UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /15 /#ubuntu-meeting.txt
Initial commit
=== antdedyet_ is now known as antdedyet
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
=== Andres_ is now known as RoAkSoAx
=== Andres_ is now known as RoAkSoAx
[04:34] <Hobbsee> @schedule sydney
[04:34] <ubotu> Schedule for Australia/Sydney: 15 Apr 21:00: Community Council | 17 Apr 07:00: Server Team | 24 Apr 07:00: Server Team | 01 May 07:00: Server Team
[04:34] * Hobbsee sighs
[04:34] <Hobbsee> may we have a long, long, meeting, as i'm at work still, by then, and last i checked, i'm on the agenda too.
[04:36] <Hobbsee> although people might have fun complaining about me and others while we're not here.
[04:57] <emma> .
[04:58] <Hobbsee> ..
[04:59] <RoAkSoAx> ... xD
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[11:20] <rm-rf_c\windows> Good Day
[11:20] <jpatrick> rm-rf_c\windows: hi
[11:21] <Iulian> Hey
[11:40] <Mez> @agenda
[11:40] <Mez> !agenda
[11:40] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about agenda - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
=== rm-rf_c\windows is now known as Syntux
=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Community Council Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 16 Apr 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 23 Apr 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 30 Apr 21:00 UTC: Server Team
[11:53] * Amaranth looks around
[11:54] * Syntux looks around too
[11:54] * Iulian hides
[11:54] * techno_freak pokes his head
[11:54] * nand throws snowballs
[11:55] * Syntux tick tok tick tok
[11:55] <Iulian> nand: snowballs? from where? :P
[11:56] <Amaranth> Still have 5 minutes
[11:56] <nand> my fridge! I have kept them for this occasion :)
[11:56] <viperhoot> hello, also I appear like candidate :)
[11:56] <Syntux> viperhoot, I vote yes for you! May the might penguin bless you boy
[11:56] <Iulian> nand: Hahah, cool.
[11:57] <Technoviking> morning all
[11:57] <viperhoot> Syntux: thanks!
[11:57] <Iulian> Hey Technoviking
[11:57] <gouki> corenominal: good luck buddy! :D
[11:58] <corenominal> gouki: thanks, I'm going to need it :)
[11:58] <Syntux> gouki, huh! he's not your only buddy here
[11:58] <gouki> Syntux: :D
[11:58] <popey> corenominal: naaaaah
[11:58] <viperhoot> 2 minutes ^^
[12:00] <corenominal> hey popey :)
[12:00] * Syntux counting down
[12:00] <highvoltage> ooh, CC time.
[12:00] * hubuntu wondering if we will get to the bottom of the list.... ;)
[12:00] <dholbach> hiya
[12:00] * popey hides from dholbach
[12:00] <Iulian> Hello dholbach!
[12:01] <jpatrick> hi dholbach :)
[12:01] <gouki> hubuntu: Hope so :S I have to leave in 1 hour.
[12:01] * dholbach just pinged sabdfl and elmo
[12:01] <viperhoot> hubuntu: Many candidates :S
[12:01] <viperhoot> gouki: me too :S
[12:01] <Syntux> So many candidates so little time
[12:02] <nand> ubuntu is just too popular
[12:02] <hubuntu> ;)
[12:02] * Syntux wonders how they are going to sort that list
[12:03] <popey> Syntux: they generally start at the top
[12:03] <Amaranth> I have a feeling they won't all make it though
[12:03] * xivulon suggests inverse alphabetical order
[12:03] <dholbach> seems that elmo will spend his day in the data center today, so no elmo :-/
[12:04] <Amaranth> sounds...fun
[12:04] <gouki> :)
[12:04] <nand> :)
[12:05] <Daviey> dholbach: no excuse, surely they have rack VDU's in the datacentre :)
[12:05] <Syntux> wohha so I'm the forth
[12:05] <Technoviking> dholbach: fyi, I only have two hours this morning
[12:06] <viperhoot> 11:06 :S
[12:07] <dholbach> hey sabdfl
[12:07] <Technoviking> sabdfl: morning Mark
[12:07] <dholbach> sabdfl: today it's you, Technoviking and me
[12:07] <sabdfl> hello, all
[12:07] <gouki> Hi Mark!
[12:07] <Technoviking> dholbach: thought Matthew could make it?
[12:07] <sabdfl> hi Technoviking - new nick?
[12:07] <Technoviking> sabdfl: yeah
[12:07] <Syntux> mixing Techno with viking
[12:07] <dholbach> Technoviking: no, he's at work
[12:07] <Syntux> interesting
[12:08] * Pelo waves sabdfl hello
[12:08] <dholbach> door bell, brb
[12:08] <sabdfl> alright, agenda for the day does not include membership applications
[12:09] * popey runs away from dholbachs front door
[12:09] <Syntux> ops
[12:09] <Amaranth> sabdfl: I don't think there is an agenda then
[12:09] <Technoviking> weird the Ubuntu wiki is a blank page???
