UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /11 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:01] <Serega> Riddell: I'm preparing the debdiff. Can you allow me little nitpicking like code styling?
[00:01] <Serega> really little
[00:01] <Serega> :)
[00:03] <Riddell> Serega: spose so
[00:04] <Riddell> ryanakca: hmm?
[00:04] <ryanakca> Riddell: RT... thanks anyways?
[00:05] <Riddell> oh aye
[00:22] <Serega> Riddell: Jonathan, are you still around?
[00:25] <Riddell> Serega: hi
[00:26] <nixternal> Riddell: Kubuntu presentation slides anywhere?
[00:26] <nixternal> jcastro: I need to chat with you about Penguicon when you get a chance (ie. am I registered for the thing at all? did you take care of it?)
[00:26] <Serega> Riddell: please review: http://kubuntu.pastebin.ca/980365
[00:27] <jcastro> nixternal: no, you need to register
[00:27] <nixternal> damn, that means I have to pay?
[00:27] <jcastro> yeah. :-/
[00:27] <nixternal> hrmm
[00:27] <jcastro> ping me post-wings game, I am fixing a friend's pc.
[00:28] <nixternal> heh
[00:29] <nixternal> jcastro: registration is closed
[00:29] <nixternal> I was hoping to sneak in for free, I can't drop $45 right now unless my book check comes through, which I doubt will happen anytime soon
[00:29] <Riddell> nixternal: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/2007-09-la-laguna-talk.odp is all I have, they're not great and out of date
[00:30] <jcastro> nixternal: you can do at the door. If not I'll take care of it with the planners
[00:30] <Riddell> nixternal: book?
[00:30] <nixternal> Riddell: ya, I am a co-author now of the Official Ubuntu Book
[00:31] <Riddell> Serega: did you add any strings?
[00:31] <Riddell> nixternal: doing what?
[00:31] <nixternal> Edubuntu and LTSP :)
[00:31] <Serega> Riddell: .po? no
[00:31] <nixternal> actually, the Ubuntu Education Edition and LTSP
[00:31] <Riddell> oh, didn't know you were into that
[00:31] <ryanakca> nixternal: cool, do you get payed down the road for all future copies sold, or just a flat "You wrote the book, here's some money, we get all future profit"?
[00:31] <nixternal> hehe, I started the docs back a couple of years ago
[00:31] <nixternal> ryanakca: I get 4 peanuts for helping
[00:32] <nixternal> literally
[00:32] <ryanakca> heh, fun fun...
[00:32] <nixternal> I am not one of the cool authors like the big dogs
[00:32] <Riddell> like jjesse :)
[00:32] <nixternal> jcastro: groovy, thanks for that....when you are done with the wings and what not, ping me back if you feel like it
[00:33] <nixternal> I am heading to Michigan in the morning and won't be back until Saturday or Sunday
[00:33] <nixternal> but our plans are to head up to Troy on Thursday
[00:33] <nixternal> Riddell: exactly :)
[00:33] <Riddell> Serega: uh, whitespace changes
[00:34] <jcastro> nixternal: I am at a friend's place playing computer tech for a while, so it'll be late tonight or tomorrow
[00:34] <Serega> Riddell: they're bad? :( I just aimed to greater code readability
[00:34] <Riddell> Serega: they should be kept separate. but I can ignore them for now
[00:35] <Serega> Riddell: please do
[00:45] <Riddell> Serega: ooh ooh, it worked!
[00:45] <Serega> :))
[00:45] <Serega> Riddell: it shouldn't?)
[00:46] <Riddell> File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/GDebi/GDebiKDE.py", line 284, in installButtonClicked
[00:46] <Riddell> self.errorReport = KMessageBox.error(None,header + "<br>" + body, header)
[00:46] <Riddell> TypeError: can only concatenate tuple (not "str") to tuple
[00:46] <Riddell> hmm, fooey
[00:47] <Riddell> that probably isn't related to your changes
[00:48] <Serega> Riddell: I really have touched nothing around
[00:49] <Riddell> Serega: do you get that crash when installing http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gdm/gdm_2.20.5-0ubuntu2_i386.deb ?
[00:50] <Riddell> I think I see a spare comma at the end of line 279
[00:53] <Serega> Riddell: it crashes O.O
[00:53] <Serega> Riddell: missing pluses
[00:54] <Serega> Riddell: only in C/C++ static const strings can be concatenated in a such manner
[00:55] <Serega> Riddell: I'll fix it in a couple of seconds
[00:57] <Serega> fixed
[00:58] <Serega> Riddell: recreate the debdiff or you just commit it separately?
[01:00] <Riddell> Serega: separate, make a new one
[01:00] <Serega> Riddell: em... on top of 0.3.7?
[01:01] <Serega> btw, gdebi unable to install the package due to unresolved dependencies. is it normal?
