UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /09 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
[00:23] <asac> seb128_: i could reproduce it with our builds, but not when building upstream sources. now that almost all patches we had could be dropped there is a good chance that those are fixed. i didn't get them while doing my tests here at least.
[00:23] <seb128_> ok
[00:26] <asac> seb128_: partially good news is that you can now add certs
[00:27] <asac> however, the reason, why the arguments passed to the cert dialog are not used to prefill the proper url is still unknown
[00:28] <seb128_> which means from an user point of view?
[00:31] <asac> seb128_: the user experience is somewhat similar to that of adding a exception manually.
[00:31] <asac> seb128_: youll see
[00:31] <seb128_> ok
[00:32] <asac> definitly an improvement to "no new certs" :)
[00:32] <seb128_> right
[00:33] <seb128_> hum, make me think that I need to talk to pitti to know why apport starts firefox rather than the preferred browser
[00:33] <seb128_> especially that running firefox for non firefox users doesn't work
[00:34] <asac> seb128_: it does?
[00:34] <asac> strange
[00:34] <seb128_> you get the question about migrating your datas and then firefox doesn't load the called url
[00:35] <seb128_> I had to use something else than decide later to get the thing opening a webpage
[00:36] <asac> seb128_: which migration dialog are you talking about?
[00:36] <asac> seb128_: like what you get when you run:
[00:36] <asac> /usr/lib/firefox-3.0b5/ffox-3-beta-profile-migration-dialog
[00:36] <seb128_> yes
[00:37] <seb128_> I click on "decide later" since I updated because that's the default choice and I didn't bother ;-)
[00:37] <asac> ok. thats definitly not something a "normal user" will see. it only pops-up if you ran firefox 3 alpha or early betas
[00:37] <seb128_> but that breaks "firefox URL" apparently
[00:37] <seb128_> ah, I though it ran to migrate the firefox2 datas
[00:38] <asac> no ... previousl ffox 3 used a separate profile directory
[00:38] <seb128_> the label is misleading then
[00:38] <asac> it just asks you which one you want to continue :)
[00:38] <asac> to use
[00:38] <seb128_> ok
[00:38] <asac> seb128_: the title reads "firefox 3 beta support" :)
[00:39] <asac> seb128_: the label was drafted by mpt
[00:39] <asac> in london
[00:39] <seb128_> anyway the issue is not there, it's rather than I use epiphany which is correctly configured in GNOME and than apport calls firefox
[00:39] <asac> i had a different versoin .... but that was a bit too echnical
[00:39] <asac> hehe right
[00:39] <asac> thats definilty an issue
[00:39] <asac> maybe pitti did this back when ssl was completely broken for ephy?
[00:40] <asac> was that broken?
[00:40] <asac> can't remember
[00:40] <asac> ;)
[00:40] <seb128_> no
[00:40] <asac> lets wait i guess
[00:40] <seb128_> yeah, I need to try again
[00:40] <seb128_> the crash was an installation issue
[00:40] <seb128_> so might be that's it's trying to use sudo apport or similar
[00:41] <seb128_> and so not using my user settings
[00:41] <seb128_> I'll talk to pitti about it when he's around
[00:41] <asac> right. night
[00:41] <seb128_> 'night
[00:41] <asac> tomorrow meeting starts at 8 *sigh*
[00:41] <seb128_> waouh, it's late again
[00:41] <asac> yeah
[00:41] <asac> ;)
[00:41] <seb128_> too much to do this week
[00:42] <asac> bye
[00:42] <seb128_> see you later
[00:50] <seb128_> tedg: your gnome-screensaver tarballs seems to not be the upstream one?
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[07:11] <dholbach> good morning
[07:21] <crevette> hello
[08:12] <seb128> good morning
[08:16] <dholbach> hey seb128
[08:18] <seb128> hello dholbach
[08:25] <mvo> good morning seb128!
[08:26] <seb128> hey hey mvo
[08:32] <Hobbsee> morning seb128, dholbach, mvo
[08:39] <mvo> hey Hobbsee, dholbach!
[08:39] <Hobbsee> mvo: sky fallen in yet?