[12:09] <popey> Technoviking: works here
[12:09] <sabdfl> we have agreed to delegate those to regional teams, and i'd like to know where we are on setting up those groups
[12:10] <sabdfl> Amaranth: there is an IRC ops issue that has been raised
[12:10] <Amaranth> sabdfl: Not all parties are present
[12:10] <popey> sabdfl: the person who reported it is unavailable
[12:10] <sabdfl> also, we should establish the status on the streamlined membership proposal
[12:10] <Seeker`> sabdfl: Due to the short notice given, the person who raised the point on the agenda is not available today
[12:11] <Mirv> oh, no applications handling, ok.
[12:11] <sabdfl> how much notice were they given?
[12:11] <Amaranth> About 24 hours
[12:11] <Seeker`> The meeting was announced approximately 19 hours ago
[12:11] <Technoviking> sabdfl: I think we just need to hear back from Corey and Mako on the regional teams
[12:11] <Syntux> less than 24 hours here.
[12:12] <dholbach> sabdfl: regarding the regional membership boards, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StreamlineMembershipApproval was agreed on, suggestions for the initial boards were sent to the CC and some CC members still need to send in their vote
[12:12] <gouki> Is there documentation on the regional teams delegation of members?
[12:12] <gouki> Sorry! :S
[12:13] <sabdfl> dholbach: have we agreed to a schedule of regular CC meetings?
[12:13] <sabdfl> i think the only way this will work is if we fix the schedule in advance
[12:14] <dholbach> sabdfl: I suggested meeting times every two weeks and there was general agreement on it
[12:14] <Technoviking> dholbach: +1
[12:14] <sabdfl> ok. will we alternate times?
[12:15] <dholbach> My suggestion was 11:00 UTC 1st tuesday of the month and 20:00 UTC 3rd Thursday of the month
[12:15] <Technoviking> sabdfl: yes, and days also
[12:15] <sabdfl> that makes it more difficult for people to plan
[12:15] <sabdfl> what's the rationale for alternating days?
[12:16] <Daviey> different TZ?
[12:16] <sabdfl> surely timezones are addressed if we alternate times?
[12:16] <Seeker`> sabdfl: Some people may have commitments every teusday for example, so if they cant make the 2000 Thursday one due to the timezoen being wrong
[12:16] <dholbach> the fridge calendar is down currently - I think the days were changed due to conflict with the TB, but I'm not sure
[12:17] <dholbach> sabdfl: those meeting times had the best chance of CC members being available
[12:17] <sabdfl> i would far prefer a fixed day of the week, every two weeks, at two different times
[12:18] <dholbach> I'm happy with having both on tueday - I can gather feedback from all council members for 1st Tue 11:00 UTC, 3rd Tue 20:00 UTC if you like
[12:18] <sabdfl> dholbach: ok, thanks
[12:18] <dholbach> np
[12:19] <sabdfl> we will defer the IRC issue till the next meeting, please give paladine the appropriate notice
[12:19] <dholbach> I'll do that too
[12:19] <sabdfl> let's discuss the regional team councils
[12:19] <sabdfl> or, membership councils
[12:20] <dholbach> sabdfl: are there any open items that you'd like to discuss specifically?
[12:20] <sabdfl> no, +1 on the proposed list of initial board members
[12:21] <Technoviking> +1 here also
[12:21] <sabdfl> dholbach: is that a full round of responses?
[12:21] <dholbach> let me check
[12:22] <dholbach> sabdfl: mdke voted with +1 too, elmo and mako did not vote yet
[12:22] <dholbach> I'm happy with the list also
[12:22] <gouki> dholbach: Do you mind telling where we can find the list of proposed board members?
[12:23] <Technoviking> dholbach: Corey did not also
[12:23] <dholbach> Technoviking: you're right
[12:23] <dholbach> gouki: the list was not announced publicly, as it was not fully decided upon yet
[12:23] <gouki> dholbach: OK. Thank you.
[12:24] <sabdfl> ok, i will respond to the thread, encouraging them to respond and giving the end of this week as a move-on date
[12:24] <sabdfl> i think it's ok to publish the list
[12:24] <sabdfl> any objections?
[12:24] <Technoviking> sabdfl: none
[12:24] <sabdfl> - as a draft proposed list -
[12:24] <sabdfl> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7108/
[12:25] <sabdfl> all trusted and proven members of the community
[12:25] <gouki> sabdfl: Thanks
[12:25] <christel> sorry for backtracking, i was just wondering if this irc issue is related to any of the many open ubuntu irc related issues that keep coming up over the last few weeks, iow. i am wondering if it would be at all useful for any of us (freenode) to be here
[12:26] * hubuntu thinks that members of the Spanish Speaking Countries should be represented too... MagicFab and/or Effie_Jayx are good candidates
[12:26] <popey> christel: it's been put off till the next meet
[12:26] * hubuntu Means more members... <EOF>
[12:27] <leogg> hubuntu, +1
[12:27] <christel> popey: i know that, thus asking
[12:27] <popey> ah, sorry
[12:27] <christel> no worries :)
[12:28] <elkbuntu> i agree with hubuntu.
