UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /10 /#ubuntu-artwork.txt
Initial commit
[00:19] <cody-somerville> _MMA_, I can't join #ubuntustudio-devel
[00:19] <_MMA_> hmm...
[00:27] <cody-somerville> indeed
[00:31] <_MMA_> Try now
[00:39] <troy_s> kwwii: +1 on attempting to breathe some colour back into the thing.
[01:21] <Yaco> hi
[01:21] <Yaco> where can i find a list of free fonttypes? or where should i ask?
[07:55] <DanaG> * Updating the wallpaper and the simple background with a red crested
[07:55] <DanaG> version and more colorful background and adding Ashton to the authors file
[07:55] <DanaG> YAY!
[07:55] * DanaG goes off cheering, but redirects it (the cheering) to /dev/null
[07:58] <DanaG> another random thing: I ♡ unicode.
[07:59] <DanaG> Because you can do exactly that with it. SCIM extra tables: "latex"
[08:03] <troy_s> DanaG: You can browse the checkout code at bzr
[08:03] <troy_s> DanaG: And see the changes.
[08:03] <DanaG> It's in an update package I'm installing through update-manager, actually.
[08:04] <DanaG> ///usr/share/gnome/help/blackjack/el/blackjack.xml:402: parser error : Entity 'Βοήθεια' not defined
[08:04] <DanaG> <para><guimenuitem>Προτιμήσεις&Βοήθεια;</gui
[08:04] <DanaG> heh, that just amused me.
[08:11] <DanaG> I am sooooo going to get a case skin for my next laptop, with this heron on it.
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
[15:58] <mrdoob> hello
[15:59] <mrdoob> I just had one quick question
[15:59] <mrdoob> is that bird wallpapaer going to stay for the 8.04 release
[15:59] <mrdoob> or is it just for the beta?
[15:59] <_MMA_> Its final.
[15:59] <mrdoob> right...
[15:59] <mrdoob> ok
[16:01] <mrdoob> what happened to this one?
[16:01] <mrdoob> http://www.telepk.com/img/computer-wallpaper/200px-Ubuntu606.png
[16:01] <mrdoob> imho that was very attractive
[16:02] <mrdoob> the problem I have with the bird is the swirls, is as if somebody discovered the swirld distortion boom, done. Not very "human" after all ;)
[16:02] <_MMA_> IYHO
[16:02] <mrdoob> indeed
[16:02] <_MMA_> Its done. Can't please everyone.
[16:04] <mrdoob> ok ok, sorry if I have said something I shouldn't
[16:04] <_MMA_> No. Just this close to final there's nothing to be done. :P
[16:05] <mrdoob> I can imagine yeah
[16:05] <_MMA_> Also, just realize the amount of people that come and and do what you did. Can be taxing. ;)
[16:05] <mrdoob> complain about the bird?
[16:06] <mrdoob> hehe
[16:06] <_MMA_> "What happened to X? I liked X better."
[16:06] <mrdoob> no, seriously, I really apreciate all the work everyone behind ubuntu is doing
[16:06] <mrdoob> is amazing
[16:06] <mrdoob> all the icon work, all the skins, all the developers
[16:06] <andreasn> desktop backgrounds are really easy to change in GNOME, the bird is fine
[16:06] <mrdoob> but that just seemed so weird that I was very curious
[16:09] <mrdoob> so, when would be a good time to submit wallpapers for the next release?
[16:09] <_MMA_> mrdoob: Most ideas go on the wiki.
[16:10] <mrdoob> ok
[16:10] <Toma-> ...what bird?
[16:11] * Toma- shuffles off to the wiki
[16:13] <_MMA_> It's a chicken.
[16:13] <mrdoob> another suggestion, took me a bit to find out where #ubuntu-artwork and/or #ubuntu-meetings was
[16:13] <mrdoob> I mean, the irc server
[16:13] <mrdoob> on the wiki doesn't always specify where it is
[19:18] <troy_s> _MMA_: Hey have a look at the Thunderbird icon in Hardy against dark -- it doesn't look the proper alpha transparencied version.
[19:19] <_MMA_> I haven't seen it. Ill install in now.
[19:19] <troy_s> _MMA_: I have some grey/white pixels around the wings which suggests that the icon is using 1 bit transparency.
[19:19] <_MMA_> Maybe the .xpm or something.
[19:19] <troy_s> _MMA_: Probably not obvious against white, but against AWN or studio's bg it wil be an issue.
[19:20] * _MMA_ boots up Hardy.
[19:26] <_MMA_> troy_s: Ok. Where do you see the issues. In the gnome-menu, it looks fine here.
[19:57] <bersace> hi
[20:10] <bersace> kwwii: i updated humanlist
[20:11] <bersace> bzr merge seems to kill my work :(
[20:12] <bersace> kwwii: finally, i took the liberty to keep the old background and touche the transparency of the bouding box
[20:12] <bersace> this mean that i do not just update bg and bounding box
[20:12] <bersace> and that sabdfl wont like it
[20:12] <bersace> but i guess sabdfl don't care at all of HumanList
[20:12] <bersace> everybody know that sabdfl uses kdm
[20:12] <bersace> :P
[20:13] <bersace> that's all for today
[20:13] <bersace> i actually do not trust bzr and thus i'm pretty lazy on updating HumanList, sorry.