[08:39] <mvo> its falling for me all week already
[08:40] <crevette> seb128, would you be against updating gnome-phone-manager to the latest version ? it solves some problem; but the heck is gnokii has to be updated as well
[08:41] <seb128> crevette: no really opinion, I'm too busy to do that myself and it's late for hardy
[08:42] <crevette> yeah, I understand, that's why I was asking
[08:42] <crevette> gnome-phone-manager is not really a problem, but I'm but concerned with gnokii
[08:44] <Hobbsee> mvo: oh dear. how's the compiz testing going?
[08:45] <mvo> Hobbsee: not too bad, the upgrades are currently more work, dapper->hardy and gutsy->hardy double the amount of test cases and potential failures
[08:46] <Hobbsee> mvo: yeah, true. Need some help?
[08:50] <mvo> I wouldn't mind :) checking for missing bits in the python transition is probably something that is straightfoward, or testing if the current alternative CD upgrades a dapper or gutsy with the instructions on the wiki
[08:51] <mvo> or with bug #213566
[08:51] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 213566 in xkeyboard-config "dapper->hardy missing files on upgrade" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/213566
[08:59] * Hobbsee can't do the cd stuff - bandwidth limitations.
[08:59] * Hobbsee looks at the bug
[09:09] <cassidy> about UVFe, would be cool if someone could take a look on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/212873
[09:09] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 212873 in empathy "UVFe empathy: 0.22.0 -> 0.22.1" [Wishlist,New]
[09:11] <Hobbsee> cassidy: ack'd.
[09:12] <cassidy> Hobbsee: thanks
[09:12] <Hobbsee> y/w
[09:17] <tjaalton> how do I prevent trackerd from starting up? I've removed the tracker*-files from /etc/xdg/autostart
[09:19] <seb128> tjaalton: sudo apt-get remove tracker?
[09:19] <tjaalton> seb128: obviously :)
[09:20] <seb128> tjaalton: other system, preferences, indexing and uncheck the index and watch options, that's what is done in hardy by default
[09:20] <seb128> s/other/otherwise
[09:24] <tjaalton> seems to have no effect, but I'll just remove it
[09:25] <tjaalton> thanks
[09:26] <seb128> tjaalton: that should, it works for everybody else apparently
[09:43] <huats> morning everyone
[09:43] <huats> seb128 crevette o/
[09:43] <seb128> lut huats
[09:50] <crevette> salut huats
[10:05] <mvo> seb128: is someone working on metacity?
[10:05] <seb128> mvo: you ;-)
[10:06] <seb128> mvo: you mean in ubuntu?
[10:06] <mvo> wellll
[10:06] <seb128> mvo: marnanel is upstream for it
[10:06] <mvo> yeah, if someone is updating it or anything, I would like to work on it and this is a check_lock()
[10:06] * mvo wants bzr
[10:06] <seb128> mvo: go for it ;-)
[10:08] * mvo checks metacity into bzr
[10:50] <Hobbsee> mvo: is there any wya to say "use this mirror in all cases, except when it doesn't have the required stuff, in which case, looka t that mirror?"
[10:53] <mvo> yeah, if you have "deb http://mirror1/ubuntu hardy main" and a line below "deb http://mirror2" it will use mirror1 if it has the stuff and mirror2 if mirror1 is e.g. outdated
[10:54] <seb128> asac: hey
[10:54] <seb128> asac: could you look to https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/214468? that seems a xulrunner issue, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/13274689/stacktrace-visitingbugtracker-dbgsym.txt
[10:54] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 214468 in epiphany-browser "Epiphany crashes inside xulrunner when viewing HTTPS sites" [Undecided,New]
[10:54] <seb128> "/etc/alternatives/xulrunner-addons-flashplugin\000lternative.so"
[10:55] <seb128> weird
[10:55] <Hobbsee> mvo: ahh, so it will obey that, all the time?
[10:55] * Hobbsee moves more mirrors around then
[10:55] <Hobbsee> mvo: thanks
[10:55] <mvo> it should, if not, that would be a bug :)
[10:55] <mvo> cheers
[10:56] <Hobbsee> mvo: wasn't sure if it was picking the fastest one, or something
[10:57] <Hobbsee> Fetched 99.6MB in 7min37s (218kB/s)
[10:57] <Hobbsee> that's better.
[10:57] <Hobbsee> still not hte mirror i was hoping for (that one's not unmetered), but it's still faster than pulling it from the UK.
