well, baibai
[00:11] <kaNNib^L> ok babai
[00:11] <arkaniad> idk?
[00:11] <kaNNib^L> after installing i will mail u
[00:11] <arkaniad> kay
[00:12] <arkaniad> anyone here that i can ask something?
[00:12] <arkaniad> enyone?
[00:12] <arkaniad> ah ill go to ubuntu#
[00:18] <_ZeuZ_> yeah!!
[00:19] <_ZeuZ_> I reduced the memory ussage of this HArdy, to 130mb ^^
[00:19] <_ZeuZ_> (using xchat, emesene, and Kaffeine
[00:19] <_ZeuZ_> oh, and COMPIZ!
[00:21] <arkaniad> how?
[00:22] <_ZeuZ_> I got rid of all modules unneeded (from kernel and initramfs)
[00:22] <_ZeuZ_> then got rid of those pesky python pieces of code to ease my life
[00:22] <arkaniad> lol
[00:22] <_ZeuZ_> and replaced them with compiled apps (written in C++ and C)
[00:22] <arkaniad> i dont know how to do that but OK!
[00:23] <_ZeuZ_> then I removed the unneeded things from KDE
[00:23] <_ZeuZ_> then I quitted the services I did not need
[00:23] <arkaniad> sweet
[00:23] <_ZeuZ_> then I uninstalled some packages
[00:23] <_ZeuZ_> and got rid of the session manager...
[00:24] <PeterFA> I always get a segfault when I run apache2.
[00:24] <PeterFA> In konsole, I type /etc/init.d/apache2 start and it segfaults.
[00:25] <_ZeuZ_> peterFA: That usually happens when the memory fragments into RAM and SWAP
[00:25] <_ZeuZ_> type free -m and show me the resuts...
[00:25] <_ZeuZ_> if not, try reinstalling it...
[00:25] <PeterFA> _ZeuZ_, wanna see it in pm?
[00:27] <_ZeuZ_> of course
[00:27] <_ZeuZ_> hitme
[00:27] <jumpkick> how can I get /sbin/lrm-manager to run at start time like its supposed to?
[00:28] <_ZeuZ_> jumpkick: use sysv-rc-conf to check if it's set to be started on the desired runlevel (if you don't have it, then sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf )
[00:29] <jumpkick> k
[00:29] <mr_marvin_> hi all. how can i check power saving options in kubuntu?
[00:30] <_ZeuZ_> you mean, personalize them?
[00:31] <mr_marvin_> well, yes... i don't remeber changes i've mege in ubuntu, and i'm afraid my pc could shut down while i'm absent,
[00:32] <_ZeuZ_> if you're using Gnome (Ubuntu) I can't help you... but if you're using KDE, then go to your tray bar, and click the battery icon
[00:32] <mr_marvin_> i'm using KDE, but this is not a laptop
[00:33] <_ZeuZ_> then changing the values, won't elude the fact that from power failure/lack your desktop is going to shutdown/reboot
[00:35] <mr_marvin_> how do i change the values? where do i find the options? that's what i'm hunting fro...
[00:36] <jumpkick> can some do an `ls /etc/rc2.d | grep restricted` and tell me what the start number is supposed to be for the linux-restricted-modules-common symlink?
[00:36] <user1> comand1 ; comand 2 , ; will run second command despite first one is completed succesfuly or not. or it will run 2 comands simultaneiously?
[00:37] <jumpkick> user1: ; = do it after; && = do it after if the first command was true (succeeded)
[00:37] <jumpkick> || = do it after if the first command was false (failed, exited with a non-zero exit code, etc)
[00:39] <user1> jumpkick thx
[00:39] <user1> jumpkick how to skip y/n required to type in some comands?
[00:39] <jumpkick> echo Y | command
[00:40] <jumpkick> apt-get -y install ....
[00:40] <jumpkick> depends on the command
[00:40] <user1> jumpkick apt
[00:42] <mr_marvin_> so, is there a simple was to change the time of shutting down od hdd's, monitor, whole pc?
[00:43] <jumpkick> user1: yeah, see above or apt-get --help... its -y
[00:44] <user1> thx
[00:45] <PeterFA> I have a Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) and dmesg says I need to get the firmware for it. I don't know exactly which firmware I need though. I've given several choices and one is deprecated.
[00:46] <user1> any POWERFUL firewall with many features?
[00:46] <sfire> PeterFA: I'm 90% those require ndswrapper drivers
[00:47] <sfire> ndiswrapper
[00:47] <PeterFA> user1, I like kmyfirewall.
[00:47] <user1> PeterFA ok..
[00:47] <sfire> PeterFA: do you have the windows driver CD for it?
[00:48] <PeterFA> sfire, no. The error message points to a web page with instruction that yoink it automagically.
[00:48] <PeterFA> I don't want to use the Windows driver.
[00:48] <PeterFA> Hmm.
[00:48] <sfire> don't have a choice
[00:48] <sfire> its madwifi or ndiswrapper (windows driver)
[00:49] <sfire> broadcom isn't madwifi compatible
[00:49] <sfire> (at least mine in this laptop isn't)
[00:49] <PeterFA> sfire, http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#fw-b43-new
[00:50] <sfire> honestly I haven't had a problem using the windows driver... that may work but its a whole bunch more complicated
[00:51] <sfire> up to you though
=== mr_marvin_ is now known as mrwn
[00:55] <_ZeuZ_> sfire: he-s allready using it, guided him through the process of instaling ONE PACKAGE
[00:55] <_ZeuZ_> xD
[00:55] <_ZeuZ_> that;s what you need for b43/bcm43xx
[00:55] <_ZeuZ_> b43firmwarecutter (or something like that)
[00:55] <_ZeuZ_> that takes care of downloading the firmware, and fetching it
[00:55] <RickKnight> PeterFA: Just a thought, but where is the firmware installed?
[00:56] <_ZeuZ_> /lib/firmware
[00:56] <nonewmsgs> i have a stupid question
[00:56] <RickKnight> PeterFA: It should be in /lib/firmware/2.6.20-16-generic for Feisty, /lib/firmware/2.6.22-14-generic for Gutsy.
[00:56] <PeterFA> RickKnight, I just did
[00:57] <_ZeuZ_> RickKnight, that depends on the kernel
[00:57] <nonewmsgs> if i boot from my one sata drive grub menu doesn't come and all i get is a curser and it freezes, but if i start the same disk in supergrub with mbr it starts fine, what is wrong
[00:57] <_ZeuZ_> but the firmwares are all located under /lib/firmware
[00:57] <_ZeuZ_> that grub is not installed onto MBR, and that supergrub crashes it
[00:59] <nonewmsgs> but the option i select is "boot mbr" not start HURD
[00:59] <_ZeuZ_> seems like you did not though
[01:00] <nonewmsgs> maybe it is confused that the linux partition is the 3rd partition
[01:00] <_ZeuZ_> check the /boot/grub/menu.lst
[01:00] <_ZeuZ_> or run sudo update-grub
[01:01] <nonewmsgs> my partitions all need tweaked but for now i think i am going to reinstall gutsy (i can't get online with hardy)
[01:01] <_ZeuZ_> xD
[01:01] <_ZeuZ_> what seems to be the problem with it?
=== evalles_ is now known as keffie_jayx
[01:02] <nonewmsgs> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4742786#post4742786
[01:02] <nonewmsgs> i have asked numerous times in ubuntu+1 but i think im invisable there
[01:02] <user1> any POWERFUL and advanced firewall with many features installable on linux?
[01:02] <_ZeuZ_> iptables ?
[01:02] <nonewmsgs> oops wrong link
[01:03] <nonewmsgs> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=735936&highlight=hardy+wired
[01:03] <nonewmsgs> that's the real one
[01:03] <nonewmsgs> the other one was something i found while googling it
[01:03] <_ZeuZ_> iptables + iproute2 + tcng + arpwatch
[01:03] <_ZeuZ_> I'll get back to you tomorrow, now I gotta go...
[01:03] <nonewmsgs> dammit
[01:03] <nonewmsgs> that's till not it
[01:04] <nonewmsgs> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=753564&highlight=hardy+wired
[01:04] <nonewmsgs> that one is it -- really
=== user1 is now known as theuser1
[01:10] <ubuntu> Hi !
=== keffie_jayx is now known as effie_jayx
=== ubuntu is now known as Icarus
[01:11] <nonewmsgs> Dr_willis: i hate to repeat myself but you have helped me several times before, and i wanted to ask if you had any ideas about http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=753564&highlight=hardy+wired (right now i am downloading the altcd for gutsy)
[01:12] * Dr_willis just woke up. :) Havent even drank my OJ yet.
[01:13] <unix_infidel> lol...
[01:13] <unix_infidel> it's 7pm :-P
[01:13] <nonewmsgs> 813pm
[01:13] <Dr_willis> nonewmsgs, basic testing i always do is. #1. can you ping other machines by ip. If so - networking is working. Its a dns setting issue.
[01:13] <nonewmsgs> no pinging
[01:14] <nonewmsgs> but +1 doesnt have much love
[01:14] <Dr_willis> if ping isent even working. either the network card modules are not getting loaded. or theres a bug. or its very miss configured
[01:14] <nonewmsgs> i'm thinking it's a bug
[01:15] <Dr_willis> or the gateway is not set right. or somthing is messed with dhcp
[01:15] <Dr_willis> This is when it pays to learn how to manyually configure the network from the terminal
[01:16] <Dr_willis> test the live cd - see if it works with it.. see if it works with other live cd and disrtos also id a good test.
[01:16] <Dr_willis> I never do a 'upgrade' :) i always do clean installs. could be some odd upgrade quirk
[01:17] * Mr_Pan is away:
[01:17] <nonewmsgs> it was a full upgrade. livecds of all distros are freaking out over my videocard....i have never seen anything like it
[01:17] <Dr_willis> right now it LOOKS like from that thread info. that your dhcp server is not working.
[01:18] <nonewmsgs> i have 6 other computers wired and wireless from that router and they all work fine
[01:18] <nonewmsgs> including this one that's 3 feet away
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[01:18] <Dr_willis> I would check the obvious like the cables and perhaps reset the router.
[01:18] <nonewmsgs> but windows does work on it
[01:18] <nonewmsgs> and is online
[01:19] <Dr_willis> Time to summarize all these tests in the forum thread then. :)
[01:19] <Dr_willis> get the ip info from when its using windows. and set it up to use a static ip. might help.
[01:19] <Dr_willis> ip#, dns server, gateway. - Its possible i guess that some how its gettting a ip thats allready in use.
[01:21] <nonewmsgs> thanks you Dr_willis
[01:21] <Dr_willis> I would be curious if you booted into a different desktop thus not starting all the kde networking config tools. If it would work
[01:21] <Dr_willis> But that manual launching of the dhcp client - and ot not gettting a response.. seems.. odd
[01:26] <Jimmy1> Hey guys just wondering if someone could help me with my printer ?
[01:26] <batman> whats the prob?
[01:26] <nonewmsgs> yes Dr_willis i even tried using the other lan port
[01:27] <Jimmy1> when i try to print the there is a blank page
[01:27] <Dr_willis> You have 2 network cards in that box eh?
[01:27] <Jimmy1> is there ink YES
[01:27] <Jimmy1> it works ok with windows but not at all with Kubuntu
[01:28] <batman> make, model?
[01:28] <Jimmy1> Hp 3550
[01:29] <Jimmy1> the computer detects it but it just wont print with kubuntu
[01:29] <Jimmy1> i had the same problem with ubuntu
[01:29] <Jimmy1> i used that hplip program to set it up but still no lucj
[01:30] <Jimmy1> luck
[01:30] <Jimmy1> i tried changing the settings to generic brand also
[01:32] <Dr_willis> Jimmy1, and how is it connected?
[01:32] <Jimmy1> via usb
[01:32] <batman> so it actually spits out a blank page?
[01:33] <Dr_willis> I notived somthing odd with my hp printer under hardy. if i boot it loses the printer untill i unplug/plug it back in...
[01:33] <Dr_willis> wonder if thats been fixed yet.
[01:33] <Jimmy1> yeh
[01:34] <Jimmy1> it prints very lightly, you cant read it
[01:34] <Jimmy1> its very surprising cause in windows it works fine :/
[01:34] <Dr_willis> Wait.. it 'does print' however?
[01:34] <Dr_willis> just dosent print proplery?
[01:34] <RogueJediX> Jimmy1: Maybe you have something called "economics mode" turned on
[01:34] <Jimmy1> hmm
[01:34] <Jimmy1> ill have a look
[01:36] <robf_> what is the volume controller for kde
[01:36] <robf_> cos i don't seem to have it down on my lil task bar like i used to, crashed maybe?
[01:37] <Jucato> kmix
[01:38] <robf_> hmm thanks
[01:38] <robf_> wondered why it wasn't down there,
[01:38] <Dr_willis> it may have a panel applet you an add.. or it may auto add when its ran
[01:44] <Jimmy1> ummm where in hplip do i find economics mode ?
[01:45] <Dr_willis> I just click on my printer in the printer settings tools and it has pulldowns for the moded and so forth.
[01:45] <Dr_willis> but mine is an OLD laserjet 5l
[01:45] <Dr_willis> i always have to rember to set mine to 600dpi instead of the default 300dpi
[01:48] <rootlinuxusr> anybody around that knows a lot about wireless?
[01:48] <Jimmy1> sorry i cant find it
[01:51] <Dr_willis> it dosent matter if they know a lot.. if they dont know aboyut your specific situation. :)
[01:51] <Dr_willis> !wireless
[01:52] <rootlinuxusr> nothing's showing up, and that's true.
[01:52] <rootlinuxusr> WPA-PSK router, i have it showing the connection, even attempts to connect, never gets an IP
[01:52] <leroy> hey nubie here, where am i???
[01:52] <rootlinuxusr> !kubuntu
[01:52] <leroy> lol no, thats my new os
[01:53] <Jimmy1> lol
[01:53] <Jimmy1> its fun isnt it
[01:53] <rootlinuxusr> jenkinsssssssssssssssssssssssss
[01:53] <rootlinuxusr> sorry, had to.
[01:53] <Jimmy1> nothing but trouble after trouble with linux
[01:53] <Jimmy1> but i still like it :)
[01:53] <leroy> so i'm trying to figure out what the big deal is with linux
[01:54] <rootlinuxusr> sudo apt-get install geek linux modability
[01:54] <Dr_willis> leroy, its flexiable.
[01:54] <Jimmy1> go on youtube
[01:54] <leroy> and....
[01:54] <leroy> so is xp
[01:54] <leroy> lol
[01:55] <Dr_willis> xp just got its live 'extended' for a nother year or by MS.
[01:55] <Dr_willis> xp was just about to get killed off.
[01:55] <rootlinuxusr> as the phrase goes, use mac for photos/videos/music, use palmpilot for portability, use linux for servers/flexibility, and use Windows for Solitaire.
[01:55] <leroy> utube.... i don't want some geek to pissme off, i want a conversation
[01:55] <leroy> lmao
[01:56] <PhilRod> leroy: well, maybe linux is for you, maybe it's not - if any of Free Software, Open Source, flexibility, access to the underlying OS, scriptability, community or tinkering appeal to you, then you'll love it
[01:56] <Dr_willis> Technically this channel is for Kubuntu Support. - If you want a conversation about linux. Try ##linux, or #ubuntu-offtopic
[01:56] <PeterFA> Can I get PHP support in lighttpd?
[01:56] <Dr_willis> But its a slow night. :)
[01:56] <leroy> sorry
[01:56] <leroy> i'm gonna leave u to it
[01:56] <leroy> thanx guys
[01:56] <leroy> n gals
[02:00] * Jimmy1 dances
[02:00] <rootlinuxusr> heh nice.
[02:00] <Jucato> er.. ok.. but easy on the Caps lock
[02:00] <Jucato> :)
[02:00] <Jimmy1> Thanks Rouge
[02:00] <Jimmy1> this linux thing is getting better and better
[02:00] <rootlinuxusr> CAPS LOCK, CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL.
[02:01] <Jimmy1> by next week every1 will be deleting vista/xp and using Ubuntu
[02:01] <Jucato> rootlinuxusr: ahem
[02:02] <rootlinuxusr> =]
[02:02] <adude> does anybody know of a program to make simple 2d animations?
[02:02] <PeterFA> I love caps-lock.
[02:02] <PeterFA> adude, you can use the GIMP
[02:03] <adude> okay if forgot about that.
[02:03] <adude> i will use that
[02:04] <Jimmy1> ok who can help me with compiz
[02:04] <rootlinuxusr> go to #compiz-fusion
[02:04] <rootlinuxusr> =]
[02:04] <Jimmy1> okie
[02:05] <PeterFA> On a fresh installation of apache2, I always get segfault starting.
[02:06] <PeterFA> The log files have nothing in them.
[02:07] <edju> trying to upgrade to 8.04 RC. altho never comfortable with adept, thought I'd follow dir's at kubuntu's site. but, adept does not have the "version upgrade" option. did apt-get dist-upgrade, but got nada. how to do it from the cl?
[02:07] <Jucato> edju: #ubuntu+1 please
[02:08] <rootlinuxusr> I can see my WPA-PSK router, but when I try to connect in Kubuntu it doesn't give me an IP...any help? it works fine in shitsa.
[02:10] <batman> adude, you might want to check out ktoon
[02:10] <adude> will do
[02:10] <adude> thanks
[02:13] <PhilRod> rootlinuxusr: are you using knetworkmanager?
[02:14] <rootlinuxusr> is there a reason i shouldn't be?
[02:15] <PhilRod> officially, probably not, but I didn't have any luck connecting to my WPA network with knetworkmanager
[02:15] <PhilRod> I just set it up in /etc/network/interfaces in the end
[02:16] <rootlinuxusr> how do i do that?
[02:20] <PhilRod> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7461/
[02:21] <PhilRod> rootlinuxusr: that's the stanza I use. With that, the system brings eth1 up at boot and connects it to the network
[02:21] <rootlinuxusr> wext?
[02:22] <nonewmsgs> why does ktorrent tell me no incoming conections (possibly firewalled) despite having a conection about ~100kbps down and 20kbps up
[02:24] <rootlinuxusr> anyway to add encryption to the PSK part?
[02:25] <Ketrel> What are all the places I have to go to say don't blank my screen after X ammount of time? I'm out of places I know of to change it. (I have Compiz installed if that matters at all)
[02:26] <PhilRod> rootlinuxusr: not sure about the wext part - might not be necessary. Take a look at 'man interfaces' I guess
[02:26] <PhilRod> rootlinuxusr: nor do I know about encryption - the man page might be able to help
[02:28] <rootlinuxusr> brb
[02:29] <yuanchi> ??
[02:33] <Jimmy1> hi
[02:34] <Jimmy1> wb
[02:34] <rootlinuxusr> sanke
[02:36] <rootlinuxusr> PhilRod I love you...
[02:36] <PhilRod> I may have to break your heart then...
[02:37] <rootlinuxusr> xDD
[02:37] <rootlinuxusr> so might my fiancee.
[02:37] <Jucato> lol
[02:37] <Jucato> at least PhilRod can juggle :)
[02:37] <rootlinuxusr> xD
[02:38] <PhilRod> argh! I should never have revealed so much in my dot.kde.org picture!
[02:38] <PhilRod> my intimate secrets up there for all the world to see!
[02:38] <rootlinuxusr> xDD
[02:39] <Jucato> only if they read behindkde.org
[02:39] <Jucato> oops :)
[02:39] <PhilRod> hehe
[02:43] <contrast83> Greets, everyone...
[02:43] <contrast83> I just installed Hardy and it seems my wireless card isn't recognized at all, although lsmod shows the module for it (airo) is loaded. Can someone help me out?
[02:45] <Daisuke_Laptop> hey PhilRod, got your PhD yet?
[02:45] <PhilRod> working on it (literally, right now). But two years left
[02:45] <mfe> hello
[02:45] <Daisuke_Laptop> cool, good luck :)
[02:47] <yuanchi> hello
[02:47] <PhilRod> thanks, I'm going to need it :-)
[02:47] <PhilRod> hi yuanchi
[02:47] <yuanchi> i am from china
[02:48] <mfe> was wondering if gnash is a viable flash alternative yet?
[02:48] <yuanchi> 我看不懂你们的话。。。。。。
[02:48] <yuanchi> 郁闷阿
[02:49] <robf_> I agree
[02:49] <BunnyRevolution> !dvd
[02:49] <BunnyRevolution> !mp3
[02:50] <Jucato> bot is dead BunnyRevolution
[02:50] <BunnyRevolution> bot dead?
[02:50] <BunnyRevolution> bleh
[02:50] <robf_> O.o wtf
[02:50] <robf_> freenod or efnet
[02:51] <Jucato> hm. ok
[02:51] <mfe> i've heard of splitting hares...but never revolving bunnies?
[02:51] <Jucato> !test
[02:51] <ubot5> Failed.
[02:51] <Jucato> there...
[02:51] <Jucato> now be kind to the substitute :)
[02:52] <Jucato> mfe: I think it's more like bunnies revolting
[02:52] <Daisuke_Laptop> yuanchi: #ubuntu-cn
[02:52] <Daisuke_Laptop> Jucato: bunnies aren't revolting! they don't even have thumbs, how would they hold a gun anyway?
[02:52] <Jucato> couldn't figure out if it were cn or jp :)
[02:52] <Daisuke_Laptop> no kana
[02:52] <Daisuke_Laptop> gotta be cn
[02:53] <Jucato> dude! bunnies have deadly (and lucky) feet!
