UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /07 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:35] <Jester009> I am trying to install xubuntu on my old compaq presario 1675 and it hangs at Starting Common Unix Printing System Cupsd.
[00:36] <Jester009> herro?
[00:51] <Twilt> I have a question
[00:51] <Twilt> Can Xubuntu run on Microsoft's Virtual PC?
[00:51] <Twilt> Anyone?
[00:52] <Twilt> It's okay, I'll just wait...
[00:52] <Twilt> ...take your time...
[00:54] <Twilt> ...
[00:56] <Twilt> .
[00:56] <Twilt> ..
[00:56] <Who_> Xubuntu runs fine in VirtualBox which is some open source (with free closed source version too) virtualisation software.
[00:56] <Twilt> ...
[00:57] <Twilt> Oh
[00:57] <Who_> Twilt: adding dots will not make people answer any faster :)
[00:57] <Who_> http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/VirtualBox
[00:57] <Twilt> So would it run on VPC or just VBox?
[00:59] <Who_> Twilt: I have no idea about VPC - but if you want to run a virtual copy of Xubuntu, you could do it on Windows or Os X for free using VirtualBox
[01:01] <Who_> Does anyone here know about the making windows icons on the desktop instead of minimising them? I have turned off Thunar's icons and I want to have a window list and a set of icons on the desktop for minimsed windows. I thought this was possible in XFCE, but I can't see how
[01:04] <Twilt> I'm gonna try using the Xubuntu alternate instal on Virtual PC.
[01:04] <Twilt> Wish me luck
[01:13] <Twilt> So far so good
[01:14] <Twilt> But it failed on networking or something
[01:14] <Twilt> oh well
[01:15] <Who_> Twilt: any reason you don't want to use virtualbox?
[01:16] <Twilt> I just had Virtual PC already installed so I figured I'd just use that
[01:17] <Who_> Twilt: cool, if you can't get over the network problems, I can assure you the VirtualBo stuff works (on OS X At least) - I did an install last night :)
[01:33] <Twilt> lol
[01:33] <Twilt> It's installing just fine
[01:34] <Twilt> way better than freespire
[01:34] <Twilt> I couldn't get that to install worth a damn
[01:35] <Twilt> If I really like Xubuntu I might install Ubuntu on my main system (with windows) via Wubi.
[01:35] <Twilt> But it all depends
[01:35] <Twilt> I've seen screenshots and so far I like what I've been seeing
[01:35] <Twilt> But there's not as much apps for linux
[01:35] <Twilt> they're all for XP
[01:36] <Twilt> That's why I'm gonna have a dual-boot system with Wubi
[01:36] <Twilt> It's still 83% installing the kernel.
[01:36] <Twilt> It's taking a little while
[01:39] <Who_> Twilt: I did a wubi install of Xubuntu last night too - no kidding :)
[01:40] <Who_> Twilt: it works well, I can recommend it.
[01:41] <Who_> doh - didn't notice he'd gone...
[01:42] <Who_> (or she :S)
[02:01] <Twilt> Help!
[02:01] <Twilt> My Xubuntu install is stuck at 94%
[02:01] <Twilt> It's been there for what feels like half an hour
[02:02] <Twilt> It says "Installing Extra Packeges - retreiving and installing acpi..."
[02:03] <Twilt> Could I possibly somehow skip this step so it could actually work?
[02:03] <Twilt> After all, It's just an exta pack.
[02:03] <Twilt> Please Help Me!
[02:04] <Twilt> *sighs*
[02:05] <Twilt> .
[02:05] <Twilt> ..
[02:06] <Twilt> ...anyone?
[02:08] <Twilt> Hello?
[02:08] <Twilt> Am I the only one actually on this channel?
[02:09] <Twilt> :'(
[02:10] <Twilt> I'm sad now
[02:11] <Twilt> no one will help me
[02:11] <Twilt> *sniff*
[02:11] <pfischer> what is your issue?
