UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /09 /#ubuntu-mobile.txt
Initial commit
=== robr_ is now known as robr
=== robr__ is now known as robr
=== vivijim is now known as vivijim_
=== vivijim_ is now known as vivijim
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[07:11] <dholbach> good morning
[07:18] <vdn> good morning
[07:44] <lool> y
[07:44] <lool> yo!
[08:59] <asac> hey
[09:00] <asac> lool: do you know who sponsored midbrowser?
[09:00] <StevenK> I did
[09:01] <asac> StevenK: strange on launchpad its "uploaded by cwong1"
[09:01] <asac> was that a sync from mobile PPA?
[09:01] <StevenK> asac: That's Launchpad using the Uploaded-By field in the .changes file
[09:01] <StevenK> asac: Yes, it was taken from the ubuntu-mobile PPA.
[09:02] <asac> StevenK: why do you use that Uploaded-By field?
[09:02] <StevenK> asac: Because I didn't want to regenerate the 50Mb tarball and then have to upload it from my home ADSL.
[09:03] <asac> StevenK: ok. so it was a sync request?
[09:03] <asac> StevenK: can we disable that sync again?
[09:03] <StevenK> asac: Well, it was a fakesync
[09:04] <asac> StevenK: we want to push that to main and i don't like the idea that it gets auto promoted from mobile PPA
[09:04] <asac> (i am fine if you review and test it though - instead of me)
[09:04] <asac> StevenK: how does this kind of fakesync work technically?
[09:05] <StevenK> asac: Download the source package from the PPA, re-sign it and upload to the archive
[09:05] <asac> StevenK: ah ... and you did that from rookery i guess
[09:05] <StevenK> asac: chinstrap, so close enough
[09:06] <asac> StevenK: anyway ... please test it before doing next time. afaik it doesn't start atm ;)
[09:06] <StevenK> Gah!
[09:06] <asac> yay \o/
[09:06] <StevenK> asac: Sorry for the trouble :-/
[09:07] <asac> no problem. i don't have trouble ;)
[09:07] <asac> ill delegate that to cwong ;)
[09:07] <StevenK> You're happy to upload it after cwong1 has fixed it?
[09:08] <asac> StevenK: i am happy to do the hardy pushes, yes.
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_away
=== davmor2_away is now known as davmor2
[11:18] <davmor2> I can't seem to get notepad to work in xephyr mode. Is this a know issue?
[11:18] <davmor2> nor chat
=== dns53 is now known as dns
=== dns is now known as dns_server
=== dns_server is now known as dns53
[13:59] <Dennis__> hello, i have a question, is it posible for me to use ubuntu mobile on my acer n311? or is the project still to far in beta ?
[14:06] <persia> Dennis__: You'd need to port it to ARM first, your resolution might be a bit low, and it's still under development. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/FAQ
[14:07] <Dennis__> ok thank you,
=== cpro1 is now known as cprov
[14:30] <lool> Oh this one made my day:
[14:30] <lool> root@ume:~# /etc/init.d/moblin-system-daemon stop; echo $? * Stopping MoblinSystemDaemon moblin-system-daemon [ OK ]
[14:30] <lool> 0
[14:30] <lool> root@ume:~# invoke-rc.d moblin-system-daemon stop; echo $? * Stopping MoblinSystemDaemon moblin-system-daemon Terminated
[14:30] <lool> 143
[14:34] <lool> Heh and it's due to a ps | grep finding invoke-rc.d itself to kill; cute
=== agoliveir1 is now known as agoliveira
=== praj-laptop_ is now known as praj-laptop
=== robr__ is now known as robr
=== mboman_ is now known as mboman
[20:17] <mboman> hi. I am building UME for my Cloudbook
[20:19] <mboman> but it seems to have a problem adding function sets
[20:59] <ian_brasil_> mboman: are you following the image creator info on moblin.org?
[21:01] <mboman> ian_brasil_: I following this document: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/CreatingAnImageForUMEDevice
=== agoliveir1 is now known as agoliveira
[21:05] <ian_brasil_> mboman: there is a warning on this page that more recent documentation is available at http://moblin.org/documentation_howto/howto_create-image.php ..maybe have a look on there too?
[22:22] <ditoa> hey all
[22:22] <[g2]> ditoa: hi :)
[22:23] <ditoa> i own an eee pc and was wondering if it is possible to install ubuntu mobile to it?
[22:31] <agoliveira> ditoa: Yes, it is but will require some tinkering with the kernel to make network work I guess. I have one but didn't try it yet.
[22:31] <GrueMaster> Yes, it is. Use the mccaslin images to install.
[22:32] <GrueMaster> The hardware is very similar.
[22:32] <ditoa> ahh cool
[22:32] <[g2]> is UME x86 focused or multi ARCH like ARM
[22:32] <ditoa> i only read about ubuntu mobile like 10 minutes ago so please forgive me asking questions for which the answers are well known :)
[22:33] <agoliveira> ditoa: Check this one out: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded
[22:35] <ditoa> many thanks :)
=== robr__ is now known as robr
=== robr__ is now known as robr
=== robr__ is now known as robr