[12:28] <jpatrick> hubuntu: +1 from me too
[12:28] <dholbach> sabdfl: not meaning to change the topic, but I suggest the same move-on-date for the loco council
[12:28] <sabdfl> dholbach: +1
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
[12:28] <dholbach> sabdfl: do you want to follow up on the thread or shall I do that?
[12:29] <Technoviking> +1 here also
[12:29] <sabdfl> christel: it would be great to have some freenode representation
[12:29] <sabdfl> we want to make sure we are doing things properly, by ubuntu and freenode guidelines
[12:29] <christel> sabdfl: ok, i will try pencil it in, when i work out if it's a tuesday or a thursday! :)
[12:29] <sabdfl> dholbach: i'm trying to find the loco council thread!
[12:29] <dholbach> sabdfl: "LoCo Council Nominations List - Please choose!"
[12:30] * coolbhavi thinks that Indian members should also be on the board
[12:30] <techno_freak> coolbhavi, --> Sri Ramdoss M
[12:30] <coolbhavi> techno_freak yes
[12:31] <sabdfl> dholbach: +1 from me on the initial proposed 5 that jono submitted
[12:31] <sabdfl> is that a full round of +1?
[12:31] <Technoviking> sabdfl: no elmo
[12:32] <jsgotangco> wow a CC i finally caught one :)
[12:32] <juliux> hey jsgotangco
[12:33] <sabdfl> howdy jsgotangco
[12:33] <dholbach> hi jsgotangco :)
[12:33] <sabdfl> dholbach: please move on, record elmo as an abstention
[12:33] <dholbach> sabdfl: OK
[12:34] <sabdfl> alright, so we have a shiny new loco council, and by friday I expect we will have regional membership boards in place
[12:34] <sabdfl> so this group can focus on community structure and governance issues
[12:34] <gouki> This is just my opinion, but I believe that, since most of people here were counting on the membership discussion, we should do that and implement the LoCo CC for the next meeting.
[12:34] <sabdfl> yay! \o/
[12:34] <dholbach> that's excellent :-)
[12:34] <sabdfl> well done dholbach and thanks to jono for doing the background work and corralling us to this point
[12:34] <dholbach> I'd like to suggest that we make "Updating https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncil/TeamReport" a fixed agenda item - we've been quite bad at keeping it up to date
[12:35] <sabdfl> good point
[12:35] <dholbach> and I'll do it for this meeting
[12:35] <sabdfl> thanks you again, daniel
[12:36] <sabdfl> Seeker`: are you satisfied that a regular meeting will address your concern about notice for CC meetings?
[12:36] <Seeker`> sabdfl: Yes, thank you
[12:36] <sabdfl> ok. PriceChild, is the IRSeek decision you linked to related to Paladine's concerns?
[12:37] <juliux> sabdfl, can you publish a list of the members of the loco council?
[12:37] <PriceChild> sabdfl: That decision was made some time ago, and i thought it might be useful to add it onto the end of his agenda item... seen as its our decision he is questioning.
[12:38] <sabdfl> ok, thanks PriceChild
[12:38] <PriceChild> Gives a little background
[12:38] <sabdfl> juliux: the nominations are:
[12:38] <sabdfl> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7111/
[12:38] <gouki> juliux: already did.
[12:38] <juliux> sabdfl, thxs
[12:38] <sabdfl> actually, those are confirmed as of today :-)
[12:39] <popey> erk!
[12:39] <popey> (in a good way)
[12:39] <sabdfl> :-)
[12:40] <sabdfl> we have a loco proposal in the agenda, but i suggest we delegate that to the new loco council
[12:40] <dholbach> yes, that makes perfect sense
[12:40] <sabdfl> ok.
[12:40] <juliux> good idea;)
[12:40] <popey> nicely done :)
[12:40] <sabdfl> from now on, we'll shoot for a CC meeting every two weeks that takes less than an hour
[12:40] <Syntux> The loCo proposal in the agenda wasn't added by Jono as it supposed to happen.
[12:40] <sabdfl> thank you ALL!
[12:41] <sabdfl> any other business?
[12:41] <popey> sabdfl: do the loco council therefore need a separate meeting from the cc?
[12:41] <popey> to do the membership stuff
[12:42] * popey wonders if "the hour before the cc meeting" would be a good way to guarantee it doesn't overrun
[12:42] <Daviey> Would it be a good idea to have both meetings next to each other, especially as i would expect interested parties might want to attend both.
