UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /11 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
Initial commit
[00:04] <serenity> hi
[00:05] <serenity> i own this device http://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Medion_MD95700_%28DVB-T%29 loaded all modules mentioned there, but i get to tv. Possible faults?
[00:06] <serenity> *no
[02:18] <Egghead> is there an easy way to restart mythfrontend after it crashes out to the desktop?
[02:19] <TelnetManta> did you try killing it?
[02:19] <TelnetManta> sudo killall mythbackend
[02:19] <TelnetManta> if you're not sure its running try sudo ps -ax | grep mythfrontend
[02:19] <TelnetManta> oops, sudo killall mythfrontend :-)
[02:20] <tgm4883_laptop> Egghead, you could kinda start it from the command line
[02:20] <Egghead> ummm, i want to restart mythfrontend, automatically after it crashes
[02:20] <TelnetManta> oh LOL
[02:20] <TelnetManta> I tried
[02:20] <Egghead> tgm, i tried that with shh, but it barks about no xorg
[02:21] <tgm4883_laptop> Egghead, you could restart gdm
[02:21] <Egghead> its gtting to be a pain to vnc into it all the time :)
[02:21] <Egghead> tgm, ahhh havent tried that :)
[02:21] <tgm4883_laptop> thats what I do
[02:22] <Egghead> no script i can run?
[02:22] <tgm4883_laptop> well use to
[02:22] <tgm4883_laptop> I haven't had it crash since I changed to hardy
[02:22] <Egghead> or maybe link a remote key inlirc
[02:23] <Egghead> hehe, ive have more problems since upgrading
[02:25] <Egghead> tgm thanks for the input :)
[02:35] <ubuntu> howdie folks
=== ubuntu is now known as SavageOne
=== SavageOne is now known as Savage1
=== Savage1 is now known as SavageOne
[02:37] <SavageOne> I'm in a live cd environment just trying to connect to my mythtv as a frontend
[02:37] <SavageOne> my mythtv backend/frontend combo works fine
[02:37] <SavageOne> but I am hitting test connection and I'm not getting anywhere
[02:37] <SavageOne> I believe I chose a password for mythtv mysql database but I've tried all my passwords and got nothing
[02:38] <SavageOne> is there maybe a default password for mythtv mysql db?
[03:51] <waterfoul> hi!
[03:52] <waterfoul> any 1 here?
[03:52] <waterfoul> hello?
[04:03] <waterfoul> any 1 home?
[05:01] <hti_pro> so i installed mythtv-database on an existing mythtv slave backend with the intention of changing it to a master backend. Now how do I get the credentials for backend setup
[12:33] <rwn_> hello, everyone speacks german?
[12:49] <DaveMorris> rwn_: I'll see if I can get someone for you
[12:49] <laga> hallo
[12:50] <DaveMorris> laga: it was at 12:34 so his prob afk atm
[12:50] <laga> ah
[12:50] <DaveMorris> 12:34 BST that is
[12:51] <rwn_> ok dave thx
[12:52] <DaveMorris> rwn_: laga is german
[12:52] <rwn_> mein mythbuntu läuft seit dem update von gestern nicht mehr
[12:52] <rwn_> ah ja stimmt
[12:52] <rwn_> laga kannst du mir kurz helfen ?
[12:53] <laga> keine ahung. kommt drauf an was das problem ist
[12:53] <rwn_> seit dem update von gestern läuft mythbuntu nicht mehr
[12:53] <rwn_> desktop kommt autostart auch
[12:54] <rwn_> dann sehe ich nur noch die Uhrzeit
[12:54] <rwn_> keinerlei auswahl mehr möglich im frontend
[12:54] <rwn_> das frontend ist auch nicht schwarz sondern blau wie immer
[12:55] <laga> rwn_: beende das frontend und öffne ein terminal, dann starte "mythfrontend -O ThemePainter=qt". geht das?
[12:55] <rwn_> moment mach ich mal
[12:56] <rwn_> nein geht auch nicht
[12:57] <laga> rwn_: mythfrontend --reset?
[12:58] <rwn_> habe ich gemacht
[12:59] <laga> funktioniert's?
[12:59] <rwn_> der reset ja
[12:59] <rwn_> soll ich noch mal starten
[12:59] <laga> das frontend? ja
[13:01] <rwn_> ja jetzt geht es
[13:01] <laga> cool
[13:01] <rwn_> komplett anderes themes
[13:02] <laga> ja, evtl ist das thema kaputt oder so? was für ein update war das denn? welche version von mythbuntu?
[13:02] <rwn_> danke erst mal werd mal weiter sehen
[13:02] <rwn_> das letzte von gestern morgen
[13:02] <laga> rwn_: sind irgendwelche partitionen voll?
[13:02] <laga> rwn_: und welche version..
[13:03] <rwn_> glaube ich nicht sind 500GB drin
[13:03] <rwn_> habe aber noch andere probs, denke aber das wird sich richten
[13:03] <laga> glauben ist nicht wissen :)
[13:03] <rwn_> kernel 14 und 15 starten nicht
[13:03] <laga> ah, hardy.
[13:03] <rwn_> bin mit dem 12er unterwegs
[13:04] <rwn_> ja hardy
[13:04] <rwn_> sorry hatte ich vergessen
[14:52] <user1> iam using tv card Philips Semiconductors SAA7130 Video Broadcast De coder (rev 01) . i cant make it work. any help?
