UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /09 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[00:13] <greg-g> are missing hotkey actions assigned to the kernel?
[00:14] <greg-g> bug 210222 looks good (has the information requested from LaptopTestingTeam/HotkeyResearch) but the wiki pages on HotKeys don't say where to file the bugs (unless I missed it, which is a possibility)
[00:14] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 210222 in ubuntu "Special Laptop Keys don't work anymore (Toshiba M200)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/210222
[00:18] * doom_ gn all
[00:50] <bdmurray> greg-g: Some of that info was just added to the Debugging X page
[00:52] <bdmurray> greg-g: actually at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting
[00:52] <greg-g> bdmurray: cool, I'm looking right now
[00:52] <bdmurray> It's fairly detailed
[00:53] <greg-g> yeah, looks like it, thats awesome
[00:54] <greg-g> so, from the section: "Problem involves missing support for some keyboard keys" it appears it should be assigned against either the kernel or HAL
[00:56] <bdmurray> Right, it really depends on the laptop model
[00:56] <greg-g> ok, obvious question then, linux or hal?
[00:57] <bdmurray> For that bug?
[00:57] <greg-g> yeah, specifically
[00:58] <greg-g> I seem to remember triaging one about this before, and it was set to the kernel and I believe it was taken care of.
[00:58] <greg-g> but I could be remembering wrong
[01:03] <bdmurray> greg-g: I don't see any toshiba stuff in /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/10freedesktop/
[01:08] <bdmurray> and I'm not certain where there xev information fits in
[01:09] <greg-g> yeah, it is a different code than what HAL is looking for
[01:10] <greg-g> different type of code, that is
[01:17] <greg-g> bdmurray: I am heading out now, but when I get back I can ask the reporter for the dmesg output (even though they said they didn't see anything) and the result from method 2 of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/HotkeyResearch just for completeness sake
[01:20] <jtechidna> A bug such as 200379 would be declared invalid because there is no way to reproduce it, correct?
[01:20] <jtechidna> bug 200379
[01:20] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 200379 in kdebase-kde4 "[KDE4] hardy, khtml/kdecore, konqueror crashed during regular use" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/200379
[01:22] <jtechidna> The HowtoTriage wiki page said just as much but I would like to ask first to be on the safe side
[01:23] <bdmurray> jtechidna: not really, it has a backtrace which might be useful to someone and there are some steps that could be tried.
[01:24] <jtechidna> Ok.
[01:25] <bdmurray> Which part of the HowtoTriage page indicated it should be Invalid?
[01:28] <yuriy> jtechidna: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=156172 looks like, at least, a similar backtrace
[01:28] <ubotu> KDE bug 156172 in general "konqueror crashes on close, reproducably" [Crash,New]
[01:29] <jtechidna> So I should ask the reporter if he can reproduce the bug using the steps from the upsream report?
[01:45] <brettalton> hi there, I'm having a problem in Hardy... I can't seem to resolve this dependency problem for my cupsys driver... can anyone help?
[01:45] <brettalton> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
[01:45] <brettalton> cupsys-bsd: Depends: cupsys-client (= 1.3.7-1ubuntu1) but 1.3.7-1ubuntu2 is installed.
[01:56] <brettalton> does anyone know if there is a problem with cupsys in hardy?
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[03:27] <brettalton> cupsys - is it broken in Hardy?
[03:57] <brettalton> lots of advertisements, no help
[03:57] <brettalton> love it
[04:02] <pleaseandthankyo> is there a good diet softwares? like for a diabetes guy or a healthy living diet software for person who has heart d eases?
[04:04] <secretlondon> pleaseandthankyo, try #ubuntu
[04:12] <mrooney> yes, they may be able to provide you with a more useful answer, this channel is just for bug discussion
[04:12] <mrooney> however I would be interested in the answer
[04:13] <mrooney> by the way is it just me or have there been a ton of updates in the last few days?
[04:13] <mrooney> are they being pressured by the upcoming RC or final release?
[04:14] <hggdh> mrooney: yes :-)
[04:15] <greg-g> there is always a mad freenzy of bug fixing/package updates in the weeks up to release
[04:15] <greg-g> I like it :)
[04:15] <mrooney> hggdh: ahh okay. it just seemed like it went from 15-30 updates a day to 70-90 a day, with no smooth transition
[04:15] * greg-g is a spoiled user
[04:15] <mrooney> as if magically everyone at the same day decided they had better fix some bugs
[04:16] <secretlondon> well the deadline is 10th
[04:16] <hggdh> mrooney: they are trying to clean up loose ends, and cross the ttt, and dot the iiii
[04:16] * secretlondon is trying to quickly make a new package too
[04:16] <hggdh> there you go...
