UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /11 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[01:42] * greg-g feels like an idiot that he asked a bug reporter if they were using the liveCD or the alt. install when they had a crash in ubiquity
[01:47] <blueyed> greg-g: shit happens.. ;)
[01:49] <blueyed> Triagers are supposed to assign the bug to themselves, when setting a bug to Incomplete, aren't they? So that they can assist further when triaging, yes?
[01:50] <greg-g> blueyed: no, that is the old way. Now you just subscribe
[01:51] <greg-g> Assignment is for the person fixing the bug (ie: person writing a patch)
[01:51] <greg-g> it changed, and there is confusion, but this is the new work flow
[01:51] <blueyed> ok. fine. but you should at least subscribe..
[01:51] <blueyed> s/at least//
[01:51] <greg-g> correct
[01:51] <greg-g> wait, are you saying I should subscribe to a bug that I am not?
[01:52] <greg-g> did I miss one that I commented on?
[01:52] <blueyed> no.. "you" for "general", not you specifically.
[01:52] <greg-g> ok, yeah :)
[01:52] <blueyed> I'm looking at bugs triaged by "mcas", but there's no contact information..
[03:06] <greg-g> there, back up to 35 bugs for the week
[03:27] <greg-g> in response to the shell history meme on planet.ubuntu, add-5-a-day is my highest with 87! ;)
[03:27] <greg-g> (second highest is "screen" at 54)
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[06:43] <Arby> anybody got time to look at bug 193574?
[06:43] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 193574 in update-manager "Feisty to Gutsy some sort of network problem occured during the update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193574
[06:43] <Arby> it looks like a simple network failure at first
[06:44] <Arby> but reporter says it has persisted for several weeks
[06:44] <Arby> some of the repositories are official ubuntu ones
[06:44] <Arby> are there any known problems?
[06:47] <secretlondon> there is a problem i've come across with gutsy having entries in sources.list commented out
[06:51] <Arby> hmm, I'm not really sure what to suggest on this one
[06:51] <Arby> I suppose we could start with removing the unofficial repos
[06:55] <secretlondon> tbh with hardy coming out in 2 weeks I doubt anyone really wants to work on gutsy bugs
[06:55] <secretlondon> only 2 of those are official repos anyway
[06:56] <secretlondon> the two that are failing with the bzip error
[06:57] <Arby> probably true
[06:57] <Arby> I just hate leaving a bug half triaged once I've started
[06:57] <secretlondon> the first certainly isn't, and medibuntu isn't official either
[06:57] <secretlondon> we can't be responsible for other people's servers
[06:58] <Arby> I meant working in gutsy bugs :)
[06:58] <secretlondon> there is a workround for bzip errors which involves trying to reload the info again, apt-get update, and if that doesn't work commenting out the failing repo, running apt-get update, and then adding it back and running apt-get update
[06:59] <Arby> otoh, for people who still run feisty they'll have to go via gutsy to get hardy
[06:59] <Arby> is that documented anywhere?
[06:59] <secretlondon> don't know
[06:59] <secretlondon> I had it a lot in dapper
[07:01] <Arby> got to go now, will look back later
[08:08] <lankke> hello everyone... I was running a dual boot win xp/ubuntu 7.10 system up until about 2 weeks ago when I removed my linux drive in order to perform data recovery on a friend's win hard drive. Ever since I put the linux drive back in, ubuntu freezes right after the grub boot loader screen. I have looked for a fix now for 2 weeks without success, can anyone help me out?
[08:09] <lankke> I get an error message like ata.01: Emask ...
[08:09] <secretlondon> lankke support is better on #ubuntu
[08:09] <lankke> I tried over there... no one replied
[08:10] <lankke> there were a few people arguing over something stupid
[08:10] <lankke> so I decided to try here...
[08:10] <lankke> it's a shame because I really like ubuntu, now I just don't know what to do
[08:14] <secretlondon> you could try the forums?
[08:15] <secretlondon> one prob is that is quite quiet this time of day
[08:15] <lankke> Have tried that also
[08:15] <secretlondon> too early in europe, and very late in the us
[08:15] <lankke> I have searched through around about 20 different similar cases... but none seem to be exactly the same as mine
[08:15] <lankke> ok
[08:16] <secretlondon> you could try launchpad answers
[08:16] <lankke> well... is there any way of using the live cd to restore ubuntu without affecting the exisiting info... i think that i have put the home directory onto a separate partition
[08:16] <lankke> ... I will try launchpad
[08:16] <lankke> thanks
[10:10] <james_w> Is apport retracing currently?
