UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /19 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:05] <awen_> blueyed: it works ... the items on the right-click menu is translated in french
[00:08] <awen_> to be honest, i think it is french ... it is at least not english
[00:09] <blueyed> awen_: :D - it was german for me, so.. thanks for confirming.
[00:09] <awen_> cool :)
[00:11] <yuriy> Riddell: essentially because I don't know how to get a C string from an std::BasicString (I think that's what r was, or something like that). as awen_ said, if you know a cleaner way..
[00:12] <yuriy> s/r/r->prettyName()
[00:19] <Riddell> yuriy: can't say I do, I'll upload
[00:26] <etretyak> Riddell: User disk mounting in KDE4 works fine for me.. What should I do? Send you a patch? Or comment in LP on that bug and attach a diff?
[00:26] <Riddell> etretyak: latter is best, but poke me we need to move fast on it
[00:44] <etretyak> Riddell: see attachment in my comment for Bug #207380
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[01:59] <yuriy> ScottK: i'm not going to get to looking into the possible wineconfig i18n bug today. and i still don't even know how to test it. so you should go ahead with the other upload you were holding off on if you're still waiting
[04:15] <ScottK> yuriy: Thanks for letting me know.
[06:18] <daSkreech> nixternal: http://www.mydamnchannel.com/channel.aspx?episode=577
[09:38] <mhb> morning
[10:03] <yao_ziyuan> hi
[10:03] <yao_ziyuan> i just tested a fresh RC
[10:04] <yao_ziyuan> the situation is better than i thought yesterday
[10:04] <yao_ziyuan> you just need a very simple fix
[10:04] <yao_ziyuan> that is, if you freshly install RC and choose Simplified Chinese (or other East Asian languages) during installation,
[10:05] <yao_ziyuan> after installation, you go to a text field, such as the one in Run Command,
[10:06] <yao_ziyuan> and you right click the text field, and select "Select Input Method",
[10:06] <yao_ziyuan> and you will see the current input method is "scim-bridge".
[10:06] <yao_ziyuan> this is not right.
[10:06] <yao_ziyuan> the default input method should be "scim".
[10:07] <yao_ziyuan> you just need to simply change the default X input method from "scim-bridge" to "scim".
[10:07] <yao_ziyuan> i'm making a screenshot to illustrate it
[10:12] <yao_ziyuan> screenshot: http://tinyurl.com/5lcs7n
[10:12] <yao_ziyuan> this is a freshly installed Simplified Chinese Kubuntu RC
[10:13] <yao_ziyuan> as seen from the screenshot, what's originally checked is "scim-bridge"
[10:13] <yao_ziyuan> this is not right. the default should be "scim".
[10:14] <yao_ziyuan> actually, all the other options ("scim-bridge", "XIM", "Simple Composing Input Method") are useless. better not display them at all.
[10:20] <awen_> yuriy and ScottK: the wineconfig patch as it is now at least let wineconfig start, and all options are translated into french ... so if something is missing it is at least minor issues
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[10:37] <yao_ziyuan> bug filed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/scim/+bug/219513
[10:37] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 219513 in scim "Default X input method in Kubuntu 8.04 RC with East Asian system language" [Undecided,New]
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[12:46] <yao_ziyuan> why kubuntu RC's taskbar panels have double-line stripes
[12:47] <yao_ziyuan> while my 7.10-upgraded RC still has the old single-line stripes?
[12:57] <nosrednaekim> I cannot find anything for how to integrate rosetta into a python program.... does anyone have an example or tutorial?
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[15:59] <ScottK> awen_: Thanks. I'll leave it then.
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[17:19] <yao_ziyuan> yesterday's input method bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/scim/+bug/219513
[17:19] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 219513 in scim "Default X input method in Kubuntu 8.04 RC with East Asian system language" [Undecided,New]
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[17:47] <ScottK> Riddell: I'm building/testing smarter
[17:47] <ScottK> Riddell: 's gpm no hal patch now
[17:47] <ScottK> If it's good, I'll upload it for you to approve.
[17:58] <ScottK> Riddell: Uploaded. Over to you.
[18:01] <ScottK> smarter: I like the gpm patch. Uploaded. Thank you for your contribution to Kubuntu. Now we just need to get Riddell to accept it.
