UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /14 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[00:01] <secretlondon> apport is taking 90% of my cpu, weird..
[00:02] <Kill_X> secretlondon: seems as if it's collecting a crashdump
[00:02] <secretlondon> yeah but its not doing anything
[00:02] <secretlondon> (visibly)
[00:02] <Kill_X> wait a bit, sometimes it takes quite a while
[00:02] <secretlondon> oh its now apport-gtk
[00:03] <secretlondon> i guess something is happening ;)
[00:03] <Kill_X> ;)
[00:03] <secretlondon> it was a firefox crash (although I'd already closed firefox)
[00:04] <secretlondon> I can judge computer resources by fan speed - I barely need to look at system monitor ;)
[00:04] <Kill_X> anyone wants to have a look on #216999 ? Something really odd is going on with compiz-plugins @ 8.04 :o
[00:05] <secretlondon> I don't have any machines capable of running compiz :(
[00:05] <secretlondon> bug #216999
[00:06] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 216999 in compiz-plugins "Decoration Plugin: Window shadow color is not displayed as set in plugin properties" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/216999
[00:07] <Kill_X> got this weird bug
[00:07] <Kill_X> window shadows are yellow or pink
[00:08] <secretlondon> yeah I read, I've just said you should add a screenshot
[00:08] <Kill_X> yepp I'm on it
[00:09] <Kill_X> great, now I've got another case
[00:09] <Kill_X> no window-shadows at all
[00:10] <Kill_X> but all menushadows took over the pink one's :)
[00:10] <Kill_X> be right back
[00:10] <greg-g> if I see a bug with a .crash report attached, could I just download that and double click on it to report it to LP?
[00:11] <secretlondon> greg-g think so
[00:11] <greg-g> ok, I did, but it didn't do anything after it was uploading to LP. how did it know who to report it as?
[00:12] <greg-g> bug 111663
[00:12] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 111663 in mono "Doing nothing." [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111663
[00:14] <secretlondon> it's reported as the person logged in
[00:15] <greg-g> logged in where? I mean, I double clicked, apport asked if I wanted to report it, I click yes, then it was uploading information to LP, but then nothing.
[00:15] <secretlondon> but it asks you for comments etc, it opens a new tab in firefox
[00:16] <greg-g> it must not have... I'll try it again
[00:17] <secretlondon> is your default browser set up okay? I've had problems as they haven't updated the link to it when the directory has changed because of the change in beta number
[00:17] <greg-g> I closed firefox to see what happens this time
[00:18] <greg-g> i'm in gutsy right now actually, so that should be ok I think
[00:19] <greg-g> ok, yeah, it finished uploading and nothing happened
[00:20] <secretlondon> weird
[00:20] <secretlondon> it's supposed to open a browser page
[00:21] <greg-g> yeah, I think I've done it before
[00:21] * greg-g is confused
[00:24] <secretlondon> once my stupidly large fishfox core dump has finished uploading I'll have a go
[00:24] <secretlondon> firefox
[00:24] * secretlondon has no idea where fishfox came from
[00:24] <greg-g> haha, I want to see a fishfox
[00:24] <secretlondon> oh i've just got 502 bad gateway from apport
[00:24] <greg-g> interesting
[00:26] <secretlondon> i'm trying to upload the mono one now
[00:27] <greg-g> thanks secretlondon
[00:29] <Kill_X> k, updated https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/216999
[00:29] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 216999 in compiz-plugins "Decoration Plugin: Window shadow color is not displayed as set in plugin properties" [Undecided,New]
[00:30] <Kill_X> got the screenshots online
[00:30] <secretlondon> greg-g bug #217012
[00:30] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 217012 in mono "mono crashed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/217012
[00:30] <secretlondon> on edgy
[00:31] <greg-g> secretlondon: aweseome, thanks!
[00:31] <secretlondon> I wonder if apport can handle stuff that old
[00:32] <RAOF> secretlondon: Apport can't really handle mono :(
[00:33] <RAOF> Because the really interesting part is generally in the managed backtrace, which apport (certianly circa Edgy) throws away.
