UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /09 /#edubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[11:08] <stgraber> ogra_cmpc: I'm currently working on installing a fat client server for a school project. My problem is that when generating the chroot (basically installing ubuntu-desktop then removing some stuff like NM) things like dbus/syslog/cups/... start inside the chroot
[11:08] <stgraber> ogra_cmpc: so I can't then build a clean image (with empty /var/run) and unmount /proc /dev /sys
[11:09] <stgraber> ogra_cmpc: any easy way to stop all process started from the chroot ?
[11:09] <ogra_cmpc> hmm, ltsp-build-client usually uses a start-stop-daemon diversion
[11:10] <ogra_cmpc> do you install ubuntu-desktop afterwards ?
[11:10] <stgraber> yes
[11:10] <ogra_cmpc> try adding it to the EARLY_PACKAHGES variable instead
[11:10] <ogra_cmpc> in the basic-configuration plugin
[11:10] <ogra_cmpc> 000-basic...
[11:11] <stgraber> ok, will give that a try, would be a lot cleaner than what I currently have :)
[11:11] <ogra_cmpc> then the start-stop-daemon should cover it
[11:11] <ogra_cmpc> you will still need to do the removals manually
[11:11] <ogra_cmpc> i guee that would be worth having a function/plugin in intrepid
[11:11] <ogra_cmpc> *guess
[12:20] <stgraber> ogra_cmpc: is it normal that my syslog.conf is overwritten by default (contains only *.* @ ? I have no lts.conf file and then it shouldn't try to use a remote syslog server
[12:21] <ogra_cmpc> its normal, i think ltsp-client-setup does it
[12:22] <stgraber> if [ -z "$SYSLOG" ] || [ "$SYSLOG" = "remote" ]; then
[12:22] <ogra_cmpc> yep
[12:23] <stgraber> so I'm supposed to set SYSLOG to some weird value just to keep my original syslog ? (so -z fails)
[12:25] <ogra_cmpc> hmm, yeah
[12:25] <ogra_cmpc> we should improve that
[12:26] <ogra_cmpc> SYSLOG="dont touch me"
[12:26] <ogra_cmpc> :)
[12:26] <stgraber> I would have thought that the default would be to have a local syslog
[12:26] <stgraber> and the remote syslog being an option
[12:26] <ogra_cmpc> nah, default points to the server
[12:27] <ogra_cmpc> even if the server doesnt support it the client wont run out of ram due to logfile spamming
[12:27] <ogra_cmpc> oh, that remonds me ... i need to fix the server side still
[12:27] * ogra_cmpc makes a note to not forget about that before final
[12:28] <stgraber> hehe, yes I just checked and we don't seem to have a syslog daemon listening server-side
[12:28] <ogra_cmpc> th einitscript is prepared to override from /etc/ltsp
[12:28] <ogra_cmpc> i just need to dump a file in there that says SYSLOG="-r"
[12:29] <ogra_cmpc> (probably with sourceing /etc/default/syslog and appending if -r isnt in the list )
[12:33] * stgraber wonders why is rc.local script doesn't start with his fat client setup ...
[12:36] <ogra_cmpc> did you properly put it in /etc/rc.local and is /etc/rc.local executable ?
[12:37] <ogra_cmpc> if [ -x /etc/rc.local ]; then
[12:37] <ogra_cmpc> (from /etc/init.d/rc.local)
[12:40] <stgraber> running /etc/init.d/rc.local start works correctly ...
[12:41] <stgraber> the only thing I see is that the init process would be stuck before S99
[12:44] <ogra_cmpc> nah
[12:45] <stgraber> ogra_cmpc: hmm, rc.local is K99 in the chroot and S99 outside ..
[12:45] <ogra_cmpc> ah
[12:45] <ogra_cmpc> indeed
[12:46] <ogra_cmpc> its not in RC2_WHITELIST
[12:46] <ogra_cmpc> have a look at the basic-configuration plugin ...