[02:11] <pfischer> i can try
[02:12] <Twilt> okay just give me a second
[02:12] <pfischer> k
[02:12] <Twilt> My Xubuntu install is stuck at 94%
[02:12] <Twilt> It's been there for what feels like half an hour
[02:13] <Twilt> It says "Installing Extra Packeges - retreiving and installing acpi..."
[02:13] <Twilt> Could I possibly somehow skip this step so it could actually work?
[02:13] <Twilt> After all, It's just an exta pack.
[02:13] <Twilt> Right?
[02:13] <pfischer> um i think you can disbale the apci in the bios.
[02:13] <pfischer> what kind of machine are u installing it on
[02:13] <pfischer> ?
[02:13] <Twilt> But it's just in the middle of installing now
[02:13] <Twilt> Virtual PC
[02:13] <pfischer> i have seen in forums how it hangs some machines
[02:14] <pfischer> oh it is vitrual?
[02:14] <pfischer> hmmm
[02:14] <Twilt> yeah...
[02:14] <Twilt> have you found to make it not hang on those forums by any chance?
[02:14] <pfischer> i am not sure how to skip it from the install process
[02:14] <Twilt> I kinda figured
[02:14] <Twilt> Whatever
[02:14] <Twilt> I just wanted to try a taste
[02:15] <pfischer> yeah but it was not virtual....so the solution was to disable apci in the BIOS
[02:15] <Twilt> If I liked it I was gonna install Ubuntu 8.04 when it's ready using Wubi
[02:15] <pfischer> what virtua.l sevrer are u runnig it on?
[02:15] <Twilt> I like Wubi lol
[02:15] <pfischer> vmware server?
[02:15] <Twilt> Microsoft Virtual PC 2007
[02:16] <Twilt> Whatever
[02:16] <pfischer> ahhh your brave!! installing Linux on an MS virtual server??
[02:16] <Twilt> It's not a real big deal
[02:16] <pfischer> i bet they break it on purpose haha
[02:16] <Twilt> LOL
[02:16] <Twilt> Stupid microsoft
[02:16] <pfischer> haha
[02:16] <Twilt> Windows is actually pretty sucky
[02:16] <Twilt> I just use it because That's the OS most apps are for
[02:17] <pfischer> i have got both ubuntu and xbuntu working with vmware server
[02:17] <Twilt> That's why I'm gonna make a dual-boot once I get Wubi
[02:17] <pfischer> yeah
[02:17] <pfischer> ah ok
[02:17] <pfischer> vmware server runs on windows too
[02:17] <Twilt> I suppose I could try VMWare
[02:17] <Twilt> Probably better
[02:17] <pfischer> it is
[02:17] <Twilt> supports other OSes than Windows
[02:18] <Twilt> by VPC
[02:18] <pfischer> yup...linux, bsd, solaris
[02:18] <Twilt> Sweet
[02:18] <pfischer> and its free too!
[02:18] <Twilt> I've only really heard or linux
[02:19] <Twilt> I should lookj at those other two
[02:25] <Bradley> Hello everyone
[02:25] <Bradley> Can anyone help me with a problem I'm having with Xubuntu?
[02:26] <Who__> Bradley - perhaps - what kind of problem :)?
[02:27] <Bradley> Well, I just put in the installation CD
[02:27] <Bradley> and I selected install
[02:27] <Bradley> but it seems that the OS isn't installing
[02:27] <Who__> what _is_ happening?
[02:27] <Bradley> My screen is showing a bunch of horizontal lines
[02:27] <Bradley> on a blue background
[02:28] <Who__> hmmm. What spec is your machine?
[02:28] <Bradley> 1.66 mhz intel processor
[02:28] <Bradley> 512 ram
[02:29] <Bradley> It's an old machine
[02:29] <Who__> is that 166Mhz or 1.6 Ghz
[02:29] <Bradley> But I'
[02:29] <Who__> Ahh, the 512mb ram ansers that :)
[02:29] <Bradley> 1.6 Ghz
[02:29] <Bradley> Sorry
[02:29] <Bradley> I need more memory?
[02:29] <Who__> There are a few options it seems: The Ubuntu installer CD has a 'safe graphics mode' which you could try (I think that is the terminology used...)