[04:17] <hggdh> and there is an upcoming freeze
[04:17] <mrooney> oh that explains it!
[04:18] <mrooney> I guess I was thinking bugs could be fixed until the release for some silly reason, I immediately release that is wrong
[04:18] <hggdh> well, a serious bug will get a freeze exception
[04:19] <hggdh> for example, if we can find out what causes evolution-data-server to loop on (some) startup, I *will* request a freeze exception
[04:19] <secretlondon> yay!
[04:20] <hggdh> secretlondon: yes, I thought you would be interested...
[04:20] * secretlondon still has that one
[04:20] <hggdh> but I just cannot find what causes it, and upstream is somewhat lost also
[04:20] <secretlondon> loads of /me toos recently
[04:20] <hggdh> yeah :-(
[04:21] <hggdh> the few stacktraces we could get (and I thank you for some of them) show GLIB only...
[04:22] <hggdh> this is bugging the hell out of me...
[04:22] <secretlondon> I couldn't get anything else, regardless of which debug files I installed
[04:23] <hggdh> and I cannot reproduce it myself (well, I could once, but at the same time my significant other came by saying we were to go for a stroll *NOW*)
[04:23] <hggdh> then... never more...
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[06:08] <ligemeget> Hi all
[06:08] <ligemeget> Can someone please change the importance of bug 63352 ?
[06:08] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 63352 in linux "Creative labs X-Fi sound card unsupported" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63352
[06:09] <ligemeget> I believe it should be marked as 'High' for the following reasons:
[06:10] <ligemeget> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance states:
[06:10] <ligemeget> High: A bug which fulfills one of the following criteria:
[06:10] <ligemeget> Has a severe impact on a small portion of Ubuntu users (estimated) <-- TRUE
[06:10] <ligemeget> Makes a default Ubuntu installation generally unusable for some users <-- TRUE (sound is essential for many of us)
[06:10] <ligemeget> A problem with an essential hardware component (disk controller, laptop built-in wireless, video card, keyboard, mouse) <-- TRUE (the sound card)
[06:11] <RAOF> ligemeget: Changing it from "wishlist" to "high" isn't actually going to change how fast it gets fixed, you know. There just aren't useful drivers for your device. Caveat emptor.
[06:12] <ligemeget> RAOF, I know but atm the Comments section is being flooded with comments from X-Fi users feeling 'ignored' because of the fact that it's "only" on the Wishlist. This way it would seem that the Ubuntu Bugfolk acknowledge this as a problem.
[06:12] <RAOF> The other way of viewing it is that it's not actually a bug at all. Sure, it would be nice if it worked, but it never has in the past.
[06:13] <ligemeget> hmm... But the abovementioned page states "A problem with an essential hardware component" - this seems like one such
[06:15] <RAOF> It's not actually essential, and there's no reasonable way we can fix the problem.
[06:16] <RAOF> I mean, sound is nice, but the lack of it doesn't destroy your data, or render your system unusable.
[06:16] <RAOF> I wouldn't use a system without sound, but that hardly means the system is unusable.
[06:17] <RAOF> ligemeget: Moreso, the only difference would be that we'd have a longstanding bug sitting at the "high" priority, rather than a longstanding bug sitting at "wishlist". It's not going to be fixed by anyone working as an Ubuntu developer.
[06:19] <ligemeget> damn, okay somehow I see your point...
[06:19] <ligemeget> But since OSS seems to be working for some, there has to be some kind of workaround until Creative get off their asses...
[06:20] <RAOF> It'll get fixed at some point because someone with an X-Fi card will want drivers enough to write them.
[06:20] <RAOF> Ha! Creative aren't going to do anything.
[06:20] <RAOF> There _are_ kinda-working OSSv4 drivers. Sadly, OSSv4 is unlikely to be in any Ubuntu release in the forseeable future.
[06:21] <ligemeget> I thought so, but goddammit can't they at least tip off the ALSA project? I mean, what do they lose by doing that?
[06:22] <RAOF> Those drivers should be useful to someone who wants to write ALSA drivers. But currently no-one has the time, inclination and skill to write the ALSA drivers.
[06:24] <ligemeget> Damn... If you had to take a guess, when would you say that the X-Fi would possibly be supported out-of-the-box by Ubuntu..?
[06:26] <RAOF> I have absolutely no idea. It could be supported in Intrepid, if someone (from the ALSA project) feels like writing the driver. It could _never_ be supported.
[06:27] <RAOF> It's likely to get supported at some point, but that point is not really predictable.
