UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /18 /#ubuntu-mobile.txt
Initial commit
[03:11] <chai_sangeen> hello everyone..
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[05:53] <virtualroadside> my icons disappeared on the last update, any thoughts?
[06:20] <inkynoob> I installed Ubuntu Mobile on my eeePC and it starts when I log in, but there are no icons on the desktop. Should the ubuntu-mobile package pull in a certain set of apps?
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[07:16] <inkynoob> There aren't any icons on my desktop, does anyone have any suggestions for what I should try?
[07:41] <dholbach> good morning
[07:55] <dholbach> who takes care of bluetooth stuff?
[08:01] <StevenK> dholbach: In terms of the bluez-utils sponsorship?
[08:01] <StevenK> dholbach: If that's what you're asking, it's in the unapproved queue
[08:01] <dholbach> oh? the --enable-pand and --enable-hidd upload?
[08:01] <StevenK> Right
[08:02] <dholbach> ah good then
[08:02] <dholbach> cheers
[08:05] <inkynoob> Good morning :-)
[08:07] <inkynoob> It looks like this is why I don't have icons on my desktop : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hildon-desktop/+bug/219041 -- I didn't file the bug, but I'm Michael Moore that replied to it
[08:07] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 219041 in hildon-desktop "No icons on UME desktop" [Undecided,New]
[10:25] <heno> from today's testing by davmor2: http://www.davmor2.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/20080418menlow.png
[10:26] <davmor2> morning people I got issues with this mornings image in that it looks like this in xephyr link above
[10:26] <heno> amitk, StevenK ^
[10:30] <amitk> lool_: ^
[10:33] <davmor2> sorry about that hard freeze
[10:33] <davmor2> someone ask something?
[10:42] <Hobbsee> davmor2: no
[13:01] <lool_> davmor2: You can check what was uploaded recently in the ppa; the page doesn't load for me though
[13:02] <agoliveira> lool_: You mean you can't open or PPA page? Is working fine from here.
[13:02] <agoliveira> s/or/our
[13:03] <lool_> I can't load https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mobile/+archive nor without edge
[13:03] <lool_> But then my connection was cut multiple time this morning locally; perhaps my ISP has issues too
[13:04] * lool_ returns to building his menlow and packing
[13:04] <agoliveira> lool_: Probably. Here is working nicely.
[13:04] <lool_> agoliveira: Could you check what was uploaded recently?
[13:04] <lool_> I don't know of an easy way to be notified of ppa uploads; all I get are build failures
[13:04] <lool_> I'd actually like to know when people upload stuff
[13:05] <cprov> lool_: the page works fine here.
[13:05] <lool_> It works from a hosted server too
[13:06] <lool_> Looks like a rooting issue somewhere
[13:06] <lool_> telnet launchpad.net 443 gets stuck waiting for a connection
[13:06] <agoliveira> lool_: cairo - 1.6.0-0ubuntu2~804um1, libdrm - 2.3.0-4ubuntu4~804um3 linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 - 2.6.24-16.23+804ume1 moblin-applets - 0.55 pango1.0 - 1.20.1-1ubuntu1~804um1 ubuntu-meta - 1.101~804um1 ume-config-common - 0.10+upstream-0ubuntu1~804um2 xserver-xorg-video-psb - 0.2.8-0ubuntu1~804um1
[13:07] <lool_> cprov: while you're around, do you happen to know whether the pagination issue with ppa pages is pending resolution? O:-)
[13:08] <lool_> It doesn't respond to pings from here either
[13:08] <lool_> Uhoh nor does archive.ubuntu.com
[13:08] <cprov> lool_: the edge PPA overview is now paginated by default.
[13:08] <lool_> That's not going to be fun
[13:08] <lool_> cprov: Excellent!
[13:09] <lool_> cprov: You mean with a mean to access the other pages, right?
[13:09] <cprov> lool_: yes, that's much better.
[13:09] <lool_> Cause at some point, the list of packages was cut, but there was no link to the next page
[13:10] * lool_ jumps on IS to check whether it's "only me"
[13:10] <cprov> lool_: yes, you had to click the 'Search' button to get the pagination rendered for PPAs with more than 50 packages published.
