UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /09 /#ubuntu-installer.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <xivulon> they were suggested by szaka to minimize hardreboot issues
[06:53] <TheMuso> evand: If we have to go all root for only-ubiquity, its trivial to slip some code into the casper script to check the cmdline, and if only-ubiquity exists, save the setings as root. I was actually playing with such an idea late last week.
[06:54] <evand> TheMuso: good to know, thanks
[06:59] <superm1> evand, sorry to be pushy, but would you mind giving the dvd livefs and ISO another prod before you head off to bed?
[06:59] <superm1> the lang support thing was sorted out earlier this afternoon
[06:59] <evand> superm1: not at all.
[07:00] <superm1> great thanks
[08:10] <evand> superm1: done
[08:11] <superm1> evand, great, i'll pull this overnight then and get it in our factory image tomorrow for testing
[08:11] <superm1> i didn't get a chance to ask you, did you sort out the keyboard preseeding for this ubiquity release?
[08:12] <superm1> looking at my list, that was the last one that i wasn't sure on
[08:14] <evand> not yet, I've been looking at it, but I haven't been able to track down the cause yet
[08:14] <superm1> okay, i'll make sure everything else is in shape then
[08:15] <superm1> Thanks!
[08:15] <evand> anytime
[08:15] <evand> g'night
[08:15] <superm1> night
[08:17] <CIA-1> partman-basicfilesystems: cjwatson * r560 ubuntu/debian/changelog: expand changelog
[09:12] <GreatMandrill> hi. I have noticed that after finishing the ubuntu-server installation the apt cd source is /etc/apt/sources.list is disabled. There is a easy way to make this entry active after the installation?. Some preseed command perhaps?. Thanks
[09:16] <CIA-1> partman-basicfilesystems: cjwatson * r561 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 56ubuntu4
[09:17] <cjwatson> GreatMandrill: not really - in most cases it isn't appropriate because apt will end up asking you for the CD any time you try to do package management operations
[09:19] <GreatMandrill> ok, thx
[09:24] <cjwatson> there isn't actually a way to change that with preseeding (because the apt-setup code in question runs after preseed/late_command); you could file a bug on Ubuntu apt-setup if you decide you still want that
[10:04] * cjwatson attacks bug 85713
[10:04] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 85713 in ubiquity "No mount point options listed during manual partitioning" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85713
[10:59] <CIA-1> ubiquity: cjwatson * r2614 ubiquity/ (4 files in 3 dirs):
[10:59] <CIA-1> ubiquity: * Offer a list of mount points when creating a partition (LP: #85713).
[10:59] <CIA-1> ubiquity: Adjust this list (and also that offered when editing a partition) if the
[10:59] <CIA-1> ubiquity: file system is changed to FAT or NTFS.
[11:31] <CIA-1> ubiquity: cjwatson * r2615 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog scripts/install.py): * Guard against division by zero while copying files (LP: #211503).
[12:43] <xivulon> evand, have asked cking on #ubuntu-kernel re sysctl settings in lupin-support (bug #204133)
[12:43] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 204133 in wubi "wubi install unusable - Buffer I/O error on device loop0" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204133
[12:43] <xivulon> I'd wait for his reply before deciding what to do with lupin, but in the meantime it might be reasonable to use settings closer to default
[12:43] <Silicium> is the name of ubuntu installer hardcoded?
[12:43] <Silicium> "welcome to ubuntu installer"
[12:44] <Silicium> or iam able to change this text
[12:45] <xivulon> evand, re mounthost, there is no much point about maintaining it at this point, unless we will have new fs packages in the LTS lifespan that will make remounting of ntfs/loops feasible
[12:50] <xivulon> "welcome to ubuntu installer"
[12:51] <xivulon> my english is poor, but shouldn't that be "welcome to the ubuntu installer"?
[12:52] * xivulon thinks about last time an installer welcomed him
[12:53] <Silicium> no
[12:53] <Silicium> thath shouldbe "welcome to $foo installer"
[12:53] <Silicium> installer for my distribution
[12:54] <xivulon> "welcome to $foo installer"
[12:54] <xivulon> "welcome to $foo installer"
[12:55] <Silicium> ?