[02:53] <Jucato> anyway offtopic :)
[02:53] * Jucato sensors self
[02:53] <robf_> censor ....
[02:53] <Jucato> er.. right..
=== monkey_ is now known as monkeybritches
=== ubuntu is now known as Jimmy1
[03:12] <mr_marvin> hello. is sudo used in kubuntu also to start gui apps?
[03:12] <Jucato> !kdesu | mr_marvin
[03:12] <Daisuke_Laptop> never
[03:12] <ubot5> mr_marvin: In KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)
[03:13] <powertool08> does anyone here use the aim client pork?
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[03:17] <Ketrel> ubot5, I read http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo it said that for example kate would not run with "sudo kate" but O
[03:17] <ubot5> Ketrel: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[03:17] <mr_marvin> thanks, that helped a lot, i always used sudo... but i have another problem
[03:17] <Ketrel> XD
[03:17] <Ketrel> Jucato, when I tried sudo kate, it worked
[03:17] <Ketrel> (and I had done it before reading that)
[03:17] <BluesKaj> use kdesudo for gui apps ...sudo is till ok in the cli in my experience
[03:17] <Jucato> it may or may not work. but it will eventually mess up X permissions
[03:17] <BluesKaj> still
[03:17] <mr_marvin> sudo xhost +local:myusername reports "xhost: unable to open display ":0.0"
[03:18] <Jucato> mr_marvin: I don't think you need sudo for that
[03:18] <Ketrel> Is there a reason to use kdesudo over kdesu?
[03:18] <mr_marvin> i tried the above because "kdesu kpowersave" is also "refused by server"
[03:19] <Jucato> Ketrel: kdesudo is an improved version of kdesu that properly behaves like sudo (kdesu originally uses just su, but was patched to also use sudo optionally)
[03:19] <Ketrel> ah, so I should use kdesudo
[03:19] <Jucato> Ketrel: I'd suggest using "kdesu", because if kdesudo is installed, it just symlinks to kdesu...
[03:19] <Ketrel> or that XD
[03:20] <Ketrel> Jucato, I ust checked and I have that in refersed
[03:20] <Ketrel> kdesu links to kdesudo
=== william__ is now known as nonewmsgs
[03:20] <Jucato> Ketrel: I always get the "links to" wrong
[03:20] <nonewmsgs> my one hard drive isnt conecting http://pastebin.com/d91d30e0
[03:20] <Jucato> either way.. you know what I mean :P
[03:20] <Ketrel> ah
[03:21] <Ketrel> which is the one that'll be used the most in the future
[03:21] <Ketrel> as I don't have a habbit yet, I want to make the one that'll be most usefull
[03:21] <mr_marvin> if i set my pc to shut down/hibernate for xx hours, where would that config file be?
[03:21] * Jucato personally suggests "kdesu", given that there might be some situations were kdesudo might have gotten uninstalled
[03:22] <Jucato> (and kdesu is "cross-distro".. only Kubuntu has kdesudo... for now)
[03:23] <Jimmy1> ok so here is my problem ! i went to compiz ppl to get it working right and they told me to do something ! anyway i had to reboot the system, when i did that it wouldnt let me go on the wireless but i could open Konversation THEN i booted again and wireless WOULD work but i couldnt open konversation ! this all came about when i wanted compiz to work but the little icons that close the window/minimise it dissapeared so now im runnig on
[03:23] <Jimmy1> live cd cause this is the only way i can get on the wireless and konversation
[03:23] <Ketrel> Jimmy
[03:23] <Ketrel> if that happens and you can still get ao a terminal
[03:23] <Ketrel> try running "kwin --replace" without the quotes
[03:24] <Ketrel> What I did is I bound that command to a key combination that way even if I couldn't get to a terminal I could run it
[03:24] <Ketrel> it's usefull for when compiz or emerald crash.
[03:25] <Jimmy1> ok
[03:25] <Jimmy1> so if i boot now will the it all work again ?
[03:25] <Ketrel> it should
[03:25] <Jimmy1> ok brb
[03:25] <Ketrel> wait
[03:25] <Jimmy1> ?
[03:25] <Ketrel> the first thing you should do is get a way available to you to run that command
[03:26] <Jimmy1> i dont understand !
[03:26] <Ketrel> Is compiz starting automatically or are you starting it using "compiz --replace"?
[03:27] <Jimmy1> compiz ppl told me to type that before and it all fed up
[03:28] <Ketrel> Well if it starts with your computer and you want to turn it off, first thing you should do is run the command "kwin --replace"
[03:28] <Jimmy1> yeh i did that
[03:28] <Ketrel> That should basically turn off compiz. Did that work right?
[03:28] <Jimmy1> im in live cd so i dunno till i boot
[03:28] <Jimmy1> reboot
[03:29] <Jucato> (you're supposed to do that when you're already in your installed (not live cd) system)
=== pramod is now known as Helios
[03:31] <Jimmy1> i cant do it cause as i said before when im in installed mode the computer a) wireless works but no konversation OR b) knversation works but no wireless. thats why im on live cd so i can talk to you guys to find out what happened
[03:31] <Helios> Hello...
[03:31] <Helios> I want to use a web development toolkit in linux...
[03:32] <Helios> just like there is Dreamweaver for microsoft... are there any toolkit for Linux?
[03:32] <Ketrel> I'm not sure if it's current, but I think there's NVU for linux.
[03:32] <Jimmy1> ok rebooting ill try on installed mode
[03:33] <Daisuke-Laptop> dreamweaker isn't a toolkit
[03:33] <Daisuke-Laptop> Kompozer is a more recent Nvu
[03:33] <Helios> well i need something like dreamweaver for my linux... :)
[03:33] <Daisuke-Laptop> dreamweaver, that is*
[03:33] <Daisuke-Laptop> Helios: kompozer may fit the bill
[03:33] <Daisuke-Laptop> personally, i recommend vi
[03:34] <Helios> u mean vi in konsole?
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[03:37] <Helios> Where can i get a tutorial about how to use vi?
[03:40] <flaccid> Helios: google
[03:40] <Jucato> http://www.vi-improved.org/tutorial.php ? google?
[03:40] <Helios> ok thanks
[03:40] <andrew_> In Kate, how can I make it not put a character when I put a tab?
[03:41] <Jucato> a character?
[03:41] <Helios> How can i enable syntax Highlighting in konsole?
[03:41] <andrew_> it looks like a comma
[03:41] <Jucato> ah, markers
[03:41] <Jucato> don't worry, they aren't really printing characters... (they're not really there)
[03:41] <flaccid> andrew_: Settings - configure kate - indentation
[03:41] <Jucato> yeah you can turn them off :)
[03:42] <flaccid> insert spaces instead of tabs
[03:42] <Jucato> flaccid: er?
[03:42] <andrew_> which option, I don't see it?
[03:42] <flaccid> andrew_: are you coding?
[03:42] <Jucato> I think you want "Show tabulators" instead
[03:43] <Jucato> andrew_: Settings -> Configure Kate -> Editor -> Editing -> uncheck Show tabulators
[03:43] <andrew_> flaccid: sometimes, but not all the time
[03:43] <flaccid> depends what you want really
[03:43] <andrew_> Jucato: that was it, thanks :)
[03:44] <Jucato> Helios: syntax highlighting in vim?
[03:44] <Helios> yeah
[03:45] <Helios> i mean vi
[03:45] <Jucato> I think you need to have vim-full installed
[03:45] <Jucato> well vi is linked to vim, we actualy use vim, not vi
[03:45] <Helios> ah ok
[03:46] <ubuntu> hi. I'm trying to install ubuntu off a livecd, using the "install" option. The install goes fine, but when it's done I try to apply all the available package upgrades using adept. That goes for a while and then crashes, saying there was a problem. After that, I can't restart Adept, it tells me something's already using the package database. If I try to reboot after that, it tells me "file not found" or something like that
[03:46] <flaccid> !adeptfix | ubuntu
[03:46] <ubot5> ubuntu: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[03:47] <flaccid> the file not found sounds like grub though
[03:48] <ubuntu> i can reinstall just easily.. it doesn't take much time. But this has happened twice already
[03:48] <ubuntu> why would apt be crashing?
[03:49] <BluesKaj> !update
[03:49] <ubot5> For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes
[03:49] <monkeybritches> Is it Error 15?
[03:51] <rickey> can someone tell me , what decoders i need to play amaork radio stations
[03:51] <BluesKaj> Adept is trying to update already installed pkgs , that was a known bug with earlier Gutsy.
[03:51] <ubuntu> is there a fix/workaround, BluesKaj?
[03:52] <BluesKaj> ubuntu , yes it involves updating the sources.list IIRC
[03:54] <ubuntu> i see. i'll reboot and try that. by the way.. when i finished upgrading packages, it told me there was an upgrade to kubuntu available, and asked if i wanted to upgrade. do you know how I get to that option? wihtout installing all the packages first, that is
[03:54] <rickey> how do or where do i look to findout what decoder i need to play internet radio in amaork
[03:55] <BluesKaj> ubuntu, that's part of the bug I just mentioned ..adept just keeps trying to upgrade til the source.list is fixed
[03:56] <ubuntu> by "updating the sources.list" do you mean via the adept GUI?
[03:56] <ubuntu> "refresh" or whatever?
[03:56] <BluesKaj> rickey, sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg
[03:57] <BluesKaj> you have to find a newer version of the source.list
[03:57] <BluesKaj> default sources.list
[03:58] <arthur06> someone?
[03:59] <BluesKaj> ubuntu Open Adept Package Manager. On the menu of that screen,click on Adept -> Manage Repositories, click the Kubuntu Software tab, check all the boxes with an "X". The same goes for the Third Party software tab. Close, and then in the terminal do : "sudo apt-get update".These backport repository packages are not guaranteed to work 100%,so use them with caution.
[03:59] <rickey> thank you blue
[04:00] <ubuntu> okay, I will, thanks
[04:00] <ubuntu> what do you mean by "backport repository"?
[04:01] <BluesKaj> they reositoris which contain packaged apps that kubuntu isn't allowed to contain by law
[04:01] <BluesKaj> repositories
[04:01] <ubuntu> ahh
[04:01] <ubuntu> gotcha
[04:02] <BluesKaj> codecs etc
[04:02] <BluesKaj> well, mostly US law AFAIK :)
[04:03] <BluesKaj> RIAA is dead , but just doesn't know it yet
[04:07] <andrew_> When I use knetworkmanager it will not autoconnect to any wifi with a WEP key, even if the key is stored. Is there any way to change that behavior?
[04:08] <BluesKaj> !wifi
[04:08] <ubot5> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[04:08] <arthur06> some BR
[04:09] <arthur06> some portuguese?
[04:09] <BluesKaj> !pt
[04:09] <ubot5> Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.
[04:11] <arthur06> #ubuntu-br
[04:11] <arthur06> #ubuntu-br some portuguese here?
[04:13] <andrew_> I'm looking for a setting in knetworkmanager, other than having to manually connect to networks using WEP, it works fine
[04:13] <krawek> arthur06: doble click sobre ==> #ubuntu-br
[04:15] <arthur06> thankss...now i understand
[04:15] <BluesKaj> hmm, wonder if he can even read portugese
[04:16] <arthur06> I am inexperienced here in this IRC.
[04:16] <BluesKaj> ok
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[04:22] <alan> New at IRC
[04:23] <alan> I installed Kubuntu 7.10 on a friends machine. After a day or so of running well, the machine decided to boot into BusyBox shell.
[04:25] <alan> I suspect there was something in (possibly) a kernel update that Adept pulled in and hosed the system. Googling everywhere.
[04:26] <alan> I don't suppose that theres anyone answering here with similar problems...
[04:29] <alan> Is there a way to see other people's response?
[04:30] <alan> This is freaky, like talking to ghosts...
[04:30] <BluesKaj> Busybox shell ?
[04:31] <BluesKaj> anyway it' s late ...bedtime for me
[04:33] <alan> Yes
[04:35] <alan> Alright, I'll try the forums.
[04:35] <will01> ey im having an issue with this kubuntu install i did, when i logged on this morning, it said it couldnt find my network card, so i figured, i would just pop in an old extra and find the issue, i try that and come to realize that that doesnt work either, the line is fine because it works on an old dell laptop running damnsmall
[04:38] <zeno> hi i have an olympus d-595 camera, but it says its not connected propperly in kdigicam, any ideas?
[04:41] <pyro17> where did superkaramba put one of the things i downloaded though it
[04:41] <pyro17> through
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[04:57] * dthacker-work shakes the channel gently
[04:58] <nonewmsgs> how do you get a picture with a geforce 7900?
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[05:04] <kevin__w> !ghost
[05:04] <ubot5> On IRC, if you own a nick that is currently being used, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv GHOST <username> <password>
[05:06] <dthacker-work> nonewmsgs: could you be more specific? what problem is occuring?
[05:06] <nonewmsgs> i get to grub menu. i see the loading screen then it goes black
[05:07] <nonewmsgs> i have changed drivers to even vesa
[05:08] <dthacker-work> What version are you trying to load?
[05:08] <nonewmsgs> 7.1
[05:08] <nonewmsgs> gutsy
[05:08] <nonewmsgs> hardy wouldnt let me use my wired internet
[05:09] <dthacker-work> What CPU and Ram does this machine have?
[05:09] <nonewmsgs> 2.13ghz coreduo 2gb
[05:10] <nonewmsgs> usually overclocked but not during initial setups
[05:10] <dthacker-work> Is coreduo dual core? What CPU manufacturer/
[05:10] <dthacker-work> ?
[05:11] <nonewmsgs> intel yes
[05:11] * dthacker-work crosses memory off of his potential problems list
[05:11] <dthacker-work> Have you ever run Ubu/Kubuntu on this machine before?
[05:11] <nonewmsgs> yes with a 7300
[05:11] <dthacker-work> what is a 7300?
[05:12] <nonewmsgs> low endgeforce
[05:12] <nonewmsgs> nvidia videocard
[05:12] <dthacker-work> ah, ok. So it's probaby not memory, cpu, kernel, and you've changed video cards. I think you are going to have to do some googling.
[05:13] <nonewmsgs> but my favorite tihng so far is even in safe mode i get stuck in nano/pico trying to edit my xorg.conf
[05:14] <nonewmsgs> ctrl key doesnt work there
[05:14] <jacob> i just installed kubuntu with a laptop of bcm4312, how can i make my wireless work?
[05:14] <dthacker-work> !bcm
[05:14] <nonewmsgs> and sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg gives an error (i have to take out -phigh)
[05:14] <ubot5> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[05:15] <dthacker-work> I see others are struggling with this in the forums
[05:18] <metbsd> is it possible to run kubuntu from dvd rom?
[05:19] <dthacker-work> metbsd: with a live CD? Yes.
[05:20] <metbsd> cuz i no wanna make a seperate space for linux
[05:20] <metbsd> just use linux desktop for bore
[05:31] <kkathman> evening all
[05:32] <dthacker-work> hello kkathman
[05:32] <maduser> sup
[05:32] <kkathman> howdy :)
[05:33] <maduser> so.....
[05:36] <TeslaTony> Where is the config file to enable/disable wifi cards?
[05:47] <dustin_> hey
[05:48] <dustin_> hello?
[05:53] <maduser> what?
[06:01] <X9nLinuxL> What web page maker might anybody here recommend to use?
[06:01] <maduser> the mozilla one
[06:02] <kkathman> so is it true that if you have both ubuntu and kubuntu on your system your chances of upgrading to the newest version (Hardy) will be nearly impossible ??
[06:02] <Jucato> kkathman: why would it be? anyway, you can confirm in #ubuntu+1 if you want
[06:02] <kkathman> Jucato: I have heard disparate stories on this
[06:03] <pquarles> kkathman, who told you that? that's a very dubious claim imho
[06:03] <kkathman> Jucato: that there is a "different" procedure for upgrading
[06:03] <kkathman> pquarles: see aboce
[06:03] <kkathman> aboce
[06:03] <kkathman> ahhh
[06:03] <kkathman> above :)
[06:04] <kkathman> you cant use the dist-upgrade if you have BOTH ubuntu and kubuntu??
[06:04] <Jucato> of course you can
[06:04] <pquarles> kkathman, each procedure would upgrade packages for GNOME and KDE
[06:04] <kkathman> see I thought that would be the case
[06:04] <kkathman> but I was told that my chances of a successful upgrade would be nil
[06:04] <Jucato> there are different methods of how to modify the sources.list and making sure you have the neceesary base packages for a smooth upgrade **using the GUI**
[06:05] <kkathman> I personnally havent had a problem if I was on one or the other
[06:05] <pquarles> kkathman, again, I don't think whoever told you this knows what they are talking about
[06:05] <Jucato> using the command line (editing sources.list yourself, using apt-get or aptitude) is the same all throughout
[06:05] <pquarles> Kubuntu and GNOME are not different OSes -- they are just different sets of packages
[06:05] <Jucato> anyway, like I said, try confirming in #ubuntu+1
[06:05] <kkathman> Jucato: I have always just manually changed the sources.lst and did the update and dist-upgrade
[06:05] <Jucato> but afaik, there are no such issues
[06:11] <Pendeta> Is there a chat group for setting up and administering LANs?
[06:11] <bragoo08> for what os
[06:12] <Pendeta> Kubuntu and Win XP mixed.
[06:12] <bragoo08> not sure, but mine just worked on install. Win XP & Kubuntu
[06:13] <bragoo08> is yours wifi or wired?
[06:13] <Pendeta> Both
[06:15] <bragoo08> the only problem i have is kubuntu can see the other pc's on the network, but the others can't see kubuntu!
[06:17] <Pendeta> Just learned there is a #samba node. I'm headed there.
[06:18] <bragoo08> c ya
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[06:21] <robf_> what pkgs will install all the screensavers
[06:21] <robf_> I've installed some, but...they "don't work"
[06:21] <robf_> they're in the list, but, don't do anything
[06:24] <romunov> anyone good at cyrillic?
[06:25] <robf_> i can draw those backwards R pretty good
[06:26] <romunov> u is? that's so cool
[06:26] <robf_> thats all I can do
[06:26] <robf_> but its so easy, it's like R, only the other way around =)
[06:26] <romunov> i'm just trying to find out if the contact person on this page is male or female: http://herba.msu.ru/algae/collegues/torskaya.html
=== pquarles is now known as p_quarles
[06:27] <robf_> I'm guessing female
[06:27] <robf_> though not sure if ukraine "alena" could be male.. :p
[06:28] <robf_> doesn't say otherwise, but the name is Alena
[06:29] <robf_> so in eastern europe, the resume is based upon publications not experience? heh
[06:29] <robf_> oh never mind is not a resume ><
[06:30] <robf_> she is a female though I'm guessing
[06:30] <romunov> i thought sergey would know more
[06:30] <romunov> but he parted... great
[06:30] <robf_> ah
[06:31] <robf_> I'd say an alena would be a female though
[06:31] <Jucato> hm.. #kubuntu-offtopic please
[06:31] <robf_> Jucato: yeh since everyone here is talking it up
[06:31] <robf_> Jucato: and assisting with problems
[06:31] <Jucato> it doesn't matter. it's still offtopic
[06:31] <robf_> *shrug*(
[06:32] <romunov> it can be distracting if you see a new message on the channel, and you quickly flip over and it's only two guys trying to guess a sex...
[06:32] <robf_> heh
[06:34] <Zombie> Anyone here decent at SQWL?
[06:34] <Zombie> Anyone here decent at SQL?
[06:34] * Jucato was wondering what SQWL was :)
[06:35] <Zombie> Sorry, I'm a little tired.
[06:35] <Jucato> I think there's a #mysql channel if you need help...
=== robf_ is now known as robeph
[06:36] * Jucato sucks at databases.. even just the MS Access kind :/
[06:42] <pteague_laptop> what's a good image viewer that'll do slideshows & works in konqueror?
[06:43] <flaccid> in konq?
[06:43] <Jucato> what kind of slideshows? and what do you mean by "works in konqueror?"
[06:44] <Jucato> Installing kipi-plugins will give digikam and gwenview added tools to make an mpeg slideshow..
[06:45] <pteague_laptop> maybe it was gwenview i was thinking of
[06:46] <Greenery> there will only be one RC for Kubuntu?
[06:46] <flaccid> rc meaning?
[06:47] <Jucato> Release Candidate
[06:48] <flaccid> or runtime control
[06:48] <Jucato> Greenery: there are 2. there's a KDE 4 Remix link at the bottom of the list of links
=== Evil_DuDe_ is now known as Evil_DuDe
[06:57] <kaminix> Since installing the new Kubuntu I have a really annoying really loud sound when using tabs in Yakuake (I assume any terminal). How do I remove this?
[06:57] <_DiGiTaL_> Which version of KDE comes with Ubuntu 8.04RC?
[06:58] <Jucato> !khardy | _DiGiTaL_
[06:58] <ubot5> Factoid khardy not found
[06:58] <Jucato> bah..
[06:58] <flaccid> kaminix: right click - settings - bell
[06:58] <kaminix> I think it's 3.5.9, latest.