[00:33] <greg-g> I was hoping it would be able to find a duplicate for me :)
[00:34] <secretlondon> well its a crash file, probably not from apport. I've downloaded from the bug and uploaded using hardy apport
[00:35] <secretlondon> I think Kathy's comment is random, and unconnected to mono
[00:35] <secretlondon> as she's not the original reporter
[00:36] <greg-g> secretlondon: good catch :)
[00:36] <greg-g> whoops
[01:28] <secretlondon> night
[01:28] <Kill_X> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/216891 <-- bug or feature? :o
[01:28] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 216891 in ubuntu "sudo cpu on shh -X in ubuntu 8.4" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[01:33] <Kill_X> repost: 216891, any comments?
[01:34] <Kill_X> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/216891
[01:34] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 216891 in ubuntu "executing a sudo command over a "ssh -X" connection 2 times in row in background results in massive CPU usage" [Undecided,Confirmed]
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[05:11] <hyperair> I'd like to raise this issue: Bug #185854
[05:11] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 185854 in gnome-system-tools "Setting static IP in Network Settings doesn't produce correct data" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185854
[05:12] <hyperair> it's where gnome-system-tools does not add a "auto <iface>" line to /etc/network/interfaces after configuring
[05:12] <hyperair> there's a patch and a deb compiled with the patch there already, so is there any way the fix could make it to hardy?
[05:13] <hyperair> otherwise manual configuration of network will be broken when hardy finally gets released
[05:43] <greg-g> hyperair: do you happen to know when it was declined for Hardy by pedro?
[05:44] <greg-g> but, the Sponsors for Main are subscribed, so the people who are able to do the inclusion are now informed.
[05:44] <greg-g> hyperair: and best place to ask if a certain fix will be in hardy is #ubuntu-devel
[05:44] <hyperair> alright i'll go
[05:44] <hyperair> thanks for the info
[05:44] <hyperair> and no i don't know when it was declined for hardy
[05:44] <greg-g> no worries, hope it works out
[05:44] <hyperair> but it was sometime earlier
[05:45] <greg-g> ok, I would mention that when you talk to someone in -devel
[05:45] <hyperair> ?
[05:46] <hyperair> ah
[05:46] <hyperair> okay
[05:48] <greg-g> "I would mention that it was declined a while ago, possibly before the debdiff was created" < is a clearer way of saying what I said
[06:39] <Arby> any opinions on bug 217093?
[06:39] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 217093 in update-manager "[Hardy] java in firefox fails after update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/217093
[06:39] <Arby> I'm not convinced it belongs to update-manager
[06:39] <Arby> but where does it belong?
[06:39] <Arby> java, firefox?
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[08:33] <DOOM_NX> good morning :)
[09:36] <andre_> can someone reproduce http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=527538 in evolution? i can't in gnome svn trunk so i wonder whether it's downstream... :-/
[09:36] <ubotu> Gnome bug 527538 in BugBuddyBugs "BCC account settings not working" [Normal,Unconfirmed]
[09:38] <seb128> andre_: I doubt it's downstream, we don't patch evolution
[09:38] <andre_> yeah, i expected an answer like that :)
[09:38] <andre_> k, i should find more people running 2.22.x on other distros then....
[09:39] <seb128> andre_: similar bug, http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=274052
[09:39] <ubotu> Gnome bug 274052 in Mailer "BCC (and signature) ignored when starting from command line" [Normal,Reopened]
[09:40] <seb128> andre_: maybe those guys start the composer directly?
[09:43] <seb128> andre_: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=502913 comes from mandriva
[09:43] <ubotu> Gnome bug 502913 in Mailer "Always carbon-copy (cc) option does not work anymore" [Normal,New]
[09:44] <andre_> hmm. seems like i should investigate. thanks for the pointers :)
[09:44] <seb128> andre_: the new one has details on how to trigger it
[09:44] <seb128> andre_: it says it's specific to some accounts, etc
[10:35] <rchf> been digging around for a place to mention my Hardy Heron bug. Should I do it on #ubuntu-bugs-announce (no one there) or is there a web page somewhere?
