UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /16 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:11] <ryanakca> Riddell: According to the sysadmins, the Drupal site should be up and running before release.
[00:14] <Riddell> goodness
[01:21] <jjesse> evening
[02:43] <youngling> Riddell: ping
=== youngling is now known as pradeeptob
[03:10] <pradeeptob> http://pastebin.ca/986898 <-- what am I doing wrong here? I have search the internet for asnwers but haven't found any. Any pointers?
[03:22] <nixternal> jjesse: you can use putty to manage your ssh keys...I use it for ssh/svn/bzr and such
[03:31] <pradeeptob> nixternal: http://pastebin.ca/986898 <-- any pointers to this issue?
[03:31] <pradeeptob> thanks in advance
[03:32] <nixternal> pastebin your control file
[03:32] <pradeeptob> sec, its pretty much the ubuntu one.
[03:32] <nixternal> k
[03:33] <pradeeptob> nixternal: http://pastebin.ca/986953
[03:39] <nixternal> pradeeptob: what version number do you have in the changelog?
[03:40] <pradeeptob> pkb-enterprise-3.5.9
[03:40] <nixternal> hrmm
[03:41] <pradeeptob> i am guessing thats the problem?
[03:41] <nixternal> yup
[03:41] <pradeeptob> the source folder, is kdepim-pkb-enterprise-3.5.9
[03:41] <nixternal> that pkb-enterprise is the problem
[03:42] <nixternal> kdepim-pkb-enterprise (3.5.9-x) hardy; urgency=low
[03:42] <nixternal> should be something like that
[03:42] <nixternal> in changelog
[03:42] <pradeeptob> nixternal: so am I supposed to change the names in the control file
[03:42] <pradeeptob> oh
[03:42] <nixternal> ooh, ya you would actually
[03:42] <nixternal> just the kdepim part though and all of the kdepim references
[03:44] <pradeeptob> nixternal: so either the changelog or control?
[03:44] <nixternal> ya
[03:44] <nixternal> but that requires quite a bit
[03:45] <pradeeptob> kdepim (4:3.5.8-0ubuntu1) gutsy-backports; urgency=low <-- from the ubuntu sources
[03:49] <nixternal> that is the style you want to follow honestly
[03:49] <nixternal> creates much less of a head ache for you
[03:49] <pradeeptob> ah ha
[03:49] <nixternal> hehe
[03:49] <nixternal> jcastro: you cookin' ribs thursday?
[03:50] <nixternal> knowing you Michigan militia types, we will be eating bbq skunk and drinking duck pee
[03:53] <jcastro> nixternal: I can get ribs if you want
[03:53] <pradeeptob> nixternal: dpkg-source: error: source package has two conflicting values - kdepim and kdepim-pkb-enterprise , looks like I have to change the control file anyway? is that os?
[03:53] <nixternal> jcastro: nah, just messin' with ya :)
[03:53] <nixternal> looks like Gabriel, Jeff, and I will stock up on Goose Island before leaving Chicago though
[03:54] <pradeeptob> changelog atm says kdepim-pkb-enterprise (4:3.5.9) gutsy; urgency=low
[03:54] <nixternal> my master plan is to steal^Wborrow Jono's hotel key and sleep there :p
[03:54] <nixternal> pradeeptob: then you need to change anything that says 'kdepim' in the control file to 'kdepim-pkg-enterprise'
[03:55] <nixternal> s/pkg/pkb
[03:55] <pradeeptob> nixternal: even in cases like libkdepim ?
[03:55] <pradeeptob> kdepim-gdb/-dev
[03:55] <nixternal> you should be fine with libkdepim /me thinks
[03:56] <nixternal> -gdb and -dev should be changed as well
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[05:35] <vorian> evening :)
[05:53] <Hobbsee> hiya vorian
[07:18] <eagles0513875> stdin: im going to go ahead and fix that
[07:54] <eagles0513875> anyone in here
[08:06] <\sh> apachelogger, ok...the icon problem from yesterday, it's only a problem with the menu icons inside the k-menu..not the application icons
[08:07] <eagles0513875> apachelogger: fixed a minor triviality this morning but its ready
[08:48] <\sh> hmm...does anybody has problems with kopete and jabber?
[08:51] <eagles0513875> anyone alive in here im j/w if anyone else is having this issue with audio streams in amarok when streaming the streams cut out and only way to fix it is rebuffer the stream manually
[09:03] <\sh> apachelogger, bug #188836
[09:03] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 188836 in kdenetwork-kde4 "kopete-kde4 crashes when connecting to some Jabber servers" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188836
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
[10:01] <eagles0513875> anyone having any issues with amarok and streaming audio
[10:05] <eagles0513875> Tonio_: morning i have a question for ya
[10:13] <Tonio_> eagles0513875: yes ? I was about to upload your debdiffs if not done yet
[10:14] <eagles0513875> Tonio_: hold off on the kde one not sure what was decided bout that amarok one i did yesterday
[10:15] <Tonio_> eagles0513875: hold off the kde one ? why so ?
