UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /15 /#ubuntu-kernel.txt
Initial commit
=== heno is now known as heno_away
[01:05] <jdong> hmm bug 86457 seems to have creeped back on Hardy :(
[01:05] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 86457 in linux-source-2.6.20 "(maemo-on-ubuntu) Scratchbox does not work with latest Feisty kernel image" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86457
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[01:29] <crimsun> amitk: has there been movement on the "offer a 'reset' button via gnome-media/mixer_applet2 for sound issues" idea tossed about some months ago?
[02:11] <blueyed> How are hardware specific kernel modules meant to be loaded? There's a autoload block in acpid's init script, but it does not match e.g. drivers/misc/fujitsu-laptop.ko.
[02:22] <blueyed> Would be nice, if you could provide a hint at bug 196683. Thanks.
[02:22] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 196683 in linux "fujitsu_laptop not loaded automatically on lifebook p7010" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196683
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[07:07] <amitk> crimsun: it will be considered for intrepid, nothing for hardy
[08:15] <kraut> moin
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[09:53] <tseliot> a quick question: which one of these kernels is realtime and/or xen-enabled? 'server', 'openvz', 'virtual'
[10:11] <abogani> tseliot: 'rt', 'xen'
[10:13] <tseliot> abogani: I would like to know more about the kernel flavours which I mentioned above
[10:14] <alex_joni> might be OT: is there going to be an upgrade path from dapper to hardy?
[10:14] <tseliot> abogani: since the nvidia driver and/or the fglrx driver can have problems with rt and xen-enabled kernels
[10:14] <abogani> tseliot: not with -rt.
[10:15] <alex_joni> abogani: maybe the other way around
[10:15] <alex_joni> abogani: having nvidia drivers interfering with -rt
[10:16] <tseliot> abogani: nvidia works well with -rt here however I'm not sure about fglrx
[10:17] <abogani> tseliot: fglrx should be work too but performance aren't good as like nvidia one.
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[13:20] <pepie34> kool madwifi svn trunk seems to work again with -16 kernel build
[13:21] <pepie34> (this was not the case with -14 et -15)
[13:21] <pepie34> thanks for having corrected this regression
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[15:47] <bigcx2> hey all
[15:47] <bigcx2> i don't know if this is the appropriate outlet for this
[15:48] <bigcx2> but i read the livecd customization guide on the wiki
[15:48] <bigcx2> and it says to replace the kernel you just have to build a custom .deb and link it properly
[15:49] <bigcx2> it seems like there has to be more to it than this
[15:49] <bigcx2> do you have to mess with the udebs or anything like that?
[15:56] <BenC> bigcx2: udeb's are for alternate cd install, not livecd
[15:56] <BenC> bigcx2: so no
[15:56] <bigcx2> ok
[15:57] <bigcx2> well i'm trying this in feisty...and i've compiled a stock 2.6.20 kernel with the normal ubuntu live cd config...and i can get it to boot, etc. but it hangs on mounting the root filesystem
[15:58] <bigcx2> and then it drops me into a busybox shell
[15:59] <bigcx2> i have no clue why it would be failing there
[16:00] <bigcx2> i figured i was missing some steps after i read this:
[16:00] <bigcx2> http://dsplabs.utt.ro/~juve/blog/index.cgi/01147559232
[16:00] <bigcx2> mentions udebs and such
[16:10] <abogani> bigcx2: I suppose that you should rebuild lum also
[16:11] <abogani> BenC: Good Morning, Sir.
[16:11] <bigcx2> lum?
[16:12] <amitk> bigcx2: did you build a initramfs?
[16:12] <bigcx2> yes
[16:13] <amitk> lum=linux-ubuntu-modules - it contains modules that are not yet part of the kernel
[16:13] <bigcx2> hm
[16:13] <amitk> bigcx2: what error did you get? any missing modules?
[16:14] <BenC> abogani: good morning
[16:15] <bigcx2> i get up to the splash screen where it says: loading essential drivers [ok]
[16:15] <bigcx2> running init-premount [ok]
[16:15] <bigcx2> mounting root filesystem
[16:16] <bigcx2> and then it waits for about 10 seconds before dropping the splash screen and spawning a busybox shell
[16:17] <bigcx2> i don't understand though -- i'm using squashfs and ext3 and i have both of those compiled in properly
[16:17] <amitk> bigcx2: might be better if you remove the "quiet splash" from the kernel command-line to follow what is happening.