[12:46] <ogra_cmpc> its probably best to empty the RC variables alltogether
[12:46] <ogra_cmpc> laga had the same prob
[12:48] <stgraber> right, I'll have a look at them ... I'll also need to fix some VTs stuff (have standard ttys) and disable some other daemons (bluetooth for example as we don't have that kind of stuff here)
[12:49] <stgraber> my main problem was ntp as I need a very accurate clock to do Kerberos authentication and having that rc.local problem made authentication impossible :)
[12:50] <stgraber> btw, is that new that nbd can reconnect when the network is disconnected ?
[12:50] <ogra_cmpc> rigth, a fat client plugin will unset these vars in the future
[12:50] <ogra_cmpc> its relatively new afaik
[12:50] <stgraber> I saw that this morning, was building a new image, removed the old one, put the new one and it worked without rebooting :) (I tried to start OOo)
[12:51] <stgraber> well, that's really really good news :)
[12:51] <ogra_cmpc> yeah
[12:51] <stgraber> Francis will be extremely happy as it was the main reason they were stuck with NFS for Millexterm
[12:52] <stgraber> (and what could be better than getting rid of NFS ? :))
[12:52] <ogra_cmpc> well, i'm not sure it will handle failover or stuff
[12:52] <ogra_cmpc> thats what francis is after
[12:54] <stgraber> maybe you can do that now with some load balancing magic. Setting the load balancer IP which then redirect to the right server, when one of the servers is done, just redirect to the other. It previously was impossible because nbd wasn't able to reconnect but now it should be possible.
[12:55] <stgraber> s/done/down/
[12:55] <RichEd> ogra_cmpc & stgraber : meeting in 5 mins ?
[12:55] <stgraber> RichEd: yep
[12:56] <ogra_cmpc> oh, i nearly forgot
[12:56] * ogra_cmpc makes some coffee
[13:00] * RichEd gets coffee too
[13:00] <RichEd> === education meeting in #ubuntu-meeting === 2 mins ===
[14:15] <pips1> I was hoping to touch base with you guys, regarding the edubuntu.org site... i.e. the minimum of changes required for the release
[14:17] <pips1> we definitely need a concise and clear text about how to install "edubuntu / ubuntu education edition" from hardy onwards
[14:17] <pips1> oh
[14:17] * pips1 reads https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/EdubuntuAddOnCD
[14:19] <pips1> RichEd: ^^^
[14:19] <RichEd> pips1: will check in a few mins
[14:20] <stgraber> I asked davmor2 to update it a bit as I'm not native english and he has been working on a lot of the other testcases
[14:20] <stgraber> we'll try to add some screenshots too
[14:21] <pips1> stgraber: nice
[14:48] <manu_ubu> hi
[16:09] <pips1> RichEd: you have mail
[16:10] <LaserJock> dang missed another meeting
[16:11] <pips1> hi LaserJock
[16:11] <pips1> i've been out of touch for weeks and weeks :-/
[16:12] <pips1> but I noticed that you have been quite the busy bee with packaging edu apps
[16:12] <pips1> \o/
[16:12] <LaserJock> I tried to make a push there at the end
[16:13] <RichEd> pips1: thanks
[16:13] <RichEd> hello LaserJock fellow
[16:13] <LaserJock> hi RichEd
[16:14] <LaserJock> I'm seeing a quite common question about Hardy installation
[16:14] <LaserJock> people assume with the split that they need the Ubuntu Server CD to get LTSP
[16:14] <LaserJock> we need to make it as clear as possible that they need the Ubuntu Alternate CD
[16:15] <pips1> yep
[16:15] <pips1> and please try to prepare that text before release day ;-)
[16:15] <LaserJock> Then I think we need to define a bit more what Edubuntu is
[16:15] <RichEd> ogra_cmpc: renewing you in edubuntu-members ... what is the expiration policy ?
[16:15] <LaserJock> as people are asking what's the difference between Ubuntu and Edubuntu
[16:16] <RichEd> how much do i extend you for ... never expires is an option ... but i presume that is not "an official" way to go
[16:16] <LaserJock> 1 year
[16:17] <ogra_cmpc> RichEd, usually a year
[16:17] <LaserJock> is the general term around Ubuntu
[16:17] <ogra_cmpc> but i dont remember being renewed for the last two
[16:17] <RichEd> okie ... and a quickie classmate question ... wallpaper
[16:17] <ogra_cmpc> what about it ?
