UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /18 /#ubuntu-irc.txt
Initial commit
=== no0tic is now known as no0ticoglione
=== no0ticoglione is now known as no0tic
[09:50] <darthanubis> can someone update #ubuntu+1's topic to include this info from this announcment?
[09:51] <darthanubis> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2008-April/000419.html
[09:51] <darthanubis> they are killing us with RC request every other line :-P
[12:00] <no0tic> hi gionnyboss
[12:01] <gionnyboss> hi
[12:02] <no0tic> Seveas, gionnyboss is an italian op, very skillful in python and C/C++ coding, and he would like to help in ubuntu-bots development
[13:42] <Nafallo> Co-Location Sever Cabinets (2)
[13:42] <Nafallo> that IS a bad typo ;-)
[13:42] <Nafallo> oh. wrong channel, but who cares :-P
[14:03] <elkbuntu> heh, sounds promising...
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
[16:08] <darthanubis> can someone update #ubuntu+1 topic please?
[16:08] <Pici> darthanubis: to?
[16:09] <darthanubis> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/RC
[16:09] <darthanubis> let the channel know the RC dropped so they can stop asking?
[16:10] <darthanubis> sweet thanks!
[16:12] <Pici> darthanubis: I dont believe that the announcement has been made yet.
[16:13] <darthanubis> from that link, it looks like its accessible
[16:13] <darthanubis> I don't know about an official announcement
[16:13] <darthanubis> but it was said to be out today
[16:14] <darthanubis> and there is the link with it out today?
[16:14] <darthanubis> http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/
[16:14] <darthanubis> Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) Release Candidate
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
[20:40] <tristanbob_> nalioth, I am here
[20:41] <nalioth> !member
[20:41] <ubotu> Want to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember
[20:41] <tristanbob_> nalioth, done
[20:41] <tristanbob_> already member
[20:42] <nalioth> what's your launchpad ID ?
[20:42] <tristanbob_> https://launchpad.net/~tristanrhodes
[20:46] <nalioth> please /nick tristanbob
=== tristanbob_ is now known as tristanbob
[20:47] <tristanbob> nalioth, done
[20:47] <nalioth> patience :)
[20:47] <tristanbob> (cool command, I am learning)
[20:47] <tristanbob> nalioth, I am in no hurry, it just may sound that way :)
[20:48] <tristanbob> nalioth, and thanks for your help - you have always helped me from day one on IRC
[20:48] <nalioth> EEEEK!
[20:48] <nalioth> oh
[20:48] <nalioth> you're welcome :)
[20:52] <tristanbob> nalioth, where does the tristanr part of my name come from?
[20:53] * nalioth has no clue :(
[20:54] <tristanbob> nalioth, hmmm - well thanks again, it looks good
[20:58] <tristanbob> nalioth, :)
=== juliux_ is now known as juliux