[12:43] <andylockran> Daviey: +1
[12:43] <dholbach> popey: I'd suggest the Loco Council team members meet to set up the specifics (wiki page, meeting times, etc) and report back with that
[12:43] <juliux> dholbach, +1
[12:43] <dholbach> and once all this is in place we can announce it on mailing lists, etc so people are aware of the new processes
[12:44] <popey> groovy
[12:44] <techno_freak> can i ask a small off-the-agenda question?
[12:45] <Seeker`> techno_freak: you just did
[12:45] <techno_freak> Seeker`, :)
[12:45] <dholbach> regarding the Team Reports, I'd suggest that we ask all Councils to update them as part of their meetings
[12:45] <dholbach> techno_freak: shoot
[12:46] <techno_freak> dholbach, ok. when ubuntu CDs are freely shipped on a special request from a ubuntu loco team, is the team or any of its members allowed to sell the CDs (for more than the media costs)?
[12:47] <Syntux> techno_freak, why someone would do that? to sponsor some other LoCo events?
[12:47] <techno_freak> Syntux, it was said as a fund raising method for the team
[12:47] <juliux> techno_freak, on the recepiton you get with the cds it said that a resale is not permitted
[12:49] * Pelo wonders how many cds the locos get in those shipments
[12:49] * hubuntu allowing to sell the CDs would be lying to customs and could involve more trouble for future shipping. let's make that clear once and for all: No ShipIt! CDs are for sale >.< period
[12:49] <Mirv> also, I think it's against ubuntu trademark policy?
[12:49] <techno_freak> juliux, exactly, but they tried to justify that they had to pay customs duty and it was only a fund raiser for the team
[12:49] <popey> Pelo: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoGettingCds
[12:49] <Mirv> (commercial usage of stuff with ubuntu logo without asking permission)
[12:49] <coolbhavi> When will 8.04 CD's be shipped.. for 7.10 the ordering of cd's started 10 days before release I think....
[12:49] <Hobbes`> How much does Ubuntu cost?
[12:49] <Hobbes`> $0.00. Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Edubuntu are, and always will be, 100% free.
[12:50] <juliux> techno_freak, don' t sell them, give them everybody for free and ask for a donation
[12:50] <dholbach> I can see a lot of activity for future Loco Council meetings already. :-)
[12:50] <juliux> dholbach, thxs
[12:50] <elkbuntu> Hobbes`, not in countries where customs asks the recipient for money
[12:50] <popey> haha, thanks dholbach
[12:50] <Hobbes`> that's what it says on the shipit faq page
[12:50] <gouki> dholbach: lol
[12:50] <dholbach> sabdfl, Technoviking: what do you think about the suggestion to ask all team councils to participate in the team reporting?
[12:50] <techno_freak> juliux, that's was the loco team does
[12:50] <Mirv> techno_freak: it's important to specify that it's about asking for donations, not about selling the CDs as suc
[12:50] <popey> dholbach: should we not have our own team reporting page?
[12:51] * Pelo is grateful for the info
[12:51] <juliux> techno_freak, i think that is ok, in germany we did it the same way
[12:51] <sabdfl> popey: yes, i think a separate meeting is called for, but feel free to set the time to suit yourselves
[12:51] <dholbach> popey: sure the contents of all teams' individual team reporting pages are merged into the monthly team report later on
[12:51] <sabdfl> dholbach: +1 on team reporting
[12:51] <popey> yes dholbach
[12:52] <sabdfl> and thanks for offering to do it for the CC this week
[12:52] <dholbach> no problem - I can get in touch with the team councils we already have
[12:52] <sabdfl> ok. i think that's all then. thank you everyone
[12:52] <Technoviking> dholbach: it should happen, now I need to do the forums one :)
[12:52] <gouki> bye everyone.
[12:53] <dholbach> thanks everybody
[12:53] <techno_freak> juliux, so its ok if the CDs are given free and those who get it are asked to voluntarily donate, but it is wrong to give CDs for money telling the money will go to the team's funds as donation?
[12:53] <dholbach> Technoviking: hehe
[12:53] <jsgotangco> heh
[12:53] <juliux> techno_freak, yes, the cd it self has to be free, so you can get one without a donation
[12:54] <techno_freak> juliux, ok thanks. i will cross check with what was really done :)
[12:54] <juliux> techno_freak, so the donation is a option and not a must
[12:54] <techno_freak> :)
[12:55] <Mez> "donate and get a free ubuntu CD" ?
[12:55] <Pici> and/or
[12:55] <Daviey> Mez: you missed the boat methinks
[12:55] <Pelo> how about a "suggested" donation amount
[12:56] <Syntux> so the meeting is over?