[10:15] <eagles0513875> Tonio_: not sure what was decided on this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/217441
[10:15] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 217441 in amarok "Recommends/Depends on kdebase-kio-plugins for iPod autodetection " [Wishlist,In progress]
[10:15] <eagles0513875> Tonio_: has some mistakes in the runtime one and stdin recommends apachelogger review before uploading
[10:16] <eagles0513875> and hes now saying something about a patch
[10:16] <eagles0513875> Tonio_: unless u want to review and if they are ok u can upload
[10:18] <jussi01> !u > eagles0513875
[10:18] <eagles0513875> jussi01: thanks again
[10:18] <jussi01> :)
[10:19] <Tonio_> eagles0513875: I'll ping apachelogger then :)
[10:19] <eagles0513875> Tonio_: ok
[10:19] <Tonio_> eagles0513875: he knows about kde4 packaging better than I do, since I refuse to work on kde4 atm :)
[10:19] <eagles0513875> Tonio_: whats ur take on the amarok fix i did as well as matti
[10:22] * eagles0513875 needs to find a bug to fix
[10:25] <eagles0513875> Tonio_: what knowledge does one need to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/217580
[10:25] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 217580 in firefox-3.0 "Slow performance with Gmail" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[10:25] <Tonio_> eagles0513875: that's not my part :) not kde app :)
[10:25] <eagles0513875> ok
[10:26] <eagles0513875> Tonio_: lol how about this 1 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lame/+bug/127580
[10:26] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 127580 in lame "lame crashed with SIGSEGV in decodeMP3()" [Medium,New]
[10:27] <Tonio_> same thing ;)
[10:27] <eagles0513875> Tonio_: what exactly do u deal with bug wise lol
[10:27] <eagles0513875> *you
[10:27] <Tonio_> also, one crash reported doesn't mean that's reproductible
[10:27] <eagles0513875> ok
[10:27] <Tonio_> eagles0513875: everything that concerns kde :)
[10:28] <eagles0513875> Tonio_: except kde4
[10:28] <Tonio_> eagles0513875: and more than that I'm not that involved at bugfixing, I do quite a bit do I prefer to work at other points :)
[10:28] <Tonio_> eagles0513875: for the moment yes, no kde4, in one month that'll be different :)
[10:28] <eagles0513875> Tonio_: if i wanted to tweak power settings where do i do that cuz my teacher of my linux cert course after 4 months managed to get it setup to where he gets 3 hrs out of his laptop
[10:29] <eagles0513875> battery
[10:29] <eagles0513875> would that be something that would get added to teh repos rather quickly
[10:31] <Tonio_> eagles0513875: that's quite complex :) it's more kernel/hal side
[10:31] <Tonio_> nothing to do with the laptop part, and that's specific to each laptop
[10:32] <Tonio_> eagles0513875: it is possible that we don't have the nice patch for your laptop, dunno....
[10:32] <eagles0513875> ok im going to have to take a stab at it cuz i owuld really like better life outa this damn monster
[10:32] <eagles0513875> damn athlon 64 3200
[10:32] <Tonio_> :)
[10:32] <Tonio_> you could play with fan settings too
[10:33] <Tonio_> battery life depends on lots of different settings
[10:33] <eagles0513875> why put a desktop proc in a laptop i wanna know but then again its a compaq and they r known for peculiarities
[10:33] <eagles0513875> ok
[10:33] <Tonio_> and also, fan settings are specific to each laptop model/driver
[10:34] <Tonio_> on my laptop (macbook pro) I just use defaults which are fine for my usage
[10:34] <eagles0513875> lucky
[10:34] <eagles0513875> i whould have gotten a mac instead of hp tablet
[10:34] <Tonio_> I have about 2H battery life when osx is about 2h30.... that's quite acceptable
[10:34] <eagles0513875> on my new one bout 2 hrs when on powersave mode
[10:34] <eagles0513875> i wish i could get kubuntu on it though
[10:53] <eagles0513875> ill bbl goign to patch world of warcraft and go have lunch and take a nap im tired again
[10:55] <\sh> does anyone know if we compiled kopete for kde4 with jingle support?
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[11:30] <gribelu> hmm.. what do i do about this? kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4: Conflicts: kdebase-bin-kde3 but 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu7 is to be installed.
[11:36] <Riddell> hmm, the new kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4 needs to be let through
[12:35] <Nightrose> \sh: the guy from open expo just replied saying he put the right descriptions online and that the confirmation for the talk will have to wait another few days
[12:35] * Nightrose checks the page
[12:41] <jeroen-> seems like the Hardy updates of today are havinf conflics somehow; it wants to remove these packages:
[12:41] <jeroen-> kdebase-dev kmplayer-konq-plugins konq-plugins konq-toutf8 konqueror konqueror-nsplugins kubuntu-desktop
[12:41] <jeroen-> mozilla-mplayer
[12:43] <\sh> Nightrose, what about the booth description? it's missing completly somehow ;)
[12:45] <Nightrose> \sh: meh yea just seen it...
[12:45] <Nightrose> \sh: anyway - I need to be at my next lecture in a few minutes - back in 2 hours or so
[12:49] <\sh> Nightrose, /me is writing documentation ;)
[12:56] <\sh> Riddell, where are the icons defined for the menu entries in kde4? (not the application icons, but the icons which are normally infront of the menu entries)
=== smarter_ is now known as smarter
[13:21] <Riddell> \sh: /usr/lib/kde4/share/desktop-directories/ ?
[13:21] <Riddell> or maybe /usr/lib/kde4/share/kde4/desktop-directories/
[13:34] <ScottK> Riddell: I think we are now done with displayconfig and i think all of the patches we're carrying are suitable for upstream. It'd be good if you'd commit them when you have time.
[13:34] <ScottK> done with guidance
[13:37] <apachelogger> \sh: why did you raise the importance of that Kopete bug to critical?
[13:38] <\sh> apachelogger, I think it's an RC
[13:39] <apachelogger> !rc
[13:39] <ubotu> Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - New Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour - Please use bittorrent to download if possible, see !torrents
[13:39] <\sh> apachelogger, two things: 1. during adding of an account, after login to the server, kopete crashes..sadly I can't get any log, because no dr. konqui comes up
[13:40] <apachelogger> well
[13:40] <apachelogger> it happens for _some_ servers
[13:40] <apachelogger> that is high importance, if that at all
[13:40] <\sh> apachelogger, 2. after restarting kopete, and going online .. kopete tells me that it received an not known xml package...and dies after that, again without dr. konqui
[13:41] <\sh> apachelogger, as I'm the admin of an ejabberd server, which is old enough to be my grandfather, I think this it's release critical to ship with it...while kopete on kde3 doesn't behave like that
[13:41] * Hobbsee waves
[13:41] <\sh> apachelogger, RC because kopete is the default IM tool for kde4
[13:42] <apachelogger> \sh: that is certainly not the only issue in KDE 4.0
[13:42] <apachelogger> and compared to others
[13:42] <apachelogger> this is medium to the target users of ubuntu
[13:42] * apachelogger waves at Hobbsee
[13:43] <Hobbsee> greetings
[13:43] <Hobbsee> apachelogger!
[13:43] <apachelogger> \sh: please get me an account on your server
[13:43] <\sh> apachelogger, register yourself :) it's open :)
[13:43] <apachelogger> or 'ur' how eagles would say ;-)
[13:44] * Hobbsee beats apachelogger
[13:45] <\sh> apachelogger, grmpf...removing an account from kopete without deleting it from the server gives a dr. konqui....we do have hopefully ddebs available, right? :)
[13:46] <\sh> apachelogger @ l-s.org just registered ... welcome to my world ;)
[13:46] <apachelogger> ahoy :D
[13:46] <apachelogger> it doesn't crash though
[13:46] <apachelogger> \sh: are you using ssl?
