UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /10 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
Initial commit
[00:01] <atlanta80> I linked /usr/share/mythtv/themes/Mythbuntu/vidgallerybackg.png to /usr/share/mythtv/themes/Mythbuntu/vidbackground.png and it just took out the error about that image not loading, but gave me the same problem
[00:22] <puck> superm1: re mythtv-status, awesome, thanks!
[00:34] <free1> ya mean... I'm trying to install mythbuntu on gutsy and I'm worried that it is not recognizing my usb tuner (pinnacle pctv hd pro stick) which I'm sure according to the wiki is v4l supported
[00:35] <free1> I'm at the point where I'm supposed to configure the capture card and regardless of choice I select, 'analog v4l' 'MJPEG capture card', etc. it is giving a prelim "failed to open" message below that
[00:35] <free1> what's really good with that"
[00:35] <free1> ?
[00:38] <free1> and it is true that the Carter III is postponed till June?
[00:40] <free1> superm1: I defer to your judgement
[00:40] <free1> paisan
[00:55] <free1> so I guess my question is the pinnacle pctv hd pro considered analog v4l or some other option for mythbuntu installation?
[01:20] <jetsaredim> anyone here have transcode experience?
[01:21] <jetsaredim> have a video file and looking to convert it, but not sure what to set the bpp/vbit rate/etc.
[01:31] <free1> given whatever manufacturer for the capture card, how does one know which of the capture card options to select in the myth setup
[01:31] <free1> ?
[01:36] <zubwolf> hi there
[01:36] <zubwolf> is it actually possible to watch iptv with mythbuntu?
[02:31] <samson--> I seem to be having difficulty with LIRC after my upgrade to 8.04 beta. Originally I had a weekly-build feisty mythbuntu, but it also had LIRC problems (among other things with the 0.21 upgrade) so I just reinstalled from scratch with 8.04 mythbuntu.
[02:31] <samson--> LIRC starts normally, listens to /dev/lirc0, but if I run irw, it shows no output.
[02:32] <samson--> http://pastebin.com/m26d7b866
[02:32] <samson--> if I cat /dev/lirc0 I see binary data streaming when I press a button on my remote
[02:32] <samson--> if I strace -p <pid of lircd> I see lircd capturing the remote button pushes
[02:39] <Cackette> Does the music visualizer work?
[02:40] <samson--> it did not for me when i had a fiesty weekly build, i have not tried it with 8.04 yet
[02:41] <Cackette> goes blank until you hit 4 again?
[02:42] <samson--> it just stayed blank for me
[02:42] <samson--> i hit 6 a few times to try and shift through the available visualizations, but it did not help
[02:44] <samson--> i'll try it with 8.04 in a second, i need to scan my music library into the database
[02:49] <Cackette> yeah, i tried hitting 6 and all it shows is Visualization: Random
[02:49] <Cackette> and wont change visualizations
[02:50] <samson--> are you on 8.04?
[02:50] <superm1> samson--, you can try to re-record your lircd.conf
[02:50] <superm1> although its weird that the same one from 7.10 wouldnt work
[02:51] <superm1> (i'm assuming you mean weekly-gutsy builds)
[02:51] <superm1> Cackette, i've seen them working in the past, but you might need another package (which we might need to add as a recommend)
[02:52] <superm1> zubwolf, it is possible depending on your provider's implementaiton
[02:52] <superm1> jetsaredim, talk to rhpot1991 possibly
[02:52] <samson--> superm1: i think you are right re: the weekly-gutsy builds
[02:52] <superm1> free1, you might need v4l-dvb cvs/svn/hg/git checkout
[02:53] <superm1> samson--, so backup /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
[02:53] <superm1> and record another one
[02:53] <superm1> with irrecord
[02:53] <superm1> and see if you + that = more luck
[02:55] <samson--> Cackette: i just repopulated my music database and in 8.04 and my visualization just says 'blank' regardless of whether i hit 6
[02:55] <samson--> superm1: thank you, i'll try it out
[02:55] <Cackette> samson--: The visualizations are now selectable via the Setup menus and by default you won't have any selected. Navigate to Setup > Media Settings > Music Settings > Player Settings and on the third page you'll find the Edit Visualizations button where you can select which visualizations you'd like to show up as options.
