UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /10 /#ubuntu-mobile.txt
Initial commit
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[06:49] <dholbach> good morning
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[10:26] <lool> "The COM 840 is expected to ship in 45 days. By then, Ampro has promised to begin distributing a free Ubuntu-derived Linux 2.6 distribution with all its board-level system products."
[10:26] <lool> http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS9574268984.html
[10:42] <lool> amitk: So we're going to have a -16? Is that uploaded/in progress already?
[10:42] <amitk> lool: kernel done, modules and meta pending
[10:43] <amitk> lool: actually i386 failed, so kernel needs another fix
[10:44] <lool> amitk: Is it likely that this happens again before the release?
[10:45] <amitk> lool: what happens before the release?
[10:46] <lool> Another bump
[10:46] <amitk> lool: definitely, I'll fix it now
[11:06] <lool> amitk: My question was, will there be a -17 before the release :)
[11:07] <amitk> lool: possibly :)
[11:09] <lool> :-/ It's hard to tell Intel to rebuild the drivers over and over, but I guess it's a consequence of the driver being closed so really a consequence of the requirements for a proprietary driver
[11:09] <dns53> intel drivers are open
[11:10] <lool> Hmm not these :)
[11:11] <amitk> lool: which is why I told Intel to wait until the RC kernel is published before I gave them the green signal.
[11:12] <lool> Ok
[11:13] <lool> bzr branch lp:~ubuntu-mobile/hildon-desktop/ubuntu => 5 mn 28 secs
[11:15] <amitk> it's a feature :)
[13:47] <slytherin> hi, do we do any empathy related discussions here?
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[14:30] <lool> slytherin: Not really
[14:30] <lool> slytherin: You're welcome to, but it's more around UME here
[14:41] <slytherin> lool: No problem. I got the answer to my question already.
[14:41] <lool> Ok
[15:26] <lool> THIRTY FOUR minutes and 29 seconds to bzr upgrade a remote lp branch over sftp
[15:27] <agoliveira> lool: ..and I thought that the problem was on my link.
[15:43] <lool> bfiller: new marquee-plugins wasn't working properly went build against hardy's hildon-desktop (ubuntu1 versus ubuntu10); could it be that we inadvertedly broke ABI in the latest hildon-desktop changes? I'd like to know whether I need a versionned build-dep or something
[16:02] <bfiller> lool: not sure how ABI could get broken. I didn't touch any build files or anything.
[16:03] <bfiller> lool: could it be marquee-plugins is not right?
[16:09] <lool> bfiller: It could be as well
[16:10] <lool> bfiller: I suspect it relies on something which is only true in newer hildon-desktop, but the fact that it the version you /build/ against which influences the result scares me
[16:10] <lool> (No warning during build)
[16:12] <amitk> lool: irc meeting in 45min?
[16:12] <lool> amitk: Yes
[16:20] <lool> 14 minutes that a vcs import "bzr pull" has been running, this is depressing
[16:27] <smagoun> lool: have you tried CVS? It's way faster than bzr
[16:28] * smagoun runs
[16:28] <lool> smagoun: My piss off level is raising as my bzr pull continues running for minutes and minutes
[16:29] <smagoun> lool: I don't blame you. bzr is not fast.
[16:29] <lool> I don't recall being so unhappy with it last time I talked to launchpad; I suspect some upgrade caused this
[16:30] <dholbach> lool: best to talk to the guys in #launchpad
[16:30] <lool> dholbach: I was actually pondering sending an email with the three issues I had today, but I then wondered how useful it would have been
[16:30] <lool> Let's try out
[16:31] <smagoun> lool: the LP folks have been pretty responsive when I've had problems
[16:33] <lool> Ok, thanks
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[17:01] <lool> Hi all, time for our weekly meeting
[17:01] <lool> #startmeeting
[17:01] <MootBot> Meeting started at 18:01. The chair is lool.
[17:01] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
[17:01] <lool> I hope eveyrbody is doing fine and is ready to start
[17:01] <lool> Let's review last week's action items
[17:01] <GrueMaster> I'm awake, does that count?