[12:55] <xivulon> "welcome to THE $foo installer"
[12:55] <Silicium> damn thats not the topic
[12:55] <Silicium> i wanna change the text
[12:55] <xivulon> sorrey for the multiple posts, using a webgateway wich does not like clipboard paste...
[12:56] <xivulon> I know mine was a side comment, I do not know much about ubiquity code (assuming that is what you are referring to).
[12:57] <Silicium> not buiquity
[12:57] <Silicium> the ncurses installer
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
[13:02] <cjwatson> xivulon,Silicium: there's a reason we don't include "Ubuntu" in Ubiquity's text :-)
[13:02] <Silicium> hey cjwatson haha youre help is everywhere, :D
[13:02] <cjwatson> Silicium: where do you see the text "Welcome to Ubuntu installer"?
[13:02] <Silicium> you greate
[13:03] <Silicium> cjwatson: i mean the welcome text in the ncurses installer
[13:03] <cjwatson> err, it doesn't have any as far as I know
[13:03] <cjwatson> the first screen is "Choose language"
[13:04] <Silicium> yep
[13:04] <cjwatson> do you mean F1 at the CD boot menu, which says "Welcome to Ubuntu!" in its title bar?
[13:04] <Silicium> nope this i have edited
[13:04] <Silicium> mom i see which dialog is it
[13:05] <Silicium> erm, cjwatson you got payed for you support work?
[13:05] <cjwatson> no, my job is Ubuntu Platform Team Manager
[13:05] <Silicium> you everytime here in the chan an help for stupid questions :D
[13:05] <Silicium> cjwatson: ok cool :D
[13:05] <Silicium> canional inc?
[13:05] <Silicium> or in the "free" community?
[13:05] <cjwatson> but I happen to care about the Ubuntu installer quite a bit, and that was my main job before I moved to management
[13:05] <cjwatson> Canonical UK Ltd.
[13:05] <Silicium> ok cool :)
[13:06] <cjwatson> (if you want the company on my paycheques ...)
[13:06] <cjwatson> if you press "Go back" from the alternate installer's first screen, the title bar is "Ubuntu installer main menu"
[13:06] <cjwatson> that's hardcoded in the main-menu package, somewhat unfortunately
[13:06] <Silicium> ok
[13:06] <cjwatson> the reason it isn't just ("%s installer main menu" % distribution) is that Ubuntu sometimes gets transliterated
[13:07] <Silicium> yea
[13:07] <Silicium> this is what i think
[13:07] <cjwatson> so, for instance, in Macedonian it's "Убунту"
[13:07] <Silicium> yea
[13:07] <Silicium> so the language files are also hardcoded?
[13:07] <cjwatson> we've generally tried to get rid of explicit references to Ubuntu; the ones that remain is where it's hard to justify removing the distribution name
[13:07] <cjwatson> afraid so
[13:07] <Silicium> ok
[13:07] <cjwatson> I consider everything like that to be a bug, FWIW
[13:07] <Silicium> and in which binary?
[13:08] <cjwatson> main-menu source, builds main-menu.udeb; it ends up in /var/lib/dpkg/info/main-menu.templates in the initrd which is loaded into /var/lib/cdebconf/templates.dat as the installer boots
[13:08] <Silicium> ok thanks
[13:08] <cjwatson> (and /var/lib/dpkg/info/main-menu.templates is then removed to save memory)
[13:08] <xivulon> cjwatson, did you happen to find out anything new on #206113 ?
[13:08] <cjwatson> xivulon: I'm afraid not, it's a kernel problem isn't it?