[02:30] <Bradley> Alright
[02:30] <Bradley> If that doesn't work, do you have any other suggestions?
[02:30] <Who_> Or failing that there is an 'alternate install CD' that doesn't have a graphical installer, but is still quite easy
[02:31] <Bradley> Okay
[02:31] <Bradley> I'll start downloading that now, just in case.
[02:31] <HelloHappyHacker> pfischer: You told me to download VMWARE Server right?
[02:31] <HelloHappyHacker> It's Twilt by the way
[02:31] <Who_> Bradley: In case you're worried about the spec being too low (you suggest it an old PC) - I have it running on a 300Mhz with 128mb ram and it copes fine
[02:31] <pfischer> yup
[02:32] <HelloHappyHacker> k good
[02:32] <HelloHappyHacker> I'm downloading it now
[02:32] <HelloHappyHacker> I hope it works
[02:32] <Bradley> It's not too old
[02:32] <Who_> pfscher, HelloHappyHacker: Why Server not Player? Isn't Player free and Server not?
[02:32] <HelloHappyHacker> server is free
[02:32] <Bradley> It's about 5 years old, and technology gets outdated fast.
[02:32] <pfischer> yup
[02:32] <HelloHappyHacker> you just have to register
[02:33] <Who_> Bradley: Yea, it should be fine.... Have you tried the saf grahics mode?
[02:33] <Bradley> That's what I just put it in
[02:33] <Who_> HelloHappyHacker: cool. Not available for OS X :(
[02:33] <HelloHappyHacker> ...
[02:33] <HelloHappyHacker> I have windows though
[02:33] <Who_> HelloHappyHacker: not me ;)
[02:33] <HelloHappyHacker> yay...for once
[02:33] <Bradley> Alright
[02:33] <pfischer> yeah you do.......they need to send u serial number
[02:33] <Bradley> Seems to be working
[02:34] <Bradley> I'll check back here if I have any problems
[02:34] <Who_> Bradley: Cool. Enjoy :)
[02:34] <Bradley> Thank you very much
[02:34] <HelloHappyHacker> That's the only thing worth getting wwindows for, Programs, programs, programs!
[02:34] <HelloHappyHacker> You can use bootcamp to run Windows on OSX
[02:34] <HelloHappyHacker> if you have an intel
[02:34] <Who_> HelloHappyHacker: But now you're so experienced with VMWare you can run Ubuntu all the time and run the few windows programs in a Vm - yay :P
[02:35] <HelloHappyHacker> lol
[02:35] <Who_> HelloHappyHacker: VirtualBox works great for me, so I don't need VMWare server :)
[02:35] <HelloHappyHacker> I never really thought about it that way
[02:35] <HelloHappyHacker> Instead of running linux in Windows, I could run windows in linux
[02:36] <HelloHappyHacker> but then I might looase some of my files
[02:36] <HelloHappyHacker> whatever.
[02:36] <HelloHappyHacker> Once Ubuntu 8 is out I'm gonna make a dual-boot system using Wubi
[02:36] <Who_> HelloHappyHacker: you could certainly keep all your files, but like you said earlier - seeing if you like Ubuntu by using a VM is a good idea first
[02:36] <HelloHappyHacker> That's the plan
[02:36] <Who_> HelloHappyHacker: Yea, Wubi is great - I used that last night too :)
[02:37] <HelloHappyHacker> Sweet
[02:37] <HelloHappyHacker> I'm just gonna get it when it and Ubuntu are out of beta (stable public release)
[02:37] <pfischer> wubi?? what is that?
[02:37] <HelloHappyHacker> Specail Ubuntu Installer
[02:37] <HelloHappyHacker> Google it
[02:38] <pfischer> ah ok
[02:38] <HelloHappyHacker> WUBI@
[02:38] <keb> !wubi
[02:38] <ubotu> wubi advice here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234 and http://wubi.org [file wubi bugs here: https://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug ] (it will be included in hardy 8.04 currently in beta)
[02:38] <Who_> pfischer: it lets you install Ubuntu from _within windows_
[02:38] <keb> hmm
[02:38] <pfischer> ah ok...thats why i have never used it....
