UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /14 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[02:39] <mpalatnik> Hi -- I'm trying to set up VNC through SSH on my xubuntu box but i'm running into the grey screen error
[02:39] <mpalatnik> i've been working on it for hours but i can't seem to find the problem despite the documentation online.. can someone look at it with me?
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=== migm is now known as migm07
[03:04] <mpalatnik> okay
[03:04] <mpalatnik> so now im past the grey screen
[03:04] <mpalatnik> but all im getting is a single terminal window
[03:04] <mpalatnik> whats the deal with that
[03:04] <mpalatnik> haha
=== mpalatnik is now known as migm07
[03:14] <charding> Where can I find a searchable software catalogue for 8.04?
[03:17] <jhuty> hihi. I just installed xubuntu and my mouse is clicking twice instead of once when i click it. any ideas on how to fix it?
[03:27] <Stroganoff> charding: http://packages.ubuntu.com
[05:27] <gaurdro> anyone know of an exif reader that can pick up the tag of where an image was taken?
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
[05:37] <nickxoo3> hello
[05:37] <nickxoo3> anyone have any recommendations for a way to setup an automatic wireless connection on xubuntu feisty?
[05:39] <gaurdro> once you've connected to a network it should try and reconnect to that network once again.
[05:40] <nickxoo3> for some reason i have to manually go to it and enter the info every time, keyring doesnt work it like on gnome
[05:41] <gaurdro> do you have the gnome keyring installed? In my setup it uses tha t.
[05:41] <nickxoo3> and that's with knetwork manager which i installed, i couldnt find the network manager that gnome uses
[05:44] <nickxoo3> it's not in the tray and i cant locate it in menus
[05:45] <nickxoo3> gonna try something brb
=== gaurdro is now known as gaurdro|away
=== gaurdro|away is now known as gaurdro
[06:12] <totalwormface> nickxoo3: did you find xfapplet in your panel?
[06:14] <totalwormface> it allows you to add gnome applets to your xfce panel
[06:22] <nickxoo3> no, how do i use that?
[06:22] <totalwormface> rightclick on your panel
[06:22] <totalwormface> add new item, then add xfapplet
[06:23] <totalwormface> after that you can choose which gnome applet you want to add to your panel, maybe the network manager hides there :]
[06:23] <nickxoo3> ok, im on ubuntu right now, ill switch over to xubuntu and let you know how it goes :)
[06:23] <totalwormface> :]
[06:24] * totalwormface doesn't know a single bit about wifi btw, so if it doesn't help, that's all i got :P
[06:43] <nickxoo3> no luck :( but thanks anyway :)
[06:43] <totalwormface> :P
[11:36] <soulfreshner> I have an Acer travelmate 260 and my Fn key is not working
[11:37] <soulfreshner> using gutsy (freshly upgraded from feisty)
[12:05] <soulfreshner> anybody?
[12:05] <soulfreshner> how do I make the Fn key work
[12:05] <soulfreshner> ?
[12:06] <totalwormface> maybe you can find something in keyboard shortcuts
[12:06] * totalwormface not on gnome right now :P
[12:07] <soulfreshner> I'm using xfce myself...
[12:08] <soulfreshner> but even if I set up a shortcut, it's as if the Fn key is not even registered
[12:08] * totalwormface has to check which channel he types things in :P
[12:08] <soulfreshner> if I :)
[12:09] <soulfreshner> maybe I should just use gnome...
[12:09] * totalwormface wouldn't know
[12:09] <totalwormface> it works under gnome?
[12:09] <soulfreshner> but it's an old PC - it's struggling as it is with the 256M ram :(
[12:10] <soulfreshner> I don't know
[12:10] <soulfreshner> I haven't tried it
[12:10] <totalwormface> hm
[12:10] <soulfreshner> but I'm trying not to overload it -- it's slow as it is
[12:10] <totalwormface> running gnome on such a machine is not going to work smooth :P
[12:11] <soulfreshner> maybe something in xorg settings?