[10:10] <james_w> Is there a backlog?
[10:13] <seb128> james_w: I stopped it yesterday because it was broken and only untagging
[10:14] <james_w> ah, ok.
[10:14] <seb128> james_w: doko give me a hand fixing the python-launchpad-bugs upgrade issue one hour ago and I just restarted it
[10:14] <seb128> james_w: it's catching up on some days of bugs now
[10:14] <james_w> great, thanks.
[10:14] <seb128> you are welcome
[10:14] <seb128> doh, it crashed
[10:14] <seb128> I hate launchpad-python-bugs
[10:15] <seb128> hum, seems to be an apport bug in this case
[10:15] * thekorn hides
[10:16] <seb128> thekorn: nothing against you, you are doing a great work ;-)
[10:16] <seb128> thekorn: but parsing launchpad is not a reliable thing apparently
[10:16] <seb128> and I don't have access to this bug to fix it
[10:17] <seb128> bah
[10:17] <thekorn> phew, I thought I broke something
[10:17] <james_w> seb128: btw, do you know of any more randr bugs in the gnome stuff we've been working on, I think I've found them all from -desktop -settings-daemon and -control-center.
[10:18] <seb128> james_w: somebody posted on the bug yesterday to say that you xgl fix works for g-s-d but that gnome-display-properties still crash for him now
[10:18] <seb128> james_w: I verified that the changes fix the xnest case too, good work ;-)
[10:20] <james_w> seb128: great. If any more come in please subscribe me, I'm not subscribed to all bug mail.
[10:20] <seb128> james_w: alright
[10:21] <james_w> there's one about the help button doing nothing for the new -display-properties, do you know if there is any help for it?
[10:22] <seb128> james_w: I don't think so, we should just remove the button
[10:23] <james_w> yeah, I asked bryce whether that's what we should do.
[10:23] <seb128> ok
[10:24] <bigon> I had some trouble to login this morning with my normal user, after removing the smb thing in the pam configuration I was able to login, is this bug already reported?
[10:24] <seb128> bigon: dunno, look at the recent bugs on samba maybe?
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[11:17] <Iulian> Hey
[11:17] <james_w> hi Iulian
[11:18] <Iulian> Hi there james
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[13:53] <raboof> someone set the status of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-plugins/+bug/84900 to 'invalid', which imho is incorrect
[13:53] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 84900 in alsa-plugins "libasound2-plugins misses alsa pcm jack plugin" [Undecided,Invalid]
[13:53] <raboof> is it ok for me to change the status back? or what is the procedure here?
[13:55] <mrooney> raboof: that almost looks like a Won't Fix to me, assuming the options have been evaluated
[13:55] <james_w> raboof: yeah, I'm not sure what the status should be.
[13:55] <raboof> mrooney: have they?
[13:56] <mrooney> personally I think it is improper to set a bug as Invalid without a comment explaining why, however
[13:56] <raboof> (this seems like an important issue: people are recommending against using ubuntu for audio work because of it, http://linuxmusicians.com/viewtopic.php?p=251 )
[13:56] <mrooney> raboof: oh I have no idea, I was just saying if that was the case
[14:00] <mrooney> has anyone explained why jack was moved to universe?
[14:03] <james_w> anyone know where wubi bugs should go?
[14:03] <james_w> https://launchpad.net/bugs/215671
[14:03] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 215671 in ubuntu "Wubi Desktop environement description" [Undecided,New]
[14:03] <raboof> mrooney: i think jack was never in main, but libasound2-plugins was moved from universe to main
[14:03] <andrea-bs> james_w: https://bugs.launchpad.net/wubi
[14:04] <mrooney> raboof: Oh I see, that seems like a silly reason to break support
[14:04] <james_w> ah, there's no package.
[14:05] <mrooney> raboof: you would think it could be compiled with optional Jack support and then support it if you have it installed
[14:05] <mrooney> raboof: but I don't know that much about deps and compiling and such, does anyone know if that is possible?
[14:06] <james_w> yeah, it's possible, but it needs changes to the library to set it up
[14:08] <mrooney> james_w: okay, so that at least makes the bug not invalid then, doesn't it
[14:08] <james_w> I don't know
[14:08] <james_w> you should find out what the chances are of getting a promotion to main for libjack
[14:09] <james_w> if not then you should file a needs-packaging bug for a libasound2-plugins-extra package.