[10:36] <james_w> rchf: here is fine
[10:36] <rchf> thx
[10:37] <james_w> however mentioning bugs isn't guaranteed to get them fixed
[10:37] <rchf> :-))))
[10:38] <rchf> Hardy Heron Beta does not install an ethernet driver to run a Dell e1705 laptop's ethernet or 802.11b devices. Ubuntu 7 (last version) does install the needed ethernet driver.
[10:39] <rchf> also there is no option for a 1440x900 screen in any Ubuntu distribution.
[10:39] <james_w> have you reported these bugs to launchpad?
[10:40] <rchf> I just found launchpad but it did not look promising with two subscribers (maybe I found the wrong page?).
[10:40] <james_w> can you give the bug number please?
[10:42] <rchf> I did not report the bug at launchpad bec it did not look like the right place - I'll go see what URL seems to be a reporting interface (suggestions welcome).
[10:42] <james_w> well, what driver/chipset is the ethernet card?
[10:43] <rchf> broadcom
[10:43] <rchf> I'll look for more info
[10:43] <james_w> and if you start the "Hardware Drivers" program is it listed?
[10:44] <james_w> (System->Administration)
[10:44] <rchf> looking thanks....
[10:49] <rchf> since I replaced Ubuntu 8 with Ubuntu 7 on the machine in question I don't know that I can answer your question exactly. Error may have been mine. Seems there is a "System->Administration->Restricted Hardware Drivers" page now (I am used to Ubuntu 6.10 LTS), which shows two unused restricted drivers. The drivers for the "Broadcom 43xx chipset family" has an unchecked option. The "ATI accelerated graphics driver" is also unchecked
[10:49] <rchf> . This is the status on Ubuntu 7. I will reinstall Ubuntu 8 and see if perhaps this is what I need to do to get the ethernet card working on that OS and then return.
[10:49] <rchf> that will take a "while" though.
[10:50] <rchf> maybe a few days. Thanks.
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[12:25] <pschulz01> Hello.. wwhat category in the gnome bugzilla does the 'intlclock' come under?
[12:27] <seb128> pschulz01: what do you call "intlclock"?
[12:43] <pochu> pschulz01: gnome-panel
[12:44] <pochu> morning seb :)
[12:44] <seb128> hey pochu
[12:47] <pschulz01> pochu:
[12:51] <pschulz01> pochu: I love the new intlclock.. except it seems to be anckored on the left.. hmm interesting..
[12:53] <pschulz01> The installed Hardy desktop is OK.. might just be in the livecd/installer.
[13:13] <Iulian> Heya
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[15:17] <JohnPhys> Are there plans to include the fix to bug #195052 in hardy, even though hardy is now in final freeze?
[15:17] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 195052 in inkscape "Latex formula does not work on Ubuntu Hardy" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195052
[15:29] <seb128> JohnPhys: not likely in the current state, somebody should open an ubuntu task and subscribe the sponsor team to it
[15:29] <secretlondon> JohnPhys, no idea, it'll need someone to do some work on it
[15:30] <greg-g> JohnPhys: it appears there is no task against the Ubuntu package of inkscape. It appears that the patch should be committed in the .46 branch, which is what is in Hardy
[15:32] <JohnPhys> Thanks for the info, though I have to admit I find it a bit confusing, as the bug is labeled "fix released" in the "inkscape" branch of 0.46, so I guess the patch just needs to be pulled over to the hardy repos?
[15:34] <greg-g> yeah, that is confusing, according to this: https://code.launchpad.net/inkscape/main .46 was released March 11, and the version in hardy is from April 7 (from: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/inkscape/0.46-0ubuntu2
[15:35] <greg-g> but the comment from (I assume) a dev saying it was in .46 "I committed this to trunk and 046_release_branch as well." was on April 8
[15:38] <JohnPhys> Yeah, I figured it might take some time to "trickle in", but then I read about the feature freeze, so I thought I should ask. I'm not a dev, and know painfully little about making debdiffs and such, but this is a "showstopper" bug for me (LaTeX + inkscape = good thesis diagrams :) ), so I was hoping if I asked nicely a kind dev would get this uploaded. How can I find out who maintains inkscape in ubuntu?