[12:11] * totalwormface is on a 256M ram computer right now too, and it's saddening
[12:11] <totalwormface> could be, maybe you'll find something on the forums if you search on the keyboard model
[12:15] <soulfreshner> *sigh*
[12:15] <soulfreshner> maybe I'll just install puppy or something
[12:16] <soulfreshner> or accept the fact that this laptop should just retire...
[12:17] <s_arts> soulfreshner: I have a laptop with xfce on it, featuring only 128MB of ram.
[12:18] <s_arts> works a bit slow, but otherwise fine :)
[12:18] <s_arts> the speed is mostly due to the P3 and the type of memory since it isn't swapping at all.
[12:18] <soulfreshner> mine was also working until about 2 minutes ago... I think it just gave up on me
[12:19] <soulfreshner> it's not turning on anymore :(
[12:19] <s_arts> bummer
[12:34] <Athalus> Hello!
[12:35] <totalwormface> hey there
[12:36] <Athalus> I want ask something. I Download cool theme but how I can use it? I'm using xubuntu 7.04
[12:36] <totalwormface> extract it into ~/.themes
[12:36] <Athalus> That's it?
[12:37] <totalwormface> that's it
[12:37] <Athalus> Wow! Sorry I even ask.
[12:37] <totalwormface> then you should be able to choose it under userinterface preferences
[12:38] <Athalus> OK
[12:49] <Athalus> One question more. Where I find that ~/.themes
[12:53] <gabkdlly> Athalus: hi
[12:54] <gabkdlly> you can open the file manager and tell it to show you hidden files and directories
[12:55] <Athalus> ok
[12:55] <gabkdlly> or you can open a terminal (also called a console sometimes) and type "ls -a" without the quotes
[12:56] <gabkdlly> then change into that directory with "cd .themes"
[12:56] <Athalus> Do you mean "ls-l" whit out quotes?
[12:57] <gabkdlly> actually, you don't to execute "ls" in oder to execute "cd", I just thought I would make you a little familiar with both ;)
[12:57] <gabkdlly> you can do that too "ls -lah"
[12:57] <gabkdlly> you can combine multiple options in a single command
[12:58] <gabkdlly> often, the options are documented, execute "man ls"
[12:59] <gabkdlly> or more generally "man <command>"
[12:59] <totalwormface> :P
[12:59] <gabkdlly> :-D
[12:59] <gabkdlly> later, bye
[12:59] <Athalus> I'm totally out!
[12:59] <totalwormface> bye
[12:59] <Athalus> bye
[13:00] <totalwormface> Athalus: are you confused now or do you manage? :P
[13:00] <Athalus> ?
[13:00] <totalwormface> does it work or not :]
[13:01] <Athalus> Can you only tell me where is that themes order
[13:02] <totalwormface> well, open the file manager, click on 'view' and then 'show hidden files'
[13:02] <Athalus> yes
[13:02] <totalwormface> just copy/paste the theme in the .themes folder
[13:03] <totalwormface> then rightclick it and extract it in that folder
[13:03] <Athalus> there is no .themes folder
[13:03] <totalwormface> then go to the xfce menu, hit settings, then user interface settings and it should be there
[13:03] <totalwormface> then make one :]
[13:04] <totalwormface> right click anywhere in the filebrowser, say create folder and name it .themes
[13:04] <Athalus> I'm in finland and I use Finnish mode
[13:05] <totalwormface> ahhh
[16:06] <MrFawkes> Uh, hi there. I'm trying to set up epiphany as the default browser on xubuntu. I did it in galternatives and xfce preferred applications, but when I click on links in, say, synaptic, I still get firefox. Any ideas?
[16:44] <mikubuntu> i am having trouble with 'unmet' dependencies, and so i cannot install or remove any software. in the terminal i just ran 'sudo apt-get install -f.' now i get this message: ...packages were automatically installed and no longer needed: libgnet2.0-0 skype-common dvb-utils
[16:44] <mikubuntu> Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them. my question is, what is the exact commant line to execute?
[16:45] <Stroganoff> sudo apt-get autoremove
[16:47] <mikubuntu> stroganoff, 'sudo apt-get autoremove libgnet2.0-0 skype-common dvb-utils', or just 'sudo apt-get autoremove' ... ?