[16:17] <RichEd> your (the default wiredubuntu) is way off centre
[16:17] <ogra_cmpc> on purpose
[16:17] <RichEd> ??
[16:17] <ogra_cmpc> it looks creepy in the middle
[16:18] <RichEd> i made an 800x480 ... but when i am in pan mode ... there is a brown edge ...
[16:18] <RichEd> is the full screen 800x600 ?
[16:18] <ogra_cmpc> you cant do that on a widescreen and have it look gfood
[16:18] <ogra_cmpc> oh, that
[16:18] <ogra_cmpc> i can default it to fill mode so it streches with the scaling
[16:18] <RichEd> what is the option to select an image of a larger size and scale down
[16:18] <RichEd> the ones i selected did not seem to do that
[16:19] <ogra_cmpc> there is a pulldown in the wllpaper dialog
[16:19] <RichEd> explain centered ? what should that do exactly ?
[16:19] <ogra_cmpc> mode or so
[16:19] <ogra_cmpc> the wallpaper is cut to 800x480 for the classmate (it eats a lot of ram to hold it in memory so i needed to scale it down))
[16:20] <ogra_cmpc> there are several modes you can set for wallpapers
[16:20] <pips1> ok, i got to run, i'll try to make it to the next meeting...
[16:20] <ogra_cmpc> one is to fill the screen and strech the pic
[16:20] <ogra_cmpc> the current one just keeps it centerd
[16:20] <ogra_cmpc> so you see the background color of the desktop where it doesnt cover it
[16:21] <pips1> cu
[16:21] * RichEd will play around with options and .png sizes
[16:21] <ogra_cmpc> RichEd, iwth centered i mean that the original wllpaper you sent me has the logo exactly in the middle
[16:21] <RichEd> i like it centred :)
[16:22] * RichEd is a well balanced sort of a preference person
[16:22] <RichEd> perhaps that is a sign of being a bit @n@l and not adventurous
[16:22] <ogra_cmpc> well, pick any of the others but note that that costws you some MB in ram if you dont scale them down before
[16:23] <RichEd> that's why i made up a 800x480
[16:23] <RichEd> will make a 800x600 and try options to see what i can get to
[16:24] <ogra_cmpc> that will look odd ... 800x600 wil be scaled down or cut off on 800x480
[16:24] <ogra_cmpc> both doesnt look good
[16:24] <ogra_cmpc> i'd go for 800x480, center the logo if you want that and set the wallpaper chooser to scale
[16:25] <ogra_cmpc> that way it will be properly scaled up if you switch to edtended screen but dont look squeezed in the default mode
[16:28] <tmelbye> Small question: Total newbie!!!: Have changed the login screen for thin clients but now all I get is a gray screen with the login. No icons... Changed the "default" in /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/share/ldm/themes
[16:28] <RichEd> b.t.w. sudo iwlist scan sees my network ... but that may because it is now configured & up ... will retry after a reboot
[16:29] <LivingByPlan> Can I get some help with installing Edubuntu here?
[16:29] <ogra_cmpc> RichEd, if you see that its clearly not a bugt with the driver
[16:29] <tmelbye> Same problem as this guy: http://www.nabble.com/Thin-client-login-screen-problem-td16053797.html
[16:30] <LaserJock> LivingByPlan: what's the problem
[16:30] <LivingByPlan> I am trying to install 7.10 on a P4 with 256 MB of RAM.
[16:30] <LivingByPlan> The installation gets to the point of installing the software after the base system
[16:30] <ogra_cmpc> LivingByPlan, from which CD ?
[16:31] <LivingByPlan> It gets to 85%. The last message says that britty.x11 is installed.
[16:31] <ogra_cmpc> th elivecd needs over 300M
[16:31] <LivingByPlan> Then the system just hangs.