[17:01] <lool> It does :)
[17:02] <lool> [topic] #
[17:02] <lool> [topic] (lool) add doc on moving to tarball releases for moblin modules to wiki
[17:02] <MootBot> New Topic: #
[17:02] <MootBot> New Topic: (lool) add doc on moving to tarball releases for moblin modules to wiki
[17:02] <lool> This is done, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/MoblinTarballReleases
[17:02] <lool> I dropped the notes I sent to Rusty in wikified form to the wiki
[17:02] <lool> It's raw, but then it's a one shot process, so I don't intend to polish the instructions too much; I'm happy to help with them though
[17:03] <rustyl_> cool
[17:03] <lool> Allow me also to announce that we're having a phone call on the topic with rustyl_ next week
[17:03] <lool> Interested parties should ask for the phone details
[17:03] <lool> It's at 10am PDT wednesday
[17:03] <lool> [topic] #
[17:03] <lool> [topic] rustyl_ to assign ppa packages updates for the new tarball based release process [cted as blocked by lool last week and the week before that...][cted]
[17:03] <MootBot> New Topic: #
[17:03] <MootBot> New Topic: rustyl_ to assign ppa packages updates for the new tarball based release process [cted as blocked by lool last week and the week before that...][cted]
[17:04] <lool> rustyl_: So, you were a little sick lately, did you find some time to catch up and assign this work?
[17:04] <rustyl_> so... i need to get a handle on what packages are left for initial conversion
[17:04] <lool> I hoped we could output some for hardy, but it's getting tight
[17:04] <lool> rustyl_: i've sent a list in response to your list of tarballs
[17:04] <lool> rustyl_: The day you sent it, like many weeks ago
[17:04] <lool> And I update this info in the same thread as I was making progress with the updates
[17:05] <lool> I just completed marquee-plugins this afternoon
[17:05] <lool> the remaining ones are marked TBD or have a comment no what's blocking them
[17:05] <lool> rustyl_: If it helps, move them to the wiki perhaps?
[17:05] <rustyl_> a wiki for this would be nice
[17:05] <lool> rustyl_: Also, please note some tarballs like moblin-image-creator or midbrowser are missing
[17:06] <lool> rustyl_: You can use the same page to track status if you like
[17:06] <lool> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/MoblinTarballReleases
[17:06] <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/MoblinTarballReleases
[17:06] <lool> Say, start a == Status of tarball releases for Moblin modules ==
[17:06] <lool> rustyl_: I also think we need to set strict rules or use scripts to generate the releases
[17:07] <rustyl_> mawhalen, i will need to find a person or two with some free cycles to help crunch through this
[17:07] <lool> I've seen some out of date or broken tarballs
[17:07] <mawhalen> rustyl_let's talk after this meeting
[17:07] <lool> rustyl_: More on these issues in our call if you like
[17:07] <lool> May I carry on the action on you rustyl_?
[17:07] <rustyl_> ideally, it would all be done before the call, but at this point i'm not promissing anything :->
[17:08] <rustyl_> yea... you can give me the action
[17:08] <lool> NB: I'm on leave tonight til Tuesday included (your Tuesday morning i should be back)
[17:08] <lool> [action] rustyl_ to assign ppa packages updates for the new tarball based release process [cted as blocked by lool last week and the week before that...][cted][cted]
[17:08] <MootBot> ACTION received: rustyl_ to assign ppa packages updates for the new tarball based release process [cted as blocked by lool last week and the week before that...][cted][cted]
[17:08] <lool> [topic] bspencer to list i18n status for Moblin project[cted]
[17:08] <MootBot> New Topic: bspencer to list i18n status for Moblin project[cted]
[17:09] <lool> Is Bob close to someone's office at Intel? :)
[17:09] <lool> Or did anyone hear about progress on this?
[17:09] <lool> I saw he called for the info, but only got as far as we already knew
[17:09] <lool> (That moblin-applets was i18ned and midbrowser was as well as a result of firefox' h11n
[17:10] <lool> )
[17:10] <lool> Ok; I'm moving to the next topic and we'll get back to it at the end of the meeting
[17:10] <rustyl_> i'm not in the office this morning
[17:10] <mawhalen> I'll go check
[17:10] <lool> mawhalen: thanks
[17:10] <lool> [topic] davidm to move meeting to 1 hour earlier and notify all [complete]
[17:10] <MootBot> New Topic: davidm to move meeting to 1 hour earlier and notify all [complete]
[17:10] <lool> That's done; thanks davidm!