[13:09] <xivulon> ah no that one I found out
[13:09] <xivulon> if you mean the buffer I/O
[13:09] <cjwatson> oh, right, sorry, mixed up
[13:09] <xivulon> 206113 is about swap creation
[13:10] <cjwatson> no, I haven't looked further at it. The root error is "mkswap: unable to write signature page", which is literally write() failing
[13:10] <xivulon> I am not too concerned since that appears to be the only report I have seen on that, but still
[13:10] <cjwatson> how about I make it at least give the errno
[13:10] <cjwatson> then you might be able to have a better guess at the cause
[13:10] <xivulon> only thing I can think of is if the swapfile is not contiguous
[13:11] <xivulon> I remember mkswap does not like that, but not sure what the errorno would be in such case
[13:11] <cjwatson> well, it's not what mkswap likes really, it's what the kernel says to write()
[13:11] <cjwatson> if (write(DEV, (char *) signature_page + offset, pagesize - offset)
[13:11] <cjwatson> != pagesize - offset)
[13:11] <cjwatson> bb_error_msg_and_die("unable to write signature page");
[13:12] <cjwatson> now, it could be a short write, but that generally ought not to happen when writing less than a page
[13:12] <cjwatson> but it's possible
[13:12] <cjwatson> (if you don't know: write() is not guaranteed to write everything in one go)
[13:12] <cjwatson> I'll try installing the obvious fix for that and see if it helps
[13:13] <xivulon> thanks
[13:14] <xivulon> the kernel issue by the way was due to the sysctl parameters in lupin-support
[13:14] <cjwatson> hooray for the existence of bb_full_write; writing out that code over and over in N different codebases gets boring
[13:14] <xivulon> for some reason the new kernel does not like them anymore, have asked cking to have a look
[13:14] <cjwatson> ok
[13:15] <xivulon> we also have to decide whether to keep mounthost in
[13:15] <xivulon> basically now it does nothing, since /host is mounted rw in initramfs
[13:15] <xivulon> it might become useful if ntfs/loop become remountable and initramfs is changed accordingly (within hardy LTS)
[13:16] <xivulon> not sure if that is likely to happen... otherwise we can just remove mounthost
[13:18] <cjwatson> oh, err, busybox can't be relevant!
[13:18] <cjwatson> this is in ubiquity so it's util-linux' mkswap, duh
[13:23] <cjwatson> xivulon: spawned off a util-linux task and asked LaMont to have a look
[13:23] <xivulon> thanks a lot
[13:24] <xivulon> any view on mounthost ^?
[13:24] <xivulon> basically that translates to: any chance for ntfs-3g to become remountable with a package update in 8.04 cycle?
[13:24] <xivulon> I'd guess that would be a new feature, hence not
[13:27] <cjwatson> sounds unlikely, though feel free to petition the release manager
[13:28] <xivulon> well I'd guess if that was required we could also update lupin-support package correct?
[13:29] <xivulon> I'd remove mounthost for the time being
[13:42] <Silicium> hmm
[13:42] <Silicium> cjwatson: do you have any idea why the package ipbx-frontend does not configure?
[13:42] <Silicium> http://marco.2am.ch/ipbxlog
[13:43] <Silicium> i cant find any problem
[13:43] <Silicium> and when i boot the system and type apt-get install ipbx then works fine
[13:44] <cjwatson> Silicium: looks like it's sensitive to $TERM and can't deal with the installer's terminal
[13:45] <Silicium> hmm
[13:45] <Silicium> can i fix that?
[13:45] <cjwatson> ipbx-frontend doesn't appear to be in Ubuntu, so I'm unable to help further
[13:46] <Silicium> i know, is my package :D
[13:46] <Silicium> so is it a package problem
[13:46] <Silicium> mhm
[13:46] <cjwatson> oh, it might not be that actually, I see an error to do with postgresql in there
[13:47] <cjwatson> which means that it's probably bug 204108
[13:47] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 204108 in udev "stripped-down permissions.rules needed for udev-udeb" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204108
[13:47] <Silicium> oh
[13:47] <Silicium> if i install postgresql manually with apt-get and then ipbx is will works
[13:47] <cjwatson> yep, looks like it
[13:47] <cjwatson> you'll need to wait for that bug fix
[13:48] <cjwatson> note that it's fix committed so it should come along shortly
[13:48] <cjwatson> changing the way you install postgresql will not help
[13:48] <Silicium> so then is it not he bug
[13:48] <Silicium> i can install if i do manually
[13:48] <Silicium> then it works
[13:49] <cjwatson> right, it'll work after you reboot
[13:49] <cjwatson> the problem is that /target/dev/null when the installer is running is not writable by the postgresql user
[13:49] <cjwatson> er, the postgres user
[13:49] <Silicium> oh ok
[13:49] <Silicium> thats the bug
[13:49] <cjwatson> but when you reboot it will work fine because the normal udev rules will come into effect
[13:49] <Silicium> allright
[13:49] <Silicium> hmm
[13:49] <Silicium> can i reload the udev rules?
