UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /08 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:01] <awen-> ScottK: mine reports charging=false and discharging=false when it is fully charged ... but I wouldn't be surprised if other laptops reported it as true+true
[00:02] <ScottK> Hmmm
[00:02] * ScottK looks
[00:04] <ScottK2> fdoving: I can reproduce it when resizing the window.
[00:04] <ScottK2> I guess if it actually fixes something I'll upload it.
[00:10] <awen-> ScottK2: we can't even use the battery logic for detecting it, as it uses the ac_adapter.present value as part of it's logic ... (and with the possibility of having multiple batteries it will in any case be a complete mess)
[00:10] <ScottK> awen-: Nevermind. I've got two laptops. One says true/true and the other says true/false so I know it won't work.
[00:11] <awen-> ScottK: okay... we really don't stand a chance then
[00:11] <ScottK> It was an idea, just not a workable one as it happens.
[00:11] <ScottK> Oh well.
[00:12] * ScottK goes to make dinner.
[00:12] <awen-> ScottK: would've been nice with some HAL consistency anyway
[00:12] * awen- goes to bed
[00:12] <awen-> see you all tomorrow
[00:42] <nixternal> heh, Gweled ey? :)
[00:42] <Jucato> nice name actually :)
[00:43] <Jucato> (and they say KDE's obsessed with K's)
[00:43] <Jucato> btw hi nixternal!! how was your talk?
[00:43] <nixternal> right
[00:43] <nixternal> talk went good, a lot of interested people showed up
[00:43] <nixternal> the big question for Foresight was...how about KDE? :)
[00:43] * nixternal kicks jtate in the shin :)
[00:44] <Jucato> hah! I thought that was decided long ago?
[00:44] <Jucato> (...never to walk in anyone's shadow!)
[00:44] <nixternal> it is, it has just been a bit more quiet than their Gnome push
[00:44] <Jucato> sorry.. song butt in :)
[00:44] <nixternal> hehe
[00:45] <Jucato> not surprised, considering how Foresight is sort of pushing itself to be a "premiere" GNOME distro (like Ubuntu)
[00:46] <daSkreech> Well
[00:46] <Jucato> Klairvoyance, a KDE distro based on Foresight Linux :P
[00:46] <daSkreech> standard Gnome Distro
[00:46] <daSkreech> not sure if that's the same as premiere
[00:47] <nixternal> Jucato: their plan is to do the same with KDE as well as Xfce
[00:47] <daSkreech> Jucato: that would rock! :)
[00:47] <Jucato> not sure if "premiere" was the right term
[00:47] <nixternal> Gnome is where they got their start, but they don't hate on KDE, which is kind of nice for a change
[00:47] * daSkreech would wear a Klarivoyance T-Shirt
[00:47] <Jucato> Xavier, an Xfce distro based on Foresight Linux
[00:47] * Jucato wonders if people will get the reference :P
[00:49] <ryanakca> nixternal: Documentation + bzr questions... well, I guess it applies to all documents in a VCS. How would you format the text in your text editor to be VCS friendly?
[00:49] <Jucato> daSkreech: users will be called klairvoyants :)
[00:50] <ryanakca> vim's reformat paragraph (aka, set it up so that each line is up to 80 chars) creates a lot of noise in (bzr|svn) diff... the whole paragraph gets changed because you added one word and it made all the lines bump a word down.
[00:50] <ryanakca> Have one sentence per line or?
[00:55] <seaLne> Nightrose: congratulations, took me a bit longer to read the mail
[00:55] <Nightrose> seaLne: ;-) to you too
[00:55] * Nightrose hugs seaLne
[00:56] <seaLne> http://ev.kde.org/members.php \o/
[00:56] <Nightrose> \o{
[00:57] <Nightrose> \o/ even ;-)
[00:57] <seaLne> i was trying to work out what that ment :)
[00:58] <Nightrose> hehe
[00:58] <Jucato> wow! congrats to both :)
[00:58] <Nightrose> thx Jucato :)
[01:39] * mndo is away: sleepy time.. not around.. pvt me..
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[02:35] <freeflying> Riddell: please renew :)
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[08:38] <Riddell> Tonio_: know anything about this swiss use? http://education.zdnet.com/?p=1615
[08:39] <Riddell> apachelogger: I think I'll upload kdebindings unless you object
[08:40] <Riddell> apachelogger: what's the status with amarok 1.5.9?
[08:50] <Tonio_> Riddell: yeah I heard about that ;)
[08:50] <Tonio_> Riddell: but I don't have a lot of informations
[08:50] <serega> morning
[08:50] <Tonio_> Riddell: the belgium post is going linux too, my company will attempt to kickass novell on the project and put kubuntu there
[08:51] <Tonio_> ;)
[08:51] <Riddell> kick the arse of, not kickass, opposite thigs
[08:51] <Riddell> things
[08:51] <Tonio_> ah ??
[08:51] * Tonio_ takes his english dictionnary
[08:51] <Riddell> Americanisms can be confusing
[08:52] <Riddell> "it's shit" bad. "the shits" good. they're a funny lot
[08:52] <Riddell> but no less confusing than French using "terrible" to mean good :)
[08:53] <Tonio_> Riddell: hehe, true :)
[08:53] <Tonio_> Riddell: well in fact terrible means good or bad, depending the context
[08:53] <Riddell> arg!
[08:54] <Tonio_> talking about an "terrible accident" means a lot bad
[08:54] <CheGuevara> LOL
[08:54] <CheGuevara> oops
[08:54] <Riddell> "ma copine est terrible" ?
