UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /11 /#ubuntu-mobile.txt
Initial commit
=== inuka_desk_ is now known as inuka_desk
=== jayc__ is now known as jayc_
=== jayc__ is now known as jayc_
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[06:53] <dholbach> good morning
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_away
=== davmor2_away is now known as davmor2
[15:12] <mawhalen> agoliveira: ping
[15:12] <agoliveira> mawhalen: pong!
[15:13] <mawhalen> agoliveira: what is your email? I probably can go find it - make it easy on me!
[15:13] <mawhalen> agoliveira: have some info to send you
[15:13] <agoliveira> mawhalen: It's adilson@linuxembarcado.com.br
[15:13] <agoliveira> mawhalen: Great
[15:14] <agoliveira> mawhalen: or adilson@canonical.com (the other is private)
[15:14] <mawhalen> agoliveira: thanks - sent email.
[15:14] <agoliveira> mawhalen: Thanks a lot.
[15:14] <mawhalen> agoliveira: already sent to the first one
[15:16] <agoliveira> mawhalen: Got it. Thanks.
[15:43] <tonyespy> kyleN: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/MIDStartupGutsy
[15:45] <Hobbsee> StevenK: should i let m-i-c thru for hardy?
[15:46] * Hobbsee assumes a yes, and presses the big green button
[15:47] <StevenK> Hobbsee: Thank you
[15:47] * Hobbsee gets an oops.
[15:49] <Hobbsee> StevenK: no m-i-c for you. Please sacrifice a zebra to launchpad to continue.
[15:50] <StevenK> Haha
[15:52] <Hobbsee> Work around doesn't work either. Damnation.l
[16:04] <Hobbsee> StevenK: you'll need a canonicalite to approve it, sorry. Which will probably be monday.
[16:05] <Hobbsee> LP UI breaks when attempting to accept packages.
[16:07] <seb128> Hobbsee: why monday? he's still office hours in europe and it's start of working day for slangasek no? ;-)
[16:08] <Hobbsee> seb128: so it is. just. I'm not used to these daylight savings time changes yet.
[16:08] <seb128> Hobbsee: you can add locations to the hardy clock applet ;-)
[16:08] <Hobbsee> seb128: doesn't help if i don't consult it :)
[16:08] <seb128> it's a click away from you
[16:08] <seb128> and opening is very fast now thanks to vuntz ;-)
[16:09] <Hobbsee> seb128: i eventually grok a general "what time it is $continent" list, so i have a vague idea.
[16:09] <Hobbsee> of course, it gets thrown each time daylight savings changes
[16:13] <seb128> use the applet ;-)
[16:13] * Sciri loves the applet
[16:14] <Hobbsee> seb128: i do, to check :)
[16:14] * Hobbsee was very lost without it, for a while
[16:27] <smagoun> "The following packages have unmet dependencies: ubuntu-mobile: Depends: pidgin-maemo but it is not going to be installed"
[16:27] <smagoun> that is disappointing.
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_away
=== jayc__ is now known as jayc_
[17:00] <StevenK> smagoun: pidgin-maemo is in the PPA
[17:01] <StevenK> Actually, it's probably getting very confused.
[17:02] <StevenK> Since the MIC in the archive trying to install telepathy, which pulls in pidgin-data, and pidgin-maemo is trying to install pidgin-maemo-data, and pidgin-maemo-data Conflicts with pidgin-data
[17:27] <Parsi> hi ppl
[17:28] <Parsi> linux can be installed on my sony ericsson mobile phone?
[17:29] <GrueMaster> Parsi: Check the FAQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded
[17:30] <GrueMaster> Currently, this project only supports x86 hardware.
[17:30] <Parsi> GrueMaster, yes
[17:30] <Parsi> i cannot!
[17:31] <Parsi> thankx GrueMaster
[17:35] * agoliveira wonders if is there a way to force people to read the faq before even enter this channel :)
[17:36] <GrueMaster> agoliveira: Why not have ChanServ pop up a message, like they do on #moblin?