[01:01] <Riddell> Serega: on top of your current patch, you can add changelog entry but not a new version number
[01:01] <Riddell> Serega: no, that's what I was about to come to
[01:01] <Riddell> File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/GDebi/KDEAptDialogs.py", line 164, in fork
[01:01] <Riddell> os.dup2(self.parent.slave, 0)
[01:01] <Riddell> AttributeError: slave
[01:02] <Riddell> the whole "def fork(self)" method needs changed or maybe removed, whatever happened to it in dist upgrade tool
[01:04] <Serega> Riddell: erm... I think it is not me too. I can work on it.
[01:06] <Serega> or me...
[01:08] <Riddell> Serega: I need to sleep now, that's definately a regretion on the current version so it needs to be fixed before uploading
[01:08] <Riddell> Serega: many thanks for looking at this
[01:08] <Serega> Riddell: np, thank you too. Good night!
[01:08] <Riddell> if you get it working with installing dependencies throw me more patches, I'll find them in the morning
[01:09] <Serega> ok
[01:09] <Serega> sorry
[01:09] <Riddell> don't be sorry, apps never work first time! :)
[01:09] <Serega> :)
[01:10] <Riddell> Serega: might be best testing with another package than gdm but which also needs you to install dependencies, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/n/nautilus/nautilus_2.22.2-0ubuntu3_i386.deb for example. gdm uses debconf which may create other issues that i think don't work in the current one anyway
[01:11] <Serega> ah, cool, thanks!
=== evalles_ is now known as effie_jayx
[01:40] <blueyed> Shouldn't /usr/lib/kde4/bin come at least after the "local" paths in $PATH on KDE4?
[01:41] <nosrednaekim> blueyed: local paths? like the ones in /home?
[01:41] <blueyed> nosrednaekim: /usr/local
[01:41] <blueyed> I was thinking about patching sudo for bug 191264
[01:41] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 191264 in kdesudo-kde4 "KDE4: sudo removes /usr/lib/kde4/bin from PATH: e.g. "sudo kate" fails" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191264
[01:42] <blueyed> But having the kde4 path hardcoded in sudo would be quite bad..
[01:42] <nosrednaekim> blueyed: well, the way its done is the $PATHS are tagged onto the end of the KDE4 path, I think it would be rather hard to work around that.
[01:42] <blueyed> (we're using --with-secure-path in Debian/Ubuntu), therefore "sudo kate" for kate from kde4 fails.
[01:43] <blueyed> well, the question wasn't if it's hard.. ;)
[01:43] <nosrednaekim> ;-)
[02:50] <JontheEchidna> Anybody know why my upload to my ppa failed? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/13346435/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.coremoid_0.3.1-0ubuntu1~ppa1_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz
[02:50] <JontheEchidna> er, the build, more specifically
[03:26] <Czessi> morning
[03:28] <nosrednaekim> evening
[03:28] <Czessi> JontheEchidna: looks like an temporary problem
[03:28] <JontheEchidna> Czessi: It seems to be building fine now
[03:30] <JontheEchidna> Time for me to head out, I need to get to bed.
[03:31] <JontheEchidna> See you guys tomorrow.
[06:23] <eagles0513875> morning guys
[06:23] <eagles0513875> Hobbsee: hey hobbs long time no c
[06:27] <Hobbsee> hi
[06:27] <eagles0513875> Hobbsee: joined the dev and testing team
[06:27] <Hobbsee> nice
[06:27] <eagles0513875> Hobbsee: question fo ya is there a bug with the java jre from sun or openjdk and firefox3
[06:29] <Hobbsee> i think it got fixed. did you look up the bugtracker?
[06:30] <eagles0513875> thing is im having trouble getting it to work i installed the pkg using cli and its still showing up that its not installed
[06:30] <eagles0513875> when u say bugtracker r u talking bout launchpad
[06:31] <Hobbsee> yes
[06:31] <eagles0513875> im goign to check that out
[06:31] <Hobbsee> then i suspect you're looking at the wrong package, to check if it's installed.
[06:32] <eagles0513875> i installed the sun java jre
[06:32] <eagles0513875> even tried getting the bin file from the site
[06:33] <Hobbsee> if you install things outside the package management system, then of course they won't show up in adept.
[06:33] <eagles0513875> Hobbsee: i tried the one in adept then i tried the one outside and neither of them worked
[06:35] <eagles0513875> if i have the open jdk should i be running the open jre if there is one
[06:37] <Hobbsee> usually you want the jre
[06:37] <nixternal> sun-java6-plugin <- have that installed?
[06:37] <eagles0513875> not the sun-java6-jre pkg
[06:41] <eagles0513875> nixternal: i did an apt-cache search for it doesnt seem like its in repos
[06:41] <eagles0513875> i have the sun java 6 jre but not that
[06:41] <Jucato> that would be weird...