[11:01] <asac> seb128: wow: resolved_path = "/etc/alternatives/xulrunner-addons-flashplugin\000lternative.so"
[11:01] <seb128> asac: yeah, that's what I wrote before
[11:02] <seb128> I'm wondering how that happened
[11:02] <seb128> and if that's a weird filename on the disk or a code error
[11:04] <asac> seb128: looks like an infinite recursion. funny thing is that java plugin appears to retrigger a plugin scan
[11:04] <asac> seb128: was there a java update recently?
[11:05] <seb128> asac: not that I know, but maybe better to ask doko
[11:06] <seb128> asac: there was a flash plugin update this night though
[11:07] <asac> in the archive?
[11:09] <seb128> asac: the flashplugin-nonfree thing
[11:09] <seb128> asac: " * Update md5sum and package version for Flash"
[11:09] <seb128> asac: that's the changelog entry
[11:11] <asac> seb128: ok. let me check if i can already get that
[11:11] <seb128> well, I don't get the bug having those installed
[11:11] <seb128> so I guess it's not the update
[11:31] <asac> seb128: i am in a stat whre i cannot close the crash notificatoin bubble
[11:31] <asac> state
[11:31] <asac> i had that a few times now; anything i can gather now to help you?
[11:31] <asac> hmm ... it auto disappeared. anything next time i get that?
[11:32] <seb128> no idea, maybe mvo knows better, he hacked on that already
[11:33] <mvo> asac: that usually happens if the notification-daemon crashes iirc (or hangs)
[11:33] <mvo> asac: is there a crash file for that daemon?
[11:40] * asac looking
[11:40] <asac> mvo: no, but i think there already were too many crashes in. ill see if i get one next time
[11:43] <mvo> ok
[12:24] <fernando> moin all
[12:26] <seb128> hey fernando
[12:27] <fernando> hey seb128, how are you going?
[12:27] <seb128> fernando: good, what about you?
[12:27] <fernando> seb128, good too
[12:34] <dholbach> hey fernando!
[12:34] * dholbach hugs fernando
[12:34] <fernando> hey dholbach
[12:34] * fernando hugs dholbach
[12:34] <dholbach> :-)
[12:36] <fernando> dholbach, how are you going?
[12:36] <dholbach> good - just a bit tired :)
[12:38] <fernando> rest a little =)
[12:39] <dholbach> I'll make it a lunch break soon :)
[13:01] <seb128> hey pedro_!
[13:01] <pedro_> bonjour seb128!
[13:29] <pochu> seb128: I guess we should get 2.22 in before tomorrow, right?
[13:30] <seb128> pochu: yes, it's mostly done now
[13:31] <seb128> I've gnome-user-share to consider on my list if it's fixed in debian
[13:31] <seb128> swfdec-gnome to sync if they update
[13:31] <seb128> the mobile team does cheese
[13:32] <pochu> and anjuta (I know it's in universe, but I don't care :p) and I haven't seen robster lately, and it's not in pkg-gnome yet
[13:32] <seb128> gedit-plugins which can be fake synced, slomo did the update but didn't upload due to some debian transition
[13:32] <seb128> ah, we don't have that on the desktop so I didn't really bother
[13:32] <seb128> but you are welcome to do the update if you want ;-)
[13:33] <pochu> ember: if you were looking for updates, feel free to do anjuta even if it's listed to be synced :) If you weren't, then nevermind
[13:33] <pochu> oh, I thought it was in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/WeeklyTODO. I see it's not
[13:34] <pochu> ember: the update should be trivial... if you aren't going to do it, let me know and I'll take care of it
[14:00] <huats> pochu: if I find some time and if ember has not, I might do it too (anjuta)
[14:06] <huats> pochu: In fact it is building right now :)
[14:17] <mvo> asac: can we have a transitional /usr/bin/mozilla-thunderbird binary symlink or something for dapper->hardy upgrade compatibility?
[14:19] <Hobbsee> mvo: we don't already?
[14:20] <Hobbsee> mvo: er, why? mozilla-thunderbird depends on thunderbird, and that will provide the link required?
[14:20] <Hobbsee> oh, that's right. it screws up gnome-do, and the run command, if you do. IIRC.
[14:20] <mvo> does it? I had a upgrade the other day where it was missing
[14:21] <Hobbsee> it'll certainly provide thunderbird.
[14:22] <mvo> yeah, thunderbird is there, just no mozilla-thunderbird and that kills custom launchers
[14:22] <Hobbsee> mvo: have you tried using a symlink for mozilla-thunderbird on any post-2.0 thunderbird release?