[08:54] <CheGuevara> sorry for the caps
[08:54] <Tonio_> but "une fille terrible" means a super cool girl :)
[08:54] <Tonio_> Riddell: exactly
[08:54] <Tonio_> Riddell: that is really complicated, I know :)
[08:55] <Riddell> I can imagine that causing wars to start
[08:55] <Tonio_> Riddell: ma copine est terrible is really positive
[08:55] <raphink> hi Riddell
[08:55] <Riddell> ah, raphink
[08:55] <raphink> I saw you pinged me yesterday
[08:55] <raphink> :)
[08:56] <raphink> I keep my irc session at work open when i'm home ;)
[08:56] <raphink> how are you doing Riddell
[08:56] <raphink> et salut Tonio_ aussi :)
[08:56] <Riddell> raphink: I'm all groovy
[08:56] <raphink> great
[08:56] <Riddell> raphink: your membership of kubuntu-members is about to expire, shall I renew?
[08:56] <raphink> sure, please :)
[08:57] <raphink> I lost my membership on motu and dev
[08:57] <raphink> but I renewed core-dev on time
[08:57] <raphink> so I still have upload rights
[08:57] <raphink> so hopefullly I can still be useful for something
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[08:58] <Riddell> done
[08:59] <Tonio_> yo mon raphink ! ca fait un bail !
[08:59] <raphink> :)
[08:59] <raphink> ah j'ai cru que tu faisais la gueule :)
[08:59] <Tonio_> raphink: on peut plus causer français maintenant :'( je suis tout seul ici
[08:59] <raphink> booh
[08:59] <Tonio_> bah non, simplement, j'ai beaucoup de taff, donc je chatte moins :)
[09:00] <raphink> hehe
[09:00] <raphink> :)
[09:00] <raphink> idem
[09:00] <Tonio_> raphink: faut dire qu'on te voit plus beaucoup dans le coin ;)
[09:00] <Tonio_> je me doute
[09:00] <raphink> mais je suis toujours connecté ici
[09:00] <raphink> Tonio_: je suis toujours là
[09:00] <raphink> par contre sur Paris, j'y suis pas souvent
[09:00] <raphink> ;)
[09:00] <Tonio_> c'est vrai que j'aurai pu faire un petit ping
[09:00] <Tonio_> raphink: bah dis moi quand tu y es, qu'on se fasse une bouffe
[09:00] <Tonio_> Riddell: sorry, that'll end soon :)
[09:01] <raphink> ben j'y serai à partir de demain soir mais je doute que j'aurai le temps
[09:01] <Tonio_> raphink: :/
[09:01] <Tonio_> j'y suis aussi
[09:01] <raphink> ça va plutôt être des dîners de famille et de SSII
[09:01] <Tonio_> ah ok
[09:01] <raphink> à moins que tu puisses venir à Bagnolet pour manger ensemble un midi
[09:01] <raphink> je serai à Bagno jeudi et vendredi
[09:01] <Tonio_> bah à l'occasion alors, mais bon ca ferait plaisir de bouffer avec toi
[09:01] <raphink> :)
[09:02] <Tonio_> euh, je crois que moi aussi !
[09:02] <Tonio_> attends
[09:02] <Riddell> Tonio_: "un bail"? "de taff"?
[09:02] <raphink> un bail = a long time
[09:03] <raphink> bail refers to a legal rental time, which is 9 years
[09:03] <Tonio_> de taff = du travail
[09:03] <raphink> so it's long
[09:03] <raphink> taff = work
[09:03] <raphink> ;)
[09:03] <Tonio_> Riddell: that's popular language
[09:03] * Lure joined wrong channel ;-)
[09:03] <Riddell> "une bouffe"?
[09:03] <Lure> hi raphink & Tonio_ ;-)
[09:03] <raphink> hi Lure
[09:04] <Tonio_> Riddell: like if you say "thune" for money, that refers to a very old money that doesn't exist anymore, but the expression remains
[09:04] <Tonio_> Riddell: "se faire une bouffe" = "eat together"
[09:04] <raphink> or "blé" for money
[09:04] <raphink> or "oseille"
[09:04] <Tonio_> raphink: pez
[09:04] <raphink> that refers to a time when money didn't even exist :)
[09:04] <Tonio_> yeah we have a lot and a lot of popular synonisms
[09:04] <Tonio_> hey Lure :)
[09:04] <Riddell> "Bagnolet"? "Bagno"?
[09:05] <Tonio_> Riddell: yep that's a city :)
[09:05] <raphink> Bagno is a short for Bagnolet
[09:05] <raphink> it's a town close to Paris
[09:05] <jpatrick> morning
[09:05] <raphink> I'll actually be working at the "Porte the Bagnolet" which is the Bagnolet gate in Paris
[09:05] <raphink> hi jpatrick
[09:05] <raphink> Porte DE Bagnolet sorry
[09:06] <raphink> lol
[09:06] <Tonio_> raphink: I confirm I am at bagnolet on thursday and friday too :)
[09:06] <raphink> Tonio_: :)
[09:06] <Tonio_> raphink: I give a samba session there
[09:06] <raphink> tu vas dancer ?
[09:06] <raphink> :)
[09:06] <jpatrick> hey raphink :)
[09:06] <raphink> Tonio_: I give a Debian packaging session there
[09:06] <raphink> :)
[09:06] <Tonio_> for the ratp
[09:06] <raphink> on thursday
[09:06] <Tonio_> raphink: who for ?
[09:06] <raphink> and a Debian buildd/repository management session on friday
[09:06] <raphink> and a bit of Debian FAI debugging, too
[09:07] <raphink> Tonio_: Orange Portails, là où je bosse
[09:07] <raphink> :)
[09:07] <Tonio_> raphink: I gave the same last month hehe :)
[09:07] <Tonio_> raphink: si ca se trouve c'est juste a coté !