[02:38] <HelloHappyHacker> probably
[02:38] <pfischer> destoryed my windows builds a long time ago haha
[02:38] <HelloHappyHacker> I think it's the best option for me
[02:38] <HelloHappyHacker> lol
[02:38] <HelloHappyHacker> I want a dual boot
[02:38] <pfischer> yup what ever works for ya
[02:39] <Bradley> Yeah
[02:39] <Bradley> I just installed ubuntu as a dual boot
[02:39] <Who_> pfischer: It's great for Xubuntuising old laptops that had Windows preinstalled and no CDROM :)
[02:39] <HelloHappyHacker> besides, all of my other family uses XP on this computer and they would be pissed if something changed that
[02:39] <Who_> Bradley: Already!?
[02:39] <HelloHappyHacker> DUAL-BOOT!
[02:39] <Bradley> Whenever I'm doing anything that doesn't require Windows specific programs, I use it
[02:39] <HelloHappyHacker> yay
[02:39] <Bradley> I had it before
[02:40] <Bradley> I've just never used xubuntu
[02:40] <HelloHappyHacker> I heard it's supposed to be very good
[02:40] <pfischer> right....that is what i am running on this ibm t22.....xubuntu.
[02:40] <HelloHappyHacker> Ubuntu that is
[02:40] <HelloHappyHacker> best linux out ther
[02:40] <keb> depends on your purposes
[02:40] <pfischer> it is the most user friendly for sure
[02:40] <HelloHappyHacker> true
[02:40] <HelloHappyHacker> That's what I want
[02:41] <HelloHappyHacker> I also heard it's faster than XP
[02:41] <HelloHappyHacker> is that true?
[02:41] <Who_> Ubuntu is not nearly so good for older hardware as Xubuntu.
[02:41] <pfischer> yup xubuntu on old hw is great
[02:41] <HelloHappyHacker> Well Xubuntu is MADE for older hardware/low RAM situation
[02:41] <Who_> HelloHappyHacker: From my person benchmarking: Xubuntu is quicker than XP for most things...
[02:41] <Bradley> Oh for sure
[02:41] <HelloHappyHacker> Sweet
[02:41] <pfischer> gnome and kde are a bit heavy
[02:41] <Bradley> It
[02:41] <HelloHappyHacker> What about Ubuntu
[02:41] <HelloHappyHacker> :?
[02:42] <Bradley> It's not full of all the bloatware you get with Windows
[02:42] <keb> i got fluxbuntu working on a 600MHz 64MB hp desktop. maybe i'll try xubuntu on it
[02:42] <HelloHappyHacker> That's good news
[02:42] <HelloHappyHacker> ...i guess
[02:42] <pfischer> i personally find most linux distros faster that xp....
[02:42] <Who_> And I can also have semitransparent windows, nice drop shadows on windows, etc on a PII300Mhz with 2Mb Video ram - I actually don't understand how!?
[02:42] <HelloHappyHacker> LOL
[02:42] <Who_> (and 128mbRam)
[02:42] <Bradley> Haha
[02:42] <pfischer> plus you can configure them all to your liking
[02:43] <HelloHappyHacker> That's the great thing about linux
[02:43] <HelloHappyHacker> I heard they're actually working on linux for wii
[02:43] <HelloHappyHacker> lol that'll be great
[02:43] <Bradley> I'm installing Xubuntu on an old PC of mine to use it as a FTP file server
[02:43] <Who_> Though sometimes the configurability is bad - like... if you have work to do... ;)
[02:43] <pfischer> you can put ubnutu on a ps3
[02:43] <HelloHappyHacker> ahh
[02:43] <pfischer> haha
[02:43] <pfischer> my next project
[02:44] <HelloHappyHacker> Awsome
[02:44] <HelloHappyHacker> but i don't have ps3
[02:44] <HelloHappyHacker> :(
[02:44] <Who_> You can put Linux on lots and lots of stuff
[02:44] <pfischer> yup
[02:44] <pfischer> ipods!!