[12:56] <Mez> Daviey, I was eating chips
[12:56] <juliux> lets discuss taht on a extra meeting "how to finance a locoteam"
[12:56] <hubuntu> yeah, member approval and LoCo team related stuff will be handled ina new way form now on
[12:56] <hubuntu> it seems hte meeting is over
[12:56] <Syntux> juliux, I'd love to join such meeting, I have some experience with that
[12:56] * coolbhavi up for financing..
[12:56] <shane2peru> when is the member approval going to be then?
[12:57] <juliux> Syntux, i will announce it a the lococontact list
[12:57] <Syntux> juliux, lovely.
[12:57] <hubuntu> it will be announced in the LoCo contacts list and (I assume) in the CC Agenda in the wiki (which we all have a subscription for, right? ;)
[12:58] <RoAkSoAx> I woke up 6am for the member approval T.T
[12:58] <shane2peru> +1 RoAkSoAx
[12:58] <Syntux> +1 RoAkSoAx
[12:58] <viperhoot> +1 RoAkSoAx
[12:58] <hubuntu> That's life....
[12:58] <coolbhavi> +1 from me too
[12:58] <Syntux> never fair.
[12:59] <hubuntu> I have been so excited myself, but it doesn't help
[12:59] <Technoviking> Syntux: I believe so, anything else dholbach
[12:59] * Pelo points to nickrud he got up at 3am
[12:59] <hubuntu> Next meeting will be more local and the time more localized ;)
[12:59] <popey> the loco countil will do our best to get a well publicised meeting up soon to crack through the outstanding membershpip requests
[12:59] <nand> hehe, such motivation!
[12:59] <nickrud> issue I was interested got postponed
[12:59] <coolbhavi> hubuntu: hi, You are on LP answers team right?
[13:00] <hubuntu> yeah coolbhavi
[13:00] <hubuntu> how come?
[13:00] <Pelo> ok have a good day folks, I'm off
[13:00] <dholbach> Technoviking: no, we're all set
[13:01] * coolbhavi too is on the LP answers team under the name Bhavani Shankar who is a beginner answered to just 950 questions hubuntu.. :)
[13:02] <Syntux> what's LP answers?
[13:02] <hubuntu> LaunchpAd answer system
[13:03] <viperhoot> it seems the meeting is over
[13:03] <coolbhavi> syntux The answers tracker
[13:03] <hubuntu> *tracker
[13:03] <Syntux> I see
[13:06] * coolbhavi makes a correction to given answers to 950 questions
[13:08] <RoAkSoAx> so, when is the membership approval going to be?
[13:08] <popey> RoAkSoAx: when the new loco council schedules a meeting to do it
[13:09] <dthomasdigital> Do we still keep ourselves listed on the CC wiki page?
[13:10] <RoAkSoAx> thanks popey
[13:10] <popey> for now yes dthomasdigital
[13:10] <coolbhavi> popey so the CC wont decide ubuntu membership? Is this the summary?
[13:10] <popey> we will likely move it to another page and put a link on the cc agenda page
[13:11] <gcleric> should new information about the process be posted to the CC wiki?
[13:11] <popey> gcleric: once we have it, yes
[13:12] <Seeker`> popey: I thought that the loco council did loco approval, and the membership council did memberships
[13:13] <popey> "Three regional teams will be created for approving new Ubuntu members, in the following geographical areas:"
[13:13] <popey> was in the original design
[13:14] <nbliang> is the meeting finish?
[13:14] <Seeker`> popey: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StreamlineMembershipApproval
[13:15] <Seeker`> Which appears to be seperate from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams/LoCoCouncil
[13:16] <Daviey> i was left with the impression there was now a LoCo council responsible for regional LoCo councils .. did i miss understand?
[13:16] <popey> sorry, confused myself there :)
[13:17] <hubuntu> a lot of internal information... but yeah, something like that ;)
[13:17] <Seeker`> Daviey: The Loco council is responsible for making decisions regarding Loco teams
[13:18] <juliux> popey, are you sure loco council will approve ubuntu members?
[13:18] <popey> no
[13:18] <juliux> popey, i think there for are the regional communiy councils
[13:18] <popey> yes
[13:18] <popey> :)
[13:18] <Seeker`> Daviey: Specifically Resources, Disputes and maintaining wiki pages
[13:18] <juliux> puhh
[13:18] <juliux> popey, good luck on our side;)
[13:19] <coolbhavi> popey:As a member of the help team I wanted to ask one thing... Is it possible for the ubuntu guys to make helpteam assign questions to each individual depending on their efficiency to solve a problem so that we can ensure better quality support?
[13:19] <popey> coolbhavi: dunno - ask launchpad developers I'd guess
[13:21] <coolbhavi> Ok is my idea/question valid popey?
[13:21] <popey> coolbhavi: I don't know
[13:22] <coolbhavi> txwikinger : your views?
[13:24] <PriceChild> coolbhavi: you want to assign questions to other people?
[13:24] <txwikinger> sounds too administrative to me coolbhavi
[13:25] <PriceChild> I really don't think the people being assigned would appreciate it...