[06:58] <Jucato> _DiGiTaL_: 1 CD for KDE 3.5.9, one for KDE 4.0.3
[06:59] <_DiGiTaL_> ah okay thanx Jucato
[06:59] <kaminix> Thanks flaccid :)
[06:59] <Jucato> see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HardyHeron/RC/Kubuntu for details
[06:59] <_DiGiTaL_> Think i will test out the kde4
[06:59] <flaccid> np
[07:02] <_DiGiTaL_> Cant resize my system drive using the Disk Management tool in Windows is it possible to still do a dual boot?
[07:06] <Daisuke_Ido> here's a dumb and obscure question... does anyone know how to quickly rewrap a text file?
[07:08] <Greenery> hmm, i tried to upgrade to RC, but the version upgrade isn't there when i entered the command on run
[07:09] <Barbarello> Hello!
[07:09] <Barbarello> i've got a trouble. I had a WinXP and kubuntu 7.10 installed on one pc. Now, i need to reinstall XP, i'd remove it. But after XP setup system returns a message: "disk occured. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to restart". I've done fixmbr and fixboot already. Nothing works, What should i do?
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[07:25] <thyko> !nvidia
[07:25] <ubot5> To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[07:29] <Ketrel> How can I configure default applications for things like music and video, the System Settings only has a few things and not those.
[07:31] <Jucato> Ketrel: Konqueror -> Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> File Associations
[07:31] <Ketrel> Ah ok.
[07:32] <Ketrel> Will that be changed in KDE4 do you know?
[07:34] <Jucato> in KDE 4 (unless Kubuntu changed it) it is in System Settings -> Advanced tab -> File Associations
[07:34] <Ketrel> ah gotcha :)
[07:41] <pascal> hi together
[07:45] <kaminix> How do I change the font priority order? There seems to be some priority thingie concerning fonts, like: 'if character is unavailable in this font, try this one'.
[07:46] <pteague_laptop> anybody know how to get xchat not to use such a large icon in the tray?
[08:17] <felix> Hola
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[09:14] <bbsing> HI
[09:14] <bbsing> 有说中文的吗?
[09:14] <Daisuke_Ido> !cn | bbsing
[09:14] <ubot5> bbsing: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk
[09:14] <ubotu> bbsing: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk
[09:14] <Jucato> !test
[09:14] <ubotu> Failed.
[09:14] <Jucato> good bots :)
[09:15] <redmoon> Ahmm o.o... Can someone help me ? =x
[09:15] <redmoon> with....
[09:15] <redmoon> This frostwire problem
[09:15] <redmoon> =x
[09:15] <Daisuke_Ido> easy, don't use frostwire (haven't we done this already?)
[09:15] <redmoon> But I like frostwire... and i already know how to use it.... compared to.... the torrent thing
[09:15] <redmoon> >.>
[09:16] <redmoon> <.<
[09:16] <Jucato> -_-
[09:16] <JoshOvki> redmoon: other torrent programs are easy enough to use
[09:17] <redmoon> Well im sorry that im computer illiterate
[09:17] <redmoon> >.>
[09:17] <Daisuke_Ido> don't apologize, learn :)
[09:17] <JoshOvki> lol
[09:17] <redmoon> None the less i dont like using torent programs anyway.....
[09:17] <Daisuke_Ido> why?
[09:17] <redmoon> torrent*
[09:17] <stdin> have you said what your problem is yet?
[09:18] <redmoon> because... 1) I cant learn on my own... let alone if there is no one to teach me... 2) im completely stupid with new OS and 3) I just like frostwire....
[09:18] <redmoon> =/
[09:18] <Daisuke_Ido> 1) why? 2) everyone is at first 3) fair enough.
[09:19] <redmoon> Moving on............
[09:19] <redmoon> Maybe ill figure it out........ later
[09:19] <redmoon> Is there a way ... to run exe programs.... if you have a ahm.... emurl.. or w/e?
[09:19] <stdin> !wine
[09:19] <ubotu> WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.
[09:19] <JoshOvki> wine will do some
[09:20] <Daisuke_Ido> what are you looking to run?
[09:20] <redmoon> Ahm... its a ahm... Game...
[09:20] <redmoon> its .exe though
[09:20] <redmoon> so yeah...
[09:20] <Daisuke_Ido> okay, the ellipses are really REALLY annoying.
[09:20] <redmoon> SO ...... should i just use the wine thing?
[09:20] <stdin> you don't have that much choice
[09:21] <Daisuke_Ido> just for funsies, what game?
[09:21] <JoshOvki> redmoon: it might not work either. some things just dont work on wine
[09:21] <stdin> it's either wine or a vm
[09:21] <redmoon> Ok.............. well this may sound stupid........ but its a dancing game...........why?
[09:21] <Daisuke_Ido> (we aren't backwards hicks, if it's a relatively popular game, we'll probably know what you're talking about)
[09:21] <Daisuke_Ido> "a dancing game"
[09:21] <redmoon> Audition.........................
[09:22] <Daisuke_Ido> something similar to, say, DDR?
[09:22] <redmoon> precisely
[09:22] <Daisuke_Ido> check out stepmania
[09:22] <redmoon> wtf is that?
[09:22] <Daisuke_Ido> google it.
[09:22] <redmoon> fair enough...
[09:22] <Daisuke_Ido> it's a free, open source, ddr game
[09:22] <redmoon> Id still prefer Audition.. i already have a lvl 35 character there....
[09:22] <redmoon> its annoying to have to play something new...
[09:22] * Daisuke_Ido shrugs
[09:23] <redmoon> Yay for firewfox?
[09:23] <redmoon> =x
[09:24] <redmoon> holy cow that looks harder than audition
[09:24] <Dagoth> hello
[09:25] * redmoon sighs..
[09:25] <Dagoth> where am I?
[09:25] <Jucato> in #kubuntu
[09:25] <Dagoth> lol
[09:25] <JoshOvki> cyberspace
[09:25] <stdin> france?
[09:25] <redmoon> well.... at least i have 2 OS... the other one is gay windows exp... This is my 2ndary OS... and until i can figure out how to use Linux.... then windows will be my main OS @_@
[09:25] <Dagoth> but what does it mean in fact?
[09:25] <stdin> !irc
[09:25] <ubotu> A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines
[09:25] <redmoon> no wait.. actually i have 3 OS...
[09:26] <redmoon> Oh snap... whats the diff between linux.. binary and source?
[09:26] <stdin> Dagoth: see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat
[09:26] <JoshOvki> redmoon: if you are as computer illirate as you said you where, why do you have 3 OS's installed, why not just stick to one and get to know how to use it properly?
[09:27] <Dagoth> ok I think I begin to understand
[09:27] <stdin> redmoon: binary is compiled source, so you don't have to compile it
[09:27] <Dagoth> so thaht's quite like a forum about kubuntu but live
[09:27] <redmoon> I am computer illiterate with Linux... i have 3 b/c i already learned how to sue windows and mac
[09:27] <redmoon> =.=
[09:27] <Dagoth> isn't it?
[09:27] <redmoon> or vista i mean
[09:27] <redmoon> use*
[09:28] <stdin> Dagoth: yes, this channel is the Kubuntu community support channel, there are also may other channels on this network
[09:28] <JoshOvki> redmoon: Learn how to use linux with a different torrent program, easy :)
[09:28] <stdin> and that, was a netsplit :)
[09:28] <redmoon> ............ i cant...
[09:28] <Dagoth> ok I am looking for a channel where the topic would be about kde 4, do you one??
[09:28] <JoshOvki> so you can learn how to use 3 O/S properly but cant learn how to use a simple torrent program?
[09:28] <redmoon> The saying... 2 heads are better than one .... Is practically true... so if i have to figure this out on my own im dead >.>
[09:28] <redmoon> i never said i learned all 3....
[09:29] <redmoon> i only know vista nd windows
[09:29] <redmoon> >.>
[09:29] <stdin> Dagoth: several, for Kubuntu KDE4 support use #kubuntu-kde4 or for general KDE4 support there's #kde
[09:29] * JoshOvki wont make a comment
[09:29] <Dagoth> it's for general questions about how fast it is...
[09:29] <redmoon> wont make a comment... therefore you agree that im stupid with a new OS
[09:30] <redmoon> ok? ok....
[09:31] <stdin> Dagoth: depends on the time, most people in there are in europe, and it can be random as to how fast
[09:32] <Dagoth> no I didn't mean it, it was just about asking few questions about haw fast the desktop manager kde 4 is in comparaison with kde 3.5 for example
[09:36] <philipp__> how do i get a javaplugin for konqueror
[09:37] <stdin> !java
[09:37] <ubotu> To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.
[09:39] <pitty86> sziasztok
[09:39] <pitty86> segítséget kérnék
[09:39] <pitty86> új linux felhasználó vagyok
[09:39] <pitty86> és akadt egy kis gondom
[09:39] <stdin> !hu
[09:39] <ubotu> Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál
[09:39] <jpatrick> !cz | pitty86
[09:39] <ubotu> pitty86: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.
[09:39] <bragoo08> wtf is that jargon?
[09:40] <jpatrick> !ohmy | bragoo08
[09:40] <ubotu> bragoo08: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[09:40] <llutz> !hu | pitty86
[09:40] <ubotu> pitty86: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál
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[09:48] <redmoon> Oh wow im so stupid i cant even get this stepmania to download or install or w/e
[09:48] * redmoon drowns in self pitty and stupidity
[09:48] <DOOM_NX> good morning :)
[09:48] <redmoon> la la la ....
[09:48] <redmoon> good.... waaay early morning... for me
[09:49] <JoshOvki> DOOM_NX: well i will agree wih morning ;)
[09:49] <DOOM_NX> :)
[09:49] <redmoon> sha na na na.... sha na na na.... Hey hey..... Goodbye
[09:49] <redmoon> doo bop de doo shoo boo de doo
[09:50] <redmoon> I have an idea..........
[09:50] <redmoon> Im going to buy... the book Linux for dummies...
[09:50] <redmoon> that might help me...
[09:51] <redmoon> PE@CE OUT ALL =x
[09:53] * JoshOvki kicks redmoon up the backside
[09:54] <kaminix> Anyone here who's good with CJK fonts? All my CJK looks horrible since upgrading to Hardy.
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[10:40] <Wizard_> hello
[10:40] <arthur06> hello
[10:40] <Wizard_> is kubuntu 8.04 rc available for powerpc?
[10:41] <Wizard_> i followed instructions given on kubuntu.org but adept does not show any 'version upgrade' button
[10:42] <arthur06> sorry...i dont understand about configurations of the linux
[10:43] <Wizard_> ah! got it, the mentioned wrong command line switch :)
[10:43] <Wizard_> arthur06: what aspect of linux configuration?
[10:44] <arthur06> ah
[10:44] <arthur06> forget
[10:44] <arthur06> kubuntu
[10:45] <Wizard_> what's wrong with it?
[10:55] <micha__> does somebody know where the config file for the gui shutdown button is ...
[10:55] <Wizard_> gui shutdown button?
[10:56] <micha__> the red thing under the kmenue ...
[10:57] <micha__> my box doese not fully shut down ... sudo shutdown -pH now does shutdown fully ...
[10:58] <Wizard_> micha__: you can configure it in 'login manager configuration'
[10:59] <rmtaz> hey, Im getting some errors when I try to run the live cd. I want to install on my second partition but I son't know what to do
[10:59] <rmtaz> *dont
[10:59] <micha__> cool thanks Wizard_ thats it ...
[10:59] <Wizard_> your welcome :)
[11:00] <rmtaz> when I click on start/install it gives me a code plus a description: 33.913692 Invalid MAC adress
[11:00] <Wizard_> lol
[11:00] <Wizard_> somethings wrong with your network card
[11:00] <rmtaz> crap
[11:00] <Wizard_> could you open terminal and type /sbin/ifconfig -a ?
[11:00] <rmtaz> yeah, it says something about complaining to my hardware vedor after that
[11:01] <rmtaz> then more errors
[11:01] <Wizard_> maybe it loaded wrong driver
[11:01] <rmtaz> it gives me those errors when its booting
[11:01] <Wizard_> or something like this
[11:01] <rmtaz> so I can't get to the terminal
[11:01] <rmtaz> or anything for that matter
[11:02] <Wizard_> uh
[11:02] <viren> hi i am new to kubuntu, how can i play mp3's in amarok
[11:02] <Wizard_> yesterday it asked me if i want to install mp3 support :D
[11:02] <rmtaz> I cant find anything on any forums for my prob, heh
[11:04] <viren> ?
[11:04] <Wizard_> hmm.. there was some info on ubuntu wiki
[11:05] <Wizard_> viren: wait a second
=== Wizard_ is now known as Wizard
[11:08] <Wizard> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats
[11:08] <Wizard> viren: that's for you
[11:09] <viren> <wizard> i am using kubuntu
[11:09] <Seren__> I got a strange error with firefox, the first time I launch it after boot up it does not start
[11:09] <Wizard> viren: so?
[11:10] <viren> does that link apply to this aswell
[11:10] <Wizard> read this article, it also describes kubuntu
[11:10] <Wizard> yup
[11:11] <Jucato> or you could just try playing an mp3 in amarok, it should detect if the codec isn't installed and ask if you want to install it
[11:11] <Wizard> that's what i've said first
[11:11] <viren> i tried that and it doesnt work --
[11:12] <Jucato> libxine1-ffmpeg is the package you'll need. you can just install kubuntu-restricted-extras to get most of the codecs and plugins you might want
[11:12] <rmtaz> you did not specifically tell viren to try playing an mp3
[11:12] <rmtaz> heh
[11:13] <Wizard> usually i treat people who are using irc as smart enough to 'process' simple hints
[11:13] <viren> im lost
[11:13] <Wizard> ;)
[11:13] <rmtaz> haha
[11:13] <Wizard> uh
[11:14] <Wizard> viren: what happened?
[11:14] <Wizard> that article is pretty good
[11:14] <Wizard> worked for me, for my friend..
[11:14] <viren> is konsole the same as terminal
[11:15] <Seren__> yes viren
[11:15] <Seren__> what newsreader do you use under kubuntu ?
[11:15] <Wizard> viren: lol, yes
[11:16] <Wizard> it all refers to 'terminal emulator'
[11:16] <Jucato> viren: here's an easy one. go to K Menu -> Add/Remove Programs. then search for "Kubuntu Restricted Extras". check the box beside it to mark for installation. then click on Apply Changes. wait for it to finish then you're good to go
[11:16] <viren> Reading package lists... Done
[11:16] <viren> Building dependency tree
[11:16] <viren> Reading state information... Done
[11:16] <viren> E: Couldn't find package ubuntu-restricted-extras
[11:16] <Jucato> viren: you'll want "kubuntu-restricted-extras"
[11:16] <rmtaz> ohhh
[11:16] <rmtaz> add deb
[11:17] <viren> jucato... cant find
[11:18] <jerknextdoor> hey, so silly question. i'm trying to update to the rc1 of hardy.
[11:18] <Seren__> viren : try dpkg -l *-restricted-extra*
[11:18] <jerknextdoor> not working the way the walkthrough says it should
[11:18] <Seren__> it should list package with restricted-extra in them
[11:19] <Wizard> jerknextdoor: i have same problem few minutes ago, they mentioned wrong command-line switch
[11:19] <Jucato> #ubuntu+1 for Hardy questions
[11:19] <jerknextdoor> Wizard: any help?
[11:19] <viren> seren where do i put that
[11:19] <Wizard> --dist-upgrade-devel
[11:19] <sigma_> is anyone here running the latest svn build of what is to be kde 4.1?
[11:19] <Seren__> viren : in the konsole
[11:19] <jerknextdoor> jucato: sorry brother,
[11:19] <Jucato> jerknextdoor: no problem
[11:20] <Jucato> sigma_: might want to try #kubuntu-kde4 though most are probably using Kubuntu packages
[11:20] <viren> no luck seren
[11:20] <jens_> hi all
[11:20] <Seren__> what does it tell you ?
[11:20] <viren> no packages found matching
[11:21] <Seren__> ok
[11:21] <Seren__> then in console try to type "kdesu adept_manager"
[11:21] <jens_> does anyone know which pc is needed by kubuntu 8 and 7
[11:22] <sigma_> its just i saw a tour of what is to be 4.1 at the kde.org news site. its looking alot more usable
[11:22] <Seren__> once adept_manager is launched, click on the "adept" menu and select "manage repositories"
[11:22] <Seren__> in that new window select the first 4 options
[11:22] <rmtaz> sigma: link?
[11:23] <Seren__> ( one of them is called restriced )
[11:23] <Seren__> you are going to enable new repositories where the package you are looking for is located
[11:24] <viren> done
[11:24] <Seren__> ok you can then quit adept manager
[11:24] <sigma_> rmtaz: its in that kde news feed on the kde.org site, a few articles back. it links you to the full screenshot review
[11:24] <viren> it busy updating
[11:24] <Seren__> it is ok you are getting the new list of package
[11:25] <viren> now
[11:25] <Seren__> once in it is updated you can search the ubuntu-restricted-extras in the adept manager
[11:25] <Seren__> or in console typing " sud apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras"
[11:25] <viren> ok
[11:25] <Seren__> sudo not sud
[11:25] <Seren__> and you should then have mp3 support
[11:26] <jpatrick> kubuntu-restricted-extras*
[11:26] <Seren__> jpatrick: I don't have kubuntu-restricted-extras on my system
[11:26] <kaminix^> Is 915GL really supposed to be intel in xorg? Doesn't it use i815 or something?
[11:26] <Seren__> only something called ubuntu-
[11:26] <Seren__> and I am under kubuntu
[11:26] <jpatrick> Seren__: it exists, and has the kubuntu specific things in it
[11:27] <Seren__> I am under hardy it has maybe bee replaced ?
[11:27] <jpatrick> Seren__: you might want to install it
[11:27] <Habbotom> Hey
[11:27] <viren> wat do i search for
[11:27] <Seren__> select not installed
[11:27] <jpatrick> Seren__: I can apt-get it here.
[11:28] <Seren__> and type restricted-extra in the box
[11:28] <jpatrick> !info kubuntu-restricted-extras
[11:28] <ubotu> kubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 10 (gutsy), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB
[11:28] <rmtaz> Wizard... if I could get to konsole, how would I fix my mac address problem?
[11:28] <Wizard> dunno, i just wanted to get more info about it
[11:28] <rmtaz> ahh
[11:28] <viren> its downloading
[11:28] <Seren__> jpatrick> you are in gutsy not sure it still exists in hardy cause I can't find it
[11:28] <viren> thanks soo much for your help
[11:29] <Wizard> rmtaz: you could probably unload modules from that nic
[11:29] <Wizard> and that try to find a solution
[11:29] <jpatrick> Seren__: "Version 10 (gutsy)"
[11:30] <viren> seren do u know how to install skype for kubuntu
[11:30] <Seren__> jpatrick : checking on the website the package still exists
[11:30] <Seren__> I dunnon why I can't see it
[11:30] <Habbotom> How is every1 accessing the IRC, I'm using Konversation
[11:30] <Wizard> Habbotom: irssi
[11:30] <jpatrick> Habbotom: irssi
[11:31] <rmtaz> does irssi give you more control than konversation?
[11:31] <Seren__> viren > as far as I remember skype is in another repository with commercial software
[11:31] <Seren__> so you must add that repository
[11:31] <jpatrick> rmtaz: yes
[11:31] <Seren__> viren: look here http://www.medibuntu.org/
[11:32] <Seren__> there is an howto and everything
[11:34] <Seren__> jpatrick> I have replaced ubuntu extras with kubuntu extras
[11:34] <jpatrick> Seren__: cool
[11:34] <Seren__> apparently they are pretty similar
[11:34] <Seren__> except that gstreamer is not included
[11:34] <jpatrick> KDE uses xine
[11:42] <Greyhound-> is kubuntu 8.04 going to launch on the same date as ubuntu 8.04?
[11:46] <kenan_> can u hepl me someone?
[11:47] <ubuntu> @Greyhound think so
[11:48] <ubuntu> exit
[11:49] <kenan_> can u help me_?? someone....
[11:50] <viren> seren how can i connect to my dektop from laptop
[11:51] <Habbotom> Get Wine
[11:51] <madex> hi guys
[11:51] <Habbotom> And download Teamviewer
[11:51] <madex> whats the pack for all the flash player etc?
[11:51] <madex> sudo appt get blah blah
[11:54] <madex> anyone?
[11:55] <xRaich[o]2x> madex: flashplugin-nonfree
[11:59] <Seren__> viren > do you mean sharing directories ?
[12:19] <aslan> Haaalo
=== aslan is now known as Atzelan
[12:19] <rmtaz> wizard?
[12:19] <Wizard> rmtaz: i have to go to work
[12:20] <rmtaz> bastard!
[12:27] <arek> witam
[12:30] <rmtaz> prob: can't install or even run kubuntu from live cd because when its loading, it's reading my mac address backwards
[12:30] <rmtaz> "mac address invalid"
[12:31] <rmtaz> I can disable my nic and run in safe graphics mode
[12:34] <kaminix> I suspect the new Kubuntu came with some driver errors or something for my network card, it's a lot slower than it were yesterday. Anyone who knows how I can fix this?
[12:36] <kaminix> How can I check which driver's in use for example?
[12:37] <Hamra> hi, i use a very slow connection, so i have been downloading hardy by torrent, for a few days, but now, it says "requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker"
[12:37] <Dr_willis> Hamra, you may want to just wait a few days for the actual release befor using the torrent.
[12:37] <Dan1> hab ihr schon Kubuntu 8,04 rc ausprobbiert
[12:37] <Dan1> ????????
