UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /08 /#ubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <cjwatson> Caesar: it only does it if network-manager is going to be installed
[00:00] <cjwatson> so the way to opt out is to arrange for network-manager not to be installed
[00:00] <megabyte405> tedg: thanks for your help - I'm out for the night. email if you need something, mention abiword in the subject
[00:01] <megabyte405> (just in case my spam filter gets eager)
[00:01] <Caesar> cjwatson: installing ubuntu-desktop makes that kinda hard
[00:01] <tedg> megabyte405: Cool, NP. Have a good night.
[00:01] * tedg types too slow.
[00:02] <ScottK> cjwatson: Do you have a moment for a quick backports discussion. jdong pointed me at you.
[00:02] <jdong> haha keep the blame trail alive :D
[00:03] <ScottK> Of course
[00:05] <cjwatson> Caesar: ok, netcfg 1.40ubuntu5 allows you to preseed netcfg/network-manager to false
[00:06] <cjwatson> ScottK: sure
[00:07] <Caesar> cjwatson: You rock
[00:08] <ScottK> cjwatson: clamav is releasing 0.93 with a soname bump a week before we release. There's no way to reasonably stuff that into Hardy, so what I was hoping to do was to get hardy-backports ready early and have it (with rebuild rdepends) in hardy-backports at or nearly at release.
[00:08] <ScottK> cjwatson: This would require us to loosen the must be in the development release before backport rule for a few weeks until Intrepid's tool chain is up.
[00:08] <ScottK> Any problem with that?
[00:09] <cjwatson> ScottK: any core-dev can upload to -backports directly, so technically it's feasible
[00:09] <cjwatson> ScottK: I suggest uploading it to a PPA first so that at least it's been tested somewhere else
[00:09] <ScottK> That's what I'd start with (PPA).
[00:09] <cjwatson> but otherwise I'm OK with it
[00:09] <ScottK> OK.
[00:09] <cjwatson> hardy-backports should work already
[00:09] <ScottK> Cool.
[00:10] <ScottK> jdong: ^^^ we're in business.
[00:10] <ScottK> cjwatson: Thanks.
[00:16] <Dossy> Do Ubuntu's kernels include the ext2online patch?
[00:19] <jdong> ScottK, cjwatson thanks!
[00:23] * lamont has a stupid nautilus et al question... any good victims around?
[00:25] <lamont> specifically, when the user nfs mounts /mnt/foo-media, one machine populates that into the desktop and the places view of "the gnome explorer" (nautilus, I expect).
[00:25] <lamont> on the other machine, on gutsy and on flatline-installed hardy, it doesn't.
[00:26] <lamont> how comez is that?
[00:27] <seb128> lamont: are you sure the machine which displays it use mnt?
[00:27] <seb128> lamont: nautilus shows media mounts and not mnt ones
[00:27] <lamont> I expect so. it's an old unix geek
[00:27] <lamont> although it could be that simple, I suppse
[00:29] <Caesar> How do the Contents-${ARCH} files get generated? I feel like I'm reinventing the wheel here...
[00:29] <lamont> apt-ftparchive contents is what you're looking for
[00:29] <tedg> Ahh, I didn't realize that the subpackages of boost were in universe... bummer.
[00:29] <tedg> I guess no Abicollab :(
[00:30] <Caesar> lamont: thanks
[00:31] <up_the_irons> guys, is there a channel for package building support? (trying to backport a package, which I've done a lot, but this particular package is bothersome)
[00:34] <jdong> up_the_irons: #ubuntu-motu please
[00:34] <up_the_irons> jdong: thanks
[00:38] <LaserJock> tedg: boost is a new dep?
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[00:49] <LaserJock> dang it, I forgot the password to the printer
[00:53] <tedg> LaserJock: Well, asio is needed for Abicollab.
[00:54] <tedg> And asio has boost as a dep.
[00:54] <LaserJock> ah
[00:56] <LaserJock> that'd be kind of a big MIR
[00:56] <slangasek> tedg: which part of boost? boost source is already in main
[00:57] <LaserJock> oh, right, I thought it said Universe
[00:57] <tedg> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionReportAsio
[00:57] <tedg> Is there instructions on how I make the bug in LP? (like who to subscribe, etc.)
[00:57] <slangasek> ubuntu-mir (there are instructions somewhere, but I don't have the url to hand)
[00:58] <slangasek> ah, libboost-regex, my favorite
[00:58] <tedg> Okay, I can't seem to find it after 10-15 minutes of searching...
[00:58] <tedg> But is on Hardy?
[00:58] <tedg> bug.
[00:58] <tedg> Or on asio?
[00:59] <slangasek> on asio
[01:02] <tedg> I'm not optimistic on this one going through, but here it is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/asio/+bug/213688
[01:02] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 213688 in asio "Main Inclusion Report for asio" [Undecided,New]
[02:07] <emgent> heya cjwatson
[02:21] <mophead> Is there a usability development project?
[02:24] <calc> new OOo in about 1hr
[02:24] <calc> openoffice.org_2.4.0-3ubuntu2_amd64.build
[02:26] <lamont> heh. update-manager gets really pissy if you have an apt/preferences that pins a=hardy at pri 50. :-(
[02:30] * lamont mutters something about how it'd be nice to get the current git-core into hardy, while realizing that there isn't a checkbox on the feature freeze exception paperwork labeled "nice"
[02:36] <jdong> lamont: haha you could use the old "it's got a test suite" argument
[02:37] <lamont> jdong: well, it confused me for a minute when it bombed out on my laptop....
[02:37] <jdong> lamont: but I'm sorry to say I used that one with bzr 1.3 and it did introduce a minor regression so ~release could be gun-shy :D
[02:37] <lamont> then I figured out _why_ lzma was not scheduled for install...
[02:37] <lamont> oh, git-core.
[02:37] <lamont> yeah
[02:37] <lamont> OTOH, will land on zinc sometime this week, I expect.
[03:32] <slangasek> Amaranth: do you have any comments on james_w's patch for bug #118936?
[03:32] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 118936 in alacarte "Alacarte does not recover deleted menu items" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118936
[04:29] <RAOF> Something seems to be sending pulseaudio SIGXCPU, which then makes pulse spin madly, consuming a CPU core for a couple of seconds before being killed. (1) What's sending pulse SIGXCPU, and (2) How can I debug the spin/kill that happens once it's sent - I can't reproduce the behaviour under gdm.
[04:40] <TheMuso> RAOF: Have you checked messages/syslog, and what pulse clients are you using?
[04:41] <RAOF> TheMuso: I've got a single pulse client; banshee (trunk) -> gstreamer-pulse. Neither syslog nor messages contain anything apropos.
[04:44] <RAOF> Oh, and load averages are <= 0.5 for the last 15 min.
[04:47] <TheMuso> Hrm.
[04:47] <TheMuso> RAOF: Tried other clients?
[04:47] <RAOF> No; that'll be the next step (after lunch).
[04:47] <TheMuso> RAOF: Ok.
[04:47] <RAOF> The step after _that_ will be trying on !rt kernel.
[05:01] <StevenK> What's SIGXCPU?
[05:01] <StevenK> I don't even recognise that signal
[05:02] <lifeless> XCPU core core dump may fail
[05:02] <lifeless> and more usefully
[05:02] <lifeless> SIGXCPU 24,24,30 Core CPU time limit exceeded (4.2BSD)
[05:02] <lifeless> man 7 signal is your friend
[05:02] <lifeless> RAOF: ^
[05:03] <lifeless> RAOF: the CPU time being used is probably in the aport core handler
[05:03] <lifeless> RAOF: which will be why you can't reproduce under gdm
[05:04] <StevenK> Whoa. "CPU time limit exceeded"
[05:05] <TheMuso> That sounds a little like something the rt kernel could cause.
[05:07] <slangasek> could it? traditionally that means you're using ulimit
[05:08] <TheMuso> I'm guessing here.
[05:11] <lamont> StevenK: as long as that wasn't irssi or such... :-)
[05:11] <lamont> slangasek: maybe we should put a 6 hour ulimit on buildds?
[05:11] <lamont> er, builds, even
[05:36] <slangasek> lamont: <yuck>
[05:36] <ion_> The volume 'CDROM' uses the iso9660 file system which is not supported by your system.
[05:36] <ion_> Ooookay. :-)
[05:37] <lamont> heh
[05:37] * lamont is sad that he has no consolekit sessions when he logsin
[05:41] <RAOF> lifeless: Oh, thanks. It remains odd.
[05:41] <lifeless> indeed :P
[05:42] <RAOF> Let's see if rhythmbox triggers SIGXCPU.
[05:43] <RAOF> It seems particularly odd since pulse consistently takes up <= 1% of my fully-scaled-down CPU cores.
[05:44] <lifeless> smells odd yes
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[06:12] <RAOF> OK. For those playing at home, it seems that Rhythmbox does _not_ trigger SIGXCPU.
[06:18] <jdong> any core-devs want to sponsor an extremely trivial debdiff?
[06:19] <jdong> wait, where did it go....
[06:19] <LaserJock> a Heisendiff? :-)
[06:19] <slangasek> it was so trivial it dissolved back into the quantum foam
[06:20] <jdong> actually I might just hold off
[06:20] <ion_> Haha
[06:21] <jdong> I was gonnna just add an empty dpatch patchsys to Transmission
[06:21] <jdong> but I might as well wait for the patches to come in over this week
[06:23] <jdong> unless there's some evil freeze that's coming up soon that I'm unaware of that won't let me put in a patchsys
[06:23] <LaserJock> the 10th is a freeze
[06:23] <LaserJock> but I doubt it's gonna make a difference
[06:23] <jdong> LaserJock: does it make a difference between bugfix patches and adding a patchsys?
[06:23] <StevenK> I thought the 10th was the freeze. As in, Hardy freezes and doesn't thaw
[06:24] <Chipzz> jdong: won't you be unnecesarily diverting fmor debian then?
[06:24] <LaserJock> StevenK: as in every upload has to be approved by a RM
[06:24] <RAOF> It starts of a bit mushy first :)
[06:24] <jdong> Chipzz: I'm not sure if it's necessarily unnecessarily
[06:24] <StevenK> Ah, snow and then ice? :-P
[06:24] <jdong> Chipzz: I need to backport 8 or so important bugfixes from transmission SVN with cooperation with upstream devs
[06:24] <LaserJock> jdong: there's no patch system already in place?