[15:39] <greg-g> pedro_: by default are we supposed to close crash reports that fail retraces?
[15:39] <pedro_> greg-g: on firefox, yes
[15:39] <greg-g> pedro_: ok, thanks
[15:39] <pedro_> you're welcome
[15:44] <secretlondon> JohnPhys, it'll say who maintains it on launchpad (somewhere)
[15:46] <JohnPhys> secretlondon: It says "Maintainer: Ubuntu Core Developers". I'm hoping to avoid sending a message to hundreds of people if sending a message to 1 will do the job :)
[15:46] <james_w> one of the inkscape devs is also an Ubuntu core-dev
[15:46] <greg-g> pedro_: should I add you response to the wiki page Bugs/Responses for "Firefox crash report that fails backtrace"?
[15:46] <secretlondon> maybe Bryce Harrington
[15:46] <greg-g> s/you/your/
[15:46] <pedro_> greg-g: sure, that'd be nice :-)
[15:46] <greg-g> got it :)
[15:46] <pedro_> thanks you
[15:47] <secretlondon> In fact I think a few ubuntu devs are involved in inkscape upstream
[15:47] <secretlondon> it was last uploaded by Kees Cook
[15:47] <JohnPhys> secretlondon: Ah, ok. He's commented on an inkscape bug I filed (#205667) and helped me out with obtaining a backtrace, maybe he'll be able to help.
[15:49] <secretlondon> that bug is high priority actually
[15:49] <JohnPhys> secretlondon: which one? Bug #205667 ?
[15:49] <secretlondon> JohnPhys, he says he's an inkscape dev, and his irc name is bryyce
[15:49] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 205667 in inkscape "Inkscape crashes when using 3d box after attempting to render latex, gears, tree, barcode, maybe others." [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/205667
[15:49] <secretlondon> JohnPhys, yep, that one
[15:50] <secretlondon> he's on pst though, utc -7
[15:50] <secretlondon> I'd try him first
[15:51] <JohnPhys> secretlondon: Thanks. I actually care more about #195052 though, as I don't plan to use that 3d box much :) I just discovered 205667 accidentally when testing the Latex stuff.
[15:52] <JohnPhys> Thanks everyone for your time and help, it's very much appreciated!
[15:52] <secretlondon> JohnPhys, sure. It could be an easy patch, but as he knows the program intimately..
[15:53] <JohnPhys> yeah, to my untrained eye it looks like it's just replacing a python script that is specific to that task only, so I think it's a pretty low risk patch.
[15:54] <JohnPhys> time to boot to hardy though
[15:57] <greg-g> pedro_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses"
[15:57] <greg-g> erm, "Firefox crash report that fails retrace"
[15:58] <pedro_> greg-g: rock on!
[15:59] <qense> I can't find anything in the error logs of bug 216272 It seems like kern.log isn't complete though.
[15:59] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 216272 in hal "internal error failed to initialize HAL" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/216272
[15:59] <qense> any thoughts on what to do next?
[15:59] <greg-g> no problem, it was mainly for my future reference. oh, and the greater good of course ;)
[16:01] <greg-g> qense: in what way is kern.log not complete?
[16:01] <qense> it looks like it's cut off
[16:01] <greg-g> at the end?
