UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /16 /#ubuntu-marketing.txt
Initial commit
[00:20] <Ace2016> oh cool, whats in here?
[00:20] <Prefix> lol
[00:20] <Ace2016> LoCo?
[00:21] <Ace2016> what do you guys do in here?
[00:21] <Prefix> yeah its like local teams that advertise ubuntu i think
[00:21] <Flannel> Ace2016: LOcal COmmunity. Country (and more) based teams that promote Ubuntu
[00:21] <Flannel> !loco
[00:21] <ubotu> Information on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams
[00:22] <Ace2016> so is ubuntu the distro linked with ubuntu cola?
[00:22] * Ace2016 doesn't like ubuntu cola
[00:24] <DPic> hello all
[00:26] <Flannel> Ace2016: No
[00:26] <Flannel> Howdy DPic
[00:27] <DPic> what should we talk about at out last meeting before the hardy release?
[00:27] <Ace2016> how can ubuntu cola and ubuntu the distro be not related but still go under the name ubuntu?
[00:27] <Ace2016> DPic: whats new in it
[00:27] <DPic> Ace2016: what's new in hardy?
[00:27] <Ace2016> changes to the installer and wubi
[00:28] <DPic> i mean, what were you asking
[00:28] <Flannel> Ace2016: the same way you can have Apple records and Apple macintosh
[00:29] <Ace2016> still, its kind of messed up, didn't ubuntu trademark its name? or can it not because its a dictionary word
[00:30] <Flannel> Ace2016: There is a trademark, but trademarks only apply to the same realm. Unless you're implying that drinks are somewhat close to computers
[00:30] <Flannel> Ace2016: http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy
[00:31] <Ace2016> i still think the link is bad, if people don't like the cola they might shy away from the distro
[00:32] <Prefix> Flannel, thats intresting, I didn't know trademarks were limited to the same type
[00:32] <Ace2016> so in theory i could have a company called microsoft that imports tiny pillows?
[00:32] <DPic> and they might not like the distro if canonical goes after a cola company for their name
[00:32] <Ace2016> can't they ask them to change their name?
[00:34] <Ace2016> http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/software/windows-vista-soft-drink-191357.php
[00:34] <Ace2016> i want that
[00:34] <Flannel> Prefix: Its not "same type" its same realm, or some other noun. Like two food based products would count, for instance.
[00:35] <Ace2016> omg apple juice in a white can with a grey apple logo, that'd be AWESOME!
=== Prefix is now known as Prefix][Sleep
=== Prefix][Sleep is now known as Prefix
[01:19] <DPic> are there people willing to digg this post about getting linux in stores for me?
=== SinTux is now known as Syntux
[07:51] <Syntux> boredandblogging, I'm interested in translating the PR into Arabic
=== _Czessi is now known as Czessi
=== Mez is now known as fishfinder
=== fishfinder is now known as Mez