[16:47] <Stroganoff> the latter
[16:52] <mikubuntu> Stroganoff, i seem to be in a loop. i ran the autoremove, and i go back to: You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these.
[16:52] <mikubuntu> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
[16:52] <mikubuntu> skype: Depends: skype-common (= but is installed
[16:52] <mikubuntu> E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.
[16:52] <mikubuntu> mikubuntu@marybuntu-desktop:~$ apt-get -f install
[16:52] <mikubuntu> E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)
[16:53] <mikubuntu> E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?
[16:53] <TheSheep> mikubuntu: close synaptic
[16:53] <TheSheep> mikubuntu: and use sudo
[16:54] <mikubuntu> i did close the update manager, and synaptic was never open
[16:54] <Stroganoff> sudo apt-get -f install
[16:54] <Stroganoff> "are you root?" means you forgot sudo
[16:55] <mikubuntu> oh, i see, you're right i omitted sudo.... oooooOOOOoooops.
[16:58] <mikubuntu> dang it, still getting stuck. hope this isn't too much copy for the channel, seems slow right now so i hope not. can you translate this?: mikubuntu@marybuntu-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get -f install
[16:58] <mikubuntu> Reading package lists... Done
[16:58] <mikubuntu> Building dependency tree
[16:58] <mikubuntu> Reading state information... Done
[16:58] <mikubuntu> Correcting dependencies... Done
[16:58] <mikubuntu> The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
[16:58] <mikubuntu> libgnet2.0-0 skype-common dvb-utils
[16:58] <mikubuntu> Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.
[16:58] <mikubuntu> The following extra packages will be installed:
[16:58] <mikubuntu> skype
[16:58] <mikubuntu> The following packages will be upgraded:
[16:58] <mikubuntu> skype
[16:58] <mikubuntu> 1 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
[16:58] <mikubuntu> Need to get 0B/15.5MB of archives.
[16:58] <mikubuntu> After unpacking 6595kB of additional disk space will be used.
[16:58] <mikubuntu> Do you want to continue [Y/n]? sudo apt-get autoremove
[16:58] <mikubuntu> Abort.
[16:59] <mikubuntu> mikubuntu@marybuntu-desktop:~$
[16:59] <Stroganoff> lol
[16:59] <Stroganoff> Do you want to continue [Y/n]
[16:59] <Stroganoff> you should read the output...
[16:59] <Stroganoff> big Y means "yes" is default, so just hit return
[17:02] <mikubuntu> i did read the output. but see what happens when i follow? Install these packages without verification [y/N]? y
[17:02] <mikubuntu> (Reading database ... 140538 files and directories currently installed.)
[17:02] <mikubuntu> Preparing to replace skype (using .../skype_2.0.0.68-1_i386.deb) ...
[17:02] <mikubuntu> Unpacking replacement skype ...
[17:02] <mikubuntu> dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/skype_2.0.0.68-1_i386.deb (--unpack):
[17:02] <mikubuntu> trying to overwrite `/usr/share/icons/skype.png', which is also in package skype-common
[17:02] <mikubuntu> dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
[17:02] <mikubuntu> Errors were encountered while processing:
[17:02] <mikubuntu> /var/cache/apt/archives/skype_2.0.0.68-1_i386.deb
[17:02] <mikubuntu> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
[17:02] <mikubuntu> mikubuntu@marybuntu-desktop:~$
[17:07] <Stroganoff> mikubuntu run this (at your own risk)
[17:07] <Stroganoff> sudo dpkg --force-all --purge --remove skype skype-common
[17:11] <mikubuntu> sorry, my chatzilla crashed (firefox crashed and took chatzilla with it)
[17:12] <Stroganoff> mikubuntu run this (at your own risk)
[17:12] <Stroganoff> sudo dpkg --force-all --purge --remove skype skype-common
[17:13] <mikubuntu> what's the risk?