[06:25] <jdong> LaserJock: surprisingly not
[06:25] <jdong> Chipzz: I'd rather not introduce a brand new release cycle of transmission this close to release
[06:25] <Chipzz> jdong: well, you aren't changing the build system, only adding to it I guess
[06:25] <LaserJock> jdong: if you want to stick close to upstream you can just not use a patch system
[06:25] <jdong> Chipzz: particularly one that quirked on me, refusing to close when it's a tray icon and similar misbehavior
[06:25] <jdong> LaserJock: that kinda sounds messy
[06:26] <LaserJock> but with 8 patches it might be less hassle in the long run to just add dpatch
[06:26] <Chipzz> jdong: I'm not arguing about the use of the patches btw :)
[06:26] <jdong> LaserJock: yeah I figure it might become a nightmare to manage in case one of those patches turns out to be incorrect , etc
[06:26] <Chipzz> but I think it's a guideline to try not to diverge from debian as much as possible?
[06:26] <LaserJock> jdong: it can be sure
[06:26] <jdong> Chipzz: agreed, but this divergence couldn't hurt
[06:26] <jdong> Chipzz: Debian's already past us on transmission and they couldn't care much about what we're doing to Hardy's transmission
[06:27] <Chipzz> jdong: wouldn't the appropriate course of action be asking the debian maintainer what he thinks about it? (not sure if you done that)
[06:27] <jdong> Chipzz: well at this point I don't see how even if Debian adds a patchsys it'd help us
[06:27] <jdong> Chipzz: Debian's on 1.11-1, we're on 1.06-0ubuntu4
[06:28] <Chipzz> easier to merge back later?
[06:28] <jdong> though of course in the long run a patchsys is going to be helpful
[06:28] <Chipzz> well
[06:28] <jdong> right now I'm more concerned about getting these changes into Hardy before freeze
[06:28] <Chipzz> I'm not arguing against the patch system per se ;)
[06:28] <jdong> transmission's in between a rock and a hard spot right now
[06:28] <LaserJock> jdong: if you think you're gonna ever have to do an SRU or security update it can be nice
[06:29] * StevenK tries to figure what is dragging in pidgin-data
[06:29] <jdong> a torrent client, probably feasible we'll find something wrong in 3 years
[06:29] <StevenK> apt-cache rdepends doesn't help
[06:29] <Chipzz> jdong: well, if the debian maintainer applies the same patch system as you do, it will be easier to merge back later
[06:29] <Chipzz> as there will be only entirely new files instead of changes to files
[06:29] <jdong> Chipzz: agreed
[06:30] <jdong> Chipzz: I will talk to the Debian folks at the same time
[06:30] <LaserJock> Chipzz: that's why he said that Debian has already passed us. It's unlikely they will go back and patch a previous version
[06:30] <jdong> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/13197466/transmission.debdiff in case anyone feels particularly bored
[06:30] <LaserJock> so if it's specifically for the Hardy version then Debian's not gonna care
[06:30] <jdong> I believe this is the 2nd time I've added dpatch so a bit of reviewing where I hooked it in would be appreciated too :D
[06:31] <jdong> grumble debdiffs don't represent empty files, do they?
[06:31] <Chipzz> LaserJock: well yes. but what I meant is, if debian adapts the same patchsys, it will be easier to merge back post-hardy
[06:31] * jdong mutters a bit under his breath
[06:31] <LaserJock> Chipzz: oh right, yeah
[06:31] <RAOF> jdong: From memory you want to have a patch-stamp target, right?
[06:31] <jdong> RAOF: the dpatch.make include handles that
[06:31] <Chipzz> LaserJock: or if a sec bug is found, and debian has a patch, it would be easier to do a security update
[06:31] <jdong> (I think :D)
[06:32] <jdong> RAOF: from what I understand I just need to get the patch and unpatch rules in the right place with dpatch.make
[06:32] <RAOF> jdong: Eh, probably. Anyway, it's being called from a -stamp target itself, so should get called exactly once anyway.
[06:33] <RAOF> This line brings back memories of great frustration: # touch config.status to prevent execution of autoconf
[06:33] <jdong> :)
[06:33] <dholbach> good morning
[06:34] <LaserJock> morning dholbach
[06:34] <jdong> oh it's that late already?
[06:34] <StevenK> Heh
[06:34] <LaserJock> jdong: that's exactly what I was thinking
[06:34] <dholbach> hey LaserJock
[06:34] <dholbach> hehe
[06:34] <dholbach> 7:34 here :)
[06:34] <dholbach> if that helps you making a decision :)
[06:34] <StevenK> There's a 7:30 in the morning?
[06:35] <LaserJock> I think that's what he's claiming
[06:35] <StevenK> I don't believe it.
[06:35] <StevenK> If mornings really exist, why are there only 12 hours on a clock.
[06:35] <LaserJock> so true
[06:37] <jdong> StevenK: I've heard, in some places, there are 24 hours.
[06:37] <jdong> StevenK: but I've also heard that some places use unified base-10 measurement systems
[06:37] <RAOF> jdong: Those crazy Europeans. All sorts of decadent leftist improprietary.
[06:38] <ion_> But at least OOXML is a standard everywhere.
[06:38] <LaserJock> jdong: that's just cheating
[06:39] <jdong> LaserJock: I know. For them they don't get cool math questions like how many ounces are in a ton...
[06:39] <RAOF> LaserJock: How does that even work for you. I mean, you're a scientist, and so presumably use the _sane_ measurement system in your work. Does it cause cognitive dissonance?
[06:40] <LaserJock> RAOF: no, it's even worse
[06:40] <LaserJock> I use a mix of metric and imperial
[06:40] <RAOF> LaserJock: What. You _don't_ use the sane measurement system?!
[06:40] <LaserJock> for instance my laser table is tapped on a 1" distance
[06:40] <LaserJock> my optics are usually 1"
[06:40] <StevenK> LaserJock: Your whole country uses a mix of metric and imperial
[06:41] <RAOF> >.<
[06:41] <LaserJock> but I also use mm,cm, and m
[06:41] <RAOF> Man. Imagine how much of a technological powerhouse the US could be if it _
[06:41] <LaserJock> I have a table for converting between approximately 6-8 different units of energy
[06:41] <RAOF> didn't_ use a broken measurement system.e
[06:41] <LaserJock> well, we got it from the English, what can I say
[06:42] <StevenK> I'm waiting for the US to realise their money system is metric, and switch it to imperial.
[06:42] <RAOF> LaserJock: Except that you use a different measurement system to the English, right?
[06:42] <LaserJock> RAOF: no, we have a lot that's the same
[06:42] <RAOF> I mean, a US imperial gallon isn't the same as an English imperial gallon, or some such stupidity?
[06:42] <LaserJock> some things are different some are the same
[06:43] <StevenK> RAOF: See: "ton" and "tonne"
[06:43] <slangasek> StevenK: that would, of course, be inconsistent with the rationale for not having switched to metric in the first place
[06:43] <LaserJock> our ton is different than a tonne
[06:43] <slangasek> RAOF: actually, a US "imperial gallon" is the same as an English imperial gallon; but a US gallon is not
[06:43] <LaserJock> I don't think American's care so much what system they use as they are afraid of changing it
[06:43] <TheMuso> RAOF: So it sounds like something banshee is doing.
[06:43] <StevenK> slangasek: Why did the US not switch over?
[06:43] <LaserJock> I still can't get used to C
[06:43] <RAOF> TheMuso: Except that banshee isn't doing it now, either >.<
[06:44] <slangasek> StevenK: inertia
[06:44] <TheMuso> RAOF: even more weird. Still the RT kernel?
[06:44] <RAOF> TheMuso: Yup.
[06:44] <StevenK> The British resisted metric currency for years as being "too complicated"
[06:44] <RAOF> TheMuso: I haven't rebooted. I just came back from lunch, and everything works.
[06:44] <LaserJock> StevenK: we'd just say "too expensive"
[06:45] <RAOF> slangasek: Aah. That makes it so clear!
[06:45] <StevenK> No, I think your country has 100 million people who can't tell that miles and kilometres are both units of meaursement
[06:46] <slangasek> RAOF: the gallon used in the US is .8 of an imperial gallon
[06:46] <LaserJock> well, in 30 years we'll all speak spanish and then we'll convert ;-)
[06:46] <slangasek> LaserJock: por qué esperar?
[06:46] <RAOF> slangasek: Is that _exactly_ .8 of a gallon, or something more traditional, like .79341 of an imperial gallon? :P
[06:47] <slangasek> RAOF: well, entertainingly, units tells me it's 0.83267418
[06:47] <slangasek> I had been led to believe it was exact
[06:47] <StevenK> slangasek: You need to start doing freeze annoucements in 3 languages
[06:47] <LaserJock> slangasek: because
[06:48] <slangasek> StevenK: I thought about a Spanish poem for the opening announcement for hardy heron, but all the good poems are about swans, not herons
[06:48] <LaserJock> well, I'm not moving to all metric until time is metric :-)
[06:48] <StevenK> Haha
[06:49] <TheMuso> lol
[06:49] <LaserJock> you can't be all "metric is so wonderful" if you still have base-60 time units
[06:49] <LaserJock> I'm sorry
[06:49] <StevenK> I note milliseconds aren't base-60
[06:49] <StevenK> slangasek: I doubt you'll find any Spanish poems about ibexes, either.
[06:49] <RAOF> I don't know about where you are, but here in .au we've had decimal time since the 60's :)
[06:50] <StevenK> And decimal currency since what, '66?
[06:50] <LaserJock> StevenK: yeah, it's funny. Once you are to seconds it becomes metric.
[06:50] <RAOF> Something like that.
[06:50] <StevenK> I do recall the offical changeover date was Valentine's Day
[06:50] <slangasek> StevenK: '66 what? petaseconds?
[06:50] <StevenK> slangasek: '66 being 1966
[06:51] <LaserJock> anyway, as a scientist I end up learning a variety of unit systems and converting to whatever the "norm" is
[06:51] <LaserJock> it even varies between specialties within a field of chemistry
[06:51] <StevenK> Or inventing your own
[06:51] <LaserJock> I try to avoid taht
[06:51] <LaserJock> reviewers aren't as impressed
[06:52] <StevenK> What, especially if you name them all Mantha?
