UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /09 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <gaytan> gracias
[00:01] <genii> gaytan: Usted es muy agradable.
[00:04] <shadowbox> does anyone help on why my sound isnt working?
[00:04] <shadowbox> oops I mean.. can
[00:05] <JeffATL> genii: thx
[00:07] <ScorpKing> !sound | shadowbox
[00:07] <ubotu> shadowbox: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3
[00:07] <shadowbox> yeah, I have already done all that
[00:08] <genii> JeffATL: np
[00:08] <nerdparty> How do I open a RAR file?
[00:08] <JeffATL> genii: nfs-common needed to be apt-gotten and started
[00:09] <genii> !rar
[00:09] <ubotu> rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free
[00:13] <nerdparty> How do I find out which kubuntu I am running?
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[00:15] <ScorpKing> how can i see what ports is open on a network box?
[00:15] <genii> nerdparty: For general version info: lsb_release -a or cat /etc/issue for kde version rightclick kmenu..panel menu..help..about KDE
[00:16] <genii> ScorpKing: netstat
[00:18] * doom_ gn all
[00:21] <pteague> if i have k3b burn a disc to file... where does it store the file?
[00:22] <nerdparty> How do I get to software properties, it's not an option under administration.
[00:23] <genii> pteague: When you go "Copy CD" the tab saying Image has where the iso file goes to.
=== monkey_ is now known as monkeybritches
[00:23] <pteague> ah, ok thanks
[00:24] <genii> nerdparty: Please define more clearly "software properties"
[00:25] <nerdparty> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu The instructions here direct me to an option which should be in system>administration>software properties, but I don't see the option.
[00:25] <Jucato> genii: Software Sources/Manage Repositories
[00:25] <Jucato> nerdparty: those instructions are for Ubuntu/GNOME
[00:25] <nerdparty> I have Ubuntu Dapper, will they not work?
[00:26] <Jucato> oh Dapper? yeah, Kubuntu doesn't have Software Properties until Feisty
[00:26] <Jucato> !repositories
[00:26] <ubotu> The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories
[00:26] <Jucato> nerdparty: see that first link for Kubuntu-specific instructions
[00:26] <genii> !helpersnack | Jucato
[00:26] <ubotu> Jucato: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!
[00:27] <Jucato> yeah, I'm foo to breakfast
[00:27] <Jucato> er.. I'm off to breakfast
[00:27] <nerdparty> I don't understand, are ubuntu and kubuntu the same thing?
[00:27] <Jucato> nerdparty: not exactly. they share the same software sources, but Ubuntu uses GNOME and Kubuntu uses KDE, so it's a different setup
[00:27] <Jucato> they have different apps, so different ways of doing things
[00:28] <Jucato> genii: your turn.. I'm starving :P
[00:28] <nerdparty> Thanks Jucato.
[00:29] <nerdparty> Genii: I think I have Ubuntu, not Kubuntu.
[00:29] <Jucato> nerdparty: if you didn't see any System -> Administration menu at the top of your screen, then you're not running Ubuntu
[00:29] <genii> nerdparty: You may get better help in the #ubuntu channel for Gnome desktop
[00:30] <nerdparty> I saw the system -> administration, just not the specific option for software properties.
[00:30] <Jucato> ah, then yeah, #ubuntu
[00:31] <nerdparty> Ok, thanks for your help!
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[00:44] <TeslaTony> Does anyone have any tips on how to avoid laughing up a lung when presented with a message that says "Warning: WIndows has been infected"?
[00:47] <JeffATL> TeslaTony: lol (or, rather lual)
[00:49] <Idrogeno> or rather, get on topic for this channel
=== monkey_ is now known as monkeybritches
[01:08] <orlandoj> hi all. I have an Ubuntu NIS Server and Ubuntu Clients. How can I change the password in the client machine ?
[01:11] <Dr_willis> Hmm. Never used NIS. Sorry. :(
[01:12] <Dr_willis> Back to reading Linux News.. Good News -> VIA Technologies has announced its strategic open-source driver development initiative
[01:17] <sven_> hi leutz
[01:22] <genii> orlandoj: It's been a while since I used NIS/yp but you may want something like to push passwd with (if recall correctly) yppasswd or so
[01:22] <TeslaTony> Is there any way to recover from a FIFO overrun without restarting the computer?
[01:27] <genii> TeslaTony: What device had the overrun?
[01:28] <TeslaTony> D-Link DWA 556 wireless N PCI Express card
[01:28] <genii> TeslaTony: Might want to unload/reload driver
[01:28] <orlandoj> genii: which process is necessary to be running on NIS server ?
[01:29] <TeslaTony> genii: Hrm...I'll try that. Unfortunately, this is a rather well known (going on for over a year) problem with madwifi
[01:30] <genii> orlandoj: It's been a long time since I worked with NIS, and that was on a FreeBSD system and not ubuntu. Let me look for some link which may assist you
[01:30] <orlandoj> genii: on server, i run yppasswd -p and return the message: "yppasswd: não foi possível encontrar o ypserver master: Erro interno no NIS"
[01:31] <orlandoj> it means internal error in NIS
[01:31] <orlandoj> and the NIS is working
[01:33] <genii> orlandoj: The most useful ubuntu-related NIS links I could find https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNISHowTo and 9th post on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=226437
[01:34] <orlandoj> genii: thanks a lot. I'll se it.
=== Soccer5555 is now known as Airforce5555
[01:37] <genii> TeslaTony: Regarding madwifi FIFO overrun, Non-Maskable Interrupt issue "A possible preventitive measure is issuing the command # iwpriv <device> bgscan 0 each time you load the driver." per http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/ThinkPad_11a/b/g/n_Wireless_LAN_Mini_Express_Adapter
[01:42] <TeslaTony> genii: Thanks. I'll see if that helps any.
[01:43] <epimeth> how do I disable strigi?
[01:43] <iain> hello having some problems with ark and kubuntu 8.04. I can't get it to open a .zip file.... all it keeps saying is "could not write to destination file". I'm probably doing something really dumb....
[01:45] <genii> epimeth: In konqueror put url: strigi:/ and then choose to disable it from the web interface
[01:46] <genii> iain: Is the .zip file in a location you have write access to?
[01:47] <iain> should its in my home directory
[01:47] <genii> iain: It may be wanting to unzip into some directory you don't have write access.
[01:48] <iain> I'm pointing it to my home directory for that too... ohh hmmm just a sec...
[01:48] <noys_> anyone know how to set up internet connection sharing i have a computer with 2 cards one is a wireless card which connects to the internet, The other is a ethernet card that connects to my xbox. I want the ethernet forwarded to the internet through my wireless
[01:48] <genii> iain: Since you're on Hardy perhaps also ask in #ubuntu+1
[01:49] <iain> nope... I thought it might want a file/folder name for the extracted files and that's why it wasn't doing it... but that didn't work either
[01:49] <noys_> so ethernet to xbox ; wireless to internet so then ; Ethernet to wireless = both get internet access.
[01:50] <iain> will do
[01:50] <iain> thanks
[01:50] <genii> iain: If the backend is not installed, ark would also have a problem. Make sure package unzip is installed (it's not by default)
[01:50] <epimeth> genii: cheers
[01:51] <epimeth> genii: all I can do is "start service"
[01:53] <genii> epimeth: If you don't need indexing you can just remove it entirely using the package manager of your choice
[01:53] <genii> epimeth: There seems to be some bug report of same issue you have
[01:54] <epimeth> genii: but I don't want to remove it.. I just want to disable it
[01:54] <epimeth> ~/.strigi is taking like 18 gigs
[01:54] <genii> epimeth: Gimme a minute I'll look further into it
[01:54] <epimeth> genii: cheers
[01:55] <noys_> hey any ideas on the above question?
[01:56] <Dr_willis> noys_, at one time one would look up and setup ip-masquerading
[01:56] <Dr_willis> !ipmasq
[01:56] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about ipmasq - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[01:56] <Dr_willis> but not sure whats a good referance for it now a days.
[01:56] <noys_> hmm okay
[01:56] <Dr_willis> noys_, if you can get both machines pinging each other. and one box on the internet. It can be set up as the ipmasq server, and forward stuff to the other box.
[01:57] <Dr_willis> Its not hard to get going. I just havent done it in years.
[01:57] <noys_> dr willis
[01:57] <noys_> i can ping the xbox
[01:57] <epimeth> noys_: just out of curiosity... why don't you just buy a router? I mean, you can do it with linux but you'll need to keep the computer on all the time...
[01:57] <noys_> and i can get on the internet
[01:57] <Dr_willis> the varioys firewall tools may allow you to do it with a gui.
[01:57] <noys_> i do have a router but its downstairs
[01:57] <Dr_willis> Xbox --> PC --> internet
[01:57] <noys_> :)
[01:57] <noys_> yep
[01:58] <Dr_willis> pc needs to be setup as the ip-masq server. its about 3 lines of shell code. :) to set it up.,
[01:58] <noys_> wow thats it
[01:58] <noys_> k im going to man ip-masq server
[01:59] <Dr_willis> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sharing-internet-connection-in-ubuntu.html
[01:59] <Dr_willis> ip-masq is not a command. :)
[01:59] <Dr_willis> or is it a server. its a Feature of the kernel.
[01:59] <noys_> oh okay
[01:59] <noys_> Dr willis i appreciate the help
[01:59] <noys_> :)
[02:00] <Dr_willis> You will want to learn some networking basics. :) or the howtos will be total jibberish
[02:00] <noys_> i can network my home computers together and network my xbox its just cant get the xbox on the net i used firestarter at one point but thats crap
[02:00] <iain> unzip is installed... so is zip
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[02:03] <noys_> Dr willis how do i get root terminal im using the sudo command but im not sure if this will be the correct way to masquade
[02:03] <Dr_willis> sudo -s
[02:03] <noys_> *MASQUERADE
[02:03] <noys_> works for me :)
[02:03] <noys_> thanks again
[02:04] <Dr_willis> getting the pc's networked is 1/2 the battle.
[02:04] <genii> epimeth: Strigi is being started from dbus. The file /usr/share/dbus-1/services/vandenoever.strigi.service reports the strigi executable is /usr/bin/strigidaemon so if you sudo killall strigidaemon that should kill it
[02:04] <Dr_willis> You will want to set the masq pc as the gateway for the other pc
[02:05] <iain> here is what ark is spurting back to me when I try to open this .zip:
[02:05] <iain> ark(16019) KFileItem::isDir: KFileItem::isDir can't say -> false
[02:05] <iain> Object::disconnect: No such slot JobTracker::totalSize(KJob*,qulonglong)
[02:05] <iain> Object::disconnect: No such slot JobTracker::processedSize(KJob*,qulonglong)
[02:05] <iain> Object::disconnect: No such slot JobTracker::totalSize(KJob*,qulonglong)
[02:05] <iain> Object::disconnect: No such slot JobTracker::processedSize(KJob*,qulonglong)
[02:05] <Dr_willis> iain, you could just forget about ark and use the command line.. much faster way to do it. :)
[02:05] <Dr_willis> sudo apt-get install unp
[02:05] <Dr_willis> unp Aboutanykindofarchiveyoucanfind
[02:06] <Dr_willis> and it will unpack it. :)
[02:06] <genii> iain: I suspect your issue may be Hardy related
[02:06] <iain> yeah Dr... I'm thinking that might be what I'll do...
[02:07] <noys_> Dr willis im almost done well see what happens
[02:07] <genii> epimeth: Let me know if that works, btw
[02:07] <iain> and all that mucking around with gui stuff and one simple command and bang... done... ughhh
[02:08] <Dr_willis> right click on the package, and often theres a menu item to extract
[02:08] <Dr_willis> iain, now ya know why the shell rules.
[02:08] <iain> yup
[02:08] <Dr_willis> Ark is just a front end to all the command tools anyway
[02:08] <Dr_willis> noys_ http://tldp.org/HOWTO/IP-Masquerade-HOWTO/
[02:09] <iain> yep... just trying to play with all the kde4 toys... oh well guess I'll wait a little longer
[02:09] <Dr_willis> kde4 is very much a work in progress. :)
[02:09] <noys_> Dr willis i have a problem while trying to install ipmasq There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.
[02:09] <iain> yup... a very nice work in progress mind you...
[02:10] <iain> anyway thanks for the help... now time to play some urbanterror... roaarr...
[02:10] <BluesKaj> Dr_willis, kde4 needs very much work in progress :)
[02:10] <Dr_willis> noys_, not sure what you were installing.. its a feature built int o the kernel and iptables..
[02:10] <noys_> apt-get install dnsmasq ipmasq
[02:11] <Dr_willis> noys_, heres a bit of a cleaner ubuntu guide also https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/firewall-configuration.html a little old it seems.
[02:11] <Dr_willis> but it shouldbe bout the same
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[02:16] <AngryBacon> Need help with nvidia drivers, see:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4680700
[02:17] <tony_> hello?
[02:18] <Fritzel`> how can I add myself to another group?
[02:19] <Jucato> Fritzel`: System Settings -> User Management
[02:20] <Dr_willis> Hmm.
[02:20] <Dr_willis> Fritzel`, i cheat and edit the /etc/groups file. but thats not the proper way. :)
[02:20] <Fritzel`> I'm on hardy that option isn't there, I was asking as far as on the console
[02:20] <Fritzel`> yeah that's what I was talking about
[02:20] <Dr_willis> groupadd ? i forget..
[02:21] <Jucato> usermod maybe?
[02:21] <Fritzel`> . /etc/groups will work well enough thank you
[02:21] <Dr_willis> groupadd addgroup adduser useradd ? :) i know its mentioned in the fusesmb wiki page
[02:21] <Fritzel`> without the .
[02:21] <Fritzel`> brb
[02:24] <atilla> hi guys I have installed compiz fusion on Kubuntu Gutsy. when I run it my desktop pagers appears only one rectangular shape
[02:24] <Dr_willis> atilla, install the ccsm tool, you MUST use it to confiure the # of desktops compiz uses.
[02:24] <genii> usermod -G -a newgroup username
[02:24] <Dr_willis> !ccsm
[02:24] <ubotu> To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion
[02:25] <genii> with sudo, sorry
[02:25] <Dr_willis> !compiz | atilla
[02:25] <ubotu> atilla: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
[02:25] <atilla> thanks for the information I will try them
[02:34] <AngryBacon> Need help with nvidia drivers, see:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4680700
[02:34] <Dr_willis> AngryBacon, you might want to summarize the problem here, and your exact card, and what you have done so far.
[02:35] <Dr_willis> not everyone has a web browser to use to read the problems.
[02:35] <AngryBacon> 8800gt
[02:35] <Dr_willis> also you may want to correct your help to put a space after 'see:' so the http: shows up as an actual url in irc clients. :P
[02:35] <AngryBacon> hehe
[02:36] <AngryBacon> 05:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 8800 GT (rev a2)
[02:36] <Odd-rationale> AngryBacon: have you tried reconfiguring your xserver?
[02:36] <Dr_willis> I have heard that some of the 8800 cards have issues with the older nvidia drivers in Gutsy. My 8800gtsxxx worked fine with them.