[16:01] <qense> yes
[16:02] <qense> and there is nothing of 10:03, the time at which he tried to run hal in verbose mode
[16:05] <greg-g> gotcha
[16:05] <greg-g> can't hurt to ask them I suppose
[16:06] <qense> I think I'll ask him if he really runs hal with sudo, since it seems like it can't set the gruoup id because of its permissions
[16:09] <greg-g> pedro_: just making sure: so basically any firefox bug with the tag "apport-failed-retrace" should be set to invalid? just making sure it is that straight forward. (this assumes there hasn't been any additional helpful information added to the bug of course)
[16:10] <pedro_> greg-g: yeah, unless it's a duplicate which should be marked as such
[16:10] <greg-g> right
[16:10] <greg-g> thanks
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[16:39] <greg-g> pedro_: please advise, bug 217089
[16:39] <ubotu> Bug 217089 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/217089 is private
[16:41] <pedro_> greg-g: there's a better trace on bug 209372 , looks like a dup of it
[16:42] <ubotu> Bug 209372 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/209372 is private
[16:42] <greg-g> pedro_: oh yeah, thats the one i forgot to mark a dupilcate :(
[16:42] <pedro_> no need to re-retrace it
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[17:26] <pochu> seb128, james_w: what have you decided regarding bug 215714? I wonder if it's too late for this change. If you are going to change it, please let me know so I can have a phatch package ready for upload (and an exception granted)
[17:26] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 215714 in nautilus-python "The path for python extensions should reflect the 2.0 api" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/215714
[17:39] <bddebian> Boo
[17:40] <secretlondon> hi bddebian
[17:40] <bddebian> Hello secretlondon
[17:55] <secretlondon> could someone try and confirm bug #188534 for me?
[17:55] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 188534 in nano "[hardy] nano Error reading ~/.nano_history: Permission denied" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188534
[17:56] <secretlondon> you should just open it from the command line and get an error
[18:09] <pochu> secretlondon: I don't have that file... so no error
[18:09] <pochu> (I don't use nano)
[18:09] <secretlondon> okay, if you open nano again do you get the error?
[18:10] <secretlondon> something is writing the history file with root ro perms
[18:10] <secretlondon> but I'm surprised there aren't more reports
[18:10] <pochu> I've created ~/foo with nano and I still don't have that file
[18:11] <secretlondon> oh weird
[18:11] * secretlondon scratches her head
[18:11] <secretlondon> pochu thanks
[18:13] <hggdh> what about running 'sudo nano xxx'?
[18:13] <hggdh> you are still under your home dir
[18:13] <hggdh> and now root has written the file
[18:14] <hggdh> BTW -- secretlondon -- Andre, upstream, states he also has the e-d-s loop problem. Good thing for us, he will help drive it
[18:14] <secretlondon> yeah but I'd rather not run under sudo if I don't need to, and I was trying to work out how to fix the bug
[18:15] <secretlondon> hggdh I read that :)
[18:15] <hggdh> ah, he is also here :-)
[18:16] <secretlondon> I prob didn't explain it properly, it only complains when run without root perms, as the history file seems to be unreadable for a normal user
[18:16] <zxc`> I guys I encountered some problems w/ audio using snd_hda intel
[18:16] <zxc`> looking on launchpad I saw that this is a note bug but i didn't find a solution
[18:16] <hggdh> well, the only way a file gets owned by somebody else is somebody else created/wrote to it
[18:17] <secretlondon> hggdh, nano should be able to cope with being run as a user and with sudo without failing though. Maybe it does this if the first time it is run it is run with sudo
[18:17] <hggdh> yes, may be indeed
[18:18] <secretlondon> google finds mentions of this going back to 06, it's new to me in hardy, but it appears to have existed before
[18:19] <hggdh> do you have a .nanorc?
[18:19] <secretlondon> not in ~
[18:20] <andre_> hggdh: well, i also run into the e-a-n issue (though not already when logging in to the desktop but when starting evo). tried to get traces, but they were not useful...
[18:20] <thekorn> secretlondon, I can reproduce your nano bug
[18:20] <secretlondon> the korn great
[18:20] <hggdh> hi andre_
[18:21] <thekorn> secretlondon, do you have a bug number, so I can add the steps to reproduce it?