[06:42] <nixternal> !info sun-java6-plugin
[06:42] <ubotu> sun-java6-plugin (source: sun-java6): The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-03-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 1 kB, installed size 80 kB
[06:42] <nixternal> oh, eagles0513875 are you on a 64bit system?
[06:42] <eagles0513875> ya hardy beta 64
[06:42] <Jucato> ah lovely 64 :)
[06:42] <nixternal> ahh, that explains why you can't find the java plugin
[06:42] <Jucato> (they should have renamed it to 69 :P)
[06:43] <eagles0513875> :p
[06:43] <eagles0513875> is that a reportable bug or is there no need
[06:44] <nixternal> http://planet.foresightlinux.org/
[06:44] <nixternal> lovely
[06:45] <Jucato> !64
[06:45] <ubotu> AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.
[06:45] <Jucato> nixternal: you!!!!
[06:45] <eagles0513875> what does the plugin contain
[06:45] <Jucato> letting you use Java in Firefox
[06:45] <nixternal> s/fully supported/partiall supported so good luck/
[06:45] <Jucato> (which isn't necessary for Konqueror.. weird...)
[06:46] <Jucato> nixternal: will it be dropped like a cold potato soon, like PPC? :D
[06:46] <eagles0513875> lol i have never had this issue with it
[06:46] <eagles0513875> what does the pluugin contaiin normally u just need jdk and jre
[06:47] <Jucato> nixternal: obviously you're not too happy in that pic :)
[06:47] <Serega> morning guys!
[06:47] <nixternal> I was looking at something trying to figure out what it was
[06:47] <eagles0513875> lol
[06:48] <nixternal> the KDE talk had more people, so KDE THE WIN!
[06:48] <eagles0513875> lol
[06:48] <nixternal> granted I caught one person sleeping during it..the same person who introduced me
[06:48] <Jucato> I think they were more interested in seeing the big guy talking :)
[06:48] <nixternal> Kevin is bigger than me and I still won :)
[06:49] <Jucato> nixternal: actually, I think you're part of a GNOME-in-KDE conspiracy... dkite uncovered another on planetkde yesterday :)
[06:49] <nixternal> the one bad thing about being stuck to a distro or a DE...when someone has a problem, they always bitch at you
[06:49] <eagles0513875> lol
[06:49] <nixternal> who was that?
[06:50] <Jucato> derek kite: http://digested.blogspot.com/2008/04/more-kde4.html
[06:50] <nixternal> ahahahaha
[06:50] <nixternal> ya, I just seen the pics
[06:50] <eagles0513875> i need to get a kubuntu audio stream setup lol
[06:50] <nixternal> the pics didn't come through akregator
[06:50] <Jucato> yeah
[06:50] <nixternal> that is pretty funny
[06:50] <Jucato> and it came 1 day later in akregator
[06:52] <apachelogger> Riddell: thanks for the upload ... the problem with the kde4* craft is that a lot of people forgot that they have them installed, so their upgrade will break, and if we add all the old packages as replace/conflict for kdelibs5 we can prevent this I guess
[06:52] <apachelogger> or at least improve the situation
[06:52] <Jucato> nixternal: oh did you know that GNOME has also made into the clothing industry?
[06:53] <eagles0513875> apachelogger: if u need someone to test i can help out in that dept
[06:53] <nixternal> dr. scholls clothing?
[06:53] <nixternal> for itchy smelly feet?
[06:53] <Jucato> http://www.actiongraphic.com/Logos/HangTen-Logo.jpg
[06:53] <Jucato> :D
[06:53] <eagles0513875> lofl in all honesty though this is way off topic but if u play wow gnomes r pretty kool
[06:53] <nixternal> man, I have some hang 10 shirts, I never noticed the feet before
[06:53] <eagles0513875> lol
[06:53] <Jucato> lol
[06:54] <nixternal> damnit, now I will have to burn those
[06:54] <Jucato> hahaha :)
[06:54] <apachelogger> eagles0513875: yep, nothing to be tested right now
[06:54] <apachelogger> nixternal: send them over :P
[06:54] <eagles0513875> this is really starting to upset me
[06:54] <Jucato> I just recalled my shock when I entered a store and saw a hang 10 shirt... I thought they were selling GNOME apparel
[06:54] <nixternal> oh, I also tagged the Foresight laptop with Ubuntu stickers too...but didn't get a picture of it
[06:54] * apachelogger is coding tha vb.net now
[06:54] <Jucato> (seriously...)