[13:46] <\sh> apachelogger, plain text login...
[13:47] <\sh> apachelogger, I didn#t test creating of accounts...just adding an already registered account..
[13:47] <apachelogger> \sh: I think the crash happens when creating the contact list
[13:47] <apachelogger> I can't get it to crahs
[13:48] <apachelogger> *crash
[13:48] <\sh> wow...then there is a problem with the jabber transports
[13:48] <\sh> which means, even deeper debugging :(
[13:49] <apachelogger> well
[13:49] <apachelogger> I wouldn't care all that much
[13:49] <apachelogger> IIRC kopete will use telepathy stuff in KDE 4.1
[13:49] <jeroen-> grrr
[13:49] <\sh> apachelogger, ok...decrease prio to low...
[13:50] <jeroen-> there seems to be dependency problems
[13:50] <\sh> apachelogger, I subscribed to the bug, imho, and will try to hunt for the bugger in jabber plugin
[13:50] <apachelogger> \sh: you could try getting a backtrace with gdb
[13:50] <jeroen-> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
[13:50] <jeroen-> konqueror: Depends: kdesktop (= 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu7) but 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu6 is to be installed
[13:51] <apachelogger> jeroen-: apt-get update
[13:51] <jeroen-> apachelogger: I did many times
[13:51] <\sh> apachelogger, first I need to check, whcih part of the jabber plugin is actually involved...if it's really the transport part...well...
[13:51] <\sh> don't use kopete ;)
[13:51] <jeroen-> switched from the dutch to the main server, but still problems
[13:51] <apachelogger> *shrug*
[13:56] <jeroen-> which server is the first one that is updated?
[13:56] <jeroen-> the main server or another server?
[14:00] <apachelogger> jeroen-: there must be some local problem
[14:00] <apachelogger> http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/k/kdebase/kdesktop_3.5.9-0ubuntu7_i386.deb
[14:00] <apachelogger> https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/i386/kdesktop/4:3.5.9-0ubuntu7
[14:01] <jeroen-> apachelogger: you mean at my machine?
[14:01] <apachelogger> jeroen-: yes, the package is certainly built
[14:01] <apachelogger> well, technically it could also be that the package is not listed in the package list on the server
[14:01] <apachelogger> though I doub that
[14:02] <jeroen-> apachelogger: if I do a apt-cache show kdesktop, it gives 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu6
[14:06] <apachelogger> jeroen-: -(~:$)-> apt-cache show kdesktop | grep Version:
[14:06] <apachelogger> Version: 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu7
[14:07] <gribelu> jeroen-: works fine here.. you just need to wait until your mirror is updated
[14:07] <\sh> apachelogger, crashed? ;)
[14:08] <apachelogger> \sh: removed the account :P
[14:08] <\sh> apachelogger, lol
[14:08] <apachelogger> for me only kopete trunk crashes ;-)
[14:13] <apachelogger> Oo
[14:14] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: can you teach eagles next time about closing bugs that he gets fixes uploaded for please?
[14:14] <apachelogger> maybe, I am wrong, but shouldn't people who actually come from the US know how to write proper english?
[14:14] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: yeah. But it's logical that he doesn't.
[14:14] <apachelogger> Hobbsee: first I need to teach him about how sense changes with different word order http://launchpadlibrarian.net/13482136/kdebase-runtime.debdiff
[14:15] <apachelogger> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/13482136/kdebase-runtime.debdiff
[14:15] <apachelogger> ehh
[14:15] <apachelogger> + * Removed from kdebase-bin-kde3 and kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4's conflict and
[14:15] <apachelogger> + replace lines (LP: #216529)
[14:15] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: seeing as he doesn't appear to listen and process information, it would be unlikely that he'd listened to the information about how to actually put sentences together, and write proper english.
[14:16] <apachelogger> well, that almost makes me cry TBH
[14:16] <apachelogger> we were analysing that small changes for about an hour yesterday
[14:16] <Hobbsee> well, he's not here. i could nuke him.
[14:16] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: do you class it as disruption to development yet?
[14:16] <apachelogger> Hobbsee: for me it's more disruption of learning for school right now ;-)
[14:17] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: sure, but this channel doesn't deal with that.
[14:17] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: is he disrupting kubuntu development yet, in your view?
[14:17] <Hobbsee> if he is, that's reason to nuke.
[14:17] <Hobbsee> see if he learns in another 8 months, or whatever.
[14:17] <apachelogger> Hobbsee: I think we should talk to him
[14:17] <apachelogger> Hobbsee: not block him
[14:18] <apachelogger> but tell him to leave
[14:18] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: and say what?
[14:18] <apachelogger> and learn about development stuff
[14:18] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: he's not going to follow what he's told.
[14:18] <apachelogger> and to come back when he thinks he can actually fix bugs in less than 3 days
[14:18] <apachelogger> Hobbsee: so we can still nuke him
[14:18] <apachelogger> anyway
[14:18] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: you volunteering to talk to him? you've been working with him the most, it looks like
[14:18] <jeroen-> gribelu: what server do you use?
[14:19] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: better someone else doing it, rather than me, multiple times, multiple channels.
[14:19] <apachelogger> Hobbsee: yeah, gotta do that
[14:19] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: thanks
[14:20] <jeroen-> apachelogger: what server do you use?
[14:20] <gribelu> jeroen-: archive.ubuntu.com
[14:21] <apachelogger> jeroen-: archive.
[14:21] <jeroen-> gribelu: well thats thew main server isnt
[14:21] <gribelu> yes
[14:21] <jeroen-> strange it does not work
[14:21] <apachelogger> as I saied, there is a local problem
[14:22] <jeroen-> apachelogger: well if I knew what kind of problem
[14:22] <apachelogger> *said even
[14:22] <Hobbsee> jeroen-: when was the last time you ran an apt-get update?
[14:22] <jeroen-> Hobbsee: 1 1/2 ago it started
[14:22] <jeroen-> till then I did a apt-get update many times
[14:23] <jeroen-> oh wait, now it works
[14:23] <apachelogger> meh
[14:23] <jeroen-> proberly the main server is not archive.ub at all
[14:24] <Hobbsee> it is.