[18:21] <secretlondon> andre_ that sounds like a different thing. This is e-d-s looping when gnome starts
[18:21] <secretlondon> thekorn bug #188534
[18:21] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 188534 in nano "[hardy] nano Error reading ~/.nano_history: Permission denied" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188534
[18:21] <andre_> hmm
[18:21] <hggdh> andre_: yes, I saw that, and I was happy (well, not that somebody else had it, but because someone that is heard had it)
[18:21] <hggdh> oops
[18:21] <thekorn> secretlondon, thanks
[18:22] <andre_> time will tell if it's the same issue
[18:22] <hggdh> andre_: are you also running Hardy?
[18:22] * secretlondon nods.
[18:22] <secretlondon> I tried killing e-a-n today and it did kill e-d-s again
[18:22] <hggdh> which, for me, means it is very early in the startup...
[18:23] <andre_> hggdh: no, not running ubuntu here
[18:23] <hggdh> what/what version? Perhaps there they would have reported it already
[18:24] <andre_> svn trunk
[18:24] <hggdh> ah. A bit more up-to-date, then ;-)
[18:30] <secretlondon> thekorn: thanks
[18:30] <thekorn> secretlondon, you are welcome
[18:32] <hggd1> darn, my 24-hour internet at the hotel just ended :-(
[18:33] <hggd1> another 15 euros down the drain
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[18:45] <thekorn> my clock/weather applet in the top right corner of the panel freezes when I click on it, against which package should bugs be filed?
[18:50] <secretlondon> gnome-applets?
[18:51] <thekorn> right, found it
[18:51] <thekorn> I think it should be gnome-panel
[18:52] <bdmurray> That's where I recall seeing them before
[18:58] <Gnine> gnome-panel calendar - weather applet panel display icon does not show on panel - 8.04 64bit 2.6.24-16-generic
[18:59] <james_w> pochu: yeah, I wan't to get it in, afflux was working on a fix.
[19:01] <james_w> pochu: sistpoty's comment confuses me slightly, does this have motu-release approval? Does it not need it?
[19:02] <prana> thekorn: I noticed that last night too... seems to be blocked on a futex call.
[19:03] <thekorn> prana, do you know if there is an open bugreport,
[19:03] <thekorn> or if some debugging is needed
[19:04] <prana> thekorn: i didn't check... i restarted the panel and it seemed to go away... and it's sort of working right now.
[19:04] <prana> thekorn: it might also have something to do with evolution (which the applet consults with to see if there are any appointments for the day.)
[19:05] <thekorn> restarting the panel doe not help for me, still reproducable
[19:05] <thekorn> ah ok, evolution might be the point, let's check this
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[19:06] <prana> yeah, while it's hanging, try "ps aux | grep evo"
[19:06] * prana also hasn't logged in/out for a few days, despite taking various updates.
[19:07] <thekorn> prana, yeah, if i turn off the google calendar plugin in evolution, everything works fine
[19:08] <prana> thekorn: ah... hm. yes, i have that enabled too. it looked so cool :-)
[19:08] <Arby> mvo: ping?
[19:09] <prana> interestingly the google calendar events don't seem to show up in the list of appointments either.
[19:09] <Arby> mvo: what's your opinion on bug 192098
[19:09] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 192098 in update-manager "update-manager confused about package origins" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192098
[19:09] <prana> they make the day bold but don't show up as appointments.
[19:16] <mvo> Arby: hello! I wonder if the version of the local installed one and the version of the remote one are identical
[19:16] <mvo> Arby: that is a case where apt gets easily confused, it expects that two identical versions are identical packages
[19:17] <Arby> mvo: given that it's a home made package is it update-managers problem?
[19:18] <mvo> Arby: I would say no, also it *might* be wishlist/low because could handle the situation better - but then I think we have (currently) more pressing issues :)
[19:20] <Arby> oh absolutely
[19:20] <Arby> I'm jut working through trying to clean up the 'New' bug list
[19:21] <Arby> I'll mark it as wishlist/low then
[19:21] <Arby> mvo: while we're on the subject, what is your preferred work flow for bugs?