[17:15] <mikubuntu> i get this: mikubuntu@marybuntu-desktop:~$ sudo dpkg --force-all --purge --remove skype skype-common
[17:15] <mikubuntu> dpkg: conflicting actions -r (--remove) and -P (--purge)
[17:15] <mikubuntu> Type dpkg --help for help about installing and deinstalling packages [*];
[17:15] <mikubuntu> Use `dselect' or `aptitude' for user-friendly package management;
[17:15] <mikubuntu> Type dpkg -Dhelp for a list of dpkg debug flag values;
[17:15] <Stroganoff> ok
[17:15] <mikubuntu> Type dpkg --force-help for a list of forcing options;
[17:15] <mikubuntu> Type dpkg-deb --help for help about manipulating *.deb files;
[17:15] <mikubuntu> Type dpkg --license for copyright license and lack of warranty (GNU GPL) [*].
[17:15] <Stroganoff> sudo dpkg --force-all --remove skype skype-common
[17:15] <mikubuntu> Options marked [*] produce a lot of output - pipe it through `less' or `more' !
[17:15] <mikubuntu> mikubuntu@marybuntu-desktop:~$
[17:16] <mikubuntu> i get this: mikubuntu@marybuntu-desktop:~$ sudo dpkg --force-all --remove skype skype-common
[17:16] <mikubuntu> (Reading database ... 140537 files and directories currently installed.)
[17:16] <mikubuntu> Removing skype ...
[17:16] <mikubuntu> Removing skype-common ...
[17:16] <mikubuntu> mikubuntu@marybuntu-desktop:~$
[17:18] <mikubuntu> stroganoff, so am i back to where i should be? can i run sudo apt-get update now?
[17:20] <mikubuntu> i ran sudo apt-get update, and i get this (after a lot of other output): W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.canonical.com gutsy/partner Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.canonical.com_ubuntu_dists_gutsy_partner_binary-i386_Packages)
[17:20] <mikubuntu> W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems
[17:20] <mikubuntu> mikubuntu@marybuntu-desktop:~$
[17:21] <Stroganoff> sudo apt-get install skype
[17:26] <mikubuntu> stroganoff, ok, i think that completed ok. now to update general updates is it sudo apt-get install upgrade?
[17:26] <Stroganoff> sudo apt-get upgrade
[17:26] <Stroganoff> and if you want to update the kernel: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
[17:27] <mikubuntu> that would up me to hardy beta, wouldn't it?
[17:27] <Stroganoff> no
[17:27] <Stroganoff> you'd have to change sources.list for that (or use upgrade manager / synaptic)
[17:28] <mikubuntu> do you recommend it?
[17:28] <Stroganoff> hardy? well
[17:28] <Stroganoff> depends
[17:28] <mikubuntu> no, the kernel upgrade
[17:29] <Stroganoff> yes
[17:29] <mikubuntu> ok, i do it then
[17:30] <mikubuntu> does this mean kernel was already updated?: mikubuntu@marybuntu-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
[17:30] <mikubuntu> Reading package lists... Done
[17:30] <mikubuntu> Building dependency tree
[17:30] <mikubuntu> Reading state information... Done
[17:30] <mikubuntu> Calculating upgrade... Done
[17:30] <mikubuntu> 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
[17:30] <mikubuntu> mikubuntu@marybuntu-desktop:~$
[17:31] <mikubuntu> if it is it's strange, because that unmet dependency problem has been keeping me from updating for weeks now ...
[17:32] <Stroganoff> kernel should be up to date
[17:32] <Stroganoff> run: uname -a
[17:32] <Stroganoff> kernel should be 2.6.22-14
[17:33] <mikubuntu> ok, well, thanks ... i appreciate all your help. this is moms computer and i'm going out of town for a few days, glad to leave it in good condition
[17:34] <mikubuntu> ... just type 'uname -a' into term?
[17:34] <Stroganoff> yep
[17:34] <mikubuntu> mikubuntu@marybuntu-desktop:~$ uname -a
[17:34] <mikubuntu> Linux marybuntu-desktop 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Feb 12 07:42:25 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux
[17:34] <Stroganoff> ok
[17:35] <mikubuntu> signing off, thanks again guys
[18:19] <Legendre> hi folks.. what's the lowdown on Atheros wifi support in xubuntu?
