UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /09 /#launchpad-meeting.txt
Initial commit
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
=== mrevell__ is now known as mrevell
=== mrevell_ is now known as mrevell
=== cpro1 is now known as cprov
=== salgado_ is now known as salgado
[15:01] <barry> #startmeeting
[15:01] <MootBot> Meeting started at 16:01. The chair is barry.
[15:01] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
[15:01] <barry> hi everybody, and welcome to this week's ameu reviewer's meeting
[15:01] <barry> who's here today?
[15:01] <schwuk> me
[15:02] <statik> me
[15:02] <bac> me
[15:02] <allenap> me
[15:02] <bigjools> me
[15:03] <gmb> me
[15:03] <flacoste> me
[15:03] <intellectronica> me
[15:03] <BjornT> me
[15:04] <barry> danilos salgado sinzui ping
[15:04] <danilos> me
[15:04] <salgado> me
[15:04] <sinzu1> me
[15:04] <barry> [TOPIC] next meeting
[15:04] <MootBot> New Topic: next meeting
[15:04] * sinzu1 kills his main computer
[15:04] <barry> same time and place? anybody know they won't be able to make it?
[15:05] <barry> 5..4..3..2..1
[15:05] <barry> cool
[15:05] <barry> [TOPIC] action items
[15:05] <MootBot> New Topic: action items
[15:05] <barry> * (continued) barry to remind lp devs to do pre-impl calls
[15:06] <barry> do i still need to do this? ;) i think so
[15:06] <bigjools> what's a pre-imp call?
[15:06] <bigjools> ;)
[15:06] <barry> * sinzui to email jamesh about some branches not being picked up by pending-reviews
=== sinzu1 is now known as sinzui
[15:06] <barry> bigjools: :)
[15:06] <barry> sinzui: you did that right?
[15:07] <sinzui> barry: right. jtv had some creative markup in his PR blocks
[15:07] <barry> sinzui: cool, thanks
[15:07] <barry> * allenap to update Reviewers' guidelines with _pseudo_private policy
[15:07] <allenap> Done, see https://launchpad.canonical.com/PythonStyleGuide under Private Name Mangling.
[15:08] <barry> allenap: thanks
[15:08] <barry> here's one that came up in asiapac:
[15:08] <barry> * barry to update PendingReviews with clearer instructions on using review-submit
[15:09] <barry> i think there's still some confusion about how to ask for a review
[15:09] <barry> so it was suggested that i add instructions on PendingReviews, pointing people to the lpreview plugin
[15:09] <barry> i haven't done this yet though ;)
[15:10] <barry> [TOPIC] queue status
[15:10] <MootBot> New Topic: queue status
[15:10] <barry> generally looks okay to me; any comments?
[15:11] <barry> guess not ;)
[15:12] <schwuk> mwhudson has had a branch sitting in my queue for a couple of weeks. Last activity I saw was sinzui asking him some questions.
[15:12] <sinzui> that's rught
[15:12] <schwuk> sinzui: did he answer them?
[15:12] <schwuk> mwhudson__: ^^
[15:12] <sinzui> It was an innocent enough set of questions. I didn't even ask for changes I think
[15:13] <sinzui> I'll hunt down mwhudson__ tonight
[15:13] <schwuk> sinzui: cheers
[15:13] * sinzui struggles to use this keyboard
[15:14] <barry> one thing to mention: jml had a branch that he tried to get reviewed for a week, with no luck. that's unfortunate. i ended up reviewing it on my on-call day
[15:14] <schwuk> why couldn't he get it reviewed?
[15:15] <barry> schwuk: i don't really know. he says he asked #lp-reviews and got no takers
[15:15] <bigjools> did he put it in the queue?
[15:15] <bac> tjat
[15:15] <gmb> That seems odd. We've got pretty good on call coverage now, don't we? And the OCR usually picks up the queue.
[15:15] * schwuk suspects this is the same branch he tried to ping jml about at the start of his shift, but got no response
[15:15] <bac> that's odd. unless he showed up just as the reviewers were leaving
[15:16] <barry> hmm
[15:16] <barry> yeah
[15:16] <intellectronica> gmb: maybe things are looking differently from that side of the world
[15:16] <intellectronica> but either way, good old PR should work as a backup.