[13:50] <Silicium> before install ibpx
[13:50] <cjwatson> no
[13:50] <Silicium> damn
[13:50] <Silicium> so we should release the beta thoday :D
[13:50] <Silicium> hmm
[13:50] <cjwatson> the bug will be fixed by relese
[13:50] <cjwatson> release
[13:50] <cjwatson> this is the sort of thing you get when working on a beta; it is practically guaranteed to contain bugs :-)
[13:53] <Silicium> ok fine
[13:53] <Silicium> thanks
[13:53] <cjwatson> in order to work around it you'd need to insert the output of 'grep null /etc/udev/rules.d/40-permissions.rules' into some file in /etc/udev/rules.d/ in your initrd
[13:53] <Silicium> so i have a live CD too, this must be enaught for my interesting customers :)
[13:54] <Silicium> no easy
[13:54] <Silicium> i will wait
[14:00] <xivulon> http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/143
[14:13] <PecisDarbs> hi people, where I can find translatable strings for Live CD, for those menus in the beginning?
[14:13] <Mirv> PecisDarbs: gfxboot-theme-ubuntu
[14:14] <PecisDarbs> ok, thanks :)
[14:14] <Mirv> PecisDarbs: ie. https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/gfxboot-theme-ubuntu/+pots/bootloader
[14:14] <Mirv> PecisDarbs: no problem :)
[14:14] <PecisDarbs> btw, I have problems with fonts in my language, like it should be INSTALĀCIJA, but it goes like INSTALCIJA
[14:15] <PecisDarbs> translations are ok
[14:15] <PecisDarbs> so it just drop fonts
[14:15] <PecisDarbs> where should I report that?
[14:15] <Mirv> someone else can maybe answer that, I'm actually no installer developer at all
[14:17] <cjwatson> PecisDarbs: which language?
[14:17] <PecisDarbs> cjwatson: Latvian
[14:17] <cjwatson> and at what point do you see INSTALCIJA
[14:17] <cjwatson> ?
[14:19] <PecisDarbs> I will have to test it
[14:19] <PecisDarbs> cjwatson: it usually happens at the beginning, mostly when I view installer help
[14:19] <PecisDarbs> INSTALCIJA was example, I can't remember exact strings, but they where many
[14:20] <cjwatson> I'm just asking because it will help me track it down exactly
[14:21] <cjwatson> current CD images seem to have reasonable Latvian fonts
[14:22] <cjwatson> PecisDarbs: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/latvian-boot-help.png
[14:22] <cjwatson> PecisDarbs: perhaps you were using 7.10?
[14:23] <PecisDarbs> cjwatson: no no, I was using recent daily cds
[14:23] <PecisDarbs> hmmmm
[14:23] <evand> xivulon: ack'ed
[14:23] <PecisDarbs> strange, I have to check that, if it is gone, then thanks :D
[14:24] <PecisDarbs> cjwatson: I will check this asap and then will report back
[14:24] <PecisDarbs> have to download and burn live cd
[14:25] <cjwatson> ok, thanks
[14:32] <CIA-1> ubiquity: cjwatson * r2617 ubiquity/ (3 files in 2 dirs):
[14:32] <CIA-1> ubiquity: * Ensure that "Location for the new partition" always defaults to
[14:32] <CIA-1> ubiquity: "Beginning" (LP: #207810).
[14:33] <Silicium> cjwatson: is the bug in a base install package or also on the installer cd
[14:33] <Silicium> so, i need to download a new cd to fix the bug i fix is released?
[14:35] <cjwatson> Silicium: it's in a package that forms part of the installer initrd, so yes, you'll need a new CD
[14:46] <Silicium> only the initrd?
[14:46] <Silicium> okay, then i can only replace that in my cd build environment :)
[14:46] <Silicium> thanks a lot
[14:47] <CIA-1> ubiquity: cjwatson * r2618 ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py: on_partition_*_use_combo_changed may be called before partition_*_mount_combo has been set up
[14:47] <cjwatson> yes, though replacing just the initrd is risky and I would recommend a full upgrade
[15:08] <evand> xivulon: new lupin without mounthost uploaded.
