UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /12 /#ubuntu-artwork.txt
Initial commit
[15:38] <_MMA_> Holy hell. Inkscape can pull a diagonal guideline. :P
[16:59] <kwwii> _MMA_: huh, how?
[17:50] <savvas> with the mouse buttons :P
[22:10] <_MMA_> kwwii: Grab a guide from near the 0 mark.
[23:30] <kwwii> _MMA_: hrm, only at a 45° angle it seems
[23:30] <_MMA_> Yeah, but that still awesome. :P
[23:43] <kwwii> not bad at all really
[23:43] <kwwii> for icons it is a good idea
[23:43] <kwwii> time to reboot
[23:49] <kwwii> so...
[23:49] <kwwii> http://sinecera.de/Screenshot-2.png
[23:50] <DanaG> I wish Ubuntu would use fbsplash, for fancy console backgrounds.
[23:50] <DanaG> Ooh, that login theme looks nice.
[23:51] <DanaG> In fact, fbsplash is approximately the only one thing I do miss from the days when I used SuSE.
[23:51] <DanaG> Oh, they used the older 'bootsplash' -- not the newer 'fbsplash'
[23:53] <kwwii> hehe, I am co-author of the bootsplash :p
[23:53] <kwwii> the first hardware splash
[23:53] <kwwii> good to see how things progress
[23:54] <kwwii> user space splash screens are a great idea but still somewhat troublesome it seems
[23:54] <kwwii> bootsplash, in and of itself is dead though
[23:56] <kwwii> anyway, I am out for the night
[23:57] <_MMA_> Night.
[23:57] * _MMA_ -> Bowling.