[06:52] <LaserJock> "The rotational energy give to the molecule was 10^6 Manthas"
[06:53] <slangasek> not "manthae"?
[06:53] <LaserJock> ewwww
[06:53] <LaserJock> you can't do that
[06:53] <LaserJock> I'll have to also define the plural form
[06:53] <slangasek> I can't?
[06:53] <LaserJock> no, my unit my gramatical rules
[06:53] <StevenK> Heh
[06:53] <slangasek> heh
[06:53] <StevenK> "
[06:54] <StevenK> Doh
[06:54] <YokoZar> Can I ask someone to download and dput a package for me? For some reason dput is failing on the server I have it on, and I can't upload from home. It's 400 megs, however.
[06:54] <LaserJock> I think I should be an energy unit
[06:54] <StevenK> "The plural form shall be Manthas, except on days defined below, in which case it's Manthae."
[06:55] * RAOF needs to play Mao with a sufficiently large group.
[06:55] <LaserJock> "On the internationally recognized Mantha day the unit shall be called 'Jordans'"
[06:55] <LaserJock> yeah, this is sounding good
[06:56] <LaserJock> I need to contact IUPAC about this
[06:56] <StevenK> And then LaserJock woke up.
[06:56] <LaserJock> crap, still using kilojoules
[06:56] <LaserJock> how come Joule get's his own unit? what'd he ever do that was so special?
[06:57] <StevenK> "Intel would like to announce the general public availability of the Linux Connection Manager project (codename: ConnMan)."
[06:57] <slangasek> dunno, better ask wikipedia
[06:57] * StevenK sobs.
[06:57] <LaserJock> oh, well, I don't know what so special about the 1st Law of Thermodynamics that they guy needs a unit named after him
[06:58] <LaserJock> pfft
[06:58] <slangasek> to accompany their PCI abstraction layer, "CardShark"?
[06:58] <warp10> Good morning
[06:58] <StevenK> slangasek: Oh crap, I hadn't heard that one.
[06:58] <slangasek> StevenK: that's ok, I'm making it up as I go!
[06:58] <StevenK> I'm waiting for their new OOM algorithm, SerialKiller
[06:58] <LaserJock> nice
[06:59] <TheMuso> lol
[06:59] <StevenK> And their back up utility, IvanMilat
[06:59] <StevenK> (Sorry, that will only make sense to Australians)
[07:00] * TheMuso chuckles.
[07:00] <LaserJock> I was gonna go with something called "Grifter" but I like SerialKiller better
[07:00] <RAOF> And a select group af backpackers :P
[07:00] <StevenK> RAOF: Well, yes.
[07:00] * RAOF is the _king_ of poor-taste.
[07:00] <StevenK> Er, yes. That was worse than my joke. :-)
[07:01] <StevenK> Nooooo, it requires resolvconf
[07:01] * StevenK spits
[07:22] <seria-mau> i noticed that network mounts in fstab which become available are automatically mounted. how is unmounting in case a network link becomes unavailable supposed to work? nfs has some difficulties with that, afaik.
[07:25] <slangasek> seria-mau: as a "lazy" unmount; processes that still reference the filesystem that's gone away will have issues, but there's really no graceful way to handle that
[08:03] <ion_> opera | 9.27-20080331.6fesity1 | http://archive.canonical.com feisty-commercial/main Packages
[08:03] <ion_> Utunbu has Orepa in fesity. :-)
[08:52] <lool> slangasek: w00t; we have a component mismatch issue with lrm-2.6.24-15 on lpia; it's in multiverse while linux-lpia and linux-restricted-modules-lpia pull it
[08:52] <lool> slangasek: Could you please promote it to restricted?
[08:53] <slangasek> lool: hrm, I just saw that myself and demoted those packages to multiverse; all of the lpia kernel packages have been in universe/multiverse up until now, is that intended to change?
[08:53] <slangasek> (I assumed that the linux-meta packages being in restricted/main was a mistake, but ICBW)
[08:54] <StevenK> Personally, I think -lpia should be in main/restricted, and -lpiacompat in universe/multiverse.
[08:54] <StevenK> But that's me
[08:54] <lool> slangasek: Ok; we (at least I) usually don't include multiverse in many of our configs such as pbuilder, virtual machines, moblin-image-creator runs, so I personally see that it will cause me some work to fix this, but I understand why it should go to multiverse
[08:54] <lool> StevenK: What would be the rationale?
[08:55] <slangasek> lool: well, it would be inconsistent to have the lrm packages in restricted but the other packages all in universe, which is where they've been up until now
[08:55] <StevenK> lool: "Gut feeling" :-)
[08:55] <lool> slangasek: However, all of this is in lpia which is a non-official arch, so I wonder whether it makes sense to repeat the fact that it's not supported by moving things to multiverse while we could keep them in restricted and decide to promote the arch to supported with less efforts
[08:56] <lool> slangasek: Not sure we should judge on history, it might well be a long time error
[08:56] <slangasek> lool: hey, I just put the packages in the component pitti tells me to :)
[08:56] <slangasek> (or doko)
[08:56] <StevenK> Ahhh, so pitti is the man behind the curtain!
[08:57] <lool> I personally lived without multiverse most of the time until now, and I'm happy that it's not "reachable" from my apt-get installs
[08:57] <StevenK> ln -s lool rms
[08:57] <slangasek> dude harsh
[08:57] <StevenK> Haha
[08:58] <lool> Not until I wear a beard
[08:58] * dholbach hugs lool
[08:58] <lool> slangasek: Ok, next question; are the *.txt files on people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive including lpia mismatches and there is no mismatch ATM or are they not including this unofficial arch?
[08:58] <jamesh> dholbach: it's good to see that the AbiWord situation is resolving itself
[08:59] <slangasek> lool: you're referring to http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt, or another report?
[08:59] <lool> slangasek: This is the one which would have saved me some time today, yes
[09:00] <lool> slangasek: But it's more of a general question, there are other reports which would be interesting for lpia too
[09:00] <dholbach> jamesh: yeah, I'm very happy too to see it being worked on
[09:00] <slangasek> I don't know, I'm not familiar with how that particular report is generated; but I suspect it's only for i386/amd64 at present
[09:00] <lool> Hmm where's the installability report
[09:00] <slangasek> lool: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing-ports/hardy_probs.html ?
[09:01] <slangasek> but then, that gives you ports but not universe :)
[09:01] <lool> slangasek: See how evil it is to need *verse! ;)
[09:02] <lool> slangasek: Ok; so you say you fixed the linux-meta tree in this report for lpia?
[09:02] <lool> I guess I'll only see this in a couple of hours
[09:03] <slangasek> I hadn't seen/done lbm yet
[09:03] <lool> slangasek: Thanks for your time; I'd be happy if you could file a TODO whereever that is about including lpia installability and component mismatches reports
[09:03] <slangasek> but linux-image* and lrm should now be consistently in the same component
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[09:04] <lool> slangasek: But what about linux-lpia?
[09:04] <slangasek> lool: if you can open a bug and subscribe ubuntu-archive to it, that's probably best, given that I don't know where that report happens today
[09:04] <slangasek> yes, linux-lpia as well
[09:04] <lool> Ok, thanks
[09:05] <lool> slangasek: I believe there is a wiki page or a text file /somewhere/, but I'll file a bug
[09:06] <slangasek> heh, I can't fix linux-backports-modules-hardy without demoting it on all archs... I think we should plan to promote the lpia linux packages to main/restricted at some point...
[09:07] <lool> slangasek: Who should we discuss that with?
[09:07] <amitk> so naive question - this means the Section line in the control file is just a _request_, not a commandment, right?
[09:07] <lool> amitk: Yes
[09:07] <lool> amitk: Archive has the final override
[09:07] <lool> amitk: Especially in the case of Ubuntu where we inherit Section from Debian for many packages, but need to change it
[09:07] <slangasek> lool: pitti or doko, I think
[09:08] <lool> slangasek: Email or bug report?
[09:08] <slangasek> lool: I don't know, and it's too late here for me to have an opinion
[09:08] <lool> slangasek: Ok; sorry for keeping you on the computer so late; sleep well
[09:09] <StevenK> amitk: Same with the Priority, but they should match.
[09:09] <slangasek> lool: not your fault :) 'night :)
[09:09] <lool> #213808 for the *.txt reports for lpia
[09:09] <amitk> cool
[09:11] <Mirv> pitti: the (i18n) bug 199255 has a small fix waiting for sponsoring. so does bug 204155, but the first one is also assigned to you.
[09:11] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 199255 in policykit-gnome ""Authorizations" shows untranslated, but it's translated in Launchpad" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/199255
[09:11] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 204155 in network-manager-applet "Nm-editor translations not loaded" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204155
[09:12] <doko_> lool: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches-mobile.txt ?
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[09:16] <lool> doko: That's for lpia?
[09:17] <doko> lool, yes, and the other one is http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt
[09:17] <lool> Ok; I thought component-mismatches-mobile.txt was an old manually generated report as it didn't bear "lpia"
[09:18] <lool> doko: Would it make sense to name it lpia? :-)
[09:18] <lool> If it's just running the same script over lpia, that might be clearer; but then I can live with -mobile
[09:18] <doko> lool: ask ubuntu-archive :-)
[09:20] <lool> doko: Ok, I did
[09:21] <lool> Uh, one can't subscribe multiple people at once in Malone?!
[09:21] * lool tried comma and space separated lists
[09:25] <Fujitsu> lool: The best way to do that is to email.
[09:27] <amitk> bleh... flash on amd64 with the 32-bit libraries is crash-prone
[09:28] <laga> amitk: yup. used to be better..
[09:29] <Fujitsu> Does it take Firefox with it these days?
[09:29] <laga> not all the time :)
[09:30] <lool> Fujitsu: The best way to contact ubuntu-archive?
[09:31] <lool> Fujitsu: I filed a bug and subscribed pitti and doko to it (as well as slangasek and myself)
[09:31] <Fujitsu> lool: Just subscribe ubuntu-archive...
[09:31] <lool> I did that too
[09:32] <lool> Sorry, failed to mention it, but I naturally subed u-a to both bugs first thing
[09:32] <Fujitsu> doko is the only member of the above set that shouldn't have already been subscribed (either by filing it, or membership in ubuntu-archive).