[15:08] <PecisDarbs> cjwatson: yes, seemingly fonts aren't skipped anymore, big thanks to anyone who fixed this :)
[15:10] <cjwatson> PecisDarbs: excellent. This was probably because we were unable to regenerate the reduced font for a while; Liu Qishuai figured out the problem and we fixed it in February
[15:10] <PecisDarbs> I see
[15:10] <PecisDarbs> nice :)
[15:25] <CIA-1> debian-installer: cjwatson * r905 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 20070308ubuntu37
[15:46] <GreatMandrill> cjwatson: where i can get the apt=key pakage (or his source) with yesterday's patch> Thanks
[16:00] <xivulon> evand thanks for that
[16:02] <evand> no problem
[16:03] <xivulon> for lupin not sure what to use for the parameters
[16:04] <xivulon> the tradeoff is that if we are too loose people may have issues with hard reboots and blame ubuntu for fs corruption
[16:04] <xivulon> if we are to strict we have I/O errors...
[16:04] <xivulon> I mean lupin-sysctl
[16:05] <xivulon> as mentioned I already asked cking
[16:06] <xivulon> in the meantime we might have bdmurray and myself to do some empirical tests by gradually rising dirty_limit & co
[16:06] <xivulon> arguably not very scientific...
[16:06] <evand> indeed, I read the scrollback in -kernel. I'd wait to see what he says. Hopefully he can fix the problem or find a workaround.
[16:06] <evand> heh
[16:08] <evand> did you catch the zdnet article yet? Very nice, though I emailed the author about the last paragraph, noting that Wubi can be run stand-alone and thus removes the need for a CD, we just don't have it up on the website yet.
[16:09] <xivulon> I read the one in ars-techica some time ago'
[16:09] * xivulon reads zdnet
[16:09] <xivulon> ah had seen that too
[16:11] <xivulon> yeah read a few people recommending Daemon Tools & co just to use wubi...
[16:11] <xivulon> kind of defeats the purpose...
[16:11] <evand> heh, indeed
[16:12] <evand> any response from Matthew Nuzum?
[16:12] <xivulon> not yet
[16:12] <xivulon> in fact I also have to ask about metalink url...
[16:13] <xivulon> I'd think the easiest route there is to have a wubi-specific url for metalink and other possible runtime data
[16:13] <xivulon> We can fix public metalink issues later on
[16:13] <xivulon> I am stretching the SF terms of use...
[16:14] <cjwatson> GreatMandrill: should be in the apt package in hardy
[16:14] <GreatMandrill> thx, cjwatson
[17:42] <cjwatson> evand: do you think your patch from bug 182004 should just be applied in lieu of anything more sophisticated?
[17:42] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 182004 in ubiquity "partitioner fails if partially preseeded due to seen flag madness" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182004
[17:45] <evand> cjwatson: yeah
[18:14] <xivulon> evand by the way just noticed that I forgot to push rev 481, in case you were tempted, do not use 480...
[18:14] <xivulon> will upload rev 481 tonight
[18:16] <xivulon> ah not sure what you want to do with segfaults
[18:16] <xivulon> I'd suggest using nsis 2.36 until someone complains...
[18:22] <evand> xivulon: we're going to need to come up with a better argument for the release team than "we hope nsis 2.36 fixes the segfaults, but we have no evidence that it does" if we're going to use 2.36.
[18:22] <evand> I tried to reproduce my crashes using the older nsis with debugging build, but I could not
[18:22] <xivulon> I know but how can we track a bug if when the bug cannot be reproduced with debugging symbols?
[18:23] <xivulon> Even binary search is impossible
[18:24] <xivulon> We know that 2.34 segfaults, and 2.36 seems to fix it, having people use 2.36 extensively might be the best we can do
[18:25] <xivulon> if we have reports of segfaults in 2.36 we go back to 2.34 (which was more tested) otherwise we stick with 2.36
[18:27] <evand> xivulon: can you join #ubuntu-release? Lets make the case to slangasek.
[18:27] <xivulon> sure
[18:28] <xivulon> evand can you pls also look at 214211 when you have a minute?