[02:44] <HelloHappyHacker> If I do work I'll probably just wind up Using MS office
[02:44] <Who_> Phones, Xboxes,
[02:44] <Bradley> I would put it on my ipod, but Rockbox is far better
[02:44] <pfischer> haha
[02:44] <HelloHappyHacker> even though it's really slow it gets the job done
[02:44] <Who_> Bradley: Was it easy to install?
[02:44] <Bradley> It's still going
[02:44] <Who_> (Rockbox, that is)
[02:44] <Bradley> Oh
[02:44] <Bradley> Yeah
[02:44] <HelloHappyHacker> They have linux for everything
[02:45] <HelloHappyHacker> ...almost
[02:45] <Bradley> It's great. Easy to configure, and simple to customize
[02:45] <ouellettesr> hello, im having a bit of trouble installing xubuntu in text mode, it gets all the way to "Installing the kernel - retrieving and installing linux-generic...." and then stays there
[02:45] <HelloHappyHacker> I wish I could get it on MY iPod. But I have a new one with stupid encrypted frimware
[02:45] <Bradley> I put it on my 1st gen nano.
[02:45] <Who_> Bradley: and the one thing that worries me: I always see screenshots with ugly fonts - can you have nice smooth fonts like on Apple's software (yes, I am a design geek :P)
[02:45] <HelloHappyHacker> I have a 3g nano
[02:46] <Bradley> Oh, you can import a number of different fonts
[02:46] <Bradley> and games too, I believe.
[02:46] <HelloHappyHacker> Stupid apple. encrypting theyre ipod firmware
[02:46] <Bradley> Check out their website.
[02:46] <Who_> Bradley: But do any of them look *nice*?
[02:46] <HelloHappyHacker> I dislike them for that
[02:46] <HelloHappyHacker> But apple does have a nice interface. I have to give them that
[02:46] <Who_> ouellettesr: Have you verified your CD?
[02:46] <Bradley> I haven't tried them all out. But I'm sure there are some that are nice because Rockbox has a pretty sizeable user base and it's all open source, I believe.
[02:47] <HelloHappyHacker> OMG VMWare is taking forever to download
[02:47] <pfischer> yeah luv osx.....i run it on my amd desktop
[02:47] <HelloHappyHacker> still at 33%
[02:47] <pfischer> hackintosh
[02:47] <ouellettesr> Who_, , no ill do that now
[02:47] <pfischer> use to run gentoo on it
[02:47] <HelloHappyHacker> gentoo?
[02:47] <pfischer> it is a linux distro
[02:47] <HelloHappyHacker> oh
[02:47] <Who_> ouellettesr: good luck - I hope it is that, because that is simple to fix :)
[02:47] <HelloHappyHacker> lol
[02:48] <ouellettesr> :D
[02:48] <HelloHappyHacker> :D
[02:48] <pfischer> =oP
[02:48] <HelloHappyHacker> my new friends...to some degree
[02:48] <HelloHappyHacker> :P
[02:49] <HelloHappyHacker> Is Wubi gonna come bundled with Ubuntu 8.04?
[02:49] <Who_> HelloHappyHacker: Don't know, but it is a 100k download or something :)
[02:49] <HelloHappyHacker> I see
[02:50] <pfischer> i always just use the live cd when installing
[02:50] <HelloHappyHacker> Well it's an OS. What do you expect?
[02:50] <HelloHappyHacker> I gotta go now.
[02:50] <pfischer> latr
[02:50] <HelloHappyHacker> I'll talk to you guys later
[02:50] <pfischer> cya
[02:50] <HelloHappyHacker> Either as Twilt or HelloHappyHacker
[02:50] <Who_> HelloHappyHacker: Good luck with your virtual machine. Remember that VirtualBox is free and works well too if you don't succeed
[02:50] <HelloHappyHacker> I have two identiees
[02:50] <HelloHappyHacker> shh
[02:50] <HelloHappyHacker> k
[02:51] <keb> Who_ : does Wine work in an Xubuntu inside VirtualBox? :P
[02:52] <Who_> keb: hmmmm. I haven't tested it and can't right now as I don't have my USB disk that the VB image is on
[02:52] <Who_> keb: would be interesting to know! though not so handy, methinks :P
[02:53] <keb> hehe
[02:53] <Who_> Unless you _had_ to run Windows apps on Os X on an Intel Mac with out paying for Windows...