[09:33] <amitk> laga: npviewer crashes 10 times a day for me. Either _I_ watch too much flash-based stuff or the whole web is becoming flash-based... :-/
[09:33] <lool> Fujitsu: I think direct membership can help focus a particular person on a bug (to make it clear this particular person is needed)
[09:34] <laga> amitk: i use flashblog, but i like youtube a lot.
[09:34] <lool> But I'm not into the magical ubuntu-archive stuff, so when I'm told this and that person should be in the conversion, I sub them :-P
[09:34] <laga> amitk: flashblock* :)
[09:35] <Fujitsu> lool: Anyway, the emailing method I referred to is a bug to <bugnumber>@bugs.launchpad.net with some line of the body matching `^ subscribe someone someone-else some-other-person'
[09:36] <Fujitsu> Er, s/a bug/an email/
[09:36] <lool> Fujitsu: Ohhh ok
[09:40] <Riddell> TheMuso, seb128: library transition on liblaunchpad-integration?
[09:41] <seb128> Riddell: yes, I'm going to do that this afternoon, let it in NEW for now
[09:41] <Riddell> seems a bit late in the cycle, but ok
[09:41] <gustavonarea> Hello. I have an Atheros network card, which is not recognized in Gutsy. It's not even recognized the network card, nor the wireless one. `ifconfig' doesn't recognize it either. What can I do?
[09:42] <seb128> Riddell: so are trivial changes and we have been asked to make possible to uninstall launchpad-integration in hardy if possible I understood correctly
[09:43] <seb128> Riddell: the soname change was not really required, it just make easier to keep track of what needs to be updated
[09:43] <gustavonarea> Well, I could find it with "lshw -C network", but it's listed as "*-network UNCLAIMED". It doesn't have an iterface name. What can I do?
[09:46] <asac> TheMuso: some users report crashes with flashplugin-nonfree and youtube when pulseaudio is used (with libflashsupport). any idea if latest bug fix release might help?
[10:05] <megabyte405_> new abiword build uploaded to ppa and building now
[10:06] <kelemengabor> hi all
[10:07] <kelemengabor> cjwatson: there is a problem with the debian-installer translation
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[10:07] <kelemengabor> the new template was just uploaded today
[10:07] <kelemengabor> and has lots of new strings to translate
[10:08] <kelemengabor> but the deadline is two days from now, and I don't think the imports will be finished to that date
[10:09] <cjwatson> kelemengabor: I know, but I can't do anything about it now
[10:09] <cjwatson> kelemengabor: I might arrange for a deadline extension if possible
[10:09] <kelemengabor> well, how about delaying it a week?
[10:09] <cjwatson> I can't
[10:09] <cjwatson> that would require delaying the Ubuntu release
[10:09] <cjwatson> (I'm entirely serious)
[10:11] <kelemengabor> but extending the deadline only for d-i could work?
[10:11] <cjwatson> kelemengabor: I'm asking elsewhere
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[10:12] <cjwatson> kelemengabor: and no, the installer translations cannot possibly wait until next Thursday (that's release candidate day!), but we may be able to allow the extra weekend or something
[10:12] <cjwatson> kelemengabor: I will mail ubuntu-translators@ with details
[10:12] <kelemengabor> okay, thanks
[10:20] <Mirv> kelemengabor: I think the import queue is quite fast these days, though there are the OOo stuff now there which takes some time
[10:21] <cjwatson> Mirv: hmm, I'm confused, I still don't see the "Network proxy" string in https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/debian-installer/+pots/debian-installer/fi/+translate
[10:22] <cjwatson> Mirv: is it really there and I'm just blind?
[10:22] <kelemengabor> Mirv: not really...
[10:22] <Mirv> cjwatson: the templates are in the import queue, not imported
[10:22] <cjwatson> ah
[10:22] <Mirv> kelemengabor: actually carlos asked for a priorization of the debian-installer templates, so hopefully they'd go in today or so
[10:22] <kelemengabor> these days it's very slow, partially due to the OO.o templates
[10:23] <cjwatson> ok, I can't really mail ubuntu-translators@ until they're actually in place
[10:24] <kelemengabor> some weeks ago my uploads were imported in a few hours, but my latest d-i translation is there since friday...
[10:24] <kelemengabor> lets hope priorization works
[10:26] <carlos> cjwatson: I hope it happens in next 2 hours at most...
[10:26] <carlos> cjwatson: will ping you once it's done
[10:27] <cjwatson> carlos: thanks!
[10:38] <Riddell> mvo, bdmurray: still no update-manager 0.81.2 for gutsy-updates?
[10:40] <megabyte405> new abiword build (ppa12) uploaded to ppa and building now
[10:44] <kagou> Hi
[10:44] <seb128> lut kagou
[10:44] <kagou> lut seb128
[10:56] <lool> doko: Hmm there's no mozilla plugin for openjdk? Or not yet?
[10:57] <doko> lool: icedtea-gcjwebplugin
[10:57] <doko> but it doesn't support LiveConnect yet
[10:57] <lool> So icedtea itself mostly goes away except for random peripheral bits which will be using openjdk, correct?
[10:58] <lool> I have no idea what LiveConnect is
[11:00] <doko> lool: yes, LiveConnect is the interaction of JavaScript and Java
[11:01] <doko> unfortunately every second applet seems to require that
[11:08] <lool> Ah that sucks indeed
[11:13] <munckfish> cjwatson: wahaay! ps3-kboot build completed successfully ... finally!
[11:14] <munckfish> thx for your assistance last night btw
[11:17] <cjwatson> great
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[11:27] <james_w> Hi, I'm preparing an SRU, and the version in -proposed is not satisfactory, so I am preparing a fixed version.
[11:28] <james_w> do I need to explain the whole fix in the changelog of the new version, or will the user be shown both changelog entries when updating from -updates?
[11:28] <slytherin> TheMuso: calc: Thanks for working on OOo. :-)
[11:30] <MacSlow> I'm trying to remove/purge non-needed kernel-images/modules and to free space on my hd, but I get errors form update-initramfs for trying to generate new initrd.img for kernel-versions I'm trying to remove? Since my /boot partition is full it fails.
[11:31] <MacSlow> Can someone enlighten me why a "dpkg --purge" tries to fill space on /boot instead of freeing space on the partition?
[11:31] <cjwatson> it's because when you remove linux-ubuntu-modules it doesn't know that linux-image is also being removed and so it needs to regenerate the initramfs
[11:31] <cjwatson> not really easy to fix without breaking other things :(
[11:32] <ion_> cjwatson: Kernel version specific dpkg hooks?
[11:32] <MacSlow> cjwatson, but I have to remove the kernel-modules too because of dependencies dpkg complains about otherwise
[11:32] <cjwatson> let me rephrase, not really easy to fix in a practical manner for hardy
[11:32] <cjwatson> MacSlow: I understand
[11:33] <MacSlow> arx... hm... so now I'm left with a broken update on my work-machine due to a too small /boot-partition (100 MBytes)
[11:34] <cjwatson> MacSlow: the quickest way to deal with this is probably to edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-ubuntu-modules-*.postrm (for the versions you're trying to remove) as root, and comment out the update-initramfs lines
[11:34] <MacSlow> hm... fresh install and saving /home is the only solution I can think of atm
[11:34] <slytherin> MacSlow: How about you remove both in same command. I mean does it work?
[11:34] <cjwatson> MacSlow: MASSIVE OVERKILL!
[11:34] <cjwatson> slytherin: no, it won't
[11:34] <slytherin> cjwatson: Oh. I think then yours is the easiest solution
[11:35] <cjwatson> (P.S. there's no need to explicitly save /home with the hardy installer; it will take care of that for you. But it's overkill to reinstall for this.)
[11:35] <MacSlow> cjwatson, ok I try that /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-ubuntu-modules-*.postrm-thing
[11:35] <cjwatson> MacSlow: I agree that it's unfortunate, and you should file a bug on linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 if there isn't one already. I don't see an obvious correct solution but it would be worth a bug report anyway.
[11:36] <ion_> Wouldn’t dpkg hooks with the kernel version in their name be a correct solution?
[11:37] <cjwatson> ion_: you can say "dpkg hooks" with no further details and solve any problem ... What exact hook semantics would help here?
[11:37] <cjwatson> Do you mean dpkg triggers?
[11:38] <TheMuso> asac: No I'm not sure. Users can at least try it I guess.
[11:39] <ion_> cjwatson: Sorry, triggers, yeah. Brainfart. Something wants to do update-initramfs for 2.6.24-15-generic, there’s a trigger with ‘2.6.24-15-generic’ in its name activated. When purging 2.6.24-15-generic, the trigger would either just have disappeared, or it would notice that 2.6.24-15-generic doesn’t exist anymore and do nothing.
[11:42] <cjwatson> ion_: that sounds like it would work, but it's far too late to make such a change for hardy
[11:43] <ion_> cjwatson: Yeah
[11:43] <cjwatson> if MacSlow files a bug, that could be tried in 8.10 and possibly be a candidate for 8.04.1
[11:44] <doko> seb128, ScottK: is there no replacement for galculator, which couldn't be used for -mobile?
[11:45] <seb128> doko: no idea, I'm not a mobile team guy
[11:45] <seb128> dunno what are their requirements
[11:50] <MacSlow> cjwatson, not very verbose but here it is https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24/+bug/213873
[11:50] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 213873 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "purge of package causes generation of new initrd.img" [Undecided,New]
[11:51] <cjwatson> ok, thanks
[11:52] <MacSlow> pitti, what's the name of the actual restricted-manager binary?
[11:52] <MacSlow> dpkg -L restricted-manager/-core does not yield much
[11:53] <seb128> MacSlow: jockey-gtk jockey-common
[11:53] <MacSlow> seb128, ah ok... why the name-change? Or was it named that from the beginning?
[11:54] <seb128> MacSlow: because it can manages all drivers now and not only the restricted ones
[11:55] <MacSlow> seb128, thanks
[11:58] <seb128> MacSlow: you are welcome
[12:00] <MacSlow> next reboot
[12:03] <cjwatson> mvo: could you hop into #ubuntu-installer for a minute? ubuntu-keyring issue
[12:06] <seb128> TheMuso: around?
[12:07] <TheMuso> seb128: Yes I am.