[12:37] <Dr_willis> Its going to have a lot of changes here in the next few weeks. Your torrent may be no longer 'current'
[12:38] <Hamra> what? i have to start all over again! damn!
[12:39] <kaminix> Nevermind. lsmod showed me the driver is loaded. it has loaded all rt2500-related drivers. Why is it so weak? :s
[12:40] <Dr_willis> Hamra, Beta, and the rc just got released yesterday? The final will get relesed in a few more days. (10 days?)
[12:40] <Dr_willis> Of course you can install whatever you got. and then update/upgrade.. but that may download a few 100+mb of packages also
[12:41] <Hamra> and it takes me like 10 days to download a cd, very crappy connection with cery little bandwidth
[12:41] <_ZeuZ_> I can see my domain with SMB, but I can't copy files from Kubuntu, to a host with WindowsXP (smb works, though Samba is not installed, and I'd rather not install it) what can I do?
[12:42] <_ZeuZ_> edit: never mind, solved it.
[12:42] <Dr_willis> Hamra, you may be better off just ordering a cd then.
[12:43] <Dr_willis> or finding a friend/local linux group/magazine at the bookstore. with the latest.
[12:44] <Hamra> never mind, i'll start the download when the final version is there, i want the alternate cd, i dont fancy reformatting with every version
[12:45] <pleiiii1iiiii> de
[12:48] <Dr_willis> I normally do clean installs with every new release. :)
[12:48] <poison--> !pt
[12:48] <ubotu> Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.
[12:56] <madex> Hi guys, media sharing - xbox 360, can this be done?
[12:58] <madex> nm
=== rjb is now known as drbobb
[13:16] <izael> hello
[13:20] <laga> hi. so kubuntu 8.04 won't be LTS. what happens to the kde packages after 18 months? are they demoted to universe?
[13:22] <laga> http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/components <- this website says that anything in main is supported, so i'm wondering how kde fits in
[13:26] <Jucato> after 18 months? you upgrade to the next version
[13:26] <Jucato> (or after 6 months if you want)
[13:26] <Jucato> main kde packages will always be main.
[13:26] <nosrednaekim> !info kate-kde4 hardy
[13:26] <ubotu> kate-kde4 (source: kdesdk-kde4): KDE4 Advanced Text Editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.0.3-0ubuntu4 (hardy), package size 802 kB, installed size 2256 kB
[13:27] <Jucato> kate is no longer main :P
[13:27] <nosrednaekim> laga: thats an interesting question :)
[13:27] <Jucato> huh?
[13:28] * Jucato wonders why the question is interesting and suddenly relevant.. considering that all other releases other than Dapper were non-LTS.. and kde packages in main weren't demoted to universe
[13:28] <Jucato> nosrednaekim: kate-kde4 is not a good example at all
[13:28] <metbsd> is there live dvd that has kde4?
[13:29] <metbsd> cuz i 'd want it
[13:29] <laga> Jucato: i'm wondering because we have on repo - main - where only parts of the software will have 36 months of support (on the desktop, anyways). so people using kde apps in gnome, eg k3b, are left in the rain
[13:29] <nosrednaekim> Jucato: oh....
[13:30] <laga> s/on/one/
[13:30] <Jucato> laga: I'm not getting you... what's so different with hardy compared to breezy, edgy, feisty, and gutsy?
[13:30] <nosrednaekim> Jucato: I always wondered that, Kde3 will be in Main... so will it not be supported for the whole lifecycle of Hardy?
[13:30] <drbobb> duh, what's kde4's preferred replacement for kate then?
[13:31] <laga> Jucato: hardy is LTS. but the kde parts are not.
[13:31] <Jucato> drbobb: kate's still there. just in kdesdk
[13:31] <nosrednaekim> drbobb: kwrite
[13:31] <laga> so i wonder what will happen to the kde packages in after 18 months, given that they're not supported anymore (at least not commercially by canonical) while the rest of main is still supported
[13:31] <Jucato> laga: ah. I think only the kde4 parts aren't, and any universe ones. those in main still remain LTS afaik. (although that really doesn't mean much unless you are a Canonical customer)
[13:32] <laga> Jucato: well, "supported" means security updates, i guess.
[13:32] <Jucato> laga: imho, we've been pretty much on our own with kde packages ever since anyway
[13:33] <Jucato> afaik the LTS most usually just affects underlying stuff (below GNOME and KDE)
[13:33] <drbobb> nosrednaekim: does kwrite4 have more than 10% of the features of kde3-kate?
[13:33] <laga> Jucato: i know (unfortunately, because everyone knows that kde is the better desktop ;)).
[13:33] <Jucato> drbobb: no
[13:33] <_ZeuZ_> Jucato: Not necesarily.
[13:33] <Jucato> but has more features than kwrite-kde3 :)
[13:33] <_ZeuZ_> Jucato: They involve bug patching system-wide
[13:34] <Jucato> _ZeuZ_: "system-wide" would include GNOME packages I presume?
[13:34] <_ZeuZ_> As for Kate vs. Kwrite, I'll stick with Kate, and Abiword to beat the OO supremacy (and memory hog)
[13:34] <_ZeuZ_> Jucato; yup...
[13:35] <_ZeuZ_> Luckily, gnome is less buggy than KDE in some aspects, so there are less patches for it... pretty much their patches affect configuration files, and one or 2 faulty pieces of code
[13:35] <Jucato> there's really no KWrite vs Kate... if you want an advanced text editor, feel free to install Kate. otherwise, KDE sticks to 1 text editor by default, a basic, but not essentially less powerful one: KWrite
[13:35] <armadill0> Hi, I'm thinking about installing 8.04 RC. When canonical releases the 8.04 final version, how would I upgrade my 8.04 RC to the new version? Is it as simple as apt-get upgrade? Or would I need to do much more? Can't wait to see it!
[13:36] <_ZeuZ_> Though, now-a-days, KDE 3.5.9 is indeed rock solid, and lightier than Gnome
[13:36] <_ZeuZ_> as for KDE 4.X.X is still too green for me
[13:36] <_ZeuZ_> and as for Kubuntu Hardy, for example, it brings Kate by default, and not Kwrite...
[13:36] <Jucato> armadill0: simple apt-get dist-upgrade would do
[13:36] <drbobb> well i remember when there was a kedit or something as default
[13:36] <armadill0> Jucato: thanks sir
[13:36] <Jucato> kedit is gone in KDE 4
[13:36] <drbobb> now that was pretty useless
[13:37] <_ZeuZ_> Jucato, not entirely, xD... THe package is not the same, though you can still get a Qt4 (and KDE4.X.X) kate from KDE repos
[13:38] <Jucato> _ZeuZ_: what do you mean the package isnot the same?
[13:38] <_ZeuZ_> Oh crap, just found out I'm out of CD-R and I need to burn 4 copys of WifiSlax
[13:38] <_ZeuZ_> Jucato: Different dependencies, and different name If I don't recall wrong
[13:38] <_ZeuZ_> let me confirm that
[13:38] <Jucato> _ZeuZ_: I am talking about Kate 4 of course
=== wesley is now known as kurosaki_ichigo
[13:39] <Jucato> there's no issue with Kate in KDE 3.. it's installed by default and part of kdebase.
[13:39] <Wizard> fuuuck!
[13:39] <Jucato> !language | Wizard
[13:39] <ubotu> Wizard: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[13:39] <_ZeuZ_> Wizard: what happen?
[13:39] <Wizard> cool
[13:40] <drbobb> as for crap, my cd/dvd burner stopped working
[13:40] <Wizard> i needed to edit /etc/hosts fast, so i simply copied it from another system
[13:40] <_ZeuZ_> @google site:kde.org kate4*
[13:40] <Wizard> but.. that overwrote hostname entry in hosts
[13:40] <Wizard> and now sudo complains about wrong hostname
[13:40] <Wizard> which means: i'm screwed
[13:40] <bleck> why would /proc/bus/usb/devices not exist?
[13:41] <_ZeuZ_> didn't you make a backup copy?
[13:41] <metbsd> where do i dl dvd that has kde
[13:41] <drbobb> at first i thought there might be a problem with k3b, but it won't burn discs under windows, either
[13:41] <Wizard> i booted ubuntu in single user mode, and instead just givin me fscking root prompt it shows dialo *which does not work*
[13:41] <Wizard> _ZeuZ_: of course i did
[13:41] <Jucato> metbsd: DVD remix of KDE 4?
[13:42] <Wizard> but how the hell can i revert to old file without root access?
[13:42] <bleck> metbsd : just kde?
[13:42] <_ZeuZ_> then change in grub ro to rw log in as root in a rescue shell, and replace it
[13:42] <drbobb> so let me ask o/t: have you guys also found that cd/dvd burners tend to fail as soon as the warranty expires?
[13:42] <Wizard> _ZeuZ_: i can't access the rescue shell :D
[13:42] <Wizard> the dialog simply does not work
[13:42] <_ZeuZ_> Wizard: That's why I told ya to modify in GRUB the line of Kernel booting changing RO to RW
[13:43] <bleck> drbobb : no, but it doesn't really suprise me.. like they probably figure some fail after a certain point, so..
[13:43] <_ZeuZ_> I posted a tutorial on how to do it in www.pirator.net/forums browse for it
[13:43] <Wizard> 1st, i don't have grub
[13:43] <Wizard> 2nd, what for?
[13:43] <Wizard> 3rd: HOW?!
[13:43] <Wizard> i can't login as root ;)
[13:43] <metbsd> kde4 and linux of course..
[13:43] <_ZeuZ_> Because that will DROP YOU to a rescue shell.
[13:43] <drbobb> bleck: especially laptop units seem to do so
[13:43] <_ZeuZ_> You won't even need a root password.
[13:43] <Jucato> metbsd: there doesn't seem to be a DVD KDE 4 remix... the plain DVD probably has both KDE 3 and 4
[13:43] <_ZeuZ_> and you'll be it (once you do it, make sure with whoami)
[13:43] <bleck> drbobb : how did it fail?
[13:43] <metbsd> why
[13:44] <metbsd> i sit because kde4 is not stable?
[13:44] <Wizard> _ZeuZ_: but if i want to modify yaboot config i nedd root acces, right?
[13:44] <drbobb> bleck: reading is ok, but refuses to record
[13:44] <Wizard> so how the fsck can i do it?
[13:44] <bleck> drbobb : what happens? sure its not the software?
[13:44] <drbobb> k3b says something about bad media or whatever
[13:44] <Wizard> i'm stuck :P
[13:44] <bleck> drbobb : try cdrecord
[13:44] <_ZeuZ_> Wizard: I allready told you how xD
[13:44] <Wizard> man
[13:44] <_ZeuZ_> PM me, and I'll explain you detailed
[13:44] <drbobb> which is not true, cause i take the same blanks to another pc and they work fine
[13:45] <bleck> drbobb : just to make sure.
[13:45] <bleck> drbobb : I *HAVE* however known laptop cd burners to be picky about the blank cds they are given.
[13:45] <drbobb> bleck: thx, will try. tried the s/w i have under windows already, and it didn;t work either
[13:46] <drbobb> except that it doesn't refuse to record outright
[13:46] <bleck> drbobb : get a different type of cd, just to make sure.
[13:46] <drbobb> it starts recording, and fails halfway through instead
[13:47] <bleck> drbobb: aah. yeah.. either, get different cds, or clean the laser
[13:47] <bleck> drbobb : or just complain about it, and get over it :)
[13:47] <_ZeuZ_> Wizard: Loving to know I could help...
[13:47] <drbobb> bleck: already done the first 2;-/
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[13:48] <Wizard> _ZeuZ_: of course, thank you for your help
[13:48] <drbobb> #3 is switching to flash media
[13:48] <ganapati> k/.lk
[13:48] <bleck> drbobb: yeah, i can't really remember the last time i burnt a cd, that wasn't used for booting the computer
[13:53] <bleck> drbobb : cdrecord dev=4,1,0 -atip | tail -n 15
[13:53] <bleck> drbobb : your dev is probably different to mine
[13:53] <bleck> drbobb : will give you some info about the cd
[13:54] <bleck> drbobb : it may be time to buy a replacement burner if its too problematic :)
[13:55] <bleck> so, does anyone have an idea as to why /proc/bus/usb wouldn't contain anything?
[13:56] <ganapati> how to update the kubuntu system?
[13:56] <Dr_willis> sudo apt-get update
[13:56] <Dr_willis> sudo apt-get upgrade
[13:56] <Dr_willis> :) is a easy way.
[13:57] <Dr_willis> always rember to update, then upgrade, to get your system up to date.
[13:57] <bleck> isn't there some kinda included software.. adept or something?
[13:57] <Wizard> yeah
[13:58] <bleck> adept_notifier
[13:58] <Wizard> bleck: and adept_manager
[13:58] <Wizard> and aptitude
[13:58] <Dr_willis> thers all kinds of ways to update/upgrade the system
[13:58] <Dr_willis> Theres even an icon somewhere in the corner to tell you about new updates you just click on it.
[13:59] <ganapati> Dr_willis: how to change the repositeries??because its taking from cd rom
[14:00] <drbobb> bleck: k3b i think uses wodim, not cdrecord - is the latter somehow better in your experience?
[14:00] <Dr_willis> !cdrom
[14:00] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about cdrom - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[14:00] <Dr_willis> ganapati, i normaly edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file and comment.delete the cdrom line at the start. OR use the repository config tools in adept to remove it.
[14:02] <ubuntu> is anbody else getting an error 22 in grub with the RC?
[14:03] <Dr_willis> ubuntu, nope.
[14:04] <ubuntu> I try reinstalling grub but I guess its just installing it wrong
[14:04] <Dr_willis> !fixgrub | ubuntu
[14:04] <ubotu> ubuntu: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto
[14:05] <Dr_willis> Grub is one of those tools/things that is worth learning and learning welll.
[14:05] <bleck> drbobb : sorry, was away. um.. no idea. :)
[14:05] <ubuntu> right after I install the the kubuntu I dont even get a boot menu it goes right to windows and then when I try reinstalling grub it gives an error 22 "no such partition"
=== spiroo_ is now known as spiroo
[14:11] <Black_Monkey> hi, could I run konqueror in split view, with my home folder and an ftp site open, with one command? :/
[14:13] <Dr_willis> Black_Monkey, set up a profile for that.. it can rember the view and terminal. as for the ftp site.. Not sure.
[14:13] <Dr_willis> Black_Monkey, or ya mean ftp site on one side.. home on other.. it can proberly rember that also.
[14:13] <Black_Monkey> it remembers it as split view, with two panes open?
[14:14] <Dr_willis> Black_Monkey, you can have a large # of profiles for different layouts
[14:14] <Black_Monkey> yeah, that - one pane home, one pane my ftp site
[14:14] <Dr_willis> Kubuntu has a minimal set of them. just file manageent and web browsing. You can easially do others
[14:14] <Black_Monkey> ok, thanks
[14:15] <Dr_willis> settings -> configure view profiles
[14:17] <Black_Monkey> ah, it works, thank you :-)
[14:18] <Dr_willis> one of themany features of kde thta people over look
[14:19] <Jucato> (because they were hidden on purpose by Kubuntu...)
[14:20] <Roey> what is that little icon in the bottom-left corner of my konqueror window? I see one ofr each tab Ihave open
[14:21] <Devourer> How can I set which programs open which associated files?
[14:21] <Jucato> Roey: what does the icon look like?
[14:22] <Jucato> Devourer: Konqueror -> Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> File Associations
[14:22] <Roey> a mushroom, Jucato, with a black top
[14:22] <Devourer> Jucato, thanks.
[14:22] <Jucato> lol that's not a mushroom...
[14:23] <Roey> Jucato: microphone?
[14:23] <Jucato> it's a funnel.. it's Konqueror's AdBlock Filter icon
[14:23] <Roey> ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[14:23] <Roey> it's a *funnel*
[14:23] <Roey> aaaaahahahah
[14:23] <Jucato> see the larger version in Configure Konqueror :)
[14:23] <Jucato> silly eh? :)
[14:23] <Roey> ok, then why do I have it for every tab open?
[14:24] <Roey> I was about to say, "silly KDE icon developers"
[14:24] <Jucato> actually silly Everaldo :P
[14:24] <Roey> oh he did it?
[14:24] <tekteen> I am too tired to think :-). How do you untar a to a specific directory?
[14:24] <Roey> cd
[14:24] <Roey> cd directory
[14:24] <Roey> oh
[14:24] <Roey> untar, not enter
[14:25] <Jucato> tekteen: cd to the directory... tar xzvf /location/of/the/archive
[14:25] * Jucato is lazy too
[14:25] <tekteen> I need it for a guide I am making
[14:25] <tekteen> the less commands the better
[14:25] <Jucato> then don't be lazy :P
[14:25] <Roey> Jucato: isn't there a switch though?
[14:25] <tekteen> I searched the man
[14:25] <Jucato> Roey: there should be. but I'm lazy as well :)
[14:25] <Roey> ok, I just did, too
[14:26] <Jucato> -C I think?
[14:26] <tekteen> ok
[14:26] <tekteen> I will try that
[14:26] <Jucato> tekteen: google is very helpful too
[14:26] <tekteen> ok
[14:27] <tekteen> -C needs to have the directory made
[14:31] <Jucato> tekteen: yep, no way around that one. creating a target directory is separate from extracting to it
[14:31] <tekteen> ok
[14:32] <Jucato> might as well go: mkdir directory; cd directory; untar from there
[14:32] <tekteen> ok
[14:32] <tekteen> my problem is I want the least amount of commands possible
[14:33] <oilinki> hi, quick question. how to change firefox-3b4 as default browser in kubuntu (and specially in pidgin)?
[14:33] <Wizard> mkdir dir ; tar xfz file.tgz -C dir
[14:33] <tekteen> ok
[14:33] <tekteen> but then if makes a new folder in dir
[14:33] <tekteen> called file
[14:34] <Jucato> tekteen: depends on whether the tarball has a top-level folder named file
[14:34] <tekteen> it does :-)
[14:34] <oilinki> I have tried both on the system settings/default applications and also pidgin settings/browser. neither gives an solution for this.
[14:35] <tekteen> I think I figured it out
[14:35] <Jucato> good :)
[14:36] <Devourer> If I have an application on one desktop why can I see it when I'm on another desktop?
[14:37] <tekteen> it is on all desktops
[14:37] <Devourer> tekteen, why?
[14:37] <tekteen> so you mean on the bar or on the desktop?
[14:37] <Devourer> On the bar.
[14:37] <tekteen> ok
[14:38] <tekteen> rightclick the bar
[14:38] <Wizard> Devourer: you can disable that
[14:38] <Devourer> I come from the world of Gnome, such a foreign place here..
[14:38] <tekteen> configure pannel
[14:38] <Devourer> Wizard, how?
[14:38] <Devourer> Where's the configure panel?
[14:38] <tekteen> I am telling you :-)
[14:38] <Jucato> Devourer: right-click on the panel -> Configure Panels -> Taskbar page -> uncheck [ ] Show windows from all desktops
[14:39] <nonewmsgs> my effen geforce 7900 does not show a screen after the loading spash screen. i have even tried vesa with fb and vesa without
[14:39] <Devourer> Cool.
[14:39] <krissi> hallo
[14:40] <nonewmsgs> does anyone know how to tell it that it is going to give me a screen or it's going through the window?
[14:40] <tekteen> krissi: hi
[14:41] <krissi> ich hab seit gestern den kubuntu 8.04 RC installiert und nun habe ich merkwürdigerweise keinen sound...hat jemand vielleicht das selbe problem und hat eine lösung parat?
[14:41] <tekteen> !de | krissi
[14:41] <ubotu> krissi: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[14:41] <nonewmsgs> krissi: you are asking about hardy and you should be in ubuntu+1
[14:41] <krissi> achso sry
[14:41] <nonewmsgs> no worries
[14:42] <nonewmsgs> we lost our girl
[14:42] <Jimmy1> Hey guys i just installed that compiz 3d thingy and the windows that are opened do not have the little icon where you can, close minimise and maximise the screen ! what happend and how do i fix it ?
[14:42] <Jucato> Jimmy1: as always, #compiz-fusion but as a hint, I don't think compiz-fusion is running or any window manager
[14:43] <Jimmy1> yeh it is cause it is doing the flip screen thing
[14:43] <tekteen> Jimmy1: alt+f2
[14:43] <tekteen> then type kwin --replace
[14:43] <Jimmy1> reason y i didnt go there is cause i didnt think it was a compiz related error
[14:43] <tekteen> it is
[14:43] <Jimmy1> ok ill go there
[14:44] <Jimmy1> i am becoming quite a regular here !
[14:45] <tekteen> lol
[14:45] <Jimmy1> soon i will have had all the problems of ubuntu and ill be the one helping
[14:45] <Jimmy1> hahah
[14:45] <tekteen> I got into helping here
[14:45] <tekteen> when I came and no one could help me :-)
[14:45] <Jimmy1> quite a fullon O/S linux aye
[14:46] <tekteen> fullon?
[14:46] <Jimmy1> its not for the light hearted
[14:46] <Jimmy1> yeh its slang
[14:46] <tekteen> oh
[14:46] <Jimmy1> brb
[14:47] <nonewmsgs> Jimmy1: we have all felt like that
[14:47] <nonewmsgs> :)
[14:48] <Jimmy1> back
[14:48] <tekteen> hi
[14:48] <Devourer> :o
[14:48] <Jimmy1> yeh i swear i could have smashed this computer cause nothing ever worked
[14:48] <tekteen> !hi| Jimmy1
[14:48] <ubotu> Jimmy1: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[14:49] <Jimmy1> every1 keept going Errr Ubuntu thats sht just use windows
[14:49] * Jimmy1 hates bill gates
[14:49] <Devourer> Jimmy1, haha, and who is every1?