[02:36] <AngryBacon> i installed via the nvidia script
[02:36] <AngryBacon> Odd-rationale, yes
[02:36] <Odd-rationale> AngryBacon: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-sorg
[02:37] <Odd-rationale> #xorg
[02:37] <AngryBacon> Odd-rationale, did that
[02:37] <Dr_willis> You Might want to try upgrading to The beta release. - if you have used the nvidia install script. I dont know where to begin to troublewshoot.
[02:37] <AngryBacon> Dr_willis, did that
[02:37] <Odd-rationale> AngryBacon: becuase your xorg file seems to be missing some lines...
[02:38] <Dr_willis> AngryBacon, also ive seen some WEIRD things with some nvidia cards. where they defaulted to the other conector of the 2 conectors on the card.
[02:38] <AngryBacon> Odd-rationale, its the way the new xorg ioes it
[02:38] <Dr_willis> The hardy xorg.confis very minimal. :)
[02:38] <Odd-rationale> ah. i'll have to wait and see that...
[02:38] <AngryBacon> Dr_willis, tried swiching
[02:38] <Dr_willis> My working xorg.conf for my 8800gtsxxx system on hardy is here ------> http://pastebin.com/f27f44a11
[02:39] <Dr_willis> single monitor, rather simple setup.
[02:39] <Dr_willis> But note that it IS not a 'default' hardy config. becuase the nvidia tools confogiured it.
[02:40] <AngryBacon> Dr_willis, i,ll try that
[02:40] <Dr_willis> AngryBacon, alli did was manually installed the nvidia-glx-new package, and the nvidia config tools package. ran the nvidia-xconfig tool to enable/make the proper xorg.conf changes. restarted X and ran nvidia-config to tweak it.
[02:41] <AngryBacon> Dr_willis, i,ve done that too
[02:41] <AngryBacon> except the last part
[02:45] <Buhmanator> i have a cryptic error message from konqueror. my problem is that konqeror refuses to browse the file system. It wont open ANYTHING. no folders, pages, nothing. here is the error message it gives me when I type "/" into the location bar:
[02:45] <Buhmanator> "this appears to be a configuration error. you have associated Konqueror with inode/directory, but it cannot handle this file type"
[02:45] <Buhmanator> Now, last time I checked, the WHOLE point of konqueror was to browse the file system. How can it not support "inode/directory"?
[02:45] <Ilu-babe> hmm i just added Driver "nvidia" to my xorg.conf after installing nvidia-glx-new worked like a charm :/
[02:50] <Buhmanator> i have a cryptic error message from konqueror. my problem is that konqeror refuses to browse the file system. It wont open ANYTHING. no folders, pages, nothing. here is the error message it gives me when I type "/" into the location bar:
[02:50] <Buhmanator> "this appears to be a configuration error. you have associated Konqueror with inode/directory, but it cannot handle this file type"
[02:50] <Buhmanator> Now, last time I checked, the WHOLE point of konqueror was to browse the file system. How can it not support "inode/directory"?
[02:50] <Jucato> !patience | Buhmanator
[02:50] <ubotu> Buhmanator: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[02:50] <Dr_willis> Buhmanator, sounds like the file assoiucatians got messed up.
[02:50] <Jucato> indeed
[02:51] <Buhmanator> well, xchat kept crashing, just making sure it got through, sorry
[02:52] <Buhmanator> lol file associations with a DIRECTORY
[02:52] <sloth> how do you know klamav is scanning?
[02:52] <Buhmanator> i never knew i needed to associate a directory with a directory in a file manager
[02:52] <ronnie> can any reccommend a fast video card that kubuntu reads with no problems, (gameing purposes), = )
[02:53] <BluesKaj> sloth, run htop, it lists processes
[02:53] <Jucato> Buhmanator: normally you don't need to unless it was changed somehow
[02:53] <sloth> it's in the process tree but under events, it just says commencing scan
[02:54] <Jucato> (technically of course everything needs to have file assocations. a directory is just a file anyway)
[02:54] <Buhmanator> Jucato never touched it
[02:54] <Jucato> Buhmanator: can you check Settings -> Configure Konqeror -> File Assocations -> inode -> directory
[02:55] <BluesKaj> sloth, look in system settings/advanced/system services
[02:55] <Buhmanator> lol, someone in #fedora and #suse beat you by like 1 second
[02:55] <Buhmanator> trying...
[02:55] <Jucato> hm. cross posting in several distro channels...
[02:56] <BluesKaj> is this a competition ?
[02:56] <Buhmanator> i think it just turned into one
[02:56] <BluesKaj> guess I'd better try harder :)
[02:56] <Buhmanator> #kde just came in forth
[02:56] <sloth> hmm
[02:56] <sloth> not running under system services
[02:56] <Buhmanator> all same answer
[02:57] <sloth> what does this mean?
[02:57] <BluesKaj> open admin mode and start it
[02:57] <BluesKaj> BBL
[02:58] * genii hopes KDE never ever gets rewritten in Forth
[02:59] <ronnie> I was considering the nvidia 7200 128mb turbocache, tho read some reviews saying it runs kinda hot & fps isn't any better than the 6200? any use either of these geforce video cards? how they working for you?
[03:00] <Buhmanator> Major problem, when I go to the said dialog in the emedding tab of the file associations tab of the configure-konqueror dialog,
[03:00] <Buhmanator> when I click on the "add" button on the services preference order subsection to add " Icon View (konq_iconview)" to the top of the list, there are no items in the list to add!
[03:02] <Alchera> i have two Dolphin entries in the Location menu of Konqueror ... any clues as to removal of the duplicate entry?
[03:03] <Buhmanator> Alchera: word on the street is, ubuntu doesn't use konqueror for it's main file manager, that should fix your problem
[03:03] <Buhmanator> any ideas?
[03:04] <Jucato> looks like you have a messed up KDE installation if that list is empty.
[03:04] <Alchera> i won't use Dolphin
[03:04] <Jucato> try asking in your (real) distro's channel
[03:04] <Jucato> (that was for Buhmanator)
[03:04] <Buhmanator> ik
[03:04] <Buhmanator> kubuntu is my distro fyi
[03:06] <Jucato> hard to guess, since you seem to be asking everywhere :)
[03:06] <home_> hi ppl
[03:07] <Buhmanator> are you in all of those other channels/
[03:07] <Buhmanator> ?
[03:07] <iain> back again... for more questions... I was given this computer as a loaner... its a total POS, celeron with a built in intel graphics chip (865gv). How do I make sure kubuntu is using the integrated chipset and not trying to run in software? Checked my xorg.conf and its pretty bare, no mention of intel 865, etc, the dmesg log says that its been detected.
[03:07] <Buhmanator> ahh
[03:07] <Buhmanator> lol, your in #kde
[03:08] <Buhmanator> hi home
[03:08] <genii> iain: Likely it's using the "i810" driver or "intel"
[03:09] <Jucato> iain: afaik, since it's integrated, it's going to have to use software rendering. it doesn't have 3d hardware accelereration.
[03:09] <iain> its just got "Configured Video Device"
[03:10] <Buhmanator> Jucato, no
[03:11] <Buhmanator> i865 has a GPU
[03:11] <Buhmanator> though not the best, it IS there
[03:11] <Jucato> iain: look for the Driver line in xorg.conf for the Video card
[03:11] <Buhmanator> Jucato, it's also probably configured as like a VESA/FBDEV
[03:11] <Jucato> maybe
[03:12] <Jucato> (although by default it should use intel at installation)
[03:12] <iain> no my xorg is totally bare... only has the keyboard and mouse... everything else is Default whatever or Configured whatever...
[03:13] <Jucato> iain: can you please use a pastebin to show your xorg.conf?
[03:13] <Jucato> !paste | iain
[03:13] <ubotu> iain: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[03:15] <iain> hehe I could just paste it here... its that small... but no I'll do the pastebin... just a sec...
[03:15] <Jucato> anything more than 2 lines --> pastebin
[03:16] <iain> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62587/
[03:16] <Jucato> definitely weird.
[03:16] <Jucato> !xconfig
[03:16] <iain> yeah
[03:16] <ubotu> To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes
[03:17] <Jucato> you can try that. just remember to backup your xorg.conf first
[03:17] <iain> ughhh I feel like I'm going back to the 90's or something... hehe
[03:17] <genii> Thats a pretty bare xorg.conf alright
[03:17] <Buhmanator> 90's?
[03:18] <iain> manually configured xorg... just kidding... I'll give that a whirl
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[03:26] <trappist> how do I enable/disable resources for the kde address book? I used to see it in kontact and I don't anymore
[03:27] <Jucato> trappist: in Kontact, while viewing Contacts, Settings -> Show extenstions -> Address Books
=== berry_ is now known as Buhmanator
[03:28] <trappist> Jucato: thanks, not very intuitive :)
[03:28] <Jucato> :)
[03:29] <J4M> my mute button doesn't work :o
[03:29] <J4M> it says mute on, on the screen, and there's a red sign on the kmix tray icon
[03:29] <J4M> but I still get sound
[03:29] <genii> Maybe you have more than 1 audio device
[03:30] <J4M> the volume up and down works though
[03:31] <Fritzel`> how do you perminantly disable dynamic word wrapping in kate?
[03:31] <Buhmanator> i have a cryptic error message from konqueror. my problem is that konqeror refuses to browse the file system. It wont open ANYTHING. no folders, pages, nothing. here is the error message it gives me when I type "/" into the location bar:
[03:31] <Buhmanator> "this appears to be a configuration error. you have associated Konqueror with inode/directory, but it cannot handle this file type"
[03:31] <Buhmanator> Now, last time I checked, the WHOLE point of konqueror was to browse the file system. How can it not support "inode/directory"?
[03:31] <Buhmanator> Major problem, when I go to the said dialog in the emedding tab of the file associations tab of the configure-konqueror dialog,
[03:31] <Buhmanator> when I click on the "add" button on the services preference order subsection to add " Icon View (konq_iconview)" to the top of the list, there are no items in the list to add!
[03:33] <genii> Fritzel`: Change Dynamic Word Wrap=true line in ~/.kde/share/config/katerc
[03:34] <Fritzel`> thank you
[03:34] <genii> Fritzel`: np
[03:34] <Jucato> Buhmanator: I think we have already established earlier that you have a messed up KDE isntall. can you check if the fle /usr/lib/kde3/konq_iconview.so exists?
[03:34] <Jucato> if not, reinstall the konqueror package
[03:36] <sars> hello
[03:37] <sars> any body arabic here
[03:38] <Buhmanator> not in this channel
[03:38] <Buhmanator> try an iraqi channel
[03:38] <Buhmanator> last time I heard, the sucideal hotline was pretty good
[03:38] <Jucato> !sa | sars
[03:38] <ubotu> sars: For the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join للغة العربية رجاء انظم #ubuntu-sa
[03:39] <Jucato> Buhmanator: hm?
[03:39] <sars> tanx for all
[03:41] <sars> :) just 1 in room and he not speck
[03:41] <Buhmanator> Jucato, fyi: the sucidal hotline is where iraq gets it's new bomber recruits
[03:41] <NickPresta> Buhmanator, surely you are not so rude and ignorant?
[03:41] <genii> sars: If you can ask your question here in clear english we may be able to assist
[03:41] <Jucato> Buhmanator: which is totally unrelated, offtopic, and offensive in here
[03:42] <iain> well that didn't change anything as far as the driver and resolution
[03:42] <Jucato> iain: you ran the command?
[03:42] <iain> yup
[03:42] <iain> both of them
[03:42] <Jucato> iain: when you were given a list of drivers to choose from, did you choose intel?
[03:42] <Buhmanator> lol, sorry
[03:43] <iain> it didn't give me any drivers to choose from
[03:43] <sars> this first time used unix
[03:43] <sars> :)
[03:43] <iain> just gave me keyboard layout stuff
[03:43] <Jucato> iain: it's supposed to be a sort of guided wizard thing
[03:43] <iain> yup
[03:43] <Jucato> hm... maybe the driver is not even installed..
[03:44] <iain> the chip is being detected at boot... its in the dmesg log
[03:44] <Jucato> iain: can you check if xserver-xorg-video-intel is installed?
[03:44] <iain> okay
[03:45] <iain> no such file
[03:45] <Jucato> "dpkg -L | grep intel" should show it
[03:45] <Jucato> (or is it -l?)
[03:45] <Jucato> it's not a file. it's a package
[03:46] <genii> sars: اسْم : تهنئة
[03:46] <genii> Hmm
[03:46] <Jucato> iain: so it seems the video driver isn't installed at all. "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel" should install it
[03:46] <sars> i have wma music how can opne it
[03:46] <sars> ?
[03:46] <Jucato> !w32codecs | sars
[03:46] <ubotu> sars: The Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages
[03:46] <iain> ii xserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.2.1-1ubuntu10 X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display d
[03:47] <iain> its there
[03:47] <Jucato> iain: so it is installed.. hm...
[03:47] <Jucato> very *very* weird
[03:47] <sars> ‪<genii> hello
[03:47] <sars> u arabic
[03:48] <clink> is there a way to restart the 7.04 to 7.10 update process, it stalled and for a day then the power went out
[03:48] <iain> perhaps I'll try manually hacking something in xorg.conf...
[03:48] <genii> sars: No, Canadian. I used a translator before
[03:48] <Jucato> iain: you can probably try to insert this line under Identifier "Configured Video Device"
[03:48] <Jucato> iain: Driver "intel"
[03:50] <genii> sars: For wma playing, install from Add/Remove programs win32codecs. For this you need to go to Edit Software Sources in Add/Remove Programs and select repositories universe and multiverse
[03:50] <Fritzel`> !games | Fritzel stop forgetting where this is
[03:50] <ubotu> Fritzel stop forgetting where this is: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php
[03:51] <genii> sars: After install of win32codecs you can play wma in kaffeine or amarok
[03:51] <genii> Fritzel`: heh :)
[03:51] <Jucato> genii: w32codecs are not in our repositories, even multiverse
[03:52] <clink> i can't get shared-mime-info to install, apt throws an error everytime
[03:52] <genii> Jucato: Ah, where the hell did I get them from? Must be medibuntu
[03:52] <Jucato> genii: definitely
[03:52] <Jucato> clink: can you pastebin the error?
[03:53] <Jucato> !pastebin | clink
[03:53] <ubotu> clink: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[03:53] <clink> sure
[03:54] <sars> BrB :)
[03:56] <genii> sars: Edit Software Sources in Add/Remove Programs. Then Third-Party Software. Add to add: URI: http://packages.medibuntu.org/ Distribution: gutsy Components: free non-free
[03:56] <genii> sars: This is if gutsy. If another put the name
[03:56] <kc8hfi> f3dora.org
[03:56] <clink> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62594/
[03:57] <noys_> hmm Im trying to forward my eth0 device but my iptables have not changed
[03:57] <noys_> sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE this is my command im using
[03:58] <noys_> then i go ahead and look at iptables -L but still doesnt show anything i will pastebin what i see
[03:59] <clink> this all started when i was upgrading to gutsy and it stalled, then i lost power
[03:59] <Jucato> clink: try running "sudo dpkg --configure -a"
[03:59] <noys_> http://www.pastebin.ca/977842
[04:00] <sars> :) when opne the any sit it closed
[04:00] <sars> wht prop
[04:01] <clink> yeah i've tried that, it gets stuck on the package i mentioned
[04:02] <sars> <geni wht is http://packages.medibuntu.org/
[04:02] <noys_> aww i think i figured it out forgot a command
[04:04] <genii> sars:قريبا أنا ينبغي نمت. أنا أتمنّى أنت جيّدا. إعتذارات ل [كمبوتر ترنسلأيشن] رهيبة من لغتك.