[14:24] <jeroen-> well I did it a half hour ago with the main server and it dod not work
[14:24] <jeroen-> oh well
[14:24] <jeroen-> it worrks
[14:25] <Hobbsee> [23:25] <Hobbsee> what the fuck?[23:25] <-- seb128 has left this server ("Ex-Chat").
[14:25] <Hobbsee> [23:25] <Hobbsee> this guy uploaded *16* debdiffs to fix the bug, and it still looks like he's broken something.
[14:26] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: can you examine the problem, and fix it please?
[14:26] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: those comments on the end of the bug don't look good
[14:27] <apachelogger> Hobbsee: working on it right now
[14:28] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: thanks. i'll sponsor the fixed version
[14:28] <Hobbsee> i did ask about this days ago, but got no answer.
[14:29] <Hobbsee> it looks like it would break co-installability, or force installation of kde4 if it wasn't already installed.
[14:36] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: please make sure you update https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/216529 as well
[14:36] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 216529 in kdebase-runtime "kdebase-bin depends kdebase-bin-kde3 OR kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4" [High,Triaged]
[14:40] <apachelogger> Hobbsee: http://aplg.kollide.net/kubuntu/216529/kdebase-runtime_4.0.3-0ubuntu2.dsc
[14:46] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: that looks like that was eagles' last patch
[14:46] <apachelogger> Hobbsee: ?
[14:46] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: with a bit about a changelog fix
[14:46] <apachelogger> yeah
[14:47] <apachelogger> though eagles' last one was wrong
[14:47] <Hobbsee> so, a) if the last patch got applied, yours won't, and b) i doubt you're fixing the problem there?
[14:47] <apachelogger> Hobbsee: the last one didn't get applied
[14:47] <apachelogger> why don't I fix the problem? :P
[14:48] <apachelogger> the problem is
[14:48] <apachelogger> if you have kde3 and install kde4
[14:48] <apachelogger> it will remove kde3
[14:48] <apachelogger> and vice versa
[14:48] <apachelogger> call caused by the replace/conflict on kdebase-bin-kde3
[14:49] <apachelogger> s/call/all
[14:49] <Hobbsee> yes
[14:49] * Hobbsee goes thru the debdiffs to find which one was actually applied
[14:49] <Hobbsee> oh right, one in the middle, not the one at the bottom
[14:49] <apachelogger> well
[14:49] <apachelogger> kdebase vs. kdebase-runtime
[14:50] <Nightrose> re
[14:51] <Nightrose> that was gross - just watched a video of a hip replacement operation in class - looked scary and kinda like in a slaughterhouse...
[14:53] <Hobbsee> whisky tango foxtrot.
[14:54] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: so, does kdebase-runtime not check the different paths, to see which of kde3/4 runtime stuff it's got installed?
[14:56] <apachelogger> Hobbsee: kdebase-runtime is a KDE 4 path, therefore only uses the KDE 4 path
[14:56] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: so why force a dep on kde3 stuff?
[14:57] <Hobbsee> if they're the same libraries, in a different path?
[14:57] <apachelogger> Hobbsee: where do we do that?
[14:57] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/kdebase/4:3.5.9-0ubuntu7
[14:58] <apachelogger> Hobbsee: it was probably a left over from the times when the kde4 packages weren't in /usr/lib/kde4
[14:58] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: means that kdebase-bin-kde3 will be force installed on all installations requiring kdebase-runtime, no?
[14:58] <apachelogger> no
[14:58] <apachelogger> kdebase is KDE 3
[14:58] <apachelogger> kdebase-runtime, kdebase-workspace and kdebase-kde4 are KDE 4
[14:59] <apachelogger> so kdebase was wrong before ubuntu7 as it suggested a KDE 4 packages as alternate dependency
[14:59] <Hobbsee> i know, but the fact that you'r enow not letting kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4 satisfy the dependancy of kdebase-runtime, means that you're forcing the kdebase-bin-kde3 to
[15:00] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: which means that you're forcing kde 3 stuff on a kde4 install, no?
[15:00] <Riddell> kdebase-runtime depends on kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4
[15:01] * apachelogger is confused
[15:01] <Riddell> kdebase-bin depends on kdebase-bin-kde3
[15:01] <Riddell> seems good to me
[15:01] <apachelogger> yeah
[15:01] <Hobbsee> oh, so we have 2 packages that do the same thing, with different names, for kde3 and 4.
[15:01] <apachelogger> yes
[15:02] <Riddell> yes
[15:02] <Hobbsee> wow.
[15:02] <Riddell> except they don't because unlike Debian we install kde 4 to a different paht
[15:02] <Hobbsee> do i want to ask why they're so unclearly named?
[15:03] <apachelogger> kdebase-bin-kde3 vs. kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4
[15:03] <apachelogger> they both have a -kdeX suffix
[15:03] <Hobbsee> no, kdebase-runtimee vs kdebase-bin
[15:03] <Hobbsee> with a bonus replaces kdebase-runtime-bin in there, just for a bit of variety
[15:04] <Riddell> because that's what they're called?
[15:04] <Hobbsee> obviously, but why did upstream use such unclear naming?
[15:04] <apachelogger> Hobbsee: upstream splitted kdebase in 3 parts
[15:04] <Hobbsee> split.
[15:05] <Hobbsee> (there is no splitted)
[15:05] <apachelogger> hehe, yeah ;-)
[15:05] <apachelogger> shame on me
[15:05] * apachelogger gives Hobbsee all his cookies :(
[15:05] <Hobbsee> np. you're not native.
[15:05] * Hobbsee gives some back, as apachelogger is german.
[15:05] <apachelogger> austrian!
[15:05] <Hobbsee> ahem. austrian
[15:06] * Hobbsee gives a few more back.
[15:06] <Hobbsee> you speak german, dammit.
[15:06] <apachelogger> yay :)
[15:06] <apachelogger> Hobbsee: actually I speak bavarian german
[15:06] <ScottK> And it makes a big difference.
[15:06] <ScottK> We have a German exchange student living with us.
[15:06] <ScottK> My wife has some German.
[15:07] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: ahhh
[15:07] <ScottK> Sometimes she has to translate for the German students from different parts of Germany.
[15:08] <apachelogger> Hobbsee: amarok's very own markey for example has problems understanding my german
[15:08] <Riddell> austrian? is that like australian?