[14:49] <Jimmy1> gf her brother ppl from school
[14:49] <Jimmy1> brb
[14:52] <kaminix> My everything is lagging since updating to Hardy. Network is super slow, when I scroll text it lags and... well, yeah. Any suggestions?
[14:53] <kaminix> Actually, it's only lagging when I scroll my terminal. But still.
[14:53] <Devourer> Is Hardy 8.04?
[14:53] <kaminix> Yes.
[14:53] <kaminix> The RC
[14:53] <Devourer> #ubuntu+1
[14:53] <Jimmy1> ok im back
[14:54] <Devourer> Jimmy1, you need to get new friends.
[14:54] <Jimmy1> hahaha
[14:54] <Jimmy1> nah just wanna get the linux system all working
[14:54] <Devourer> Jimmy1, they are holding you back from experiencing the world.
[14:54] <Jimmy1> then i wont be here again
[14:54] <Jimmy1> Ohh i got no friends any more !
[14:54] <Jimmy1> i used to
[14:54] <Jimmy1> then i got a gf and moved interstate
[14:54] <Jimmy1> hahahha
[14:54] <Devourer> The internet is the only friend you really need.
[14:54] * Jimmy1 LMFAO
[14:55] <Jimmy1> ok how about we work on my lil problem
[14:55] <Jimmy1> since no on in compiz is alive
[14:55] <Jimmy1> here we go again
[14:55] <Jimmy1> Hey guys i just installed that compiz 3d thingy and the windows that are opened do not have the little icon where you can, close minimise and maximise the screen ! what happend and how do i fix it ?
[14:55] <Devourer> Haha.
[14:55] <Devourer> What does compiz do?
[14:56] <Jimmy1> rephrase that question ?
[14:56] <Devourer> What is compiz's purpose?
[14:56] <Jimmy1> oh 3d pretty stuff
[14:56] <Devourer> lol
[14:56] <Jimmy1> youtube it
[14:56] <Devourer> Yeah, that's all I see when I searched for KDE on Youtube.
[14:57] <Devourer> s/see/saw/
[14:57] <Jimmy1> whats the diff between Ubuntu Kubuntu and the rest ?
[14:57] <Devourer> Ubuntu uses Gnome by default I suppose and Kubuntu uses KDE by default.
[14:57] <Jimmy1> whats gnome ?
[14:57] <Jimmy1> and whats kde
[14:58] <Devourer> Gnome is a desktop environment...
[14:58] <Devourer> SO is KDE.
[14:58] <Jimmy1> ummmmmmmmmmm
[14:58] * Jimmy1 is fully enlightened now
[14:58] <Devourer> Basically the pretty interface that let's you navigate through Ubuntu without having to use the terminal.
[14:58] <Jucato> !gnome > Jimmy1
[14:58] <Jucato> !kde > Jimmy1
[14:58] <Jucato> see the PM the bot sent
[14:59] <Devourer> !gnome > Devourer
[14:59] <Jimmy1> yeh
[14:59] <Jimmy1> bit too high tec for me i think
[15:00] <Jimmy1> i think i like kubuntu best
[15:00] <Devourer> Yeah, I just switched over to KDE yesterday.
[15:00] <Jimmy1> cool cool
[15:00] <Devourer> Tired of how ugly Gnome is.
[15:00] <Jimmy1> so any1 wanna have a stab at fixing my lil issue ?
[15:00] <Jucato> basically, a Desktop Environment provides you with a graphical environment with a desktop, windows, panels, icons, and a suite of related apps to help make life easier for you
[15:01] <Devourer> Jimmy1, Have you tried googling it?
[15:01] <Jimmy1> let interactive
[15:01] <Jimmy1> where as if i come here i talk to you lot and we all get to fix my computer and we all get self satisfaction once it gets fixed :)
[15:02] <Jimmy1> less i mean
[15:02] <Jucato> (don't be so selfish :P)
[15:02] * Jimmy1 giggles
[15:02] <Jimmy1> ok the think that closes the box is gone
[15:02] <Jimmy1> where did it go and how do i get it back ?
[15:02] <Jimmy1> cant minimise the screen
[15:02] <Jimmy1> cant close the screen
[15:03] <Jimmy1> you know what i mean " ? _ and X
[15:05] <pauljw> Jimmy1, you need to locate the compiz manager and select the correct theme manager, but i don't remember the details, i don't use it myself.
[15:05] <sourcemaker> is the apt server down?
[15:06] <sourcemaker> I try to update my system.... waiting for header.. and that's it..
[15:06] <Pliskin> sourcemaker : You have to choose another mirror
[15:06] <sourcemaker> Pliskin: how can I do that?
[15:07] <Pliskin> Adept > Repository > Mirror
[15:07] <sourcemaker> Pliskin: and with the command line?
[15:07] <Pliskin> It happens with every new version
[15:08] <Pliskin> You have to edit (we say that in english ?) the sources.list file
[15:08] <sourcemaker> Pliskin: ok thanks
[15:09] <Pliskin> you welcome :)
=== luke__ is now known as Coggz
[15:11] <Coggz> can anyone help me with hotkeys?
[15:11] <Jucato> !anyone | Coggz
[15:11] <ubotu> Coggz: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?
[15:13] <Coggz> ok, i would like someone to aid me in getting hotkeys on my Acer Travelmate C111TCi (C110) working, that includes wlan, Bluetooth, volume...
[15:13] <Wizard> hmm
[15:14] <Coggz> tricky one...
[15:14] <theunixgeek> Shouldn't Kubuntu come preinstalled with KOffice instead of OpenOffice?
[15:14] <Wizard> could somebody tell me what's the name of application running in system tray and showing battery status?
[15:14] <Jucato> theunixgeek: long story short: not yet. will be a bit soon...
[15:14] <Jucato> Wizard: guidance-power-manager
[15:14] <theunixgeek> Jucato: what do you mean?
[15:15] <Coggz> theunixgeek: openoffice is better in my mind
[15:15] <Wizard> Jucato: thanks
[15:15] <Jucato> theunixgeek: basically waiting for KOffice 2
[15:15] <theunixgeek> Jucato: I see
[15:15] <Coggz> theunixgeek: koffice is too basic at the moment
[15:15] <theunixgeek> Coggz: yeah, but it doesn't really fit into the KDE look :)
[15:15] <Jucato> !shortcuts | Coggz
[15:15] <ubotu> Coggz: keyboard shortcuts can be set in K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. Try also "Input Actions" in KControl. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts
[15:16] <Coggz> theunixgeek: true, true
[15:16] <jim> bonjour
[15:16] <Wizard> sleep does not work :/
[15:16] <jim> ja mapel jim
[15:16] <Wizard> i experience only problems with that "thing"
[15:17] <jim> palevou francia
[15:17] <Coggz> !fr - jim
[15:17] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about fr - jim - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[15:17] <jim> lol
[15:17] <jim> im not french
[15:17] <Coggz> good
[15:17] <jim> its meeeeeeeeeeee Jimmmy1
[15:17] <jim> trying to fix that close window thing
[15:17] <jim> still no lucj
[15:17] <jim> luck
[15:17] <jim> compiz ppl sleeping
[15:17] <Coggz> ah, c'est parfait bon
[15:18] <theunixgeek> jim: emmm..... je m'appelle and parlez-vous français :P
[15:18] <theunixgeek> Coggz: French doesn't look like "parlevou francia" :P
[15:18] <flipstar> hi jim, whats the prob ..?
[15:19] <Wizard> french looks like strang mix of sounds from other planet
[15:20] <theunixgeek> Wizard: well, at least jim's French :P
[15:20] <flipstar> its a nice language if you hear them flowlessly speak :)
[15:21] <jim> lol
[15:21] <jim> its ok someone is in compiz now
[15:21] <jim> :)
[15:21] <jim> i found someone els to bug for tonight ;)
[15:21] <Pliskin> even the best language :)
[15:21] <jim> ill just chat to you guys instead of giving you my problems !
[15:22] <Azzco> mkfs.vfat command not found. Anyone?
[15:23] <Wizard> ok, enough kde4 :D
[15:23] <Wizard> mkdosfs
[15:23] <flipstar> Azzco: its a kernel thing i think ..are you running the common generic kernel ?
[15:24] <Azzco> flipstar: The default generic from what I know
[15:24] <Wizard> it's not a kernel thing
[15:24] <Azzco> Found dosfstools, thanks Wizard :)
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
[15:25] <Wizard> your welcome
[15:26] <florian_> hi
[15:26] <Wizard> hi
[15:26] <florian_> do you speek engish?
[15:27] <Wizard> yes
[15:27] <Wizard> ;D
[15:27] <jim> hi
[15:27] <jim> me 2
[15:27] <florian_> wer spricht hier deutsch?
[15:27] <Odd-rationale> !de
[15:27] <jim> nine
[15:27] <ubotu> Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[15:29] <Coggz> hmm, that page was good Jucato, but the keys dont work with that
[15:30] <Jucato> oh sorry Coggz. that's the only one I now
[15:30] <jim> does any1 need help in here ?
[15:30] * Wizard
[15:30] <jim> i have had every problem imaginable
[15:30] <jim> i can help any1 !
[15:31] <Wizard> jim: why the hell system freezes after closing lid?
[15:31] <jim> i dunno
[15:31] <jim> dont ask me
[15:31] <jim> :)
[15:31] <Wizard> i configured it to do suspend to ram
[15:31] * jim giggles
[15:31] <Odd-rationale> jim: how about Networkmanager error messages on shutdown?
[15:31] <jim> Hmmm
[15:31] <kedar> I am having some trouble when installing KDE4 on my Kubuntu Gutsy box. I added the repository "http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu gutsy main" to my sources.list file and ran update
[15:31] <Wizard> ;D
[15:31] * jim phones a friend
[15:31] <Jucato> Wizard: suspend to ram has always been flaky in Kubuntu imho
[15:31] <jim> NO wait
[15:31] <jim> ill Pass
[15:32] <kedar> Now when I try "apt-get install kde4-core" it gives me lots of dependancy issues
[15:32] <kedar> is this known issue >
[15:32] <Jucato> kedar: #kubuntu-kde4 might be of more help
[15:32] <kedar> Jucato: thanks for pointing
[15:33] * jim points at kedar
[15:34] <Wizard> Jucato: it worked perfectly in debian
[15:34] <Wizard> strange
[15:34] <Wizard> i don't wan't to reinstall now
[15:34] <krisx> trying to install the new xfi driver from my desktop can anyone help
[15:34] <Jucato> Wizard: Debian and Ubuntu have different setups... like kernels...
[15:35] <krisx> spent to long in windows became stupid
[15:35] <Wizard> yeah.. i don't remember witch kernel was used in debian sid
[15:37] <Coggz> !file
[15:37] <ubotu> An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview
[15:38] <krisx> ty
[15:39] <krisx> bye
[15:40] <christopher> when I install the latest version of kubuntu I get lines running up and down the screen. any suggestions?
[15:41] <Coggz> !acerhk
[15:41] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about acerhk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[15:41] <Jucato> christopher: if by latest, you mean Hardy, please try asking in #ubuntu+1
[15:42] <christopher> ok thanks
=== fabi is now known as aceta
[15:48] <Coggz> ok, i would like someone to aid me in getting hotkeys on my Acer Travelmate C111TCi (C110) working, that includes wlan, Bluetooth, volume...
[15:48] <USN1520> hello all, I just installed kubuntu-desktop on top of ubuntu base. When logging in I get the 'cannot start kdestartupconfig' how do I correct this?
[15:50] <jim> Oh i know what how i can help ppl
[15:51] <jim> i can help by showing where the on and off switch is
[15:51] * jim :)
[15:51] <fdoving> USN1520: did you install kde3 or kde4?
[15:51] <USN1520> I installed the kde currently in Hardy
[15:52] <USN1520> not really sure
[15:52] <fdoving> there are two :)
[15:52] <USN1520> how do I determine version
[15:52] <fdoving> USN1520: if you want kde on kubuntu you should probably install the package 'kubuntu-desktop'
[15:52] <USN1520> that is what I installed
[15:53] <fdoving> USN1520: then you have kde3. and you should have kstartupconfig too.
[15:54] <USN1520> fdoving: so what would make it not run when KDM loaded it?
[15:54] <fdoving> USN1520: that is a good question,
[15:55] <USN1520> fdoving: can I run it from GNOME in a terminal
[15:55] <fdoving> you can try?
[15:55] <fdoving> i need to go. bye.
[15:56] <USN1520> thanks
[15:56] <USN1520> I appreciate your help
[15:57] <liam> hi i am new to kubuntu
[15:57] <TodoSoft> Port re-opening, it{s not puntually closed, though Nmap scans it as such
[15:57] <liam> i need help
[16:00] <florian_> whats up?
[16:01] <Coggz> how do i add a module to modprobe?
[16:02] <TodoSoft> modprove MODULE
[16:02] <TodoSoft> modprobe MODULE
[16:03] <liam> is there a updatemanager for kde
[16:03] <TodoSoft> !open a port
[16:03] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about open a port - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[16:04] <Coggz> !modprobe
[16:04] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about modprobe - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[16:04] <Coggz> modprobe acerhk, like that TodoSoft
[16:05] <florian_> sry no idea
[16:09] <TodoSoft> Coggz yup
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[16:22] <florian_> hi
[16:23] <Coggz^> hi all again
=== Coggz^ is now known as Coggz
=== luke__ is now known as Coggz^^
=== Coggz^^ is now known as Coggz^
[16:31] <szakulec_> hi i was looking for the ktorrent temp files, which I found, but the torrent files there don
[16:31] <szakulec_> don't show up as torrent files
[16:31] <Wizard> do they have strange names?
[16:31] <Wizard> copy it somewhere and rename it to something.torrent
[16:32] <Coggz^> !wlan
[16:32] <ubotu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[16:32] <Coggz^> !wifi
[16:32] <szakulec_> Wizard: that seems like it might work- thanks!
[16:33] <Wizard> [MX]Mitsuzero: your welcome
[16:33] <Wizard> damn
[16:33] <Wizard> szakulec_: your welcome
[16:34] <gnoob> Does the 8.04 CD have let you install KDE 4.0 or is KDE 4.0 included in a special version?
[16:35] <gnoob> The remix
[16:35] <Wizard> gnoob: i installed it later using apt
[16:35] <Wizard> first i did ana update, than installed kde4
[16:35] <gnoob> That's true, either way I guess it would update.
[16:36] <gnoob> Think I will start downloading it. I have never used Ubuntu or kubuntu. I am going to have my dad try it.
[16:36] <Jucato> !khardy | gnoob
[16:36] <ubotu> gnoob: Kubuntu Hardy Heron expects to ship with both KDE 3 and KDE 4 as 2 separate disks. KDE 3 should be offered by shipit. The KDE 3 CD will be commercially supported for 18 months and KDE 4 will be community supported
[16:37] <pjv> hey guys how do i make amarok be the default player when i plug in my ipod. I'm using KDE
[16:38] <blackflag> Hello all :)
[16:38] <blackflag> I have a external HD attached via usb
[16:39] <blackflag> The problem is when I copy to this HD i get transfer rates und 1 MB
[16:39] <blackflag> usb is 2.0
[16:39] <blackflag> what can I configure tomake the connection faster?
[16:39] <blackflag> can someone help?
[16:41] <jack_spratt> blackflag: havent experiences this im afraid, googled low usb trasfer speeds in kubuntu?
[16:43] <benpicco> Hi, how can I get konqueror to acces a CD by /media/cdrom0 (or whatever the mountpoint is) instead of media:/scd0?
[16:45] <benpicco> it's really anoying, in those media:/ paths, there is no preview, ark or okkular (kde4 versions) can't access data there and copy & paste of those paths is impossible
[16:45] <benpicco> what's the idea behind this behaviour at all?
[16:46] <Daisuke_Ido> benpicco, the idea is to drive kde users batty
[16:47] <Jucato> benpicco: Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> Previews & Meta Data -> Local Protocol -> check [ ] media
[16:47] <Daisuke_Ido> at least, that's what i've gathered.
[16:48] <Jucato> it once served its purpose, but it's getting cumbersome.. so it's gone in KDE 4 now
[16:48] <Jucato> although I don't know why you aren't able to access data there
[16:48] <benpicco> ark is not able to acces this data
[16:49] * Jucato sees that more as Ark's limitation... Ark is sucky...
[16:49] <benpicco> okular has the same problem
[16:49] <Daisuke_Ido> benpicco, nor can k9copy or okula.. yeah
[16:50] <benpicco> another wired thing is that mountpoints in media:/ are named compleatly different
[16:50] <benpicco> than the ones in /media
[16:50] <Jucato> okular is normal.. kde4 doesn't know media:/
[16:50] <Daisuke_Ido> besides, having multiple partitions of the same size, i much prefer dealing with them by name rather than by size... that would be like giving identical triplets the same name
[16:51] <Jucato> unlike media:/, though, you can't give arbitrary labels to those /media mount points
[16:51] <Jucato> (But then again, who needs arbitrary labels)
[16:52] <Jucato> anyway, as for changing media:/ to /media... Kubuntu did that with Feisty (or was it Edgy), but unfortunately KDE 3 is not very adaptable to that change as a whole...
[16:52] <Jucato> too many issues, so it was reverted
[16:56] <Coggz^> how do i use a command like echo on > /proc/driver/acerhk/led in thunderbird?
[16:58] <nosrednaekim> Coggz^: #mozilla ...
[17:01] <Coggz^> nosrednaekim: thanks
[17:03] <hydrogen> could someone please backport the libqt4-ruby fix from hardy?..
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=== luke__ is now known as Coggz
[17:17] <amerigo> how to lock my ip address??? kubuntu cange ery times
[17:17] <amerigo> i've miss the "h"s
[17:18] <amerigo> ! xubuntu
[17:18] <ubotu> Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels
[17:19] <vLdSS> anyone know how to get a spell checker onto kile?
[17:22] <liam> how do i coustomize kde
[17:23] <Jucato> !changethemes | liam
[17:23] <ubotu> liam: To change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy. Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubotu xfce-themes
[17:26] <jhutchins> amerigo: It's not kubuntu that's changing your IP, it's your ISP.
[17:26] <zizou> salut
[17:27] <zizou> Vous me comprenez Y a des français ?
[17:27] <amerigo> jhutchins: yes I means right this, but I don't know where I had to fix it
[17:27] <NickPresta> !fr | zizou
[17:27] <ubotu> zizou: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.
[17:27] <jhutchins> amerigo: You can't.
[17:27] <zizou> Ok thanks ubotu
[17:28] <ctw> Hi! I'd like to ubrade to the Hardy RC. I saw these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades/Kubuntu ... unfortunately, I don't get the "version upgrade" button in the adept manager. In the past I've just manually changed the release name in the sources.list file, but I figured maybe it's safer to do it the recommended way. Any advice?
[17:32] <amerigo> jhutchins: I've just check my situation.... kubuntu when start gives an ip address randomly. it belong to a lan and the server tell me the differt ip each time i retart
[17:32] <amerigo> restart
[17:33] <amerigo> this pc sometimes take the ip address of my lan printer...
[17:33] <amerigo> ... and there are some problem
[17:35] <liam> how do i update kde
[17:35] <amerigo> this is because i have dhcp "active", but if I give a ip address manually >>>> lan don't works
[17:36] <std> hi everybody
[17:36] <std> cya
[17:37] <ctw> Does anybody know why I might not have the "version upgrade" button in adept manager, and if just changing sources.list is advisable?
[17:38] <szakulec_> when I did an upgrade before, you needed to check off some of the other repositiories
[17:39] <amerigo> ! lan
[17:39] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about lan - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[17:39] <jhutchins> amerigo: What is providing dhcp?
[17:40] <amerigo> jhutchins: Xp home computer, tha works like server
[17:41] <jhutchins> amerigo: Not recommended, but you need to reserve the printer's IP address.
[17:41] <amerigo> (if i have understand your question)
[17:41] <jhutchins> amerigo: Also reserve any other manually assigned address.
[17:41] <cecko> hi, my ubuntu does recognize CDMA modem but it does not connect it to /dev/usb/ttyACM0
[17:41] <cecko> any ideas?
[17:42] <cecko> I have the /dev/usb/ttyACM0 file
[17:42] <jhutchins> amerigo: You can also tie a specific address to the MAC of your linux box and it will always assign that address instead of "random" addresses.
[17:42] <jhutchins> cecko: What does it connect it to?
[17:43] <cecko> jhutchins I don't know it's friends box.
[17:43] <cecko> dmesg says there is the USB ACM modem
[17:43] <amerigo> jhutchins: printer's ip is always the same. Can you give me an example of MAC address?? Where I can see it??
[17:43] <cecko> jhutchins but calling with pppd says: unrecognized device /dev/usb/ttyACM0
[17:44] <yao_ziyuan> i just installed kde4-core
[17:44] <yao_ziyuan> found it not useful
[17:44] <yao_ziyuan> but i have set kde4 as the default window manager
[17:44] <yao_ziyuan> how do i set it back to kdm?