[14:22] <mvo> not a big thing, but irritating
[14:22] <mvo> no
[14:22] <Hobbsee> mvo: you need to, because i'm fairly sure it breaks.
[14:22] <ember> huats feel free to do it
[14:25] <Hobbsee> mvo: right, so if you symlink ln -s ../lib/thunderbird/thunderbird mozilla-thunderbird it works, but not if you symlink what was ln -s ../lib/thunderbird/mozilla-thunderbird mozilla-thunderbird, which i'd tried previously
[14:26] <Hobbsee> sorry for the noise.
[14:27] <huats> ember: ok
[14:29] <mvo> aha, thanks
[14:31] <Hobbsee> mvo: darn you. now i'm triaging thunderbird bugs.
[14:34] <Hobbsee> mvo: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird/+bug/148008 is the same thing.
[14:34] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 148008 in mozilla-firefox "ff will not open thunderbird" [Undecided,Incomplete]
[14:35] <Hobbsee> mvo: in fact, that's the bug that you're talking about.
[14:35] <asac> mvo: which application opens mozilla-thunderbird after upgrade?
[14:36] <mvo> asac: no app, but custom desktop launchers (e.g. if people created a gnome launcher on their desktop or panel
[14:36] <asac> hmm
[14:36] <asac> ok
[14:36] * Hobbsee marks another dupe.
[14:36] <Hobbsee> asac: old firefox shortcuts too, it appears.
[14:36] <asac> maybe the bug was that the .desktop file name changed?
[14:37] <Hobbsee> asac: entire binary name changed, and the mozilla-thunderbird symlink to run-mozilla.sh got removed.
[14:37] <mvo> possible both
[14:37] <asac> Hobbsee: sorry, what is a firefox shortcut?
[14:37] <Hobbsee> asac: mailto?
[14:37] <asac> ah ok scheme/protocol handler
[14:38] <Hobbsee> asac: a lot of people have set their prefs.js / users.js with it too, it appears, then it broke.
[14:38] <Hobbsee> asac: presumably because it was having trouble working originally
[14:38] <asac> yeah
[14:39] <asac> can someone file a blocker bug on that?
[14:39] <asac> e.g. ship binary link + .desktop file link?
[14:39] <asac> :)
[14:40] <mib_mhawq70g> have a question about the new beta release of ubuntu
[14:40] <Hobbsee> asac: i could probably just fix the package, if you wanted.
[14:40] <mib_mhawq70g> With Ubuntu 7.10 my ATI grafik driver provided by ubuntu OS worked fine and i could use the desktop effects without any problems
[14:40] <Hobbsee> or at least, attmept it
[14:41] <mib_mhawq70g> but with the beta i.e. 8.04 i can't use the desktop effects, if i use it, then the windows open and close with a strange twist and disturbance
[14:41] <mib_mhawq70g> and while booting the ubuntu logo is also not sharp i.e. the 8.04 beta version does not seem to be working properly with the ATI grafic driver
[14:41] <mib_mhawq70g> is this some kind of bug which i can report on the ubuntu website?
[14:41] <asac> Hobbsee: if you build on top of bzr branch and push that somewhere so i can merge that would be appreciated
[14:42] <asac> Hobbsee: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/thunderbird/thunderbird.dev
[14:42] <mib_mhawq70g> i am using the restricted driver and if i switch off the desktop effects then everything works fine
[14:42] <Hobbsee> asac: what on earth?
[14:42] <Hobbsee> asac: did you guys never do a user migration from .mozilla-thunderbird to .thunderbird?
[14:44] <huats> pochu: bug 214601
[14:44] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 214601 in anjuta "Please sponsor gcalctool 2.4.1 into hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/214601
[14:44] <Hobbsee> asac: if you didn't do so, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird/+bug/155621 is probably a blocker.
[14:44] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 155621 in thunderbird "mozilla-thunderbird --> thunderbird. Did not find old profile folder" [Undecided,New]
[14:46] <seb128> huats: wrong title ;-)
[14:46] <asac> Hobbsee: no ... we still have .mozilla-thunderbird because old profiles still have absolute paths in it
[14:47] <asac> getting that right is easy for most, but really tricky for corner cases
[14:47] <Hobbsee> asac: i realise that, but you probably should be copying it to .thunderbird or something too?
[14:47] <Hobbsee> asac: any extensions which aren't compatible got disabled.