[09:07] <raphink> je tente de former les employés ;)
[09:07] <raphink> Tonio_: nos locaux sont près des mercuriales
[09:07] <raphink> d'habitudes on mange soit au supermarché, soit au grenier
[09:07] <raphink> (le grenier c'est cher, mais c'est FT qui paie :) )
[09:08] <Tonio_> avenue Gambetta 93170 Bagnolet
[09:08] <Tonio_> ca te parle ca ?
[09:08] <raphink> oui
[09:09] <raphink> on est au 7 avenue gambetta
[09:09] <raphink> ;)
[09:09] <raphink> 93170 Bagnolet
[09:09] <raphink> ;)
[09:09] <raphink> c'est ce que j'ai dans notre annuaire aussi
[09:09] <raphink> ;)
[09:09] <Tonio_> in the same street ????????
[09:09] <Tonio_> bon alors on bouffe ensemble alors ? ;)
[09:09] <raphink> bien sûr ;)
[09:09] <raphink> tu connais le grenier?
[09:10] <Tonio_> non
[09:10] <Tonio_> c ou ?
[09:10] <raphink> (si ta SSII monte à 25€/repas)
[09:10] <raphink> c'est dans les petites rues à côté de l'avenue Gambetta
[09:10] <raphink> à 2 minutes à pied
[09:11] <raphink> sinon y'a d'autres trucs sympas
[09:11] <raphink> je crois que le jeudi il y a couscous au café du coin
[09:11] <raphink> sinon il y a le restau à pates au supermarché, qui est super bon
[09:12] <Tonio_> raphink: ca serait pitet mieux de boire un coup après le taff non ?
[09:13] <Tonio_> raphink: parceque le midi je vais pas avoir beaucoup de coupure :/
[09:13] <raphink> comme tu veux
[09:13] <raphink> :)
[09:13] <raphink> ok
[09:13] <raphink> moi j'ai 1h30 jeudi environ
[09:13] <raphink> et 2h vendredi
[09:13] <raphink> environ
[09:13] <Tonio_> t'as toujours le même numéro ? 4413 à la fin ?
[09:13] <raphink> pour manger
[09:13] <raphink> yep
[09:13] <Tonio_> je dois avoir une heure, pas plus
[09:13] <Tonio_> bon ben je t'appelle :)
[09:14] <raphink> ça roule ;)
[09:14] <Tonio_> marrant le hasard ;)
[09:14] <raphink> oui pas :)
[09:14] <Tonio_> Riddell: I'll train you to the french argo, promissed
[09:14] <raphink> ou pas
[09:14] <raphink> haha
[09:14] <raphink> :)
[09:14] * jpatrick sings: "Long live th language barrier"
[09:14] <Tonio_> Riddell: first lesson, to say "money", you can say :
[09:14] <raphink> flouze
[09:14] <raphink> biffetons
[09:14] <Tonio_> fric, thune, pez, oseille, flouze
[09:15] <raphink> blé
[09:15] <raphink> oseille
[09:15] <Tonio_> bas de laine
[09:15] <Tonio_> sous
[09:15] <raphink> petit cochon
[09:15] <raphink> enfin c'est moins courant
[09:15] <raphink> ;)
[09:15] <Tonio_> yep :)
[09:15] <raphink> balles
[09:15] <Tonio_> Riddell: second lesson will be to talk about sex, there we have LOTS of expressions ;)
[09:16] <Tonio_> raphink: yes, "balles" too :)
[09:16] <raphink> les gens ne disent plus vraiment "balles" d'ailleurs
[09:16] <raphink> je crois que c'est le passage à l'euro
[09:16] <Tonio_> raphink: ils disent "boules"
[09:16] <raphink> balles réferrait trop au franc
[09:16] <raphink> Tonio_: on habite pas dans le même quartier
[09:16] <raphink> ;)
[09:16] <Tonio_> haha
[09:16] * raphink habite à vallauris, la "zone" de la côte d'azur
[09:16] <Tonio_> raphink: mais le pire ca reste pour parler de cul, la on pourrait faire un dico juste pour ca
[09:17] <raphink> les gens ici disent qu'il faut pas aller à vallauris
[09:17] <Tonio_> raphink: j'habite a orléans maintenant
[09:17] <raphink> heureusement qu'ils n'ont pas besoin d'aller à la grande borne
[09:17] <raphink> oui je sais Tonio_
[09:17] <Tonio_> ah bah vi je suis con moi !
[09:18] <Tonio_> bon bah cool, a jeudi alors !
[09:18] <Tonio_> je dois me préparer, je fais un don de plasma ce midi
[09:19] <raphink> ok
[09:19] <raphink> moi je dois faire ma valise ce soir
[09:19] <raphink> :)
[09:19] <Tonio_> jpatrick: sorry for the french speech, but we didn't for so long..... I had to do it :)
[09:20] <Tonio_> oka
[09:20] <Tonio_> raphink: okay
[09:20] <Tonio_> marrant quand même qu'on se retrouve dans la même rue, et que comme par hasard on en cause l'avant veille.....
[09:20] <Tonio_> c bizarre la vie des fois
[09:20] <jpatrick> Tonio_: its no problem at all :)
[09:20] <Tonio_> jpatrick: :)
[09:20] <raphink> oui c'est marrant
[09:21] <raphink> comme jpatrick qui m'a expliqué comment renouveler mon abonnement à ubuntu core-dev sur LP 3 jours avant que ce soit trop tard
[09:21] <raphink> il a sauvé la mise ;)
[09:21] <Tonio_> ca se renouvelle ?