[06:54] <apachelogger> datagridviews ftw
[06:54] <nixternal> that is the 2nd time I have attacked a Foresight box with stickers
[06:55] <eagles0513875> when i go to this particular site and try to get on its java based chat the plugin that seems to be missing is the jre plugin and i have it installed
[06:55] <Jucato> nixternal: so when are they making *Kubuntu* stickers? :)
[06:55] * nixternal kicks Jucato for even thinking that
[06:55] <Jucato> :D
[06:55] * nixternal sends Jucato to cafepress.com for those
[06:55] <nixternal> actually, the cafepress stickers aren't to shabby
[06:55] <nixternal> I bought a big KDE one last year
[06:55] <eagles0513875> i should smother this laptop with kde stickers lol
[06:55] <Jucato> heh actually I have some "homemade" Kubuntu stickers that were distributed during my first SFD
[06:55] <eagles0513875> Hobbsee: any ideas as to my issue
[06:55] <nixternal> much better than the slide on/off Ubuntu stickers that leave a nasty white mark when you try to remove them
[06:56] <Jucato> nixternal: I think they weren't meant to be removed :P
[06:56] <nixternal> I still have a few of the 'Powered by Kubuntu' stickers I created a couple of years ago
[06:56] <Jucato> nixternal: one foresight question though...
[06:56] <nixternal> konary!
[06:56] <Jucato> why isn't their planet green?
[06:56] * Jucato runs for his life
[06:56] <nixternal> good question
[06:57] <nixternal> I think the answer is "because they don't have any planet themers" maybe
[06:57] * Jucato shouts from a far far distance... "really?"
[06:57] <eagles0513875> if u guys want to laugh a bit take a look at this
[06:57] <eagles0513875> http://images.google.com.mt/imgres?imgurl=http://static.desktopnexus.com/wallpapers/10542-bigthumbnail.jpg&imgrefurl=http://technology.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/10542/&h=338&w=450&sz=50&hl=mt&start=23&tbnid=3ywE6VMDjpYHUM:&tbnh=95&tbnw=127&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dlinux%2Bwallpapers%26start%3D18%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Dmt%26sa%3DN
[06:57] <nixternal> I couldn't come up with a good joke
[06:57] <nixternal> tiny
[06:57] <Jucato> hehehe
[06:57] <nixternal> url
[06:57] <nixternal> dot
[06:57] <Jucato> much
[06:57] <nixternal> com
[06:57] <eagles0513875> lol sry
[06:57] <nixternal> hahaha
[06:57] <Jucato> !enter | nixternal
[06:57] <ubotu> nixternal: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!
[06:57] <Jucato> oops
[06:57] <nixternal> !shutup
[06:57] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about shutup - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[06:57] <Jucato> sorry, op reflexes :D
[06:57] <nixternal> haha
[06:57] <eagles0513875> im showing u guys some funny wallpapers
[06:58] <Jucato> oh that's an ooooold one...
[06:58] <nixternal> I am going to a part of the US tomorrow that makes 3rd world countries look like technology havens
[06:58] <Jucato> chinatown?
[06:58] <eagles0513875> im tryign to find u this wall paper with tux holding a rocket launcher to windows logo
[06:58] <Jucato> heh j/k
[06:58] <nixternal> I am talking, no wireless phones, no cell phones, not even a damn starbucks
[06:58] <Jucato> what?!?! no starbucks?!?!?
[06:58] <Jucato> oh the cruelty!!
[06:58] <eagles0513875> http://www.teknobites.com/wp-content/images/tekno/linux05.jpg
[06:59] <nixternal> ya, I kicked my $20/day Starbucks habit
[06:59] <nixternal> it was bad
[06:59] <Jucato> eagles0513875: that was my phone's wallpaper in the past
[06:59] <nixternal> hehe, that used to be my wallpaper back in the 90s when I used Slackware and thought I was an evil hacker
[06:59] <eagles0513875> lol
[06:59] <nixternal> I didn't even turn out to be a decent script kiddie :p
[06:59] <Jucato> now you're just evil :)
[06:59] <eagles0513875> us programmers can appreciate this
[06:59] <eagles0513875> http://www.rebe.cc/wallpapers/linux_not_windows.jpg
[07:00] <nixternal> heh, I put that as the default wallpaper in a classroom
[07:00] <nixternal> of course I got blamed for it
[07:00] <Jucato> http://share.omanis.co.uk/files/1/virtualbox140-about.jpg tux wants to whack the butterfly, beastie wants to eat the apple...
