UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /19 /#edubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[06:40] <neil_d> Hi, I am setting up a LTSP system, I was wondering when you attach a printer to each client. Do all the printers appear in the print dialogs when trying to print from a client ?
[07:59] <daSkreech> Hello
[07:59] <daSkreech> Is it possible to get dapper on Cd ?
[11:23] <Habbotom> Hey
[15:35] <karemmagdy> 06470627064a
[15:35] <karemmagdy> 062d062f 064706460627 06450635063106270648064a
[15:35] <karemmagdy> 061f
[15:40] <highvoltage> karemmagdy: what was that?
[15:41] <Nubae> highvoltage: have u seen ogra around?
[15:44] <highvoltage> not today, no
[15:44] <highvoltage> think he's taking a break. the calm before the storm!
=== juliux_ is now known as juliux