[09:21] <raphink> oui
[09:21] <raphink> il faut clicouiller
[09:22] <jpatrick> well I think I understood that \o/
[09:22] <raphink> le lien est donné dans le mail que tu reçois avant d'être désinscrit
[09:22] <raphink> impossible de le trouver sinon
[09:22] <raphink> jpatrick: ;)
[09:22] <raphink> jpatrick: I'm thankful you told me how to do it
[09:22] <Tonio_> raphink: I have to look at that then, since I was core-dev just after you
[09:22] <jpatrick> raphink: yay, I did :D
[09:23] <raphink> Tonio_: tu as reçu le mail pour te prévenir de l'imminence de ta désinscription?
[09:23] <Tonio_> nope
[09:23] <Tonio_> raphink: mais il faudra que je fasse gaffe dans les semaines a venir
[09:24] <raphink> do you have the link jpatrick?
[09:25] <jpatrick> raphink: I think they changed the renewal ways at launchpad now..
[09:25] <raphink> oh yes?
[09:26] <jpatrick> well, I can't renew my kubuntu-members'ship without poking an admin..
[09:27] <Riddell> jpatrick: yours is renewed
[09:27] <jpatrick> Riddell: thanks!
[09:27] <raphink> :)
[09:28] <jpatrick> Tonio_: try: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/+member/tonio
[09:28] <Riddell> jpatrick: it depends on the team
[09:28] <Riddell> I've set kubuntu-members to allow self-renewal now
[09:51] <Riddell> what's the real name of zack "opensource" of kubuntuforums?
[09:52] * jpatrick only knows the Zack bit
[09:53] <Riddell> got it from whois :)
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[14:13] <ScottK2> Riddell: I don't think I'm going to have time to deal with Bug #209227. I can reproduce the problem, but I don't have time to do proper testing. I can build test packages and see if the fix works, but I don't think I can do proper regression testing to be comfortable with uploading.
[14:13] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 209227 in qt-x11-free "KDE3 icons flickering" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/209227
[14:13] <ScottK2> If you think it's reasonable to upload the patch if it fixes the problem, I'll do it, but it might be better if someone else did some testing.
[14:15] <Riddell> ScottK2: just upload it then, see what breaks
[14:15] <ScottK2> Riddell: Will do.
[14:23] <ScottK2> Riddell: Currently qt-x11-free has a kubuntu_08_gcc43_buildfix.dpatch patch in debian/patches that's not in the 00list. Should I add that too so it gets applied?
[14:23] <Riddell> ScottK2: ok
[14:23] <ScottK2> I'll add that one then.
[14:39] <Tonio_> Riddell: I'm working on bug 209368
[14:39] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 209368 in konversation "[hardy] OSD doesn't work in Konversation anymore" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/209368
[14:39] <Tonio_> I think I have the fix
[14:40] <Nightrose> Tonio_: you got my mail fit the second patch?
[14:40] <Nightrose> *with
[14:41] <Tonio_> yep
[14:41] <ScottK2> I guess the gcc4.3 build failure patch wasn't applied for a reason. It doesn't apply, so I'll leave that one alone.
[14:41] <Nightrose> ok :)
[14:55] <Tonio_> Riddell: are you using the system-config-printer-kde ?
[14:55] <Tonio_> Riddell: everytimt I use it, there is a bug
[14:55] <Tonio_> Riddell: sometimes it just freezes
[14:55] <Tonio_> sometimes I have cups error, even if printing has worked like a charm
[14:56] <Tonio_> currently I have a document in its spool, nothing in cups, nothing in kjobviewer
[14:57] <Riddell> Tonio_: yes, it works pretty well for me
[14:57] <Tonio_> I can't delete it, since I receive a "cups server error" because it tries to delete something that isn't really in the spool
[14:57] <Tonio_> well I'd like to get people's opinion about it, since I have lots of problems with it
[14:57] <Tonio_> Riddell: have you tried to cancel jobs and so on ?
[14:58] <Tonio_> Riddell: I had to refresh manually to get it back to normal
[14:58] <Tonio_> Riddell: shouldn't we force a refresh lett's say..... every 30 seconds in case of problem ?
[14:59] <Riddell> works last I tried
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=== kitterma is now known as ScottK2
[15:34] <ScottK2> Riddell: The qt3 patch fixes that bug and my laptop didn't immediately catch on fire, so I'm going to upload it.
[15:36] <Riddell> ScottK2: go for it
[15:36] <ScottK2> Already went. Uploaded.
[15:36] <Tonio_> Riddell: I'll try to reproduce and eventually track the refresh problem
[15:43] <Tonio_> Nightrose: konversation uploaded
[15:43] <Nightrose> Tonio_++
[15:43] <Nightrose> :)
[15:44] <Tonio_> :)
[16:09] <Riddell> Sime: any idea why this doesn't work? http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kapplication.py
[16:19] <Riddell> Sime: it looks like KAction doesn't have the necessary c++ slot to python slot magic
[16:21] * claydoh wanders off to start the Dolphin Supporters Society
[16:45] <ScottK> Riddell: I'm guessing you saw on #debian-qt-kde, but https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt-x11-free/+bug/94282 might be something we want to do.
[16:45] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 94282 in qt-x11-free "QT program doesn't select Chinese font correctly" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[16:45] * ScottK is lacking brain power to properly consider it at the moment though.
[16:47] <ScottK> Nevermind. I guess we have that patch already.
[16:51] <Riddell> ScottK: where is the patch in that bug report?
[16:52] <ScottK> It links to a Debian bug that was fixed with the 61_ I don't remember what patch that we have already.
[16:52] <ScottK> So I think it's actually fixed.
[16:52] <ScottK> I'm not sure and I didn't get enough sleep last night to think it through.
[16:53] <ScottK> 61_eastern_asia_languages.diff
[16:53] <smarter> Wow.
