UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /11 /#ubuntu-doc.txt
Initial commit
[00:25] <nixternal> LaserJock: pong?
[00:27] <LaserJock> nixternal: are you going to be doing any more kubuntu-docs uploads before release?
[00:27] <nixternal> nope
[00:27] <nixternal> unless something is totally broken of course
[00:28] <LaserJock> sure
[00:28] <LaserJock> I was just wondering if I should do a final edubuntu-docs
[00:28] <nixternal> hrmm, I thought you weren't going to?
[00:28] <crimsun> I'll review k-d tonight
[00:28] <LaserJock> huh?
[00:29] <LaserJock> wasn't gonna do what?
[00:29] <crimsun> upload a final e-d, I presume.
[00:30] <LaserJock> I would assume I would want to do a final one before it's ... you know, final :-)
[00:31] <LaserJock> just came back from a graduation party for a good friend
[00:31] <LaserJock> maybe I had a little too much champagne for nixternal ;-)
[00:32] <nixternal> hehe
[00:32] <LaserJock> although I wouldn't think half a glass would do much
[00:32] <LaserJock> nasty stuff
[00:32] <LaserJock> sparkling cider is way better
[00:50] <ubotu> New bug: #215441 in ubuntu-docs (main) "Grammatical errors found in desktop-effects.xml" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/215441
[00:52] <Flannel> That bug contains no actual grammatical issues.
[00:53] <Flannel> and most, if not all, of the itemized complaints aren't valid.
[01:02] <nixternal> those are my favorite bugs!
[02:20] <j1mc> does anyone know if we have to do a "bzr bind" to the new intrepid branches to prevent commit-history problems like we did with the hardy branch?
[02:56] <j1mc> hm. anyone know how to import translations?
[02:56] <j1mc> i think it's time to do that, right?
[04:52] <thumper> I found a reference to this channel on some forum post
[04:52] <thumper> I'm looking for an easy way to generate PDFs from docbook
[04:53] <thumper> I read that the way to go is via apache fop
[04:53] <thumper> is that still the case?
[04:53] <thumper> if it is, are there simple packages to install to get it working?
[05:17] <LaserJock> I'm not sure
[05:17] <LaserJock> used to be no because fob is a Java app
[05:17] <LaserJock> *fop
[05:17] <LaserJock> but I think I may have seen it go by in hardy-changes
[05:17] <LaserJock> thumper: ^^
[05:18] <thumper> LaserJock: thanks
[05:18] <thumper> LaserJock: so is there a fo2pdf command somewhere?
[05:18] <LaserJock> I think it does that, but I'm not sure
[05:18] <LaserJock> let me look real quick if we have a script for it
[05:31] <LaserJock> thumper: the doc team does have some useful stuff
[05:31] <thumper> :)
[05:31] <LaserJock> thumper: in the libs/pdf/ directory
[05:32] <thumper> LaserJock: of a ubuntu-doc branch?
[05:32] <LaserJock> yeah, if you don't have one grab intrepid because we started the history over and it will be *much* faster to branch
[05:35] <thumper> LaserJock: thanks
[05:36] <LaserJock> thumper: np, hope it helps
[05:36] <thumper> me too :)
[08:05] <mdke> thumper: we haven't built pdfs since probably the edgy release so you won't find the actual commands we ran in the branch; I'll try and dig them out for you
[08:06] <thumper> mdke: thanks
[08:06] <thumper> that'd be appreciated
[08:08] <mdke> thumper: aha, if you get the dapper branch (use a DC machine) then you'll find them in ubuntu/Makefile, I'm pretty sure. Just getting the branch myself
[08:08] <thumper> DC?
[08:09] <Madpilot> Dapper branch? taking a trip into the Museum of Antique Docs?
[08:09] <mdke> thumper: I mean datacenter
[08:09] <mdke> Madpilot: right
[08:09] <thumper> mdke: how about LP?
[08:10] <thumper> bzr branch lp:ubuntu-doc/dapper
[08:10] <mdke> thumper: i mean, it will be a lot faster to download from a datacenter machine than outside
[08:10] <mdke> it's a large branch
[08:10] * thumper shrugs
[08:10] <thumper> smaller than LP I bet
[08:10] <thumper> and I can wait
[08:10] <mdke> ok
[08:11] <mdke> thumper: ok, so here is a sample:
[08:11] <mdke> xsltproc --xinclude -o $(LULUBASE)C/serverguide.fo $(LULUSTYLE) ../generic/serverguide/C/serverguide.xml
[08:11] <mdke> fop -c ../libs/pdf/fop.xconf -fo $(LULUBASE)C/serverguide.fo -pdf $(LULUBASE)C/serverguide.pdf
[08:11] <mdke> rm $(LULUBASE)C/serverguide.fo
[08:12] <thumper> hmm...
[08:12] <thumper> what do I need to install to get the fop command?
[08:12] <mdke> thumper: fop, but afaik there isn't an ubuntu package, it needs to be installed by hand
[08:12] <thumper> :(
[08:12] <thumper> why not?
[08:12] <thumper> geez
[08:13] <thumper> where's a motu when you need one
[08:13] <mdke> maybe it is now, I don't know
[08:13] <mdke> it's been some time since we used it
[08:13] <mdke> thumper: details which should be accurate as at about a year or two ago are here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/BuildingDocumentation/PDF
[08:15] <thumper> mdke: thanks, I'll check it out
[08:19] <mdke> the Ubuntu Training team have been converting xml to pdf too, using a different toolchain, I think
[08:19] <mdke> thumper: you might want to contact them too
[08:19] <thumper> mdke: billy?