[16:31] <LivingByPlan> This is a CD that I got from Ubuntu orgranization in Canada.
[16:31] <LivingByPlan> I am trying to install a Workstation.
[16:31] <ogra_cmpc> well, do you install from a running desktop or do you see a blue text installer ?
[16:32] <LivingByPlan> Blue text installer.
[16:32] <LivingByPlan> I am creating a dual-boot but it never gets to where it installs GRUB.
[16:32] <LivingByPlan> I have added memory to the computer to see if 512 MB helps.
[16:33] <LivingByPlan> Same problem.
[16:33] <LivingByPlan> The CD drive is a Samsung. Am trying with a different CD drive to see if that makes a difference.
[16:33] <ogra_cmpc> do you see any obvious errors if you switch to console 4 (alt+f4) ?
[16:33] <ogra_cmpc> there runs the log
[16:34] <LivingByPlan> I have just started the installation again.
[16:34] <LivingByPlan> It will take some time to get there.
[16:34] <LivingByPlan> Or can I do that at anytime during the install to follow progress?
[16:35] <ogra_cmpc> keep an eye on the log (alt+f4)
[16:35] <ogra_cmpc> you get back to the main screen with alt+f1
[16:35] <ogra_cmpc> also did you run the cd selftest ?
[16:35] <ogra_cmpc> might be that the media is bad
[16:36] <LivingByPlan> Have run the CD selftest. Says it is okay.
[16:37] <LivingByPlan> I have used this CD successfully on one machine.
[16:37] <LivingByPlan> I have the images downloaded to a extrernal hard drive.
[16:37] <LivingByPlan> Do you know of a way to boot from that image?
[16:38] <tmelbye> anyone knows how to fix error in thin client login screen???
[19:13] <tmelbye> Anyone knows how to fix error in thin client login screen? All screens are gray,,,
[19:29] <tmelbye> Need help with thin clients.... please....
[19:44] <tmelbye> Anyone knows of a good help-forum?
[19:45] <Muhammad_Saad> for what?
[19:45] <tmelbye> Problems with login screen for thin clients. Changed the theme but now it's all gray....
[19:50] <tmelbye> http://www.nabble.com/Thin-client-login-screen-problem-td16053797.html
[23:15] <rodzilla87> Is there anyone who has had experience with setting up a standalone Edubuntu box...where desktop changes will be cleared once the machine is rebooted or logged off?
[23:25] <rodzilla87> Is there anyone who has had experience with setting up a standalone Edubuntu box...where desktop changes will be cleared once the machine is rebooted or logged off?
[23:28] <rodzilla87> Anyone have any experience with resetting the desktop of a stand alone Edubuntu box?
[23:33] <cbw1066_> who
[23:34] <rodzilla87> what is that cbw1066?
[23:34] <cbw1066_> First go at irc - having a few problems.
[23:35] <HedgeMage> rodzilla87: you mean that a user screwed up their desktop, or something is wrong with the system, or what?
[23:35] <rodzilla87> Well no. Let me explain
[23:35] <HedgeMage> cbw1066_: just ask :)
[23:36] <rodzilla87> I want to put one desktop out in a public library...in the childrens section for them to use.
[23:36] <rodzilla87> But I have looked at Pessulus and I dont think it does what I want it to do.
[23:37] <rodzilla87> I want the kids to be able to play with the educational software, surf the net...whatever...but the changes to go away after their session is done
[23:37] <rodzilla87> make sense?
[23:38] <HedgeMage> ahh, okay
[23:39] <HedgeMage> brb kid stuck upside-down
[23:39] <rodzilla87> lol ok
[23:40] <HedgeMage> back
[23:41] <HedgeMage> I haven't done that, but I'm sure others have -- it's a simple matter of overwriting the home dir on logout. Perhaps ask on the mailing list or forums?
[23:42] <cbw1066_> I think there is a bash_logout script in the users home.
[23:45] <rodzilla87> Thanks to the both of you. I have posted a question on the mailing list...but I thought I would check here for a faster answer.
[23:45] <HedgeMage> :)