[16:53] <smarter> Qt 4.4 + KDE 4.1 is damn fast
[16:53] <Riddell> ScottK: we don't have 61_eastern_asian_languagues.diff
[16:54] <ScottK> Of course I've got the Debian version unpacked right now.
[16:54] * ScottK head desk
[16:55] <smarter> time to switch full time to KDE4 I think (:
[16:55] <emonkey> Riddell, thanks for the inkscape backport :)
[16:55] <ScottK> So. Anyway. That patch from Debian was one it was suggested we consider.
[16:55] * ScottK wanders off for a nap.
[16:58] * smarter finally falls in love with KDE4
[17:07] <Riddell> Tonio_, raphink: is there an ubuntu french wiki?
[17:08] <Tonio_> Riddell: yep
[17:08] <Riddell> Tonio_: c'est ou?
[17:08] <raphink> sure
[17:08] <raphink> http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/
[17:08] <Tonio_> Riddell: http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/
[17:08] <raphink> very well done
[17:08] <raphink> ;)
[17:08] <Tonio_> raphink: hehe
[17:09] <Riddell> formidable
[17:09] <Tonio_> Riddell: and it is VERY good
[17:09] <Tonio_> Riddell: probably as content rich as the english one
[17:09] <Tonio_> on the desktop side at least
[17:09] <Riddell> claydoh: thanks for keeping kubuntu-users mildly sane
[17:10] <Tonio_> Riddell: http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/adept
[17:11] <Tonio_> Riddell: just an example with adept, and you have that for every software of the distribution....
[17:11] <claydoh> Riddell: I try, don't know how well it works :)
[17:11] <Tonio_> Riddell: it could be used to build our docs in fact, but would need translation :)
[17:11] <claydoh> but I have to keep myself sane first,
[17:13] <claydoh> not as good at the art of debate as I would like
[17:13] <Riddell> Tonio_: pourquoi? tout la monde peux apprendre Francais!
[17:15] <smarter> Riddell: s/Francais/le français/ (:
[17:16] <Riddell> Tonio_: pourquoi? tout la monde peux apprendre le francais!
[17:16] * Riddell n'ai pas un cedila
[17:16] <Tonio_> Riddell: c'est vrai
[17:17] <smarter> *cédille
[17:17] * Riddell n'ai pas un cedille¢
[17:17] <smarter> Riddell: here is one for free: ç
[17:17] <Riddell> ?
[17:17] * Riddell n'ai pas le utf-8
[17:18] <Tonio_> Kubuntu, linux for french being
[17:18] <Tonio_> sounds pretty cool :)
[17:19] <Tonio_> smarter: french ?
[17:19] <smarter> Tonio_: ouais
[17:19] <Tonio_> ah vi, j'avais jamais fait le rapprochement :)
[17:19] <smarter> :p
[17:20] <smarter> d'ailleurs c'est moi qui est écrit http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/adept (:
[17:20] <Riddell> smarter: "ouais"?
[17:20] <smarter> Riddell: slang for oui
[17:20] <Riddell> slang that's longer than the original :)
[17:21] <Tonio_> Riddell: true :)
[17:21] <Tonio_> Riddell: making words as short as possible is typically english you know :)
[17:22] <Tonio_> we love long words in france :)
[17:22] <Tonio_> that reminds me of kwwii who always tries artwork with french language, since the words are super long :)
[17:23] <smarter> German is better for that (:
[17:23] * Nightrose was thinking the same ;-)
[17:23] <neversfelde> hehe
[17:23] <neversfelde> +1
[17:24] <smarter> Enbenutzerlizenzvereinbarungen for example, means EULA
[17:24] <Tonio_> smarter: yes but with german there is no limit with the size of words, since you can concatenate them
[17:25] <smarter> German cheats :p
[17:34] * blizzzek demonstrates
[17:39] <Riddell> ScottK: excellent, that patch fixes chinese!
[17:44] <ScottK> Cool.
[17:52] <gribelu_> did any dev attempt to build kde 4.1 packages yet? like in a ppa..
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[17:54] <Riddell> gribelu: nope
[17:55] <gribelu> well then i hope the alpha or beta will have fewer bugs than 4.0.x :)
[17:57] <fdoving> i think debian experimental have trunk packages.
[17:58] <Riddell> apachelogger: kdebindings built :) https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/kdebindings-kde4/4:4.0.3-0ubuntu1
[18:00] <gribelu> i'd rather wait for kubuntu packages because i need them for my main machine.. don't want to to reinstall kubuntu on it anytime soon :D
[18:00] <Riddell> Sime: would you have a FindPyKDE4.cmake to complement FindPyQt4.cmake?
[18:00] <ScottK> Riddell: Are you going to take care of the chinese patch then?
[18:02] <Riddell> apachelogger: erk, no it's not, ignore me
[18:02] <Riddell> ScottK: yeah, can do
[18:03] <ScottK> Riddell: Thanks. I'm still pretty fried. I think one Main upload for today is my limit.
[18:07] <ScottK> Riddell: Any thoughts about if I should look into Bug #156158 - It's got a string change so it'd impact translations (one string added)?
[18:07] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 156158 in scribus "In Gutsy Gibbon, Url in Scribus does not launch Firefox" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156158
[18:08] <Riddell> ScottK: can do
[18:14] <ScottK> Riddell: Meaning you'll look into it or I should if my brain wakes up?
[18:14] <Riddell> ScottK: uploaded :)
[18:14] <ScottK> Cool.
[18:15] * ScottK descends back into his mental fog.