[15:08] <apachelogger> :P
[15:08] <Hobbsee> heh
[15:08] <Riddell> apachelogger: g'day bruce
[15:10] * Hobbsee pets her kangaroo
[15:11] * apachelogger starts singing a gstanzl and does a schuhplattler at the same time
[15:12] <apachelogger> hm
[15:13] <apachelogger> "The Schuhplattler is said to be the oldest surviving European dance, going back to Neolithic times."
[15:13] <apachelogger> didn't know that
[15:14] * Nightrose takes away apachelogger's coffee
[15:14] <Nightrose> :P
[15:14] <apachelogger> meh
[15:15] * apachelogger needs to prepare a presentation
[15:48] <sebbar> hi, I'm going to install hardy daily in a bit, I think there was a call to test daily yesterday or so... any particular tests I could do?
[15:48] <nosrednaekim> sebbar: I think there is a whole testing routine
[15:49] <Riddell> anything you can from http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all
[15:51] <sebbar> ok, tnx
[15:58] <jjesse> its the daily live 200080416.1 correct?
[16:04] <seezer> hi. even after reading your discussion about the latest kdebase-runtime/kdebase-bin patch i'm not quite sure which suggested "resolution" i should choose for the conflict in aptitude. could anyone help me out?
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[16:14] <eagles0513875> apachelogger: sry for all the confusion on that bug fix
[16:14] <eagles0513875> seezer: im still new to all this i wish i could help ya but dont know that much
[16:17] <seezer> eagles0513875: not that big problem. but i guess it's just not me who asks himself what the conflict message really means :/
[16:17] <seezer> kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4: Conflicts: kdebase-bin-kde3 but 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu7 is to be installed.
[16:17] <seezer> errm. "not just me" i mean
[16:17] <eagles0513875> seezer: he mentored me on fixing the bug
[16:17] <eagles0513875> he was the one that found it
[16:17] <Hobbsee> seezer: you running kde3 or 4?
[16:17] <seezer> Hobbsee: installed both. running kde4 right now.
[16:18] <eagles0513875> afternoon btw Hobbsee
[16:18] <Hobbsee> seezer: you probably want to keep kde4
[16:18] <seezer> Hobbsee: hehe. but thats true for kde3 tue ;)
[16:18] <Hobbsee> seezer: what's bringing in kdebase-bin-kde3?
[16:18] <seezer> blah. too
[16:19] <seezer> Hobbsee: sec
[16:19] <seezer> "kdebase-bin-kde3 | kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4" in kdebase-bin i guess
[16:20] <seezer> aptitude says it'll automatically install kdebase-bin-kde3
[16:20] <Hobbsee> oh, holy hell.
[16:21] <Hobbsee> seezer: that's not doing the confilct
[16:21] <apachelogger> Hobbsee: of course it does
[16:22] <seezer> http://seezer.roath.org/files/kdebaseborkness
[16:22] <apachelogger> now that kdebase-bin doesn't depend on either the KDE 3 or the KDE 4 package
[16:22] <seezer> here's the complete output of aptitude full-upgrade
[16:22] <apachelogger> it will remove either KDE 3 or KDE 4 since kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4 conflicts with it's kde3 pendant
[16:22] <apachelogger> seezer: that issue should be fixed as soon as kdebase-runtime built
[16:23] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: er, kdebase-bin still depends on boht
[16:23] <nixternal> oi
[16:23] <seezer> apachelogger: ah ok
[16:23] * jpatrick waves at nixternal
[16:23] <jjesse> morning nixternal
[16:23] <nixternal> he who broketh shall hurry up and fixeth!
[16:23] <nixternal> mornin' jjesse
[16:23] <seezer> :)
[16:23] <seezer> hi
[16:24] <apachelogger> Hobbsee: did you upload -runtime yet?
[16:24] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: hardy-changes says it got uploaded yesterday
[16:25] <Hobbsee> it's built
[16:25] <Hobbsee> Riddell: you want that kubuntu-meta change to be accepted, i assume?
[16:27] <Hobbsee> amarok (2: hardy; urgency=low
[16:27] <Hobbsee> .
[16:27] <Hobbsee> * Added kdebase-kio-plugins as a recommened package
[16:27] <Hobbsee> eagles0513875: ^ why?
[16:27] <Hobbsee> what does it give us?
[16:28] <apachelogger> wtf
[16:29] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: hm?
[16:30] <apachelogger> Hobbsee: that stuff works perfectly fine for me since Riddell uploaded both changes yesterday
[16:30] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: both kde3 and 4 installed?
[16:30] <apachelogger> yes
[16:31] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: i wonder if this is because both didn't get uploaded at the same time, or something
[16:31] <apachelogger> they certainly are published now
[16:31] <apachelogger> seezer: run apt-get update and try upgrading again
[16:32] <nixternal> published or not, my box wants to uninstall everything! I mean everything :p
[16:32] <nixternal> am I making the situation better or worse right now? :)
[16:32] <jjesse> worse :)
[16:32] <nixternal> hehe, good I am succeeding then
[16:32] <apachelogger> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7209/
[16:32] <apachelogger> works for me
[16:32] * apachelogger has to leave for a project presentation
[16:32] <apachelogger> laters
[16:37] <eagles0513875> apachelogger: a few people uploaded that as well on the bug
[16:38] <eagles0513875> it seems like it wants to uninstall everything kde3 related
[16:39] <eagles0513875> if u have kde4 installed it wants to remove everything kde3 related seems like u cannot have both of them at the same time
[16:39] <eagles0513875> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-runtime/+bug/216529
[16:39] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 216529 in kdebase-runtime "kdebase-bin depends kdebase-bin-kde3 OR kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4" [Critical,Fix committed]
[16:42] <eagles0513875> ill be back later guys
[16:43] <Riddell> plugging my ipod in makes amarok want to remake the database on it
[16:47] <davmor2> Riddell: that's to teach you not to use an Ipod I like kde more and more ;)
[16:51] <Riddell> I'm easily persuaded to the virtues of things I don't have to pay for unfortunately
[16:53] <nixternal> hehe
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[17:00] <Riddell> nixternal: can you add today's kubuntu meeting to fridge
[17:00] <Riddell> 22:00
[17:00] <Riddell> utc
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[17:05] <seezer> how frequently do the *.archive.ubuntu.com mirrors get synced?