[04:04] <genii> Why does it keep doing that I wonder
[04:04] <Idrogeno> thats not english
[04:04] <Idrogeno> gtfo of my channel
[04:04] <clink> lol
[04:04] <genii> hehe
[04:05] <genii> sars: It is another place containing programs for ubuntu
[04:05] <sars> <genii> thank u
[04:06] <sars> but i have KUBUNTU
[04:06] <genii> sars: The programs underneath kubuntu are also ubuntu programs
[04:06] <sars> :)
[04:07] <genii> codecs, etc
[04:07] <genii> Good night all, I am out of coffee and work comes early
[04:09] <Alchera> does anyone know where is the file that stores the "Locatation" menu entries for Konqueror is located?
=== ronnie is now known as trophyhead
[04:11] <sars> (no debugging symbols found)
[04:11] <sars> Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/i686/cmov/libthread_db.so.1".
[04:11] <sars> (no debugging symbols found)
[04:11] <sars> (no debugging symbols found)
[04:11] <sars> (no debugging symbols found)
[04:11] <trophyhead> hi, computer brainy dudes, or at lest I hope ya are hehe
[04:11] <Buhmanator> hi tropyhead
[04:11] <noys_> how do i fix this problem? i ran the command apt-get and got this error Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
[04:13] <trophyhead> hey is the bus speed of my computer in any way related to how fast a video card I can get? like the mhz's,?
[04:13] <MrJoey> Yes
[04:14] <MrJoey> It determines how fast video images can be sent from the motherboard/RAM to the video card.
[04:14] <MrJoey> For instance, when I installed a Radeon card, graphics acceleration was increased dramatically, but other things slowed down due to the overhead of sending data through the PCI bus.
[04:15] <sars> sory gis
[04:15] <sars> :)
[04:15] <MrJoey> For instance, using Compiz with the Radeon card results in a faster cube animation, but things are more jumpy because any time something changes, that change has to pass through the PCI bus rather than being zapped or mapped straight to integrated graphics.
[04:15] <trophyhead> hmm well that really bites!, I have an old ibm desktop & it's buc speed is 133mhz (turtle slow), currently have nvidia tnt2
[04:16] <MrJoey> I don't know how fast my PCI bus is; I just know my computer is from about 2002.
[04:16] <Buhmanator> probably 33mhz
[04:17] <Buhmanator> or you could be nostalgic like me and underclock your pci bus to: 0.74mhz-- the same speed of an intel4004
[04:18] <|TroubleMaker|> I've got a little problem with CUPS I am using a Linksys print server for my networked printing. When printing the first print job prints without fail, but never clears the que so the 2nd and so on jobs do not ever print. I have to go in and delete the jobs as they finish. anyone seen this and know of a solution?
[04:19] <Buhmanator> yes
[04:19] <Buhmanator> i do
[04:19] <Buhmanator> for a price...
[04:20] <Cain_> whats a program like itunes, for kubuntu/
[04:20] <tysine> ktunes?
[04:21] <trophyhead> I can play tremulos, but if there's alot of screen action it freeze's & pause's, guess there;s no point in buying a geforce4 card to hope it fixes it = ( *computer for sale* haha
[04:22] <Buhmanator> i have a cryptic error message from konqueror. my problem is that konqeror refuses to browse the file system. It wont open ANYTHING. no folders, pages, nothing. here is the error message it gives me when I type "/" into the location bar:"this appears to be a configuration error. you have associated Konqueror with inode/directory, but it cannot handle this file type" Now, last time I checked, the WHOLE point of konqueror was to brows
[04:22] <Buhmanator> e the file system. How can it not support "inode/directory"? Major problem, when I go to the said dialog in the emedding tab of the file associations tab of the configure-konqueror dialog, when I click on the "add" button on the services preference order subsection to add " Icon View (konq_iconview)" to the top of the list, there are no items in the list to add!
[04:22] <monkeybritches> Cain_; Have you tried Amarok?
[04:23] <QUEBALL> hello
[04:24] <trophyhead> hmm lemme check that bus speed again, I was sure it said 133, it is a pentium4, 2 ghz, with 768 ram, I hope it's not only 33 = (
[04:24] <Cain_> monkeybritches: nope \o/
[04:24] <Buhmanator> hello QUEBALL
[04:25] <QUEBALL> HI I TOLD On on from friend you could run with ubuntu window applications
[04:25] <QUEBALL> I was told from a friend
[04:25] <monkeybritches> !wine | queball
[04:25] <ubotu> queball: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.
[04:25] <Buhmanator> goodnight, all! (16 core AMD Opteron OVCLK 5.215ghz, 512tb DDR4 RAM, 1,000,000 tb HDD)
[04:26] <monkeybritches> night
[04:26] <QUEBALL> someone told him that he wasn't running wine just running windows applications
[04:26] <monkeybritches> Wow, Buhmanator was from the future...
[04:27] <monkeybritches> Which applications?
[04:27] <QUEBALL> like firefox and vnc/mirc
[04:27] <dthacker> |TroubleMaker|: I have a linksys print server and I have not seen that problem. If Cups shows more than one driver available for your printer, you may want to try a different one.
[04:28] <|TroubleMaker|> I downloaded the driver from the brother website and used it.
[04:28] <Goldintel> hello queball
[04:28] <QUEBALL> hi
[04:29] <monkeybritches> There are linux versions of those applications
[04:29] <Goldintel> so what you finding out about this os
[04:29] <|TroubleMaker|> I dont have this problem with the printer hooked directly to my usb port. just with the print server....
[04:29] <QUEBALL> nothin yet
[04:29] <QUEBALL> other than i told he is running Wine
[04:29] <QUEBALL> !wine Goldintel
[04:29] <monkeybritches> Not always the same (mIRC is windows only) but functionally the same
[04:29] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about wine goldintel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[04:29] <Goldintel> who told you this
[04:30] <Goldintel> can i show you a link
[04:30] <QUEBALL> !wine | Goldintel
[04:30] <ubotu> Goldintel: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.
[04:30] <Cain_> nope
[04:30] <Cain_> i cannot get amarok to work
[04:30] <Cain_> what the hell is ktunes?
[04:30] <Goldintel> http://info.bluefrogcs.com/images/xubuntu.png
[04:30] <Goldintel> see
[04:31] <monkeybritches> I think he was joking
[04:31] <QUEBALL> that what i thought to
[04:31] <Goldintel> who
[04:31] <monkeybritches> tysine
[04:32] <monkeybritches> Cain_: Try Banshee
[04:32] <Goldintel> what you thinking queball are you going to try it out
[04:32] <tysine> uhh, yes, sorry mate, twas but in jest
[04:32] <monkeybritches> I was going to say it too but tysine beat me do it
[04:32] <QUEBALL> monkeybritches You telling me only way get any type window applications work in linux is to do Wine
[04:32] <monkeybritches> to it, even
[04:33] <monkeybritches> If it's strictly for windows, yes
[04:33] <Goldintel> i was told it was a part of ubuntu
=== brandi_ is now known as moj0rising
[04:35] <moj0rising> hi ,everyone!
[04:35] <monkeybritches> Hello
[04:36] <moj0rising> I have a broadcom issue after upgrading to hardy...
[04:36] <moj0rising> ...is it ok to ask about that here since hardy's still in beta?
[04:36] <monkeybritches> !hardy | moj0rising
[04:36] <ubotu> moj0rising: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu
[04:37] <moj0rising> Yup. I know that: Hardy is in beta.
[04:37] <monkeybritches> Have you tried #ubuntu+1?
[04:37] <moj0rising> With that, does anyone mind me asking this broadcom question
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[04:38] <moj0rising> is that for the beta, monkeybritches?
[04:38] <monkeybritches> I don't think anyone minds you asking, but whether or not you'll get an answer that works for you is a different story
[04:38] <monkeybritches> Yes
[04:38] <moj0rising> OK. Well.
[04:38] <moj0rising> after upgrading and working through some issues...
[04:38] <moj0rising> ...I am getting this error:
[04:39] <moj0rising> b43-phy0 error: you must go to http://linuxwireless.org
[04:39] <moj0rising> and x does not load.
[04:39] <moj0rising> which is bad. since I need x to work on this machine.
[04:39] <dthacker> |TroubleMaker|: I'd check the forums for a similar issue or ask the question on launchpad
[04:39] <moj0rising> I have searched the forums, which recoomend some somewhat unconventional fixes..
[04:40] <moj0rising> ...what I really want to know is...
[04:40] <moj0rising> ...how can I remove the "restricted" broadcom driver...
[04:40] <moj0rising> ...I loaded while running gutsy.
[04:40] <moj0rising> I don't need wireless on this machine
[04:40] <moj0rising> and it never worked right anyway.
[04:40] <moj0rising> I know how to remove the restricted driver from within kde..
[04:40] <|TroubleMaker|> dthacker, thanks man...I'll continue to look. Its gotta be something simple i've missed. just a PITA to delete each job before printing the next one ya know.
[04:41] <moj0rising> ...but I don't have kde working right now because of this.
[04:41] <ronnietrophyhead> well I just looked, my bus speed is 133mhz & the nvidia tnt2 cards 150 mhz, so guess my only option is ta get rid of this ole clunker pc, = ) a better video card won't help = (
[04:41] <dthacker> |TroubleMaker|: sorry I couldn't be more help. Good luck
[04:42] <moj0rising> So does anyone know how to remove a restricted driver from the command line?
=== ronnietrophyhead is now known as trophyhead
[04:42] <moj0rising> I saw some braodcom packages when searching apt-cache but they don't seem to be the items I need to remove.
[04:42] <monkeybritches> Not off the top of my head...
[04:44] <trophyhead> *sigh* if only I knew b4 bus speed is important for fast 3d graphics, tho my first time buying a pc, & the salesmen burnt me bigtime = (
[04:45] <moj0rising> bummer. Thanks anyway. I'll keep searching.
[04:46] <trophyhead> oh well the good thing is it had no OS so I discovered the linux world cause of it! = )
[04:47] <trophyhead> have a good night all **dreams of hardy release* hehe
[04:48] <monkeybritches> moj0rising: Try sudo modprobe -r <drivername>
[05:04] <brandi_> ah. Thanks, monkeybritches!
[05:05] <brandi_> actually, someone. in the ubuntu+1 channel suggested "sudo rmmod driver-name" from the console
[05:05] <brandi_> but the only problem is...
[05:05] <brandi_> ...I don't know the driver name. :(
[05:06] <brandi_> and can't seem to find it in lsmod
[05:08] <monkeybritches> I'm glad to have been of some help up to this point...
=== Idrogeno is now known as Hydrogen
[05:15] <brandi_> heh. well. maybe you can help more. :)
[05:15] <brandi_> so...
[05:16] <brandi_> ...I disabled the wireless in the BIOS..
[05:16] <brandi_> ...and that error is gone for now.
[05:16] <brandi_> but the other restricted driver, nvidia...
[05:16] <brandi_> ...is now causing a problem.
[05:16] <brandi_> so I am thinking that was actually the reason x isn't loading.
[05:16] <brandi_> I just couldn't see any errors on it.
[05:17] <brandi_> so, I'm wondering how I can remove that nvidia driver now.
[05:17] <brandi_> If I do that, I can get x going again.
[05:17] <brandi_> going to try the "safe mode" x...
[05:19] <monkeybritches> Did you try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?
[05:19] <brandi_> nope.
[05:19] <brandi_> I'll try it now though.
[05:19] <brandi_> safe mode x doesn't work...
[05:20] <monkeybritches> And did you try to download a driver from nvidia?
[05:24] <brandi_> well. I didn't download the driver from nvidia. I used the restricted drivers tool in gutsy..
[05:24] <brandi_> ...to install it...
[05:24] <brandi_> ...and when I did an upgrade...
[05:25] <brandi_> I got all these errors with the wifi and nvidia video.
[05:25] <brandi_> in hindsight, I should have removed those before upgrading.
[05:25] <brandi_> but I basically forgot they were there. :)
[05:27] <monkeybritches> Well I hope you get it worked out. Time to go running...
[05:28] <brandi_> thanks again!
[05:28] <monkeybritches> You're welcome
[05:37] <luis__> hi guys good night i like to asdk you for help
[05:38] <luis__> i went to konsole and typed sudo aptitude to fiiiiind uninstall programs then i found games uninstall and i did install them it took like two days, now it just finish but there are bi games on the menu is there any simple way and not that long to get just simple card games thta you can help me please ?
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[05:46] <chip_> in amarok, does anyone know how can i get my collection list to not group songs by albums? can i just get it to display the artist and track title?
[05:55] <luis__> so can some one helpme and tell me how can i install games, card games in kubuntu please??
[05:59] <luis__> so.. any interested on helping me please?
[06:20] <sigma_1234> can a sudo cronjob be run at every startup?
[06:20] <cpk1> why dont you just make a script that runs at startup instead?
[06:21] <cpk1> sigma_1234: afaik cron is for scheduled jobs, i.e. do this at this time
[06:21] <sigma_1234> because i want it to install a deb at every startup without prompting me for the root password
[06:22] <cpk1> you could just script that
[06:22] <sigma_1234> but how would you get around entering the root password while installing the deb?
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
[06:24] <cpk1> put "/usr/bin/aptitude -y install somepackage" in /etc/rc.local i think will work
[06:25] <sigma_1234> i was thinking about cron but if a pc on the network missed it it would never be updated the whole day
[06:25] <sigma_1234> is rc.local the startup file?
[06:27] <cpk1> sigma_1234: when you start the computer it reads rc.local last for things to do
[06:27] <sigma_1234> ah yes i knew that sounded familiar
[06:28] <sigma_1234> but the network both wired or wireless will be active before it reads that file hey?
[06:29] <cpk1> sigma_1234: yes
[06:31] <cpk1> sigma_1234: i suppose you could just make a text file with "/usr/bin/aptitude -y install somepackage" and then put it in rc2.d i think is the right run level and then name it "Ssomenumberlowerthannetwork.myfilename"
[06:31] <cpk1> sigma_1234: but why would a computer need to reinstall something on every boot?
[06:32] <delv> anyone remember te command to run if adept locks up afte an update?
[06:33] <cpk1> !aptfix
[06:33] <ubotu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[06:34] <delv> ahh that's the one, the bot's got it
[06:35] <delv> thanks...
[06:37] <luis__> hi guys good night
[06:38] <luis__> can some one help me, i want to install games in kubuntu but i dont know how, can someone help me please?
[06:39] <sigma_1234> cpk1: its virus updates
[06:41] <mEck0> god morning! I have problem with Amarok which doesn't recognize my Ipod Nano 3rd Gen (8Gb). I've red that it's a bug, but haven't found how to fix it :(
[06:41] <luis__> so is there any one that can help me please?