[07:00] <eagles0513875> i wanna find the one of tux rocket launching the windows logo on a windows background
[07:01] <nixternal> that is great
[07:01] <eagles0513875> i think u guys will appreciate this but if u go to google.com/linux it searches all linux pgs
[07:01] <Jucato> wtf? http://www.beilabs.com/images/tuxAttacks.jpg
[07:01] <nixternal> I remember Microsoft used to be all over the ads on the /linux searches a while back
[07:02] <eagles0513875> once i teach myself some c++ i think im goign to make an easy to use dj program
[07:02] <nixternal> man, the best I see thus far were t-shirts we got about 8 years ago at a conference here in chicago
[07:02] <eagles0513875> lol nice
[07:02] <nixternal> Linux - Crashing through Windows and breaking down Gates
[07:02] <eagles0513875> lol
[07:02] <nixternal> it had Tux chasing Bill Gates
[07:03] <eagles0513875> lol
[07:04] <eagles0513875> Jucato: u also in the kubuntu channel
[07:04] <Jucato> yeah
[07:04] <eagles0513875> i canttell whether we have operator error or there is a bug in gutsy
[07:04] <eagles0513875> in regards to duel booting xp
[07:05] <Jucato> probably the former since I've been dual (not duel... although you can most probably imagine them fighting) booting Gutsy for some time since it came out
[07:06] <eagles0513875> sry im still waking up this morning
[07:06] <eagles0513875> i think its operator error
[07:06] <Jucato> s/operator/user/
[07:06] <eagles0513875> i was so hoping i would be able to get kubuntu working on my new laptop
[07:08] <eagles0513875> jucato any idea as to y firefox3 isnt finding the jre and i have it installed
[07:09] * nixternal sleeps
[07:09] <nixternal> g'nite
[07:09] <eagles0513875> night
[07:09] <Jucato> um.. nope... #ubuntu+1 maybe?
[07:09] <Jucato> g'night nixternal!
[07:09] <eagles0513875> i tok
[07:09] <eagles0513875> that guy seems to be having some severe issues seems to till be getting error 15
[07:09] * Jucato wished the clock plasmoid could do multiple timezones like the kicker clock applet did...
[07:10] <eagles0513875> u want me to write an applet that keeps times for multiple times zones in java lol
[07:11] <eagles0513875> that would give me some good java practice if thats the case
[07:13] <Hobbsee> Jucato: it can, can't it?
[07:13] <Jucato> Hobbsee: 1 timezone per clock...
[07:14] <Hobbsee> Jucato: you mean the one in the kicker, or?
[07:14] <eagles0513875> basically he wants to have multiple clocks one for each particular time zone of his choosing
[07:14] <Jucato> Plasma
[07:14] <Jucato> eagles0513875: no
[07:15] <eagles0513875> ok
[07:15] <Hobbsee> eagles0513875: no, he doesnt.
[07:15] <Jucato> In KDE 3, the clock in Kicker allowed you to have multiple timezones in a single clock, so that you can either hover over the clock to see the time in other timezones or mouse wheel over the clock to change timezones
[07:16] <eagles0513875> ahhh gotcha
[07:16] <Jucato> now I'm wishing there were something similar to that in Plasma
[07:16] <Hobbsee> Jucato: there was, last i checked.
[07:16] <Hobbsee> Jucato: select the timezones on the clock on kicker
[07:16] <Hobbsee> or whatever they call it nowadays
[07:16] <eagles0513875> i just did it and im on kde4 using the normal clock
[07:16] <Jucato> Hobbsee: yeah, you can set 1 clock's timezone, and that's it...
[07:17] <Jucato> you can't have 2 or more timezones on a single clock and have a way to switch among them or view them simultaneously
[07:17] <Hobbsee> Jucato: i certainly got it working a while ago
[07:17] <Hobbsee> Jucato: not on the clock itself, but you could click, and the timezones would show above, as they did in kde3.
[07:18] <Jucato> maybe it's a different clock
[07:19] <Jucato> the default Digital clock only shows up the calender. the analog glock does nothing
[07:19] <Hobbsee> it was one of the defaults.
[07:19] <Hobbsee> a digital one
[07:19] <Hobbsee> but oh well
[07:20] <eagles0513875> if u put ur mouse ovr it it works and shows the time in the 2 times zones u choose
[07:20] <Hobbsee> maybe i'll boot to kde4 sometime again and check it out
[07:20] <Jucato> hm.. I'm on trunk (4.0.68 actually)
[07:21] <eagles0513875> knowing my like im updating the pkgs that have been held back and knowing me im going to break something lol
[07:23] <eagles0513875> im having way too much fun with compiz
[07:49] <eagles0513875> whats the dev cycle in regards to supporting new hardware
[07:59] <apachelogger> nu hardware?
[08:24] <eagles0513875> !apache
[08:24] <ubotu> LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)
[08:29] <eagles0513875> !mysql
[08:29] <ubotu> LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)
[08:49] <davmor2> Riddell: just to let you know kubuntu (standard installed from netboot without any major issues)
[09:34] <eagles0513875> can i make a suggestion for mysql
[09:35] <eagles0513875> cuz there is a dependency pkg thats missing from when u install the admin side of things
[09:36] <jpatrick> best file a bug against mysql, we're desktop developers...