[12:07] <seb128> TheMuso: bug #213874
[12:07] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 213874 in launchpad-integration "package liblaunchpad-integration1 None [modified: /var/lib/dpkg/info/liblaunchpad-integration1.list] failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/lpi-bug.png', which is also in package liblaunchpad-integration0" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/213874
[12:07] <seb128> TheMuso: the new version needs a replaces on the previous one
[12:08] <TheMuso> seb128: Ah right, thanks for the heads up.
[12:08] <seb128> TheMuso: can you fix it now?
[12:09] <TheMuso> seb128: I'm on it.
[12:09] <seb128> TheMuso: thank you
[12:10] <seb128> brb
[12:11] <Silicium> heyho
[12:11] <Silicium> there are any documentations about debootstrap scripting?
[12:11] <Silicium> the debootstrap scripts
[12:16] <cjwatson> Silicium: not to my knowledge; they're not really supposed to be edited by non-developers
[12:17] <cjwatson> Silicium: what are you trying to achieve? there are usually better ways than changing debootstrap
[12:17] <Silicium> i need to install one additional package after base install over debootstrap
[12:18] <cjwatson> are you using the ordinary installer?
[12:23] <cjwatson> Silicium: if you're using the ordinary installer, you can just preseed pkgsel/include to a list of the extra packages you want to install
[12:23] <cjwatson> much easier than messing around with debootstrap scripts
[12:25] <laga> cjwatson: i've tried to make a new task for mythbuntu. does this look sane? http://www.pastebin.ca/976701
[12:26] <Silicium> cjwatson: i dont want preseed :)
[12:26] <Silicium> i need that for develop
[12:26] <Silicium> and installing on CF cards and so
[12:27] <cjwatson> Silicium: I don't understand your objection; but alternatively you could set the packages you want to be Priority: important in the Packages file, if you're already customising that
[12:27] <cjwatson> laga: the packages in Task-Key need to be actually listed in the seed as well
[12:27] <Silicium> i have one dummy package that install a kind of software
[12:27] <Silicium> and i need to install that one
[12:27] <Silicium> but not with a installer
[12:28] <Silicium> i need to do that over debootstrap
[12:28] <cjwatson> Silicium: well, debootstrap just installs everything with Priority: required and important by default, so just set that appropriately
[12:28] <laga> cjwatson: so it's not sufficient that mythtv-backend-master depends on them? they're still pulled in, right?
[12:28] <cjwatson> laga: also, there's no seed called 'common'. Did you mean 'desktop-common' rather than 'desktop common'?
[12:29] <cjwatson> laga: it's sufficient that it depends on them; why not use Task-Key: mythtv-backend-master, then?
[12:29] <Silicium> cjwatson: so i can change this in the script
[12:29] <Silicium> thats not the problem
[12:29] <laga> cjwatson: i created a new seed called 'common'. i'm afraid the seed layout has changed a bit in our tree (don't ask me why please :))
[12:29] <cjwatson> laga: oh, err, ok
[12:29] <Silicium> but i prefeer to writ a new script
[12:29] <Silicium> cause is clean
[12:29] <cjwatson> Silicium: your problem, then, if you refuse my advice :)
[12:30] <laga> cjwatson: i'll try to get some sanity back into our seeds for +1 and also write some documentation about seeds, but that'll have to wait a bit.
[12:30] <cjwatson> laga: you should put backend-master before supported in STRUCTURE, and add backend-master to the seeds named in the supported: line there
[12:30] <cjwatson> the last seed in STRUCTURE is used for build-depends generation, so order matters
[12:30] <laga> cjwatson: thanks for your suggestion, i'll modify tas-key
[12:30] <cjwatson> Silicium: writing a new script is generally not the clean option, in my experience as a debootstrap maintainer
[12:31] <Silicium> ok
[12:31] <Silicium> can i get the debootstrap packages from two repositorys?
[12:31] <cjwatson> but if you really want to do that, you can, you're just on your own :)
[12:31] <cjwatson> no, it can only operate on one
[12:31] <Silicium> so on my repository is only my package
[12:32] <Silicium> and the default script want to install a stage one
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[12:33] <cjwatson> I sort of said this before, but I'll try once more. debootstrap's job is only supposed to be to get a minimal base system up and running. It's not supposed to do absolutely everything, and the intent of the authors is that you should layer things on top of it - so if you need more packages than the minimal base system, you should simply install them after running debootstrap.
[12:33] <Silicium> hmm okay
[12:34] <Silicium> then is better i create a own script and do that with aptitude and chroot/fakeroot
[12:34] <Silicium> allright :)
[12:34] <cjwatson> We have run into issues before due to the fact that packages installed within debootstrap have to obey a couple of extra rules, due to the way that debootstrap unpacks things
[12:34] <cjwatson> (unfortunately I forget the details right now)
[12:35] <cjwatson> easy to fix once you encounter it, but a hassle if it's not necessary
[12:38] <cjwatson> laga: you should also have 'Task-Per-Derivative: 1', which means that the task name will be mythbuntu-backend-master rather than just backend-master
[12:39] <cjwatson> laga: also, what deals with installing the contents of the common seed?
[12:42] <laga> cjwatson: i thought/hoped it would be pulled in if i say "live: desktop common" in STRUCTURE
[12:42] <TheMuso> seb128: Tested that it works now, and uploaded.
[12:42] <seb128> TheMuso: thanks
[12:42] <TheMuso> seb128: np, sorry I missed it. :)
[12:43] <seb128> that's alright, happen to everybody
[12:43] <seb128> I was going to try before accepting the binary
[12:43] <seb128> but somebody else did get it you of new before that
[12:43] <seb128> s/you/out
[12:46] <cjwatson> laga: where can I see the whole seeds? mythbuntu.hardy in what I thought was the obvious place doesn't have a common seed
[12:47] <laga> cjwatson: sorry, i havent pushed yet. didn't want to push possibly broken stuff. wait a sec
[12:49] <laga> cjwatson: pushed
[12:57] <cjwatson> laga: I'd recommend applying http://paste.ubuntu.com/6615/ so that the common seed is used when installing the live or backend-master tasks
[12:57] <cjwatson> you don't need it for the others since ship and ship-live aren't installed directly
[12:59] <laga> cjwatson: does STRUCTURE need to be changed?
[12:59] <cjwatson> no
[12:59] <cjwatson> oh, err, one other glitch
[13:00] <cjwatson> tasksel doesn't really have a way for tasks to depend on each other
[13:00] <cjwatson> so you have to fake this in seeds
[13:00] <cjwatson> in order for backend-master to rely on desktop, you need to actually put mythbuntu-desktop in the backend-master seed
[13:00] <laga> where mythbuntu-desktop is a (meta) package?
[13:00] <cjwatson> it's not necessary for the live seed since the live CD filesystem builder usually sorts this out for you
[13:01] <cjwatson> yes, I assume you already have that
[13:01] <cjwatson> you do
[13:01] <laga> yes
[13:01] <laga> ok, thanks. quite complicated :)
[13:01] <cjwatson> yes :)
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[13:12] <\sh> seb128, nautilus uses nowadays the registered binfmt stuff we provide within a package, right?
[13:13] <seb128> \sh: no idea about how binfmt works but nautilus nothing special to use that so I would say no
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[13:14] <\sh> seb128, so it honours mime-types which are provided by .desktop files (e.g. application/exe or whatever mime-type name) ...
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[13:14] <seb128> yes
[13:15] <seb128> it uses shared-mime-info to determine the mimetype and look to desktop files claiming this mimetype to know what to use
[13:21] <seb128> doko: could you build the launchpad-integration build priority on i386?
[13:24] <doko> seb128: done, btw, do you know why the translations are never merged back from rosetta?
[13:24] <seb128> doko: thanks, merged back where?
[13:24] <doko> seb128: into the package
[13:25] <seb128> doko: what package? launchpad-integration? because we use the language packs I think
[13:26] <doko> seb128: yes, but the translation status in rosetta never gets updated. so at least I never know if there are really new or changed translations when I export the data for the OOo menu strings
[13:26] <seb128> doko: ah
[13:26] <seb128> doko: I'll update translations when doing the next upload
[13:29] <doko> seb128: thanks!
[13:29] <laga> cjwatson: it's magic. i've now got a mythbuntu-backend-master task! i have no clue if it works as intended, but it's there :)
[13:30] <laga> ogra_cmpc: still planning a new ltsp upload? or did i miss that opportunity?
[13:30] <cjwatson> laga: great
[13:34] <laga> cjwatson: everything in the 'common' seed will also be installed when i select backend-master in tasksel?
[13:35] <cjwatson> right, that's the idea
[13:35] <cjwatson> though, hmm, that relies on Launchpad Task headers
[13:35] <cjwatson> argh, please give me a minute, I'm doing four things at once and something has to give
[13:36] <laga> sure, take your time.
[13:45] <laga> cjwatson: my reasoning for having 'common' was that live and ship have the same packages. i guess these only list what is included on the disks. ultimately, i want the live disk and the alternate disk to have the same set of packages available (minus ubiquity) and then use tasks on the alternate to install a subset of these.
[13:45] <ogra_cmpc> laga, i was planning one for today/night, even though the main changes will be rather ldm
[13:46] <laga> cjwatson: i figured explaining what i actually want to do is a bit better than letting you guess, although it might seem like i want you to do my work :)
[13:46] <laga> ogra_cmpc: okay. i reated a ticket with a patch the other day and assigned it to you, but i guess you have seen that
[13:48] <ogra_cmpc> laga, did you file that as ltsp bug ? i dont seem to see it
[13:48] <laga> let's see
[13:48] <stgraber> ogra_cmpc: I'll have a fix to include in like 5min
[13:49] <stgraber> ogra_cmpc: http proxy and ltsp-build-client (one-liner)
[13:49] <ogra_cmpc> ah, thanks
[13:49] <ogra_cmpc> i wonder where that comes from so suddenly though
[13:49] <laga> ogra_cmpc: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ltsp/+bug/212550
[13:49] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 212550 in ltsp "mythbuntu: plugin enhancements" [Undecided,New]
[13:50] <ogra_cmpc> laga, gracias :)
[13:50] <laga> ogra_cmpc: de nada :)
[13:50] <stgraber> ogra_cmpc: bug 213927
[13:50] <stgraber> ogra_cmpc: seems to be working here, rebuilding a new chroot just to make sure
[13:51] * ogra_cmpc pokes the bot
[13:52] <ogra_cmpc> stgraber, urgh, thanks
[13:54] <stgraber> ogra_cmpc: that's weird because the previous line had stricly no chance to be working :) (missing ; and using '' instead of "")
[13:54] <ogra_cmpc> yeah
[13:55] <stgraber> ogra_cmpc: confirmed to work correctly, my chroot is now building correctly
[13:56] <seb128> doko: do you know if the i386 buildds have issues today?