[06:29] <ligemeget> hm, okay... (I'm considering going out and buy some cheap-ass sound card in order to just get SOME sound at least...)
[06:30] <RAOF> Might be worthwhile. You can get some pretty good and cheap USB cards, apparently.
[06:30] <ligemeget> I'll look into it...
[06:30] <ligemeget> or maybe ask the ubuntuforums oracles
[06:37] <saivann> If someone have a AMD64 machine and some minutes, can someone test & confirm bug 214430
[06:37] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 214430 in ubuntu "flash player does not work with konqueror kde4 x86_64" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/214430
[06:41] <xtknight> saivann, come to think about it nothing's preventing me from instlaling konq kde4 lol
[06:41] <xtknight> saivann, are you running konq4 from gnome or kde4?
[06:41] <xtknight> too bad i d/l at 25kb/sec now :(
[06:42] <Arby> is bug 214286 the liblaunchpad problem people were taliking about yesterday?
[06:42] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 214286 in update-manager "update-manager crashed with SIGSEGV in PyEval_EvalFrameEx()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/214286
[06:42] <Arby> and is it fixed now?
[06:44] <saivann> xtknight : lol, I tried this in ubuntu (without kde/kde4)
[06:44] <saivann> xtknight : but it worked under 32 bit, only 64 bit did not work
[06:45] <saivann> xtknight : 25kb/s is very slow when downloading whole oxygen theme + kde libs :)
[06:50] <xtknight> saivann, ok got it
[06:50] <xtknight> kde4 is uber sexy
[06:51] <xtknight> i dont think it's even finding my nspluginwrapper
[06:51] <saivann> xtknight : konqueror-kde4 has its own nspluginwrapper
[06:52] <xtknight> oh diff package?
[06:52] <saivann> xtknight : Yes, nspluginwrapper-kde4 I think
[06:53] <saivann> xtknight : You're right, kde4 looks really great :)
[06:53] <saivann> xtknight : konqueror-nsplugins-kde4
=== bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ - http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugsquad
[06:55] <xtknight> saivann, weird
[06:55] <xtknight> saivann, i dont think flashplugin executes the kde4 nsplugger
[06:55] <saivann> xtknight : Should flashplugin-nonfree executes kde4 nsplugger when it installs?
[06:56] <xtknight> saivann, yeah i mean basically mines like i dont even have a plugin
[06:56] <xtknight> installing flashplugin-nonfree installs nothing for kde4
[06:56] <xtknight> needs to exec /usr/lib/kde4/bin/nspluginscan
[06:57] <xtknight> saivann, and indeed you did find a bug
[06:57] <saivann> xtknight : And did you get to reproduce the bug ? yes ? :P
[06:57] <xtknight> because mine doesn't work after that. it's obvious the plugin is detected, and now mine fails
[06:57] <xtknight> yes
[06:57] <saivann> xtknight : Well we already have relevant informations about it, that's great
[06:58] <saivann> xtknight : What could be the cause? ia32-libs (I'm not so good as a developper)?
[06:58] <xtknight> ill post my log and stuff
[06:59] <xtknight> hmm i dont know ill check it out in a second
[06:59] <saivann> xtknight : Thanks for your work on this!
[06:59] <xtknight> saivann, same for you
[07:00] <saivann> xtknight : I did set the Importance to medium
[07:01] <xtknight> saivann, oh i'm not sure if users have rights to change importance
[07:01] <xtknight> i'm surprised it let you :p
[07:02] <saivann> xtknight : I'm a member of the bug control team, that's why :)
[07:02] <xtknight> ooh
[07:03] <saivann> would have been very weird that launchpad accept this from somebody not from bug control team :P
[07:03] <xtknight> lol i should be on the bug control team
[07:04] <xtknight> i guess i never even applied
[07:05] <saivann> xtknight : Yeah you need to apply to get into the team and to demonstrate the quality of your work with this task, bdmurray always take new volunteers I think :)
[07:05] <saivann> xtknight : https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/
[07:05] <xtknight> yeah
[07:07] <saivann> xtknight : Do you have some clues on what is the right package name for this issue?
[07:08] <xtknight> saivann, i'm thinking konqueror-kde4 is not handing nspluginwraper the proper window handle
[07:08] <xtknight> most likely kde4 since nspluginwrapper works with everything else. still i'm not sure
[07:08] <xtknight> trying to get more debug info and a backtrace
[07:08] <saivann> xtknight : ok
[07:10] <xtknight> installing kde4libs-dbg
[07:10] <xtknight> saivann, i guess you should do the same
[07:12] <saivann> xtknight : I'm installing.. I saw that konqueror-nsplugins have dbgsym packages but not konqueror-nsplugins-kde4
[07:12] <xtknight> interesting
[07:14] <xtknight> saivann, hmm what do you mean?