[13:25] <coolbhavi> Ok.. PriceChild txwikinger thanks
[13:26] <PriceChild> I think there's something somewhere about why you *shouldn't* assign other devs to bugs, I think the same applies.
=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 16 Apr 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 23 Apr 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 30 Apr 21:00 UTC: Server Team
[13:31] <coolbhavi> PriceChild: but it helps quality of support in my view.... In LP answers only the support contacts get mails and if anyone doesnt know the answer then it will get expired.. Ofcourse everyone doesnt know everything but our ultimate goal is to provide high quality support so users get their problem solved more quickly
[13:32] <PriceChild> coolbhavi: still, I don't think I would appreciate you assigning an answer to me. If you think I might know the answer, poke me on irc or drop me an email? Assigning it, makes it look like I've looked at it, and am working on a solution.
[13:33] <PriceChild> Sort of tells others not to bother.
[13:33] <popey> i think that's one of the good things about lp answers - anyone can dive in and have a go
[13:33] <Daviey> popey: thats the double edged sward :)
[13:34] <popey> indeed
[13:34] <txwikinger> remember.. we talk about volunteers here.. not a paid working environment
[13:34] <hubuntu> coolbhavi, The answer system is not scalable. I got 32504 unread question... A better question is how we can get more people to help and better integrate the answer to the bug system
[13:35] <hubuntu> And I have no idea of how many have expired (but the numbre is increasing it seems in my mailbox)
[13:35] <coolbhavi> OK.... Thanks for your views and sorry if I had irritated someone
[13:36] <Amaranth> hubuntu: Sounds about the same as the bug load then :P
[13:36] <hubuntu> once the integration beetwen answer and bugs/projects is in place it would be easier for project memebers to get involved iif they desire so
[13:36] * corenominal takes the opportunity to say a big fat "HELLO TO EVERYONE!" before disappearing to let the electricians turn the power off!
[13:37] * Hobbsee waves
[13:37] <hubuntu> Amaranth, yeah i've seen it increasing from week to wek (translate the UWN so i keep track of it ;)
[13:37] <coolbhavi> hubuntu we were thinking of a support school
[13:37] <coolbhavi> :)
[13:38] <Amaranth> hubuntu: Eh? There is already some integration
[13:38] <hubuntu> we have many school and helping systems already (ubuntu-classrom, locos out there and stuff)
[13:38] <Amaranth> I can convert bugs into questions
[13:38] <\sh> assigning other people then yourself is a bad habit, regarding bug work and this applies to Q&A LP stuff, too
[13:38] <hubuntu> yeah i know Amaranth I saw that in launchpad
[13:39] <hubuntu> I agree with \sh in that, It's mbetter to make things available for people likely to get involved, but not assign to others directly.. that's just not the way it should be.. As mentioned before this is volunatry work :) Nobody can ush you to do ANYTHING you don't want to do! ;)
[13:40] <coolbhavi> To get people involved in giving support hubuntu More info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SupportTeam
[13:40] <hubuntu> Amaranth, by that you add more questions to my question label in gmail ;)
[13:40] <Amaranth> better than closing them as invalid
[13:40] <coolbhavi> yes Amaranth
[13:41] <hubuntu> Maybe we should just integrate all the helping systems better within ubuntu? Like the translation link in all apps, we could make an IRC channel link or answer tracker link.. I don't know, but we need a framework to coupe and optimize the support issue
[13:42] <hubuntu> true Amaranth, but they end up getting expired in our side.... I won't argue though that it's the best possible option for the mmoment
[13:42] <coolbhavi> hubuntu already done #ubuntu-helpteam
[13:42] <coolbhavi> is the IRC Channel
[13:42] <hubuntu> we send people str8 to the channel from the apps? is that integrated already?
[13:43] <coolbhavi> No I think
[13:43] <Hobbsee> tecknoviking is the new CC member?
[13:44] <OgMaciel> hello
[13:44] <hubuntu> hello ogasawara_
[13:44] <hubuntu> hello OgMaciel
[13:44] <hubuntu> hehe
[13:45] <OgMaciel> :)
[13:45] <cody-somerville> Hi
[13:46] <hubuntu> OgMaciel I got a question for you...
[13:46] <OgMaciel> hubuntu: shoot
[13:47] <hubuntu> I'm thinking of creating a localized ISO for Spanish and Portug. speakers that works as an add-on CD, pretty much like the Edubuntu Add-on CD does from 8.04 and on
[13:47] <OgMaciel> k
[13:47] <hubuntu> and make a framework so others can use it for their own localization
[13:47] <hubuntu> now, that sounds relatively easy if you think of reconstructor and such
[13:48] <hubuntu> but it would be nice to implement this as a cooperation project between our communities..
[13:49] <OgMaciel> hubuntu: so you're proposing a "lean" Ubuntu-derived distro with Spanish or Portuguese only?