[13:11] <lool_> cprov: And that's fixed? Cool, that's what I was wondering about
[13:12] <cprov> lool_: yup, you would know if your ISP allows you to get into edge.l.n ;)
[13:17] <lool_> Seems it's my ISP; traceroute ends at
[13:27] <virtualroadside> yeah, launchpad has been really slow for me the last few weeks
[13:29] <virtualroadside> inkynoob: i filed that bug. good thought to run that from the command line
[14:02] <davmor2> lool_: sorry I was away from the keyboard
[14:02] <virtualroadside> hey, you wouldn't happen to know how to tell gdb to display what module is being executed, given a memory location of the function?
[14:03] <davmor2> no
[14:04] <virtualroadside> hmm.
[14:09] <lool_> virtualroadside: "x" + address should give you the name of the function if the debugger knows it
[14:09] <lool_> (gdb) x 0x08067e3e
[14:09] <lool_> 0x8067e3e <main+14>: 0x3156ff31
[14:09] <lool_> (gdb) bt
[14:09] <lool_> #0 0x08067e3e in main ()
[14:12] <virtualroadside> lool_: tnx
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[14:42] <inkynoob> Hello, did anyone else have all their icons disapear with the updates today?
[14:49] <agoliveira> inkynoob: It went fine here.
[14:55] <inkynoob> agoliveira, which package provides the icons? Is it hildon-desktop?
[14:55] <agoliveira> inkynoob: I don't know, sorry.
[14:58] <inkynoob> agoliveira, you're from Brazil?
[14:58] <agoliveira> inkynoob: Yes, I am.
[14:59] <inkynoob> what part? I lived in Minas for a year, and in Sao Paulo for 2
[15:03] <agoliveira> inkynoob: Joinville, SC.
[15:04] <inkynoob> Cool, I always wanted to visit SC, I've got a good friend in Lages
[15:40] <heno> agoliveira: seems inkynoob may have reproduced this http://www.davmor2.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/20080418menlow.png
[15:41] <agoliveira> heno: Weird... let me see something...
[15:41] <davmor2> heno: I confirmed bug 219041
[15:47] <heno> davmor2: thanks
[15:47] <agoliveira> heno: I can't confirm this. If you saw the same effect, just file a bug please.
[15:47] <davmor2> I've added the link to the image on the bug report
[15:48] <davmor2> agoliveira: check out bug 219041 there has been some work done on it already IIRC
[15:48] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 219041 in ubuntu-mobile "No icons on UME desktop" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/219041
[15:50] <agoliveira> davmor2: Oh, I've seem it. Thanks.
[16:06] <doko> StevenK, lool: mobile-basic-flash contains some flash blobs without source code. how is other flash code handled in mobile packages?
[16:06] <StevenK> lool: ^]
[16:06] <StevenK> s/]//
[16:14] <lool> doko: These are actually the files which are being opened in the GUI to edit these
[16:14] <lool> doko: So this is the preferred form of modification and use and these files were made under the same license
[16:15] <doko> lool: ohh, really? point taken
[16:15] <lool> doko: Nobody likes the files, and they are said to have some bugs; it would be best to move to something else, but we also use the package for pure html UIs
[16:16] <doko> lool: did somebody look at the source code? I can't review this :-/
[16:17] <lool> doko: Consider them like .pngs
[16:17] <doko> ok
[16:18] <lool> Sorry about this situation; it's not easy to solve the problem of providing flash files in source form; it's really the way they are edited in the editor and all and just like data files we have to provide the license outside of them
[16:26] <Adri2000> lool: re: tasks, so build log says "intltool-update: POTFILES.in not found.
[16:27] <lool> Adri2000: Does it cd to po?
[16:27] <Adri2000> in the source package, po/ contains a POTFILES.in
[16:27] <Adri2000> I think that's the problem, because it cd to /build/buildd/tasks-0.13/debian/build/standard/po
[16:27] <lool> Yeah
[16:28] <lool> Probably due to DEB_BUILDDIR hacks in deed
[16:30] <lool> Adri2000: Will likely affect dates as well
[16:31] <Adri2000> dates?