[07:14] <xtknight> well i dont have dbg packages for either
[07:14] <xtknight> i dont see dbg packages for either
[07:15] <saivann> xtknight : That's probably the dbgsym packages from people.ubuntu.com repositories
[07:17] <saivann> xtknight : that's the debugging packages from deb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com hardy main universe
[07:17] <xtknight> ah
[07:17] <xtknight> never seen those
[07:17] <xtknight> hey do you know what this means? To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line
[07:17] <xtknight> i ran konqueror with --sync nothing more happens
[07:18] <xtknight> http://www.ottawacrew.ca/?q=node/56
[07:18] <xtknight> interesting stuff on debugging
[07:18] <james_w> xtknight: it makes a difference the the backtraces that you get in gdb
[07:19] <xtknight> weird. X picks up --sync on a program's command line?
[07:20] <james_w> maybe a program has to do something to pass it on, but yes, each program doesn't parse --sync.
[07:23] <saivann> xtknight : I don't know a lot about debugging kde programs, does the classic gdb "receipe" from wiki.ubuntu.com is correct for konqueror?
[07:23] <xtknight> saivann, not sure do you have a link to it?
[07:24] <saivann> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace
[07:27] <xtknight> saivann, yeah wont be much good w/o debug symbols. maybe we can recompile konqueror-kde4 with debug symbols
[07:27] <RAOF> xtknight: Surely you the konqueror-kde4-dbgsym package exists?
[07:28] <xtknight> nope
[07:28] <RAOF> You _have_ added the dbgsym repository, right? My understanding was _everything_ in {main, universe} has a -dbgsym package.
[07:28] <xtknight> yes i added it
[07:28] <xtknight> i have dbgsym for knoqueror not kde4 though :(
[07:29] <RAOF> Hm. Odd. You might want to point that out in #ubuntu-devel, I suspect.
[07:29] <saivann> I agree..
[07:33] <xtknight> saivann, i'll be right back, reboot
[07:33] <xtknight> not sure what we can do with this tonight
[07:34] <saivann> xtknight : ok
[07:37] <saivann> xtknight : rebooted??
[07:37] <xtknight> closing 100 gedit windows
[07:37] <xtknight> :(
[07:37] <saivann> xtknight :P Desktop switcher applet is great, isn't it ? :)
[07:45] <xtknight> saivann, so, i'm not sure what to do with this bug for tonight
[07:45] <saivann> xtknight : Well thanks for the time you took so far on this, I must go to sleep now but at least now we have the bug open, I believe that we should look with developers about kde4-dbgsym packages in the next days
[07:46] <xtknight> saivann, yeah same
[07:46] <xtknight> sleep sounds great right nw
[07:46] <xtknight> now
[07:46] <saivann> xtknight : Hehe, we have done good works so far, I believe that we deserve some sleep :)
[07:50] <saivann> xtknight : If you're still here, what do you think about changing package name to kdebase-kde4?
[07:50] <saivann> xtknight : in the bug report
[07:50] <xtknight> saivann, does that house konqueror-kde4?
[07:50] <saivann> xtknight : Yes
[07:51] <xtknight> saivann, for now that sounds good
[07:51] <saivann> xtknight : since it's the file explorer in kde and the web browser
[07:51] <saivann> xtknight : This way, konqueror bug contacts would see the bug
[07:51] <saivann> great
[07:51] <xtknight> im not really sleeping
[07:51] <xtknight> just sleeping from debugging
[07:52] <xtknight> :o
[07:52] <saivann> xtknight : Hehe, and me setting duplicates in usplash bugs :)
[08:58] * doom_ good morning all! :D
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[12:08] <JontheEchidna> How would I deal with the information given to me in this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/213306 ? He said that the bug stopped happening after an upgrade.
[12:08] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 213306 in kdebase-kde4 "No previews when browsing from a internet site or other program using konqueror." [Undecided,Confirmed]
[12:08] <JontheEchidna> I can't exactly set it back to new because its not happening anymore, nor could I set it to fixed because we don't know if it was a real bug in the first place...
[12:08] <JontheEchidna> and invalid seems a tad harsh
[12:09] <seb128> JontheEchidna: use "Bugs resolved after update or config change" on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses and close it?
[12:09] <JontheEchidna> Oh, thanks. Missed that response
[12:09] <seb128> JontheEchidna: set it as fixed and use the comment
[12:10] * JontheEchidna nods
[15:24] <emu> hi folks I`m working on adept bugs atm, and noticed a lot bugs like "adept crashed while doing .... " or "adept crashed after ...." is there a appropriate meta-bug for those cases?