[13:49] <hubuntu> Now you've been into the wide Ubuntu community and the Ubuntu-BR team.. Do you think there's place for such a thing? I don't mean forking Ubuntu, just making a framework to create an add-on CDs for specific languages, regions, needs
[13:49] <PriceChild> Hobbsee: technoviking is mikeb?
[13:49] <hubuntu> no, the new Edubuntu needs an ubuntu desktop as the base system and is only an add.-on option on the desktop
[13:50] <hubuntu> OgMaciel
[13:50] <Hobbsee> PriceChild: oh. Keeping nicknames the same is overrated, apparently
[13:50] <OgMaciel> hubuntu: I'd say that maybe a package along the lines of language-pack-ISO would suffice...
[13:51] <hubuntu> Yeah, it is easy to say when you have broadband access... MOst latin americans just do not have it and it is an issue for wider Ubuntu adoption
[13:51] <hubuntu> I don't have the problem myself (living in Norway) but people in Ecuador (my home country) do
[13:52] <hubuntu> and Many people from other areas in the Spanish community are interested...
[13:52] <hubuntu> it's just a thought
[13:52] <OgMaciel> hubuntu: if broadband is a limiting factor, a "stripped down" version may be the best alternative
[13:53] <OgMaciel> hubuntu: I'm just thinking of ways to avoid implementing something too complicated
[13:53] <hubuntu> but I don't want to fork Ubuntu... It's better just to be able to give away the ShipIt Cds and add an add-on option for localized issues (codecs, modem support, languages, etc)
[13:54] <OgMaciel> hubuntu: another idea: using APTonCD to generate an add-on CD with the language-pack + codecs?
[13:54] <hubuntu> I'm thinking of using the edbuntu CD as the base and go from there
[13:55] <hubuntu> could be an option, yes...
[13:55] <popey> hubuntu: I thought there was no edubuntu cd any more?
[13:55] <hubuntu> niot as such, just as a desktop add-on ;)
[13:55] <hubuntu> it uses a "normal" ubuntu installation as the base
[13:56] <popey> ahh, the addon cd
[13:56] <hubuntu> http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/edubuntu/8.04/
[13:57] <hubuntu> thanks for the ideas OgMaciel
[13:57] <OgMaciel> I thought there was a CC meeting today (earlier)
[13:58] <OgMaciel> hubuntu: sure thing bud
[13:58] <hubuntu> there was.. want the log?
[13:58] <OgMaciel> please?
[13:58] <OgMaciel> that was a quick one then
[13:59] <popey> OgMaciel: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/04/15/%23ubuntu-meeting.html
[14:00] <hubuntu> there you are... :)
[14:00] <OgMaciel> thanks popey
[14:01] <popey> :)
[14:01] <popey> hey OgMaciel are you going to be at UDS this time?
[14:02] <OgMaciel> popey: I highly doubt it, unfortunately... I have no vacation days this year yet and my company wouldn't send me :/
[14:02] <popey> thats a shame
[14:02] <OgMaciel> tell me about it
[14:02] <OgMaciel> I'd love to though
[14:07] <OgMaciel> too bad jono didn't accept my nomination for the CC
[14:08] <juliux> OgMaciel, does he give you a feedback or reason why?
[14:08] <OgMaciel> juliux: none
[14:08] <OgMaciel> no worries
[14:08] <OgMaciel> all candidates so far selected will do a good job I'm sure
[14:09] * nixternal votes for OG! OG! OG!
[14:09] <OgMaciel> hehehe
[14:09] <OgMaciel> thanks nixternal
[14:09] <nixternal> you know it homie!
[14:09] * OgMaciel slips US$100 bill to nixternal
[14:09] <nixternal> w00t, I have money now!
[14:09] <OgMaciel> hehe
[14:09] <cody-somerville> :)
[14:10] * OgMaciel is so hungry this morning
[14:10] <OgMaciel> our kitchen at work is well stocked with candy... coffee and candy? hmmm
[14:10] <juliux> nixternal, give OgMaciel some money back to he can buy something for breakfast
[14:10] <OgMaciel> hehehe
[14:10] * OgMaciel makes a pleading face
[14:10] <jsgotangco> food is for the weak
[14:10] <OgMaciel> ha!
[14:11] <OgMaciel> jsgotangco: you got that right... I'm sooo weak
[14:11] <jsgotangco> lol
[14:11] <OgMaciel> :)
[14:11] * OgMaciel had to skip breakfast to drive daughter to school
[14:11] <jsgotangco> i actually do that everyday
[14:11] <jsgotangco> :(
[14:12] <OgMaciel> jsgotangco: me too... but today we overslept
[14:12] <OgMaciel> hehehe
[14:12] <OgMaciel> there are only 3 people at work so far
[14:12] * OgMaciel could have stayed home a bit longer
[14:13] <juliux> OgMaciel, who much your are normaly at work?