[17:44] <jim> hey my lil icons that close the windows and minimise them are gone ! how do i get them back ! i cant even move the screen thats open unless i press alt
[17:46] <cecko> jhutchins any ideas? how do I find out what device in /dev the modem is? it did not list any /dev address in dmesg
[17:46] <Jucato> jim: if you can get to a Konsole (or if right-click on desktop -> Run Command works), type "kwin --replace"
[17:46] <Jucato> yao_ziyuan: kde4-core is too "basic" and won't contain much useful stuff. #kubuntu-kde4 for KDE 4 questions
[17:47] <yao_ziyuan> either my window manager or my display manager has changed to kde4. i want it back to kde3...
[17:47] <yao_ziyuan> what is kde3's default x window manager? kwin or metacity?
[17:47] <Jucato> if you have kde3 installed, just logout, then choose KDE 3 from the Session
[17:47] <SSJ_GZ> yao_ziyuan: kwin
[17:47] <Jucato> kwin of coursze
[17:48] <Jucato> metacity is GNOME's window manager
[17:48] <yao_ziyuan> now it's metacity but everything seems the same
[17:48] <algyz> Hi, trying to manage with partitions with qtparted, but it is not allowing to create one more primary partition http://img329.imageshack.us/img329/3703/partitionsar4.png
[17:49] <yao_ziyuan> then, how to change the default display manager?
[17:49] <metbsd> where do i get kubuntu live dvd?
[17:50] <yao_ziyuan> done
[17:50] <yao_ziyuan> sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm
[17:50] <metbsd> kubuntu = debian?
[17:51] <hydrogen> yes = no?
[17:52] <yao_ziyuan> when i was installing kde4-core,
[17:53] <yao_ziyuan> configuration went halfway and adept-manager silently crashed
[17:53] <yao_ziyuan> \
[17:53] <yao_ziyuan> now it says kde4-core is "installed"
[17:53] <yao_ziyuan> but i doubt some packages are not configured
[17:54] <yao_ziyuan> maybe i should remove kde4-core, run an autoremove, then install kde4-core again?
[18:07] <metbsd> it's 2008, why do we still need to edit a file to get different resolution
[18:13] <chull> ms
[18:14] * chull smiles
[18:14] <ubuntu> Hola a todos!
[18:14] <dhq> fdoving: hi
=== ubuntu is now known as lobogris412
[18:14] <oem> sakra kde to jsem?? vůbec to tady nechápu
[18:15] <hydrogen> !cz | oem
[18:15] <ubotu> oem: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.
=== oem is now known as viggos
[18:15] <ActionParsni1> hey all
[18:15] <ActionParsni1> how can I make firefox want to remember a usename / password for a aprticular site if I said never remember it previously?
[18:15] <dhq> well i have a problem knetwork manager does not connect to wifi network........ it connects once and doesnt connect again till reboot
[18:15] <chull> this is chalcedony and husband, he had youtube working ok last night and tried to run something abot 'magicjack' the new phone thing.. and now all the youtubes AND that one sound all ripply.
[18:15] <lobogris412> alguien en espa~ol?
[18:15] <viggos> sorry, používám tohle poprvé, sem zvyklej na icq
[18:15] <jussio1> !es | lobogris412
[18:15] <ubotu> lobogris412: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[18:16] <lobogris412> gracias :)
[18:16] <jussio1> :)
[18:16] <lobogris412> xD
[18:16] <chull> :)
[18:20] <chull> how to fix sound problems in gutsy kubuntu?
[18:21] <jussio1> chull: which sc, whats the issue?
[18:22] <chull> jussi01, it's my husband's computer, he was watching a youtube but now all the youtube's sound is messed up
[18:23] <theuser1> using g4l ghost for linux to make image file backup for my ext3 partition having the ubuntu os, error message i get is unable to read from image block 0 , any help?
[18:23] <jussio1> chull: can you give any more info, how is it messed up, does it work for other things? which sound card do you have?
[18:23] <chull> jussi01, how to get the name of his soundcard ?
[18:24] <jussio1> lspci
[18:24] <chull> my husband can't speak or hear.. we have to guess what he wants to tell me
[18:24] <chull> ty
[18:25] <chull> jussio1, 00:0b.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy LS
[18:26] <sigma_1234> is hardy relatively free of bugs now?
[18:26] <jussio1> chull: Im a little confused, if your husband cannot hear, how can he tell if the sound is bad?
[18:26] <chull> jussi01, his sound was ok, and then we ran the youtube about 'magicjack' it was like underwater
[18:27] <jussio1> sigma_1234: #ubuntu+1 please
[18:27] <chull> jussi01, i say hear ... he had a stroke which damaged the language center of his brain, he can hear, just not process language
[18:27] <jussio1> ah. can you give me the you tube link so I can test here?
[18:28] <chull> yes
[18:29] <jussio1> chull: I need to go out for a bit, I should be back within the hour.
[18:29] <chull> http://www.magicjack.com/1/index.asp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WkcefWzjkg&feature=related
[18:29] <chull> jussio1, thank you very much .. there are the links
[18:30] <theuser1> using g4l ghost for linux to make image file backup for my ext3 partition having the ubuntu os, error message i get is unable to read from image block 0 , g4l uses partiimage and that uses the dd comand i think..... any help?
[18:34] <rdragon> quick question: is kubuntu 8.04 going to be an LTS release?
[18:35] <djouallah> is any one is using kubuntu 8.04-kde4 in arabic !
[18:36] <ja> koledzy mam duzy problem pomozecie
[18:36] <hydrogen> rdragon: nope
[18:37] <djouallah> or hebrew ?
[18:37] <Devourer> When I open a terminal and hit maximize it doesn't maximize... why?
[18:38] <theuser1> using g4l ghost for linux to make image file backup for my ext3 partition having the ubuntu os, error message i get is unable to read from image block 0 , g4l uses partiimage and that uses the dd comand i think..... any help?
[18:40] <Devourer> Does KDE have it's own terminal?
[18:40] <djouallah> yep Devourer
[18:40] <djouallah> konsole
[18:41] <ja> chcialem zainstalowac dystrybucje zenwalk ale instalator sam zrobil partycjowanie wiec ja sie przestraszylem i zresetowalem kompa i zostalo zajelo mu to 2s ale ja chce odzyskac ntfs
[18:41] <Devourer> djouallah, I don't see it under utilities.
[18:42] <djouallah> perhaps it not installed !
[18:42] <hydrogen> !pl | ja
[18:42] <ubotu> ja: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl
[18:42] <Pliskin> Devourer : System
[18:43] * djouallah is in work no access to kde here !
[18:43] <theuser1> can any one recomend an easy to use utilitiy that can make image of a partition for backup and can support compression?
[18:43] <Devourer> Pliskin, thanks.
[18:43] <Devourer> djdarkman, lol.
[18:46] <nauman> can ny one help me on using kubuntu
[18:47] <Devourer> How can I add a link to the quick launcher panel?
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[18:50] <djouallah> is any one is using kubuntu 8.04-kde4 in arabic !
[18:50] <Devourer> How can I make a link?
[18:51] <Pliskin> I have tested KDE3 in arabic before, but not KDE4
[18:52] <Pliskin> (excuse my english)
[18:52] <djouallah> Pliskin, u have not to excuse
[18:52] <djouallah> actually i am using kde4 under windows
[18:52] <djouallah> but arabic don't want to show
[18:53] <Wizard> djouallah: and what about linux? did you see arabic text?
[18:54] <djouallah> i never triy it before, to be honest ;) on linux, i use english
[18:54] <Wizard> :P
[18:54] <djouallah> but as i am testing kde under windows and as i speak arabic
[18:55] <Wizard> hmm, try asking on #kde
[18:55] <djouallah> let's say bug hunting :)
[18:55] <djouallah> already done
[18:55] <djouallah> not much arab there !
[18:55] <Wizard> so i'm out of ideas :D
[18:55] <djouallah> hehe
[18:56] <Wizard> 1. i don't use windows.. 2. i know only few arabic words (mostly curses)
[18:56] <Pliskin> under linux, there is a package for arabic
[18:56] <Pliskin> have you installed the same for windows ?
[18:56] <Wizard> ah, right!
[18:56] <djouallah> yeah but it don't show
[18:57] <Wizard> did you set language in control center?
[18:57] <djouallah> Wizard, u mean systemesetting in kde4
[18:58] <djouallah> it is not availabe on windows, u have to type kcmsell4 language :)
[18:58] <Wizard> lol
[18:58] <Wizard> cool
[18:59] <djouallah> Wizard, what's cool !
[18:59] <Wizard> djouallah: using kcmshell to set things up ;D
[19:00] <djouallah> but i hope we get a gui for windows :)
[19:01] <Wizard> djouallah: does kde4 replaces windows shell?
[19:01] <djouallah> no of course it is just the applications
[19:01] <Wizard> or it just runs kde apps on top of windows shell?
[19:01] <djouallah> latter
[19:01] <Wizard> ah, too bad
[19:02] <djouallah> no in the contrary, what matter are apps
[19:03] <Wizard> brb
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[19:03] <Jack111> hi can anybody help, i cannot view pdfs or images embedded in the konqueror or dolphin, just externally
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[19:04] <Jack111> tried to change file associations but it wont work
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[19:04] <scarygary> Sorry about that..
[19:05] <Jack111> netscape plugin viewer wont work
[19:06] <yakuzi> I'm wondering, if i want to make a triple boot (winXP, Kubuntu, Arch Linux) can i use this partition scheme: boot,windows,swap,kubuntu,Arch Linux, data partition? So that Kubuntu and Arch use both the same swap partition?
[19:07] <Devourer> Is there a libxine-ffmpeg package?
[19:07] <Devourer> I'm trying to get amarok to play wma's.
[19:07] <Pliskin> They can use the same swap partition I think, but not the same /home
[19:09] <yakuzi> the /home is on each linux partition because i store my data on the fat32 data partition (windows needs acces too heh)
[19:10] <Pliskin> so it will work I guess
[19:11] <dek> I have installed KDE4 and it is now my default WM, but I want KDE3 to be default. How do I change it?
[19:11] <Jack111> does anybody know how to get embedded pdf viewing in dolphin or konqueror
[19:12] <Pliskin> dek : KDM choose the latest WM to be default, doesn't it ?
[19:12] <hydrogen> there should be an options button
[19:12] <hydrogen> on kdm
[19:13] <dek> Pliskin: I mean that when I login, I get the KDE4 desktop instead of KDE3 login screen
[19:13] <scarygary> Does anyone know if there's a patch available for the native rt2870(D-link DWA-140) driver to make it compile in hardy?
[19:14] <Pliskin> dek : ah, have you deactivated kdm ?
[19:15] <dek> Pliskin: no
[19:15] <dek> Pliskin: I want to make KDE3 default desktop again
[19:15] <Devourer> How can I make FireFox my default browser?
[19:15] <Pliskin> Devourer : KControl > Default apps
[19:18] <dek> Pliskin: found it! had to do dpkg-reconfigure kdm
[19:19] <Pliskin> dek : sorry, I didn't help you :/
[19:19] <dek> Pliskin: np ;)
[19:27] <Jack111> anybody experienced with dolphin or konqueror?
[19:27] * Wizard
[19:27] <Wizard> with konqueror
[19:27] <Wizard> i've been using it since kde 2
[19:29] <Jack111> Wizard: i have got the prob i cannot use it for embedded pic or pdf viewing, so annoying to wait for other progs to load
[19:29] <Wizard> Jack111: so you want to enable thumbnails, right?
[19:30] <Wizard> go to konq settings and view 'metadata and thumbnails'
[19:30] <Wizard> something like this
[19:31] <Jack111> Wizard: yes, but view it larger like in 100%
[19:31] <Pliskin> I think he talks about the KPDF KPart
[19:31] <Wizard> hmm..
[19:32] <Wizard> so right-klick and select preview in
[19:34] <Devourer> Pliskin, I don't see the default apps options.
[19:34] <Devourer> Pliskin, found it.
[19:39] <yoanis> hi there
[19:40] <zizou> #kubuntu-fr
[19:40] <yoanis> i've an hp pavilion dv200 and when i hit Fn-F5
[19:40] <yoanis> the laptop it's supposed to be suspended
[19:40] <yoanis> and it doesn't
[19:41] <yoanis> this thing was working .. but now is not. i'm just looking for some advice about
[19:41] <yoanis> places and configurations to check
[19:42] <geburah> hi all
[19:42] <Jack111> Wizard: Pliskin, it works fine in kde 3 konqu, but not in kde 4, it stops with the message loading netscape plugin for file xyz.pdf, also it always loads gwenview when trying to view it embedded even though i associadted it for the embedded preview
[19:44] <Pliskin> why does it load netscape plugin for a pdg ?
[19:44] <Pliskin> pdf*
[19:44] <geburah> has anyone got experience with hardware raid0 ?
[19:45] <Wizard> geburah: me, but only on freebsd
[19:45] <geburah> i have got 2x500Gb in RAID0, but from fdisk and from gparted i see two disks, not a single big one
[19:46] <Wizard> ls /dev
[19:46] <Wizard> look for raid or something like this
[19:46] <Wizard> alse see dmesg | less
[19:46] <Wizard> and make sure raid is actually enabled
[19:47] <geburah> no *raid* in /dev
[19:47] <geburah> what should i look for in dmesg?
[19:47] <Wizard> hmm, something about disk initialisation
[19:47] <Wizard> i don't know how linux marks raid devices
[19:48] <Wizard> i wasn't so crazy to install linux on server ;D
[19:48] <geburah> hehehe
[19:48] <geburah> i see
[19:48] <geburah> i do this at work, with red hat
[19:48] <geburah> but i don't want to use red hat at home
[19:48] <Wizard> check dmesg
[19:49] <Wizard> it should tell you what hardware was detected
[19:49] <Wizard> it is not long listing
[19:49] <geburah> yeap, but i can't see any raid ata ll
[19:49] <Wizard> hmm
[19:49] <Wizard> maybe it's disabled in bios?
[19:50] <geburah> i enabled it ( or taht is what i think )
[19:50] <Wizard> mine ibm had alot options to control raid config from bios
[19:50] <geburah> i am going to start IRC in anotehr computer so i can reboot this one and check it
[19:50] <Wizard> i spent half day on configuration :P
[19:50] <geburah> i'll be back ;)
[19:50] <Wizard> k
[19:52] <florian> hi
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[19:57] <geburah> hi all
[19:57] <theunixgeek> I can't get my screen resolution past 1024x786. How can I fix this?
[19:57] <theunixgeek> I want to get it to 1280x1024
[19:57] <Wizard> theunixgeek: use flamethrower
[19:57] <Wizard> and seriously, try with vesa
[19:57] <theunixgeek> Wizard: what's vesa?
[19:58] <theunixgeek> oh, that
[19:58] <theunixgeek> hmm... I think I have an idea.
[19:58] <theunixgeek> I'll restart X since I just installed the restricted drivers.
[19:58] <Wizard> with flamethrower?
[19:58] <theunixgeek> I'll be right back
[19:59] <geburah> I have teh RAID BIOS on screen right now
[19:59] <andrewmin> does anyone know when the next kubuntu lts is?
[19:59] <Wizard> andrewmin: site says in 5 days
[19:59] <andrewmin> Wizard: isn't that just for ubuntu?
[19:59] <DiViN3> [-Hi-] there i need some help in getting my psybnc running
[20:00] <DiViN3> anyone care to help me
[20:00] <geburah> i see two identical drives as RAID0 under ARRAY0
[20:00] <claydoh> andrewmin: there has been no announcement on which version the next Kubuntu LTS version will be, yet
[20:01] <andrewmin> claydoh: thanks
[20:01] <DiViN3> claydoh : can u assist me plz
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[20:01] <theunixgeek> Wizard: I have it working now :)
[20:02] <theunixgeek> thanks
[20:02] <Wizard> geburah: so it should be detected by linux
[20:02] <geburah> Wizard: it was not
[20:02] <Wizard> :S
[20:02] <linuxbomb> I installed kde4 but I still have no krunner. How can I install krunner?
[20:02] <DiViN3> Wizard : are you free to help me
[20:02] <Wizard> DiViN3: shoot
[20:03] <geburah> i am going to boot into Windows see if the problems exists there as well
[20:03] <theunixgeek> How do I update to KDE 4?
[20:03] <DiViN3> Wizard: i cant install psybnc in my kubuntu box
[20:03] <claydoh> DiViN3: just ask, there are many good folks in here :)
[20:03] <DiViN3> i m getting error 1
[20:04] <geburah> theunixgeek: are you already in HArdy?
[20:04] <DiViN3> cant even compile conf
[20:04] <theunixgeek> geburah: no. Hardy messes up my install.
[20:04] <geburah> theunixgeek: gutsy?
[20:04] <theunixgeek> yes
[20:04] <Wizard> what's psybnc?
[20:05] <DiViN3> errk
[20:05] <Wizard> and seriously, DiViN3, are you compiling from source?
[20:05] <DiViN3> well i download it from the wget n install
[20:05] <claydoh> theunixgeek: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.3.php
[20:05] <theunixgeek> thanks
[20:05] <DiViN3> but when i type make - it showss erroe
[20:06] <benjamin_> does anyone have any 7.10 sound problem experience
[20:06] <theunixgeek> after I install KDE 4, how do I remove KDE 3 and the KDE 3 apps?
[20:06] <DiViN3> make: *** [all] Error 1
[20:06] <geburah> so you want to move permanaently to kde 4?
[20:07] <benjamin_> 7.10 sound anyone?
[20:07] <theunixgeek> geburah: yes
[20:07] <benjamin_> fresh install and I have no sound
[20:07] <geburah> theunixgeek: have you sen this?
[20:07] <geburah> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/gutsy/kde4/
[20:07] <DiViN3> so can i know the way of resolve that problem
[20:07] <theunixgeek> geburah: no
[20:07] <theunixgeek> :P
[20:07] <Wizard> DiViN3: paste ~20 last messages on pastebin.ca
[20:07] <jhutchins> benjamin_: does alsamixer run in console?
[20:07] <claydoh> theunixgeek: removing kde3 is tricky, id suggest trying the kde4 hardy disk
[20:08] <theunixgeek> geburah: thanks; I'll try it out :)
[20:08] <theunixgeek> claydoh: no, I keep getting dropped to a busybox shell
[20:08] <claydoh> theunixgeek: but in kde4 you might still need some kde3 app right now
[20:08] <benjamin_> jhutchins yes
[20:08] <DiViN3> Wizard : dont mind how do i paste the messages in pastebin
[20:08] <theunixgeek> claydoh: just a few, I hope ;)
[20:08] <jhutchins> benjamin_: All inputs/outputs on and up?
[20:08] <Wizard> DiViN3: you will need to install header files (-dev packages) to compile psybnc
[20:09] <geburah> theunixgeek: i would not move permanently to kde4 at the moment
[20:09] <Wizard> DiViN3: open browser -> pastebin.ca -> right click on text field -> paste
[20:09] <DiViN3> ok wats the command to install that packages
[20:09] <theunixgeek> geburah: why not?
[20:09] <benjamin_> jhutchins: well now they are let me check, if this fixed it
[20:09] <theunixgeek> geburah: I've tried it before and I like it
[20:09] <jhutchins> theunixgeek: It's not finished. Most of the programs you actually USE the computer for aren't ported. But, hey, it looks great!
[20:09] <geburah> theunixgeek: too new, too buggy still, lack of features
[20:09] <benjamin_> line in and iec958 have no bars
[20:09] <geburah> theunixgeek: too tender
[20:09] <theunixgeek> geburah: anyway, isn't the remaster a bit old :P
[20:09] <geburah> :D
[20:10] <theunixgeek> jhutchins: :)
[20:10] <geburah> theunixgeek: you shuld be able to update from repositories
[20:10] <xoqa> are there plans for a port of konq-plugins to kde4 soon?
[20:10] <claydoh> theunixgeek: there is a hardy RC disc for KDE4-only install
[20:10] * xoqa wants a restore feature
[20:10] <geburah> apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade
[20:10] <geburah> as root
[20:10] <jhutchins> xoqa: Install a backup package and use it.
[20:10] <theunixgeek> claydoh: again, it keeps dropping me to a busybox shell
[20:10] <geburah> or use sudo
[20:10] <DiViN3> Wizard: wats the url for pastebin.ca
[20:10] <jhutchins> benjamin_: progress?
[20:11] <benjamin_> jhutchins: still no sound
[20:11] <geburah> Wizard: I think i know what the problem is
[20:11] <theunixgeek> I'll try the remaster CD
[20:11] <xoqa> umm.. there's a backup package for konqueror-kde4? :P no way
[20:11] <claydoh> theunixgeek: then a server gutsy install disk, no gui, then add the repos and install kde4
[20:11] <geburah> i have no drivers loaded for this RAID controller
[20:11] <xoqa> for the open tabs that is
[20:11] <benjamin_> jhutchins we had sound on the live cd
[20:11] <theunixgeek> is there a torrent for the kde 4 remaster?
[20:11] <ShishKabab> Hi! I want to help a friend install his Ubuntu Server.... I have SSH access. I there any way he could watch what I'm doing?
[20:12] <jhutchins> benjamin_: sudo cat /boot/vmlinuz<tab> > /dev/dsp
[20:12] <claydoh> theunixgeek: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HardyHeron/RC/Kubuntu#head-7278e1b8b1ee7a1bfff91a03418e4ee371ddbcdb
[20:12] <jhutchins> benjamin_: Should make noise. Ctrl-C to stop.