[14:09] <mrooney> okay, great suggestions, I will do that!
[14:13] <mrooney> hmm I got a crash on doing a partial upgrade just now, "atieventsd crashed with SIGSEGV in _XSend()", is that happening a lot or should I file it, I don
[14:13] <mrooney> I don't immediately see it anywhere, but apport wouldn't open the report in firefox because "firefox is already running"
[14:14] <mrooney> which seems like a bug itself!
[14:17] <raboof> hm, looks like promoting libjack0 to main would require promoting libfreebob0 to main
[14:18] <raboof> looks like all libfreebob0's deps are already in main though
[14:19] <afflux> morning
[14:20] <james_w> raboof: you should also look at the Build-Depends in the source packages.
[14:21] <afflux> is everybode able to change the topic?
[14:22] <afflux> nvm, the answer is: * #ubuntu-bugs :You need to be a channel operator to do that
[14:22] <raboof> it's an alarming trend, btw, that people are bitching about specific problems in forums without referring to the issue tracker for it
[14:23] <afflux> raboof: confirmed, people are whining in the german forums that "this and that major issue has not yet been fixed though it was in warty and is STILL IN HARDY ALPHA1!!!!!111"
[14:24] <afflux> they complain that they "even reported one issue to LP, but it was not fixed THOUGH IT'S THAT TRIVIAL!!!!, so they wont use it again".
[14:25] <raboof> I like how in JIRA you can vote for issues
[14:25] <raboof> not that the developers neccessarily should care, but it feels good to express your interest in an issue
[14:25] <secretlondon> people come into this channel with support requests, no-one answers (it was like 6am utc) and then they sulk
[14:25] <raboof> and it shows people the issue they thing is very important is not so important to many other people
[14:26] <raboof> s/thing/think
[14:26] <secretlondon> but then you get people voting for shit - "fix lag" in games etc
[14:26] <afflux> possibly
[14:26] <raboof> anyway, i'll read up on what it takes to suggest promoting packages to main
[14:26] <raboof> afflux: true
[14:27] <secretlondon> raboof: main inclusion report
[14:27] <afflux> there is a discussion on lp-users on bug comments, because there has been much noise like ten people saying "confirmed in uptodate hardy!"
[14:27] <raboof> ;)
[14:28] <raboof> a 'confirmed-in' counter that people can tick might solve that particular issue
[14:28] <secretlondon> me toos are annoying
[14:28] <raboof> but the comments can get out of hand anyway
[14:28] <raboof> (me too -> voting :) )
[14:28] <mrooney> so raboof, you are taking care of the that libasound bug, mentioning the possibilities and stuff? I would also change it to confirmed since no one explained why it is Invalid and does not appear to be
[14:29] <raboof> mrooney: sure, i'll take a look at it for a bit
[14:29] <secretlondon> also people reopening bugs when they have a different issue eg people kept adding to the no audio kernel breakage bug with random other audio issues
[14:29] <raboof> mrooney: i was just a bit reluctant as i'm not too familiar with that 'ubuntu way' of dealing with things :)
[14:29] <afflux> yes
[14:30] <bddebian> Boo
[14:30] <raboof> so i'll stick around throwing snewbie questions at you for a bit still :)
[14:30] <raboof> (bah I can't type today)
[14:30] <afflux> they think Lp is a forum. However, there is a thin line between telling them not to write comments that don't help with fixing the bug and scaring them off
[14:30] <raboof> afflux: true that
[14:31] <secretlondon> yes, we have to stick to the code of conduct, and be open to the userbase
[14:31] <secretlondon> but adding comments to fixed bugs ensures that no-one will ever see their bug
[14:40] <seb128> james_w: should I comment on the list about the patches discussion or IRC is good too? ;-)
[14:40] <james_w> seb128: whatever suits you best
[14:41] <james_w> but only if I can ask you a question afterwards ;-)
[14:41] <seb128> james_w: I think there is many patches staying there because many packages don't have a maintainer in ubuntu and the current team is already overworked enough to not do efforts trying to understand patches on thing they have no interest in
[14:41] <seb128> james_w: sure ;-)
[14:43] <james_w> seb128: I agree, and I think that's a large part of it.
[14:43] <james_w> dholbach's point about that was that we should push that sort of patch upstream and let them sort it out.
[14:43] <james_w> however that's quite a lot of work in itself.