[18:01] * Riddell looks
[18:10] <ScottK> Riddell: Thanks. Congratulations smarter. As (probably) the last to touch kde-guidance before release, you earn the right to be responsible for everything that goes wrong with it for the next 18 month. ;-)
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[18:20] <smarter> ScottK: huzzah
[18:20] * smarter should have read the fine print before signing the contract :P
[18:38] <yao_ziyuan> !bug
[18:38] <ubotu> If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots
[18:42] <blueyed> Riddell: can you please sponsor the debdiff in bug 152856?
[18:42] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 152856 in gdebi "Kubuntu Package Installer (GDebiKDE) says "Package File Does Not Exist" when trying to install a deb that's in a directory that has a space in it's name." [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152856
[18:44] <yao_ziyuan> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/scim/+bug/219513 updated
[18:44] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 219513 in scim "Default X input method in Kubuntu 8.04 RC with East Asian system language" [Undecided,New]
[19:30] <ScottK> smarter_: You might want to delete packages out of your PPA now that they've been published in the archive.
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[22:09] <etretyak> P
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[22:33] <yuriy> smarter_, ScottK: please test and scrutinize: http://people.brandeis.edu/~ykozlov/temp/kde-guidance_0.8.0svn20080103-0ubuntu17.debdiff
[22:34] * ScottK looks
[22:34] <yuriy> i don't actually know how to test the bug or the fix though
[22:36] <ScottK> yuriy: I'm inclined to leave it for this release since we're so close since no one has actually complained (that's right isn't it)?
[22:36] <ScottK> yuriy: I want to batch up our stuff and get it into Debian, so that's were I think we ought to go with this patch.
[22:37] <ScottK> If it turns out to have significant impacts, we can always try and SRU after release.
[22:37] <yuriy> ScottK: that's right. it's a fairly minor issue i think: i think my last patch makes the strings not flagged for translations, but they've been there and unchanged for 2 releases, so should already be translated
[22:39] <yuriy> ScottK: as far as getting into debian, i'm committing any fixes to wineconfig to KDE svn
[22:39] <jtate> anybody else experienced that kde4 shortcuts don't actually get saved across an application restart?
[22:39] * yuriy hasn't try to modify any
[22:40] <ScottK> Ah. yuriy: Can you push all our patches into the KDE svn then?
[22:40] * jtate has two problems, first there are drawing problems in systemsettings' tree dialog, but then if you set something in kmix, and save, restarting kmix will lose those settings.
[22:41] <jussio1> jtate: yes
[22:41] <yuriy> ScottK: i'd rather sebas and _Sime did those for their respective components since i don't know much about them
[22:41] <ScottK> OK.
[22:41] <jussio1> jtate: bug 219216
[22:41] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 219216 in yakuake-kde4 "yakuake-kde4 does not remember settings after restarting it." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/219216
[22:41] <ScottK> yuriy: Can you coordinate with them to get that done then?
[22:41] <jtate> Cool
[22:42] <yuriy> ScottK: k. sebas, _Sime: poke ^^
[22:42] <jtate> jussio1: is there an upstream bug too?
[22:43] <jussio1> jtate: I dont know, I only filed it to LP
[22:43] <ScottK> yuriy: If we get them all incorporated upstream, then Debian can just pull a new svn snapshot.
[22:44] <jussio1> btw, does anyone know how to open .ace archives?
[22:46] <ScottK> yuriy, sebas, _Sime: It might also be good to look at the NMU of kde-guidance that was recently done in Debian to see if there's anything useful for upstream there. The patch is attached to this message: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?msg=10;bug=424430
[22:47] <yuriy> what is an NMU?
[22:47] <ScottK> Non-Maintainer-Upload.
[22:48] <ScottK> Ubuntu doesn't really have an equivalent since almost everything is team maintained.
[22:55] <yuriy> ScottK: look to me like the NMU is stuff that's either already there or ui files that should be generated at build time
[22:56] <ScottK> OK. I guess the public vs private build path is a Debian build issue then?
[22:57] <yuriy> I don't know anything about that, i'm just pointing out that I don't see any source changes there
[22:57] <ScottK> OK
[23:28] <jtate> jussio1: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=161045
[23:28] <ubotu> KDE bug 161045 in general "Shortcut settings not saved" [Normal,Unconfirmed]
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