[09:37] <eagles0513875> its not really a bug
[09:37] <eagles0513875> u guys have it to where the admin gui doesnt download the mysql server dependency
[09:37] <jpatrick> "wishlist" then :)
[09:37] <eagles0513875> could i just repackage it
[09:37] <eagles0513875> and submit it
[09:38] <eagles0513875> or is that something rather tricky for a noob to do
[09:39] <jpatrick> just popping the needed package into the Depends: line in debian/control should do it
[09:41] <jpatrick> eagles0513875: I don't think adding kexi to mysql depends is a good idea (think of the server installs and gnome people)
[09:41] <eagles0513875> not kexi
[09:41] <eagles0513875> the mysql-server pkg
[09:42] <eagles0513875> the mysql-server-5.0 pkg
[09:43] <eagles0513875> i never knew how addicting compiz could be
[09:48] <stdin> eagles0513875: does the admin GUI work with remote servers? if so that mysql server should not be a dependency but a recommends or suggests
[09:48] <eagles0513875> stdin: im only using local but i think u can specify the server hostname
[09:49] <stdin> that's why it's not a dependency then
[09:49] <stdin> depends == absolutely needed for it to work
[10:02] <eagles0513875> whose maintaining kexi
[10:03] <jpatrick> aptitude changelog kexi
[10:06] <Tonio_> Riddell: looing for xine-part.desktop, shouldn't have higher preference, that's right
[10:10] <Tonio_> Riddell: hum nope, I looked at the profilerc file, kmplayer is higher preference than kaffeine
[10:15] <Tonio_> Riddell: sometimes kaffeine loads due to the protocol in use (mms:// for example)
[10:15] <Riddell> Tonio_: aah, ok
[10:15] <Tonio_> Riddell: I wasn't able to find a way to set the priority by protocol
[10:15] <Riddell> yes, it was mms
[10:15] <Tonio_> maybe there is, but none that I found....
[10:15] <Tonio_> the only way would be not to install the kaffeine plugin
[10:16] <Tonio_> but the problem is that kaffeine standalone itself uses the plugin in fact....
[10:16] <Tonio_> that's the reason I never splitted the package that way
[10:16] <Tonio_> if you have an idea, please let me know :)
[10:18] <Tonio_> it looks like konqueror looks for .protocol files and uses the latest in alphabetic order in fact....
[10:21] <Riddell> Tonio_: it's all good
[10:21] <Riddell> kaffeine works fine anyway
[10:24] <eagles0513875> if u guys need a tester let me know
[10:24] <Riddell> eagles0513875: new amarok ( needs testing
[10:24] <eagles0513875> gimmie
[10:24] <eagles0513875> where can i get a hold of it from
[10:24] <Riddell> hardy
[10:25] <Tonio_> Riddell: yes, except there is no opengl support with kaffeine, due to xcb missing opengl support
[10:25] <eagles0513875> Riddell: from repos
[10:26] <Tonio_> Riddell: that can be annoying for people having video drivers that don't support XV (that's my case), then redering is very pixelised....
[10:26] <Tonio_> but I prefer this that kaffeine crashing when built without xcb support ;)
[10:28] <eagles0513875> im not finding 1.5 anywhere not even in repos
[10:30] <Riddell> eagles0513875: rather
[10:31] <eagles0513875> im way ahead of u then what needs to be tested
[10:34] <eagles0513875> Riddell: im not sure if amarok could be causing this on occasion i do get some mini lockups
[10:34] <eagles0513875> im runnig kde4 and compiz fusion
[10:35] <Riddell> likely compiz
[10:36] <eagles0513875> its funny though they only happen when listening to streams
[11:05] <eagles0513875> is there a changelog for wubi by any chance
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[11:08] <\sh> Nightrose, when is this karlsruhe OSS expo again?
[11:27] <eagles0513875> hey Nightrose
[11:27] <eagles0513875> question why is it that my open gl screen save flashes with whats on the desktop
[11:31] <eagles0513875> Riddell: random thought here in regards to internet connectivity y is it that im getting really crapy dl speeds on a 2mb internet connection. and my 64bit windows machine seems to download stuff a million times faster is there a network bottle neck somewhere
[12:00] <JontheEchidna> Good morning
[12:00] <sahin_h> I would like to fill a bug againts kate in KDE4. Spell checking not works.
[12:00] <eagles0513875> morning
[12:00] <jpatrick> morning JontheEchidna
[12:00] <eagles0513875> !bug
[12:00] <ubotu> If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots
[12:00] <sahin_h> It's looks like an upstream bug.
[12:00] <eagles0513875> there u go sahin
[12:01] <jpatrick> sahin_h: bugs.kde.org then
[12:02] <sahin_h> I've voted for the bugs on bugs.kde.org
[12:02] <sahin_h> Is this enough?
[12:02] <sahin_h> I mean in this case fill a bug on launcpad isn't necessary?