[18:18] <Riddell> Sime: please take a look at printer-applet in kdereview and comment on the kde-core-devel thread "system-config-printer" if you think it should be included in kdebase for 4.1
[19:06] <Aikurn> hi
[19:06] <Riddell> hi Aikurn
[19:06] <Aikurn> i just noticed that yesterday was kubuntu's official birthday
[19:07] <Aikurn> so yay! and thanks to everyone involved :)
[19:07] <Riddell> Aikurn: oh, cool, how did you notice that?
[19:08] <Aikurn> well, it was the first time i used kubuntu
[19:08] <Aikurn> and i couldn't remember the release name
[19:08] <Aikurn> so i've found the old releases page
[19:09] <Aikurn> and it says 07-04-2007
[19:09] <Aikurn> *2005
[19:10] <Aikurn> i can't believe i've been using it for 3 years!
[19:10] <Riddell> happy birthday to us
[19:11] <Aikurn> happy birthday indeed
[19:12] * skreech is afraid of asking konqui to blow out the kandles
[19:13] <Nightrose> haha
[19:13] * Nightrose gets the cake and beer
=== kitterma is now known as ScottK2
[19:28] <fdoving> hah, this is kind of interessting. Vista from inside a virtualbox-machine reports the correct battery-state. but both guidance-power-manager and plasma reports it wrongly. because dbus-daemon constantly crashes.
[19:30] <fdoving> oh, nice, guidance-power-manager doesn't need a restart to update it's status after dbus is restarted. improvement.
[19:31] <nixternal> Kubuntu/KDE4 - Richard Johnson | MOTU - Richard Johnson | Documentation - Richard Johnson
[19:31] <nixternal> Riddell: want me to do a Kubuntu and/or KDE 4 talk for OpenWeek?
[19:31] <nixternal> seems I have been included in the "Planned Topics" for it
[19:32] <smarter> fdoving: I made the patch to avoid a restart of gpm after dbus/hal restart, glad to know I was not the only one it was annoying (:
[19:32] <fdoving> smarter: nice work. :)
[19:32] <ScottK> fdoving: ^^^ is right. All thanks to him
[19:32] * ScottK just hit dput.
[19:34] <fdoving> scottk, someone needs to do that too :)
[19:35] <ScottK> True. smarter has given me more than one good thing to upload this cycle.
[19:35] <fdoving> others just complain, like me.
[19:36] <ScottK> IIRC you helped me out with klamav significantly in Gutsy.
[19:36] <fdoving> does that still count? :)
[19:36] <ScottK> For me it does.
[19:37] <fdoving> good to hear :)
[19:37] <fdoving> i'll go do some money-work for a few min. bbl.
[19:37] <ScottK> See ya.
[19:37] <smarter> anyone know if there's a networkmanager frontend for KDE4 hidden somewhere in the KDE4 svn?
[19:37] <ScottK> fdoving: BTW, I'm maintaining klamav in Debian now too.
[19:37] <fdoving> smarter: not graphical, solid does support it though.
[19:38] <fdoving> scottk, nice, what was the result of the integrated-update-feature discussion?
[19:38] <ScottK> We aren't using it. It's all disabled.
[19:38] <fdoving> ok.
[19:38] <ScottK> We also default to using the system clamav definitions and don't redownload them.
[19:38] * smarter is going to play a bit with solid-*
[19:44] <Sime> I seem to be suffering from https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fontconfig/+bug/69091
[19:44] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 69091 in fontconfig "Fonts look blurry if ~/.fonts.conf (even empty one) is present" [Undecided,New]
[19:44] <Sime> wierd and annoying.
[19:58] <Riddell> nixternal: yes please!
[20:05] <ScottK2> Dear kde-guidance: Why oh why do you have identical code duplicated in different places.
[20:05] <ScottK2> Urgh.
[20:06] <Sime> ScottK2: where?
[20:07] <Sime> Does anyone know if it is possible to 'link' bugs together in LP, like other bug trackers?
[20:07] <ScottK2> Sime: It's not possible.
[20:07] <ScottK2> LP developers have determined it's not needed or to confusing or something. I don't recall the specifics
[20:08] <Sime> ok, thanks. I'll add a comment then.
[20:08] <Nightrose> but it gets linked when you mention a bugnumber in your comment
[20:08] <ScottK2> Specifically I see pci_bus = ScanPCI.PCIBus(data_file_dir) in displayconfigabstraction.py and displayconfig-hwprobe.py and so I think there's something duplicated there
[20:08] <ScottK2> Sime: ^^^
[20:09] <ScottK2> You wouldn't happen to know which one is involved in hardware detection when displayconfig starts up?
[20:11] <Sime> ScottK2: which program?
[20:11] <ScottK2> In kde-guidance displayconfig.
[20:11] <ScottK2> I've got it not crashing if xorg.conf is not present, but manual configuration is still needed.
[20:12] <ScottK2> I need to pull in detecting the graphics card to xorgconfig.py and so I'm looking where to lift it from.
[20:13] <Sime> IIRC, displayconfigabstraction.py does some hw detection.
[20:14] <ScottK2> I think that's the one. I looked there first and it appears to be what I need at first glance.
[20:14] <Sime> it looks at the hw and your config file and combines the two. (i.e. if you have gfx card which is not mentioned in xorg.conf, then it will be detected).
[20:16] <ScottK2> I see where it's what calls xorgconfig.
[20:25] <Sime> Riddell: where was that email about the printer-applet you were talking about?
[20:28] <Nightrose> on kde-core-devel
[20:30] <Nightrose> http://lists.kde.org/?t=120612076000003&r=1&w=2 to be exact
[20:38] <Riddell> Sime: able to help tsdgeos on #kde-devel with http://rafb.net/p/kK5TjQ31.html ?
[20:45] <Sime> Riddell: looks like a bad PyKDE build.