[18:19] <Legendre> (7.10)
[18:20] <Stroganoff> !wifi
[18:20] <ubotu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[18:21] <oem> anybody know why i might be having these probs? the screen on this box keeps going haywire. i'm guessing its a video card problem, cause right now i have a beautiful clean screen, but every now and then the screen just seems to crash, and i have to restart to get it back. also, i've been trying to open a terminal, and evry time i do, i get an x restart.
[18:22] <Stroganoff> oem what display driver are you using?
[18:23] <Stroganoff> see Section "Device"
[18:23] <oem> stroganoff, how do i find out?
[18:23] <Stroganoff> in /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[18:23] <oem> ok
[18:23] <oem> dOh! how do i do that?
[18:23] <Legendre> Ok, it appears that I need the madwifi stuff, it's an Atheros 5212 chipset.. is there an apt-gettable package?
[18:24] <Stroganoff> oem: sudo mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[18:24] <oem> you helpd me awhile ago with mom's computer, now i'm on another
[18:25] <oem> ah, but here's the problem ... i can't seem to open a terminal. every time i click on terminal, screen goes black and i come back to login screen...
[18:25] <Stroganoff> ok
[18:25] <Stroganoff> i know this one :D
[18:25] <Stroganoff> alt+f2 -> xterm
[18:25] <oem> :)
[18:25] <oem> :( don't understand
[18:25] <Stroganoff> login
[18:26] <gaurdro> but what would cause the X-server or something on top of it, to crash?
[18:26] <Stroganoff> then press alt+f2 and launch xterm
[18:26] <oem> i don't get it. how?
[18:26] <Stroganoff> xfce4-terminal crashes the xserver on some rare graphics cards.
[18:26] <Stroganoff> you have to change DefaultDepth to 16
[18:27] <Stroganoff> login at the login screen. when the desktop is loaded, press Alt+F2
[18:27] <Stroganoff> this show the "Run..." prompt
[18:27] <Stroganoff> type "xterm" to launch xterm
[18:28] <Stroganoff> on the other hand you might want to try my minimal ubuntu system if you mom's computer is really slow
[18:28] <Stroganoff> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=741631
[18:28] <oem> omg, wait, i have to write this down. i will prolly lose chatzilla in this process
[18:29] <Stroganoff> anyway, open up /etc/X11/xorg.conf with mousepad (text editor) and set "DefaultDepth" to 16 (instead of 24)
[18:30] <Legendre> Anyone? Where to get madwifi for 7.10?
[18:31] <Legendre> compile it? apt-get it from ______?
[18:31] <Stroganoff> Legendre madwifi is included into wifi
[18:31] <Stroganoff> http://madwifi.org/wiki/UserDocs/Distro/Ubuntu
[18:31] <Legendre> fwiw, it's not in my install of 7.10.. not that I can find.
[18:31] <Stroganoff> i mean included into Ubuntu
[18:31] <Legendre> I'll give that a look, thanks.
[18:32] <Stroganoff> have you installed linux-restricted-modules
[18:32] <Stroganoff> ?
[18:33] <Legendre> "In case you did a manual install, try installing linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) and that’s it."
[18:33] <Legendre> actually, I'm trying to fix my boss's eff-up ;)
[18:33] <Stroganoff> Oo
[18:33] <Legendre> so I just apt-get the lin-res-mod
[18:34] <Stroganoff> yep
[18:34] <Legendre> where is it, multi / uni?
[18:34] <Stroganoff> its in "restricted"
[18:34] <Stroganoff> see: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=linux-restricted-modules
[18:36] <slow-motion> hi
[18:36] <gaurdro> hello
[18:40] <Legendre> Stroganoff - ok, hopefully my last idiot question.. how do I allow 'restricted' in sources.list?
[18:44] <Stroganoff> Legendre: deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main restricted
[18:44] <Stroganoff> replace de. with us. or something
[18:44] <Stroganoff> or use the source management in synaptic..