[02:53] <Who_> but I think DarWine still exists to fill that hole...
[02:55] <Bradley> What exactly /is/ VirtualBox?
[02:56] <Who_> Which browsers are people using with Xubuntu? Firefox is a little heavy for one of my systems....
[02:57] <Bradley> FireFox 3 has the lowest memory use of any mainstream browser if that's what you're referring to as heavy.
[02:58] <keb> isnt w3m lower
[02:59] <Bradley> I'm sure it is. But w3m isn't exactly mainstream.
[03:00] <keb> low memory use isnt mainstream ;)
[03:00] <Bradley> Haha, true.
[03:02] <ouellettesr> i ran the test on the cd and it says its valid, not sure where to go now
[03:05] <inazad> hi there
[03:05] <inazad> how to upgrade without downloading the install cd ?
[03:08] <ouellettesr> edit you /etc/apt/sources.list file and change all instances of fiesty to gutsy
[03:09] <ouellettesr> inazad, that is if you are usinf fiesty right now
[03:09] <inazad> euh
[03:09] <inazad> i'm using 7.10
[03:09] <inazad> i want 8.04 beta
[03:11] <keb> this should work http://www.ubuntugeek.com/upgrade-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-to-ubuntu-804-lts-hardy-heron-beta.html
[03:11] <inazad> thx
[03:11] <Who___> grr. Didn't mean to ask a Q and then leave - got disconnected. Did anyone answer the browser question?
[03:12] <inazad> browser question ?
[03:12] <Who___> I asked which lightweight browsers people were using. Firefox is a little too heavy here
[03:13] <inazad> hmm use Opera
[03:13] <ouellettesr> <Bradley> FireFox 3 has the lowest memory use of any mainstream browser if that's what you're referring to as heavy.
[03:13] <ouellettesr> <keb> isnt w3m lower
[03:13] <ouellettesr> <Bradley> I'm sure it is. But w3m isn't exactly mainstream.
[03:13] <ouellettesr> <keb> low memory use isnt mainstream ;)
[03:13] <ouellettesr> <Bradley> Haha, true.
[03:14] <inazad> ouellettesr, i'm on xubuntu.. its will works ?
[03:14] <keb> Who___ here is a list of browsers for a light xubuntu install http://www.abload.de/img/ubuntu-light-menu2zuu.png
[03:14] <Who___> It is slow to start and UI is not very responsive
[03:14] <Who___> thanks keb
[03:14] <ouellettesr> inazad, im not sure i havent used hard yet
[03:15] <keb> taken from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4661346
[03:17] <Who___> I'm just profiling gtk themes (with gtkperf) there's quite a bit of variation. I guess that it is very minimal in real life context though.
[03:57] <n-iCe> hi
[03:57] <n-iCe> how can I play windows games on xubuntu?
[04:01] <keb> Who___ don't thank me thanks Stroganoff
[04:01] <n-iCe> am I lag?
[04:01] <n-iCe> how can I play windows games on xubuntu?
[04:01] <Stroganoff> yep
[04:01] <Stroganoff> use wine or cedega
[04:02] <n-iCe> are free?
[04:02] <Stroganoff> see http://appdb.winehq.org/ for compatibility
[04:02] <Stroganoff> wine is free
[04:04] <Who___> Bradley: Did it work?
[04:11] <n-iCe> anyone alive????
[04:11] <Bradley> I'm alive
[04:11] <Bradley> you can use wine
[04:12] <Who___> yea, I'm alive too :)
[04:12] <n-iCe> But I have a new question
[04:12] <n-iCe> I am trying to login to my xubuntu account it says that user or pass are incorrect!
[04:12] <n-iCe> Where can I see them?
[04:12] <n-iCe> Or what can I do?