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[21:06] <nixternal> Riddell: added a Kubuntu Development session and a KDE 4 session, as well as a Documentation Project session
[21:06] <Sime> Riddell: did you need Qt 4.4 for that DBus fix for your applet?
[21:08] <Riddell> Sime: yes
[21:08] <Riddell> Sime: hardy packages are in my ppa
[21:08] <Riddell> nixternal: groovy
[21:37] <Sime> Riddell: I don't know what the problem is with your kstandardaction. I'll send it on to Jim.
[21:38] <Sime> Riddell: better idea. You can ask on the mailing list. :)
[21:43] <Riddell> Sime: already have :)
[21:46] <Sime> Riddell: is that a real fix for the menu-text-in-oxygen problem?
[21:47] <Sime> Riddell: do you know anything more about it?
[21:48] <Sime> Riddell: hideMainWindow() should probably take self as param 1.
[21:50] <Riddell> Sime: well, it stops oxygen style doing whatever it does to menu text, I've no idea what that is but in qt 4.3 it doesn't seem to be much however in qt 4.4 oxygen style likes to make all text white but the bits I commented out would make it go black, so it ends up white (but much of the text is already)
[21:50] <Riddell> let me know if you followed that :)
[21:52] <fdoving> oxygen does some weird things.
[21:52] <smarter> Riddell: With qt-copy from kde svn I don't get the white text, only with your package
[21:52] <smarter> maybe related to the patches KDE apply
[21:52] <Riddell> smarter: hmm, could be
[21:53] <fdoving> Riddell: don't you apply the qt-copy patches to your packages?
[21:54] <Riddell> fdoving: yes, although not all of them
[21:54] <smarter> maybe 0191-listview-alternate-row-colors.diff ?
[21:54] <fdoving> smarter: no. not likely.
[21:54] * smarter just grepped for color :)
[21:54] <fdoving> :)
[21:55] <fdoving> i remember getting all white text with the qt4.4 beta packages.
[21:55] <fdoving> but after a recompile it was all good.
[21:55] <fdoving> but i've had white text with qt-copy too.
[21:55] <Riddell> so maybe we have a bad patch, or are missing a good one
[21:56] <fdoving> probably something that has changed multiple times.
[21:56] <Riddell> hard to track down though
[21:56] <fdoving> are there problems with any of the qt-copy patches? - is there a reason not to just package qt-copy with all patches kde applies?
[21:57] <Riddell> fdoving: I follow debian, and they mostly do just package qt-copy, but it hasn't been updated since feature freeze or whenever
[21:57] <fdoving> k.
[21:58] <fdoving> i guess the text-color issue will vanish if you recompile the app with that qt-version.
[21:58] <fdoving> atleast that's what i've done when i experienced the issue, twice. and it worked.
[21:59] <Riddell> so maybe I should forget about white text until after hardy is out :)
[22:00] <smarter> what is the release date of hardy?
[22:00] <Riddell> 2.5 weeks
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[22:01] <smarter> thanks
[22:01] <Sime> what condition is hardy in?
[22:01] <smarter> 'night everybody
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[22:04] * Sime thinks that 1920x1200 is freaking rad! (new monitor)
[22:07] <ScottK> Sime: Except that displayconfig is showing it's age relative to current xorg, I think KDE3 is in good shape.
[22:07] <ScottK> Dunno about KDE4.
[22:09] <awen_> hmm, Apport: "unknown crashed" ... you allways keep your fingers crossed that unknown isn't anything important
[22:12] <fdoving> almost as nice as the one and only akonadi error. 'Unknown Error.' :)
[22:13] <awen_> Sime: hardy seems in a pretty good state ... i've been running it on my laptop for about two months, and it has been nothing but a joy
[22:13] <ScottK> Sime: awen_'s fixed guidance-power-manager so well people complain they can't use it with kde4.
[22:15] <fdoving> i use guidance-power-manager with kde4. what's the problem?
[22:15] <nosrednaekim> guidance works for me....
[22:16] <awen_> fdoving: i wouldn't expect your brightness buttons to work?
[22:16] <fdoving> awen_: i'm on dell, everything works.
[22:16] <awen_> at least not with pop-ups
[22:16] <fdoving> have never seen any popups ever, when changing brightness.
[22:17] <ScottK> fdoving: Not sure. There's a bug on it somewhere.
[22:17] <awen_> fdoving: i think it was a new invention in hardy (or at least they were fixed to work in hardy)
[22:17] <ScottK> awen_: I see those on kde3 on my Dell.
[22:17] <awen_> ScottK: yeah ... but they weren't there in gutsy
[22:19] <awen_> fdoving: allways nice to have a laptop that just works ... but the poor soules with laptops where everything _needs_ to be done in software, could have some problems
[22:19] <ScottK> RIght. Just saying they work.
[22:20] * awen_ remember something about dcop not being there in kde4 ... but with all the kde3 apps we are using, do we then have some sort of transition-scop thingie in hardy?
[22:20] <fdoving> awen_: right. but it still works on my laptop.
[22:21] <fdoving> awen_: what do you use dcop for, exactly? - displaying the messages with knotify?
[22:21] <smarter> awen_: dcopserver is automatically started by kdeinit which is started by every kde3 app, even in kde4
[22:21] <ScottK> dcop is what whoever commented in the bug discussed.
[22:21] <awen_> fdoving: your laptop might do it in hardware ... my IBM T43 does that :D
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[22:22] <nosrednaekim> yeah... my laptops has itin hardware
[22:22] <nosrednaekim> though the popup still comes up
[22:22] <awen_> smarter: ahh, that's how it works ... then guidance-power-manager should be able to work pretty well in kde4 too
[22:22] <fdoving> awen_: probably. but my laptop doesn't matter, everyone elses do. so making it work is important.