[16:31] <lool> Adri2000: dates/dates-hildon just like tasks
[16:32] <Adri2000> ah
[16:34] <lool> Adri2000: I'm trying to think of the proper fix, but I can hint you on the work around
[16:36] <lool> Adri2000: The short term workaround would be to call intltool-update manually in a similar way
[16:36] <Adri2000> the workaround I'm trying right now is to manually copy the POTFILES.in where it expects it to be
[16:49] <lool> Adri2000: Would be an option
[16:49] <lool> (Sorry was having a phone call)
[16:50] <lool> Adri2000: Otherwise, I think flipping if grep -q intltool $(DEB_BUILDDIR)/po/Makefile* with elif [ -e $(DEB_BUILDDIR)/po/Makefile ]; then \ might work
[16:51] <lool> Adri2000: I'll have to leave you now; I have other things to complete tonight and not much time left; I'm happy to sponsor a patch over the WE if it's still possible in terms of freezes and the like
[16:51] <lool> Adri2000: Thanks for your work :)
[16:52] <Adri2000> lool: ok, will try to get a patch working, thanks for your help
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[17:09] <doko> StevenK: moblin-applets is a bit messy ...
[17:10] <ToddBrandt> doko: what about moblin-applets is messy?
[17:12] <doko> ToddBrandt: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/moblin-applets/+bug/219087/comments/2
[17:12] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 219087 in moblin-applets "MIR for moblin-applets" [Undecided,Incomplete]
[17:13] <ToddBrandt> doko: good comments, I'll take care of them
[17:13] <ToddBrandt> launcher is no longer needed anyway
[17:14] <doko> ToddBrandt: thanks!
[17:14] <ToddBrandt> we're still waiting for Inuka to update the ppa repo, so I may not be able to push the changes til next week though, however they will be in 0.56 when it comes out
[17:26] <StevenK> doko: You want libmokoui2's debian/control to be universe/<blah> for vala?
[17:26] <StevenK> doko: Or just add X[BS]-PythonVersion, and you're fine?
[17:26] <doko> StevenK: no, that will be done by archive admins
[17:27] <StevenK> doko: Mmmmm. I didn't think it was necessary, which is why I skipped it
[17:27] <doko> it *is not* necessary
[17:29] <StevenK> doko: Okay, if it isn't, why do I need to add it? I've never been clear on the fields.
[17:30] <doko> StevenK: you don't need it. just add the X[BS]-PythonVersion. that's the only thing to be done
[17:30] <StevenK> doko: Sorry, I know about universe/, what I'm asking about is X[BS]-PythonVersion.
[17:30] <StevenK> doko: The necessary bit was about X[BS]-PythonVersion too
[17:32] <doko> StevenK: yes, we need it to know when we have to rebuild the binary.
[17:33] <StevenK> doko: Okay, I'll sort out X[BS]-PythonVersion.
[17:34] <StevenK> doko: Quite happy for vala to be universe.
[18:57] <ToddBrandt> tonyespy: in bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/acton/+bug/188168 are they talking about gaston or hardy?
[18:58] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 188168 in acton "Wifi - cannot establish connection after cancelling dialog" [High,In progress]
[19:01] <pmcgowan> ToddBrandt, all bugs are against hardy
[19:01] <ToddBrandt> ok, that's what I thought
[19:01] <ToddBrandt> I'm having trouble getting the gnome-keyring manager to work on the latest hardy image
[19:02] <ToddBrandt> so I can't reproduce alot of these bugs against the "Moblin Network Profile Manager"
[19:02] <pmcgowan> ToddBrandt, do you have the latest UME image for CB?
[19:03] <ToddBrandt> pmcgowan: I have the latest for samsung actually, are these all on CB?
[19:03] <ToddBrandt> that would change things a bit
[19:04] <pmcgowan> ToddBrandt, well, they are all on menlow of course
[19:04] <pmcgowan> both CB and target MIDs
[19:04] <pmcgowan> Q1 testing should be ok though
[19:04] <pmcgowan> at least for these issues
[19:05] <ToddBrandt> pmcgowan: hmm, I'm seeing behavioral differences between the menlow and mccaslin target builds with MIC
[19:06] <pmcgowan> ToddBrandt, I can believe that
[19:10] <tonyespy> ToddBrandt: sorry was away from my desk.
[19:10] <tonyespy> ToddBrandt: yes, gnome-keyring-manager is messed up...
[19:10] <tonyespy> ToddBrandt: we got around this by shipping a default.keyring that's cleartext
[19:11] <tonyespy> ToddBrandt: our customer didn't like being prompted for a keyring password, so by including a default.keyring w/no password, problem solved
[19:12] <tonyespy> ToddBrandt: there is a bug i gnome-keyring where the ask process crashes on Hardy. I never quite nailed the problem, and then decided to skip it once I figured out the password-less keyring change
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[20:04] <ToddBrandt> tonyespy: ok, thanks
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