[06:41] <cpk1> luis__: games is a very broad term
[06:41] <luis__> ok
[06:41] <Ukonpoika> !games | luis__
[06:41] <ubotu> luis__: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php
[06:41] <luis__> card games
[06:41] <cpk1> the kde games package probably includes some
[06:42] <luis__> the thing is that i typr sudo aptitude to fin out what programs were not install and then i found games so i did install them, it took about two days, but at the end there are no games on the menu
[06:42] <luis__> so i dont know how to install them
[06:45] <luis__> i am taking a look to the addresses you say, but none of them say for kubuntu is that a problem?
[06:45] <noodles12> is there a reason why using gisomount results in "file selected is not an iso file" but i can manually mount the file from the command line?
[06:46] <luis__> this is what it says:
[06:46] <luis__> We were unable to detect your Linux distribution. Please use the following list to select one:
[06:46] <luis__> Debian
[06:46] <luis__> Fedora
[06:46] <luis__> Gentoo
[06:46] <luis__> Mandriva
[06:46] <luis__> PCLinuxOS
[06:46] <luis__> Suse
[06:46] <luis__> Ubuntu
[06:47] <luis__> o as you see none of them say kubuntu i have kubuntu 7.10
[06:47] <Ukonpoika> luis__, Kubuntu is practically Ubuntu, but it has KDE instead of Gnome
[06:47] <Ukonpoika> And please don't flood
[06:47] <luis__> ok thanks
[06:48] <Ukonpoika> Install the kdegames package, it comes with a few card games
[06:52] <dwidmann> and/or the kde4games package :)
[06:52] <dwidmann> ***erm, kdegames-kde4
[06:52] <dwidmann> Comes with some heavy dependencies, but worth it
[06:52] <Daisuke_Ido> just for giggles, anyone have any experience with the HP L7680?
[06:52] <dwidmann> Daisuke_Ido: not I
[06:53] <Daisuke_Ido> btw patience = best card game collection out there
[06:53] <Daisuke_Ido> for look, feel, and quality of included games
[06:54] <dwidmann> Daisuke_Ido: what repo and/or packages contain it?
[06:55] <Daisuke_Ido> patience
[06:55] <Daisuke_Ido> !info patience
[06:55] <ubotu> Package patience does not exist in gutsy
[06:55] <Daisuke_Ido> is that still broken?
[06:56] <dwidmann> Daisuke_Ido: apparently, I'm not seeing it in Hardy either
[06:56] <Daisuke_Ido> !info kpat
[06:56] <ubotu> kpat (source: kdegames): KDE solitaire patience game. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 334 kB, installed size 812 kB
[06:56] <Daisuke_Ido> no, that's not it :\
[06:57] <Daisuke_Ido> wait, wait, i could be wrong. it used to be called patience...
[06:58] <Daisuke_Ido> it *is* kpat
[06:58] <dwidmann> Daisuke_Ido: I assumed it was a printer and looked it up on openprinting.org and didn't see it specifically, bu I see an L7600 and L7700 listed, it'd probably work if the 7600 works .... I woudl guess
[06:59] <Daisuke_Ido> dwidmann, it is, but it's supposed to be wireless. i've been trying to help someone get it set up over the phone
[06:59] <Daisuke_Ido> so i was looking for someone familiar with its menus and structure to find out how to set ssid and wep key
[06:59] <dwidmann> Daisuke_Ido: usual approach isn't working? :(
[07:00] <Daisuke_Ido> what, the "just name off everything you see" approach? no :(
[07:01] <dwidmann> Daisuke_*: so much easier with physical access..
[07:02] <Daisuke_Ido> yes, it is
[07:02] <Daisuke_Ido> unfortunately, about 500 miles is a bit tough right now
[07:04] <dwidmann> Those gas prices will stop you dead in your tracks if you're not careful
[07:05] <dwidmann> With my car that'd be about $80-110 worth of gas
=== zakame_ is now known as zakame
[07:06] <dwidmann> hmm, calculator says $105
[07:07] <Daisuke_Ido> 35 to the gallon here... about $50
[07:07] <dwidmann> I get 30 to the gallon ....
[07:07] <Daisuke_Ido> good thing is it's all highway
[07:07] <dwidmann> I guess 500 was round trip?
[07:07] <Daisuke_Ido> we're paying $3.46 right now
[07:07] <dwidmann> ouch
[07:07] <Daisuke_Ido> 500's one way
[07:08] <Daisuke_Ido> would be $100 round trip
[07:08] <dwidmann> I can get it for about $3.10 if I'm in the right town when I stop for it .... otherwise it hits about $3.299 max
[07:08] <Ukonpoika> -> #kubuntu-offtopic please.
[07:08] <dwidmann> at least I haven't seen it higher than that yet .....
[07:08] * dwidmann knocks on wood
[07:11] <Daisuke_Ido> Ukonpoika, having an issue currently?
[07:16] <Daisuke_Ido> dwidmann, think i found what i needed for that printer...
[07:16] <Daisuke_Ido> she doesn't have a manual, which would have been REALLY helpful.
[07:16] <dwidmann> Oh?
[07:16] <dwidmann> indeed
=== jords__ is now known as jords
[07:17] <Daisuke_Ido> well, like a typical network printer, i was having her check settings via the http setup page
[07:17] <Daisuke_Ido> but no, wireless info isn't there.
[07:18] <Daisuke_Ido> it's actually all *IN* the printer's control panel on the front face... with no way to change it without physical access to the printer
[07:18] <Daisuke_Ido> i think this is the first time i've ever been disappointed with HP
[07:19] <Daisuke_Ido> by the by, bookmark generalmanual.com
[07:22] <Agent_bob> can someone help me get sane/xsane to work 1. the scanner is a well supported hp pcs 750 2. sane-find-scanner comes up with nothing. 3. lsusb sees the device and it prints fine but just doesn't scan. anyone?
[07:23] <Agent_bob> 3a. lsusb sees the printer, i'm not sure if it should be seeing a seperate device as the scanner...
[07:33] <greeg> hi
[07:33] <bittin> hi
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[08:00] <shona> hi, i am getting error "error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" when trying to open some applications
[08:00] <shona> What shld I reinstall?
[08:03] <needhelp> Error: Unable to position to end of data on device "Ultrium" (/dev/nst0): ERR=dev.c:896 ioctl MTEOM error on "Ultrium" (/dev/nst0). ERR=Input/output error. <-- what should i do?
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
=== Angelus__ is now known as _Angelus_
[08:56] <intelikey> anyone here now that might be able to help me with a scanner issue ?
[08:57] <tomahasamoot> I have dyslexsia, and I'm wondering if there's some dictionary software for Linux that's comperable to the software on a dedicated electoric dictionary
[08:58] * doom_ good morning all! :D
[08:59] <max_> I need to read %utilization of processor, where is in the /proc ?
[09:00] <intelikey> cpuinfo ?
=== doom_ is now known as DOOM_NX
[09:01] <max_> where is the % in cpuinfo?
[09:02] <intelikey> max_ actually i don't think it's there.
[09:02] <intelikey> let me look
[09:02] <max_> ok thanks
[09:05] <tomahasamoot> Hey, isn't great that Skype 2.0 is out, and they have a .deb for ubuntu! .... except that it's only 32bit (*&^%!
[09:05] <tomahasamoot> Does anyone know when they'll do a 64bit version?
[09:07] <intelikey> max_ interesting. i have never looked for cpu usage before i don't see it there... could you use a command to grab it ?
[09:08] <aapo> hi, can I start kde4's kcontrol with kde3?
[09:08] <max_> ok , I need to use top.... and write info in a file...
[09:08] <intelikey> max -b mode of top ?
[09:09] <max_> 'top -f <filename>' will do the trick:
[09:09] <aapo> I run new dolphin with kde3, and it says that it uses kde4. Now I want to change mouse behaving, but I need kde4's kcontrol.
[09:16] <intelikey> can anyone help me change this http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d4921f9a1 into something usefull ?
=== user__ is now known as Philip6
[09:31] <sbucat> hello i have a problem with blender , on movie editor mode
[09:31] <sbucat> i have not sound when i am trying to play a movie
[09:31] <sbucat> or add a sound track
[09:32] <sbucat> * or adding a sound track
[09:34] <ubuntu> ummm
=== ubuntu is now known as psicobra
[09:38] <makdaknife> hello everybody
[09:40] <aftertaf> hi
[09:45] <bob__> Hi I need some help..how do I use windows instant messenger and yahoo and where do if find it
[09:47] <intelikey> !msn
[09:47] <ubotu> Instant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) is supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Pidgin
[09:48] <aftertaf> bob__: you sure you 'NEED' windows messenger?
[09:48] <aftertaf> intelikey: though MSN is borked in kopete right now.
[09:48] <aftertaf> hardy at least
[09:49] <intelikey> aftertaf k i'll note that. although i probably wont be here much.
[09:49] <makdaknife> I'm having a small load problem... one of my boxes is sitting constantly at a 0.58 load average... however, running top no processes seem to be using the CPU... how can I determine what is causing this load problem
[09:49] <bob__> when I was using the live CD I found it..But now I cant find it
[09:49] <aftertaf> makdaknife: top
[09:49] <aftertaf> might be kded being spooky again
[09:50] <intelikey> one half of a percent ? is there an xserver running ?
[09:50] <makdaknife> aftertaf: ... running top no processes seem to be using the CPU
[09:50] <makdaknife> intelikey: no... I have shutdown x
[09:50] <aftertaf> 0.5% usage == load problem? sure about that?
[09:50] <makdaknife> intelikey: load at 0.58=58% usage
[09:51] <intelikey> you do realize that it requires cpu to poll the cpu usage ?
[09:51] <makdaknife> load at 1=100% usage
[09:51] <makdaknife> intelikey: yes
[09:51] <intelikey> oh that wasn't percent. i see.
[09:51] <intelikey> then yes constant 50 is high
[09:51] <aftertaf> lol :)
[09:56] <bob__> Ok I got..Thanks
[09:58] <cpk1> it says my load average is over 1.0...
[09:58] <makdaknife> cpk1: your CPU is being used 100% and there are other processes waiting in the run queue
[09:59] <cpk1> experiencing no slowdown...
[09:59] <cpk1> Cpu(s): 8.6%us, 2.3%sy is what I would imagine to be relevant cpu info
[09:59] <clau30> if load 1=100% how can 1.75 be possible? 175%?
[10:00] <cpk1> 1 user, load average: 1.07, 1.08, 1.08 is what I have
[10:00] <cpk1> but like I said no slowdown or anything
[10:02] <makdaknife> man uptime:
[10:02] <makdaknife> System load averages is the average number of processes that are either in a runnable or uninterruptable state. A process in a runnable state is either using the CPU
[10:02] <makdaknife> or waiting to use the CPU. A process in uninterruptable state is waiting for some I/O access, eg waiting for disk. The averages are taken over the three time inter‐
[10:02] <makdaknife> vals. Load averages are not normalized for the number of CPUs in a system, so a load average of 1 means a single CPU system is loaded all the time while on a 4 CPU
[10:02] <makdaknife> system it means it was idle 75% of the time.
[10:02] * makdaknife yawns... jebus you would think this is a Microsoft users channel
[10:02] <RogueJediX> !paste | makdaknife
[10:02] <ubotu> makdaknife: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[10:03] <makdaknife> RogueJediX: apologies... but it seems that a large number of users need some educating
[10:04] <cpk1> oh, so I guess e2fsck running for the last couple hours would cuase system load to go up
[10:04] <RogueJediX> makdaknife: No prob
[10:06] <makdaknife> interesting... I have just noticed that only one core of my CPU seems to be represented in htop... yet... cat /proc/cpuinfo shows: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+
[10:06] <makdaknife> any ideas why only one core might not be being used?
[10:06] <clau30> makdaknife: thanks for the enlightment ;)
[10:07] <cpk1> it could just be htop not reporting correctly right?
[10:08] <makdaknife> cpk1: usually when you cat /proc/cpuinfo on a dual core it reports for both cores... but its only reporting for one... so I don't think htop is reporting incorrectly
[10:09] <makdaknife> cpk1: it may also explain why the box is behaving as if it is under load the whole time
=== sparklingshrew is now known as shinygerbil
[10:31] <Fritzel> I have kopete launch at login, is there anyway to always give kopete access to it? I don't want to have to type in a password at login
[10:31] <Fritzel> er
[10:31] <Fritzel> wallet
[10:32] <Fritzel> anyway to give kopete perminant access to wallet I ment
[10:36] <clau30> Fritzel: you probably have been asked by kwallet to "allow once" or "allow always"
[10:37] <Fritzel> yes it's set to always allow
[10:37] <Fritzel> but when I login is when it's an issue
[10:38] <Fritzel> basically is there a way kopete can authenticate to the wallet automatically?
[10:39] <twager> Burning .mp3 files as audio (wav) in k3b does not give song titles just numbers. Is there a way to make it include titles ?
[10:40] <clau30> Fritzel: I think you mean that you always have to "open" the wallet with the password
[10:40] <clau30> if you give no password, you won't be asked
[10:40] <Fritzel> yes that sounds about right
[10:40] <clau30> but then, why use wallet anyway?
[10:41] <Fritzel> -nod- and I'd do that in the wallet correct?
[10:42] <Fritzel> ok I got it thank you, and I don't know why I'm using it honestly ^^
[10:42] <clau30> :)
[10:42] <clau30> you have all passwords in one place..
[10:43] <Fritzel> yes I know it's not smart, but the worst anyone can do with the passwords I've got here is login to instant messengers,
=== wolf66 is now known as esplinter
[10:47] <codeRat> hi, I- trzing to install kubuntu on a raid. I've used dmraid and partitioned the disk(s). I mounted the partitiones to /target dir (with proc, dev sys and cdrom). The problem is with apt-get. Whe I execute it I get "sudo: unable to execute /usr/bin/apt-get: Input/output error". I cannot find any solution to this. Please help
[10:59] <iain> hello using kubuntu 8.04 on a rather pathetic celeron with built in intel graphics... I'm trying to get 3d acceleration working but I'm having trouble, when I do the dpkg reconfigure it doesn't give me the chance to autodetect hardware, or pick drivers, etc... it just lets me select my keyboard style. Anyone help me?
[11:00] <ct529> hi everybody!
[11:00] <ct529> I have a proble with kde 4, is it the right place?
[11:02] <makdaknife> !kde4|ct529
[11:02] <ubotu> ct529: KDE 4.0.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.3.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.3.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[11:02] * ct529 tahnks makdaknife
[11:02] <makdaknife> np
[11:03] <snake> hello
[11:04] <snake> по русски кто говорит?
[11:04] <IppatsuMan> !ru | snake
[11:04] <ubotu> snake: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
[11:04] <snake> cool
[11:05] <ct529> !8.04
[11:05] <ubotu> Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu
[11:05] <rdw> hi
[11:05] <rdw> i can't mv some directory on ntfs filesystem
[11:05] <rdw> it says operation not supported
[11:06] <snake> Нах мне убунту irc.Есть кубунту irc?
[11:07] <snake> ладно
[11:42] <Wolfpaws> Hi. I've installed a KDE4 on ubuntu, but there is no blutooth stak in repository. How can I get ir working?