[14:43] <mrooney> would anyone mind confirming my bug #215692 if they have a second and use firefox 3, and marking it as Low if they agree
[14:43] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 215692 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox 3 does not focus address bar when creating new tab in fullscreen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/215692
[14:44] <seb128> right, I discussed that with him recently
[14:44] <seb128> we were speaking about the sponsoring queue
[14:44] <seb128> one reason I ignore patches is often that those are things I don't feel comfortable getting in ubuntu or not worth the trouble (a typo fix breaking translations)
[14:45] <seb128> dealing with those would create me extra work for no win
[14:45] <seb128> I agree than ignoring them is not perfect either, but that's the easier thing to do
[14:46] <james_w> mrooney: I have an address bar in fullscreen
[14:48] <mrooney> james_w: iiiinteresting, that doesn't sound like fullscreen at al
[14:48] <mrooney> james_w: have you changed some setting?
[14:48] <james_w> it's what I get from F11 and the fullscreen option in the view menu
[14:48] <james_w> nope, have you?
[14:51] <james_w> seb128: as for my question, I made a mistake in the python-nautilus change you sponsored a little while ago.
[14:51] <james_w> I wondered if we need to provide any transition from the old API location to the new one?
[14:51] <seb128> no
[14:51] <seb128> what mistake?
[14:52] <james_w> I changed the directory it ships to be -2.0, but the code still loaded from -1.0
[14:52] <mrooney> james_w: ahh, well I moved by address bar to the top alongside the File, Edit, View etc, and have hidden Navigation and Bookmarks toolbar, to make more space
[14:52] <seb128> the api number changed because things changed and the code might need to be updated
[14:52] <mrooney> that is probably worth noting, thanks
[14:52] <james_w> seb128: so moving the p
[14:52] <seb128> so there is no real way we can transition things automatically
[14:53] <james_w> ok, thanks. The fix is a one-liner then.
[14:53] <seb128> good
[14:53] <seb128> let me know when you need sponsorship, I'll upload
[14:53] <seb128> james_w: same about the xgl gnome-display-properties issue ;-) did you change work?
[14:54] <james_w> umm, there's still a segfault, I've been in a meeting, so I haven't fixed it yet.
[14:54] <seb128> ok
[14:54] <james_w> lunchtime, I'll be back in a bit
[14:55] <seb128> enjoy your lunch
=== bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ - http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugsquad
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[17:15] <mrooney> can anyone give me some tips on how to handle bug #215659? What information can I ask for, and should I confirm it after the last comment?
[17:15] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 215659 in ubuntu "Hardy: Fails to start up after todays Partial Upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/215659
[17:18] <secretlondon> there was an update to grub
[17:19] <mrooney> secretlondon: that sounds like a logical cause, from the comments
[17:20] <mrooney> secretlondon: are you saying that is probably the issue? are the duplicates of this you know of?
[17:20] <secretlondon> no idea, and not looked at the bug
[17:20] <secretlondon> but the partial upgrade did stuff to grub
[17:24] <bdmurray> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingUUID
[17:24] <james_w> mrooney: you can ask for then to edit the kernel command line in grub and remove "quiet splash" from the end and then record the error message
[17:28] <mrooney> also, are bugs that don't affect Hardy final ever treated differently than ones that do? As in, if an upgrade terribly breaks something, but people downloading Hardy final won't be affected since they will just get the latest version, is a workaround ever suggested instead of fixing the issue which won't matter later?
[17:29] <mrooney> I am just trying to figure out how important a bug like this is, which is caused by an upgrade that only affects alpha/beta testers
[17:32] <bdmurray> It sounds to me like they made some changes to their fstab and or their grub configuration which could break their systems ability to boot.
[17:34] <mrooney> bdmurray: that is what I was trying to get at with my question to the reporter
[17:34] <mrooney> though I am not sure if I succeeded
[17:37] <bdmurray> Getting those configuration files seems like the best idea to me.
[17:41] <bdmurray> ogasawara_: what's the saa7133 oops bug again?
[17:43] <ogasawara_> bdmurray: 212271 - but patch to fix has been reverted - was causing some machines to stall at boot
[18:43] <crimsun> ogasawara_: hmm, I just looked at #212960
[18:44] <ogasawara_> crimsun: yah, it wasn't quite right and was causing boot issues
[18:50] <crimsun> ogasawara_: are there any dumps from serial consoles, etc.?