[17:10] <lool> Moving on
[17:10] <davidm> welcome ;-)
[17:10] <lool> [action] mawhalen to reschedule on Intel side of earlier time change. [complete]
[17:10] <MootBot> ACTION received: mawhalen to reschedule on Intel side of earlier time change. [complete]
[17:10] <lool> mawhalen: This seems complete as well; thanks to you too!
[17:11] <lool> We're done with action items from last week; let us move to this week's current items
[17:12] <lool> [topic] kyleN discussion on switching themes
[17:12] <MootBot> New Topic: kyleN discussion on switching themes
[17:12] <lool> kyleN: Please put shorter topics on the wiki rather than a full support request next time ;-P
[17:12] <lool> *
[17:12] <lool> kyleN: moblin-applets delivers status bar icons into /usr/share/icons/hildon, but since we can't switch icon theme via gconf and etc, I don't know how to theme this part of the marquee. Maybe put them in /usr/share/icons/hicolor which is the default icon theme, to start, then at least we could theme it by putting different ones in hildon?
[17:12] <kyleN> so that states it.
[17:13] <kyleN> here's more background
[17:13] <kyleN> i can theoretically theme the rest of the marquee because it's images are delivered with the mobilbasic theme pkg
[17:13] <kyleN> we could NOT install that and install our own
[17:13] <kyleN> but we have to install moblin-applets
[17:14] <kyleN> so it's images go into the dir I mentioned and we can't override that
[17:14] <lool> kyleN: How is that different from say, gnome icon themes?
[17:14] <kyleN> so I can theme most of the marquee, but not battery icons, wifi, etc
[17:14] <kyleN> lool, sorry, I don't understand
[17:15] <lool> kyleN: Is the problem you're asking about fundamentally different from the GNOME mechanism to switch between icon themes?
[17:15] <kyleN> I think gnome icon themeing is broken
[17:15] <kyleN> i've not been able to switch the icon theme
[17:15] <kyleN> as a work around, we might use the hierarchy of icon themes if that works
[17:16] <kyleN> moblin applets installs into default icon theme (hicolor)
[17:16] <kyleN> then, if we need to override, we install into hildon icon theme
[17:16] <lool> kyleN: Under your Ubuntu, you can switch icon themes, can't you?
[17:16] <kyleN> yes, but not in mobile
[17:17] <lool> kyleN: Can't we simply copy that implementation?
[17:17] <kyleN> that would be the best approach
[17:17] <lool> Ok; did you file a bug about this issue?
[17:17] <kyleN> i just discovered this issue, so no
[17:18] <lool> Hmm does it need IRC meeting attention?
[17:18] <kyleN> I'd be happy to if you think that is the proper resolution
[17:18] <lool> I think you should file a bug in all cases; documenting stuff in the IRC meeting is not going to be easy to dig out
[17:18] <kyleN> all cases seems over broad, but I am happy to oblige
[17:19] <lool> Ok, thanks
[17:19] <kyleN> anyway, I'll file a bug. you can move on
[17:19] <lool> I guess discussion should continue in the bug report itself
[17:19] <kyleN> ok
[17:19] <lool> Moving on or rather back to an action fro last week
[17:19] <lool> Do we have bspencer around?
[17:20] <lool> mawhalen: Did you find where he hides? ;)
[17:20] <mawhalen> no, I didn't
[17:20] <lool> Ok; let's carry on his action then
[17:20] <GrueMaster> his calander shows a conflicting meeting, but I'm no where near him.
[17:20] <lool> [action] bspencer to list i18n status for Moblin project[cted][cted]
[17:20] <MootBot> ACTION received: bspencer to list i18n status for Moblin project[cted][cted]
[17:21] <lool> So, we're at the end of our list of items to discuss; would anyone like to open a new topic?