[11:45] <oyvind_> how do i config my network when I just intalled the ubuntu-server?
[11:45] <jussio1> Wolfpaws: Please ask in #kubuntu-kde4 :)
[11:46] <Wolfpaws> jussio1: Thanks
[11:46] <jussio1> :)
=== shockhead is now known as abcdefghijklmnop
=== abcdefghijklmnop is now known as shockhead
[11:54] <jussi01> !nickspam > shockhead
[11:59] <bob__> How do I change my nick nane
[12:01] <clau30> bob__: type: /nick youNewNickname
=== bob__ is now known as youNewNicckname
[12:07] <youNewNicckname> Am I
[12:08] <spine55> you figured it out
[12:09] <youNewNicckname> Not yet..you have to tone down the geek talk
[12:10] <spine55> well you change your nick by typing /nick addnewnamehere
[12:11] <spine55> or do you mean permanently
[12:12] <youNewNicckname> type:/AussieBob
[12:13] <youNewNicckname> type:/AussieBobNewNickname
[12:13] <snake> tylbuts?
[12:13] <clau30> youNewNicckname: you have to send a command to the server to change your nich
[12:13] <clau30> *nick
[12:13] <clau30> youNewNicckname: that command begins with a slash(/) and is called "nick"
=== snake is now known as snake__
[12:14] <clau30> so you type /nick, followed by the new nickname you want
[12:14] <clau30> as in (withouth the quotes):"/nick bobby"
[12:14] <youNewNicckname> Bugger it..you know who I am now
[12:15] <clau30> youNewNicckname: [13:07] *** bob__ nennt sich jetzt youNewNicckname.
[12:18] <youNewNicckname> So I need Help..I have an USB hard-drive ,but I can not find it ...
[12:18] <icewaterman> youNewNicckname: then go looking for it in the cellar
[12:19] <iliya_> hi, I acidently deleted content of folders /etc/network and etc/networkmanager how to reinstall, as kubuntu now does not detect wireless card
[12:19] <youNewNicckname> Thats were the wine is..Im a beer drinker
[12:19] <makdaknife> !lsusb
[12:19] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about lsusb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[12:19] <makdaknife> youNewNicckname: try type: lsusb on the command line/shell
[12:20] <youNewNicckname> command line/shell?
[12:20] <youNewNicckname> You have to go slow with me
[12:20] <icewaterman> youNewNicckname: reinstall the packages (in case they were ever installed): bridge-utils, wpasupplicant, netbase, ifupdown, initscripts, openssh-server, wireless-tools, ntpdate, avahi-daemon
[12:21] <youNewNicckname> Tone down the geek talk
[12:21] <icewaterman> youNewNicckname: that was not for you , it was for iliya_
[12:21] <icewaterman> my bad
[12:21] <icewaterman> iliya_: see above
[12:22] <iliya_> icewaterman: how to reinstall the packages from live cd
[12:22] <youNewNicckname> mea culpa
[12:22] <B-Flash-D> Hi there! Does anybody here know, how to get k3b working? It doesn't work here and i don't get any errors...
[12:22] <icewaterman> iliya_: dunno, you can manually download them and do dpkg -i pkgname
[12:23] <iliya_> icewaterman: thanks thanks thanks :-)
[12:25] <youNewNicckname> /nick youAussieBob
[12:26] <youNewNicckname> bob__: type: /AussieBob
[12:27] <youNewNicckname> When every I type. My nick as before I get [Error] AussieBob: Unknown command.
[12:29] <youNewNicckname> type: /AussieBob
[12:30] <youNewNicckname> type: /nick youNewNicknameAussieBob
[12:30] <youNewNicckname> type: /AussieBobnick youNewNickname
[12:31] <youNewNicckname> can you olny do It once?
[12:31] <lumm> lol
[12:32] <youNewNicckname> /nickAussieBob
[12:32] <makdaknife> youNewNicckname: http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/irctutorial.html
[12:33] <youNewNicckname> <clau30> as in (withouth the quotes):"/nick bobby"
[12:33] <youNewNicckname> <clau30> as in (withouth the quotes):"/nick bobby"
[12:33] <Dr_willis> hehheh..
[12:33] <clau30> youNewNicckname: no! :)
[12:33] <youNewNicckname> ] [Error] nickAussieBob: Unknown command.
[12:34] <clau30> just /nick boobby :D
[12:34] * makdaknife giggles... this is a little embarrasing
[12:34] <youNewNicckname> ] [Error] nickaussiebobby: Unknown command.
[12:35] <clau30> youNewNicckname: see the link above
[12:35] <youNewNicckname> Im doing it but it just dont work
[12:35] <makdaknife> youNewNicckname: http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/irctutorial.html#cmds
[12:35] <makdaknife> please visit that link... it really does explain how to change your nick
=== youNewNicckname is now known as YourNickAussiebo
[12:37] <YourNickAussiebo> F ME
[12:39] <makdaknife> YourNickAussiebo: you're getting closer
[12:40] <YourNickAussiebo> If I typ Aussie Bobby with out the Nick I get..nickAussieBob: Unknown command.
[12:40] <clau30> YourNickAussiebo: also, don't think #kubuntu is the right place to experiment with this ;)
[12:41] <Dr_willis> YourNickAussiebo, Put a SPACE in tehre.. and a NICK must NOT contain any spaces
[12:41] <YourNickAussiebo> NICKaussiebob: Unknown command.
[12:41] <Dr_willis> /nick ANick_Name_With_No_Spaces
=== YourNickAussiebo is now known as YourNickaussiebo
[12:42] <Dr_willis> ' /nick ' is the command the nickname is the argument to the command.
[12:42] <Dr_willis> and yes. there is a limit to the legenth of a nickname. :)
[12:43] <YourNickaussiebo> so I type.../aussiebob...yes
[12:44] <Dr_willis> YourNickaussiebo, NO.. you type /nick aussieboy
=== YourNickaussiebo is now known as aussiebob
[12:44] <makdaknife> woot
[12:44] <makdaknife> Dr_willis: hallelujah
[12:45] <Dr_willis> glad that disaster was fixed.. :)
[12:45] <makdaknife> high five
[12:45] <aussiebob> a space between the nick and my name
[12:45] <clau30> jeebus...
[12:48] <aussiebob> See I told you have to go slow...its me
[12:49] <aussiebob> What am I doing with this linux thingy...I dont know yet
[12:51] <aussiebob> This may tack soe time...My printer dont work... brother DCP-135c
[12:51] <aussiebob> Typos
[12:52] <alexnicol> Having issues with new user accounts
[12:52] <alexnicol> have created a new user account
[12:52] <alexnicol> but I cant use it to login to FTP and Webmin etc
[12:54] <aussiebob> give me a year or two and I might be able to help you..
[12:58] <twager> Any way I can burn mp3 files as .wav and get the titles insead of tracknumbers ?
[13:05] <mm_202> Question: is it possible to have a window only on selective desktops? (eg: more than one, but not all of them)
[13:07] <clau30> mm_202: what?
[13:08] <mm_202> Can I have a window, in KDE, appear on more than more desktop?
[13:08] <clau30> mm_202: yes, right click on it in the winow bar, then desktop->all desktops
[13:08] <mm_202> no
[13:09] <mm_202> [07:05:38] <mm_202> Question: is it possible to have a window only on selective desktops? (eg: more than one, but not all of them)
[13:09] <mm_202> On selective desktops. Like 1,2, and 5.
[13:09] <Jucato> mm_202: no. it's either just one desktop or all of them
[13:09] <clau30> mm_202: got you now. No, I don't think that's possible
[13:09] <twager> Any way I can burn mp3 files as .wav and get the titles insead of tracknumbers ??
[13:09] <mm_202> :/
[13:09] <mm_202> damn
[13:09] <mm_202> would be a really nice feature to have.
[13:10] <mm_202> Okay, thanks guys.
[13:10] <clau30> request it :P
[13:10] <clau30> no probs
[13:10] <mm_202> lol, where? :)
[13:10] <mm_202> Im a C++ coder, so Im sure I could even write a patch :D
[13:10] <clau30> I guess bugs.kde.org as a feature request
[13:10] <mm_202> kk, will do.
[13:10] * Jucato guesses it's not technically possible, otherwise it would have been done by now... just imho
[13:11] * mm_202 smiles as Jucato
[13:11] <mm_202> Where there's a will, there is always a way.
[13:11] <clau30> Jucato: maybe in kde4?
[13:12] <Jucato> mm_202: you're definitely not the first to have thought of that feature.... I think they had wills too :)
[13:12] <mm_202> Jucato: heh, fair enough :)
[13:13] <mm_202> I gotta handle something for work, but I'll be back and argue a bit more with you later ;)
[13:13] <Jucato> in any case, relevant parts of KDE that you might want to take a look into would be KWin (Window Manager) and Plasma (desktop)
[13:14] <makdaknife> twager: do you want to convert mp3 files to wav, or do you want to rip a cd to wav instead of mp3?
[13:15] <twager> makdaknife: If I burn the files as audio with k3b they do not show titles only track numbers
[13:17] <ubuntu> somebody ?
[13:17] <ubuntu> somebody is here ????
[13:17] <makdaknife> twager: are you ripping from a cd or are you burning to cd
[13:18] <makdaknife> ubuntu: don't ask to ask
[13:18] <ubuntu> en faite j suis français c'etait pour savoir si il y avait quelqun
[13:18] <makdaknife> !fr
[13:18] <ubotu> Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.
[13:19] <twager> makdaknife: Files I have d/loaded as mp3 and need to burn to a cd but with track titles not track numbers.
[13:20] <twager> makdaknife: As .wav cos the cdplayer is very old and will not see mp3
[13:21] <makdaknife> twager: in K3B select create an Audio CD, and drag the mp3s into the window... the CD-Text will be generated based on the ID3Tags in the mp3s themselves... very few CD players that I've come across even read the CD-Text
[13:22] <makdaknife> twager: when you create and Audio CD it will convert the mp3s to WAV automatically
[13:23] <twager> makdaknife: That is what I do but whilst it creates .wav files it does not include the title just the numerical order on the disk
[13:24] <makdaknife> twager: if your cd-player is so old... does it matter?
[13:26] <twager> makdaknife: It would be nice to see what was on the cd ..especially if I gave them away
[13:27] <twager> makdaknife: I know it can be done in Windows so thought it would be done in Linux ?
[13:29] <Dr_willis> ive never noticed it done in windows either. :)
[13:29] <Dr_willis> but then again - i never worry about getting the info back. heh
[13:33] <twager> Dr_willis: Name tags ?
[13:34] <Dr_willis> I got some Dog Tags. :)
[13:35] <makdaknife> twager: I'm not really sure what you're looking for... but K3B will burn CD-Text with Title and Artist info based on what it can extract from the id3 tags... if your mp3s have ID3Tags properly specified, then K3B can burn cd-text
[13:37] <twager> makdaknife: Would files d/loaded with Frostwire have the tags ?
[13:44] <buz> what could be the reason that windows sees my digicam in UMS mode just fine whereas kubuntu finds a new scsi device but cant mount it?
[13:44] * Dr_willis wonders what UMS mode is..
[13:45] <Dr_willis> You could try mounting it manually. check dmesg output when plugging it in. It may just be uubnut is a little confused
[13:46] <buz> Dr_willis: usb mass storage
[13:46] <buz> well if i try to mount it manually, mount just freezes
[13:47] <niko_> i got a nsplugingviewer error how can i fix that ?
[13:47] <buz> you mean it crashed?
[13:51] <clau30> there was something like nspluginviewer -i /path/to/flashplayer.so ...
[13:51] <niko_> buz: no i got that in konkeror
[14:00] <niko_> nvm i repair my problem alone
[14:07] <dishu> alguien sabe algo de la incopatibilidad de la webcams y las tarjetas de tv????
[14:08] <IppatsuMan> !es | dishu
[14:08] <ubotu> dishu: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[14:09] <dishu> sorry... bye
[14:11] <Hub441> hi!
[14:11] <Hub441> anyone using SSL/PKI certificates on gutsy with kmail?
[14:12] <Hub441> KWatchGPG tells me something like "crl_fetch over the issuer failed, wrong configuration"
[14:22] * genii tries to wake up in case someone starts asking questions
[14:24] <zseller> hi
[14:24] <makdaknife> hi
[14:25] <zseller> I have wireless new wireless connection in Serbia ,
[14:26] <zseller> It lasted so long
[14:26] <zseller> At last I can surf on my ubuntu machine
[14:26] <makdaknife> cool
[14:26] <Kaevik> heh
[14:27] <zseller> surely you dont understand it but
[14:27] <zseller> its a big thing
[14:27] <zseller> i hate dialup
[14:28] * makdaknife gets ready for the celebration party
[14:28] <Fleck> hey anyone can help with WLI2-CB-G54L PCMCIA wireless cards, have installed ndiswrapper and drivers, card is found, wlan0 shows up, but iwlist wlan0 scan says that no results!
[14:29] <zseller> maybe youre signal is too weak
[14:29] <zseller> did you ndiswrapper -m
[14:29] <zseller> then modprobe ndiswrapper
[14:30] <clau30> Fleck: maybe no router nearby? :)
[14:30] <Fleck> ;P noo
[14:30] <Fleck> i'm not so stupid guys :))
[14:30] <zseller> what is the distance from AP
[14:30] <Fleck> 1meter ;P
[14:30] <clau30> hehe
[14:31] <clau30> ok...
[14:31] <Fleck> :P
[14:31] <zseller> try the ethernet cable
[14:31] <clau30> hmm
[14:31] <Fleck> adding "alias wlan0 ndiswrapper" to /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper ...
[14:31] <Fleck> etherent cable works
[14:31] <zseller> that does ndiswrapper -m
[14:31] <Fleck> but i need wireless too
[14:31] <Fleck> wlan0 No scan results
[14:31] <zseller> ok but to be sure
[14:32] <Fleck> wlan0: ethernet device 00:0d:0b:42:ea:99 using NDIS driver: net2g54l, version: 0x2001b, NDIS version: 0x501, vendor: 'INPROCOMM IPN2220 Wireless LAN Adapter', 17FE:2220.5.conf
[14:32] <Fleck> (mac is correct)
[14:33] <zseller> no clues
[14:33] <zseller> what does ndiswrapper -l show
[14:34] <Fleck> net2g54l : driver installed
[14:34] <Fleck> device (17FE:2220) present
[14:34] <zseller> last line of dmesg
[14:35] <clau30> Fleck: can you do a: lsmod | grep ndiswrapper ?
[14:35] <Fleck> [400655.350755] wlan0: encryption modes supported: WEP; TKIP with WPA, WPA2, WPA2PSK; AES/CCMP with WPA, WPA2, WPA2PSK
[14:35] <Fleck> ok then i paste somewhere
[14:35] <Fleck> wait...
[14:35] <earthling> how to install kde4 stable on gusty. some good reference?
[14:35] <Fleck> ohh lsmod
[14:35] <Fleck> ndiswrapper 185240 0
[14:35] <Fleck> usbcore 138632 3 ndiswrapper,uhci_hcd
[14:36] <Fleck> (sorry for flood...)