[15:17] <gmb> intellectronica: True. Even so, *someone* should have been picking up the queue, or at least doing an assignment run.
[15:17] <barry> i think this is a good example why we can't completely ignore or kill off PR yet
[15:17] <gmb> So it looks like there was a big hairy communications failure somewhere along the line.
=== sinzui is now known as sinzui_
[15:18] <bac> barry: when you do your write up, remind developer that merely sending a cover letter to the list isn't sufficient to trigger a review. this happened yesterday.
[15:18] <intellectronica> we've got a process in place - the OCR does allocation at the end of the shift. if there's a problem it's simply because we don't follow it
=== sinzu1 is now known as sinzui
[15:18] <barry> bac: good point
[15:18] <gmb> What intellectronica said.
[15:18] <intellectronica> bac: yeah, happened to me twice today too.
[15:18] <bac> in their defense 'bzr review-submit' does seem like it should be enough
[15:18] <gmb> barry: Maybe it's worth making a note that OCRs should be allocating all un-allocated branches at the end of their shift.
[15:18] <barry> as much as it sucks to edit PR, i still think we should recommend that people do that, but perhaps only if they can't get an all-call review?
[15:19] <intellectronica> either you get an agreement from a reviewer directly to take on the branch (and send the letter to him directly), or it goes to PR (and preferably both)
[15:19] <barry> gmb: we've mentioned that before, but i guess i'll add that to my PR note
[15:19] <gmb> barry: That's what I usually expect. If I have an email dialog with reviewer X then I don't usually put things in their queue unless they ask me to.
[15:19] <barry> intellectronica: +1
[15:19] <intellectronica> it sucks, but now that the review plugin generates the markup for you, it's really not that terrible
[15:20] <gmb> Although interestingly it insists on putting all branches in 1.2.6,,,
[15:20] <barry> gmb: right, i don't think you should /ever/ put something directly in a review's queue unless you've cleared it with them first
[15:20] <barry> gmb: yeah, why is that? :)
[15:20] <barry> gmb: it also (for me) insists on sftp urls
[15:20] <gmb> barry: Well the code that looks the milestone up is preceeded by the comment "hacky hacky"
[15:20] * barry has been meaning to mention that
[15:20] <gmb> That might be a clue...
[15:21] * barry lols
[15:21] <gmb> barry: I'll take a look at it this week (or we can file a bug for mwh's attention if you prefer)
[15:21] <barry> gmb: where would the bug go?
[15:21] * bac wondered why everyone seemed to be using sftp now
[15:21] <gmb> barry: There's an lprevew project in LP.
[15:22] <gmb> I'll find it, hang on...
[15:22] <barry> gmb: cool +1.
[15:22] <gmb> barry: http://launchpad.net/bzr-lpreview
[15:22] <barry> gmb: do you want to submit those bug reports?
[15:22] <gmb> barry: Sure, will do.
[15:22] <barry> gmb: thanks
[15:22] <gmb> barry: Can we also make a note for the next AsiaPac meeting
[15:23] <gmb> for mwh to look at my 800-line limit patch?
[15:23] <barry> [ACTION] gmb to submit bug reports for bzr-lpreview about the 1.2.6 milestone and sftp urls
[15:23] <MootBot> ACTION received: gmb to submit bug reports for bzr-lpreview about the 1.2.6 milestone and sftp urls
[15:23] <barry> gmb: will do
[15:23] <gmb> It's probably slipped under his radar, much like it did mine.
[15:23] <gmb> Thanks.
[15:23] <barry> [ACTION] barry will prod mwh to look at gmb's 800-line limit patch
[15:23] <MootBot> ACTION received: barry will prod mwh to look at gmb's 800-line limit patch
[15:23] <barry> that's all i have about the queue. anything else from y'all?
[15:24] <barry> [TOPIC] mentoring update
[15:24] <MootBot> New Topic: mentoring update
[15:25] <barry> any comments?
[15:25] <bac> mentoring + on-call is going well
[15:25] <barry> for me as well
[15:25] * bigjools is enjoying it
[15:26] * barry waves to bigjools
[15:26] * bigjools hi-fives barry
[15:26] * allenap is enjoying it too
[15:26] * schwuk enjoyed his first 'shift'
[15:26] <schwuk> I'm not sure if intellectronica did though :)
[15:26] <barry> schwuk: glad you've had your first shift!