[08:19] <mdke> thumper: right
[08:19] <thumper> ok
[08:19] <thumper> thanks again
[08:20] <mdke> np
[13:24] <MagicFab> hi all
[13:47] <ubotu> New bug: #215662 in ubuntu-doc "Licensing information is not stated / linked from the docs "preview" website" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/215662
[13:48] <sommer> mdke: any thoughts on bug #215025?
[13:48] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 215025 in ubuntu-doc "server guide / mail filtering error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/215025
[13:49] <MagicFab> sommer, there a bit of missing information in the server guide, regarding JeOS install. Should I just log a bug ?
[13:49] <sommer> MagicFab: missing as incorrect, or more details?
[13:50] <MagicFab> more details - GRUB install fails, which may give the impression the install is not posssible when in fact LILO can be used (which makes sense in such context)
[13:51] <MagicFab> Similar to "missing SCSI support" which IMO is a bug but if duly documented can be worked around easily
[13:51] <sommer> umm... that actually sounds more like an issue with jeos itself, and not a doc bug
[13:52] <MagicFab> I'll file a bug against jeos, but I am asking here if it's worth changing the doc about that.
[13:52] <sommer> you could ask in #ubuntu-virt about the grub issue... during my testing grub worked fine :)
[13:53] <sommer> MagicFab: no, because hopefully the bug will be fixed before release
[13:53] <MagicFab> nijaba tells me the doc is frozen, though.
[13:53] <sommer> plus we're basically frozen until release
[13:53] <MagicFab> Could this be an exception if tha bug is not resolved by release ?
[13:53] <sommer> heh, correct
[13:54] <sommer> probably not, because of the time it takes for translations
[13:55] <sommer> I'd think that grub not working is a pretty major thing, soren in #ubuntu-server or #ubuntu-virt is the one working on jeos and virtualization stuff
[13:56] <MagicFab> Oh it's already reported. https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-jeos/+bug/215618
[13:56] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 215618 in ubuntu-jeos "Grub installation fails on JeOS Hardy on KVM Hardy" [Undecided,New]
[13:56] <sommer> heh, bonus
[13:57] <sommer> MagicFab: you might ping soren about it, if you're still seeing the problem in the latest jeos version
[13:57] <MagicFab> so confirming that one and bugging soren about that I guess.
[13:58] <MagicFab> sommer, thank you.
[13:58] <sommer> welcome
[14:02] <MagicFab> sommer, I am seing that in a fresh Hardy beta of Jeos, that's why I am here :) So... might this be grounds for a doc update exception if it's not fixed by release ?
[14:03] <sommer> no, I have every confidence that it'll be fixed by release. If not the proper way to handle it would be with an SRU.
[14:04] <sommer> an SRU to make grub on jeos work that is :)
[14:05] <MagicFab> I am not sure it's not intentional - it's also curious someone logged the bug 1 hr. ago :)
[14:05] <sommer> I think that grub working is the expected behavior, so it's usually best to document that... at least that's my view... heh
[14:05] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1
[14:06] <sommer> MagicFab: I can ask soren real quick
[14:06] <MagicFab> sure, although he's notified already.
[14:07] <sommer> ah, well if it was only created an hour ago, he may not have had time to address it yet
[14:10] <MagicFab> sure, I work with soren so I won't break his neck just yet :)
[14:11] <sommer> ah, that's cool... at canonical?
[14:11] <MagicFab> yes, although I am at support. He's in the server team as you know
[14:12] <sommer> ooohhh, sure you blog frequently?
[14:13] <MagicFab> sommer, these days yes - it depends. -> http://www.fabianrodriguez.com/blog/
[14:14] <sommer> cool, I read Planet Ubuntu... nice to meet you in IRC :)
[14:17] <MagicFab> sommer, likewise. I'll most likely endup contributing to docs directly - I was supposed to help with the Desktop guide too.
[14:18] <sommer> that's awesome... the more the merrier!
[14:19] <MagicFab> sommer, I had promised never to code or use dev tools long ago. Whishful thinking :)
[14:20] <sommer> MagicFab: hehehehe... coding can be fun too
[14:26] <MagicFab> sommer, I am told GRUB is supposed to work in JeOS and will be fixed - so no changes to that doc just yet
[14:27] <sommer> sweet
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[18:38] <sommer> mdke: ping
[18:38] <mdke> sommer: (In case I'm not around at the moment, please provide a bit of information about what you want and I will respond when I get back)
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[21:22] <mdke> sommer: I think it's too late for a fix like that
[21:22] <mdke> sommer: how serious is it?
[21:24] <sommer> mdke: the group and username are reversed... so it won't work the way it currently is
[21:24] <sommer> but the user may well reverse the docmented command and things will work
[21:25] <sommer> so overall, I can't say it's a huge bug
[21:25] <mdke> sommer: ok, as long as the wrong command doesn't lead to breakage, I think we fix it for intrepid
[21:25] <sommer> I missed it because I had both usernames as part of each other's goup
[21:25] <sommer> okay, sounds good
[21:26] <sommer> thanks mdke
[21:27] <sommer> I guess my other thought is that I'd hate to have the error there for 5 years :(
[21:29] <mdke> sommer: we'll fix it after the release then and update translations
[21:29] <mdke> as per philbull's proposal
[21:29] <sommer> oh ya, good point