[14:36] <Fleck> too lazy for pastebin :D
[14:36] <clau30> hmm
[14:36] <zseller> Sounds stupid but you have an AP plus router or just AP
[14:36] <clau30> so have you tried sudo iwlist scanning?
[14:37] <earthling> how to install kde4 stable on kubuntu gusty. some good reference?
[14:37] <Fleck> clau30 yup - i get: wlan0 No scan results
[14:37] <clau30> !kde4 | earthling
[14:37] <ubotu> earthling: KDE 4.0.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.3.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.3.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[14:37] <Fleck> zseller well, i have another notebook :) AP works great! :P
[14:38] <zseller> kubuntu website
[14:38] <zseller> all written
[14:38] <earthling> thanks clau30.. :)
[14:38] <clau30> Fleck: what client do you use? ie I use wpa_supplicant and wpa_cli
[14:39] <Fleck> i use nothing now - while i can't even find network :) but usually knetwork manager or Wicd
[14:40] <zseller> what is with other laptop
[14:40] <zseller> what system is it running
[14:40] <Fleck> same
[14:40] <Fleck> kubuntu
[14:40] <zseller> but wireless card
[14:41] <Fleck> intel
[14:41] <Fleck> intel pro 4965 or something like that
[14:41] <zseller> do you have winblows on the wron machine
[14:42] <clau30> Fleck: I suggest to look at wiki.ubuntu.com... (or wiki.ubuntuusers.de if you know german ;)
[14:43] <Fleck> i'm all the time there :P searching heh
[14:44] <zseller> you can confirm it that the card worked before
[14:44] <Fleck> yep! :)
[14:44] <zseller> then what happened since
[14:45] <Fleck> i reinstalled to windows (removed debian, where this card was working) and today - back to kubuntu :)
[14:46] <zseller> is it then a dual boot or what
[14:46] <Fleck> no i don't have windows anymore ;)
[14:46] <zseller> and the old kubuntu was the same version
[14:46] <Fleck> old was debian :)
[14:46] <zseller> and you did not touch the AP setting
[14:47] <Fleck> and about 2 years ago
[14:47] <Fleck> :P
[14:47] <clau30> zseller: it's just some wireless configuration (on the kubuntu machine) I guess
[14:47] <Fleck> well i can find 5 networks around me with Intel wireless card - kubuntu
[14:47] <zseller> the windows drivers are the same that you used that time
[14:47] <Fleck> and no results with this
[14:47] <Fleck> zseller dunno :(
[14:48] <Fleck> now i'm downloading another windows drivers :(
[14:48] <Fleck> 3rd drivers
[14:48] <zseller> what is the signal strength on other networks
[14:48] <Fleck> first two acts the same
[14:49] <genii> Perhaps your AP is not broadcasting
[14:49] <Fleck> zseller not werry good :)
[14:49] <Fleck> genii it is :)
[14:49] <zseller> maybe wrong windows drivers
[14:49] <Fleck> even my mobile phone detects my wireless network :)
[14:50] <Fleck> zseller yep - that's why i'm downloading another one ;)
[14:50] <zseller> you dont have the install cd with old drivers dont you
[14:51] <Fleck> nope i don't
[14:51] <zseller> try to remember the version and the name, then search for them
[14:52] <Fleck> :) that was the werry first thing i tried to do!
[14:52] <zseller> if it worked on debian on ubuntu should work too
[14:52] <Fleck> i know ;)
[14:53] <zseller> suppose you should get the right drivers,and lspci could be wrong
[14:54] <zseller> how many sys files in the win drivers package
[14:56] <zseller> hello?
[14:57] <Fleck> zseller 4
[14:58] <Fleck> .cat, .sys, .inf an .pnf
[14:58] <zseller> then you have 4 chances
[14:58] <Fleck> ?
[14:58] <zseller> not files but sys files
[14:58] <zseller> that end like .sys
[14:59] <Fleck> one
[14:59] <zseller> damn it
[15:00] <zseller> im giving up,
[15:00] <zseller> is it an xp driver and worked on windows
[15:02] <TheFuzzball> hi, I am trying to build Compiz Fusion from GIT and I get errors, here is the terminal output http://pastebin.com/d3fbf886
[15:04] <earthling> how to configure kopete for gtalk?
[15:07] <clau30> earthling: add a jabber account I guess
[15:07] <sigma_1234> please can i have an example on how to use the wget command?
[15:07] <earthling> did that .. it is just not connecting
[15:09] <BluesKaj> Howdy all
[15:09] <clau30> sigma_1234: man wget
[15:13] <sigma_1234> well just a basic example on how to download a file and place it in my home folder using wget. what command would i use?
[15:14] <BluesKaj> what browser sigma_1234 ?
[15:14] <catweazle> sigma_1234: wget -Nc file.tgz
[15:14] <sigma_1234> doesnt it work off the command line?
[15:15] <nitin> sigma_1234, i right click on the download link, and open terminal and type wget -c , and then right click and paste
[15:15] <TheFuzzball> sigma_1234, you can just cd to your home and wget http://whatever.com/file
[15:15] <nitin> i have used this to download some files
[15:15] <sigma_1234> say i want to download www.example.com/help.zip to /home/sigma . what would the command be?
[15:16] <TheFuzzball> wget d www.example.com/help.zip
[15:16] <TheFuzzball> wget www.example.com/help.zip *
[15:16] <BluesKaj> ahh, I knew i'd learn something new today nitin :)
[15:17] <sigma_1234> TheFuzzball: how do you specify where it saves the file?
[15:17] <nitin> by default, it saves in the home folder
[15:18] <sigma_1234> by using the command you gave me above
[15:18] <BluesKaj> the default is home/yourusername in the cli , correct ?
[15:18] * BluesKaj is quite sure it is
[15:18] <sigma_1234> ah i see. but can you tell it to save somewhere else?
[15:18] <BluesKaj> cd to a diff dir
[15:18] <TheFuzzball> sigma_1234, be in the directory where you want it to save
[15:19] <sigma_1234> but what if its a command i run automatically using kcron?
[15:20] <TheFuzzball> sigma_1234, try wget --help and look at the options
[15:20] <sigma_1234> ok thanks guys
[15:20] <TheFuzzball> ah, got it!
[15:20] <clau30> sigma_1234: or do a google search ;)
[15:20] <TheFuzzball> wget -P /home/whatever http://ewguoot.com/fiel
[15:21] <TheFuzzball> or wget --directory-prefix=/home/whatever
[15:22] <sigma_1234> what does the -P mean in the first command?
[15:22] <bibstha> hi all, any ways i can get konqueror to use gecko engine?
[15:22] <bibstha> like a configuration somehwere
[15:22] <makdaknife> bibstha: i don't think so...
[15:22] <TheFuzzball> sigma_1234, prefix
[15:22] <Jucato> bibstha: no
[15:23] <bibstha> ohh,
[15:23] <bibstha> but it seems pretty sleek with kde4
[15:23] <sigma_1234> ok cool. il have to try that
[15:23] <bibstha> just that google groups looks somewhat funny in konqueroor
[15:24] <bas> hoi ho
[15:26] <clau30> bibstha: don't think you can
[15:26] <clau30> bibstha: but it soon be webkit available, so woohoo
[15:34] <bibstha> webkit? humm
[15:34] <bibstha> !webkit
[15:34] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about webkit - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[15:35] <bibstha> btw a google toolbar for konqueror? beside the regular gg:
[15:35] <bibstha> ?
[15:35] <genii> !info webkit
[15:35] <ubotu> Package webkit does not exist in gutsy
[15:35] <genii> Hmm. I'm fairly sure it does exist, in backports
[15:37] <bibstha> webkit means we'd have to make our websites compatible with yet another engine?
=== Ace2016 is now known as wols_
[15:38] <Jucato> bibstha: not really, if it's already compatible with safari
[15:38] <Jucato> !info libqtwebkit0d gusty-backports
[15:39] <Jucato> heh looks like I broke ubotu :P
[15:39] <Jucato> genii: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=webkit&searchon=names&suite=gutsy-backports&section=all :D
[15:40] <Jucato> bibstha: there are lots of web shortcuts for konqueror. gg, wp, m-w, etc. see them in Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> Web Shortcuts
[15:40] <genii> Jucato: Thanks
=== wols_ is now known as Ace2016
[15:40] <bibstha> Jucato: yeah i've been looking at those, seems really nice
[15:41] <Jucato> you can also use them in the Run Command box, like Alt+F2, then gg:search terms
[15:41] <Jucato> (actually you can open any webpage from there too)
[15:41] <bibstha> i recently dl kde4 in gusty as suggested in kubuntu.org
[15:41] <bibstha> and firefox looks horribly ugly thus giving konqueror a try
[15:41] <bibstha> so far i've been quite happy
[15:42] <bibstha> which kde will hardy use? 3 or 4?
[15:43] * ct529 hopes for a cleaned up version of kde4
[15:44] <Jucato> bibstha: both
[15:44] <bibstha> Jucato: umm, the beta version had 3
[15:44] <Jucato> as for Firefox looking uggly in KDE 4, there's a gtk-kde4 "plugin" that sort of fixes that
[15:44] <Jucato> bibstha: there's also a KDE 4 Remix for Hardy Beta
[15:44] <bibstha> i guess kde4's gonna be on the repos
[15:44] * BluesKaj wishes they would have concentrated their efforts on useablilty rather than the different "look"
[15:44] <bibstha> gtk-kde4? on backports?
[15:44] <bibstha> Jucato: aah
[15:44] <bibstha> BluesKaj: i like the looks though really clean
[15:45] <Jucato> BluesKaj: you're referring to KDE 4?
[15:45] <BluesKaj> yeah Jucato
[15:45] <Jucato> 1. Who says they didn't? 2. Who says they won't? 3. And who will tell them what and what not to work on?
[15:45] <ct529> I like kde4 very much, and its usability too
[15:46] <ct529> the only reason i have not moved yet is kontact, that still has some minor issues there
[15:46] <BluesKaj> yeah Jucato , no kidding :)
[15:46] <Jucato> unless KDE is run by a company, no one dictates what should be done, what should be focused on, and what should be abandoned
[15:46] <Jucato> (same with Kubuntu actually)
[15:46] <bibstha> ct529: btw konversation hasn't been ported yet either has it?
[15:46] <Jucato> bibstha: not yet
[15:46] <vader_> Уважаемые, а есть тут кто Русскоговорящий.....? Прошу помощи!
[15:46] <Jucato> they will start porting after they release Konvi 1.1
[15:46] <bibstha> ooh
[15:47] <ct529> bibstha: no, but old konv works very well there
[15:47] <bibstha> yeah im using it
[15:47] <bibstha> well btw there is i think bug in kopete
[15:47] <bibstha> msn doesnot work
[15:47] <Jucato> !ru | vader_
[15:47] <ubotu> vader_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
[15:47] <vader_> Thanks a lot!
[15:47] * BluesKaj understands they are volunteers , hence not to be taken to task about flaws ... I hope my citricism is viewed as constructive :)
[15:48] <ct529> the other problem I have is that you cannot select odd or even pages from the kde print manager interface yet
[15:48] <bibstha> BluesKaj: no problem
[15:48] <clau30> BluesKaj: that's not constructive criticism ;)
[15:48] <Jucato> BluesKaj: more like wishful thinking? hehe :)
[15:48] <bibstha> haha
[15:48] * BluesKaj detects heat from flames
[15:48] <clau30> BluesKaj: if you want to be helpful you can go to bugs.kde.org and help fix those nasty bugs ;)
[15:49] <Jucato> BluesKaj: although sometimes statements like those could sound unfair for those who poured sweat and blood into making KDE 4 usable :)
[15:49] <bibstha> one more thing? ctrl+enter = .com at the end in mozilla, anything similar in konqueror?
[15:49] <Jucato> bibstha: not that I know of
[15:49] <BluesKaj> err love me love my dog :)
[15:49] <Jucato> BluesKaj: and to be fair, only Plasma is the one that needs more work than others :P
[15:49] <BluesKaj> Jucato, agreed
[15:49] <bibstha> Jucato: ohh and yes Plasma too
[15:49] <clau30> BluesKaj: KDE4 is "under construction" and if you see what the developers say, usability is a big point..
[15:50] <clau30> I think KDE4 is a monster yet to awake :)
[15:50] <bibstha> im more impressed with interface :D
[15:51] <ct529> I think kde 4 is very usable actually, I like the new kicker a lot, I ma finding it difficult to go back to gnome or kde 3
[15:52] <BluesKaj> hey , I'm trying kde4.,..it's my opinion so far ...isn't that aceptable ?
[15:52] <Jucato> of course it is :)
[15:52] <clau30> BluesKaj: of course it is
[15:52] <clau30> hehe
[15:52] <clau30> but not really true
[15:52] <bibstha> where is gtk-kde4?
[15:52] <clau30> like you said they didn't focus on usability
[15:53] <Jucato> actually, #kubuntu-kde4 should be the place for KDE 4 discussions
[15:53] <Jucato> (but I'm not there so...)
[15:53] <clau30> actually #kde-cafe :)
[15:53] <bibstha> oh
[15:53] * BluesKaj goes for another coffee
[15:53] <Jucato> bibstha: ask there, I forgot the name... might be gtk-qt4 actually
[15:53] <Jucato> clau30: nope
[15:53] <clau30> BluesKaj: that's not what I ment, lol
[15:53] <clau30> Jucato: no?
[15:53] <makdaknife> mmmm coffee
[15:54] <Jucato> clau30: @ kde-cafe
[15:54] <ct529> sorry, what is #kde-cafe?
[15:54] <clau30> why not Jucato?
[15:54] <clau30> oh, got it
[15:55] <clau30> sorry, I was talking about what BluesKaj said :)
[15:55] <Jucato> and bibstha misinterpreted it and asked in the wrong channel
[15:55] <clau30> yep, I saw it now, sorry ;)
[15:56] <BluesKaj> coincidence
[15:57] <makdaknife> wow... someone in my office said "coincidence" at the exact time BluesKaj did... weird
[15:57] <clau30> :))
[15:57] <makdaknife> it was like it was in stereo
[15:57] <clau30> bibstha: you could also try to find it in adept..
[15:57] <bibstha> clau30: i did
[15:58] <bibstha> gusty doesn't have it
[15:58] <clau30> bibstha: packages.ubuntu.com
[15:59] <bibstha> clau30: hum thanks
[15:59] <clau30> np
[15:59] * clau30 goes home, wohoo
[16:01] <clau30> bye
[16:02] <tuxi> how the heck i do send ^C over ssh?
[16:05] <makdaknife> press ^C... works for me
[16:07] <tuxi> ah.. no ssh telnet but running through ssh command perhaps theres an difference
[16:09] <tuxi> tried with putty and works fine ;-d thanks anway
[16:12] <Exilant> Anyone in here running hardy and running flash successfully in konqueror?
[16:13] <Jucato> Exilant: #ubuntu+1 please
[16:14] <Exilant> ok
[16:16] <Exilant> they are talking about installing vista there oO
[16:16] <Jucato> tsk tsk... offtoic...
[16:16] <Jucato> offtopic*
[16:17] <TinGY> Hello, when i try to apt-get install "packagename" it says:
[16:17] <TinGY> E: Kunne ikke åbne låsefilen /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)
[16:17] <TinGY> E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? How to login as root then?