[02:55] <Cackette> the visualizations suck though,
[02:59] <free1> superm1: and that would help in the installation pahse?
[03:02] <superm1> free1, well if your card isn't detected by the v4l-dvb in ubuntu
[03:02] <superm1> that's the solution
[03:05] <samson--> superm1: indeed irrecord helped, thanks
[03:06] <superm1> great
[03:06] <superm1> please file a bug with both lircd.conf's
[03:06] <superm1> and we can see what's up that caused it hopefully
[03:07] <samson--> Cackette: awesome, that worked, i like that feature, now I dont have to cycle through viz's that i dont care about
[03:08] <samson--> superm1: file under 8.04?
[03:10] <superm1> samson--, just against the lirc package
=== dgtl_ is now known as zubwolf
[04:16] <zubwolf> superm1, my provider uses udp multicast stream with no encrytion
[04:18] <zubwolf> can i use stable or should i use the testing edition?
[04:19] <superm1> zubwolf, i would recommend you use 8.04
[04:19] <superm1> because of improvements to the IP recorder
[04:19] <superm1> but seemingly you should be able to record if there is really no enc and it's multicast udp
[04:21] <zubwolf> superm1, this is how the url looks like when i open up tv channels with vlc: udp://@
[04:21] <zubwolf> and it works fine
[04:22] <superm1> zubwolf, i'm not familiar with the IP recorder directly myself, but that sounds like it should be functional for how it works
[04:22] <superm1> you can double check with people in #mythtv-users in case
[04:23] <zubwolf> superm1, okay, thx for hint!
[06:15] <stimo> hey everybody
[06:15] <stimo> somebody got some time to help>?
[06:16] <stimo> just figuring out wich hw ill be using for my myth backend
[06:16] <tgm4883_laptop> !ask | stimo
[06:16] <tgm4883_laptop> bah, stupid ubotu
[06:17] <stimo> lol
[06:18] <stimo> well the idea was of building a pc with mythbuntu that could also serve as nas, ftp, irc server
[06:19] <stimo> just small home use and ftp and irc to chat and transfer some files between friend
[06:19] <stimo> *friends
[06:21] <stimo> given that this box will be running 24/7 i wanted a cpu with pretty low usage so i think i'm gonna go for the celeron 440
[06:21] <stimo> u guys got a better idea?
[06:22] <stimo> i can always use a mobile cpu but they are kinda pricy
[06:22] <tgm4883_laptop> are you using it as a pvr?
[06:23] <stimo> yea that would be the idea normal cable prv with a hauppeage pvr-150 i think
[06:23] <tgm4883_laptop> celeron 440 is kinda low i would think
[06:24] <stimo> well its only for recording with the decoder already on the pvr card
[06:25] <tgm4883_laptop> are you using it for playback?
[06:25] <stimo> 2Ghz should do no?
[06:25] <tgm4883_laptop> take a look at the system requirements on mythbuntu.org
[06:25] <stimo> nope
[06:25] <stimo> min 1Ghz recomended 2Ghz
[06:27] <stimo> and the celeron 440 only uses 35 watt so that a pretty nice thing
[06:29] <stimo> backend server that runs mythtv to record some stuff, running a irc and ftp and also using it as a nas
[06:39] <ooloncolluphid> stimo, this link is a bit long in the tooth but might be along the lines of what you are looking for: http://www.tomshardware.com/2006/10/16/building_a_low-power_home_theater_pc_system/
[06:52] <stimo> thats all front end there
[06:53] <stimo> i'm talking server that comes in a cabinet , low power with ftp server, nas, irc server and pvr it will not come even near to a tv lol
[06:54] <stimo> but i'll read it
[06:54] <stimo> might learn something
[07:26] <stimo> ok thats was pretty useless
[08:31] <Pasteurized> hi all
[16:23] <ooloncolluphid> howdy, I'm having problems with music cutting out for about 10 seconds to over a minute when playing music using Mythbuntu 7.10
[16:24] <ooloncolluphid> I believe it is an issue with mplayer as I have the same symptoms when playing the same files outside of mythtv.