[16:17] <amitk> bigcx2: squashfs is in LUM
[16:19] <abogani> bigcx2: AFAIK Squashfs and unionfs modules are live and kicking in LUM but are required to be in initramfs file for boot livecd.
[16:19] <bigcx2> i compiled it with all those ubuntu extras in
[16:20] <bigcx2> hm
[16:20] <bigcx2> well
[16:20] <bigcx2> here's my steps
[16:20] <bigcx2> compile default config (no mods) 2.6.20
[16:21] <amitk> bigcx2: did you make sure that the initramfs contains squashfs? 'update-initramfs -u -v' will tell you
[16:21] <bigcx2> make-kpkg
[16:21] <bigcx2> amitk: no, thanks for the tip
[16:22] <bigcx2> brb
[16:27] <bigcx2> hey! looks like it's not in initrd
[16:29] <bigcx2> does that mean i'm missing a make-kpkg option or such?
[16:31] <amitk> bigcx2: I don't know how to work with make-kpkg, sorry. I use Ubuntu's built-in build system
[16:38] <johanbr> bigcx2: make-kpkg is not a supported method of building Ubuntu kernels anymore. Try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile
[16:39] <johanbr> Should be okay for 2.6.20, though.
[16:40] <bigcx2> mk
[16:47] <bigcx2> hey all
[16:47] <bigcx2> thanks for your help
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[18:24] <alex_joni> hmm, that is an old page.. should have said it's for breezy (it's outdated even for dapper..), but now bigcx2 is gone
[18:47] <rtg> smb_tp: your patch in https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24/+bug/212960/comments/22 is definitely the right thing to do, regardless if it fixes the cx88 bug. Please commit that to the LUM repo.
[18:47] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 212960 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "Hardy: cx88 NULL pointer dereference" [High,In progress]
[18:48] <smb_tp> rtg: Ok, I will commit that ASAP
[18:48] <rtg> BenC: we need a LUM upload today, before the RC is built.
[18:50] <rtg> BenC: perhaps that was more declarative then I intended. I think we need a LUM upload. What do you think?
[18:51] <smb_tp> rtg: He might be recovering from his trip
[18:53] <rtg> smb_tp: ok, I'll check back later today. If it hasn't been done, then I'll package it up sometime late this afternoon.
[18:54] <smb_tp> rtg: Ok, I make sure to commit the change to the makefiles
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[19:46] <amitk> jayc_: hi, good morning
[19:46] <amitk> inuka_desk: good morning
[19:49] <jayc_> amitk:Hi
[19:51] <amitk> jayc_: do you have any thing else coming in the next 7-10 days?
[19:51] <amitk> and is inuka around?
[19:55] <jayc_> For kernel I will have to check with China team if they are planning to make any changes
[19:56] <jayc_> For now there is just one config change USB_PERSIST which is not yet in out BUILD
[19:56] <jayc_> I will check with Alek (PRC) and let you know if he is planning to make any change
[19:57] <jayc_> let me check if Inuka is around, it's lunch time here though
[19:57] <inuka_desk> amitk, morning.. sorry wasnt paying attention to irc.
[19:58] <inuka_desk> amitk, pushed libdrm... will push x driver.
[19:58] <amitk> jayc_: we already have PERSIST enabled. I am pushing a patch for it later today/tomorrow that will allow classmate to work too.
[19:58] <jayc_> cool
[19:59] <amitk> inuka_desk: great... i'll push LUM to PPA if we don't upload a new one today.
[19:59] <mo__> amitk, ok. any ideas which logs to consider for debugging? maybe an dmesg output after skipping the "loading device drivers" with Ctrl+alt+del !?
[20:01] <amitk> mo__: What is the output of 'apt-cache policy linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-16-generic'
[20:01] <mo__> amitk, Installiert:2.6.24-16.22
[20:02] <amitk> jayc_: inuka_desk: anything you guys want in hardy needs to come within this week. After that it will only go to PPA
[20:02] <jayc_> amitk: got it :-)
[20:03] <amitk> mo__: very strange indeed. smb_tp: mo__ here still sees symptoms similar to those caused by your cx88 patch...
[20:05] <amitk> mo__: Could you go to /lib/modules/<kernel ver>/kernel/sound and move soundcore.ko out of the way. See if that fixes your 'hang'
[20:06] <mo__> amitk, brb
[20:06] <amitk> k
[20:07] <smb_tp> amitk: my cx88 patch? you mean the one with the mutex problem? was not from me. but what prooblem lockup during boot?