[16:17] <tuxi> sudo apt ...
[16:18] <Jucato> TinGY: use sudo before the command
[16:18] <TinGY> oh i see :D
[16:18] <TinGY> thx
[16:18] <eagles0513875> hey hey all cant wait till this time tomorrow ill finally be back on kubunntu
[16:18] <klerfayt> hey, cover manager doesn't fetch anything in amarok today
[16:18] <eagles0513875> j/w what streaming media pkgs r out there
=== vader_ is now known as vader__
[16:20] <eagles0513875> !streaming
[16:21] <eagles0513875> !stream
[16:21] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about streaming - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[16:21] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about stream - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[16:21] <eagles0513875> anyone know any streaming audio pkgs
[16:22] <klerfayt> eagles0513875: you mean you want to record audio stream?
[16:22] <eagles0513875> no i want to stream audio
[16:22] <eagles0513875> like u can hear on amarok those audio streams
[16:26] <eagles0513875> klerfayt do u know by any chance
[16:26] <klerfayt> eagles0513875: no sorry
[16:30] <bibstha> eagles0513875: there was something similar to shoutcast
[16:30] <bibstha> i forgot the actual name
[16:30] <bibstha> !shoutcast
[16:30] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about shoutcast - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[16:31] <sigma_> how do you use the package clamav-getfiles to generate a deb file of virus definitions?
[16:32] <NickPresta> bibstha, icecast?
[16:33] <bibstha> NickPresta: yep
[16:33] <bibstha> ;)
[16:33] <bibstha> !info icecast | eagles0513875
[16:33] <ubotu> eagles0513875: Package icecast does not exist in gutsy
[16:34] <eagles0513875> bibstha lol no icecast either
[16:34] <NickPresta> !icecast2
[16:34] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about icecast2 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[16:34] <bibstha> !info icecast2
[16:34] <ubotu> icecast2 (source: icecast2): Ogg Vorbis and MP3 streaming media server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.1-5.1ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 264 kB, installed size 728 kB
[16:34] <NickPresta> :)
[16:34] <genii> !info ices2
[16:34] <ubotu> ices2 (source: ices2): Ogg Vorbis streaming source for Icecast 2. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.1-5 (gutsy), package size 54 kB, installed size 248 kB
[16:34] <shadowbox> hi all
[16:34] <bibstha> eagles0513875: isn't that what ur searching?
[16:35] <eagles0513875> ya but i would have to get the source right and compile from source
[16:35] <genii> eagles0513875: Enable repository universe
[16:35] <shadowbox> is there a way to program the buttons to a 5 button mouse?
[16:35] <eagles0513875> !samba
[16:35] <ubotu> Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.
[16:38] <bibstha> anyone successfully got 5.1 channel output?
[16:38] <bibstha> mine front and back outputs -> same
[16:38] <bibstha> :(
[16:39] <eagles0513875> dont have a desktop so i am unable to help ya bibs
[16:39] <eagles0513875> im hoping to have one some time this summer
[16:39] <eagles0513875> actually wait back in states i do have a desktop and i was only able to get 2.1 out of 5.1
[16:40] <bibstha> um i saw some few links through google, too complicated for my lil brain
[16:40] <eagles0513875> lol
[16:41] <eagles0513875> lol im going to have to quote u on too complicated for my lil brain
[16:41] <eagles0513875> lol
[16:41] <eagles0513875> thats the whole pt of the website im working on
[16:41] <bas> hallo
[16:41] <bas> was geeeeeeeeht
[16:42] <eagles0513875> !de | bas
[16:42] <ubotu> bas: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
=== dyve is now known as Divilinux
[16:49] <hydrogen> GStreamer-WARNING **: Failed to load plugin '/usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/libgstcdaudio.so': /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/libgstcdaudio.so: undefined symbol: g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT
[16:49] <pushax> hi all.I have a problem with my USB flash, it's no longer displaying te icon or mounting properly. I was wondering where the settings are kept? fstab isn't the place.
[16:49] <hydrogen> Oo?
[16:53] <dennister> hey channel...anyone know the installation directory for flash?
[16:53] <dennister> i'm having some probs since the newest update
[16:53] <pushax> does it go in /media/drive
[16:54] <trappist> dennister: dpkg -L flashplugin-nonfree
[16:54] <pushax> arrr that flash
[16:55] <Divilinux> a me gta con quella versione sta funzionando
[16:55] <Divilinux> spero sia cosi' anche per te
[16:55] <dennister> yeah...that flash :(
[16:55] <NickPresta> !es | Divilinux
[16:55] <ubotu> Divilinux: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[16:56] <Divilinux> sorry..i've missed the right chat
[16:56] <Divilinux> :D
[16:56] <dennister> trappist: it's not installed...have been using the one from the adobe site
[16:56] <NickPresta> :)
[16:56] <Divilinux> too much wine
[16:56] <NickPresta> dennister, then you need to do something like 'locate flash'
[16:58] <dennister> NickPresta: k...do locates regularly...have lots of results...doesn't tell me which directory is the installation directory
[17:00] <jhutchins> Doesn't aptitude has some tool that lists the files belonging to a package and where they're installed?
[17:00] <trappist> dennister: I haven't tried their installer - I just grab the files and dump them in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins
[17:00] <Nirkus> hi! are there smaller netinstall images for kubuntu? even to boot them from an usb stick?
[17:00] <trappist> jhutchins: dpkg -L packagename
[17:00] <jhutchins> trappist: Yeah, thought so.
[17:00] <jhutchins> (not on a 'buntu box right now)
[17:00] <Odd-rationale> !mini | Nirkus
[17:00] <ubotu> Nirkus: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD
[17:02] <dennister> trappist: yeah, well, i tried installing into that particular directory u just mentioned, but i'm still not getting the videos
[17:02] <dennister> which is why i'm asking which one is the proper installation directory :)
[17:02] <trappist> dennister: did you restart firefox?
[17:02] <dennister> yes
[17:02] <trappist> dennister: also, why didn't you install the ubuntu package?
[17:03] <dennister> because i get the messages to get flash too often when i use the repository package
[17:03] <dennister> even after I have installed it, using the reporsitory version and adobe-site versions
[17:04] <trappist> dennister: go to about:plugins in your address bar and see what it says about flash
[17:05] <Nirkus> ubotu: thanks. there is no usb stick image then, i guess?
[17:05] <dennister> k it says I have Shockwave Flash 9.0 r124
[17:05] <trappist> dennister: if you think you may have some old or broken version getting in the way, run sudo updatedb, then locate libflashplayer.so
[17:06] <Pici> !bot | Nirkus
[17:06] <ubotu> Nirkus: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots
[17:06] <trappist> dennister: also try this... close firefox, and say "ps aux | grep firefox" to make sure it's not still running. killall firefox-bin should take care of it if it is. then start back up.
[17:06] <dennister> yes, i do think soemthing's getting in the way...hold on
[17:06] <trappist> (the ps command may or may not list your grep command - that doesn't count as firefox running :) )
[17:08] <dennister> well, even after i closed it, some parts were still hanging on...killall'ed 'em
[17:09] <dennister> updating...
[17:10] <dennister> player.so
[17:12] <dennister> k, found 2 libflashplayer.so files on system, deleted them
[17:15] <dennister> now, when I try this adobe version again, (timestamp march 28), the installer will ask me which is the installation directory
[17:16] <dennister> which is, I believe, the question I asked when i came into the channel....which is the proper isntallation directory?
[17:17] <dennister> friggin adobe instructions don't tell us how to find it...expects us to figure that out, and with so many directories affected...
[17:22] <tushyd> anyone know how to enable smooth scrolling in konqueror?
[17:24] <tushyd> anyone?
[17:24] <klerfayt> tushyd: install domino style, it allows you to use smooth scrolling
[17:25] <Thingus> Okay, so when I try to change my kbfx theme, the window is too large for my screen, and I can't apply the settings...
[17:25] <tushyd> Klerfayt, there's no way to do it within Kubuntu?
=== makutweet is now known as makdaknife
[17:32] <rickey> my adept mmmanager is locked up
[17:33] <rickey> what,s the command to unlock it
[17:33] <NickPresta> !aptfix
[17:33] <ubotu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[17:34] <jdogg> that bot is awesome, is there a way to get a list of all the commands?
[17:35] <NickPresta> !bot
[17:35] <pushax> What's the partition program name on live cd's? please
[17:35] <ubotu> I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots
[17:35] <NickPresta> That factoids link should have a large list of them
[17:35] <rickey> got it thanks guys
[17:35] <NickPresta> There is even a factoid DB at the bottom
[17:36] <NickPresta> pushax, there is qtparted on the Kubuntu LiveCDs, I believe
[17:37] <pushax> NickPresta: thanks.
[17:37] <jdogg> NickPresta, thanks, i'll have to read up later, still waking up ;P
[17:38] <rickey> i am trying to play amarok listen to radio , i get this
[17:38] <rickey> No suitable demux plugin. This often means that the file format is not supported.
[17:39] <rickey> where do i get these plugins
[17:40] <elvirolo> hi everyone
[17:40] <NickPresta> hi elvirolo
[17:41] <elvirolo> could anyone tell me how to use the solid network manager in kde 4 ? I can't find it
[17:41] <NickPresta> !kde4
[17:41] <ubotu> KDE 4.0.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.3.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.3.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[17:41] <elvirolo> whoops, sorry ;)
[17:41] <NickPresta> :)
=== JanMalte_ is now known as JanMalte
[17:45] <ubuntu_> hi, any1 know a program which can monitor a internetconnection and gives an alarm if its broken?
[17:45] <dennister> ok...flash update: flash is working on my server, using the repository's libflash-nonfree package installed a few days ago, but the same package in the repository today (when I try to install it on this pc) says there's a md5sum mismatchsays there's a
[17:46] <dennister> synaptic on this machine says it's now installed, but the terminal details say it's not installed due to the mismatch
[17:48] <dennister> a secondary problem is that firefox on this pc does not close properly - ever
[17:48] <dennister> bits and pieces hang on
[18:06] <shadowbox> I newed help in getting my audio working
[18:07] <shadowbox> I have followed the help/troubleshooting pages on the ubuntu site and I still get nothing
[18:15] <nikolaj> I heard the new ipods have problems with older versions of amarok, does that apply for the latest version of amarok as well?
[18:15] <nikolaj> because of some hashing stuff
[18:35] <CheGuevara> hi
[18:35] <Odd-rationale> hello!
[18:35] <dennister> ok...another possible way to handle the problem of finding the firefox installation directory.......the *.so files in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins are pretty well all symlinks to other files, but in konqueror the path is so long I'm not told what the root of the path is
[18:36] <dennister> how, in terminal, do I find the full path of a *so file in this directory?
[18:36] <trappist> in what directory?
[18:36] <trappist> do you mean the target of a symlink?
[18:36] <dennister> yes, the target
[18:37] <trappist> ls -l, usually
[18:37] <dennister> lol...a basic
[18:39] <dennister> trappist: unfortunately, ls-l <directory> gives me the same abbreviated info konqueror does...not the root of the target
[18:39] <trappist> dennister: it's the relative path... relative to where you are. so if it says ../../some/path, you start two directories above where you are
[18:40] <trappist> (actually relative to where the link is, not to where you are, if it's not the same place)
[18:40] <rickey> what is the sudo command to close adept mmmanager
[18:41] <dennister> trappist: ty, now i can find the targets
[18:42] <dennister> unfortunately, it doesn't help me in this case :(
[18:42] <rickey> > what is the sudo command to close adept manager anyone know?
[18:42] <dennister> although i do understand about relative paths now :)
[18:43] <dennister> ctrl-c
[18:44] <genii> rickey: sudo killall adept_manager
[18:44] <bennytheshadow> hello everyone
[18:45] <bennytheshadow> i have a small question about kubuntu on VAIO
[18:45] <rickey> in run?
[18:45] <rickey> yes or no
[18:45] <bennytheshadow> does anyone knows how to get the eject button work?
[18:45] <dennister> genii: did u hear that reboot is closing down/closed-for-business?
[18:46] <genii> dennister: No, hadn't heard. Tho their retail store was shut down quite a long time ago now
=== sparr__ is now known as sparr
[18:46] <dennister> yes, i knew that awhile back...yesterday i heard the entire nonprofit is closed/closing...but can't find more info on it
[18:47] <dennister> thought you might know something, with the environmental focus u have
[18:48] <genii> rickey: In konsole
[18:48] <genii> rickey: So "No" to your yes or no question
[18:49] <dennister> genii: i'm having a real problem with flash...one in repositories is not installing 'cuz of an md4sum mismatch, and to use adobe's tarball i need to know where the firefox installation directory is...but I simply can't find that
[18:52] <genii> dennister: firefox doesnt really install into any one dir. Parts are in /usr/lib/firefox parts in /usr/share/firefox the binary is in /usr/bin and user specific things in ~/.mozilla/firefox
[18:52] <dennister> ok then, ty...will try another method
[18:58] <dennister> ok, nothing is working here, so if anyone else comes in here complaining about flash...it's adobe's fault, and don't bother with the repository version for now...the repositories need updating with that file
[19:00] <dennister> repository's version worked fine a few days ago, but not now...I'd be nervous about letting it be updated either
[19:01] <dennister> later folks
[19:10] <DexterF> hi
[19:10] <DexterF> after upgrade to 7.10 java applets in Opera won't work. where to investigate? sun jdk is installed
[19:12] <DexterF> nvm, my fault, java was disabled... for reasons beyond me
[19:13] <mog__> bonsoir à tous
[19:13] <mog__> je vient d'installé kubuntu 7.10
[19:13] <mog__> et quand je ouvre adept manager
[19:14] <mog__> il ya un probléme
[19:14] <safak> hi , i download `supertuxkart` but it is too slow what can i do? i cant play
[19:14] <frank_> !fr
[19:14] <ubotu> Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.
[19:14] <mog__> il est dit que:
[19:14] <mog__> ok
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[19:18] <x_> 7
=== azzco__ is now known as azzco
[19:29] <quitty> !list
[19:29] <ubotu> I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots
=== ronnie is now known as trophyhead
[19:40] <trophyhead> hi guys = ) I just came from the computer store & of course the salesmen was trying to sell me the most expensive video card, also told me I was wrong thinking bus speed will effect card performance? so is he fulla **** or whats your opinion?
[19:42] <GS3User> which bus?
[19:43] <trophyhead> umm not sure the bus speed of a computer, is there different ones?
[19:44] <GS3User> most things in a computer are buses really... AGP had several, PCI has one, PCIe has one, PCIe(16x) has one, there are memory bus speeds
[19:44] <GS3User> the list goes on
[19:44] <GS3User> generally speaking... faster is better
[19:46] <trophyhead> mines an old pentium4 desktop 2ghz, I was reading it from the internal specs menu I guess, its only 133mhz
[19:47] <trophyhead> bus is 133 I mean
[19:48] <frank_> trophyhead: It's not worth it to put alot of money in old computers like that. Considering what you can get for 400$ new
[19:50] <trophyhead> ya I guess thx, just can't get rid of this ole clunker & having troulble saving 400, cause added to that is the moniter which is another 200 at least, oh well the cheap fix isn't the best route hehe
[19:51] <frank_> trophyhead: well if you want to put a 60$ video card that's fine. but a 150$ one wouldn't make much sense
[19:53] <trophyhead> ya think ill be better off waiting & saving, thx for the advice = )
[19:56] <wad> Does xpenguins work with kubuntu?