[15:29] <qense> not that I know about
[15:30] <qense> here is a page with a list of tags that are used by us: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Tags
[15:33] <emu> qense: thx I didn`t knew this page
[15:33] <qense> you're welcome ;)
[15:34] <qense> I didn't see any adept tags though
[15:34] <qense> but there are some packages that have other, mores specific tags at their wiki pages. But I don't know which.
[15:37] <emu> qense: What should I do, when it is not clear if it is a duplicate or not. Because adept crashes a lot in many cases, and to handle this only with empty backtraces is no fun.
[15:38] <qense> there is a tag which can be used if you think it's likely a duplicate
[15:38] <emu> i.e.: #191539
[15:38] <qense> I should use that tag and ask in both reports if one of them might be a duplicate
[15:39] <qense> and of course you can compare error logs if the same error messages(not general ones, but details, failed commands, the same things crashing because of the same thing)
[15:39] <emu> ok thx
[15:54] <bddebian> Boo
[15:55] <prana> what should the priority for bug 211805 be? Low?
[15:55] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 211805 in policykit-gnome "Username combo has 3 commas appended" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/211805
[15:57] <qense> I would say low or wishlist
[15:58] <prana> would you care to set it to something?
[15:59] * prana is just going through his incompletes.
[15:59] <pedro_> wishlist is more for feature requests
[15:59] <pedro_> low is ok on that case
[16:00] <qense> but isn't it a function?
[16:00] <qense> I mean, those ,'s are meant to separate somethng
[16:00] <qense> I think some information at the user creation dialogue almost no one uses
[16:01] <prana> the ,s appear in the passwd field gecos field
[16:01] <qense> password field?
[16:01] <qense> I should read it again
[16:02] <prana> er sorry, passwd gecos field (in /etc/passwd)
[16:02] <Iulian> prana: Done
[16:02] <prana> it is used to store things like phone number, office number, etc, that probably no one ever uses.
[16:02] <prana> Iulian: thx.
[16:02] <Iulian> Hey bddebian, pedro_
[16:02] <qense> that's what I just said :)
[16:02] <bddebian> Hello Iulian
[16:02] <prana> qense: yeah.
[16:02] <pedro_> hey Iulian :-)
[16:04] <prana> hm. how should i split bug 213308 into separate bugs? it is getting confusing.
[16:04] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 213308 in linux "kernel 2.6.24-14 and -15 won't boot" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/213308
[16:05] <Arby> does bug 206104 really belong to update manager, the traceback suggests its an adept crash?
[16:06] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 206104 in update-manager "crashed with 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-10" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/206104
[16:08] <prana> can i just create new bugs and subscribe those users explicitly to them for their individual issues?
[16:20] <bdmurray> prana: I'd split bug 213308 - I mean remove a couple of those other people's issues from it
[16:20] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 213308 in linux "Update from 2.6.24-12 to -14 or -15 results in changed uuid for root partition" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/213308
[16:22] <bdmurray> Arby: the files mentioned in the traceback are from the update-manager package
[16:22] <prana> bdmurray: how is that splitting actually done?
[16:22] <bdmurray> Arby: so yes I think it is an update-manager bug
[16:23] <prana> bdmurray: i couldn't find anything about splitting bugs in my cursory search of the wiki. did i miss a page?
[16:23] <bdmurray> prana: there isn't an automated way, I'd just tell them that there issues are separate and to submit new bugs containing the following information...
[16:23] <prana> bdmurray: ok cool, i just did that.
[16:24] <prana> as to the original problem in that bug, i'd guess it has something to do with the old kernel seeing her disks as /dev/hdaX but the new kernels seeing the disks as /dev/sdaX. I don't quite understand enough about UUIDs to know how to fix that tho.
[16:25] <bdmurray> prana: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingUUID
[16:26] <bdmurray> Using UUIDs is supposed to protect from changes like hdaX to sdaX. Each partition has a unique identifier that shouldn't change
[16:26] <prana> hm.
[16:26] <Arby> bdmurray: ok
[16:26] <prana> bdmurray: ok, i asked for a copy of her fstab so we'll see if that helps.
[16:32] <bdmurray> prana: I'm suspect her hard drive isn't being recognized when she boots the -14 or -15 kernel
[16:32] <bdmurray> it'd be interesting to get some debug information when booting either of those kernels
[16:54] <prana> bdmurray: what'd be the best way for her to get the dmesg information out of the newer kernels?