[17:21] <GrueMaster> I'm tracking an issue with alsa and helix at the moment.
[17:21] <GrueMaster> It appears alsa-base is no longer installed by default?
[17:21] <lool> [topic] GrueMaster's issue with alsa and helix
[17:21] <MootBot> New Topic: GrueMaster's issue with alsa and helix
[17:22] <lool> GrueMaster: Was it ever? Or perhaps it was pulled accidently?
[17:22] <GrueMaster> Helix relies on snd_pcm_oss and snd_mixer_oss modules.
[17:22] <lool> GrueMaster: Perhaps helix should pull it if it's needed?
[17:22] <lool> GrueMaster: Oh so helix has no alsa modules at all?
[17:22] <lool> That's surprizing and not terribly good
[17:23] <GrueMaster> I'm looking at it now, and beta2 built 20080228 worked fine
[17:23] <rustyl_> helix can be built to use alsa or not
[17:23] <GrueMaster> I think helix is one of those apps that never ported to alsa.
[17:23] <lool> So it should be built with alsa support and is not?
[17:23] <rustyl_> so... when you say helix, which app are you talking about?
[17:23] <GrueMaster> splay or helix-dbus-server
[17:23] <tonyespy> rustyl is correct, helix can be built with or without alsa support
[17:24] <rustyl_> i can say that the RealPlayer is being built with alsa turned on
[17:24] <GrueMaster> Well, in my opinion, it should be built with alsa support. alsa provides audio duplexing, which oss did not.
[17:25] <rustyl_> i don't recall if the default configuration for helix-dbus-server (which is part of the REalPlayer package) has this option enabled
[17:25] <rustyl_> so... asuming that app is built with the alsa option turned on... it sounds like we are missing a packging dep also?
[17:26] <lool> Would one of you please file a bug against ubuntu-mobile if it's happening with the UME builds and mention that the proprietary package should be changed to build with alsa support and rebuilt?
[17:26] <GrueMaster> Not sure yet. I was looking into it this morning.
[17:26] <lool> rustyl_: I think the package dep is only missing for oss emulation
[17:26] <rustyl_> ok
[17:26] <lool> But I prefer we don't pull this and use alsa directly instead
[17:27] <lool> GrueMaster: You file the bug, subscribe ubuntu-mobile and rustyl_ and if someone can confirm the fix, stevenk for the change in our archive?
[17:27] <tonyespy> lool: that might require rebuilding helix, which in turns requires a phd in ribosome
[17:27] <rustyl_> lool, i haven't had visiblity into your customer build, so i'm not sure what it has in it
[17:27] <GrueMaster> We should provide the oss emulation as well. There are bound to be other apps that need it, and the modules are already part of the kernel.
[17:27] <lool> tonyespy: Taking the existing source and rebuilding it /should/ work I hopeN
[17:27] <lool> s/N$/?
[17:28] <lool> rustyl_: You don't have access to the Intel proprietary build Canonical outputs?
[17:28] <lool> Is this the one where the bug happens?
[17:28] <GrueMaster> It's in the daily as well.
[17:28] <lool> GrueMaster: oss emulation should be pulled by these apps then
[17:28] <lool> GrueMaster: You mean the daily public build of ume?
[17:28] <GrueMaster> The beta builds just have helix installed, and that is what I was testing with recently.
[17:28] <GrueMaster> yes
[17:28] <mawhalen> rustyl_we know have access to the prop outputs
[17:28] <lool> Yeah, so ubuntu-mobile is where to report it
[17:28] <rustyl_> BTW... IIRC, we managed to just recently get the alsa option turned on as a default for any Linux based build, so any helix based product should now use alsa (unless it explicitly turns off the option)
[17:30] <lool> So perhaps we simply a need a new helix, but that requires hard work, I agree with tonyespy
[17:30] <GrueMaster> rustyl_: I'm testing helix 0.6.0 with the latest splay tarball and latest (0402) CIP codecs.
[17:30] <rustyl_> i have access to lots of stuff.... just not the time to use it :->
[17:30] <lool> Anyway, could one of you file a bug to track the issue and subscribe interested parties?