[14:13] <OgMaciel> juliux: I start at 8 and work usually til 17:00
[14:13] <vorian> congrats juliux :)
[14:13] <juliux> OgMaciel, that sounds fair
[14:14] <juliux> thxs vorian
[14:14] <jsgotangco> what? you're not overworked!
[14:14] <OgMaciel> hehehe
[14:14] <OgMaciel> with 2 kids? hell yeah
[14:14] <OgMaciel> and I have to put up with nixternal to top it off
[14:15] <jsgotangco> it must be 8:00 till 24:00
[14:15] <jsgotangco> including weekends
[14:15] <OgMaciel> 24 hours on weekends
[14:15] <OgMaciel> you know it
[14:15] <jsgotangco> heh
[14:15] <juliux> jsgotangco, in germany that is forbidden
[14:15] <jsgotangco> juliux: i was kidding :)
[14:15] <OgMaciel> :)
[14:16] <jsgotangco> i work from home so sometimes i overdo it
[14:16] <juliux> jsgotangco, only if you are self-employed it is allowed
[14:16] <juliux> or if your are working for an opensourceproject;)
[14:16] <OgMaciel> check
[14:17] <juliux> jsgotangco, btw are you coming to uds?
[14:17] <jsgotangco> no where is the next uds?
[14:17] <juliux> prague
[14:17] <jsgotangco> prague?
[14:17] <jsgotangco> yeah
[14:17] <jsgotangco> i mean no im not coming there
[14:18] * OgMaciel would love to go
[14:18] <jsgotangco> i am sick of planes lately
[14:18] * \sh don't go, too...because of openexpo and linuxtag the week after uds
[14:19] <OgMaciel> \sh is a busy guy
[14:19] <juliux> hey \sh, that comes for me after uds;) two weeks only ubuntu;9
[14:19] <hubuntu> can people just show up because its fun? Or should I really be a Dev to come?
[14:19] * OgMaciel has to go to the zoo with daughters
[14:19] <OgMaciel> :)
[14:19] <popey> hubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-Intrepid
[14:19] <OgMaciel> hubuntu: I'd encourage anyone to go
[14:19] <popey> "The summit is open to the public, but it is not a conference, exhibition or other audience-oriented event. Rather, it is an opportunity for Ubuntu developers -- who usually collaborate online -- to work together in person on specific tasks."
[14:20] <\sh> juliux, well, I'm a lucky guy, my job involves 24h ubuntu duties :)
[14:20] <juliux> \sh, that sounds good
[14:21] * hubuntu have read the wiki.. He was just asking your personal opinion :) Is it ok with no programmers at a development summit..
[14:25] <\sh> hubuntu, you don't code during those summits actually..you discuss ideas (specs) and someone will write a real spec, so everyone else, can do something with it...first thing: he/she understands what's all about the spec, so for this, you don't need to be a developer
[14:26] * cody-somerville wonders why they always schedule the CC meetings for a time where he'll be in transit, hehe.
[14:26] <\sh> spec reviewing is a important task during those summits...and it's really hard to read all those stuff, without turning on your brainmachine ;)
[14:27] * Hobbsee thinks the CC meeting is over?
[14:28] <popey> yes Hobbsee
[14:28] <nalioth> Hobbsee: been over quite a while
[14:28] <Hobbsee> ahh
[14:29] * hubuntu thanks \sh for his asnwers.. I'll see if my colleague wants (and my exams allow) me to go... It would be fun, indeed
=== jsgotangco is now known as greeneggsnospam
[14:30] <Seeker`> Hobbsee: The main body of the agenda wasn't covered, and they aren't approving members any more
[14:31] <Hobbsee> Seeker`: expected them to do memberships or something, seeing as there is a metric ton of them
[14:31] <Seeker`> Hobbsee: it has been delegated to the new streamlined membership approval groups
[14:31] <Hobbsee> hurrah
[14:32] <\sh> which means, MC could approve members without consulting the CC?
[14:32] <Seeker`> \sh: yes
[14:32] <\sh> good news
[14:33] <OgMaciel> I had even created my special "Approved" stamp for the occasion
[14:33] <Seeker`> \sh: for the first 6 months, a member of the CC will have to "approve" the MC decisions, afaik
[14:37] <hubuntu> And LoCo teams will be approved by the LoCo council? Am I right?
[14:38] <Seeker`> hubuntu: yes
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[19:31] <uyriry686> www.HOTTIES4FREE.tk XXX BRUNETTES
[19:31] <Seeker`> !ops uyriry686
[19:31] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about ops uyriry686 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[19:42] <dthacker-work> @now
[19:42] <ubotu> Current time in Etc/UTC: April 15 2008, 18:42:21 - Next meeting: Server Team in 1 day
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=== SinTux is now known as Syntux
=== emma is now known as ubnotu
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