[14:47] <Hobbsee> otherwise users suddenly think their email has vanished, whcih is bad.
[14:47] <huats> seb128: oups
[14:48] <huats> I am correcting that right now...
[14:48] <asac> Hobbsee: i don't understand that
[14:48] <huats> seb128: thanks
[14:48] <asac> why would i copy it .thunderbird?
[14:48] <asac> its not used by our package '
[14:48] <seb128> asac: ok, so the for your information the new xrandr capplet thingy had broken dpi calculation
[14:48] <Hobbsee> because our package uses .thunderbird since thunderbird 2.0, last i checked.
[14:49] <seb128> asac: so it might explain some font rendering issue reported by some people
[14:49] <asac> Hobbsee: can't ack that, we are still using .mozilla-thunderbird
[14:49] <seb128> asac: those using it had 1x1 dpi numbers for example instead of 96x96
[14:49] <Hobbsee> no, i lie, we are still using .m-t
[14:49] <asac> hmm
[14:49] * Hobbsee puts the symlink back in
[14:50] <Hobbsee> asac: are they using upstream firefox, or something?
[14:50] <asac> upstream is .thunderbird
[14:50] <asac> but ubuntu never had that
[14:50] <Hobbsee> right, yeah
[14:50] <asac> :)
[14:51] <asac> seb128: strange. what does pango do with 1x1 dpi?
[14:51] <seb128> asac: I'm not sure, but I noticed that it broken evince (it displays things very zoomed out) and fonts in epiphany-browser which are smaller
[14:51] <Hobbsee> asac: any idea why that guy, and the dupe, got that bug then?
[14:52] <seb128> asac: GNOME seems to not care about the dpi number
[14:54] <seb128> asac: the redhat guys added that to the capplet code
[14:54] <seb128> " * Firefox apparently believes what X tells it. It is a foolish
[14:54] <seb128> * application."
[14:54] <asac> thats not true
[14:54] <asac> firefox has a lower bound of 96
[14:55] <asac> everything below will be intepreted as 96
[14:55] <seb128> ok, so without this capplet the value is 120 for me
[14:55] <seb128> and using the capplet broken or fixed looks the same
[14:55] <asac> and fonts are directly rendered by pango (not through the dpi detected by it)
[14:55] <seb128> which makes sense according to your comment
[14:55] <seb128> evince was totally broken
[14:55] <asac> you won't see any font issues due to firefox ... its just pango used for fonts
[14:55] <seb128> and firefox was rendering things the same way as when 96 dpi is used
[14:55] <asac> dpi is only used to scale images
[14:56] <seb128> ok
[14:56] <asac> (but with 96 dpi lower bounds)
[14:56] <seb128> I was commenting because you pochu and you discussed the issue some days ago
[14:57] <asac> yeah
[14:57] <asac> i fixed a related bug upstream
[14:57] <seb128> ok, so it's all good
[14:58] <pochu> huats: thanks! looking at it
[14:58] <huats> pochu: ok great
[14:58] <huats> ping me if something is needed
[14:58] * Hobbsee marks more dupes
[14:59] <Hobbsee> 7 bugs, for the 5-a-day.
[14:59] <seb128> Hobbsee: still the launchpad integration bug?
[14:59] <Hobbsee> seb128: eparse?
[14:59] <Hobbsee> seb128: luke fixed that.
[14:59] <Hobbsee> seb128: no, this is thunderbird bugs.
[14:59] <seb128> Hobbsee: ok, that's one which had several duplicates
[14:59] <seb128> so I was wondering ;-)
[15:00] <Hobbsee> seb128: yeah, i'm sure it does :)
[15:00] <Hobbsee> seb128: i've not been back to that one.
[15:03] <Hobbsee> asac: are all crashes that begin with __kernel_vsyscall () dupes?
[15:05] <asac> Hobbsee: no ... thats just the top
[15:05] <Hobbsee> asac: hmm, kay.
[15:05] <asac> but the rest can be completely different
[15:05] <ember> seb128 do i need to g-t with b-d on lp .17 too or it is fine?
[15:05] <Hobbsee> asac: yeah, i suspected so, thanks.
[15:07] <seb128> ember: everything using liblaunchpad-integration0 need to be rebuilt, things added <separators/> in the description need to be updated to not
[15:07] <ember> ok, i'm gonna re-check some things
[15:07] <ember> thanks
[15:08] <Hobbsee> dholbach: who commits the bugs for 5-a-day now?