[15:17] <hti_pro> anyone using hardy with mythtv
[15:18] <user1> hti_pro: you are using hardy beta?
[15:18] <hti_pro> yep
[15:18] <hti_pro> wondering if anyone had any issues
[15:18] <user1> hti_pro: is it going fine?
[15:19] <user1> hti_pro: did you have any issues. crashes or bugs?
[15:19] <hti_pro> only one problem so far, may not be a hardy thing thouh
[15:19] <user1> hti_pro: what prob?
[15:19] <hti_pro> I am tryin to convert a slave backend to be the new master backend
[15:19] <hti_pro> ran apt-get install mythtv-database and it didn't give me the credentials
[15:20] <hti_pro> I think I have it now, had to dig into the ever-so-confusing mysql manual though
[15:21] <hti_pro> any one in here have any issues with the libata dma bug
[15:24] <hti_pro> oh come to find out it put the credentials in the mysql.txt file and didn't tell me bout it. On 0.20 it at least told me it did this
[15:26] <hti_pro> this is the fourth time I reinstalled the mythtv-database package and this is the only time that it actually modified this file
[15:29] <hti_pro> ok my esc key is not working to exit the frontend
[15:30] <hti_pro> any ideas, checked the setup page and esc key is enabled
[15:31] <hti_pro> this channel is kindof dead isnt it
[18:50] <frank23> I upgraded to mythtv 0.21 in gutsy. the OSD now seems flickery and more pixelated? any ideas why that is?
[18:53] <hugolp> frank23: I had the same problem
[18:54] <hugolp> it happens if you use a kind of deinterlacer filter
[18:54] <hugolp> change the deinterlacer system and it will go
[18:54] <frank23> hugolp: is that in playback?
[19:00] <frank23> hugolp: I set the playback profile to "slim" instead of "CPU+" and it fixed it
[20:08] <hugolp> frank23: yes, that changes the deintercalcing mode
[20:59] <craig_> hello
[20:59] <craig_> anyone know about a dhcp3 bug on MCC?
[21:00] <tgm4883_laptop> no
[21:00] <craig_> just done a freah install and MCC always crashes with a dhcp3 error
[21:00] <tgm4883_laptop> can you post the error?
[21:01] <tgm4883_laptop> 7.10 or 8.04?
[21:01] <craig_> ConfigParser.NoOptionError: No option 'dhcp3-server' in section: 'mythbuntu'
[21:01] <craig_> 8.04
[21:02] <craig_> laga mentioned it in the forums
[21:02] <craig_> but he also said it was fixed
[21:02] <tgm4883_laptop> did you apt-get update and apt-get upgrade
[21:02] <craig_> yep
[21:02] <tgm4883_laptop> hmm
[21:04] <craig_> i did change my sources to my local ones....perhaps that made a diff?
[21:04] <craig_> changeing them back to the original ones
[21:05] <craig_> hmm, my repo must be behind
[21:05] <craig_> 25 to update
[21:06] <craig_> pure slow tho! ahhh
[21:41] <famicom_> Hold down an arbitrary button.
[21:41] <famicom_> what the hell does that mean
[21:45] <zubwolf> hi there hi there, i'm using mythbuntu and would like to know if there is a possibility to use iptv as in UDP/multicast streams from an iptv provider?
[21:54] <directhex> famicom_, it means "any button, it really doesn't matter"
[22:07] <rhpot1991> famicom_: running irrecord it seems
[22:07] <famicom_> yeah
[22:08] <famicom_> trying to get some vague remote to work
[22:08] <rhpot1991> as long as sudo cat /dev/lirc0 can see it, it should work then
[22:08] <rhpot1991> will get garbage on your screen the
[22:08] <rhpot1991> then
[22:11] <famicom_> well
[22:11] <famicom_> right now i need to replace 1 single button
[22:11] <rhpot1991> I've had funny results editing a config
[22:12] <rhpot1991> where sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't
[22:12] <rhpot1991> but creating a new config always worked
[22:14] <famicom_> yeah i know
[22:14] <famicom_> but i gotta redo the entire fucking config just because a single fucking button is fux0red
[22:17] <rhpot1991> you can try to just modify it first, I found modifying configs as long as I wasn't adding new buttons was ok
[22:17] <rhpot1991> but adding new buttons sometimes seemed to throw things off, not always
[22:17] <rhpot1991> also watch the language
[22:18] <famicom_> well compare Volume_Up 0x10
[22:18] <famicom_> Volume_Down 0x11
[22:18] <famicom_> to Volume_Up 0x0E2410
[22:18] <famicom_> Volume_Down 0x0F2411
[22:19] <famicom_> humm, this should be right
[22:22] <famicom_> goddammit
[23:50] <tgm4883_laptop> !language | famicom_
[23:50] <ubotu> famicom_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[23:57] <LeChacal> can i use parts of mythbuntu on a normal ubuntu install if i want to just watch and record some shows, not use it as a dedicated DVR (or what ever the right term is)? and if i can, can some one help with some more specific questions i have, my guess is that they have been asked a million times but some of what i have read on line is confusing and i want clarification. thank you in advance.