[04:14] <rondorland> ummmm
[04:14] <n-iCe> And I just installed it
[04:14] <n-iCe> I am sure my login is correct
[04:14] <n-iCe> do I need to re-intall?
[04:21] <Stroganoff> no
[04:21] <Who___> n-iCe: Are you aware that capitalisation matters on Linux?
[04:21] <keb> i think there is some lag here
[04:21] <Stroganoff> nope
[04:22] <Stroganoff> just kidding ^^
[04:22] <Who___> Stroganoff: But looking at n-iCe's user name I wouldn't be surprised if that was the problem :P
[04:23] <Stroganoff> definately something pebcak
[04:24] <Who___> lol, indeed
[04:25] <Who___> woo. Opera is speedy fun
[04:26] <Stroganoff> yeah
[04:26] <Stroganoff> but only nightly works with current flash
[04:26] <Who___> 300mhz is not really enough to work with flash anyway :(
[04:27] <Stroganoff> yep
[04:27] <Stroganoff> http://www.fanboy.co.nz/adblock/opera/
[04:27] <Who___> shiny
[04:28] <keb> gnash or flash?
[04:28] <Who___> That was a kinda eerie mind-read situation. I had just gone to Digg and thought. Geez - what's really slowing this down is the ADS :P
[04:29] <Stroganoff> adblock is vital for light weight browsing ^^
[04:29] <Who___> yea, something I'd not considered until now...
[04:32] <keb> it would be nice if there was some way to turn off all but essential images
[04:33] <Who___> Know what Opera's business model is these days?
[04:33] <keb> isnt it still adware
[04:33] <Who___> "essential" is surely rather subjective?
[04:34] <keb> objectively speaking: images not required for function of pages e.g. form buttons
[04:34] <Stroganoff> i could imagine nice ways to implement that feature
[04:35] <keb> and then if people followed W3C standards the alt= attribute would let you decide to click and see content images
[04:35] <Stroganoff> i.e. show only images of certain size per default. placeholders and hotkey+rubberband selection for unveiling the others
[04:36] <Who___> keb: the alt one works nicely - makes much sense
[04:36] <Stroganoff> keb: opera isn't adware since over a year now
[04:36] <keb> cool
[04:37] <Stroganoff> you can view the source code, too (after registration)
[04:37] <Stroganoff> to some extent at least, dunno.
[04:37] <keb> so they still don't value freedom ;)
[04:37] <Stroganoff> nope
[04:38] <Stroganoff> i hope firefox3 gets a lot faster
[04:38] <Stroganoff> and kazehakase a lot smaller und more usable
[04:38] <Stroganoff> and for flash
[04:38] <Stroganoff> sigh
[04:38] <Who___> Stroganoff: I was really quite surprised I could use it at all, actually - they've clearly made progress
[04:38] <keb> i found firefox2 pretty snappy on fluxbox
[04:38] <Stroganoff> firefox3 is a lot more snappy.
[04:38] <Stroganoff> on *
[04:39] <Stroganoff> keb, btw i'm talking about low memory environments
[04:40] <keb> excellent, that is real progress!
[04:40] <Who___> even on my MacBook with 2GB it is faster :)
[04:40] <Who___> yuk. I hate phrase like 'MacBook with 2GB' - sounds like the concept of 'RAM' confuses me :P Apologies
[04:42] <Who___> right. Bed for me. Night
[04:42] <keb> night
[05:04] <gaurdro> has anyone tried hardy yet?
[05:27] <torroella> anyone online?
[05:28] <zoredache> ask your question
[05:28] <zoredache> !night
[05:28] <ubotu> It's the middle of the night in the US and Europe, and surrounds. This means that a lot of people are likely asleep, therefore there are less potential people who can answer your question. Please be patient, and consider asking at a time when more people will be awake. This is particularly true in the quieter channels.
=== torroella is now known as deope
[05:28] <deope> hehe
[05:28] <deope> I see
[05:28] <deope> how are you?
[05:29] <deope> wondering, how can I know my xubuntu version
[05:29] <zoredache> use the command 'lsb_release -a' in a terminal
[05:30] <gaurdro> since people are now awake, anyone tried the hardy beta release?