[19:22] <Arby> there are a lot of bugs with status high/medium
[19:22] <Arby> but still marked new
[19:22] <Arby> I'd prefer to work in a way that makes it easiest for you to fix down the line
[19:24] <Gnine> bug 216197
[19:24] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 216197 in gnome-panel "no weather information in gnome panel" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/216197
[19:24] <Gnine> meh
[19:26] <Gnine> the icon was there 2 days ago, though..
[19:29] <james_w> sorry for asking again, but is bug 215751 visible to anyone in bugsquad yet?
[19:29] <ubotu> Bug 215751 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/215751 is private
[19:30] <Arby> james_w: I can read it
[19:30] <james_w> Arby: cool, could you do your thing so that I would be able to work on it please?
[19:31] <Arby> erm, what thing would that be?
[19:31] <Arby> private bugs are a new thing and I've been away for a while
[19:32] <james_w> I don't know the process, sorry.
[19:32] <Arby> I've found a check box that says 'this bug should be private'
[19:32] <james_w> I thought apport bugs were private to start with as they may contain private data, so someone could check for that and then make them public
[19:32] <bdmurray> Arby: you'll want to look for private information in the crash report first
[19:33] <james_w> hi bdmurray
[19:33] <Arby> bdmurray: ok, checking
[19:33] <Arby> private == passwords etc yes?
[19:33] <bdmurray> This one has been retracted successfully so you there is no coredump to look at
[19:34] <bdmurray> Arby: that's correct - passwords, financial account information etc....
[19:35] <Arby> so is it only the coredump that would contain sensitive info?
[19:35] <bdmurray> no, the stacktrace could also so you that should be checked
[19:36] <Arby> checked that, nothing obvious
[19:36] <bdmurray> Then you can unmark it as private
[19:37] <bdmurray> hi james_w
[19:37] <Arby> bdmurray: thanks
[19:37] <Arby> I've learnt something new today
[19:38] <Arby> james_w: done
[19:38] <james_w> thanks team
[19:51] <Arby> mvo: what are your thoughts on bug 95327?
[19:51] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 95327 in update-manager "Modal dialogs appear on the current workspace and not on the one of the parent application" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95327
[19:52] <Arby> can probably be closed, just needs an yes or no from you
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[20:37] <ramvi> How can I help out solve bug #217408 ?
[20:37] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 217408 in ubuntu "No audio out on Macbook Pro (1st edition 17")" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/217408
[20:37] <ramvi> Should I attach some files?
[20:38] <bdmurray> ramvi: look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems
[20:39] <ramvi> bdmurray: I just need to know what logs you need
[20:40] <bdmurray> ramvi: and it says that on that page in the "Reporting Sound Bugs" part
[20:41] <bdmurray> james_w: Could you add a test case section to the description of bug 153625?
[20:41] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 153625 in ca-certificates "update-ca-certificates error. ca-certificates.crt empty (with pt_BR locale)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153625
[20:44] <pochu> james_w: he's delegating the approval on the Desktop Team (that is, seb128)
[21:23] <james_w> pochu: ah, ok, thanks. I'll talk to seb tomorrow.
[21:24] <james_w> bdmurray: you mean a way to reproduce, or the testing that should be done when verifying the SRU?
[21:25] <bdmurray> james_w: right, a way to recreate the bug and verfiy it is fixed
[21:26] <james_w> bdmurray: sure, can it wait until tomorrow?
[21:27] <bdmurray> james_w: of course, the test case just helps getting the fix verified. You can see an example in bug 211978
[21:27] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 211978 in update-manager "do-release-upgrade -d doesn't work immediately after running do-release-upgrade" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/211978
[21:32] <james_w> bdmurray: ah, thanks for the example. I'll do it first thing tomorrow. I don't think wine and SRU verification go well together
[21:34] <bdmurray> james_w: nope, not that well. ;)
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[22:40] <secretlondon> what package should usb storage issues be filed against?
[22:40] <secretlondon> looks like a mount issue
[22:40] <secretlondon> bug #212502
[22:40] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 212502 in ubuntu "Old mountpoints are no longer removed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/212502
[23:07] <brookiemonsta> Anybody here know anything about the missing pand binary in the latest bluez-utils packages?