[17:05] <Riddell> depends on the mirror
[17:05] <seezer> de in my case
[17:06] <davmor2> I'm sure I asked this some time ago but I forgot the answer why are there 2 terminals?
[17:06] <Riddell> davmor2: in KDE 4? because adept brings in the KDE 3 one
[17:06] <davmor2> that's it :)
[17:07] <davmor2> ta
[17:09] <freeflying> 22:00 UTC, its too early here, can not join with you guys :)
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[17:18] <nixternal> Riddell: added the meeting at 22:00, however at 21:00 there is a Server Team Meeting
[17:19] <nixternal> possibly they won't take longer than an hour
[17:21] <seezer> is packages.ubuntu.com "live"? iow does it always show the newest versions or is it also synced from time to time?
[17:22] <jpatrick> seezer: should be live
[17:22] <seezer> ok. then apachelogger forgot to upload or something.. :)
[17:23] <jpatrick> by the offset of a day
[17:23] <jpatrick> or something..
[17:23] <Riddell> packages. will have a delay, launchpad won't
[17:27] <seezer> Riddell: good to know, thanks
[17:28] <smarter> shortcut to launchpad: usrc:package
[17:28] <smarter> 'in Konqueror)
[17:29] <seezer> i'll teach my firefox too, until i get a searchbar back in konqui ;)
[17:32] <Tm_T> stdin: wakey
[17:32] <Tm_T> Riddell: 8.10 will use KDE 4.1, right?
[17:33] <stdin> hmm?
[17:33] <Tm_T> stdin: any plans to package 4.1 ?
[17:34] <stdin> when it's comes out I guess ;)
[17:34] <stdin> I think we're going to want whatever the latest KDE release is at the time in hardy
[17:34] <Tm_T> yes
[17:34] <Tm_T> I mean for 8.10 series
[17:35] <stdin> oh 8.10
[17:35] <Tm_T> hmm, I was thinking to package from svn, something like once a week perhaps
[17:36] <ScottK> We previously discussed jumping straight to 4.1 snapshots when Intrepid opens since we know that's what we'll release with.
[17:36] <stdin> Tm_T: sound's like a good idea, but packaging svn is always more difficult that you think, even if you think it'll be difficult, it'll be more so. just to spite you ;)
[17:37] <Tm_T> stdin: oh I know very well, it's moving target <3
[17:37] <stdin> I tried it for a little while back in the 3.9x.x days, soon stopped that
[17:37] <nixternal> lol
[17:37] <stdin> but if you can get it to work, then I'll love you forever :)
[17:38] <Tm_T> great
[17:38] <Tm_T> I will need your help though
[17:39] <stdin> you dare to ask the wise and mysterious "stdin" for help? MU-HA-HA-HA
[17:39] <stdin> I guess I'll have to clear a few gigs again for svn checkouts
[17:40] <nixternal> jcastro: you didn't tell me that Gabriel was a big time Gnomeite :p
[17:41] <smarter> great idea, for what I've read on the intarweb, it looks like people are disappointed by Kubuntu not providing KDE 4.1 packages
[17:41] <nixternal> specialKevin just warned me :p
[17:41] <jcastro> nixternal: I didn't want you leaving him in Gary, Indiana or something
[17:41] <nixternal> smarter: have you seen the other distros trying to do 4.1 packages? they are all fairly horrible
[17:41] <nixternal> jcastro: hahahaha, look at this!
[17:41] <Tm_T> stdin: mostly to help to start living with PPA, haven't used it yet
[17:41] <nixternal> 11:38:16 [ nixternal] there will be 2 KDE guys in the car, so if he gets out of hand, we will drop him off in Gary
[17:42] <nixternal> 11:39:03 [ nixternal] or Benton Harbor, or Detroit
[17:42] <smarter> people seem to like opensuse, never tried it
[17:42] <jcastro> heh
[17:42] <stdin> Tm_T: yeah, but'll likely be up at around 3am going "hmm, why isn't this building, let's try (x) or (y)..." ;)
[17:42] <Tm_T> haha
[17:42] <Tm_T> sounds familiar
[17:55] <Riddell> openoffice compiled!
[18:07] <seezer> Riddell: de.archive isn't syncing too often i guess :) the new kdebase-runtime got uploaded to archive.ubuntu.com at 13:04 (utc i guess), still nothing for us germans
[18:11] <awen_> seezer: iirc the da mirror was often off by a day, when i used it ... so is not unlikely that de would be the same
[18:13] <seezer> awen_: one day? that's it for all the cute "de."s in sources.list :)
[18:14] <awen_> seezer: he :) ... i use the local mirrors for my "stable" machines ... but when running alpha/beta and developing i jump to the global mirror
[18:15] * awen_ just had the chance to test the new automatic printer config tool "for real" today ... it works like a charm :D
[18:16] <seezer> awen_: sounds sane.. :)
[18:16] <seezer> apachelogger: fyi: 4.0.3-0ubuntu2 works for me too
[18:42] <Tm_T> Hobbsee: hi
[18:47] <Tm_T> Riddell: hmm, perhaps my little project could solve the issue of KDE3 -> KDE4 migration?
[18:48] <Tm_T> or atleast be part of the solution
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[20:18] <awen_> hmm ... konversation seems to be installed on the kubuntu-kde4 cd ... but it is not in the kicker menu so you can start it?
[20:26] <smarter> s/kicker/plasma/ :)
[20:26] <awen_> smarter: yeah ... but in any case, it is missing
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[20:29] <awen_> is juk supposed to install mp3 support automatically when playing the first mp3?
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[20:30] <fdoving> awen_: does it try?
[20:30] <awen_> fdoving: no ... it just loop through all the files in the playlist in about 0.2 seconds and stops at the end
[20:31] <fdoving> yeah, i think the auto-install thing is amarok specific.
[20:31] <awen_> fdoving: okay ... do you remember what i need to install to get it working?
[20:31] <fdoving> juk?
[20:31] <fdoving> let's see.
[20:32] <fdoving> awen_: is this the kde4 juk?
[20:33] <awen_> fdoving: yeah ... i'm trying the kde4 live cd
[20:33] <fdoving> awen_: then it uses xine.
[20:33] <fdoving> via phonon.