[15:09] <dholbach> Hobbsee: hm?
[15:09] <Hobbsee> dholbach: Bugs have been added, but not committed yet (already committed 28 minutes ago).
[15:10] <dholbach> it will commit a batch of added bugs (if 60 minutes have passed), or you can either use --add -f
[15:14] <Hobbsee> dholbach: -f worked, thanks.
[15:14] <dholbach> Hobbsee: it was blueyed's idea :)
[15:15] * Hobbsee wonders hwo bughelper works nowadays
[15:15] * Hobbsee suspects teh syntax has changed
[15:16] <pochu> wow, anjuta's clean targets are so broken...
[15:16] <pochu> $ zgrep "^+++ " anjuta_2.4.0-2.diff.gz | grep -v debian | wc -l
[15:16] <pochu> 136
[15:16] <Hobbsee> mvo: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/214612 is an apt bug, no?
[15:16] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 214612 in soyuz "Provide pdiffs for apt-get update" [Undecided,New]
[15:17] <mvo> Hobbsee: no, if anything a won't fix - but let the soyuz people decide
[15:17] <Hobbsee> ahh
[15:17] <mvo> Hobbsee: apt supports pdiffs just fine, we just don't pulish any of those
[15:18] <Hobbsee> ahhhh....
[15:18] <Hobbsee> right
[15:18] <mvo> and that is reasonable because our archive goes through a lot more churn
[15:19] <Hobbsee> yup
[15:20] * xhaker asks how to rm a link in a preinst script when rm_conffile does the wrong thing, and creates a dpk-.bak
[15:21] <xhaker> checking checksums of a link? shouldn't i be able to just rm -f the link?
[15:22] <pochu> huats: uploading, thanks!
[15:22] <pochu> huats: btw, you forgot to update the maintainer ;)
[15:23] <huats> pochu: oh that is true...
[15:23] <huats> sorry
[15:23] <pochu> np
[15:35] <ember> seb128 http://pfragoso.org/ubuntu/gnome-terminal_2.22.1-0ubuntu2.debdiff
[15:37] <seb128> ember: there is no need to change the build-depends there if it's not using the api which changed
[15:37] <seb128> ember: don't bother, those just need a no change uploaded, that's as quick to do rebuild that to sponsor so it's not really useful to go through sponsoring there
[15:38] <ember> oh okidoki
[15:44] <Hobbsee> ack. i'd forgotten how bad mines is with a touchpad.
[16:19] <seb128> asac: so this epiphany crash from this morning is due to j2re1.4, once this one install I can confirm epiphany is crashing
[16:25] <asac> seb128: j2re1.4 why do you use that?
[16:26] <seb128> asac: I don't, the submitter figured the crash was due to this one, and I installed it to see if it trigger the crash on my installation too
[16:26] <asac> and not java5, java6 and so on
[16:27] <asac> ah
[16:27] <asac> ok
[16:28] <asac> reassing that bug against java 1.4 id say
[16:28] <seb128> why?
[16:28] <seb128> epiphany was not crashing before the recent updates
[16:28] <asac> with java 1.4?
[16:29] <seb128> it doesn't seem that the submitter just installed java 1.4
[16:29] <seb128> so it's likely the xulrunner or the epiphany-browser recent updates which triggered the issue
[16:29] <seb128> btw why do we still have j2re1.4 in hardy multiverse if it should not be used?
[16:30] <asac> seb128: because doko claimed that nothing else works on amd64
[16:30] <asac> but i think thats not true anymore
[16:30] <seb128> ok
[16:30] <asac> ill prod him
[16:30] <seb128> anyway low priority bug, I just wanted to let you know that the crash is due to it
[16:31] <asac> seb128: upstream changed the api used by java plugin in recent updates to fix security issues. most likely they didn't consider 1.4 worth not to break.
[16:32] <asac> so it makes sense to some degree that this appeared now
[16:32] <seb128> epiphany or xulrunner?