[12:03] <sahin_h> http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=159507
[12:03] <ubotu> KDE bug 159507 in kwrite "dictionary not found kate/kwrite" [Normal,Assigned]
[12:03] <jpatrick> no, looks like someone's working on it
[12:03] <sahin_h> jpatrick: ok
[12:04] <eagles0513875> i dont get this i have a hunch there is a bottleneck in the kubuntu networking
[12:04] <sahin_h> I hope spell checking will work in KDE4.1
[12:04] <eagles0513875> seems like my other laptop downloads stuff a million times faster then this
[12:04] <eagles0513875> whats worse this is 64bit vista
[12:06] <Riddell> eagles0513875: linux issue, nothing to do with us
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[13:32] <Riddell> \sh: re your recent blog, "Enter your OpenID URL" seems to be the tricky part
[13:33] <Riddell> I have account on google, yahoo and launchpad which may be openid but I don't know what the urls are for them
[13:33] <Riddell> the obvious ones don't seem to work
[13:33] <Riddell> or maybe none of those providers aren't yet doing openid
[13:34] <Riddell> oh, hmm, yahoo.com was doing something
[13:34] <Riddell> "Invalid CAPTCHA token.
[13:34] <Riddell> The username contains an illegal character.
[13:34] <Riddell> You must enter an e-mail address."
[13:37] <Nightrose> \sh: heya :) Open Source Expo is on 25th and 26th of May
[13:37] <Nightrose> so one day between open source expo and linuxtag
[13:38] <Nightrose> narf @ still no internets at home :(
[13:38] <\sh> Riddell, yes...you need to provide username + password, because openid doesn't give a username back to the calling site
[13:38] <Riddell> \sh: err, so what does it give?
[13:39] <\sh> Riddell, after the registration, it connects your openid url to your account, so you just need the url, no pw anymore or username
[13:39] <\sh> the authorization is done via the openid provider
[13:40] <Riddell> surely I still need to enter a password to them
[13:40] <\sh> Riddell, yes, but you have only one user+pass for this openid provider..and for noone else
[13:41] <\sh> Riddell, imho is openid still a nice working theory...
[13:43] <Riddell> so the hassle is still the same, (registering details, capchas, wait for e-mail to arrive)
[13:46] <Riddell> it stops you stealing the password I submit to you I suppose, but the ability to steal my yahoo password with phishing is greatly increased
[13:47] <Riddell> and now its asking me to register a password anyway (having followed the link from the e-mail)
[13:49] <Riddell> and now to comment I have to work out 19 times 42!
[14:12] <nixternal> see you all on sunday! have a great weekend everyone!
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[15:08] <seezer> Riddell: kmail sieve patch did what it said. just works again. thank you.
[15:08] <Riddell> seezer: excellent, thanks for testing
[15:36] <Riddell> _Sime_: just seen your work used in envyng
[15:37] <Riddell> _Sime_: in PyQt4.uic I need to override "uic.properties.Properties._string" to get it to use kde's i18n rather than qt's system, is there a way of building that into pykde?
[15:39] <mok0> strange things happening with konqueror-kde4; seems like several tabs are sometimes rendered into the same window
[15:49] <_Sime_> Riddell: pykdeuic4 should use i18n() automatically.
[15:49] <_Sime_> Riddell: are you busy with i18n in your python prog?
[15:49] <_Sime_> Riddell: I've been looking at that too lately.
[15:50] <Riddell> _Sime_: I'm converting printer-applet to use kde's i18n
[15:50] <Riddell> _Sime_: it loads .ui files at runtime, which I prefer to compiling them
[15:51] <_Sime_> Riddell: runtime you say? I don't know much about that. Compiling might be the safest way around the problem.
[15:55] <Riddell> _Sime_: well it's not a problem
[15:55] <Riddell> _Sime_: in that I have a method "def translate(self, prop):" in printer-applet.py which replaces "uic.properties.Properties._string"
[15:55] <Riddell> _Sime_: but other pykde users would have to find my solution and copy it, ideally pykde would do it itself
[15:58] <Riddell> _Sime_: otherwise I think i18n in pykde is all good, just add --language=Python to the XGETTEXT command in Messages.sh and it works
[16:01] <_Sime_> Riddell: yeah. I just wrote a Messages.sh which does that, and I'm polishing some CMake code installing .po files and providing a basic 'dist' build target.
[16:02] <Riddell> _Sime_: installing .po file? surely kde-l10n modules do that already
[16:02] <Riddell> _Sime_: is there a FindPyKDE4.cmake ?
[16:08] <Riddell> _Sime_: or if not is there a suitable equivalent of import PyQt4.pyqtconfig to do one similar to pyQt?
[16:14] <_Sime_> Riddell: I'm workin on something outside kde svn.
[16:15] <_Sime_> Riddell: I don't have a FindPyKDE4.cmake. (I don't seem to need one.)
[16:15] <_Sime_> Riddell: what would you need from a pykdeconfig?
[16:18] <Riddell> _Sime_: apps which use pykde4 would need one, to check it's there and decide whether to install itself
[16:18] <Riddell> _Sime_: I don't know if a pykdeconfig is needed, I just note that FindPyQt.py uses pyqtconfig
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[18:09] <yuriy> whoever was working on packaging kdebindings: bug 215012
[18:09] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 215012 in kdebindings-kde4 "unable to install kdebindings-kde4" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/215012
[18:12] <nosrednaekim> apachelogger:
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[19:21] <robotgeek> Riddell: sorry for delayed ping back
[19:44] <deepwave> Hey mornfall, you there?
