UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /09 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
[00:19] <[reed]> ask kaie on moznet
[00:23] <fta> mozilla bug 427889
[00:23] <ubotu> Mozilla bug 427889 in Libraries "crash in nss" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=427889
[00:23] <fta> going to bed
[00:26] <asac> fta: night
[00:27] <Jazzva> asac, I won't finish this tonight ... it will be ready tomorrow evening. Sorry for the delay. There's something else I have to do...
[00:27] <Jazzva> Is that ok? I could stay up, if it must be ready tomorrow...
[00:28] <asac> Jazzva: nono
[00:28] <asac> take a rest :)
[00:28] <asac> Jazzva: maybe push your changes to a branch as they are
[00:28] <Jazzva> Good :)...
[00:28] <asac> as a checkpoint ;)
[00:29] <asac> Jazzva: extensions need to get in soon. the data should not be that hard to get in
[00:29] <Jazzva> Well, there are only 5 done... Seems like 6 extensions are still not in the archive (useragentswitcher, all-in-one-sidebar, ...), or something...
[00:29] <asac> hmm
[00:29] <Jazzva> and I still have to get the icons and stuff
[00:30] <asac> they have definitly been source newed
[00:30] <asac> yes. icons shold be in the bzr rees
[00:30] <asac> trees
[00:30] <Jazzva> damn, i forgot that :)...
[00:31] <Jazzva> They are used in the extensions ... not thinking :)
[00:32] <asac> Jazzva: yeah at least those that have a icon in the addons dialog should have one
[00:33] <Jazzva> Yep...
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[07:55] <asac> fta: we will demote flashsupport to not get pulled in by default
[09:11] <fta> why ? it will prevent the sound to work with pulseaudio
[09:16] <asac> people can opt in if they want to
[09:16] <asac> anyway, we assigned our pulseaudio guy to see if there is any patch available
[09:17] <asac> for the crashes
[09:43] <[reed]> new flash just got released
[09:43] <[reed]> fyi
[09:46] <asac> hmm
[09:46] <asac> [reed]: do you see crashes with libflashsupport?
[09:47] <asac> (aka pulseaudio support for flash)
[09:47] <[reed]> I get flash crashes, but it might just be in flash itself
[09:47] <[reed]> checking
[09:49] <[reed]> http://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/index/49e43885-e464-11dc-8f26-001a4bd43e5c
[09:52] <asac> [reed]: do you run pulseaudio?
[09:52] <[reed]> oh, and didn't you see this crash the other day?
[09:52] <[reed]> http://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/index/28b5a3ee-ffb1-11dc-811d-001a4bd43e5c
[09:52] <[reed]> pretty sure
[09:52] <[reed]> that I do
[09:52] <[reed]> checking
[09:52] <asac> [reed]: yes. ill add a patch for that crash
[09:52] <[reed]> what bug # was it?
[09:52] <asac> basically a dump NULL check
[09:52] <asac> [reed]: no idea. we found a patch in maemo
[09:53] <[reed]> k
[09:53] <asac> unfortunately, i am currently too overloaded to forward things until we release
[09:53] <asac> as i could not follow up :(
[09:53] <asac> [reed]: did you see that crash?
[09:53] <[reed]> yes, those are my crash reports I gave you above
[09:53] <[reed]> ones I've personally hit
[09:53] <asac> [reed]: i have a bug id in launchpad, but I guess you asked for bmo id?
[09:54] <asac> [reed]: indeed ... your crash involves libflashsupport
[09:54] <asac> ok ... so you basically hit the two main crashers we see
[09:55] <[reed]> and I use mozilla.org nightlies
[09:55] <[reed]> not ubuntu builds
[09:55] <[reed]> :)
[09:55] <asac> yes
[09:55] <asac> anyway ... you see the libflashsupport crash
[09:55] <asac> so no difference
[09:56] <asac> (actually thats why I asked you if you see those crashes to verify that its not ubuntu only)
[09:56] <asac> [reed]: but you use libflashsupport from ubuntu, right?
[09:57] <asac> fta: looking at flashsupport code right now. i think the ssl backtraces you got are really related to flashsupport
[09:57] <asac> do you still have the paste ids?
[09:57] <asac> so we can make a bug out of it?
[09:57] <[reed]> paste ids?
[09:58] * asac scrollsback
[09:58] <[reed]> oh
[09:58] <[reed]> I did build my own copy of libflashsupport at one point, but I may have swapped to the ubuntu version... checking
[09:58] <[reed]> this is on my gutsy laptop
[09:58] <[reed]> not my hardy laptop
[09:59] <asac> [reed]: ok and you saw those crashes on gutsy?
[09:59] <[reed]> yes
[09:59] <asac> or hardy
[09:59] <[reed]> gutsy
[09:59] <asac> so its your own build right?
