UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /15 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[00:11] <greg-g> can you tell I have a paper due soon? my bug triaging numbers just went up :)
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[02:07] * greg-g will finally be able to confirm bugs on hardy at home, upgrading the desktop
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[07:49] <DOOM_NX> good morning everyone :)
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[10:09] <Iulian> Hello
[10:11] <secretlondon> hi
[10:11] <Iulian> Hey secretlondon :)
[11:32] <afflux> morning
[11:34] <james_w> hi afflux
[11:35] <james_w> I'm testing your nautilus-python fix now, and then I'll pass it on for sponsoring.
[11:36] <afflux> james_w: cool!
[11:37] <afflux> james_w: btw. I've uploaded a better patch to the upstream bugtracker which determines the path via pkg-config
[11:37] <afflux> (as you suggested IIRC)
[11:37] <james_w> afflux: great, it's good to know this will be fixed properly.
[11:57] <afflux> huh, I found weird thinges in quodlibet's sourcecode: gst.element_make_from_uri(gst.URI_SRC,"file:///Sebastian/Droge/please/choke/on/a/bucket/of/cocks", ""):
[11:57] <james_w> oh dear
[11:59] <slomo_> afflux: yes, the author has some personal problems with me it seems ;)
[11:59] <afflux> slomo_: hm, aha *g*
[12:00] <afflux> slomo_: the author has some other problems too: he has a completely setup trac but it's bugtracker is just closed. The ML is quite unresponsive on my bugs
[12:00] <slomo_> *shrug* :)
[14:17] <Arby> mvo; what info would you need for bug 217640?
[14:17] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 217640 in update-manager "update-manager locks itself" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/217640
[14:27] <Arby> could someone look at bug 217259 please?
[14:27] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 217259 in update-manager "upgrade crash after upgrade Kubuntu_64 7.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/217259
[14:28] <Arby> the reporters name seems odd.
[14:28] <Arby> it links through to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu_
[14:28] <Arby> just don't want to tread on any toes
[14:28] <mvo> Arby: for #217259 I would like to have the logs
[14:29] <Arby> mvo: does u-m still log to /var/log/dist-upgrade even for regular updates?
[14:30] <mvo> Arby: no, right. I misread the report then
[14:30] <mvo> Arby: the failures in #217259 looks like they are all in third party urls in his sources.list
[14:31] <Arby> I agree, it just seems an odd user account that's all
[14:31] <mvo> Arby: disabling those should be enough
[14:31] <Arby> I thought someone had maybe left a note to self
[14:31] <mvo> Arby: heh :) yeah, the user account is odd
[14:31] <Arby> fair enough.
[14:31] <Arby> I'll comment and probably close in a few days
[14:32] <Arby> mvo: guesses on 217640?
[14:33] <Arby> seems like a regular update with odd locking behaviour
[14:39] * Arby back to work
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[14:49] <mvo> Arby: yeah, missing feature, it should check beforehand. but I think in hardy its not too bad because we show when a package manager is working in the notification area now
[15:38] <afflux> anyone knows bug 211091? I suppose this is rather a gtk bug.
[15:38] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 211091 in gajim "status list displays off screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/211091
[15:40] <james_w> afflux: it could be either I guess
[15:40] <james_w> also, your patch got uploaded, thanks!
[15:40] <afflux> great!
[15:41] <seb128> afflux: that's a duplicate
[15:41] <afflux> seb128: that's what I suspected. Have you get the master?
[15:42] <seb128> afflux: looking
[15:42] <afflux> thanks!
[15:44] <seb128> afflux: bug #17591
[15:44] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 17591 in gtk+2.0 "Write speed menu drawn half empty" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17591
[15:44] <afflux> ah, cool, thanks!
[15:45] <seb128> you are welcome
[15:48] <Nafallo> one less bug for me.
[15:49] <Nafallo> thanks afflux and seb128 :-)
[15:49] <seb128> ;-)
[15:49] <afflux> Nafallo: I'm currently looking at some gajim bugs, hope you don't mind :)
[15:50] <Nafallo> afflux: happy for it. I looked a bit last weekend, but appreciate help :-)
[15:50] <Nafallo> afflux: just ping me if you need an upload or anything :-)
[15:50] <Nafallo> it's a bzr-managed package.
[15:50] <afflux> okay
[16:57] <Nic2> Hi there, i've a strange bug using Ubuntu 8.04 and i need assistance to report it
[16:59] <james_w> Nic2: can you describe the bug please?
[17:02] <Nic2> yes, i have a VAIO VGN-N250FH and i'm using an external Dell 22'' monitor, with the laptop screen switched off from the "Screen and Resolution" tool, i have Extra effects switched ON. From time to time without any special pattern my screen gets completely GRAY or BLACK. Music still working on the background but i'm unable to do anything else except CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE to kill X, when the gdm restarts the screen remains BLACK
[17:03] <syke> hi
[17:03] <Nic2> I'm not really sure, but this happens when using EXTRA effects and MAYBE when having VirtualBox running
[17:03] <syke> I'm concerned that with the release next week, two critical bugs I'm running into won't be fixed
[17:04] <seb128> Nic2: could be a video driver issue, which one do you use?
