UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /11 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[06:53] <dholbach> good morning
[08:39] <kagou> lut seb128
[08:39] <seb128> 'lu kagou
[08:55] <Amaranth> mvo: I fixed the bug you pointed me to, it's in bzr
[08:56] <mvo> thanks Amaranth
[09:08] <kagou> mvo, slangasek have subscribed ubuntu-desktop to Bug #212098
[09:08] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 212098 in nautilus-share ""easy" file sharing not notifying about logout/login" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/212098
[09:09] <kagou> after discussion he prefer that nautilus-share should be patched for notificate user to logout/login after samba/libpam-smbpass installation
[09:35] <huats> morning everyone
[09:36] <seb128> lut huats
[09:37] <huats> hey seb128
=== belou__ is now known as belou
[11:43] <salty-horse> hi. is there a reason sound-juicer.desktop is missing an Icon entry?
[11:52] <salty-horse> correction: it has an Icon entry, but the menu doesn't show it for some reason
[12:20] <asac> mvo: 1. apturl apt:flashplugin-nonfree?section=multiverse
[12:20] <asac> mvo: 2. hit "No"
[12:20] <asac> mvo: 3. echo $?
[12:20] <asac> 0
[12:21] <asac> that should be > 0
[12:22] <asac> right?
[12:26] <mvo> asac: does it ask you about enabling multiverse or if you want to install the package ?
[12:26] <mvo> (yes, it should return 1 here)
[12:30] <asac> mvo: i didn't try ... i aborted the initial dialog
[12:30] <asac> let me see
[12:30] <asac> yes it ask me for that
[12:30] <asac> but multiverse is already enabled :(
[12:30] <asac> for sure!
[12:31] <asac> mvo: the dialogs of apturl should either get a window taskbar entry or should be "always on top"
[12:31] <asac> if one accidently moves them to the background i have to minimize all windows
[12:32] <asac> saying "No" in the dialog that asks for multivers addition properly returnes 1
[12:33] <mvo> asac: right, two bugs .(
[12:34] <asac> sorry for that :(
[12:34] <asac> i hate bring bad news ;)
[12:35] <mvo> asac: thanks, I will look at it
[12:36] <asac> mvo: any idea how i can force password prompt? would like to check if failing that returns the proper exit code
[12:36] <asac> but somehoe my session doesn't forget it :(
[12:38] <asac> mvo: there is another usability thing. why does apturl always pull the latest indixes? that makes this whole plugin install a pretty long running process and maybe we can use the same heurisitc as in update-manager?
[12:38] <mvo> asac: sudo -k (or -K)
[12:38] <asac> oh cool
[12:38] <mvo> asac: hm, it should do that, it only does it if it needs to enable a new component
[12:39] <asac> hmm ... ok. maybe it goes together with the "always tries to add new section thing" ... but imo i saw the index updates even without that question
[12:39] <asac> now i always get that section question. no idea why. i am sure a few days ago i was not asked
[12:39] <mvo> yeah, I think its a side-effect of that bug
[12:39] <asac> but maybe that was on my laptop :(
[12:39] <mvo> no, I see it here too :(
[12:39] <asac> anyway. i am pretty sure that it does a lot of rumbling even without adding a section because i did extensive testing
[12:40] <asac> last weem
[12:41] <asac> anyway. all this is not critical ... so don't drop other critical stuff because of this. it would just help polish the overall user-experience
[12:41] <asac> but if you can spend 20minutes that would be great ;)
[12:41] <mvo> yeah, I put it on my must-fix list
[12:41] <mvo> thanks for the testing
[12:51] <fernando> moin all
[13:08] <fta> seb128, i've packaged cairo 1.6.0, do you want it ?
[13:08] <seb128> fta: sure
[13:08] <fta> you need a bug ?
[13:09] <fta> seb128, ^^
[13:09] <seb128> no
[13:11] <fta> seb128, ok, goo. it's very low risk anyway as there have been no code changes at all compared to 1.5.20
[13:12] <fta> +d
[13:12] <seb128> we want 1.6.0 anyway, code change or not
[13:14] <fta> seb128, do you need a full debdiff or debian/* is enough ?
[13:15] <seb128> debian is enough
[13:15] <seb128> or dsc and diff.gz
[13:15] <seb128> what is easier for you
[13:16] <fta> seb128, http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/debdiff/cairo_1.5.20-0ubuntu1--cairo_1.6.0-0ubuntu1.debdiff
[13:16] <seb128> thanks
[13:45] <seb128> fta: why did you update the shlibs if there is no api change?
[13:46] <seb128> fta: don't bother changing it, I've a patch I want to include, I'll just run dch and use the patch for this one
[14:08] <fta> seb128, I thought it was not desirable to keep a dev snapshot version in there, but do as you prefer :)
[14:09] <seb128> fta: right, will do that too
[14:11] <fta> seb128, do you want me to add your patch ? in case you're busy
[14:25] <seb128> fta: no, that's alright, it's building already but thanks
[16:49] <mvo> Amaranth: are you there? I would like your opnion on the "gnome-panel sometimes disappears with 0.7.4" problem. could it be releated to the fullscreen stacking patch (i.e. stacking the nautlus background window over the panel for some reason?
[16:49] <mvo> Amaranth: I haven't seen anything like this for a while, but recently I had it too (also I have no idea how to reproduce it)
=== fernando_ is now known as fernando
[21:16] <mvo> seb128: is there a way to disable the "dettach tabs" feature in gnome-terminal? it keeps detaching stuff that I don't wnat to :)
[21:27] <seb128> mvo: no idea, I don't use tabs usually
[21:34] <fta> seb128, cairo 1.6.2 is out
[21:43] <fta> seb128, as you preferred to redo everything for 1.6.0, i assume you don't want me to do this one either, right?
[21:44] <seb128> fta: redo? that was only a changelog update and a quick debian rules change, and we don't want 1.6.2, the change I didn't backport for 1.6.0 has a crasher and they are discussing doing a 1.6.4 on #cairo for some hours
[21:45] <fta> ok, nm
[21:47] <seb128> fta: sorry if I didn't use your debdiff but the changes were trivial and I did the change on an another box so it was easier to just run dch and do the change than getting the debdiff you gave me and then apply the git change
[21:51] <Amaranth> mvo: that bug is the expo thing i gave to you the other day
[21:51] <Amaranth> mvo: expo starts thinking it is in expo mode and thus hides the panels
[21:51] <mvo> Amaranth: aha, nice
[21:51] * mvo hugs Amaranth
[21:51] <mvo> Amaranth: its in now, we also got the freeze exception for universe
[21:52] <mvo> jipppiiiee
[21:52] <Amaranth> woohoo
=== Martinp24 is now known as Martinp23