[18:50] <crimsun> the semantics look really bizarre in the git changelog
[18:51] <ogasawara_> crimsun: not that I have. amitk or rtg in #ubuntu-kernel might have something
[18:51] <crimsun> and no, I meant _free(), because at the time I posted, the patch wasn't available on LP. I presume my browser just retried.
[21:14] <blueyed> Should duplicates get marked as "Invalid" (status)? IMHO this makes it a lot easier to separate them on bug result pages (where you include all bugs)
[21:14] <blueyed> This has been asked here: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/198526/comments/3
[21:14] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 198526 in apport "apport-gtk crashes when the crash report is not writable (dup-of: 195750)" [Medium,Invalid]
[21:14] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 195750 in apport "apport-cli crashed with IOError in delete_report()" [Undecided,Incomplete]
[21:14] <james_w> That's what the desktop team do
[21:14] <blueyed> The wiki does not say anything about it.
[21:14] <blueyed> james_w: /me does it, too.
[21:14] <james_w> I don't do that though, I don't know if it's a general policy
[21:15] <blueyed> james_w: I couldn't find a policy, but I think it would be good to have one (for Ubuntu), e.g. mentioned on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status
[21:15] <james_w> yeah, I think one would be good
[21:15] <james_w> someone said they though it wasn't a good idea the other day, but I can't really remember why
[21:16] <james_w> maybe it was because they disappear from a user's page so they can't find the bug they reported
[21:16] <james_w> that's just a guess though really.
[21:16] <blueyed> it disappears also with status left as e.g. "new", doesn't it?
[21:17] <blueyed> user pages are bugged though, anyway.
[21:17] <blueyed> (missing bugs)
[21:17] <blueyed> It may only be more difficult to un-duplicate a bug.. but you can lookup the previous status in the history.
[21:18] <james_w> can someone check bug 215751 and make it public please?
[21:18] <ubotu> Bug 215751 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/215751 is private
[21:19] <james_w> blueyed: yes, unfortunately I can't remember the argument, or who made it :-/
[21:24] <blueyed> james_w: I cannot see the bug either.
[21:24] <james_w> are you a member of bugcontrol?
[21:25] <pedro_> i cannot see it either
[21:26] <james_w> really, what does that mean?
[21:26] <james_w> hi pedro_
[21:26] <bdmurray> james_w: Not seeing the bug?
[21:26] <james_w> yes
[21:27] <bdmurray> It could be the retracer hasn't retraced it yet, in which case only apport and the reporter would be subscribed.
[21:27] <james_w> the reason I'm interested in it is from https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/210226. I'm not trying to hack launchpad or anything :-)
[21:27] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 210226 in gnome-settings-daemon "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in rw_screen_list_outputs()" [Medium,Fix released]
[21:28] <james_w> ah, ok, seb said that retracer has been having a few issues over the last couple of days.
[21:28] <bdmurray> or the reporter removed the 'needs-xxx-retrace' tag so it didn't get retraced yet
[21:29] <bdmurray> james_w: was the duplicate arguement made in this channel?
[21:29] <pedro_> hey hey james_w
[21:31] <james_w> bdmurray: I think so, but I can't be sure.
[21:38] <majikthise> Good evening. Is this the right forum to ask for help with a bug?
[21:40] <bdmurray> majikthise: help with working on a bug report or reporting a bug you are having.
[21:43] <majikthise> Ah okay. I have trouble with CUPS, A certain driver causes the entire system to freeze. I posted at cups.org but they refuse to deal with it, turn out thay are actually Aplle Inc. and don't deal with "third party drivers".
[21:44] <majikthise> Maybe answers.launchpad.net? Just discovered this
[21:44] <bdmurray> majikthise: which release are you using?
[21:45] <majikthise> Ubuntu 7.04, CUPS 1.2.8
[21:51] <majikthise> BRB
[22:30] <rpedro_> wondering what is the reason for the 'linux-image' not to bring in the latest kernel 2.6.24-16? 2.6.24-15 doesn't boot properly on my system, when it does boot I get an HAL error
[22:31] <rpedro_> gonna test the *-16 kernel now, just finished installing, but is there any reason for it not to be default? is it (even more) buggy? :(
[23:10] <blueyed> rpedro_: it may work probably better, but Ubuntu is conservative with new upstream release when in Freeze.
[23:11] <blueyed> rpedro_: Please report back, if it works for you with -16. There's the possibility to do git-bisect to find the failing commit even, just for info.
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[23:23] <rpedro_> ok, rebooting
[23:23] <rpedro_> brb
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