[18:29] <evand> will do
[19:12] <xivulon> cjwatson, just noticed your comment in #208818 , do you want me to run some tests there?
[20:12] <xivulon> evand have reassigned 214211 to you if you do not mind: configure_hardware > self.chroot_setup(x11=True) > No such file or directory: '/root/.Xauthority'
[20:12] <xivulon> in ubiquity
[20:16] <evand> indeed, I caught that. I'll take a look later today, I'm quite busy with other work atm.
[20:28] <xivulon> .disk/info is the same for alternate and live, correct?
[20:41] <cjwatson> 214211 sounds like my fault. Why doesn't /root exist?
[20:41] <cjwatson> err
[20:41] <cjwatson> xivulon: 214211 says it's with the beta, so it can't possibly be the x11 stuff
[20:41] <cjwatson> because I added that code post-beta
[20:42] <cjwatson> huh, is wubi downloading the ISO? that's broken surely
[20:44] <cjwatson> oh! broken in noninteractive mode, I suck
[20:44] <cjwatson> evand: I'll fix this if you like
[20:47] <cjwatson> xivulon: 208818> if you can, yes please
[20:47] <cjwatson> xivulon: assuming you know what it's supposed to look like
[20:49] <evand> cjwatson: that'd be great, thanks
[20:49] <xivulon> not sure what to look at but will try to figure it out, "comment out the following piece of code" how do you usually do that? I know how to use sed
[20:49] <xivulon> but that is for one liners...
[20:51] <xivulon> cjwatson: wubi will download the daily ISO
[20:52] <mario_limonciell> er um cjwatson, you're fix for usplash broke noninteractive
[20:53] <mario_limonciell> ~ line 1200 you are assuming x11 is available
[20:53] <mario_limonciell> and same thing at line 1226
[20:53] <CIA-1> ubiquity: cjwatson * r2621 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog scripts/install.py):
[20:53] <CIA-1> ubiquity: * Stop X forwarding code from breaking if we aren't running within X
[20:53] <CIA-1> ubiquity: (LP: #214211).
[20:54] <cjwatson> xivulon: stick # at the front of the line
[20:54] <cjwatson> mario_limonciell: heh, that was 214211 that xivulon referred to above, and I just fixed
[20:55] <mario_limonciell> ah yeah i just looked at the diff
[20:55] <cjwatson> xivulon: that's very confusing. Why?
[20:55] <cjwatson> xivulon: it should use the one that's right there in the drive, ideally
[20:56] <mario_limonciell> also for this latest dvd it would appear that less language packages are pre-installed. was there a particular reason for that?
[20:57] <xivulon> cjwatson, depends how he runs it, if he is using a physical CD will use that (will extract the CD content as iso first), if he runs wubi standalone it will download
[20:59] <cjwatson> "PS: It crashes when it is installing Ubuntu from the CD."
[20:59] <xivulon> re commenting I meant I never found out how to edit documents in busybox, and the few times I needed to always ended up using sed (don't laugh), which is inconvenient for several lines, was wondering if you had any tip
[20:59] <cjwatson> saith the bug report
[20:59] <cjwatson> sed is what you need to use in the initramfs
[20:59] <cjwatson> it's not convenient - correct :-)
[21:00] <cjwatson> mario_limonciell: DVD ought to have all available language support
[21:00] * xivulon starts pertition for editor in busibox!
[21:00] <cjwatson> there is an editor in busybox, it's just not in the initramfs
[21:00] <cjwatson> I might add it in intrepid
[21:00] <mario_limonciell> cjwatson, all the languages were "available", just the amount pre-installed in the livefs has changed
[21:00] <mario_limonciell> so i wasn't sure if that was intended
[21:00] <cjwatson> mario_limonciell: no, I mean they're all supposed to be preinstalled in the livfs
[21:00] <cjwatson> livefs
[21:01] <mario_limonciell> hm well i preseeded all the language characters i could see, and a very large amount of lang packages got installed at the end still
[21:01] <mario_limonciell> the livefs is awfully small to have all lang packs this time around too anyhow (835 mb)
[21:02] <xivulon> when it is installing Ubuntu from the CD.
