UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /11 /#edubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[02:30] <Joelito> hi, is there any tool in edubuntu to generate crossword puzzles?
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[07:30] <nesp> hi, does anyone here know where to find instructions on how to compile ltsp5 custom kernels?
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[13:09] <highvoltage> ogra: looks like I wasn't too far off :) http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS5036131897.html
[13:09] <ogra> indeed
[13:09] <ogra> :)
[13:48] <Petaris> Hi all
[13:48] <Petaris> I have a login issue on my ltsp clients
[13:48] <Petaris> they are authenticating to OpenLDAP
[13:49] <Petaris> When logging on as an LDAP user at a LTSP client it fails with the message "This workstation is not allowed to connect to the server"
[13:49] <Petaris> when trying from the LTSP server console, it works
[13:50] <Petaris> how could this be?
[13:50] <ogra> did you change your server IP at some point ?
[13:51] <Petaris> nope
[13:51] <Petaris> it is static
[13:51] <Petaris> both the LTSP and the LDAP servers have static addresses
[13:51] <ogra> anything in /var/log/auth.log from sshd ?
[13:52] <Petaris> yes one odd thing
[13:53] <Petaris> error bind to port 22 on failed, address already in use
[13:53] <Petaris> hrm
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[14:11] <Petaris> ogra, I tried restarting the dhcp server but that didn't help
[14:11] <Petaris> any thoughts?
[14:12] <ogra> dhcp has nothing to do with that
[14:12] <ogra> its ssh vs pam you have to look at
[14:12] <ogra> (its not even ltsp related if your clients boot fine)
[14:12] <Petaris> they seem to boot fine
[14:13] <Petaris> but why doesn't it fail at the LTSP console then?
[14:13] <Petaris> its only from a dumb client that it fails
[14:13] <ogra> can you set SCREEN_07=ldm and SCREEN_02=shell to your lts.conf and check /var/log/ldm.log on the client for any weirdness ?
[14:14] <Petaris> sure, just a minute
[14:15] <Petaris> rebooting the client
[14:16] <Petaris> last time I got this message it was a permissions issue with the NFS shares, but thats not the case this time
[14:16] <Petaris> I already checked that
[14:18] <Petaris> hrm, it just gives me a screwed up screen on tty2
[14:18] <Petaris> I can
[14:18] <Petaris> I can't type anything or see anything
[14:52] <Petaris> ogra: I looked through the pam and ldap stuff but it all seems fine
[14:53] <Petaris> could it be a bad host key for sshd?
[14:54] <Petaris> maybe I should try recreating that
[14:54] <ogra> thats why i asked for the IP first place :)
[14:55] <Petaris> but the IP hasn't changed
[14:55] <Petaris> but the mac did
[14:55] <Petaris> the mb fried on this server and was replaced
[14:55] <ogra> hmm, thats shouldn affect the key
[14:55] <Petaris> hrm
[14:56] <Petaris> could you tell me the command to re-generate the host keys
[14:57] <Petaris> lets just try it and see
[14:58] <Petaris> ahha
[14:58] <Petaris> I just tried logging onto the client with a local user account and it gave the same error
[14:58] <Petaris> so it has to be ssh
[14:58] <Petaris> at least to my knowlage
[15:00] <Petaris> ogra: what do I need to do to regenerate the host keys?
[15:00] <Petaris> is there docs on the edubuntu site that cover this?
[15:00] <ogra> sudo ltsp-update-sshkeys && sudo ltsp-update-image
[15:01] <ogra> (the latter part only for gutsy and newer)
[15:01] <Petaris> ogra: thanks :)
[15:01] <Petaris> hrm, how do I tell which distro I am using?
[15:02] <Petaris> I don't remember which version I installed
[15:03] <Petaris> oh well I'll just do it
[15:03] <Petaris> it won't hurt anything
[15:04] <ogra> lsb_release -a
[15:05] <Petaris> oh, ok
[15:05] <Petaris> thanks
[15:05] <Petaris> I am running gutsy
[15:06] <Petaris> ogra: that fixed it
[15:06] <Petaris> maybe mac address does matter
[15:06] <Petaris> or maybe the keys just got corrupted some how
[15:07] <ogra> yeah, rather the latter
[15:07] <ogra> mac shouldnt matter
[15:14] <Petaris> thanks for the help ogra :)
[15:15] <ogra> :)
[20:13] <remitaylor> anyone run into issues where a thin client will start to boot and then re-dhcp (to a different dhcp server, for instance ... my gateway instead of my ltsp server) ... and then drop to busybox?
[20:23] <remitaylor> nm - trying a suggestion from #ltsp ... setting my primary gateway's dhcp to hand out the information and disabling my ltsp server's dhcp
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[20:47] <LaserJock> ogra: final edubuntu-docs uploaded
[20:48] <LaserJock> ogra: we got 2 new translations of About Edubuntu and a couple more translations of the .desktop as well
[20:48] <ogra> gracias
[20:50] <LaserJock> kein problem
[20:50] <LaserJock> not sure if that's the way you'd say it
[20:59] <ogra> perfect
[20:59] <ogra> :)
[23:55] <opapo> I have a powerpc that I am trying to boot via ltsp
[23:55] <opapo> the client and server are both powerpc
[23:56] <opapo> I get a "invalid memory access" error