[20:12] <amitk> smb_tp: right.. the same. I meant the one you are looking at..
[20:14] <smb_tp> amitk: right. though -16.22 should be without that. Could also be some other hardware. Do we have output without splash and quiet?
[20:15] <alex_joni> alt-f1/f2 works early in the boot
[20:17] <amitk> smb_tp: he's gone for a reboot after removing soundcore.ko. That'll confirm if it is the same problem or not..
[20:18] <smb_tp> amitk: Ok, lets see what happens
[20:23] <mo__> amitk, it fixed the hang
[20:28] <amitk> mo__: you can restore soundcore.ko now. Are you sure that you see the hang with -16 though?
[20:31] <mo__> amitk, yes it occured with -14 and -16, an now i've booted with -16 and it did'nt hang ... but without sound now ... of course!
[20:36] <smb_tp> Hm, sorry I am not completely up to date. So, it hangs with kernels between -14 and -16 and is related somehow to sound. Now it would be nice to have vm debugging... what sound hardware is there? something beside one soundcard?
[20:53] <mo__> amitk, sorry i've been occupied
[20:53] <mo__> amitk, any further ideas ?
[20:56] <amitk> mo__: smb_tp's questions ^^^
[20:57] <mo__> amitk, ok then, thank you so far
[20:57] <mo__> smb_tp, i still got the soundcore.ko problem with the new linux-ubuntu-modules
[21:00] <smb_tp> mo__: Sure, I did catch that from your discussion with amit
[21:00] <mo__> smb_tp, ok sorry, i didn't see that. Is there any output that might help?
[21:03] <smb_tp> mo__: Yes, generally what audio hw is there. More than one card/device? If booted without "quiet" and "splash" is the anything sticking out when the system is hanging
[21:03] <mo__> smb_tp, i'v got an pci soundcard (audigy 2) and an onboard via rs780 sound chipset
[21:05] <mo__> smb_tp, i'll try to disable (though i thought it is allready) the onboard card in the bios and report if there is anything during boot without quiet, brb
[21:06] <smb_tp> mo__: This or without those both options, maybe the last printed message does give some hint about which card is currently set up
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[21:10] <alex_joni> is it "normal" to have tons of "udevd" messages flashing by during boot?
[21:10] <alex_joni> (they don't show up in dmesg or syslog)
[21:21] <mo__> smb_tp, so: it does hang if the onboard soundcard is DISABLED in bios. It hangs with "loading hardware drivers..."
[21:24] <smb_tp> mo__: This generic message comes even if you remove quiet and splash from the grub options line?
[21:27] <smb_tp> mo__: There actually two quiets: one single word somewhere and one on a line which specifies the initrd, kernel etc.
[21:29] <mo__> smb_tp, yes yes i know, got some problems with the power supply atm
[21:30] <smb_tp> mo__: Sure, take your time
[21:36] <mo__> smb_tp, i got some weird output: lot's of "call trace" with snd_pcm registers
[21:37] <smb_tp> mo__: That would be interesting. Can you save that and send it to me? Or if a bug report is open attach that?
[21:57] <mo__> smb_tp, can i mail a dmesg output to you?
[21:57] <smb_tp> mo__: Sure stefan.bader@canonical.com
[21:58] <mo__> german?
[21:58] <smb_tp> mo__: JanC
[21:59] <smb_tp> mo__: Oops command completion
[21:59] <mo__> smb_tp, no sorry i just thought stefan bader might me a german name
[21:59] <smb_tp> mo__: Ist es auch :)
[21:59] <mo__> smb_tp, achso .. ja
[22:10] <mo__> smb_tp, so hab dmesg lspci uname und asound outputs angehängt
[22:11] <smb_tp> mo__: Ok, danke. Lets see...
[22:11] <mo__> smb_tp, ich hab zu danken :-)
[22:14] <mo__> smb_tp, er hängt bei 37.813198 , vor dem loop: module loaded
[22:18] <smb_tp> mo__: Just so that others (as amit) can understand too: there have been kernel oops involved. And the saa7134 driver. Which is one of those I suspect to have been compiled without the right headers
[22:19] <mo__> smb_tp, ok. i do understand exactly nothing at that level :)
[22:19] <smb_tp> mo__: Could you try the lum version in my ppa? https://launchpad.net/~stefan-bader-canonical/+archive
[22:22] <mo__> smb_tp, sure. just a moment..
[22:32] <amitk> smb_tp: interesting...
[22:33] <smb_tp> amitk: what?
[22:33] <amitk> smb_tp: regarding the saa7134 drivers...