[20:12] <theunixgeek> claydoh: I keep telling you, the Hardy CDs keep dropping me to a busybox shell!
[20:12] <claydoh> theunixgeek: cancel that bad link
[20:13] <benjamin_> got no noise
[20:13] <jhutchins> benjamin_: but alsamixer is good. Hm. Hardware check time.
[20:13] <jhutchins> benjamin_: Speakers plugged in correctly and turned on and up.
[20:14] <benjamin_> jhutchins yeah, and the hardware was working yesterday when this was a murdersoft box
[20:14] <claydoh> theunixgeek: then as i said, the only way currently to get a Gutsy only kde4 is a server install of ubunru (no gui) then add the kde4 repos and install that way
[20:14] <jhutchins> benjamin_: That was yesterday, worth checking.
[20:14] <claydoh> afaik
[20:14] <DiViN3> Wizard: i hv paste it already
[20:14] <benjamin_> jhutchins all the pretty lights are on
[20:14] <theunixgeek> claydoh: ok
[20:14] <jhutchins> benjamin_: is kmix running (speaker icon in systray)?
[20:15] <benjamin_> jhutchins kmix is up
[20:15] <jhutchins> benjamin_: Try playing something, open kmix and move the ballance off of center.
[20:15] <claydoh> theunixgeek: but it migh be worth it to see if there are any fixes/etc for your hardy problem
[20:15] <benjamin_> jhutchins I've been using dapper and there normall is a little green light at the top of kmix in the kicker now there's a blue squiggle is that supposed to be there
[20:16] <theunixgeek> the live cd for hardy keeps dropping me to a busybox shell. how do I fix this?
[20:16] <jhutchins> Hm. Open kmix and see what it looks like.
[20:16] <benjamin_> there's no green dot on top of pcm
[20:16] <claydoh> theunixgeek: dunno, maybe a forum search ? (depends on your hardware probably)
[20:17] <jhutchins> theunixgeek: check md5sum of iso & cd.
[20:17] <claydoh> theunixgeek: also try an alternate install...text-based non-live cd
[20:17] <claydoh> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-kde4/releases/8.04/rc/
[20:17] <claydoh> kubuntu-kde4-8.04-rc-alternate-i386.iso
[20:17] <theunixgeek> jhutchins: works fine in an emulator :P
[20:17] <DiViN3> Wizard : so any resolutions to this issue
[20:18] <knulfine> would someone tell me the german channel please?
[20:18] <benjamin_> jhutchins
[20:18] <benjamin_> jhutchins fixed the problem
[20:18] <ubuntu> hello
[20:18] <claydoh> knulfine: #kubuntu-de iirc
[20:18] <ubuntu> i am currently using the Kubuntu live CD
[20:18] <knulfine> thanks
[20:18] <benjamin_> jhutchins appearently I cannot tell the difference between an on green light in kmix and an off light
[20:19] <benjamin_> we're good now
[20:19] <benjamin_> thanks for the help
[20:20] <ubuntu> i have 2 problems: 1_ Konqueror doesn't connect to the internet , 2_ i have 2 partitions of roughly the same size, i don't know which is which :/ how can i know ? (i want a duel boot, meaning that i must know which one i want to"cut")
=== ubuntu is now known as blackmail
[20:21] <blackmail> has anyone got an idea ?
[20:21] <rootlinuxusr> what's the issue?
[20:21] <blackmail> is sda1 always C:\ on windows?
[20:21] <ShishKabab> Hi! I want to help a friend install his Ubuntu Server.... I have SSH access. I there any way he could watch what I'm doing?
[20:21] <blackmail> i have 2 problems: 1_ Konqueror doesn't connect to the internet , 2_ i have 2 partitions of roughly the same size, i don't know which is which :/ how can i know ? (i want a duel boot, meaning that i must know which one i want to"cut")
[20:21] <blackmail> that's the problem rootlinuxusr
[20:22] <blackmail> i'm on the LiveCD
[20:22] <rootlinuxusr> but you have one that has windows installed?
[20:22] <rootlinuxusr> then look through the ones in /media and look for Windows, Program Files, etc...
[20:22] <blackmail> yeah, my C:\ has windows (same disk, but 3 parts on it, one with vista, one for data, and one for restauration files)
[20:23] <rootlinuxusr> remove the vista install =/
[20:23] <rootlinuxusr> xD
[20:23] <blackmail> huh ? how do i do that? i want to cut G:\ , but i don't know if it's sda1 or sdz2
[20:23] <blackmail> sda2*
[20:23] <rootlinuxusr> but yes under /media look for the stereotypical windows files.
[20:24] <blackmail> there isn't anything in /media :/
[20:24] <blackmail> i haven't installed linux yet, i'm on the liveCD.
[20:25] <blackmail> so how can i differenciate the two partitions ? (is partition the right word for it ?)
[20:25] <rootlinuxusr> yeah
[20:26] <rootlinuxusr> umm... are you on KDE org GDE?
[20:26] <rootlinuxusr> or*
[20:26] <blackmail> actually, i think i know which partition G:\ is
[20:26] <blackmail> KDE
[20:26] <theunixgeek> rootlinuxusr: you mean GNOME ?
[20:26] <emilsedgh> what is GDE?
[20:26] <rootlinuxusr> yeah the gnome desktop environment
[20:26] <rootlinuxusr> kde desktop environment
[20:26] <theunixgeek> rootlinuxusr: um, no
[20:26] <l0mrw> hello. has anyone managed to use camcorder as mic, if connected via usb?
[20:26] <rootlinuxusr> no u.
[20:26] <theunixgeek> rootlinuxusr: GNU Object Model Environment
[20:27] <rootlinuxusr> eh, up for interpretation..
[20:27] <blackmail> oh oh
[20:27] <theunixgeek> rootlinuxusr: and it's the K Desktop Environment
[20:27] <blackmail> i think i just bugged
[20:27] <theunixgeek> rootlinuxusr: not KDE Desktop Environment
[20:27] <rootlinuxusr> yes, but could you not also say the KDE D. E.?
[20:27] <theunixgeek> rootlinuxusr: that would be wrong
[20:27] <rootlinuxusr> does that not also = KDE.
[20:28] <theunixgeek> it's the K D.E. :P
[20:28] <theunixgeek> rootlinuxusr: yeah, but it's not the right way to say it
[20:28] <blackmail> isn't the installer supposed to partition at the end of the thing ? i started partition or something
[20:28] <rootlinuxusr> so i forgot a modifier...sue me
[20:28] <rootlinuxusr> xD
[20:28] <blackmail> so i tried to quit, now it's not responding :/
[20:28] <theunixgeek> rootlinuxusr: http://kde.org/whatiskde/
[20:28] <GALIN^^> íÿêîé çíàå ëè Êóáóíòó 7.10 ðàçïîçíàâà ëè LAN Atheros l2 fast ethernet íà äúíî ÁÈÎÑÒÀÐ , 6.06 íå ÿ ðàçïîçíàâà
[20:28] <GALIN^^> ?
[20:28] <theunixgeek> rootlinuxusr: "KDE or the K Desktop Environment, is a ..... "
[20:29] <blackmail> guys ... how do i shutdown an application by force ?
[20:29] <rootlinuxusr> ps -aux
[20:29] <blackmail> the linux installer bugged :/
[20:29] <blackmail> huh ?
[20:29] <rootlinuxusr> or xkill
[20:29] <rootlinuxusr> and click on it
[20:29] <rootlinuxusr> from Terminal.
[20:30] <blackmail> doesn't xkill turn off the graphics mode ?
[20:30] <SlimeyPete> no
[20:30] <rootlinuxusr> xkill just lets you click on an x application and kill it
[20:30] <rootlinuxusr> not the x server.
[20:30] <blackmail> oh ok :)
[20:31] <blackmail> thanks
[20:31] <rootlinuxusr> that would be kill -9 Xorg
[20:31] <rootlinuxusr> or is it xorg? damn case-sensitivity...
[20:31] <l0mrw> any chance to tream audio from webcam/camcorder?
[20:32] <blackmail> now the install program won't load :D
[20:32] <deepfreez> Hi, i running kubuntu and i need a software for connecting my Phone Nokia S65 with usb a computer ( for add music , video , theme , etc )
[20:32] <deepfreez> howq can tell me a soft
[20:32] <blackmail> deepfreez: did you look on kde-apps ?
[20:32] <deepfreez> i use gnome
[20:33] <rootlinuxusr> wrong channel then
[20:33] <metbsd> anyone suggest a digital camera
[20:33] <rootlinuxusr> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=com.ubuntu%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&hs=8qI&q=read+nokia+phones+ubuntu&btnG=Search
[20:33] <blackmail> rootlinuxusr:
[20:33] <blackmail> the install won't load now that i killed it, how do i set it back ?
[20:34] <Wizard> DiViN3: give me the link :D
[20:34] <deepfreez> blackmail, can you help me?
[20:34] <blackmail> deepfreez: probably not :D
[20:34] <blackmail> ,ever installer linux yet ><
[20:34] <blackmail> never*
[20:35] <deepfreez> pfff
[20:35] <rootlinuxusr> deepfreez, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34740&highlight=obexserver
[20:35] <blackmail> rootlinuxusr: you there ?
[20:35] <rootlinuxusr> second link from that google page...
[20:35] <deepfreez> i don't have Bluetooth
[20:35] <blackmail> or anyone that know how to restart a program that i earlier killed
[20:35] <rootlinuxusr> look for the program terminal
[20:35] <rootlinuxusr> !terminal
[20:35] <ubotu> The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal
[20:36] <DiViN3> Wizard : the link is http://pastebin.ca/989820
[20:36] <blackmail> what do you mean ?i just killed the install thing for Kubuntu (i'm on the liveCD) , and i can't reopen it anymore
[20:36] <rootlinuxusr> i know. i'm trying to make sure it's killed.
[20:36] <antonio_> hola
[20:36] <rootlinuxusr> the other option, since it's a liveCD, is to just reboot
[20:37] <blackmail> there must be a simpler way to just reopen something right ?
[20:37] <blackmail> surely
[20:37] <antonio_> quien vive?
[20:37] <rootlinuxusr> there might be an install icon in the K menu
[20:38] <Wizard> DiViN3: could you paste more?
[20:38] <Wizard> it doesn't say anything
[20:38] <blackmail> but it there's the little mouse icon saying it's loading, then it just disappears
[20:39] <rootlinuxusr> try this, press ctrl-alt-backspace, it'll reboot without rebooting.... just reloads the X server...all the programs should be able to restart...
[20:39] <blackmail> ok i'll try
[20:40] * ubuntu_ is trying
=== ubuntu_ is now known as blackmail
[20:40] <blackmail> not working >_<
[20:40] <blackmail> i'm scared i messed up my hard drive :/
=== mwilliams is now known as linuxguymarshall
[20:40] <DiViN3> Wizard : I hv paste the entire log when i type make in psybnc
[20:41] <DiViN3> Wizard: Plz view it thanks
[20:41] <blackmail> i'll try rebooting
[20:45] <Annirak> I'm trying to get a via Rhine based ethernet card working under ubuntu 7.10. The makefile that came with the card is broken and I can't find the package I need. Which package contains the Via Rhine driver?
[20:46] <Annirak> TheSheep: Sorry, I'm not very good with BitchX, I thought i was in a different channel.
[20:46] <geburah> Wizard: I found taht in VIA Arena tehy keep drivers for lots of OSs including ubuntu
[20:46] <geburah> http://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageID=420&OSID=45&CatID=3270&SubCatID=143
[20:46] <geburah> so my problem has a solution
=== ubuntu__ is now known as blackmail
[20:50] <blackmail> ok so intall hhing reworking
[20:50] <blackmail> thing*
[20:52] <blackmail> erm ok so , i am creating a logical partition
[20:52] <blackmail> mount point is / right ?
[20:53] <blackmail> anyone ?
[20:53] <Wizard> DiViN3: i did
[20:53] <Wizard> but i don't know what's wrong
[20:53] <Wizard> seems that i t does not load some header file
[20:53] <blackmail> hello ? anyone ?
[20:54] <blackmail> i want to create my linux partition, being a logical one, is the moint point / ?
[20:54] <nosrednaekim> blackmail: yes
[20:54] <blackmail> ok, and another problem
[20:54] <blackmail> konqueror doesn't connect to any website
[20:54] <blackmail> for some reason
[20:55] <blackmail> anyone know why ?
[20:55] <nosrednaekim> thats because of knetwork manager (if the rest of your internet stuff works)
[20:55] <kkathman> blackflag: can you connect with firefox or get mail?
[20:55] <blackmail> nosrednaekim: how can i solve this problem ?
[20:56] <blekos> hi, would my system be slower if i install multiple window managers?
[20:56] <adude> has anyone here used xvidcap?
[20:56] <kkathman> blekos: you mean ubuntu and kubuntu ?
[20:57] <nosrednaekim> blekos: no
[20:57] <blekos> i mean xfce
[20:57] <nosrednaekim> blackmail: are you using wireless?
[20:57] <kkathman> blekos: you basically are only running one at a time anyway
[20:57] <kkathman> so no it wouldnt be slower or faster really
[20:57] <blackmail> nosrednaekim: yes
[20:58] <blekos> i c, i know that it gets slower if i run eg gnome applications in kde cause it has to load the appropriate libs
[20:58] <scifi> hi guys, other than the screen brightness options, does kubuntu have any other power management features???
[20:58] <kkathman> blekos: right, if you run only gnome stuff, it might be a tad faster, but maybe not even noticeable
[20:58] <blekos> i c
[20:58] <blekos> thnx
[20:59] <blackmail> nosrednaekim: does the fact that i use wireless change anythng ?
[20:59] <kkathman> blekos: its really what apps your are running that makes the diff
[20:59] <nosrednaekim> blackmail: ah, ok, go into system settings-> advanced->service manager and stop the Internet Status Daemon
[20:59] <scifi> anyone?
[20:59] <nosrednaekim> Network Status Daemon that is...
[20:59] <blackmail> ok thanks
[20:59] <nosrednaekim> blackmail: if you weren't, I'd just say get rid of Knetworkmanager
[20:59] <kkathman> scifi: yes, load and run kpowersave
[21:00] * Wizard wanders off
[21:00] <Wizard> o/
[21:00] <blackmail> ok works fine now
[21:00] <blackmail> thanks a lot nosrednaekim
[21:00] <scifi> kkathman: i dont actually have kubuntu installed, i was thinking of installing it on a laptop to replace vista
[21:00] <scifi> kkathman: what options does kpowersave allow?
[21:01] <kkathman> scifi: yes, kpowersave is really meant for laptops actually
[21:01] <jhutchins> kkathman: really actually?
[21:01] <kkathman> scifi: it allows profiles that you can set for display, drive shut downs, etc
[21:01] <blackmail> nosrednaekim: last question
[21:01] <blackmail> i have a couple of partitions, i want linux on one of them, i created a logical partition that is /
[21:02] <blackmail> do i have to create the /swap and /home right now ?
[21:02] <jhutchins> blackmail: What's the goal?
[21:02] <DiViN3> Wizard: so wats the resolutions to resolve that problem
[21:02] <kkathman> jhutchins: well, kpowersave is more or less worthless on a desktop - its not even installed by default
[21:02] <scifi> kkathman: does it allow cpu usage settings, like low power usage when doing less processor intensive tasks and more power for more intensive tasks?
[21:02] <jhutchins> blackmail: What's the goal?
[21:03] <blackmail> jhutchins erm just installing linux (to have a dualboot vista/linux)
[21:03] <kkathman> scifi: not that I recall on the cpu
[21:03] <kkathman> scifi: its more for hard drive, display and those kinds of things - I dont recall any "cpu" settings tho
[21:04] <jhutchins> blackmail: Well, you have to have /, that's where everything else goes except swap. swap is reccomeneded, but doesn't get mounted. Some people like to split out /boot and/or /home, I don't. If you do, space you need will always be on the wrong partition. Do backups.
[21:04] <scifi> ok hmm, i just wonder if id get the same battery life as vista does
[21:04] <kkathman> scifi: hmm, I would imagine it would be better, but thats just a guess
[21:04] <jhutchins> blackmail: So this machine just has swap and root (/).
[21:04] <blackmail> jhutchins so i have to have : / and /swap as different partitions ?
[21:05] <blackmail> does that mean that the logical partition mustn't be mounted as /, but having inside it / and /swap
[21:05] <blackmail> ?
[21:05] <scifi> kkathman: ok thats encouraging, i think the new kde4 pretty much has every feature of vista, its just the power management i wasnt sure about
[21:05] <jhutchins> blackmail: swap, not /swap. Should be. You can do a swap file on /, but it's non-standard. Easier to just make a 1G swap partition.
[21:06] <kkathman> scifi: kde4 would get you well along the way, yes
[21:06] <serenity> hi
[21:06] <serenity> where can i find the oxygen icons in my kde4 installation?
[21:06] <blackmail> jhutchins erm ok, but what do i put as the mount point for the logical partition ?
[21:06] <blackmail> nothing ?
[21:06] <jhutchins> scifi: Actually, there's quite a lot missing from kde4, and it's not terribly stable.
[21:06] <jhutchins> blackmail: For swap? Nothing.
[21:07] <blackmail> jhutchins i want to create one logical partition, in which i will have two partitions, / and swap
[21:07] <scifi> jhutchins: not stable, in what way exactly?
[21:07] <blackmail> extended partition*
[21:07] <kkathman> scifi: I agree with jhutchins on that... kde4 is still buggy and its not "done" yet.. You might try kde 3.5.8 etc, with compiz-fusion for the eye candy
[21:07] <jhutchins> scifi: as in sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
[21:08] <jhutchins> blackmail: DO you mean extended partition? What are you using for "logical partitions"?
[21:08] <scifi> hmmm ok, does 3.5.8 allow you to add widgest like the clock etc on the dekstop?
[21:08] <kkathman> Im not particularly fond of dolphin as a file manager either
[21:08] <serenity> where can i find the oxygen icons in my kde4 installation?
[21:08] <scifi> widgets*
[21:08] <kkathman> scifi: yes, you can use superkaramba to do things like that
[21:08] <jhutchins> scifi: xclock and rclock
[21:09] <blackmail> jhutchins well , i have my windows partition (primary), my restoration one, my data one, and i want an extended partition with every linux partition on it
[21:09] <scifi> it was also the krunner app of kde4 that attrected me, being able to type in app names like in vistas search
[21:09] <scifi> i guess 3.5.8 doesnt have this?
[21:09] <blackmail> when i create a partition on the free space, i have "Logical or Primary", so i guess logical = extended jhutchins
[21:09] <kkathman> scifi: Alt F2 gets you the same thing
[21:10] <scifi> cool
[21:10] <jhutchins> blackmail: ... and your question is? That's how you partition a drive for an MS system, three primaries, then a logical, then as many extendeds as you want (I'm sure there's a limit).
[21:10] <scifi> i just looked up kpowersave and it does allow cpu settings too :D
[21:10] <kkathman> scifi: and thats in any 3.5
[21:10] <adude> does anybody know of a video screen capture program?
[21:10] <kkathman> scifi: excellent
[21:10] <jhutchins> blackmail: Some OS's don't have problems with more than four primaries, but I haven't followed that up lately (since I only need two).
[21:10] <blackmail> jhutchins ok thanks
[21:11] <scifi> kkathman: looks very promising then, may as well wait for the kubuntu 8.04 with kde 3.5.9 rock solid?
[21:12] <kkathman> scifi: might not be a bad idea, yes... keep you from installing and then upgrading
[21:12] <epimeth> scifi: you can install it now, too. it comes out of beta any day now
[21:13] <kkathman> scifi: or you can get the beta I guess and then do the patches as they come out
[21:13] <jhutchins> scifi: Always best to wait for the actual release unless you plan to be part of the testing bugreport process.
[21:13] <jhutchins> scifi: If your purpose is to do work with the computer, stick with releases and don't be tempted to think "beta" means "latest and greatest" - it doesn't.
[21:13] <scifi> i'll wait, i havent even got the laptop yet, this is all just theory at the moment
[21:14] <kkathman> scifi: good idea
[21:14] <epimeth> scifi: in that case, come back when you get the new lappy :-)
[21:14] <scifi> unfortunately most laptops come pre-installed with vista, but theres no way i'll be keeping it on there
[21:15] <blackmail> jhutchins i can't get to access the extended partitio/n to put the swap and / in it, it kinda assumes it's already
[21:15] <blackmail> already /
[21:15] <jhutchins> scifi: I would recommend you get one that the XP "downgrade" is at least available for, it's easier to find drivers.
[21:15] <kkathman> scifi: I think you can still get a Dell lappy with ubuntu on it
[21:15] <scifi> i dabbled with ubuntu then kubuntu a couple of years ago on my older desktop and liked it, hence my return here :)
[21:16] <jhutchins> blackmail: If you've created an extended partition, it's a partition. If you have the first logical partition, it's a place to put extendeds. What tool are you trying to use?
[21:16] <blackmail> jhutchins i'm using the manual partitioner , in the Kubuntu installer program
[21:17] <scifi> i was looking at a "nearly new" samsung q45 on ebay, but it has vista on it, i was thinking i cud just reformat and install a linux distro :)
[21:17] <blackmail> the logical partition is assumed as /
[21:17] <blackmail> i don't get it
[21:17] <blackmail> i'll start from scratch, i have the free space, and i want one whole linux partition
[21:18] <epimeth> the problem is that you're still paying for vista, so the price goes up
[21:18] <blackmail> i gotta make it logical, with all the free space, and put two partitions in it, right?