[09:59] <asac> [reed]: did you use gnutls or openssl?
[10:00] <[reed]> openssl
[10:02] <asac> damn. i hoped that its a gnutls related issue
[10:02] <asac> trying anyway
[10:05] <asac> bang. segfault
[10:05] <asac> good try ;)
[10:27] <asac> hmmm ... now i got this before crash:
[10:27] <asac> ** Gtk:ERROR:(/build/buildd/gtk+2.0-2.12.9/gtk/gtkplug.c:182):gtk_plug_set_is_child: assertion failed: (!GTK_WIDGET (plug)->parent)
[10:28] <asac> might be a pointer
[10:42] <fta2> <fta> for http://paste.ubuntu.com/6635/
[10:43] <fta2> asac, ^^ this one ?
[10:59] <asac> yes
[10:59] <asac> is that the one fixed by nss update?
[10:59] <asac> fta2: ?
[11:03] <fta2> no, see mozilla bug 427889
[11:03] <ubotu> Mozilla bug 427889 in Libraries "SIGPIPE from send() syscall, called from libpthread" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=427889
[11:15] <asac> flash today doesn't fix the issue ... damn
[11:15] <asac> it fixes a few asserts though
[11:15] <asac> (so at least some improvement)
[11:15] <asac> fta2: ^^
[11:28] <asac> fta2: gdb crashes for me now
[11:28] <asac> fta2: it suddenly started. i could do it a few times but now its crashy
[14:33] <Volans> asac: have you looked at ubuntu-it-menu? If it's ok for you, I can ask DktrKranz to sponsor it
[14:34] <asac> Volans: yes, tell him to use the bzr branch and push that before he uploads to ~ubuntu-dev
[14:39] <Volans> thank you for the review asac, oh DktrKranz2 is here... if you want to tell him directly to avoid misunderstanding
[14:39] <asac> ill drop info on the bug
[14:40] <asac> Volans: i think to be safe you would need to add exception for the logo licenses in COPYING
[14:41] <asac> ok dropped the ack
[14:42] <Volans> asac: the exception is also in the LICENSE file: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~volans/firefox-extensions/ubuntu-it-menu.ubuntu/annotate/volans%40ubuntu-it.org-20080408173339-5n3tno7fsjhrg0p9?file_id=license-20080407174203-eay18jva50h2atma-1
[14:45] <Volans> is what you sayng for COPYING?
[14:47] <asac> yeah
[14:47] <asac> ah ok
[14:47] <asac> then all is good
[14:47] <asac> its in the archive admins hand now
[14:47] <Volans> ok thanks :)
[15:36] <asac> Volans: can you also tell your sponsoree to set the bug to fix committed after upload?
[15:40] <Volans> sure :)
[15:50] <asac> thanks
[17:11] <asac> carlos: did my imports already start to immport?
[17:11] * asac not asking if they are ready ;)
[17:27] <carlos> asac: no, sorry, it will still need some time... oo.org is delaying everything :-(
[17:28] <asac> how far is ooo?
[17:29] <asac> carlos: does every ooo upload cause this?
[17:30] <carlos> well, it's a mix of that and long running exports
[17:30] <carlos> which degrade the performance a bit
[17:38] <DktrKranz2> asac: I just read backlog. Is it ok to upload to NEW without further action from motu-release?
[17:38] <DktrKranz2> (ubuntu-it-menu stuff)
[17:54] <asac> DktrKranz2: yes. if i posted the FF exception bug in the bug referenced in changelog it should be fine
[18:35] <CheGuevara> hi
[19:10] <DktrKranz2> asac: last question. you said to move bzr repo to ~ubuntu-dev, is it enough to reparent it and adjust entry in debian/control?
[19:17] <fta> asac, Bug 197786
[19:17] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 197786 in prism "Prism apps think I'm offline and no way to change it" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197786
[19:23] <rzr> asac: thx for flashblock, hope it'll save FF3 lifetime expectancy
[20:11] <fta> asac, mozilla bug 426681
[20:11] <ubotu> Mozilla bug 426681 in Security: PSM "FF3RC1 should use NSS_3_12_RC2" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=426681
[20:26] <fta> asac, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=750197
[21:21] <fta> http://standblog.org/blog/post/2008/04/09/Video-interview%3A-Robert-Kairo-Kaiser-Seamonkey
[21:38] <cwong1> asac: ping
[21:58] <fta> [reed], http://paste.ubuntu.com/6681/ known ?
[21:59] <[reed]> nope
[22:06] <fta> ohoh, mxr has been updated
[22:36] <daven__> hi
[23:06] <fta> asac, gdb is crashing for me too now.
[23:07] <fta> trying gdb inside gdb :)