[16:24] <ooloncolluphid> I checked the buffer settings im mythtv and they are ok
[16:27] <ooloncolluphid> A friend said that he heard it was a known issue with mplayer, but didn't have any suggested fix or work around.
[16:28] <tgm4883_laptop> computer specs
[16:29] <ooloncolluphid> it is a 2.5GHZ AMD64 w/2GB RAM
[16:30] <ooloncolluphid> It uses an onboard nvidia sound card with the nvidia 6100 chipset
[16:30] <tgm4883_laptop> hmm
[16:30] <tgm4883_laptop> interesting
[16:30] <tgm4883_laptop> sounds a lot like my system, but mine doesn't have that issue
[16:31] <ooloncolluphid> the audio on a video recording works fine
[16:31] <tgm4883_laptop> are the songs you are trying to play physically on the same box?
[16:31] <ooloncolluphid> yes in /var/lib/mythtv/music
[16:33] <ooloncolluphid> I Googled the heck out of the issue and couldn't find a solution
[16:34] <tgm4883_laptop> does the music play fine in other media players?
[16:34] <ooloncolluphid> yes
[16:35] <ooloncolluphid> is there any way to use a different player within mythtv?
[16:37] <tgm4883_laptop> sec
[16:39] <rhpot1991_laptop> does internal player not work for music?
[16:40] <ooloncolluphid> It works, but cuts out for a few seconds to a minute every 3 to 10 minutes
[16:42] <chrisork> hey there. is ist possible to chance the myth-theme from the command line? mcc crashes. frontend unusable.
[16:42] <ooloncolluphid> If I"m using a visulazation it continues to display normally when the audio cuts out
[16:43] <tgm4883_laptop> ooloncolluphid, check in general setup for anything mythmusic specific
[16:44] <ooloncolluphid> I get the same problem if I use mplayer outside of mythtv
[16:45] <tgm4883_laptop> chrisork, you could alter the db and change it there
[16:45] <rhpot1991_laptop> not sure if it helps, but you can change the theme in mythweb settings
[16:47] <chrisork> mythweb sounds good :) i`ll have to take a look.
[16:47] <tgm4883_laptop> ooloncolluphid, have you tried updating mplayer?
[16:49] <ooloncolluphid> I have kept the system updated with the ubuntu repositories, but haven't tried anything more agressive, like svn
[16:50] <tgm4883_laptop> do you have backports enabled?
[16:52] <chrisork> mmh. "The theme (glass-wide) is missing a themeinfo.xml file"
[16:52] <tgm4883_laptop> chrisork, are you on gutsy or hardy
[16:52] <chrisork> hardy...
[16:53] <ooloncolluphid> tgm4883_laptop, how do I check that?
[16:54] <tgm4883_laptop> open up /etc/apt/sources.list and see if one of the repos is ubuntu-backports. You can pastebin it if you want
[16:56] <ooloncolluphid> gutsy-backports main restricted universe multiverse
[16:56] <tgm4883_laptop> k
[16:56] <ooloncolluphid> gutsy-backports main restricted universe multiverse
[16:57] <tgm4883_laptop> ooloncolluphid, i've run out of options here. You can try #ubuntu and see if they can fix the problem with mplayer (which should fix mythtv problem) or perhaps there is an mplayer channel
[16:58] <ooloncolluphid> Yeah, that's probably the best option, I thought you guys might know of a work around
[16:58] <tgm4883_laptop> sorry, i've never seen that problem before
[16:58] <ooloncolluphid> But I'm fairly sure it is mplayer that has the problem not mythtv
[16:58] <tgm4883_laptop> i agree
[16:58] <ooloncolluphid> thanks for you help thoug, I appreciate it
[17:12] <chrisork> mmh. i had to rename the theme-folder.
[17:13] <chrisork> now my frontend works again.
[17:52] <Stemming78> Needing assistance; clocking errors on my router and need to disable security; need to know how to setup the /interfaces/network file.
