UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /16 /#ubuntu-x.txt
Initial commit
[03:21] <ubotu> New bug: #218000 in xorg (main) "XRandR Rotation with -intel doesn't work with a composite manager" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/218000
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=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
[08:42] <james_w> bryce: hi, you're not still up are you?
[09:16] <ubotu> New bug: #218087 in wacom-tools (main) "replace wacom 0.7.4 with 0.7.8-3 for hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/218087
[11:11] <ubotu> New bug: #218122 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (main) "[hardy] Mac mini. Intel 945GM. Random screen flickering. Black screen after that." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/218122
[15:21] <ubotu> New bug: #218214 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 (restricted) "fglrx 8-01 pointer corruption" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/218214
[16:11] <ubotu> New bug: #218229 in xserver-xorg-driver-ati "can't get DRI working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/218229
[16:32] <bdmurray> bryce: around yet? I'm in a place where I can test 181121
[16:56] <ubotu> New bug: #218242 in xorg (main) "DG33BU - Intel GMA 3100 - graphics driver problems" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/218242
[17:15] <ubotu> New bug: #216630 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 (restricted) "Ubuntu 8.04 x86_64 2.6.24-16-generic nvidia restricted kernel module fails to load" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/216630
[17:53] <pwnguin> wait
[17:53] <pwnguin> did ubuntu pick up nouveau?
[17:55] <pwnguin> ah, no, update manager just sucks at picking the right changelog to show =/
[18:01] <ubotu> New bug: #218263 in xserver-xorg-input-keyboard (universe) "[Hardy] numlock and capslock leds don't light up on MacBook" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/218263
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[20:25] <ubotu> New bug: #218345 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 (restricted) "fglrx 8.4 released today. Any chance for hardy?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/218345
[21:34] <james_w> bryce: hi, I'd like to ask you about the capplet font issue if you have a minute.
[21:37] <bryce_> ok
[21:39] <james_w> there were a few cairo calls that I dropped as I wasn't sure how to handle them given that upstream changed code in the same area
[21:39] <james_w> it wasn't entirely clear what the aim of the calls were.
[21:39] <bryce_> ok
[21:40] <james_w> also, I noticed that when you forwarded the patches to gnomecc that someone pointed out that your description of the changed font size was the opposite to the change made in the patch
[21:40] <james_w> i.e. you said it made it smaller, when it made it bigger
[21:40] <bryce_> fwiw, I'm sitting directly behind Soeren here at the X conference.
[21:40] <james_w> oh really?
[21:40] <bryce_> yeah that patch may be reversed
[21:40] <james_w> I didn't realise you were at a conference, sorry.
[21:40] <james_w> how is it?
[21:41] <bryce_> pretty good, it just started today. they went over X server status, and redhat talked about all the things they're doing, including mention of the xrandr gui
[21:41] <james_w> cool
[21:42] <james_w> I'm happy to spend some time on the issue tomorrow, I'd just like to know what the intent of the code was
[21:42] <bryce_> soeren's as quiet in RL as he seems to be in email ;-) but I'm hoping to chat with him a bit later
[21:42] <james_w> heh
[21:42] <james_w> I can drop the change that increases the font size, but I'm not sure what the cairo calls are trying to do.
[21:43] <james_w> They appear to try to center the text, is this something that will show up with more than one monitor?
[21:43] <bryce_> sure, so with the font patch, I'm surprised it even applies if it's reversed.
[21:43] <james_w> yeah, I'm not sure what happened there.
[21:44] <bryce_> what I was doing to test it was to hack the code so I could override the display name, and type in something really long, "supercalifragilistic foobar 42\"" and see how that displays, then adjusted the font size down
[21:44] <bryce_> with the text centering, I think our patch is no longer needed; iirc upstream also changed the text to center
[21:45] <bryce_> in any case, I just installed the latest code and it looks fine
[21:45] <james_w> ah, ok.
[21:46] <james_w> - layout_set_font (layout, "Sans Bold 12");
[21:46] <bryce_> in fact, I'd had a much older version installed, and was showing someone, and it messed up my display, so I apt-get install libgnome-desktop-2'd, ran th egui again, and presto, eerything fixed up
[21:46] <james_w> + layout_set_font (layout, "Sans Bold 16");
[21:46] <james_w> that's the current patch
[21:46] <bryce_> let's just drop it
[21:46] <james_w> excellent, that was the dpi fix I assume
[21:47] <james_w> sure, I'll propose that to seb tomorrow. It's definitely post-RC material
[21:47] <bryce_> no, that's just setting the font of the text inside the brown cairo layout box
[21:47] <bryce_> yup
[21:48] <james_w> I mean the dpi fix was what stopped it breaking your screen
[21:48] <james_w> thanks for your help. Enjoy the rest of the conference.