[16:56] <bdmurray> prana: it'd be available in the ash shell it's just a matter of getting it into launchpad. ;) maybe usb devices would work at the point of the boot process
[16:58] <prana> bdmurray: hm. seems like there's no userspace really loaded yet, so it'd only have what might be on the initramfs?
[16:59] <bdmurray> prana: right
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[18:46] <saivann> bdmurray : There is a open discussion in #ubuntu-devel concerning bugs that are not correctly triaged and a apparently, the main problems that is discussed is bugs that have patches which are finally ignored. Wouldn't that be a good idea to add a section in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage about what to do when a bug as a patch or a branch?
[18:47] <james_w> saivann: I've just this second sent a mail to the list about this :-)
[18:48] <saivann> james_w : Thanks, that's a really good idea
[18:49] <james_w> at the moment I missing any idea of how many bugs have neglected patches, so I've no idea what scale we are talking about.
[18:50] <Le-Chuck_ITA> hi there, tomorrow is freeze isn't it?
[18:51] <james_w> Le-Chuck_ITA: yep
[18:51] <Le-Chuck_ITA> in any case, there is a two character fix to the kernel sources that would close a one-year old bg
[18:51] <Le-Chuck_ITA> Leann asked us to test it and everybody had difficulties because they had to compile the whole kernel
[18:51] <Le-Chuck_ITA> I was abroad, today I was back to my office and tested it, it works
[18:51] <james_w> saivann: updating the HowToTriage page is a really good idea though, thanks.
[18:51] <Le-Chuck_ITA> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/137686
[18:51] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 137686 in linux-source-2.6.22 "[hardy] [gutsy] [regression] (regression from edgy to feisty and to gutsy) tifm_sd module not working and not producing any message in logs" [Low,Won't fix]
[18:52] <james_w> saivann: I'll open it in my browser to remind me to do it tomorrow if no-one else has.
[18:52] <Le-Chuck_ITA> really trivial fix, if someone takes a look we might provide a better LTS right on startup
[18:53] <james_w> Le-Chuck_ITA: I'm sure there will be kernel updates after freeze, so it should definitely be considered, but it doesn't need to be today if you are panicking.
[18:53] <Le-Chuck_ITA> :)
[18:53] <Le-Chuck_ITA> thanks anyway
[18:53] <bdmurray> ogasawara: see that?
[18:54] <Le-Chuck_ITA> of course he does I just didn't know if he is a kernel developer or just a triager
[18:54] <ogasawara> I'll ping the kernel team
[18:54] <Le-Chuck_ITA> thanks Leann
[18:56] <saivann> james_w : Thanks a lot about this, don't hesitate to ask if I can do something to help with this
[18:56] <james_w> saivann: great, thanks.
[18:56] <qense> is bug 214622 a bug?
[18:56] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 214622 in gnome-system-tools "Can not change username in users-admin" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/214622
[18:57] <qense> or is a protection
[18:58] <james_w> yeah, I don't think it's a bug
[18:58] <james_w> changing your username would have all sorts of consequences.
[18:58] <james_w> I don't think you can do it with any CLI tool can you?
[18:59] <rockstar_> Yea, definitely not something that should be done in a GUI
[18:59] <rockstar_> james_w, not that I know of.
[18:59] <james_w> (and no, I'm not letting you edit /etc/passwd here)
[18:59] <rockstar_> You've got $HOME to change, /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow (and probably /etc/group)
[18:59] <prana> i thought there used to be gnome code to do this.
[19:03] <james_w> qense: you could ask in -devel for confirmation.
[19:03] <qense> ok,I'll do that
[19:05] <bdmurray> james_w: you asked about bug with patches numbers do you recall https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2008-January/024960.html
[19:06] <james_w> ah yes.
[19:06] <james_w> thanks bdmurray
[19:06] <james_w> I looked at that list at the time, and there were a lot of false positives.
[19:07] <james_w> I'd still be interested in getting patches passed on by triagers as they see them, as that removes the false positives.
[19:10] <bdmurray> I'm unclear on what to do with a "not ideal" patch. Are we supposed to uncheck the patch flag?
[19:10] <saivann> qense : With Mac Os X and Windows, changing the "real" username is also impossible because it can have bad impact on programs that have data associated with that user profile
[19:11] <saivann> bdmurray : Shouldn't we just ask for improvement for these patches?
[19:11] <qense> and what about file ownership?
[19:12] <prana> qense: file ownership would be fine if the uid doesn't change.
[19:12] <james_w> bdmurray: with something that is definitely not a patch (logs or whatever) then please uncheck the patch flag
[19:12] <saivann> that's right, I don't see any issues with file ownership (AFAIK, developers would probably know this better than I)
[19:13] <bdmurray> saivann: Maybe, but at the same time we don't want to discourage people from contributing because their work isn't perfect.