[19:52] <mornfall> deepwave: a little
[19:52] <deepwave> Nice!
[19:53] <mornfall> What is that you seek?
[19:54] <mornfall> Ah, you are the mail guy.
[19:54] <deepwave> mornfall: Yup.
[19:54] <mornfall> Have you managed to compile the stuff?
[19:55] <mornfall> (Hi, too.)
[19:55] <deepwave> Nope. Do I use cmake for something like that?
[19:56] <mornfall> Well, yes. Recall what I have said about basic survival...
[19:56] <deepwave> Yup.
[19:56] <deepwave> Still basic survival with a readme is bit easier. :)
[19:58] <deepwave> Sorry if I sound a bit noobish at first.
[20:02] <deepwave> mornfall: Thanks for replying so soon by the way.
[20:03] <mornfall> Np.
[20:03] <deepwave> Out of curiosity, is it just you who is working on adept?
[20:03] <mornfall> Basically, right now -- yes.
[20:03] <mornfall> Yuriy used to do some work, too.
[20:07] <Tm_T> 2207.01 < kainaw> Is anyone using Pidgin (libpurple) and willing to beta-test a KWallet plugin? It works fine on my Fedora 8 and Fedora 7 boxes.
[20:12] <deepwave> Hmm... well almost compiling... I am missing a few libraries unfortunately.
[20:32] <blueyed> Riddell: why has the apport-notify hook in adept been disabled by default? (without any gui or readme how to enable it)
[20:36] <Czessi> for the linuxtag booth registration i need the numbers of kubuntu developers (germany/europe/worldwide). has someone an overview because not every kubuntu member is a developer?
[20:46] <mhb> hey folks
[20:49] <mhb> and bye
[21:00] <apachelogger> Riddell: can I get a freeze exception for http://aplg.kollide.net/kubuntu/tmp/kdebase-kde4_4.0.3-0ubuntu2.debdiff ... fixing bug #212570 ? :)
[21:00] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 212570 in kdebase-kde4 "Cannot use "Find File..." feature in Dolphin with default Kubuntu-KDE4 installation" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/212570
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[23:13] <Riddell> apachelogger: hmm, kfind, does that still exist?
[23:14] <apachelogger> !info kfind-kde4
[23:14] <ubotu> Package kfind-kde4 does not exist in gutsy
[23:14] <apachelogger> !info kfind-kde4 hardy
[23:15] <ubotu> kfind-kde4 (source: kdebase-kde4): file-find utility for KDE 4. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.0.3-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 155 kB, installed size 612 kB
[23:15] <apachelogger> Riddell: ^
[23:15] <apachelogger> it's necessary to use the "search feature in dolphin"
[23:15] <Riddell> I was being sarcastic :)
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[23:16] <Riddell> apachelogger: well, I suppose so
[23:16] <apachelogger> hm
[23:16] * apachelogger needs a new sarcasm detector :P
[23:16] <apachelogger> Riddell: k, thx
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[23:19] <Riddell> apachelogger: hmm, but remove kfind from the kmenu first
[23:19] <Riddell> if it isn't already
[23:22] <apachelogger> -(~:$)-> cat /usr/share/applications/kde4/kfind.desktop | grep Categ
[23:22] <apachelogger> Categories=Qt;KDE;Core;
[23:22] <apachelogger> shouldn't be there
[23:23] <Riddell> apachelogger: it'll go at the top level
[23:23] <Riddell> apachelogger: add a NoDisplay=true to that file
[23:23] <apachelogger> indeed
[23:26] <blueyed> Riddell: why isn't apport not enabled for Kubuntu?
[23:26] <blueyed> s/apport/apport reporting/
[23:27] <Riddell> blueyed: dunno, is it enabled in ubuntu?
[23:27] <apachelogger> Riddell: http://aplg.kollide.net/kubuntu/tmp/kdebase-kde4_4.0.3-0ubuntu2.debdiff
[23:27] <blueyed> Riddell: given the number of reported crashes, yes.
[23:27] <blueyed> Riddell: you've made it configurable for adept, but without UI and defaulting to false.
[23:28] <Riddell> I have?
[23:28] <Riddell> oh, the adept notifier popup thing
[23:28] <blueyed> yes
[23:29] <Riddell> I guess it got turned off for 7.10 release and never turned on again
[23:29] <blueyed> For Gutsy already, however, 2.1.3ubuntu16. Yes.
[23:29] <Riddell> do you know if the gtk one is going to stay on?
[23:29] <blueyed> no
[23:29] <blueyed> Should I ask pitti?
[23:30] <Riddell> it's usually turned off for release, but do ask
[23:31] * Riddell away for weekend
[23:31] <jjesse> have fun.... almost back from vacation