[21:18] <scifi> i always found kde easier to use than gnome, even simple tasks like creating shortcuts for apps required a terminal command in gnome, whereas kde was just a right click option
[21:18] <blackmail> so, jhutchins, how do i get the partitioner to understand that the logical partition must contain two others
[21:18] <blackmail> ?
[21:19] <epimeth> blackmail: you create an extended with the whole space and then create logicals inside it
[21:20] <blackmail> epimeth: but there isn't any "extended" option ?!
[21:20] <blackmail> or i can't see it :s
[21:20] <blackmail> when i click New Partition, i've got Logical or Primary
[21:20] <blackmail> not Extended
[21:21] <jhutchins> blackmail: Just create the two partitions, don't worry about it.
[21:21] <blackmail> jhutchins but i already have 3 primaries
[21:21] <epimeth> blackmail: so create two logicals, they will both go into the same extended
[21:21] <blackmail> that won't do the trick
[21:21] <scifi> i guess the kubuntu cd will be able to do all the partitioning, formatting and installing for me, can it delete existing partitions too?
[21:21] <blackmail> epimeth: erm ok
=== ubuntu_ is now known as kaminix
[21:22] <scifi> NTFS partitions i mean?
[21:22] <jhutchins> scifi: It can delete 'em, not sure if it can resize them. I think it uses gparted, which can. Make backups if you have something you want to keep.
[21:22] <blackmail> erm, installer kinda bugged again, not responding ><
[21:23] <epimeth> scifi: the cd just uses regular partitioning software, so yes
[21:23] <jhutchins> scifi: If you just want to delete the NTFS, no sweat, it can do that.
[21:23] <jhutchins> epimeth: uses gparted, doesn't it?
[21:23] <blackmail> erm guys
[21:24] <blackmail> how do i get the installer reworking ? >_< it doesn't respond anymore
[21:24] <scifi> haha, i remember gparted froma couple of years ago :)
[21:24] <epimeth> jhutchins: I think so... I honestly didn't care enough to check
[21:24] <jhutchins> blackmail: It's not clear to me what you're really trying to do. You might try deleting the partitions so there's just free space, then restart the installer and let it autopartition. You can look at what it did and figure it out from there.
[21:24] <epimeth> blackmail: there might be something wrong with the disk? try burning it again
[21:25] <scifi> jhutchins: ye i wud want it to delete the vista ntfs partitions and then create the linux partitiond, think they called ex2 or soemthing arent they?
[21:25] <epimeth> blackmail: I've had problems, myself
[21:25] <blackmail> erm i don't know really now
[21:25] <epimeth> scifi: ext3, actually...
[21:25] <scifi> thats the one :)
[21:25] <blackmail> jhutchins well i have a few primary partitions that i need to keep + free space, i want to turn the free space in an extended partition, for linux
[21:26] <ubuntu_> newbie questions welcome here? :p
=== ubuntu_ is now known as [Matt]
[21:26] <epimeth> scifi: I haven't used ext2 in like 5 years at least... Was using reiserfs for a while, it was pretty good. but I'm very happy with ext3
[21:26] <blackmail> epimeth: i think the disc is fine
=== [Matt] is now known as fartbandit
[21:26] <fartbandit> :D
[21:26] <epimeth> blackmail: so try restarting again....
[21:26] <TeslaTony> fartbandit: of course. Now providing useful answers...
[21:27] <fartbandit> :>
[21:27] * epimeth sprays air freshener all over fartbandit
[21:27] <scifi> ok thanks for all the advice guys, might see u again in a couple of weeks with my kubuntu lappy :D
[21:27] <fartbandit> looking for a guide on manual installation on remaining unpartitioned space
[21:27] <blackmail> epimeth: i xkilled the installation program, now it won't open anymore >__<''
[21:27] <fartbandit> or at least help in doing so
[21:28] <epimeth> fartbandit: insert disk, read directions on screen :-
[21:28] <epimeth> blackmail: what installation program?
[21:28] <blackmail> the linux installation program
[21:28] <blackmail> i'm using the liveCD
[21:28] <sigma_1234> htc-linux
[21:28] <scifi> ....fergot, one last question, is wi-fi easy to setup/reliable in kubuntu?
[21:28] <blackmail> scifi: i'm using it right now
[21:28] <fartbandit> complete newbie here to linux but im having a crack at setting up a triboot vista xp kubuntu system from 2 disks
[21:28] <jhutchins> blackmail: It's not clear to me what you're really trying to do. You might try deleting the partitions so there's just free space, then restart the installer and let it autopartition. You can look at what it did and figure it out from there.
[21:28] <greeg> hi gang.
[21:29] <scifi> kewl, laters
[21:29] <epimeth> ahoy greeg!
[21:29] <fartbandit> epimeth manual install isnt that easy :p
[21:29] <blackmail> jhutchins there isn't an autopartition option :/ it's either "all the disk" or "manual" :/
[21:29] <greeg> im aware that for all linux systems there is only one / dir. but i also want to install an other distro of experimental purposes.
[21:29] <greeg> how do i do this?
[21:29] <fartbandit> im avoiding the eautomated install as the only options seem to want to write over my xp and vista installs
[21:30] <jhutchins> Well, that's dumb.
[21:30] <fartbandit> -e
[21:30] <blackmail> jhutchins i , erm, know.
[21:30] <jhutchins> Are you sure you had free space? There should be a "use free space" option.
[21:30] <algyz> how to write floppy .img image?
[21:30] <epimeth> fartbandit: fartbandit??? not when I installed it....
[21:30] <jhutchins> algyz: dd if=<file> of=/dev/fd0
[21:30] <blackmail> jhutchins i do after i made some with the partitionning thing
[21:30] <blackmail> Gparted or whatever
[21:31] <SperMite> gnome or kde which is the road i shall take?
[21:31] <blackmail> i didn't have freespace before
[21:31] <jhutchins> blackmail: so restart and see if it gives you a 'free space' option.
[21:31] <algyz> jhutchins thx guy :)
[21:31] <blackmail> erm, ok jhutchins
[21:31] <epimeth> SperMite: I prefer KDE... in fact, you're in the *K*ubuntu channel, so most of us do
[21:31] <adude> how do you remove a program from the command line?
[21:31] <fartbandit> im getting no option otherwise here.... however ive used the vista partition tool to set up 8gb of free space on my 2nd disk for a crack at a manual install
[21:32] <jhutchins> adude: use the apt tools or aptitude, don't just delete it.
[21:32] <SperMite> epimeth why do you prefer kde?
[21:32] <adude> ok
[21:33] <fartbandit> has anyone here used the manual install to set up an ubuntu distro??
[21:33] <jhutchins> adude: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto
[21:33] <jhutchins> fartbandit: Yes, it's been a while.
[21:34] <fartbandit> just need a swap and main partition on the remaining 7gb of space
[21:34] <jhutchins> fartbandit: So kubuntu doesn't give you the option to use all the free space, even when it's there?
[21:34] <SperMite> i'm running gnome. but im just not diggin it
[21:34] <fartbandit> however im unsure of the exact settings i need
[21:35] <jhutchins> fartbandit: Give it a shot. Need about 1G for swap, the rest for data. Usually the installers like the data to be first, the swap last.
[21:35] <jhutchins> fartbandit: some of them don't care.
[21:36] <Daisuke_Ido> back to square one for a good usenet binary downloader :\
[21:36] <fartbandit> kk creating partition
[21:36] <DiViN3> can i know wats the command to update kubuntu thru shell
[21:37] <fartbandit> type for the new partition? primary or logical?
[21:37] <fartbandit> forgive my linux iiignorance :p
[21:39] <jhutchins> DiViN3: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto
[21:39] <jhutchins> Daisuke_Ido: pan, klibido both do nzb's.
[21:39] <fartbandit> got 7762 space here total unpartitioned for the install
[21:39] <algyz> jhutchins dd: writing to `/dev/fd0': Input/output error two flopies in a row :(
[21:40] <theuser1> Another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude) ........ i dont have any other runing. i have checked that in ksysguard too. what can i do ?
[21:40] <algyz> Actually I'm trying to boot pcbsd (without great success) :(
[21:40] <Admiral_Chicago> theuser1: i would make sure nothing is using it for sure
[21:41] <theuser1> Admiral_Chicago how
[21:41] <Admiral_Chicago> pstree in konsole should let you know
[21:41] <fartbandit> for my first partition..... partition type primary? 6738mb (leaves 1024 for swap)? location for partition begining? use as = ext3? and mount point = what?
[21:41] <jhutchins> fartbandit: /
[21:42] <fartbandit> kk and just go with that?
[21:43] <abkill> How do I enable interactive logins for root?
[21:45] <fartbandit> and what now for the swap? type for partition = what? logical? partition size 10249(all my remaining space)? location for partition - end? use as - swap? mount point = / again?
=== ubuntu_ is now known as blackmail
[21:45] <blackmail> jhutchins seems ok
[21:45] <fartbandit> -9 :p
[21:45] <blackmail> 40%
[21:45] <algyz> fartbandit: partition /swap :)
[21:46] <fartbandit> oh
[21:46] <fartbandit> slap me :p
[21:46] * blackmail Slaps fartbandit.
[21:46] <fartbandit> :)
[21:46] <blackmail> fartbandit: that's a nice nickname
[21:46] <fartbandit> the main partition is just / though? thats ok?
[21:47] <algyz> jhutchins third floppy gave dd: writing to `/dev/fd0': Input/output error :(
[21:47] <fartbandit> apt nickname for me tbh :s
[21:48] <fartbandit> and now my install has hung due tio a mislick :(
[21:48] <fartbandit> brb
=== ubuntu_ is now known as fartbandit
[21:56] <fartbandit> back
[21:56] <fartbandit> what settings are needed on manual install for a swap partition?
[21:57] <gon> !ati
[21:57] <ubotu> For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[21:57] <fartbandit> !manual
[21:57] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about manual - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[21:57] <fartbandit> booo :(
[22:02] <fartbandit> install progressing :<
[22:02] <hibana> fartbandit » see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq
[22:03] <fartbandit> anyone use WINE?
[22:04] <DiViN3> can i know how to reinstall kubuntu without using cd
[22:05] <theuser1> how to check my partition for any kind of disk or data errors?
[22:05] <Pepsi> !packs
[22:05] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about packs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[22:06] <DiViN3> !psybnc
[22:06] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about psybnc - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[22:06] <fartbandit> specifically anyone use WINE and has an ATI card?
[22:06] <DiViN3> !shell
[22:06] <ubotu> The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal
[22:06] <DiViN3> !eggdrop
[22:06] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about eggdrop - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[22:06] <DiViN3> !compiler
[22:06] <ubotu> Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)
[22:06] <jussio1> !msgthebot | DiViN3
[22:06] <ubotu> DiViN3: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.
[22:09] <payam> -hi
[22:10] <blackmail> guys, the installation seems blocked at 90 % :/
[22:10] <theuser1> how to check my partition for any kind of disk or data errors?
[22:10] <payam> I need som program Like Microsoft Frontpage for my linux! does anybody know some good program?
[22:10] <blackmail> it says "loading usb-storage module for USB storage"
[22:11] <payam> I need som program Like Microsoft Frontpage for my linux! does anybody know some good program?
[22:11] <blackmail> guys, the installation seems blocked at 90 % :/
[22:11] <blackmail> it says "loading usb-storage module for USB storage"
[22:11] <payam> I need som program Like Microsoft Frontpage for my linux! does anybody know some good program?
[22:11] <blackmail> anyone have an idea ?!
[22:11] <blackmail> jhutchins ? epimeth ?
[22:11] <payam> I need som program Like Microsoft Frontpage for my linux! does anybody know some good program?
[22:12] <payam> I need som program Like Microsoft Frontpage for my linux! does anybody know some good program?
[22:12] <blackmail> stop flooding.
[22:12] <payam> i need a answer
[22:12] <hibana> payam » you can try either Bluefish or Quanta... see which one you like
[22:12] <payam> wight?
[22:12] <payam> I need some design program not Code program
[22:13] <blackmail> try wysiwyg linux in google
[22:13] <Pliskin> payam : yes, there is a good program : learning HTML/CSS
[22:13] <scarygary> What's the best Video conferencing software for linux?
=== kevin__ is now known as maduser
[22:13] <payam> i knew a lot about HTMl and CSS but im tired of so sick programs
[22:13] <payam> It takes a lot of time
[22:13] <_sourcemaker> does kwallet stores the passwords and sensitive data encrypted, when no password is provided? If so, which encryption method is used?
[22:13] <theuser1> how to check my partition for any kind of disk or data errors?
[22:14] <payam> Give me a good program
[22:15] <Pliskin> payam : NVu ?
[22:15] <theuser1> !!
[22:15] <payam> Pliskin: what is NVu?
[22:15] <blackmail> my Jubuntu install is still blocke % ><
[22:16] <blackmail> payam: fucjing google it man
[22:16] <blackmail> -j+k
[22:16] <blackmail> kubuntu install is still blocked @ 90 % *
[22:16] <Pliskin> theuser1 : there is a program which started automatically by ubuntu, but I forgot its name
=== edulix_ is now known as Edulix
[22:17] <jussio1> scarygary: skype works well
[22:17] <payam> Pliskin: Do you hink i can find it in Kubuntu System or should i download it fron Internet?
[22:17] <hibana> payam » there's really nothing that beats knowing the code... and Frontpage has never been a good program in my book... Dreamweaver is good though but I don't know a Linux replacement for it
[22:18] <payam> Hibana: No You cant install Dreamwever on linux and i m not really in the mood for instal wine
[22:18] <Pliskin> payam : I didn't find it in the ubuntu repository
[22:18] <payam> so i take the NVu . it seems be a good shit
[22:18] <Pliskin> it's a mozilla program but maybe is under windows only
[22:18] <jussio1> !ohmy | payam
[22:18] <ubotu> payam: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[22:19] <payam> Pliskin: do you think that NVu is good? some problems?
[22:19] <Pliskin> it's a WYSIWYG
[22:20] <Pliskin> so, you will find it good
[22:20] <theuser1> how to check my partition for any kind of disk or data errors? complete command to check sda6 ?
[22:21] <jussio1> payam: also have a look at quanta +
[22:22] <payam> is it a design program or code?
[22:22] <jussio1> !info quanta+
[22:22] <ubotu> Package quanta+ does not exist in gutsy
[22:22] <jussio1> hrm
[22:22] <jussio1> !info quanta
[22:22] <ubotu> quanta (source: kdewebdev): web development environment for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 2385 kB, installed size 5744 kB
[22:23] <_sourcemaker> is there a firefox plugin for kwallet?
[22:23] <payam> not anough info
[22:23] <payam> Is it a code program or desing?
[22:23] <_myrtille_> theuser1: i think you may chekc your disk with fsck, but i'm not sure if it supports every format
[22:24] <jussio1> payam: its a wysiwyg
[22:24] <theuser1> _myrtille_ how.
[22:25] <Pliskin> man fsck
[22:25] <hibana> payam » See: http://quanta.kdewebdev.org/
=== |IppatsuMan| is now known as IppatsuMan
[22:28] <payam> Qt3 designer?
[22:29] <payam> what do you think about that then?
[22:29] <scarygary> jussio: Skype is ok, but not for a video conference between two groups of people.
[22:29] <payam> Skyp doesnt have any video confenece?
[22:30] <jussio1> scarygary: why not?
[22:30] <jussio1> oh, you mean as in more than 2 cameras, yes of course
[22:30] <payam> I need a program which is the same as Visual basic! Anybody know? jussio: Skype dosnt have video conferens as i know
[22:32] <jussio1> payam: what exactly are you trying to do?
[22:34] <payam> I need a program like VIsual basic beace i have a cours in the school
[22:36] <jussio1> payam: dualboot or wine. if you just need an IDE, then use kdevelop, eclipse or anjuta
[22:36] <jussio1> !ide
[22:36] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about ide - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[22:37] <viren> hi tthere, how can i install samba for kubuntu
[22:38] <hibana> viren » aptitude install samba
[22:39] <hibana> see also: aptitude show samba
[22:40] <viren> whats the difference between nfs and samba
[22:40] <nnck> hi
[22:40] <jussio1> hi nnck
[22:41] <hibana> viren » Samba is a collection of programs that implements the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol
[22:41] <Alphageek_> I'm having major problems with an HP Pavilion I'm trying to put Kubuntu on.
[22:41] <hibana> nfs is a filesystem
[22:42] <hibana> oops ... wrong
[22:42] <jussio1> Alphageek_: whats up?
[22:44] <nnck> I just installd kubuntu and it asked me for localhost login i typed root and I dont know how to boot to the graphical interface
[22:45] <hibana> viren » see: http://lists.samba.org/archive/samba/2000-June/019414.html
[22:46] <jussio1> nnck: when you installed it would have asked you to put in a user and password
[22:46] <jussio1> use those
[22:46] <nnck> jussi01 i didnt put anything
[22:46] <Alphageek_> I'm trying to drop Kubuntu on this HP Pavilion, it's got an Nvidia Geforce 7900 gs and neither boot options are working on the standard installation disc.
[22:46] <nnck> i used alternative install because desktop didnt work for me.. usng ps3 btw
[22:47] <jussio1> nnck: the installer asks you, are you absolutely certain?
[22:47] <Alphageek_> Also, something called apic causes a kernel panic, so I disabled it.
[22:48] <nnck> jussi01 yes it didnt actually get to the user name password section
[22:49] <nnck> because there was an error while installing I had to reboot and select install base system
[22:49] <Alphageek_> Anyone have any ideas?
[22:49] <nnck> to be able to continue the installation
[22:50] <nnck> it says Ubuntu 7.10 localhost tty1 localhost login:
[22:51] <jussio1> nnck: #ubuntu-ppc :)
[22:52] <nnck> thanks
[23:14] <Ketrel> Is there any way to make Compiz not autostart Emerald when it starts?
[23:14] <Ketrel> I've been told it's an *ubuntu thing.
[23:21] <DNC_005> Ketrel: why would you not what emerald to start?
[23:21] <DNC_005> emerald is compiz's window manager
[23:22] <Ketrel> also kde-window-decorator
[23:22] <Ketrel> I want to have the option.
[23:23] <DNC_005> so you want to start compiz manually every time?
[23:24] <DNC_005> fusion-icon will let you pick the window decorator you want
[23:25] <Ketrel> I don't have fusion-icon yet
[23:25] <Ketrel> and I do start it manually each time.
[23:26] <Ketrel> but I have it bound to a key combo
[23:27] <never> hello
[23:29] <never> no one on?
[23:30] <PhilRod> never: if you've got a question, just ask
[23:30] <PhilRod> and if anyone knows, they'll answer
[23:30] * PhilRod should learn the bot factoid for that
[23:33] <never> how the hell do u install kubunto
[23:33] <never> tu*
[23:33] <never> sorry
=== _krawek_ is now known as krawek
[23:34] <PhilRod> put the livecd in your computer, boot it up, wait for a minute, then click on install. Follow the instructions
[23:37] <viren> how can i share stuff that is not in the home folder
[23:37] <DNC_005> make a symlink?
[23:37] <viren> sorry im new to kubuntu...
[23:38] <DNC_005> what do you mean by share?
[23:38] <viren> i want to share a folder that is on a mounted drive
[23:38] <viren> so i can access for xp machine
[23:38] <DNC_005> oh, i'm not good with that kind of thing, have a look at the ubuntu forums
[23:39] <DNC_005> http://www.xawk.com/ubuntu-samba-basics.html
[23:40] <DNC_005> viren: that link might help
[23:43] <viren> dnc_005 no luck
[23:43] <viren> i can only share teh home folder
[23:43] <DNC_005> what folder do you want to share?
[23:43] <PeterFA> DNC_005, I like sandwiches.
[23:44] <DNC_005> PeterFA: ???
[23:44] <viren> a music folder that is on another partition
[23:44] <PeterFA> DNC_005, I like sandwiches.
[23:46] <stdin> PeterFA: why did you say that exactly?
[23:46] <stdin> and the answer "I don't know" is wrong
[23:46] <PeterFA> stdin, I like sandwiches.
[23:46] <stdin> and so was that
[23:46] <DNC_005> ln -s /place/where/music/is/thisfolder /home/user/shared/. << thisfolder is the folder where your music is, and shared is a new folder you can make to share
=== never is now known as xboxkiller88
[23:50] <blekos> could u tell me how i can associate files to open with specific programs?
[23:51] <prince_jammys> !defaultapp
[23:51] <ubotu> To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting. In Kubuntu, Konqueror -> Settings -> Configure and then hit "File Associations"
[23:51] <spookylukey> upgrade instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades/Kubuntu do not work work me -- I don't get a 'Version upgrade' button. Any ideas?
[23:52] <stdin> spookylukey: hardy isn't out yet, ask in #ubuntu+!
[23:52] <stdin> #ubuntu+1
[23:52] <blekos> and in dolphin??
[23:53] <stdin> blekos: right click -> open with ?
[23:53] <spookylukey> cheers stdin
[23:53] <stdin> blekos: there's a 'remember' check box
[23:54] <blekos> i c thnx
[23:59] <viren> how can i access ,y kubuntu shares from windows