[19:13] <james_w> however I realise this is complicated as it's not very obvious whether it was checked, except by checking this list or equivalent.
[19:13] <james_w> but, I would like it if it could be removed from a patch that needs more work, then we have a list of patches that need review.
[19:14] <bdmurray> I'm more curious about what to do about patch that is for an old version of package that won't apply to the new version of the package. Should we unmark it as a patch even though it really is a patch?
[19:14] <prana> qense: the question really is whether or not it is grayed out on purpose (e.g. b/c of polkit somehow) or if was disabled by accident. reporter suggests that it used to work in gutsy, right?
[19:14] <qense> yes
[19:14] <saivann> bdmurray : I agree, but still think that finding flaws in patch in order to make sure that people (or developers) can improve the patches would help patches getting uploaded, so in most case it would not be discouraging
[19:14] <qense> aargh
[19:14] <qense> I just replied with telling it was a feature request
[19:15] <james_w> bdmurray: yeah, now it's getting more complex, as it may be really easy to update the patch, or it may be loads of work, or even not be needed anymore. I'd still like it to be reviewed.
[19:15] <prana> qense: maybe check the gnome-system-tools package and upstream for changes to see if it was explicitly disabled.
[19:15] <saivann> bdmurray : I share the same opinion than james_w on this
[19:15] <qense> but it still doesn't work when the users-admin is unlocked
[19:15] <james_w> qense: I was looking at users-admin the other day, I can take a quick look if you would like.
[19:16] <qense> if you know what to find where it's probably the best
[19:16] <qense> I'll have to find out where to find everything first
[19:17] <james_w> gtk_widget_set_sensitive (widget, (login == NULL));
[19:17] <james_w> I think that's the call
[19:17] <prana> qense: yeah i checked the unlock thing.
[19:18] <james_w> so you can only edit it if it's not set yet (i.e. you are creating a new user).
[19:18] <qense> thanks!
[19:19] <prana> james_w: wonder if that really changed since old versions of Gnome.
[19:19] <james_w> yeah, it would be strange that it would be removed
[19:19] <james_w> unless it was buggy.
[19:20] <qense> where can you browse the svn/cvs/bzr/git of GNOME?
[19:20] <prana> http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/gnome-system-tools/trunk/src/users/user-settings.c?revision=4018&view=markup
[19:21] <qense> ah, you're great :)
[19:21] <prana> this may be a better link if you're going to include it in the bug http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/gnome-system-tools?view=revision&revision=4018
[19:21] <qense> revisin 4018!
[19:21] <qense> (user_settings_dialog_get_data): disallow changing login name.
[19:22] <qense> you were a little bit earlier :)
[19:22] <prana> but yeah, gnome upstream disabled this feature for some reason. probably b/c it didn't work great.
[19:23] <qense> ok, what are we going to do with this?
[19:23] <qense> still forwarding upstream as a feature request?
[19:24] <sbarjola> bug 204491 is resolved with last update, what status should it have?
[19:24] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 204491 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "Lost sound after upgrading from Fiesty to Hardy Alpha 6 w/ motherboard (ECS K7S5A) based sound SiS 735 chipset" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204491
[19:24] <james_w> so you can either ask the developer why it was changed, forward it (with a note saying that you saw it was disabled), or wontfix it.
[19:24] <qense> I'll mail the developer
[20:16] <prana> is it bad form to set confirmed on your own bug if you have found an upstream confirmation?
[20:17] <pedro_> prana: in that case it's ok to confirm it
[20:39] <KevinOberle> Can someone answer a question for me about how to proceed with a bug?
[20:57] <warren_> hi
[20:57] <warren_> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdebi/+bug/153943
[20:57] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 153943 in gdebi "Gdebi-kde uses massive amounts of memory!" [High,Confirmed]
[20:57] <warren_> please fix it :)
[21:05] <marnanel> warren_: are you talking to someone in particular?
[21:05] <warren_> nope
[21:05] <warren_> to everybody who could help
[21:09] <afflux> morning
[21:09] <afflux> do you think the importance of bug 63352 should be raised?
[21:09] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 63352 in linux "Creative labs X-Fi sound card unsupported" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63352
[21:10] <prana> anyone familiar with linux kernel (atatimeouts) or perhaps initramfs care to take a look at bug 213308?
[21:10] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 213308 in linux "Update from 2.6.24-12 to -14 or -15 results in changed uuid for root partition" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/213308
[21:13] <bdmurray> afflux: Is there a driver that could be included in Ubuntu?