[17:53] <Stemming78> Anyone available to help?
[20:08] <zagibu> hey guys...is there an easy way to reduce the noise of a sata dvd drive?
[20:12] <tgm4883_laptop> zagibu, seagate 7200.10 or 7200.11 drive?
[20:13] <zagibu> it's a samsung writemaster sata dvd drive
[20:13] <zagibu> the hd is silent enough
[20:13] <tgm4883_laptop> oh heh, guess i didn't read the dvd part
[20:14] <tgm4883_laptop> mythtv .20.2 or .21?
[20:15] <zagibu> is there a file that tells me this?
[20:16] <tgm4883_laptop> are you using 7.10 or 8.04?
[20:16] <zagibu> 7.10
[20:16] <tgm4883_laptop> are you fully updated?
[20:16] <zagibu> yeah
[20:16] <tgm4883_laptop> ok
[20:16] <rhpot1991_laptop> in the settings there is a dvd speed
[20:16] <tgm4883_laptop> is the time listed in the theme?
[20:16] <rhpot1991_laptop> by default mine was on 2, and I can't hear it
[20:16] <zagibu> i know that there is a setting in mythtv, but it's already at the lowest
[20:17] <tgm4883_laptop> sounds like a hardware problem then
[20:17] <zagibu> the time is not listed
[20:17] <rhpot1991_laptop> mine was noisy as can be on install
[20:17] <rhpot1991_laptop> but with that speed holding it back its quiet now, liteon sata lightscribe blah blah
[20:17] <zagibu> do you have a sata drive as well?
[20:17] <zagibu> ok
[20:17] <zagibu> hmmm
[20:19] <tgm4883_laptop> next class time
[20:20] <rhpot1991_laptop> zagibu: maybe your case is part of the issue, or is it just spinning that loudly?
[20:21] <zagibu> it's just the spinning
[20:21] <zagibu> a FFFFF sound
[20:21] <rhpot1991_laptop> well spinning can cause vibration, but mine definitely sounded like a truck when it spun during the install
[20:22] <zagibu> it's really just the air here...the case doesn't vibrate at all
[20:22] <rhpot1991_laptop> well my case has all sorts of fancy rubber stoppers to dampen noise, so thats why I mentioned it
[20:23] <zagibu> it's alright, I know that usually vibrations are the problem, but here it really isn't
[20:23] <zagibu> at first, the disk was causing vibrations, and the whole case made noises, but then I hanged the disk in with some elastics and now it's completely quiet
[20:24] <zagibu> the strange thing is, I can even start a DVD and it's silent for the first 10 seconds of the film or so, but then it spins up
[20:24] <rhpot1991_laptop> might need to verify myth is actually slowing it down, can try asking in #ubuntu or start a thread on the forums?
[20:25] <barry253> hi all - anyone know what can cause audio/video breakups in recordings? i thought signal problems, but livetv is perfect
[20:26] <rhpot1991_laptop> barry253: BE and FE on the same box?
[20:26] <barry253> yes
[20:26] <zagibu> are you doing hardware encoding?
[20:26] <rhpot1991_laptop> could be the playback profile
[20:26] <rhpot1991_laptop> check and see if your cpu is maxed out while its breaking up
[20:27] <barry253> using hdhomerun. would playback profile affect the file or just the FE playback? i viewed the file on another machine, same problems
[20:27] <barry253> so it's a problem when recording
[20:27] <rhpot1991_laptop> 0.21 or 0.20.2?
[20:27] <barry253> 0.21
[20:27] <rhpot1991_laptop> well you can have different profiles for live and recordings
[20:27] <rhpot1991_laptop> so check that first
[20:27] <rhpot1991_laptop> if your live tv works, your recordings should be ok
[20:27] <rhpot1991_laptop> since live tv is just a recording played back right away
[20:29] <barry253> not following - which profiles are you referring to? if you're talking about playback profiles, shouldn't that only affect local playback?
[20:30] <rhpot1991_laptop> well each frontend has its own profile
[20:30] <rhpot1991_laptop> what cpu do you have in your frontends?