[17:04] <bdmurray> syke: which 2 are those?
[17:04] <Nic2> Once it went black when adding a tab to firefox, another time when opening a menu in Rhythmbox, and another time when going to Next Song in it
[17:04] <Nic2> i have an intel 950 card i think
[17:04] <syke> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/197558
[17:04] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 197558 in linux "ssb module breaks BCM4328 with ndiswrapper (regression from 2.6.24-10)" [Medium,Confirmed]
[17:06] <seb128> Nic2: open a bug on xorg attaching the xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log and look in syslog too maybe if there is extra details there
[17:07] <Nic2> here https://bugs.launchpad.net/xorg/+bugs ?
[17:07] <syke> and I ran into a new one on saturday when the -16 kernel was installed -- my X won't start up any more. booting into the -15 kernel fixes the problem
[17:08] <syke> it appears as tho the nvidia kernel module doesn't load
[17:08] <seb128> Nic2: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+filebug
[17:09] <syke> I've been using hardy for months with no nvidia driver problems, it just started on saturday
[17:09] <greg-g> syke: is there a bug report for your nvidia problem?
[17:09] <syke> I'm all up to date, tried several suggested things, nothing has fixed it so far
[17:09] <syke> greg-g: I've been trying to find one, but there doesn't seem to be one so far
[17:10] <greg-g> syke: then reporting it would help us tremendously
[17:10] <Nic2> thanks a lot seb128 continue the EXCELLENT work!!!
[17:10] <greg-g> syke: be sure to include all the steps you already tried (and be explicit with the steps, logs would be great)
[17:11] <seb128> Nic2: you are welcome
[17:12] <bdmurray> syke: there are few comments indicating that bug 197558 is fixed
[17:12] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 197558 in linux "ssb module breaks BCM4328 with ndiswrapper (regression from 2.6.24-10)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197558
[17:13] * greg-g just cut the number of mit-scheme bugs by two-thirds, woot! (yes, there were only 3 bugs)
[17:15] <syke> ah, found the nvidia problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/215778
[17:15] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 215778 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "2.6.24-16.30 kernel update - nvidia module fails to load" [Undecided,Invalid]
[17:15] <syke> will try the fix it suggests. weird that it didn't come up in my previous launchpad searches
[17:16] <bdmurray> Invalid bug reports are hidden from default searchs I believe.
[17:17] <syke> ah. it was a real bug, just resolved by replacing a bad package.
[17:17] <syke> anyways, 197558 isn't fixed
[17:18] <greg-g> do you get the error mentioned in the bug report? "nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel."
[17:18] <greg-g> erm, thats not the error I mean
[17:18] <greg-g> sorry
[17:18] <syke> never saw that with my nvidia issue, no. but it sounds like that one will be resolved.
[17:19] <greg-g> I misspoke, ignore me right now
[17:19] <syke> /ignore greg-g!*@*
[17:19] <syke> ;)
[17:19] <greg-g> :)
[17:20] <syke> on this ndiswrapper issue, I and several others still have the problem
[17:21] <bdmurray> From what I saw the majority of the commenters in the bug you mentioned indicate it is resovled.
[17:21] <syke> except for the last one before my newly added comment
[17:37] <syke> brb
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[20:27] <bdmurray> james_w: just to be clear installing ca-certificates from proposed is enough to verify the fix for bug 153625?
[20:27] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 153625 in ca-certificates "update-ca-certificates error. ca-certificates.crt empty (with pt_BR locale)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153625
[20:28] <james_w> bdmurray: yes, but the versions in proposed are not satisfactory.
[20:28] <james_w> how should that be reflected in the status? In progress?
[20:29] <james_w> there's new versions there that are waiting for review and sponsoring in to -proposed
[20:30] <bdmurray> At a minimum removing the "verification-needed" tag should happen, but I also think marking all the tasks as "In Progress" would be appropriate.
[20:32] <bdmurray> Well, maybe removing the SRU verification team too? That is how the team ends up getting bug mail about it.
[20:41] <james_w> bdmurray: ok, thanks.
[20:41] <james_w> bdmurray: I can't unsubscribe the team, so you will have to do that if it is needed.
[20:42] <bdmurray> I think it'll be fine with them subscribed
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[21:03] <sbarjola> hi all
[21:04] <sbarjola> I have read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspend but I don't know how should I triage this bugs?
[21:05] <sbarjola> should ask the reporter to find the buggy driver?