[20:33] <fdoving> so you need the xine codec thing. hang on. i'll find the name.
[20:33] <awen_> fdoving: thanks :)
[20:35] <fdoving> awen_: maybe libxine1-ffmpeg works.
[20:36] <awen_> fdoving: yeah ... that was the one
[20:40] <awen_> okay ... two major bugs in the kde4 live-cd as i see it ... konversation doesn't have an icon, and the help system is completely emty when you enter (no contents, and no text on the frontpage)
[20:42] <Nightrose> awen_: the help center has been that way since the first hardy cd I tested ;-)
[20:42] <awen_> Nightrose: i'm not sure, that makes it much better, he
[20:43] <Nightrose> ;-) right - just wanted to let you know
[20:43] <awen_> :)
[20:43] <awen_> but at least the konversation icon would be a winner to have, i think
[21:14] <awen_> is there any difference between the icon handling in kde4 vs. kde3? ... or asked in another way; does anyone have an idea where to look for the missing konversation icon in kde4?
[21:14] <fdoving> konversation is kde3 right?
[21:15] <awen_> fdoving: yeah
[21:16] <fdoving> i need to download this cd i guess. do you have a link around?
[21:16] <awen_> fdoving: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all
[21:16] <Arby> awen_: on my kde4 box it's /usr/lib/kde4/share/icons/oxygen/$SIZE/apps
[21:17] <fdoving> awen_: you can try to link konversation.desktop to /usr/share/applications/kde4/konversation.desktop
[21:17] <Arby> where $SIZE=128x128 etc
[21:17] <fdoving> awen_: is the menu-item there, just missing the icon?
[21:17] <awen_> fdoving: no .. .the menu-item is not there at all
[21:18] <awen_> but the binary is at least there
[21:18] <fdoving> awen_: ok, then you can try to link: ln -s /usr/share/applications/{kde/konversation.desktop,kde4/konversation.desktop}
[21:20] <awen_> i'll just try to start the live-cd again and test that...
[21:20] <awen_> fdoving: do you use a non-us keyboard layout?
[21:21] <fdoving> awen_: yes. norwegian
[21:21] <awen_> fdoving: if you get your hands on the kde4 live-cd ... please test if it works for you to choose your keyboard layout
[21:22] <fdoving> ok, it's downloading.
[21:22] <fdoving> 6%.
[21:22] <awen_> it doesn't work for me (using danish kb layout)
[21:22] <fdoving> 25min remaining.
[21:22] <fdoving> using the systray-icon?
[21:22] <awen_> fdoving: no ... choosing it when you start
[21:23] <fdoving> ah.ok.
[21:23] <awen_> F3 in the boot menu
[21:27] <awen_> hmm... the keyboard layout actually worked this time; but konsole refuses to accept æøå characters
[21:28] <fdoving> oh.
[21:37] <awen-testing> seems the icon appears when you install the konversation package
[21:37] <nixternal> sudo apt-get install irssi
[21:37] <nixternal> :D
[21:38] * awen-testing still wonders where he got the konversation binary from on the last boot
[21:38] <awen-testing> nixternal: yeah ... but i'm quite sure that works; no testing needed ;)
[21:38] <nixternal> :)
[21:55] * awen_ needs to find somewhere to hide a server running his irssi in a screen
[21:55] <yao_ziyuan> now in kubuntu 8.04 beta
[21:55] <yao_ziyuan> certainly an improvement
[21:56] <Riddell> yay
[21:56] <awen_> yao_ziyuan: welcome :)
[21:59] <yao_ziyuan> except the default wallpaper/style/window decoration problem discussed last time.
[21:59] <yao_ziyuan> but new users should be unable to tell the regression
[22:00] <Serega> meeting?
[22:00] <yao_ziyuan> no, just in this channel
[22:00] <awen_> isn't it in an hour?
[22:01] <awen_> yao_ziyuan: are you on kde3 or kde4 ?
[22:01] <nixternal> 1 HOUR UNTIL MEETING!
[22:01] <nixternal> hopefully the server team will be done by then
[22:01] <yao_ziyuan> next time, consider a default look like:
[22:02] <yao_ziyuan> http://infowire.googlegroups.com/web/%E6%BB%A1%E5%9C%B0%E7%BA%A2.png?gda=YO_4BVAAAACHWpUiYTwLawza5SKvOatowZlB5waSfPHNxuPYNUTKTWG1qiJ7UbTIup-M2XPURDR7_Fjeke83a4QZCnRfQPyQoIz2glZWHiQ1B5n2ykWZLA
[22:02] <Serega> ah... darn I missed my timezone :))
[22:02] <yao_ziyuan> or:
[22:02] <nixternal> yao_ziyuan: tinyurl :)
[22:02] <yao_ziyuan> http://infowire.googlegroups.com/web/workspace080228.png?gda=86NB5UQAAACHWpUiYTwLawza5SKvOatowZlB5waSfPHNxuPYNUTKTWG1qiJ7UbTIup-M2XPURDSi_7LkP3M6egTwwyaOk0t9IegfnwZa-Ew6rpGDNRO6hA
[22:02] <nixternal> that badboy wrapped 4 times in my irssi window :)
[22:02] <yao_ziyuan> sorry, i think tinyurl is a solution too indirect
[22:04] <yao_ziyuan> lol. google is so good at creating long urls.
[22:05] <yao_ziyuan> awen_: kde3
[22:06] <nixternal> I have always liked that raindrops wallpaper..though I think another distro is already using it
[22:06] <Riddell> nixternal: fancy doing RC release notes? I expect most of it can be copied from beta
[22:07] <nixternal> I might be able to whip up something tonight
[22:07] <yao_ziyuan> that raindrops wallpaper reminds me of my first day as a freshman
[22:07] <nixternal> tying up some loose ends before I head out on my road trip
[22:07] <awen_> yao_ziyuan: what is it that has gotten worse about the look since gutsy in your opinion?
[22:08] <Riddell> nixternal: where's your road trip to?