[22:23] <awen_> nosrednaekim: we've been doing anything to catch your key-presses and show the pop-up ... and not giving you an option to turn it off :P
[22:23] <ScottK> I get that for volume changes too.
[22:23] <smarter> never had the popup here, but it always worked (:
[22:23] <nosrednaekim> doesn't bother me..
[22:24] <awen_> fdoving: true, true ... but you haven't found any issues in g-p-m worth noting?
[22:24] <fdoving> awen_: why not use the knotify framework? making those popups configureable would be nicer.
[22:26] <awen_> fdoving: g-p-m hasn't been "properly" updated since feisty, we are using an svn trunk checkout woth 20+ patches ... so we are known to use old technology
[22:26] <fdoving> awen_: i want support for the conservative cpu scaling governor. that's all on my wishlist currently. i also wanted to be able to have different actions on lid-close when on ac/battery. but that was rejected by upstream when i proposed it. (gnome have this).
[22:27] <nosrednaekim> awen_: as far as pet projects go, i'd love to see my wattmeter inegrated
[22:28] <fdoving> awen_: is this g-p-m version in svn/bzr somewhere?
[22:28] <awen_> fdoving: be here for early intrepid descisions ... we need to find out if we should use some other piece of software; or make a major clean-up in g-p-m
[22:29] <nosrednaekim> well, we need a decent kde4 one...
[22:29] <awen_> we are actually working around qt-bugs fixed more than a year ago; and probably much much longer
[22:30] <awen_> nosrednaekim: exactly :)
[22:30] <ScottK> First decision will need to be do we have a complete kde3 desktop for Intrepid or is it just a kde4 desktop with remaining kde3 bits as needed.
[22:30] <ScottK> If it's the latter, I think we can just file for removal.
[22:30] <fdoving> awen_: why are you working around those when they are fixed?
[22:30] <nosrednaekim> I think its all kde4... at least thats what I heard, I suppose they'll determine that at the end of may at UDS
[22:31] <awen_> ScottK: yeah ... but in any case we need a decent kde4 version
[22:31] <awen_> fdoving: i'm not working around them ... but there are loads of fixme's in the code
[22:32] <ScottK> There's already an xrandr tool that needs finishing.
[22:32] <fdoving> awen_: working with solid to do this in kde4 would probably be smart, instead of making our own.
[22:32] <ScottK> fdoving: Gross hack is being generous for some of the stuff I'm doing to make displayconfig not die.
[22:33] <nosrednaekim> ScottK: yeah.. that totally screwed by other hardy install
[22:33] <nosrednaekim> ScottK: thankfully I was around when you were saying how to fix it :)
[22:33] <awen_> fdoving: i think we should start out with the beginning of intrepid and find out, if a good tool already exists
[22:34] <ScottK> nosrednaekim: My hacks are all alternatives to crashing, so it's still progress.
[22:34] <nosrednaekim> :)
[22:35] <awen_> ScottK: we are closing in on "crash-proof" ... one large try/except around it all, he
[22:35] <ScottK> Heh.
[22:35] <nosrednaekim> haha
[22:36] <ScottK> When I first started with Python I was mystified by the empahsis on exception processing. Now I love it.
[22:37] * awen_ has been working with java a lot ... so knows concept
[22:40] <ScottK> awen_: I first started learning programming in the late 1970's so I lot of stuff mystifies me these days.
[22:42] <awen_> ScottK: yeah, there has been a lot of changes since then... a lot of new paradigms
[22:43] <ScottK> In the early 80's I learned Pascal and structured programming.
[22:43] <ScottK> Then I did none for ~20 years.
[22:43] <ScottK> Then here I am.
[22:43] <ScottK> It's a new world.
[22:43] <ScottK> This OO stuff bends my brain.
[22:44] <ScottK> It's good. Keeps me young.
[22:45] <daSkreech> KDE Kapturing Kinder!
[22:45] <awen_> hehe, i'm amazed ... i'm working on chip design a lot; that's also programming in a sense, but is also a long way from what you are used to
[22:48] <ScottK> For me $WORK is mostly system engineering. Very little actual code.
[22:50] <awen_> i hope i end up in a higher layer than actual "programming" too ... but during the studies, you need to learn the background; but that's not bad at all, rather fun :)
[22:52] <awen_> ScottK: any reason why we are translating (i18n) "charging" but not "discharging" in g-p-m ... to late to fix that?
[22:53] <ScottK> awen_: No idea. I'd ask in #ubuntu-docs
[22:54] <awen_> that one is pretty empty :)
[22:54] <ScottK> Maybe without the s
[22:57] <awen_> ScottK: thanks
[23:15] <blueyed> Can you please cherrypick the fix for one of the top crashers in kdelibs5 with the next upload? (bug 141418)
[23:15] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 141418 in kdelibs "klauncher crashed with SIGSEGV in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141418
[23:15] <blueyed> I've pasted the "svn" command to get the fix there.
[23:27] <blueyed> I'll add a debdiff. Currently testbuilding.
[23:28] <awen_> ScottK: http://awen.dk/packages/kde-guidance_0.8.0svn20080103-0ubuntu12.debdiff
[23:29] <ScottK> awen_: That's all you've got? I'll try and have a look later tonight.
[23:30] <awen_> ScottK: yeah ... looks like somone just forgot that single string
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[23:31] <ScottK> OK. Go see if you can break it anymore in the mean time ...
[23:32] <awen_> anything in particular i should try breaking or just in general :)
[23:43] <fdoving> nite.
[23:44] <awen_> 'night fdoving
[23:54] <ScottK> awen_: In general.
[23:54] <ScottK> awen_: Stick with stuff you can fix.