[15:27] <intellectronica> why, it was a great review
[15:27] <intellectronica> and i totally dug introducing twitter to our arsenal of communication tools ;)
[15:27] <schwuk> intellectronica: if you were happy, then I'm happy :)
[15:27] <barry> intellectronica: how did you guys use twitter?
[15:27] <schwuk> intellectronica: then I'll have to show you my idea for a twitter plugin for bzr :)
[15:28] <intellectronica> it was the end of the week, schwuk had to go and welcome guests, and he suggested that i twit him once i reply to his review
[15:28] <bigjools> a diff in 160 chars will be challenging :)
[15:28] <schwuk> barry: what he said
[15:28] <intellectronica> :)
[15:28] <barry> :)
[15:28] <sinzui> ha
[15:29] <barry> cool
[15:29] <barry> [TOPIC] review process
[15:29] <MootBot> New Topic: review process
[15:29] <schwuk> bigjools: 140, and there's always pastebin :)
[15:29] <barry> i don't have much to add here, any comments?
[15:30] <sinzui> Last week and this week we have received reviews that were not submitted with review-submit
[15:30] <sinzui> I think we need a reminder sent to everyone (though everyone may have gotten the message now)
[15:31] <bigjools> can we get the review plugin packaged and added to lp-debs?
[15:31] <barry> sinzui: that's part of the note i'm adding to PendingReviews
[15:31] <gmb> bigjools: I think you'll need to talk to mwh about that. Where would we put it?
[15:31] <salgado> bigjools, it could also be added to sourcecode/
[15:31] <salgado> that's way easier
[15:31] <gmb> salgado: +1
[15:31] <bigjools> any or all, I don't care :)
[15:32] <barry> salgado: can that be made to easily plug into bzr from there?
[15:32] <gmb> We've got to keep it private unless sabdfl authorises it, so...
[15:32] <bigjools> I've given up constantly doing bzr pull to see if it's been updated
[15:32] <gmb> barry: We could make it part of rf-setup
[15:32] <gmb> And create a symlink
[15:32] <statik> barry: can symlink from ~/.bazaar/plugins to lp-sourcedeps
[15:33] <barry> good point. probably as part of utilities/link-external-sourcecode.sh
[15:33] <barry> anybody want to take that on? i'll be happy to review such a branch
[15:34] <BjornT> why would it be in link-external-sourcecode.sh?
[15:34] <barry> BjornT: that's what creates symlinks into sourcecode
[15:34] <gmb> barry: I think it should probably be part of rf-setup.
[15:35] <gmb> Which is run only once (preferably, anyway)
[15:35] <barry> gmb: yeah, i guess so
[15:35] <barry> good point
[15:35] <BjornT> barry: well. it creates symlinks from a branch to another source code location. i'd say that's a bit different from linking from your home dir
[15:36] <schwuk> gmb: +1
[15:36] <barry> anyone want to take this action?
[15:36] <gmb> barry: I'll do it.
[15:36] <bigjools> rf-setup gets my vote, although I am wary of running it multiple times even though it seems to check if work needs to be done
[15:36] <barry> gmb: you rock, thanks
[15:36] <gmb> Shouldn't take long.
[15:37] <barry> [ACTION] gmb to add lpreview to sourcecode and hack rf-setup to link it in
[15:37] <MootBot> ACTION received: gmb to add lpreview to sourcecode and hack rf-setup to link it in
[15:37] <barry> that's it from me. we have 8 minutes left if anybody has anything else to discuss
[15:38] <barry> i guess we're done then
[15:39] <barry> #endmeeting
[15:39] <MootBot> Meeting finished at 16:39.
[15:39] <bigjools> grassy ass barry
[15:39] <statik> thanks barry
[15:39] <gmb> Cool, thanks barry.
[15:39] <barry> thanks everyone!
[15:39] <intellectronica> thanks barry
[15:39] <schwuk> thanks barry
[15:40] * gmb goes to celebrate with his other half for a few minutes
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
=== salgado is now known as salgado-phone