[17:38] <agoliveira> GrueMaster: Because is anoying :) Seriously, there's the inital message already. People who don't pay attention to it won't do anyway.
[17:39] <GrueMaster> True. Maybe a little more text in the opening message then.
[17:39] <GrueMaster> Something along the lines of "Hey newb's, read the FAQ before asking if your mobile phone will work!"?
[17:40] <GrueMaster> Maybe I'm beeing to gentle.
=== agoliveira changed the topic of #ubuntu-mobile to: This channel is for conversations around the Ubuntu UME development version | Info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded. Please read the FAQ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/FAQ
[17:42] <agoliveira> GrueMaster: I was even gentler. My real feeling is to say "No, it wont work on your mobile, pda, or anything else but x86. Read the f(&*ng FAQ before asking the same question for the nth time you moron!"
[17:43] <GrueMaster> :-D
[17:43] <GrueMaster> I like it!
[17:43] <agoliveira> GrueMaster: Yeah, but that will probally cause a kick/ban for me :)
[17:44] <GrueMaster> possibly. Maybe we can get buy-in from davidm
[17:46] <agoliveira> Maybe something softer like "... please read the faq or you'll be solemnly ignored"
[17:47] <bspencer_> lool: bfiller Our QA guys are reporting that images are ~300MB larger than they were last month. Something about unused packages and openoffice. Any ideas why this might be?
[17:47] <GrueMaster> Damn, I need to wash my eyes. Thought you said something about being sodomized there for a sec. Blurry vision. Need caffine.
[17:47] * bspencer_ re-reads his question
[17:48] <GrueMaster> earlier conversation, bspencer. you're ok.
[17:48] <bspencer_> whew!
[17:49] <agoliveira> bspencer_: Probably openoffice.
[17:49] <GrueMaster> While you're here, question on OpenOffice. Is there a more light weight reader for doc/ppt/xls/odf?
[17:50] <bspencer_> agoliveira: hm -- was that added by you guys?
[17:50] <agoliveira> GrueMaster: I wish :(
[17:50] <GrueMaster> I can't honestly see doing any serious WP on a mid with no keyboard.
[17:50] <agoliveira> bspencer_: Yes. It's the only way right now to read MS Office files.
[17:50] <bspencer_> GrueMaster: there's a few that do pieces, but nothing as complete. And nothing as comprehensive in Windows document support.
[17:51] <bspencer_> agoliveira: ok. Good to know. I didn't see it show up on the home screen so I wasn't aware.
[17:51] <agoliveira> GrueMaster: It's there just to filter MS Office files not to WP.
[17:51] <agoliveira> bspencer_: Same as above :)
[17:51] <GrueMaster> true. Maybe they can release a stripped down reader app.
[17:52] <agoliveira> bspencer_, GrueMaster: That's my idea but it's hard to look inside OO source code without getting brain damage.
[17:52] <GrueMaster> As it sits, it's a really big filter.
[17:52] <agoliveira> GrueMaster: I intend to bring this question at UDS: separate the filters from the rest of OO code.
[17:53] <bspencer_> agoliveira: my full-time job was OpenOffice for 1yr. It was very hard to work on. Quite discouraging to be honest.
[17:53] <agoliveira> bspencer_: Great, just find the man to the job :)
[17:53] <agoliveira> found
[17:54] <bspencer_> I even went to Germany and hung out with OO guys for a week. A cool team and some good talent there. But still my understanding of OO is very foggy.
=== inuka_desk_ is now known as inuka_desk
[18:56] <inuka_desk> ping amitk
=== davmor2_away is now known as davmor2
=== robr__ is now known as robr
[21:40] <inuka_desk> ping amitk
[22:27] <philidox> o yes
[22:27] <philidox> hello any1 there?
[22:27] <philidox> I am dying to know how to work ubuntu mobile
[22:46] <philidox> does anyone here have experience with installing ubuntu mobile?
[22:47] <philidox> I have a A988+
[22:57] <GrueMaster> Is the A988+ x86 based?