[13:56] <ogra_cmpc> stgraber, thanks for that
[13:58] <amitk_> ogra_cmpc: how can I go about creating larger fs for classmate images? Current one has no possibility of installing more than kernels
[14:01] <ogra_cmpc> amitk_, switch to tty 2 in the installer, you can edit the partition values in the script (/sbin/cmpcinstaller) then save and reboot the installer image to make it take effect, /boot only has 50M spare atm
[14:03] <doko> seb128: building OOo, the other two have timeouts
[14:03] <seb128> doko: right, I noticed now
[14:07] <stgraber> ogra_cmpc: oh, something else I noticed, installing ltsp-server doesn't install any inetd server ...
[14:07] <stgraber> ogra_cmpc: and tftp-hpa doesn't seem to work correctly with inetutils-inetd at least with the default settings (trying from a clean Ubuntu not through the Ubuntu Alternate and LTSP install option)
[14:07] <MacSlow> Would a reasonalbe fix to #213926 be a Replaces: liblaunchpad-integration0 in debian/control?
[14:08] <pwnguin> jwz tried ubuntu ltsp with 7.10 and eventually decided that he'd remain in 2003 instead of debug it =(
[14:08] <stgraber> Apr 8 17:06:34 ltsp-server inetd[4310]: /usr/sbin/in.tftpd: exit status 0x4c00
[14:08] <stgraber> Apr 8 17:06:38 ltsp-server in.tftpd[4534]: received address was not AF_INET, please check your inetd config
[14:08] <stgraber> ogra_cmpc: ^
[14:08] <cjwatson> MacSlow: that is the correct fix
[14:08] <cjwatson> MacSlow: TheMuso said earlier that he was working on it, IIRC
[14:09] <TheMuso> Yes and a fix was uploaded.
[14:09] <MacSlow> TheMuso, cjwatson ah ok
[14:09] <ogra_cmpc> stgraber, i will try that tonight, thats weird
[14:09] <MacSlow> TheMuso, for the time being (until it reaches the repo) I'll use a local fix then
[14:09] <stgraber> ogra_cmpc: ltsp-server and ltsp-server-standalone don't depend on an inetd server :(
[14:09] <ogra_cmpc> stgraber, ogra@laptop:~$ apt-cache show ltsp-server|grep Depends|grep -c1 tftp
[14:09] <ogra_cmpc> 1
[14:09] <ogra_cmpc> oh, wait
[14:09] <ogra_cmpc> err
[14:10] <ogra_cmpc> openbsd-inetd
[14:10] <ogra_cmpc> or inet-superserver
[14:11] <ogra_cmpc> do you have xinetd installed or so ?
[14:11] <ogra_cmpc> else ltsp-server should pull openbsd-inetd in
[14:13] <MacSlow> argl... the build-dependencies for liblauchpad-integration1 are killing me (not enough space on disk left)
[14:14] <ogra_cmpc> stgraber, i dont get why you dont see the dep ...
[14:14] <cjwatson> MacSlow: sudo dpkg --force-overwrite -i /var/cache/apt/archives/liblaunchpad-integration1_*.deb; sudo apt-get -f install
[14:14] <ogra_cmpc> `it should be pulled in properly ... just tried in avm
[14:14] <ogra_cmpc> *a vm
[14:15] <laga> ogra_cmpc: i thought you committed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ltsp/+bug/198356 too? not sure if it can be closed
[14:15] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 198356 in ltsp "make it easier to specify alternate DHCP ports" [Undecided,New]
[14:15] <MacSlow> cjwatson, oh cool... thanks!
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[14:52] <james_w> is patches.u.c not updating currently?
[14:53] <james_w> an upload from a couple of days ago that I want to point someone to has not shown up yet.
[15:02] <slytherin> calc: ping
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[15:13] <pitti> Mirv: please feel free to assign the other one to me, too
[15:13] <cody-somerville> Does gconf still use CORBA or does it use dbus now?
[15:15] <seb128> it uses orbit
[15:15] <seb128> hey pitti
[15:16] <pitti> seb128: greetings from uni texas
[15:17] <slytherin> Is a build being terminated by inactivity on buildd right or wrong?
[15:18] <seb128> pitti: having fun there ? ;-)
[15:19] <pitti> seb128: presentation just started; so far, yes :)
[15:19] <sistpoty|work> slytherin: that depends... means that a build didn't produce output on stdout for $timeout. could indicate that it's stalled, could also mean that it's just taking a very long time w.o. producing output ;)
[15:19] <seb128> pitti: good ;-)
[15:20] <slytherin> sistpoty|work: hmm. let's assume that it is long time w.o. producing output. Then how can we fix the build?
[15:20] <sistpoty|work> slytherin: if it does indeed work, you can beg a buildd admin (maybe infinity) very nice ;)
[15:21] <slytherin> sistpoty|work: ahh, I think I will leave that to calc. He uploaded OOo to fix FTBFS on powerpc and it failed again but for different reason this time, inactivity. :-(
[15:24] <Mirv> pitti: I can't assign, but I did subscribe you there. Daniel asked Alexander to check it but I'm not sure if Alexander has time.
[15:26] <Mirv> seb128: do you think you could put the small new patch in bug 213134 in to have potfiles as it should be for the randr-1.2 applet? the debdiff has the patch itself, version number is now out-dated as such as new uploads have come.
[15:26] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 213134 in gnome-control-center "Untranslated strings in Monitor Resolution Settings window" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/213134
[15:27] <seb128> Mirv: sure, will do that in a bit
[15:32] <Mirv> cjwatson: I guess I can ping you on behalf of carlos: the new debian-installer template has now hit Rosetta, bringing 90 new strings to translate.
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[15:34] <carlos> Mirv: you were faster than me ;-)
[15:34] <carlos> Mirv: thanks
[15:34] <carlos> I saw it going to the top of the list, but got distracted while I was waiting it to be imported...
[15:36] <carlos> Mirv: however, translations are still being imported
[15:36] <carlos> so is better to wait a bit before we announce it
[15:37] <carlos> cjwatson: ^^^
[15:40] <cjwatson> ok
[15:53] <carlos> cjwatson: if you want to check when the import is done: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/debian-installer/+imports?field.filter_status=APPROVED&field.filter_extension=all
[15:53] <carlos> cjwatson: that list should be empty
[15:53] <carlos> seems like each entry takes around 10 minutes to complete
[15:59] <cjwatson> carlos: got it, thanks
[16:00] <cjwatson> carlos: I hate to ask, but why does it take so long?
[16:01] <carlos> cjwatson: well, that's something I'm wondering too. We did some optimisations that, for some reason are not working in this case
[16:01] <carlos> cjwatson: I need to talk with jtv and danilo about this to see whether we had a performance regression...
[16:02] <carlos> cjwatson: the files are big, so it's normal that this take some time, but given that is not the first time we import them, it should be faster
[16:02] <carlos> just to clarify it...
[16:04] * ogra_cmpc wonders what gnome does with the hotkey windows to manage to broadcast it to all available displays like in bug #212802
[16:04] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 212802 in ltsp "Server brightness popup window shown in clients" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/212802
[16:07] <mjg59> hal broadcasts a brightnessup or brightnessdown event over dbus
[16:07] <mjg59> g-p-m picks that up
[16:07] <mjg59> (solution: don't run gpm in the client session)
[16:09] <ogra_cmpc> hmm, i thought CK would prevent that nowadays anyway
[16:09] <ogra_cmpc> but indeed
[16:09] <ogra_cmpc> if g-p-m runs thats clear
[16:28] <carlos> cjwatson: ok, the problem was in some other place. it's now importing files in around a minute or so
[16:28] <cjwatson> carlos: aha, good stuff
[16:41] <\sh> guys, why is it not possible to get libgif-dev (depends on: libgif4 4.1.4-2) for gutsy? even if it's available on our archive servers
[16:42] <\sh> wine backport ftbfs because of this...(http://launchpadlibrarian.net/13223894/buildlog_ubuntu-gutsy-amd64.wine_0.9.58-0ubuntu3%7Egutsy1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz) and sbuild denies to take the second build-dep (libungif) which is still valid for gutsy ;)
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[16:45] <mjg59> \sh: It won't take libungif because libgif-dev is available
[16:45] <\sh> mjg59, well, according to archive, yes
[16:46] <cjwatson> what else would it be according to? :-)
[16:47] <cjwatson> it looks like the build-dependencies are inconsistent somehow
[16:47] <mjg59> It's not obviously clear why the install is failing - packages.u.c says that 4.1.4-2 is in the archive for gutsy
[16:47] <\sh> cjwatson, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/giflib/ <- all debs are there :)
[16:47] <cjwatson> yes I know
[16:47] <cjwatson> I suggest you debootstrap --variant=buildd a chroot and try installing all the stuff that sbuild says it wants to install
[16:47] <cjwatson> simultaneously
[16:47] <\sh> could it be a confusion in the packages file? (giflib now in main, but for gutsy in universe) ?
[16:47] <cjwatson> then drill down by eliminating bits of it
[16:48] <\sh> cjwatson, sbuild on my machine for gutsy fails too
[16:48] <\sh> cjwatson, and I'm using the packages files from a.u.c
[16:48] <cjwatson> archive-level inconsistencies are massively less likely than a package-level screwup. Don't start your investigation with the least likely possibility
[16:48] <mjg59> \sh: Ah, yes - it doesn't say it can't find libgif4, it says it's not going to be installed
[16:48] <cjwatson> right, i.e. build-deps inconsistent somehow
[16:48] <cjwatson> as I said above
[16:49] <\sh> cjwatson, debian/control: -> libgif-dev | libungif4-dev <- so it takes libgif-dev and tries to install libgif4 (which is correct)
[16:50] <cjwatson> and something else in the build-dependencies makes that impossible
[16:50] <cjwatson> like if you try to install libgif-dev and something that conflicts with libgif4 simultaneously, you'll get that
[16:50] <\sh> damn...we have this libgif libungif problem again
[16:50] <cjwatson> (for example; of course there are other possibilities)
[16:50] <\sh> cjwatson, no...we had this before...I remember now...