[21:03] <cjwatson> = Language packs; in theory we're putting them all on the DVD =
[21:03] <cjwatson> * /^language-pack-[^-]+$/
[21:03] <cjwatson> * /^language-pack-gnome-[^-]+$/
[21:03] <cjwatson> says the current live-dvd build
[21:03] <cjwatson> bring it up on #ubuntu-devel?
[21:03] <xivulon> cjwatson the way I read is that "it crashes when it is installing Ubuntu from the CD"= "when in ubiquity"
[21:03] <xivulon> even if he was using wubi with cd that would be ejected
[21:03] <mario_limonciell> cjwatson, let me get a log from a full install of everythign that gets installed (my last install failed due to the noninteractive), so i'll do one with automatic-ubiquity and then bring it up so i have some hard evidence
[21:04] <cjwatson> xivulon: it sure sounds like a physical CD though
[21:05] <cjwatson> mario_limonciell: the .manifest file lists all the packages installed in the livefs, so you can check that way
[21:05] <xivulon> hmm not sure he says it was an iso issue, I will ask to avoid doubts
[21:06] <mario_limonciell> cjwatson, well that definitely shows it then. the manifests are significantly different
[21:14] <xivulon> cjwatson the only reason wubi would redownload when there is a CD is if the checksum of squashfs fails
[21:15] <xivulon> that is only tested when there is no internet connection (since with internet connection I assume I can get the md5 of the full iso).
[21:15] <xivulon> There used to be a bug whereby that check would always fail, but then again he would then not have been able to download the ISO...
[21:58] <cjwatson> evand: do you have anything more for the next upload? We should get that done ASAP if it's breaking wubi
[22:08] <evand> cjwatson: no, I'll do another upload later tonight for the rest of my work, but I agree, I'll do an upload now.
[22:11] <cjwatson> ok, cool
[22:11] <cjwatson> if you're going to do another one today anyway feel free to wait for that; I'm finishing up now anyway
[22:11] <evand> ok
[22:25] <xivulon> evan have uploaded rev481
[22:25] <xivulon> to use nsis 2.36 rename the nsis folder and run make prerequisites
[22:36] <cjwatson> xivulon: on 208818: now that I look at it again, you don't need to use sed; I included detailed directions on using a real editor in the real system
[22:36] <cjwatson> "Boot with the 'break=casper-bottom' kernel parameter, run 'chroot /root nano /usr/bin/ubiquity-dm', ..."
[22:37] <xivulon> heh was about to try the same thing... I am crap at regex & co...
[22:37] <xivulon> downloading the iso now
[22:38] * cjwatson -> housework then bed
[23:30] <blahblahx> howdy folks
[23:30] <blahblahx> is it possible to edit the link for the release notes in ubiquity?
[23:38] <cjwatson> blahblahx: sorry, more detail? (I know the link you're referring to, just trying to figure out what you're trying to do)
[23:38] <cjwatson> is this for producing a custom image?
[23:38] <blahblahx> yes
[23:38] <blahblahx> and i have custom release notes
[23:39] <cjwatson> right, certainly
[23:39] <blahblahx> that i want the button to link to
[23:39] <cjwatson> the URL is in .disk/release_notes_url on the CD
[23:39] <blahblahx> where on the cd?
[23:39] <cjwatson> let me clarify. /.disk/release_notes_url on the CD
[23:40] <blahblahx> on the final iso?
[23:40] <cjwatson> yes
[23:40] <blahblahx> huh let me see
[23:40] <cjwatson> ${LANG} in the URL is replaced by the ISO-639-1 code for the language, if you want to internationalise your release notes
[23:41] <xivulon> evand 382
[23:41] <blahblahx> what if for some reason i dont have a .disk folder on my final iso?
[23:41] <blahblahx> why would that be?
[23:42] <blahblahx> could i just create it if its not there?
[23:42] <cjwatson> blahblahx: perhaps because you used cp with a * wildcard to copy things over
[23:43] <blahblahx> cjwatson: actually i used reconstructor.
[23:43] <blahblahx> cjwatson: you know about it?
[23:43] <cjwatson> * does not match hidden files or directories (those whose names begin with .)