[22:34] <amitk> now I am down to a few more git bisects to find our problem child patch that kills classmate suspend :)
[22:36] <mo__> smb_tp, with ur modules, it now really freezes :)
[22:37] <smb_tp> mo__: Any dying messages?
[22:38] <mo__> smb_tp, yeah just the same ones, at [end trace ....]
[22:38] <mo__> smb_tp, i did not really freeze, its just the same error
[22:40] <smb_tp> mo__: Hm, ok. Pity, it just sounds like a good trail. Seems I have to think a bit more.
[22:40] <mo__> apt-cache policy linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-16-generic says "Installiert: 2.6.24-16.23ubuntu1" ... so i did correctly instal ur version !?
[22:41] <smb_tp> mo__: Sound like it did. Well, I am out of here for a while...
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[22:42] <mo__> smb_tp, ok. strange :-) thank u bb
[22:43] <mo__> if i should test smth, mo@uberhost.de
[23:29] <greearb> Hello. Anyone know how to create udebs for a standard kernel.org kernel using Ubuntu 7.10 or 8.04-beta?
[23:29] <greearb> I'm trying to remaster a live cd with a modified kernel and having no luck figuring out the udebs portion...
[23:30] <alex_joni> greearb: you working on an alternate install cd?
[23:30] <greearb> yes
[23:30] <alex_joni> I have some older info.. maybe it helps: http://dsplabs.cs.utt.ro/~juve/blog/index.cgi/01147559232
[23:31] <alex_joni> (I used that back on breezy, when the default cd had udebs too..)
[23:31] <greearb> heh, found that already..but it seems linux-kernel-di-* doesn't work on the latest ubuntu
[23:32] <greearb> someone said the udebs were built automatically when the kernel is built..but I surely can't figure out how and can't find them anywhere when I build with make-kpkg
[23:33] <alex_joni> well.. that depends how you build it
[23:33] <alex_joni> if you build it with make-kpkg, you won't get udebs
[23:33] <alex_joni> if you build it using debian/rules then you can get them
[23:33] <greearb> ahhh, how to build it then?
[23:34] <alex_joni> but for that you need to start with the ubuntu kernel source
[23:34] <alex_joni> apt-get source linux-source-..
[23:34] <greearb> ok, I can try that
[23:34] <alex_joni> (or grab it from git..)
[23:34] <alex_joni> greearb: it's past 1am here.. I won't be around long..
[23:34] <greearb> no problem
[23:35] <alex_joni> good luck though ;)
[23:35] <greearb> let me reboot back into 7.10, I had already backported my changes to their 2.6.22 kernel
[23:35] <alex_joni> I used a custom flavour for the stuff I did
[23:35] <greearb> you wrote that blog?
[23:35] <alex_joni> that way I don't collide with ubuntu version numbers & all
[23:35] <alex_joni> greearb: yeah, a while ago :)
[23:36] <greearb> ok, ignore my email if it ever gets to you..I tried to bother you earlier today :)
[23:36] <alex_joni> ok, I will
[23:36] <alex_joni> seems it was in 2006 when I wrote that
[23:37] <greearb> do you happen to know if I need any arguments to the debian/rules command ?
[23:38] <alex_joni> yeah, you surely do
[23:39] <alex_joni> I used: DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel=2 NOEXTRAS=1 fakeroot debian/rules custom-binary-rtai
[23:40] <alex_joni> (because I only wanted the custom flavour I added, called rtai, and only the binary package)
[23:40] <alex_joni> but you probably want: ... debian/rules binary-udebs
[23:41] <greearb> no rule to make that target
[23:41] <alex_joni> which one?
[23:42] <greearb> binary-udebs or binary-udeb
[23:43] <alex_joni> greearb: look in debian/rules, over here it includes debian/rules.d/5-udebs.mk
[23:43] <alex_joni> you maybe want to create debian/control first..
[23:44] <greearb> what version of kernel source? there is a debian/ruleset/ dir in my .22 kernel
[23:44] <alex_joni> hmm.. I'm looking at .24 (from hardy)
[23:45] <greearb> ok, I can forward port if needed, let me reboot back into hardy
[23:46] <greearb> it's surely easier to port kernel code than figure out how to build live-cds :)
[23:56] <greearb> hrm, nothing at all in the debian/ dir after 'apt-get install linux-source' and tar -xvjf ...
[23:59] <alex_joni> I said apt-get source linux-source
[23:59] <alex_joni> not apt-get install linux-source