[16:51] <\sh> and for gutsy we strictly used libungif instead of libgif
[16:52] <cjwatson> so change wine's build-deps to match?
[16:53] <\sh> cjwatson, for hardy it's correct...backports are the problem
[16:54] <cjwatson> then you'll have to have a non-trivial source-change backport
[16:54] <cjwatson> which core developers can do by regular uploads
[16:55] <\sh> ok...
[16:56] <\sh> ScottK, please remove libgif-dev from wine backport build-dep so only libungif is getting in..then it works
[16:56] * \sh thinks it was fontforge which clashed these days with libgif
[16:57] <\sh> cjwatson, thx :)
[16:57] * \sh should write down those cornercases somewhere
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[17:10] <emgent> heya
[17:10] <_MMA_> If a particular file isn't being thumbnailed (.cbr) and it should be, what should I file a bug against? Nautilus?
[17:11] <seb128> why should it?
[17:13] <_MMA_> Because it has up until now? :) I actually think it has something to do with the "comix" package. I think it has the thumbnailer info in it.
[17:13] <seb128> use gconf-editor
[17:13] <seb128> go to desktop, gnome, thumbnailers
[17:14] <seb128> and look for the mimetype you are interested in and what is thumbnailer
[17:14] <seb128> the cbr one is evince apparently
[17:14] <_MMA_> Hmm... I get "comicthumb" here. :-/
[17:16] <pedro_> _MMA_: they work fine for me, I've just test them with the examples on bug 191634
[17:16] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 191634 in evince "Broken Evince support for cbr and cbz files" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191634
[17:16] <seb128> _MMA_: so you have your buggy software
[17:17] <_MMA_> seb128: Maybe a logout/in would help.
[17:17] <seb128> _MMA_: to what?
[17:19] <_MMA_> seb128: That worked. Maybe I just needed to restart something.
[17:20] <seb128> maybe you had evince configure before
[17:20] <seb128> try to run the command written in gconf manually
[17:21] <_MMA_> seb128: Thing is the thumbnailer isnt set to "evince". Its set to "comicthumb".
[17:22] <seb128> right, that's what I mean, is that command working?
[17:23] <_MMA_> I can only guess as I now have the thumbnails.
[17:25] <_MMA_> seb128: Hmm... I do get an error when I run the command from CLI actually. I'll look into the usage arguments and file a bug if need be.
[17:28] <BalaamsMiracle> mdke: I've asked carlos the following, but he told me to ask you: I was wondering if there is some schedule that's being used to determine when translations of documentation is being rolled out, because ubuntu-docs is for te most part translated to Dutch now, but at least in Hardy there haven't been any updates of ubuntu-docs since quite some time.
[17:28] <slangasek> seb128: should the new libcairo take care of the printing problems (bug #151145)? or is that not yet known?
[17:28] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 151145 in gtk+2.0 "Evince print fails with Postscript driver" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151145
[17:29] <carlos> cjwatson: hi, you can send that announcement now
[17:29] <slangasek> cody-somerville: hrm, something's regressed on the xubuntu daily CDs - the xubuntu-desktop metapackage is now uninstallable (?)
[17:29] <cjwatson> carlos: great, thanks
[17:30] <seb128> slangasek: the gutsy issues described on this bug had been fixed in hardy, I confirmed that with upstream some days ago
[17:30] <seb128> slangasek: I think the bug should be closed and people having issue in hardy should open new bugs
[17:30] <seb128> slangasek: because this one starts being hard to read and has likely several issues listed now
[17:30] <seb128> slangasek: the glyph positioning issues reported on some other bugs have been fixed now
[17:31] <seb128> slangasek: what remains is that printing some documents crash the xerox office printer, but the document seems valid, it's displays correctly and gs doesn't complain about it so we are waiting on details from xerox to know what in the ps makes the printer crash
[17:32] <seb128> slangasek: that's my understanding of the current situation on those printing bugs
[17:32] <slangasek> aha, ok
[17:32] <slangasek> thanks :)
[17:33] <seb128> np
[17:50] <Pantaleon> ola
[17:51] <jdong> Hobbsee: can you give-back bzr-builddeb on gutsy-backports? It raced the bzrtools backport and should work now.
[17:51] <seanh> Where would I go to request that gnome-themes-extras 2.22 be packaged for hardy? Currently the beta has 2.20, but a new theme was added in 2.22
[17:51] <jdong> launchpad
[17:51] <jdong> we are in FFe though
[17:52] <ogra_cmpc> e ?
[17:55] <seanh> How do I make the request? As a bug report?
[17:55] <jdong> ogra_cmpc: same thing
[17:56] <ScottK> seanh: Yes
[18:02] <seanh> ok done
[18:02] <seanh> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/214052
[18:02] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 214052 in ubuntu "Please update gnome-themes-extras to 2.22 in hardy" [Undecided,New]
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[18:28] <xtknight> mvo, whenever you have time i need to talk to you about a couple bugs that i've been tracking
[18:47] <emgent> heya fabbione :)
[18:49] <ion_> cjwatson: While we're waiting for apt+zsync, couldn't we begin using pdiffs for apt-get update in the meantime, since it's already implemented and tested in Debian?
[18:49] <cjwatson> ion_: would need implementation in Launchpad
[18:49] <cjwatson> the Soyuz team is not exactly lacking in urgent things to do, so I'm not sure this would be quicker ... but you're welcome to propose it to the Launchpad team
[18:50] <laga> cjwatson: it'd be very cool if you could take a look at my question/the seeds some time soon. no hurry though, gotta run now :)
[18:50] <cjwatson> laga: ok, but dinnertime now (sorry)
[18:50] <ion_> cjwatson: Ok, i'll talk to them about it. #launchpad?
[18:50] <cjwatson> yes
[19:06] <emgent> asac: I need a little help for complete python-launchpad-bug cookies support in anteater tool
[19:06] <emgent> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-whitehat/ubuntu-whitehat-project/uwht.dev/annotate/emgent%40emanuele-gentili.com-20080407235635-9c0rlcwmk0eu90ia?file_id=anteater.py-20080328174815-qukxnpiclv9834qw-3
[19:07] <emgent> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-whitehat/ubuntu-whitehat-project/uwht.dev
[19:07] <emgent> have you a little bit time for help to complete it ? :)
[19:09] <emgent> i should add Bug.authentication
[19:09] <asac> emgent: whats the problem?
[19:10] <emgent> documentation is very small and i dont understand how to complete this
[19:10] <emgent> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugHelper/Dev/python-launchpad-bugs/Bug
[19:11] <emgent> heya thekorn :)
[19:11] <asac> emgent: what doesn't work?
[19:11] <azeem> slangasek: well, I finally filed a FFE for opensync (#214083), FYI, after testing kitchensync in a hardy chroot last night
[19:11] <emgent> asac: i should add autentication support
[19:11] <asac> emgent: thekorn probably knows better ;)
[19:11] <emgent> ok :P
[19:13] <asac> emgent: actually i think it would help if you could rephrase what your problem is ;) ... i didn't quite get where you are stuck
[19:13] <emgent> asac: np, thekorn helping me now :)
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[19:18] <slangasek> azeem: pushing the limits there, are we? :) I'll see what I can do about reviewing the FFe request, but I don't think I'll get to it until tomorrow.
[19:20] <azeem> slangasek: I know it's unlikely, but I was very busy at the uni/on vacation over the last days/weeks
[19:21] <ogra_cmpc> that answer sounds like a multiple choice form ...
[19:21] <ogra_cmpc> make your check where appropriate :)
[19:21] <mvo> xtknight: sure, I'm around (but might be a bit slow in responding)
[19:22] <xtknight> bug 213207
[19:22] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 213207 in vinagre "Vinagre appears in Add/remove applications twice as "remote desktop viewer"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/213207
[19:22] <slangasek> azeem: that's ok, for comparison I'm trying to make a last-minute change to the PAM stack :-P
[19:22] <jdong> ogra_cmpc: You are proposing a ( ) Low Regression risk ( ) Test Suite ( ) Can't possibly get any worse argument as a FFe. This won't work because of .....
[19:22] <xtknight> mvo, well mario referred me to you on this one. i can't remember why exactly , i think he thought you'd have some input on it?
[19:23] <jdong> ogra_cmpc: I think we need to get such a form for rejecting FFes :D
[19:23] <xtknight> mvo, basically there's two desktop files in vinagre, and each of them is appearing in add/remove programs. we should exclude one from the app-install-data database, probably
[19:24] <mvo> xtknight: yeah, that must have slipped thourgh, we have a blacklist for this, I will keep it in mind for the next update (due today or tomorrow)
[19:24] <xtknight> mvo, oh ok. so you're the package maintainer?
[19:24] <ogra_cmpc> jdong, heh
[19:25] <mvo> xtknight: yes
[19:28] <xtknight> mvo, i made a little tool to show packages with more than one desktop file, where the error is possible. but not necessarily all of them have this problem, in fact very few do. there are some packages that have two different desktop files for each component of themselves (Like xfprint4) but the entries work fine in add/remove progs: they just cancel each other out and they're not duplicates because they're differently named.
[19:28] <xtknight> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62543/
[19:29] <xtknight> i am not sure what we want to do about those, for example "Xfce 4 print dialog" and "Xfce 4 print manager" are the same package, both are listed in add/remove. i guess this is fine?
[19:29] <mvo> xtknight: have you run it against the ddata in /usr/share/app-install/desktop ?
[19:30] <xtknight> mvo, this just goes through debian packages and determines which ones have more than one .desktop file by listing all their files. but i don't see any results from app-install/desktop specifically
[19:31] <xtknight> well i'd probably need a different script to determine if there were duplicates in that folder because they all come from app-install-data
[19:31] * mvo nods
[19:31] <xtknight> maybe with the same X-AppInstall-Package=?