[16:32] <asac> epiphany doesn't implement any plugin host ;)
[16:32] <asac> http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2008/mfsa2008-18.html
[16:33] <asac> thats the advisory that changed raised the bar for java
[16:33] <seb128> ok
[16:33] <asac> but thats for the stable release branch
[16:33] <asac> most likely they did mor eintrusive changes to trunk
[16:33] <seb128> I'll reassign from epiphany to xulrunner and let you talk to doko ;-)
[16:33] <asac> let me look
[16:34] <asac> seb128: yes, please add java 1.4 to title
[16:34] <asac> so i can easily spot that
[16:34] <seb128> ok
[16:34] <asac> i ping doko. lets see
[16:46] <asac> seb128: bug id?
[16:47] <seb128> asac: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/214468
[16:47] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 214468 in epiphany-browser "Epiphany crashes inside xulrunner when j2re1.4 is installed" [Undecided,New]
[16:47] <seb128> asac: I just reassigned it
[16:47] <asac> oh :)
[16:47] * asac hits cancel
[16:58] <crevette> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evince/+bug/213745/comments/49 wtf
[16:58] <crevette> I don't understand such people
[16:59] <asac> seb128: bug 214468
[16:59] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 214468 in meta-j2re1.4-mozilla "[removal request] Remove all java 1.4 bits from hardy (Was: Epiphany crashes inside xulrunner when j2re1.4 is installed)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/214468
[17:00] <seb128> asac: ok
[17:00] <seb128> asac: you might want to make xulrunner conflicts on it then?
[17:00] <asac> seb128: good idea.
[17:02] <asac> crevette: actually i would like a feature to edit comments in launchpad ... or remove comments completely (well hide them would be enough)
[17:03] <asac> like slashdot ;)
[17:03] <asac> people then could rate up useful comments and i could just read the gems ;)
[17:03] <asac> paradise :)
[17:04] <seb128> asac: btw will you do the epiphany-extensions update?
[17:05] <seb128> crevette: did you ask for an approval for the new gnome-phone-manager version?
[17:06] <asac> seb128: yes i can do the update. does it ship anything new besides our xul patches?
[17:06] <crevette> seb128: no I'm overusy during the day
[17:07] <crevette> I just arrived now, and I need a break
[17:07] <crevette> sorry :/
[17:07] <seb128> asac: I didn't look to detail, just that they did xul1.9 changes and you know better if the ubuntu patches can be dropped or not
[17:07] <seb128> crevette: that's alright ;-)
[17:07] <seb128> crevette: I'm not using it anyway, was just curious
[17:07] <asac> seb128: i thiknn chpe just used our patches. but ill see
[17:08] <seb128> asac: ok, thanks
[17:10] <asac> seb128: 2.22.1 is latest right? (wonder because ephy had
[17:10] <seb128> yes
[17:16] <crevette> I need to figure out if phone-mgr 0.50 and latest gnokii have know bugs
[17:17] <crevette> but I don't know who do I need to contact for those
[17:55] <asac> mvo: you know apturl apt:something?section=multiverse right? is there a section i can use for the partner repo?
[17:56] <mvo> asac: yeah, that should work, but I suspect there is a bug in the code, I will investigate
[17:57] <mvo> asac: partner will not work I'm afraid
[18:26] <johandc> Hi, where does the new xrandr and gnome-display-settings store its settings?
[18:26] <johandc> I flipped my desktop upside-down which renders the screen black, and now i cant set it back to normal again.
[19:30] <vuntz> stupid question
[19:30] <vuntz> does /etc/timezone end with \n?
[19:33] <shiyee> vuntz: does on my system
[19:34] <vuntz> thanks
[19:49] <kwwii> pitti: I'll make you a deal...upload my ubuntu-wallpaper package and I will make it more than 1MB smaller
[19:54] <kwwii> http://sinecera.de/ubuntu-wallpapers_0.25.dsc
[19:59] <Anon2910> hello
[19:59] <Anon2910> hola
[20:05] <kwwii> hola
[21:40] <Nafallo> can I get ekiga to use pulseaudio?
[21:40] <seb128> Nafallo: no idea about ekiga
[21:41] <Nafallo> I bet speakers work because of some emulation somewhere, but not the mic :-/
[22:02] <Nafallo> hmm
[22:02] <Nafallo> not sure what happened to Evince, but my PDFs are scaled down to 2% or something...
[22:10] <seb128> Nafallo: update again and restart your session
[22:10] <seb128> Nafallo: you used the new xrandr capplet right?