[18:45] <Legendre> ok, I just added a new line with .../ gutsy restricted
[18:45] <Legendre> and it seems to have worked
[18:46] <Legendre> appreciate all this...
[20:14] <boolka> is the only difference between ubuntu and xubuntu is the gnome ?
[20:14] <cody-somerville> The default application selection is the difference
[20:15] <boolka> bit the core is the same?
[20:18] <cody-somerville> yes
[20:22] <boolka> is xubuntu much more lighter then ubuntu?
[20:27] <zoredache> somewhat
[20:33] <Stroganoff> boolka icewm is MUCH more lighter...
[20:33] <Stroganoff> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=741631
[20:35] <boolka> thanks Stroganoff
[20:35] <boolka> How come when I connect my laptop to lcd monitor via VGA cable it works. But when I use a VGA to RCA/svideo converter cable, it dont work? Do i have to modify the x.org file?
[20:44] <Helsu> Is there no 64-bit Xubuntu?
[20:45] <Helsu> Ah, nevermind.
[20:45] <zoredache> yes
[20:46] <Helsu> I am generally new to Linux, will Xubuntu run stable (the desktop edition) enough for a home server?
[20:46] <Helsu> It will just be used for filesharing, printer sharing and BitTorrent.
[20:47] <zoredache> yes, it will be fine... I suspect I would go with an lts release though... Of course I tend to use debian for my servers
[20:49] <Helsu> Well I tried that non graphical stuff
[20:49] <Helsu> it just doesn't work for me, I don't think the guiders are easy enough
[20:50] <Helsu> I didn't know what to do after making an account, it was frustrating
[20:50] <Helsu> so I'm going the easy way
[20:51] <Helsu> can i maintain it using a remote desktop from windows easily?
[20:54] <Stroganoff> Helsu you an maintain using vnc
[20:55] <Stroganoff> but a server is way cooler (and faster if ur low on ram) without a GUI
[20:55] <Stroganoff> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal
[20:55] <Stroganoff> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto
[20:55] <Helsu> It will be hot anyway, it will run Folding@Home
[21:00] <Helsu> by the way a general question
[21:00] <Helsu> i've always wondered this
[21:00] <Helsu> when companies order a huge server
[21:00] <Helsu> e.g a webhost
[21:01] <Helsu> did they buy one with a GPU?
[21:01] <Helsu> how do they set it up for the first itme?
[21:03] <Helsu> what is the alternate edition?
[21:11] <zoredache> Helsu: the altnernate edition has a console based installer that gives you far more control
[21:11] <zoredache> it also tends to work better on difificult systems
[21:11] <Helsu> Not far more control for ME, though.
[21:12] <zoredache> ?
[21:14] <Helsu> If you are new to Linux it doesn't really give you more control
[21:14] <Helsu> It's like giving you a 1000-key keyboard with nothing on them, saying it gives you more control because you have a button for everything.
[21:16] <Helsu> technically it gives you more control but not practically
[21:17] <Stroganoff> especially if you dont even try..
[21:20] <Helsu> well, i am the man in the street
[21:21] <Helsu> if you want your distro popular you need to make it better for the man in the street
[21:21] <Helsu> linux generally isn't
[21:21] <zoredache> that is a very challenging request Helsu
[21:22] <zoredache> most of the developers that really love Linux, love it because it gives them tons of control
[21:22] <Helsu> i just think "you" should make a windows home server -windows +linux
[21:23] <Helsu> MS has really made it simple there
[21:24] <Helsu> anyway i'm off, it is late in my timezone
[21:25] <arualavi> MS don't make it simple, they make decisions for you, that's different.
[21:26] <arualavi> */make/take apologies for my english
[21:27] <Stroganoff> never mind
[21:40] <slow-motion> n8
[23:11] <coach_z> I just installed xubuntu and i have two 'drives' mounted on my HD that are not related to any drives that i have and they also cannot be opened or mounted
[23:16] <zoredache> coach_z: do you have any usb devices attached that might appear as a drive? Do you have a media reader that doesn't have any flash cards in?