[19:32] <jdong> ogra_cmpc: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JohnDong/FFeRejectionForm
[19:32] <mvo> yeah, I think a test with this would be cool. sometimes this is intentional as a package ships functionatliy where it is appropriate to have multiple ones (e.g. gnome-games), but generally its not
[19:52] <rwh> hi there. I just upgraded to hardy, and my gnome-settings-daemon coredumps somehow. Known issue or should I file a bug somewhere?
[19:55] <slangasek> rwh: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/, pick your poison, it's probably /one/ of those...
[20:03] <rwh> slangasek: tnx, I'll have a look
[20:05] <xtknight> mvo, here we go :) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62550/
[20:07] <xtknight> well seems not perfect, not sure why there's dupes of filenames in there (maybe error in grep) but i identified a couple other packages like BMP (it has BMP and BMP offline mode)
[20:09] <xtknight> ethreape, etherape as root
[20:19] <kagou> slangasek, it will be great to have a package on ppa for Bug #208419 !
[20:19] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 208419 in pam "Integrate samba password in PAM" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/208419
[20:21] <slangasek> kagou: damn, ok :)
[20:21] <slangasek> kagou: that will have to come a bit later
[20:22] <kagou> sladen, as soon as it will be available, i will test it ;)
[20:22] <kagou> oups slangasek
[20:23] <mvo> xtknight: cool, thhanks
[20:23] <xtknight> mvo, yeah hold on i fixed that little bug
[20:24] <rwh> slangasek: seems to be #210226. gsd is not that hard to confuse apparently :)
[20:24] <xtknight> mvo, fixed http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62556/ but anyway since some of them don't appear twice in Add/Remove yet appear on that list, i'm trying to find out why
[20:25] <mvo> xtknight: sometimes its the dekstop files, e.g. a missing or incorrect Categories= in the desktop file
[20:26] <YokoZar> Hmm, my emails to ubuntu-devel are still being put in the moderation queue but I'm an ubuntu developer now...
[20:28] <xtknight> mvo, yup. anyway i also was referred to you about Bug 212542
[20:28] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 212542 in compiz-fusion-plugins-main "Drop type=Utility from 01-animation-defaults.patch" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/212542
[20:28] <xtknight> i was told it might be integrated in the next revision of the package
[20:29] <xtknight> and if i were to make a debdiff i didn't know whether i should actually edit the 01-animation-defaults.patch, or create a NEW patch in debian/patches to revert 01's changes that we don't want.
[20:34] <LaserJock> YokoZar: using the right address to send from?
[20:35] <YokoZar> LaserJock: what is the "right" address? Is it my ubuntu.com one or any that I have confirmed in launchpad?
[20:36] <LaserJock> YokoZar: honestly I don't know
[20:37] <lamont> WTF does system->preferences steal focus?
[20:37] <kagou> slangasek, can you explain me how your patch work (i'm completely ignorant of pam)
[20:38] <lamont> and short of nuking compiz totally, how do I configure it's pretty little stupidities away?
[20:39] <slangasek> kagou: um... that's a lot to explain
[20:39] <slangasek> kagou: can you narrow the focus of your question? :)
[20:39] <xtknight> kagou, slangasek i can make a package on my ppa for that patch if you want
[20:40] <kagou> slangasek, of course. with your patch, samba password is it the same as samba password ?
[20:40] <lamont> slangasek: I remember when I finally _got_ pam. that was a very painful few hours at the end of a long time of head-beating
[20:40] <kagou> as user password ?
[20:40] <lamont> (of course, now I'm in that state of thinking I get it, while wondering if/when I'll discover that, no, I didn't....)
[20:47] <slangasek> kagou: yes, that's the point
[20:47] <slangasek> xtknight: thanks, feel free, that would save me a bit of time later
[20:47] <kagou> sladen, it seems that user password and samba password are sync with your patch. This is done on user creation ?
[20:47] <kagou> sorry sladen , i mean slangasek
[20:48] <slangasek> kagou: it's done any time the password for a user is changed, as long as libpam-smbpass is installed, yes
[20:48] <slangasek> (installing libpam-smbpass by default is the easy part)
[20:48] <kagou> slangasek, samba have to be patched too ?
[20:48] <slangasek> no
[20:48] <kagou> oh nice
[20:48] <slangasek> what do you believe would need patched in samba?
[20:49] <xtknight> ok will do
[20:49] <slangasek> lamont: heh, how would getting pam compare with getting leprosy
[20:50] <lamont> I used to know Pam... she was cute.
[20:50] <lamont> slangasek: it's one of those "it's so &^)*^& simple that it's complex" kind of things
[20:50] * slangasek grins
[20:50] <kagou> slangasek, ok i understand. Thank you :)
[20:55] <lamont> dear vmware. please quit stealing focus. kthx
[20:55] <lamont> why is it that more and more apps believe that they are important enough to warrant hijacking focus?
[20:56] <slangasek> is it stealing the focus, or stealing the mouse?
[20:57] <ion_> lamont: The window manager should really tell such applications "you there, behave" and ignore their crap. :-)
[20:57] <lamont> ion_: I'd love a metacity patch that does that.
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_away
[21:11] <Robot101> wg burger
[21:11] <Robot101> FAIL
[21:24] <lamont> 02:0b.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34GL [Quadro NVS 280 PCI] (rev a1)
[21:24] <lamont> does that mean no compiz love for that machine?
[21:26] <mjg59> lamont: Only if you use the closed driver
[21:26] <lamont> how do I know if I'm doing that?
[21:26] <lamont> Driver "nv" ??
[21:26] <mjg59> THat's not the clsoed one
[21:26] <lamont> and what should it be to be "not closed"?
[21:27] <lamont> kewl
[21:27] <lamont> in that case, brb
[21:29] <mvo> xtknight: yeah, I plan to integrate this patch in the next upload
[21:29] <xtknight> ok
[21:29] <mvo> xtknight: (sorry for the lack in my replies, its rather late here already)
[21:29] <xtknight> that's ok im' tired as well
[21:31] <lamont> hrm.. so killing X and loging back in after installing compiz doesn't seem to have given me any love... mjg59 what did I forget?
[21:32] <lamont> eep. and must run away
[21:32] * lamont back online much later
[21:32] <lamont> (although restarting X did hijack ctl-shift-page-down)
[21:34] <mjg59> lamont: Did you install the closed driver?
[21:38] <dandaman32> hey, found a grammatical typo on the website:
[21:38] <dandaman32> "Everything you need on one CD, which provides a complete working environment."
[21:39] <dandaman32> probably should be changed to something like, "Everything that you need for a complete working environment comes on one CD."
[21:39] <dandaman32> or at a minimum, add an "is" in there maybe
[21:46] <slangasek> dandaman32: there are many websites, can you be a bit more specific?
[21:47] <dandaman32> slangasek, it's on http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu
[21:47] <slangasek> ah
[21:48] <slangasek> dandaman32: perhaps you could submit a bug report about it? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+filebug
[21:48] <dandaman32> will do
[21:48] <slangasek> (the developers don't, in general, have access to edit the website)
[21:48] <dandaman32> yep, makes sense
[21:57] <YokoZar> doko: ahh, you beat me to uploading that. I did the same changes a couple days ago, but dput was crashing on me since ia32-libs was too big for my upload
[22:08] <leon_pegg> hello all could someone point me in the direction of creating a debain source package from cvs code (I know how to create a source package from tar.gz, from what I understand it is diffrent from cvs)
[22:08] <ScottK> Take the cvs snapshot, remove the .CVS stuff, roll your own tarball, and do as you would otherwise.
[22:09] <leon_pegg> ok thanks
[22:09] <leon_pegg> what about version numbering?
[22:10] <dandaman32> leon_pegg: i'd suggest adding a "-cvs20080408" to the version number.
[22:12] <leon_pegg> thanks, I have been creating packages from php-gtk and some people have been asking for a cvs package (lazy peps)
[22:13] <dandaman32> and as a full time PHP developer, i can't understand why the hell anyone would want to write graphical applications in PHP... lol
[22:14] <dandaman32> frankly, i love the language and hate the bindings.
[22:14] <leon_pegg> dandaman32, I am a full time PHP Developer, but I have found php-gtk very helpful
[22:15] <leon_pegg> it allows me to create client apps that can code share with there web counterparts and will run on windows/mac/liunx systems without recompiling
[22:17] <leon_pegg> I see writing php-gtk ass as no differant to writing an app in pygtk
[22:20] <crimsun> hmm. the cupsys [Ubuntu] changelog refers to reverting "usr/share/doc symlink/directory breakage". Does that imply that we won't be shipping an Ubuntu changelog, etc., in /usr/share/doc/cupsysfoo?
[22:26] <YokoZar> hmm, apt-get update is now downloading a 4 meg package list for universe
[22:26] <Nafallo> have been doing for a while now :-)
[22:26] <YokoZar> It's compressed right?
[22:27] <Nafallo> yea
[22:27] <YokoZar> Hmm, it's compressed with gzip though. Maybe for Intrepid we should do lzma :)
[22:27] <Nafallo> YokoZar: ==> mvo ;-)
[22:35] <larson9999> i bring this up everyone once in a while in #ubuntu and never get a response. so i figure i'd see if maybe this is the right place for this question.
[22:36] <ScottK> It's probably not, but that won't stop you.
[22:37] <larson9999> one of the things that's bugged me for a while with ubuntu is the fact that the first time you click on the main menu icon(i use the smaller main menu vs that 'huge' main menu that's the default) there is quite a long lag before it opens. but with the default there is no lag. is there a way to make the smaller main menu have no lag like the default?
[22:39] <_MMA_> larson9999: I believe it's because it's caching more images at one time. I see this on other GNOME systems as well.
[22:41] <larson9999> _MMA_, yeah, i do see it on other gnome systems too. but my menu isn't so big. my guess is that the smaller main menu does cach anything on start up but the default does. so i figured if that was the case maybe dev my be the place to correct it.
[22:41] <larson9999> s/does/does not/
[22:41] <_MMA_> larson9999: If anything, it's an upstream issue.
[22:43] <larson9999> _MMA_, ok, i'll try there.
[23:30] <tjaalton> slangasek: I'd appreciate if you could shove vdr through NEW when it has built. it only added a package for debugging (vdr-dbg)
[23:30] <tjaalton> slangasek: no rush.. the plugins will wait for it
[23:32] <munckfish> BenC: got a sec?