[22:11] <seb128> Nafallo: gnome-desktop was using a wrong dpi calculation and evince uses the xorg value
[22:11] <Nafallo> dunno. just double-clicked the PDF :-)
[22:11] <Nafallo> ah. fixed bugs are the best ones :-)
[22:11] <Nafallo> will need to logout later then ;-)
[22:15] <seb128> update and try to use the capplet
[22:15] <seb128> that might fix it too
[22:15] <Nafallo> okidoki
[22:16] <Nafallo> hi tedg :-)
[22:16] <tedg> Hello Nafallo
[22:16] <Nafallo> morning pochu :-)
[22:20] <pochu> good night Nafallo!
[22:20] <pochu> Nafallo: where are you from? I thought you were from Norway or Sweden...
[22:21] <Nafallo> pochu: Sweden, but live in London.
[22:21] <Nafallo> Wed Apr 9 22:21:19 BST 2008
[22:23] <pochu> Nafallo: I'm in Spain :)
[22:24] <Nafallo> pochu: yea, I figured.
[22:24] <Nafallo> pochu: still morning somewhere :-P
[22:43] <tedg> Nafallo: I have a new GPM package in my PPA that I believe fixes some of the idle brightness problems (I think you were having that one), could you see if it fixes it?
[22:45] <Nafallo> tedg: sure. tomorrow morning. have the laptop in the office.
[22:45] <Nafallo> :-)
[22:45] <Nafallo> tedg: BST btw.
[22:46] <tedg> Ah, so e-mail me then, I'll be asleep ;)
[22:50] <Nafallo> tedg: your_nick@canonical.com ? :-)
[22:50] <Amaranth> Nafallo: first.last@canonical.com
[22:50] <Nafallo> oki. kewl.
[22:50] <Amaranth> don't tell anyone the secret ;)
[22:51] <tedg> Nafallo: So Ted.Gould.
[22:51] <Nafallo> tedg: yea. asked who you where when I was in the office :-)
[22:51] <Nafallo> ;-)
[22:51] <tedg> Heh, my first stalker... ;)
[22:51] <Nafallo> not where. was :-)
[22:52] <Nafallo> tedg: might as well when seb told me you would fix my issues ;-)
[23:07] <yosch> seb128: ping
[23:11] <seb128> yosch: hi
[23:13] <yosch> seb128: sistpoty mentioned by mail you would decide about exception for desktop-related items
[23:13] <yosch> I have one package that would could be usefully added:
[23:13] <yosch> http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=ttf-ubuntu-title
[23:13] <seb128> right, for universe and after the freeze (which is not in effect yet)
[23:14] <seb128> hum, I've no clue about fonts, better to just subscribe the motu team to this one
[23:14] <yosch> seb128: ok, I thought we were already there
[23:15] <yosch> I've been in touch via email with Arne and cjwatson. How do I subscribe the motu team?
[23:16] <seb128> ask on #ubuntu-motu about they procedure, I don't know exactly
[23:16] <yosch> OK willdo. Thanks.
[23:17] <seb128> you are welcome
[23:37] <vuntz> seb128: would you have some time to test something?
[23:37] <seb128> vuntz: yes
[23:37] <vuntz> new reading/writing code for setting timezone
[23:37] <vuntz> it should work, but, well, it's not really tested...
[23:38] <seb128> alright
[23:39] <vuntz> let me do a 'make dist'. Will be easier for you & me
[23:39] <vuntz> (don't want to commit the writing code right now)
[23:42] <walters> does anyone know how I can find out which version of dbus the dbus-glib package in debian lenny was built against?
[23:42] <walters> hm, i guess i need to map from lenny to a version number
[23:42] <seb128> walters: http://buildd.debian.org/pkg.cgi?pkg=dbus-glib
[23:43] <walters> ah, that is nicer than the interface linked from build.debian.org/index.html
[23:43] <seb128> seems to be dbus 1.1.1
[23:44] <walters> background here is: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15430
[23:44] <ubotu> Freedesktop bug 15430 in GLib "ABI break in git head" [Critical,Assigned]
[23:44] <vuntz> seb128: http://www.gnome.org/~vuntz/tmp/gnome-panel-
[23:45] <vuntz> seb128: I guess reading the timezone will work. I'm more interested in setting the timezone
[23:45] <vuntz> seb128: it should do the right thing wrt /etc/localtime and /etc/timezone and it shouldn't touch any other file
[23:46] <seb128> vuntz: ok, trying in a minute
[23:57] <seb128> vuntz: building
[23:59] <seb128> vuntz: ok, built