[20:32] <barry253> athlon 64 x2 3800+
[20:32] <barry253> problem exists for both SD and HD, i think since upgrading to 0.21
[20:32] <rhpot1991_laptop> I'd compare the live profile with the recording profile
[20:32] <rhpot1991_laptop> see if they are different
[20:33] <rhpot1991_laptop> can try to watch something as a live tv and then go ahead and watch that live tv as a recording and see if your problem exists then
[20:34] <barry253> but why would the profile affect the actual recoded file?
[20:34] <barry253> unless i'm missing something - these are playback profiles, no?
[20:35] <barry253> sorry, i see you mean recording profiles
[20:35] <barry253> i don't see where to edit/view them
[20:36] <rhpot1991_laptop> well I'm not sure if the recording profiles applies to your card
[20:36] <rhpot1991_laptop> the playback profiles have been a cause of a lot of skipping in playback, as seen in the FAQs
[20:37] <barry253> the recording profile for the hdhomerun shows Default, Live TV, High Quality, and Low Quality, but none have any details nor are editable
[20:37] <rhpot1991_laptop> ya I think they don't matter for the HDHR
[20:37] <barry253> even when i take the captured video file and view it on another machine, i see the same breaks in video/audio
[20:37] <barry253> so it's not a local playback problem
[20:38] <rhpot1991_laptop> oh, when you said about remotely I figured you meant remote frontend
[20:38] <rhpot1991_laptop> same channels with recordings and live tv?
[20:38] <barry253> no, sorry for the confusion
[20:38] <barry253> yes
[20:38] <rhpot1991_laptop> and is it more than one recording?
[20:39] <barry253> every recording has some level of distortion
[20:39] <barry253> some much worse than others
[20:40] <barry253> only odd thing in the logs is "No accelerated IMDCT transform found"
[20:40] <barry253> which seems like an audio error message which many people get
[20:46] <jabagawee> hey guys
[20:46] <jabagawee> anyone here?
[20:47] <rhpot1991_laptop> !ask | jabagawee
[20:47] <ubotu> jabagawee: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[20:49] <rhpot1991_laptop> barry253: try the forums?
[20:49] <barry253> will do, thanks
[20:51] <jabagawee> here's the thing. i trust the ubuntu irc channels a ton, so i decided to come here instead of #mythtv-users. also, opera can't find #mythtv-users. :P here's the deal: the 8400GS appears online for about 40$ at multiple retailers. my friend has a used 7600GS that he's willing to part with for a mere 35$. My question is: is it worth it to just take the 7600GS? is there a feature in the GeForce 8 series that'll be worth
[20:51] <jabagawee> friend's card?
[20:52] <rhpot1991_laptop> my opinion is that the one thats $5 more comes with a warranty, then again I generally don't like open box, refirbs and such
[20:53] <rhpot1991_laptop> might want to search the forums/google on both models and look for complaints
[20:54] <rhpot1991_laptop> I was happy with my asus silent 7600gs, but don't see why there would be any problems with the other
[20:54] <jabagawee> well, i pretty much know that both cards will work fine. my friend will offer a refund if the card dies on me way too fast. he's been using it for gaming for quite a while now. also, a *600GS is waaay more powerful than a *400GS, by any opinion. i just wanna know if there's something like a super-PureVideo engine available to only the GeForce 8 series.
[20:55] <jabagawee> i feel semi-obliged to buy the card from him, seeing as how he needs to liquidate some parts. if i don't purchase from him, it'll just lie around uselessly.
[20:57] <directhex> there is no hardware enabled video rendering on linux unless it's for mpeg2
[20:57] <directhex> and that works on any nvidia card, give or take
[20:57] <directhex> so no, you won't miss any features
[20:57] <directhex> at least the 7600 can draw a polygon without pausing for a rest, unlike the 8400
[20:58] <jabagawee> explain the polygon drawing thing, please
[20:59] <directhex> the 8400 is worthless for even the lightest of gaming, which is something that bothers me.
[21:00] <jabagawee> okay then, that about solves my problem. i'll get the 7600