[22:08] <nixternal> Riddell: Jorge Castro's house :) Penguicon actually
[22:09] <nixternal> and if I don't find a place to stay, I am sleeping in wolfger's car :p
[22:10] <wolfger> @nixternal: That's gonna be a long walk, since I'm not planning on having my car at Penguicon
[22:10] <wolfger> I'm getting a ride out
[22:10] <nixternal> heh
[22:11] <nixternal> wolfger: you can stop the @ stuff, this is IRC :p
[22:11] <nixternal> hahahahahahaha
[22:11] <nixternal> you my friend, are a twitterholic
[22:11] * wolfger continues the @nixternal stuff
[22:12] <nixternal> hehe
[22:12] <wolfger> easiest to adopt one standard way of typing for all fomats
[22:12] <wolfger> I do /me on Twitter and IM even though it doesn't work
[22:12] <wolfger> so I'll do @<yourname> here
[22:12] <nixternal> ya, I made fun of someone doing that today
[22:13] <wolfger> heh
[22:13] <wolfger> So did Jorge drive Jono to Michigan from California, or what?
[22:13] <nixternal> I have no clue...forgot about them being in California
[22:14] <wolfger> could have saved Penguicon some bucks, and called it a business trip for Canonical
[22:17] <yao_ziyuan> still i want to reiterate the "language concepts" problem:
[22:17] <yao_ziyuan> in Regional & Language,
[22:18] <yao_ziyuan> there are too many confusing concepts about languages:
[22:18] <yao_ziyuan> "languages to add",
[22:18] <yao_ziyuan> "installed languages",
[22:18] <yao_ziyuan> "default language",
[22:18] <yao_ziyuan> "system language"
[22:18] <yao_ziyuan> should just use a simple listbox with checkboxes, like ubuntu's and fedora's
[22:19] <yao_ziyuan> like:
[22:19] <yao_ziyuan> [x] English
[22:19] <yao_ziyuan> [x] Chinese
[22:19] <yao_ziyuan> [ ] German
[22:19] <yao_ziyuan> a [x] item means that language is installed
[22:19] <yao_ziyuan> a [ ] item means not installed yet
[22:19] <yao_ziyuan> if Chinese is installed, the system automatically enables scim
[22:19] <yao_ziyuan> that's what i want
[22:27] <fdoving> awen_: looks like æøå works for me in kde4 on the livecd.
[22:28] <awen_> fdoving: nice
[22:28] <awen_> fdoving: how does konsole treat them?
[22:35] <fdoving> awen_: forgot to test that, and shut down that machine, i need to leave anyway. i'll try tomorrow. bye.
[22:43] <awen_> fdoving: okay .... bye
[22:57] * claydoh will only be around a short while :( will try to be around as long as I can
[23:00] <Riddell> ** Kubuntu Meeting in 1 minute in #ubuntu-meeting
[23:01] * Serega actively nods
[23:01] * awen_ is already preparing ... making himself a sup of coffee
[23:01] <Jucato> Serega's escited heheh
[23:01] <Jucato> excited*
[23:01] <awen_> s/sup/cup
[23:01] <Riddell> kwwii, nixternal, Tonio_, Hobbsee
[23:01] <Serega> Jucato: wasn't you excited, huh? :)
[23:02] <Jucato> I was a nervous wreck :P
[23:02] <nixternal> yo yo
[23:02] <Tonio_> yep is it time ?
[23:02] <Tonio_> 22 UTC.... right it's +2 here...
[23:02] * Jucato says in a dark voice, "It is time..."
[23:11] <Jucato> QArea? kool! sounds like a Qt class :)
[23:12] <Serega> Jucato: :)
[23:13] <Sergey_Galat> :))))))))
[23:18] * Serega dances
[23:19] <Jucato> nixternal: now I understand where you inherited the scariness from :)
[23:19] <nixternal> hehe
[23:20] * Jucato feels soooo out of the loopy loop
[23:21] <nosrednaekim> ooops.... gonna be late ^_^
[23:21] <Jucato> you already are
[23:21] <Jucato> :P
[23:21] <nosrednaekim> I know :)
[23:22] <nosrednaekim> seems pretty quiet though
[23:22] <nixternal> interesting, just found out I am on the proposed 'Americas Membership Council'
[23:22] <Jucato> KDE Americas?
[23:22] <seele> hmm?
[23:23] <Jucato> AmeriKa :P
[23:23] <Jucato> moin seele!
[23:23] * seele waves
[23:23] <neversfelde|mobi> good to see some Kubuntu people in theses new CCs
[23:23] <Jucato> oh Ubuntu Council heheh
[23:23] <seele> oi vey.. slow meeting
[23:47] <ScottK> nixternal: For the RC release notes the bit about displayconfig an no xorg.conf can be removed. It's been fixed.
[23:48] <nixternal> ScottK: rock on, thanks!
[23:48] <ScottK> nixternal: Guidance power-manaer now has the slightly cool new feature of showing your power consumption if you're on battery.
[23:48] <ScottK> maneer/manager
[23:49] <nixternal> manuer?
[23:49] <nixternal> ;p
[23:49] <nosrednaekim> oh.... Lure finally commited my patch? sweet!
[23:50] <awen_> nixternal: if you need a screenshot of the new feature, just tell me :)
[23:50] <nosrednaekim> be warned, that feature only works with a select few laptops...
[23:51] <nixternal> awen_: a screenshot would be nice if you already have it rocking...would be sweet if it were with a default theme and 1024x768, but if it isn't, no big deal
[23:51] <awen_> nixternal: i have a test user somewhere ... will fetch it for you as soon as the meeting is over
[23:52] <awen_> nixternal: not default theme though: http://awen.dk/packages/snapshot3.png
[23:52] <nixternal> ya, no rush on it...I have a feeling someone will be finishing the release notes anyways, but who knows, maybe I can get them down before I leave
[23:52] <awen_> nixternal: and as nosrednaekim said above ^^
[23:52] <nixternal> groovy
=== _krawek_ is now known as krawek
[23:54] <ScottK> nosrednaekim: It works on my circa 2001 Dell Latitude L400, so it certainly doesn't depend on any new features.
[23:55] <nosrednaekim> ScottK: interesting. well, like alot of ACPI stuff, I guess its finicky
[23:55] <nosrednaekim> (doesn't work with half the laptops I try it on)
[23:55] <ScottK> OK. It works on 2 of 2 for me.
[23:56] <awen_> nosrednaekim: it needs to be supported by the battery + the acpi ... and then hal needs to be aware of it
[23:56] <nosrednaekim> awen_: I know :)
[23:57] <awen_> ScottK: kubuntu meeting is still on in #ubuntu-meeting btw