[21:48] <james_w> When are you back?
[21:49] <seb128_> could also one of you figure if the clone option is supposed to be on by default when there is only one screen?
[21:49] <james_w> hi seb128_
[21:50] <james_w> I can look at it, I think the problem is in -desktop.
[21:50] <seb128_> hey james_w
=== seb128__ is now known as seb128
[22:19] <bryce_> james_w: the conference runs three days, so I'll be back Monday
[22:20] <bryce_> seb128, hah I noticed that too
[22:20] <bryce_> ideally, it would be nice to gray out the clone checkbox if only one monitor is present
[22:21] <bryce_> although if that's done in glade it might be tricky
[22:43] <bryce_> james_w: are you james_w@canonical.com?
[22:50] <mario_limonciell> hey bryce you around?
[22:52] <bryce_> yeah
[22:53] <mario_limonciell> given that the AMD driver came out finally, any word on whether you are going to try to squeeze it into LRM post RC (particularly due to the fact that aticonfig for 8.04 is fixed)?
[22:54] <mario_limonciell> that's the driver that we are certifying our AMD based systems on, so if not, we'll just be putting it in in the factory
[22:57] <bryce_> right, there was a bug in on that earlier
[22:57] <james_w> bryce: james.westby@
[22:57] <james_w> I'm not sure what the alternate one is
[22:57] <bryce_> james, ok thanks
[22:58] <seb128> bryce_, james_w: should we also try to disable xrandr rotation on ati cards?
[22:59] <seb128> those seem to just break xorg in a way which forces you to restart
[22:59] <bryce_> mario_limonciell: if you've tested it, then I'd be open to pushing it in. Timo has been doing the last few lrm updates, so I'd want to get his input first.
[23:00] <bryce_> seb128: do you mean based on the chipset or the driver?
[23:00] <mario_limonciell> bryce_, i've been testing earlier releases of it against our hardware (since that's what we are cert'ing on), but I can't speak for the general case on it
[23:01] <seb128> bryce_: no real idea, I didn't try on enough card to know if that's an ati driver issue or specific to some cards
[23:03] <bryce_> mario_limonciell: ah ok, well let's wait until tjaalton can give word on it. I'm at an X conference at the moment (and only with -intel gfx) so am not in a position to easily package and test.
[23:04] <bryce_> seb128: I think it may be a driver issue. It fails on all ati hardware I've tested it on.
[23:04] <bryce_> er wait, no it did work on kees' ati
[23:04] <bryce_> so all but one
[23:04] <seb128> kees has a special card apparently
[23:04] <seb128> compiz and xrandr rotation working there ;-)
[23:05] <tjaalton> bryce_: seems that it fixes some issues that are reported, so if the kernel guys / RM is ok with it, so am I
[23:05] <bryce_> tjaalton: ok cool
[23:05] <bryce_> tjaalton: are you in a position to do the upload?
[23:06] <bryce_> seb128: hang on, alex deucher is right next to me, let me ask
[23:07] <tjaalton> bryce_: not before tomorrow, but it's probably post-RC anyway
[23:07] <tjaalton> if ack'ed
[23:08] <bryce_> seb128: ok alex says that rotation is expected to work and he's not aware of bug reports about it, but will take a look if we send it to him
[23:08] <bryce_> tjaalton: right
[23:09] <seb128> bryce_: ok, thanks
[23:09] <bryce_> seb128: meanwhile yeah we should disable rotation. unfortunately there's no way of detecting which driver is running
[23:10] <bryce_> (I mean, aside from parsing Xorg.0.log, which I have a patch for, but you didn't like it... *grin*)
[23:10] <tjaalton> mario_limonciell: if you could persuade someone from the kernel team to ack the new fglrx, please :)
[23:10] <seb128> bryce_: right ;-)
[23:10] <mario_limonciell> tjaalton, we've got a call with rtg tomorrow morning. I'll bring it up
[23:10] <tjaalton> mario_limonciell: cool, thanks
[23:19] <mario_limonciell> tjaalton, do you have a bug number for me to give rtg to reference the ack?
[23:23] <kees> my ati chipset rules. compiz works and xrandr doesn't crash. ;)
[23:23] <kees> I just need to go bug alex about the svideo port now
[23:47] <mario_limonciell> kees, If I understand correctly, that is protected by some IP due to macrovision constraints
[23:52] <bryce_> %#@ macrovision
[23:54] <mario_limonciell> it costs an arm and a leg to certify systems for it too
[23:55] <mario_limonciell> but yes, lots #$&* is directed in its general direction
[23:55] <bryce_> :-)
[23:55] <bryce_> mario_limonciell: track @ bug 218345
[23:56] <mario_limonciell> great thanks.
[23:59] <kees> mario_limonciell: seriously?