[23:43] <cjwatson> I know about reconstructor, but I didn't know it was so badly broken as to not include .disk
[23:43] <blahblahx> its not
[23:43] <blahblahx> i have seen other isos made with it that have .disk
[23:43] <cjwatson> .disk is required, so I suggest you grab an Ubuntu image, copy across its .disk, and tweak to suit you
[23:44] <blahblahx> am i supposed to have a .disc_id file in the main folder of my iso?
[23:45] <cjwatson> beware of the .disk/casper-uuid-generic file; you need to make that match conf/uuid.conf in the casper initrd, if there is one
[23:45] <cjwatson> I've never heard of .disc_id. The installer doesn't use it.
[23:45] <blahblahx> ahh thank you
[23:46] <blahblahx> cjwatson: because i had copied a .disk folder to my iso from a similar distro, but there were ubiquity errors. could that be from the uuid.conf?
[23:46] <cjwatson> if you got the casper-uuid-generic file wrong, then it wouldn't get as far as ubiquity; it would simply fail to boot
[23:46] <blahblahx> oh then nevermind its not that
[23:47] <blahblahx> oh wait disc_id is a reconstructor info file, nothing important
[23:48] <cjwatson> if there is a /conf/uuid.conf file in /casper/initrd.gz, then the CD is required to have a file matching /.disk/casper-uuid* with the same unique ID in it. (You can boot with the ignore_uuid parameter to skip this check.) This is so that you can put a rescue image on the hard disk that looks mostly like a live CD, without casper accidentally booting from it.
[23:48] <cjwatson> But if you aren't running into this, you don't need to care.
[23:48] <blahblahx> well the disk boots fine, but then when i open ubiquity, i get a language error like "language exited with error 127"
[23:48] <blahblahx> and it tells me to check my syslog
[23:49] <blahblahx> which i checked, but couldn't quite decode the part about ubiquity
[23:49] <cjwatson> I've heard a few reports of this, but either I haven't diagnosed it or I have forgotten what the result was. Could you please put the full syslog somewhere that I can see it?
[23:49] <blahblahx> shall i pastebin it?
[23:49] <cjwatson> yes, please
[23:49] <blahblahx> ok this pastebin that i post will be from the cd where i copied the .disk folder from another similar distro
[23:49] <blahblahx> gimmie a sec
[23:50] <blahblahx> should i post the entire syslog or just the parts with ubiquity in them?
[23:51] <cjwatson> the entire syslog, please
[23:51] <cjwatson> extra information is rarely harmful, and missing information can be painful to get past
[23:52] <blahblahx> cool
[23:52] <blahblahx> www.pastebin.com/m41bfb833
[23:52] <Silicium> www.opensnom.org - the Open Snom Implementation
[23:53] <blahblahx> oh wait thats not a correct link
[23:53] <blahblahx> cjwatson: hold on ill post the real link
[23:53] <cjwatson> http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/ubuntu-paste may be useful; you can feed it data to pastebin on stdin
[23:53] <cjwatson> (not my work originally, though I forget where it came from)
[23:54] <cjwatson> Silicium: why's that relevant here?
[23:54] <cjwatson> (says it's based on Debian, not Ubuntu?)
[23:54] <Silicium> maybe :)
[23:54] <blahblahx> here its on pastebin.com and i put the name as blahblahx cjwatson
[23:54] <Silicium> debian
[23:54] <mario_limonciell> cjwatson, ooh neat toy
[23:54] <Silicium> p.eof.name
[23:54] <Silicium> blahblahx:
[23:54] <blahblahx> Silicium: yeah?
[23:55] <Silicium> ups
[23:55] <Silicium> wrong
[23:55] <cjwatson> blahblahx: err, sorry, no idea how I would search for that
[23:55] <cjwatson> oh, I see, the links on the left
[23:55] <blahblahx> cjwatson: right
[23:55] <cjwatson> http://pastebin.com/m776aaa31 ?
[23:55] <blahblahx> yup
[23:56] <cjwatson> blahblahx: please post /etc/lsb-release
[23:56] <blahblahx> on the livecd?
[23:56] <cjwatson> yes
[23:56] <blahblahx> ok one sec
[23:58] <xivulon> cjwatson, when I boot Xubuntu live cd I see ubuntu usplash
[23:58] <blahblahx> now its called blahblahx2