[21:13] <afflux> bdmurray: afaict, no.
[21:14] <afflux> or maybe a restricted one, I'm not sure. (don't know whats the policy on restricted stuff)
[21:14] <bdmurray> In that case I'm not certain what raising the importance of the Ubuntu task would do.
[21:15] <prana> bdmurray: does the initramfs not have support for mounting vfat filesystems?
[21:15] <afflux> I'm not sure, maybe the users would stop asking us to raise the importance ;)
[21:16] <bdmurray> prana: I used it the other day but I think I manually specified the fstype via mount -t vfat
[21:17] <prana> bdmurray: ah, ok.
[21:21] <bdmurray> afflux: I think it would be a good idea to look for an unstream bug in the alsa bts
[21:21] <afflux> oh, yes, possibly ;)
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[22:49] <kochab> hi everybody
[22:49] <kochab> I'm looking for some help understanding a problem with xen in hardy
[22:50] <kochab> I've filed a bug report
[22:50] <kochab> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xen-3.2/+bug/214821
[22:50] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 214821 in xen-3.2 "xen guest system cannot detect root filesystem" [Undecided,New]
[22:50] <kochab> is someone interested in taking a look?
[22:58] <secretlondon> james_w when I submitted a patch ages ago I got a form letter telling me to make a debdiff. i didn't as at the time I didn't know how to
[22:59] <james_w> secretlondon: yeah, it would be great to eliminate that.
[23:00] * secretlondon nods at james_w
[23:00] <james_w> secretlondon: is the patch included now? You've learnt some packaging now I think?
[23:00] <secretlondon> james_w yeah, I can make debdiffs now :)
[23:00] <james_w> woo! :-)
[23:00] * secretlondon beams
[23:01] <james_w> it's good that you weren't put off completely, but I fear that some people will be.
[23:02] <secretlondon> it's laziness on our part, you shouldn't need to know the code *and* debian packaging
[23:02] <secretlondon> especially if the patch has come from someone upstream
[23:02] <james_w> also, someone else pointed out that it can contribute to a feeling that "ubuntu has too much bureaucracy"
[23:03] <james_w> people get a good feeling for getting the patch in for less work when they don't know how to do the debdiff part.
[23:03] <secretlondon> the issue for me as that I now *know* I have to subscribe *-sponsors when I add a patch
[23:04] <james_w> yeah, it's not exactly clear what to do when you start.
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[23:08] <secretlondon> arrgh lost connection
[23:09] <saivann> james_w : Well that's another good reason to update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage :)
[23:09] <secretlondon> james_w the last comment I got from you was "people get a good feeling for getting the patch in for less work when they don't know how to do the debdiff part."
[23:10] <secretlondon> james_w did you get my comment re: susbcribing sponsor teams?
[23:12] <saivann> secretlondon : his last comment was <james_w> yeah, it's not exactly clear what to do when you start.
[23:13] <secretlondon> okay, missed that one then
[23:13] <saivann> :)
[23:14] <saivann> Well.. sounds like he got something like a phone call
[23:15] <secretlondon> it's hard when you lose connectivity in the middle of a conversation
[23:17] <saivann> It's been a while that it didn't happen for me (god bless my Internet connection) :)
[23:22] <xtknight> :o
[23:33] <bdmurray> secretlondon: are you still having an issue with bug 185671?
[23:33] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 185671 in gnome-terminal "[Hardy] gnome-terminal current locale ANSI_X3.4-1968 not unicode using en-gb" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185671
[23:33] <secretlondon> bdmurray: I'll just check
[23:33] <bdmurray> great!
[23:33] <secretlondon> bdmurray: it's claiming to be utf-8 now
[23:34] <bdmurray> secretlondon: Did you do anything specific to fix it?
[23:34] <secretlondon> bmurray: i think it's now okay :)
[23:34] <secretlondon> bdmurray: don't think so, not that i can remember
[23:34] <bdmurray> How did you upgrade?
[23:35] <secretlondon> bdmurray: it was a fresh install of hardy alpha 3 that has been upgraded as go
[23:38] <secretlondon> bdmurray: it does say current locale UTF8, I don't know if it supposed to say en_gb anywhere
[23:39] <bdmurray> using locale in a terminal might be interesting
[23:39] <secretlondon> bdmurray: I've added to the bug, is there anything you'd like me to test?
[23:40] <bdmurray> secretlondon: not at the moment thanks
[23:44] <persia> james_w: secretlondon: Regarding patches / debdiffs I think the volume of bugs helps make it hard. In earlier days, more developers were chasing patches and making debdiffs. That seems less common lately.