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[21:59] <Arby> mvo: could you have a look at bug 189406
[21:59] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 189406 in update-manager "[Hardy] Update Manager doesn't display package versions anymore" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189406
[22:00] <Arby> there's a patch there, just wondering if it's any use
[22:03] <bdmurray> Arby: there is another bug like that, that I've commented on
[22:04] <Arby> bdmurray: any idea of bug number?
[22:04] <bdmurray> I'm looking now
[22:05] <bdmurray> bug 182350
[22:05] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 182350 in update-manager "no longer reports installed and available versions" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182350
[22:06] <Arby> reading
[22:07] <bdmurray> that should probably be a dup of the one you've raised
[22:08] <Arby> I was about to say the same having read it
[22:09] <Arby> will do so
[22:09] <bdmurray> great, thanks!
[22:09] <Arby> then it's mvo's decision
[22:10] <bdmurray> I think we've talked about it before but don't recall the exact details
[22:12] <Arby> done
[22:14] <Arby> I'd test the patch if I knew how
[22:25] <mvo> Arby: thanks, I check it out tomorrow, its already pretty late :/
[23:03] <blueyed> ogasawara_: please don't close bugs where you've asked if it's still a problem in Hardy, before Hardy has been released.. give them a chance to upgrade and retest.. :)
[23:09] <ogasawara_> blueyed: I've been going through reports which haven't received response in over a month. they can easily reopen the report if the issue still exists once they upgrade.
[23:11] <blueyed> ogasawara_: yes, it's not too rushed (like closing one week later), but why don't you wait until Hardy has been released (or maybe better), wait until the bug auto-invalidates (when being "Incomplete" for > 90 days)?
[23:12] <blueyed> blueyed: I just think that it's discouraging for the reporter.
[23:12] <blueyed> pff.. :p ogasawara_ ^^
[23:12] <bdmurray> blueyed: Bugs don't auto-invalidate for Ubuntu
[23:12] <ogasawara_> blueyed: I see your point. however, some that I closed had a last comment of over a year old so I had lost faith that I'd actually get a response.
[23:13] <blueyed> ogasawara_: a year is totally valid.. I've seen just one with ~1month and it was a wishlist bug in fact..
[23:13] <blueyed> bdmurray: no?
[23:14] <blueyed> bdmurray: but they say that they get closed automatically in X days, don't they?
[23:14] <ogasawara_> blueyed: it says that but it doesn't actually happen
[23:14] <bdmurray> blueyed: Yes, they don't get closed but yes they do say that.
[23:15] <bdmurray> take bug 118204 as an example
[23:15] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 118204 in kdeartwork "kfiresaver.kss chewing up 154% CPU" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118204
[23:15] <bdmurray> marked for expiration 172 days ago
[23:15] <blueyed> ah, I remember the discussion about this.. but they can easily get filtered, I suppose?
[23:17] <bdmurray> Well, there isn't a bug propery that identifies them as expirable but there is a report of expirable bugs. So I'd guess that be a significant workflow change for ogasawara_.
[23:17] <bdmurray> bug property even!
[23:20] <bdmurray> You mentioned a specific bug though, what bug was that?
[23:21] <blueyed> bug 77064
[23:21] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 77064 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "patch allowing lrm builds against custom kernels" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77064
[23:21] <blueyed> I'd like to see this myself.. therefore I've been subscribed there, but haven't checked if it's supported in the meantime..
[23:22] <blueyed> ogasawara_: I hope you don't get me wrong.. I don't want to blame you or something, of course!
[23:26] <ogasawara_> blueyed: no worries :) I'll open it back up.
[23:27] <bdmurray> ogasawara_: I like how you talk about how to reopen the bug too
[23:28] <greg-g> yeah, if anything, closing the bug might make people take notice even more and thus actually test and reply :)
[23:29] <bdmurray> greg-g: howdy!
[23:30] <greg-g> bdmurray: howdy back atcha!
[23:31] <bdmurray> kees: Does bug 217369 apply to Hardy?
[23:31] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 217369 in inkscape "inkscape needs newer libcairo" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/217369
[23:31] <greg-g> so, I don't know if you look at the 5-a-day stats, but, you can tell that I am in the middle of writing papers and thus finding stuff to procrastinate with :)
[23:32] <bdmurray> greg-g: well, thanks for helping out! ;)
[23:33] <greg-g> bdmurray: of course
[23:34] <bdmurray> Were you saying you were upgrading to Hardy?
[23:34] <kees> bdmurray: probably, yeah. though we don't have a cairo newer than 1.5.4, so it's likely a won't fix for hardy.
[23:35] <bdmurray> kees: that really should have been a new task for 215902 though right?
[23:36] <greg-g> bdmurray: my laptop has been on Hardy for a while, but now the desktop is also. I'm on the desktop more so being able to do hardy bug testing at home is nice, without booting up the laptop
[23:39] <kees> bdmurray: yeah, I think so.