[17:31] * rustyl_ votes for GrueMaster to file a bug reporting everything he has learned
[17:31] <lool> [action] GrueMaster fiel a bug on helix build missing alsa support
[17:31] <MootBot> ACTION received: GrueMaster fiel a bug on helix build missing alsa support
[17:31] <GrueMaster> I'll look into it more. From what I can tell, it's just a missing modprobe.d config file for alsa.
[17:31] <lool> Okely; anything more on this topic or a new topic?
[17:32] * GrueMaster whimpers as his AR shield is found to be useless.
[17:32] <lool> I'm taking the opportunity to announce that if davidm and I are missing at the beginning of a meeting, you're welcome (yes you) to start the meeting and follow the wiki page
[17:32] <lool> Ok; seems nobody has additional topics
[17:33] <lool> Thanks a lot for your time and see you same time same place next week
[17:33] <lool> #endmeeting
[17:33] <MootBot> Meeting finished at 18:33.
[17:33] <davidm> lool, thanks
[17:33] <agoliveira> Hey, that one was short. The best kind :)
[17:33] <lool> kyleN: Once you have a bug report for that icon theme issue, sub ubuntu-mobile and if you like I can read it and see where we could do with more details; ok with you?
[17:33] <davidm> lool, I'll take care of the usual page editing and creation
[17:33] <kyleN> lool, thanks I will.
[17:33] <lool> davidm: I [actioned] a [topic]; dunno whether you can fix that
[17:34] <kyleN> lool, do you have a moment to talk with me about that icon theme issue?
[17:34] <lool> kyleN: In general, I think it's best if you can research issue so that we can immediately jump to the point where progress is stuck; does that make sense?
[17:34] <davidm> Yes I can take care of that since I now move the web pages to people.ubuntu.com/~davidm/
[17:34] <lool> kyleN: I might have a moment; if you like you can ring my phone or I can call you
[17:35] <lool> Or we can chat here
[17:35] <kyleN> lool, the phone maybe easier can you call?
[17:35] <lool> davidm: Thanks
[17:35] <davidm> lool, a quick edit will take care of it and I have to sed the pages anyway :-)
[17:35] <lool> kyleN: Tell me where in pv
[17:35] <lool> bspencer: Too late :-/
[17:36] <lool> bspencer: http://blackbird.kaarsemaker.net/mootbot/meeting
[17:36] <bspencer> :(
[17:36] <bspencer> dang
[17:36] <lool> http://blackbird.kaarsemaker.net/mootbot/meeting/ubuntu-mobile.20080410_1801.html
[17:37] <bspencer> lool: sorry!
[17:37] <mawhalen> agoliveira: you there?
[17:51] <GrueMaster> davidm: I need access to launchpad to file a bug in ubuntu-mobile.
[17:59] <GrueMaster> lool: can you add me to the ubuntu-mobile launchpad team so I can file this bug?
[18:01] <\sh> lool, congrats for getting wine on lpia for free :)
[18:02] <\sh> https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/wine/0.9.59-0ubuntu4 <- the very first bugfixed version of wine on little devices :)
[18:10] <lool> GrueMaster: You don't need to be in the team to file bug against the ubuntu-mobile project
[18:11] <lool> GrueMaster: That said, you're expected to be in the team, what's your lp id?
[18:11] <lool> \sh: Cool
[18:11] <GrueMaster> I can't find a bug submit link. I can see otehr bugs, but no submit link.
[18:11] <lool> GrueMaster: You're visiting the team page perhaps?
[18:11] <lool> GrueMaster: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-mobile
[18:11] <lool> That's the project page
[18:12] <lool> ~ubuntu-mobile is the team
[18:12] <GrueMaster> weird. I had clicked on the bugs tab, but it never brought up a button for submitting new bugs.
[18:13] <\sh> lool, when you are in Praque, ask infinity what he likes to drink, he mad it happen :)
[18:14] <lool> Heh
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[18:40] <patm> andy_lin, did you see my response?
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[18:52] <andy_lin> patm: no , had you regist your account ?
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[18:52] <patm> andy_lin, please send me the driver ok?
[18:54] <andy_lin> ok. :)
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