[19:56] <wad> I have not been able to get it working.
[19:57] <wad> According to the web page, I should make some setting changes. The options don't exist, however.
[19:57] <wad> http://xpenguins.seul.org/
[19:57] <Nirkus> ah, hehe! overlooked the line before..
[20:04] <stan_> hello all
[20:05] <SlimeyPete> hi
[20:06] <stan_> i have some problem with samba in kubuntu + Vista... could you help me fix it ?
[20:08] <user1> i installed windows in f: and then kubuntu in c: . now i cant see windows in grub menu when i boot. when i boot it dont shows me display for first 1 min. (just shows sync, out of range) then show normal linux booting. whats wrong?
[20:09] * genii wonders how you install linux to a C: drive
[20:09] <stan_> describe the problem: from kubuntu i don't have access to Vista shares. But from Vista i have access to kubuntu shares, In kubuntu, when i connect to Vista, it ask me about user & password... after i setting up it correctly, client ask me it again ...
[20:09] <genii> wubi aside
[20:10] <user1> genii: call it sda .. bla bla..
[20:10] <stan_> user1: push ESC button for 2 seconds for enter to grub menu
[20:10] <user1> stan_: ya. i can do it. what next?
[20:11] <genii> Yes, sda makes much more sense
[20:11] <stan_> user1: please describe your full problem
=== delphine is now known as steph_30
[20:11] <user1> stan_: but why on first place i have to push esc. why dont it goes normal way. and even i push esc and see menu. theres no windows boot line.. and what is syn, out of order for. it apears even i push esc.
[20:12] <user1> i installed windows in f: and then kubuntu in c: . now i cant see windows in grub menu when i boot. when i boot it dont shows me display for first 1 min. (just shows sync, out of range) then show normal linux booting. whats wrong? <-- stan_
[20:13] <stan_> user1: F: disk name ?
[20:13] <user1> stan_: partition
[20:13] <stan_> ok
[20:14] <stan_> user1: login into linux
[20:14] <user1> stan_: iam talking from linux
[20:14] <genii> user1: Did you put some kernel option like vga=### on your boot line? (### would be some 3 numbers)
[20:15] <user1> genii: i didnt put any thing on command line yet
[20:15] <stan_> user1: after loged in: #> sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst
[20:15] <user1> k
[20:15] <genii> stan_: I'll leave him with you awhile
[20:16] <stan_> heh
[20:16] <user1> stan_: ya i am there. what next
[20:16] <user1> stan_: why didnt linux picked up windows in grub as it did before... (when i have a different pc)
[20:16] <stan_> when you open a file /boot/grub/menu.lst search the word: timeout
[20:17] <stan_> by default value 3 ( mean three seconds )
[20:18] <stan_> another words: you have only three seconds before system will boot linux, if you push ESC button you will see Your menu
[20:18] <trtr> how can i configure my hp deskjet 710c ?
[20:18] <stan_> now: set Timeout=60 and comment another line: hiddenmenu
[20:19] <stan_> it will show your menu
[20:19] <user1> ok
[20:19] <stan_> user1: why didnt linux picked.... ( i don't know really ) =D
[20:20] <stan_> user1: after edit the file, push CTRL+X and after 'Y'
[20:20] <stan_> next: shutdown -r now ( check result 0
[20:20] <stan_> next: shutdown -r now ( check result )
[20:21] <stan_> genii: =) hi
[20:22] <user1> why thers no windows line for me too boot windows?
[20:22] <stan_> user1: i don't know =) but you have chance to mount it and check boot.ini file from windows
[20:23] <user1> stan_: i have mounted it already
[20:23] <user1> let me
[20:24] <stan_> user1: 1) mount your windows portition in linux 2) Check boot.ini file in windows ( this file placed in root directory ) 3) copy the general string from it 4) and set it up into the grub.lst
[20:25] <user1> stan_: the win partition is gone.......... not visible now..
[20:26] <trtr> how do i configure my printer ?
[20:26] <ShawnRisk> I am having trouble adept manager and it is running in the background but can't figure out how to figure this out. Any ideas?
[20:27] <steph_30> shawn : open a terminal and type : dpkg --reconfigure -a
[20:27] <stan_> ShawnRisk: use apt-get =)
[20:27] <genii> trtr: For configuring a printer, usually: System Settings ...Printers ...Add..Printer/Class ... Then from there it's a wizard that runs to guide you in install
[20:28] <trtr> yeah but it just says nothing detected when i run it
[20:29] <user1> genii: stan_ what should be the mount point?
[20:30] <genii> user1: use pastebin website to post output of command: sudo fdisk -l so we can try to figure out what drive or partition holds your old Windows install
[20:30] <stan_> brb for a 10 minutes
[20:31] <pulaski> Hello, I'm trying to install my canon i550 printer. I've added it successfully to cups and I've added it using the KDE printer System Setting. However in order to get it to actuall print I need to grab a couple of libraries. apt-get can't find the package libtiff3g and apt-get tells me that the libpng2 is not available but referred to by another package that has been obsoleted or is only available from another source. Can
[20:31] <pulaski> anyone here offer a suggestion on either package or any additions to my apt sources file?
[20:31] <genii> !pastebin | user1 in case you don't know about pastebin
[20:31] <ubotu> user1 in case you don't know about pastebin: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[20:32] <ShawnRisk> steph_30: that didn't work, couldn't find reconfigure
[20:32] <ShawnRisk> stan_: that didn't work either
[20:33] <steph_30> try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and tell us the issue
[20:34] <genii> pulaski: How did you come to the conclusion that libtiff3g and libpng2 are some libraries it is requiring?
[20:35] <user1> genii: i cant open pastebin
[20:35] <pulaski> Thanks for respinding geni, I was searching the forums for tips and I found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=10540&highlight=canon+i550 that mentioned the libraries.
[20:35] <user1> genii:
[20:35] <user1> /dev/sda1 * 1 3187 25599546 83 Linux
[20:35] <genii> user1: Try main pastebin site then, http://pastebin.com/
[20:35] <user1> /dev/sda2 3188 19456 130680742+ f W95 Ext'd (LBA)
[20:35] <user1> /dev/sda5 3188 3409 1783183+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris
[20:35] <user1> /dev/sda6 3410 7266 30981321 b W95 FAT32
[20:35] <user1> /dev/sda7 7267 8702 11534638+ b W95 FAT32
[20:35] <user1> /dev/sda8 8703 11345 21229866 b W95 FAT32
[20:35] <user1> /dev/sda9 11346 15424 32764536 b W95 FAT32
[20:35] <user1> /dev/sda10 15425 19456 32387008+ b W95 FAT32
[20:36] <genii> user1: DONT PASTE HERE
[20:36] <ShawnRisk> steph_30: thanks that works, I am fixing the problem now
[20:36] <steph_30> cool shawnrisk
[20:37] <user1> genii: http://pastebin.com/m3302b95c
[20:39] <user1> genii: you ther?
[20:39] <genii> user1: You have a lot of Win95 FAT32 partitions, it's difficult to discern which may hold the Windows. Also far more than the usual 4 primary partitions.
[20:39] <genii> user1: Between working, yes
[20:41] <pulaski> I've joined this channel a few times before but I'm pretty clueless about some of the finer points of IRC. Can someone tell me how I can get the user name of the person I'm responding too to precede my respnse and publish my response to this user in red?
[20:42] <user1> genii: only one is pri. others are logical. http://pastebin.com/m7ea305b0
[20:42] <SlimeyPete> pulaski: the "red" bit is handled automatically by your client and theirs (on my client, my name appears yellow and everyone else is white)
[20:42] <SlimeyPete> pulaski: however to address your first point, type the first few letters of their name and press tab
[20:44] <pulaski> good, thanks SlimeyPete. My client is Konversation.
[20:44] <JoshOvki> SlimeyPete: well i didnt know that
[20:44] <genii> user1: For now, make some temporary directory. Like: sudo mkdir /mnt/tmp then mount each possible partition there in turn and see if when you list the contents it fits what would be on old C:\ (or wherever you installed Windows to). So basic process wouold be mount, list, unmount, repeat until you hit the correct listing of files. Then you know which partition is the old Windows install
[20:44] <pulaski> SlimeyPete: THANKS!
[20:44] <SlimeyPete> :)
[20:45] <genii> pulaski: Sorry for inattention, I have become somewhat preoccupied on my current assisting, and also work is requiring me for brief periods
[20:45] <SlimeyPete> pulaski: chances are the colouring is set in the preferences menu somewhere (I don't use Konversation myself so I don't know for sure)
[20:45] <user1> genii: ok. let me
[20:48] <pulaski> SlimeyPete: good deal!
[20:50] <pulaski> genii: no prob, I have to split but I'll be back. I'll keep looking but I hope to catch you again.
[21:11] <Yuji> whats up with kubuntu.org/xubuntu.org? timeout on server
[21:11] <Odd-rationale> Yuji: works for me...
[21:12] <genii> No timeout here either
[21:12] <Yuji> oh.. wonder why I can't connect? :( I can get to ubuntu but not xubuntu or kubuntu via my computers here
[21:13] <Tm_T> Yuji: traceroute kubuntu.org in konsole might reveal where it breaks
[21:15] <Yuji> i have no idea how to look at this but if anybody is interested: http://dpaste.com/44011/. I guess I will just check back tomorrow or something : )
[21:26] <sourcemaker> when I use vpn on linux... I receive the following message: martian source, ll.. what's wrong?
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=== kijutsu_ is now known as Kijutsu
[22:10] <wad> ¿uʍop-ǝpısdn ʇ,usı pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ʎɯ ʇɐɥʇ xnuıl llǝʇ oʇ ʍoɥ ʍouʞ ǝuoʎuɐ sǝop
[22:10] <JoshOvki> lol
[22:11] <Nirkus> hehe
[22:13] <JoshOvki> wad: how did you manage that?
[22:14] <wad> ˙ɹǝʇndɯoɔ ʎɯ ɥʇıʍ ƃuıssǝɯ sʎɐʍlɐ s,ǝɥs ˙ƃuıɥʇǝɯos pıp ǝɟıʍ ʎɯ ʞuıɥʇ ı
[22:15] <JoshOvki> wad: is it just konversation or everythng?
[22:15] <wad> ˙ǝʇɐpoɯoɔɔɐ oʇ uʍop ǝpısdn ɹoʇıuoɯ ʎɯ uɹnʇ oʇ pɐɥ ǝʌ,ı ˙ƃuıɥʇʎɹǝʌǝ
[22:16] <JoshOvki> lol
[22:16] <PhilRod> hah, that's a cute trick
[22:16] <PhilRod> typing backwards must be a little tricky
[22:17] <wad> I'm just trollin' you guys. See http://www.revfad.com/flip.html for some fun. :)
[22:17] <NickPresta> wad, I figured. :)
[22:17] <wad> :)
[22:17] <NickPresta> Unicode is indeed fun.
[22:18] <wad> Yeah. I think I need to put some upside-down text in my sig file.
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[22:53] <COMANDER> hi
[22:53] <COMANDER> how can i become root on my linux kubuntu so i can setup internet connection?
[22:53] <SlimeyPete> use sudo.
[22:53] <SlimeyPete> !sudo
[22:53] <ubotu> sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.
[22:54] <COMANDER> tnx
=== dyve is now known as Divilinux
[23:31] <akleinho> hello, can anyone perhaps help me with a 'symbol lookup error' i'm receiving since installing kde4?
[23:32] <akleinho> a few programs (firefox, audacity for example) state the following error:
[23:32] <akleinho> $ firefox
[23:32] <akleinho> /usr/lib/firefox-3.0b5/firefox: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_dpgettext
[23:35] <COMANDER> hi...
[23:36] <COMANDER> i've downloaded pidgin, and how can i install it?
[23:37] <akleinho> isn't sudo apt-get install pidgin possible?
[23:37] <GS3User> did you get it using the adept manager?
[23:37] <COMANDER> well im new in using linux and i can't understand a thing
[23:37] <akleinho> an easy way is to install it with the following command:
[23:38] <GS3User> start->system->adeptmanager
[23:38] <akleinho> sudo apt-get install pidgin
[23:38] <GS3User> gui interface for all your install needs
[23:38] <akleinho> of course GS3User's way is even easier
[23:39] <akleinho> No-one familiar with symbol lookup errors then?
[23:39] <GS3User> i'm fairly certain kopete comes with kubuntu also
[23:39] <GS3User> it's a multi-protocal IM program as well
[23:41] <GS3User> sorry, no
[23:41] <akleinho> ok, np
[23:43] <akleinho> another question: I would like to 'downgrade' to kubuntu 7.10 (from 8.04), whithout losing any files form my /home folder (which is placed on a separate partition)
[23:43] <akleinho> is there an easy way?
[23:44] <GS3User> sorry, i'm fairly new to linux myself... i can help with some of the issues i've dealt with, but that wouldn't be one of them
[23:44] <akleinho> :) again no problem. Is this usually a good irc for these kind of questions?
[23:44] <ScorpKing> akleinho: i think reinstall will be the easiest. just make sure you don't format the /home partition
[23:44] <akleinho> ah ok, thanks
[23:44] <GS3User> if someone is around, live help is generally preferable i've found
[23:44] <GS3User> but the forums are really awesome as well
[23:45] * ScorpKing prefers using irc..
[23:45] <akleinho> ScorpKing, do you mean reinstalling from a Kubuntu cd?
[23:45] <ScorpKing> akleinho: yes
[23:46] <ScorpKing> akleinho: i also recommend to always keep /home on a seperate partition so reinstalling is easy ;)
[23:46] <akleinho> :) thanks, luckily I've (for the first time) just done that
[23:47] <ScorpKing> good choice :)
[23:47] <akleinho> alright, i'm going to do that, thanks, it feels more safe to have checked beforehand :)
[23:48] <akleinho> and I'm getting the feeling i'm going to use irc more to get answers to questions :)
[23:48] <akleinho> thanks again, see you later
[23:48] <ScorpKing> ok np
[23:50] <ScorpKing> nite guys
[23:51] <lufthanza_> hi
[23:51] <lufthanza_> how do I find the uuid of a partition?
[23:51] <GS3User> hi
[23:51] <GS3User> hmm
[23:51] <lufthanza_> and how do I use that in an fstab file instead of /dev/sd*?
[23:52] <GS3User> heh, that i'm not sure about
[23:53] <lufthanza_> GS3User: actually, looking at the fstab file gives me the answer to question 2, so I just need to know how to find out the uuid of a partition.
[23:54] <genii> lufthanza_: blkid
[23:54] <lufthanza_> genii: thanks
[23:55] <genii> lufthanza_: np
[23:59] <nemetsk> i used adept package manager to grab a library i need for php5. do i need to recompile manually (shell) to get it to work, is it simply a line in php config, or ? thx