[05:30] <deope> I have not I don't even know my version
[05:30] <zoredache> I ran through the install several times gaurdro.. I didn't spend much time actually using it though
[05:31] <deope> I just got the xubuntu version is my first time running it
[05:31] <gaurdro> okay thanks,
[05:31] <deope> Description: Ubuntu 6.10
[05:31] <deope> lol ? why does it says Ubuntu and not xubuntu?
[05:32] <deope> is that normal?
[05:32] <zoredache> because xubuntu is ubuntu just with a different default selection of packages
[05:32] <deope> ooh
[05:32] <deope> it is lighter I guess, right?
[05:33] <zoredache> that depends on who you ask... It is somewhat though
[05:33] <zoredache> xubuntu uses xfce, the base ubuntu uses gnome
[05:33] <deope> im loving it
[05:33] <deope> hopefully my flight simulator works in here
[05:33] <deope> wine is the emulator package right?
[05:34] <gaurdro> yea, I'd also look up wine tools, it's a add-on that makes it much easier to get wine working correctly.
[05:34] <zoredache> don't let any wine fan-boy hear you call it an emulator
[05:34] <zoredache> the name is an acrynome for Wine Is Not an Emulator
[05:35] <deope> oh I learned something new today.
[05:35] <zoredache> but yes, it may allow you to run some windows apps...
[05:35] <deope> with wine tools you mean, apt-get install wine tools ?
[05:35] <zoredache> I don't know much about it... I refuse to use it in principle
[05:36] <gaurdro> I mean go here: http://www.von-thadden.de/Joachim/WineTools/
[05:36] <deope> so do I, if we use linux why do we want to "emulate" some windows programs, but I just want to play my game :p
[05:37] <gaurdro> For me I use it for a program I need for research that was written for the windows API.
[05:37] <deope> thanks for the link I will read right now, where are you from by the way?
[05:37] <gaurdro> Michigan, USA
[05:37] <deope> gaurdro: oh , how is it? works fine?
[05:37] <deope> and you zoredache where are you from?
[05:38] <gaurdro> that program runs better than under windows, but that's because the programmer only used the windows api and all the graphics and software engines were written from scratch.
[05:38] <deope> look what I just found: http://www.von-thadden.de/Joachim/WineTools/wt0.9jo.html , is like the allowed programs database
[05:38] <deope> on the winetools
[05:39] <deope> there are no games, won't be useful for my porpuse :<
[05:40] <deope> purpose*
[05:41] <gaurdro> those are a list of programs that they know work really well. wine tools is a jumpstarter that sets things up properly, and guides you through the install of some important windows files/programs that most other programs depend on.
[05:41] <deope> oh I just noticed that xubuntu didn't detect my sound card :o
[05:41] <gaurdro> so where are you from?
[05:42] <deope> MEXICO
[05:42] <deope> Mexico, sorry for caps
[05:42] <gaurdro> no worries.
[05:42] <deope> let me see if my souncd card really was not detected
[05:43] <deope> :| weird ubuntu does detect it
[05:43] <gaurdro> what made you think that it wasn't detected?
[05:44] <deope> The cpu does the sounds instead the speakers
[05:45] <gaurdro> ?
[05:45] <deope> I downloaded the install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz to my desktop
[05:45] <deope> how do I install that, lol
[05:45] <gaurdro> I think there's a package for that that works better.
[05:45] <gaurdro> have you added the medibuntu repositories?
[05:46] <gaurdro> http://www.medibuntu.org/
[05:47] <deope> No I haven't
[05:48] <gaurdro> I would look into it, there's a bunch of software in there that they can't include in the base release due to licensing restrictions but is valueable to most users. I think that's where the flash player packages is.
[05:48] <deope> NOTE: Please ask your administrator to remove the xpti.dat from the components directory of the Mozilla or Netscape browser.
[05:49] <deope> My first xubuntu error :D
[05:49] <gaurdro> and that's not really an error. I successfully ignored it with no reprocussions.
[05:50] <deope> The Adobe Flash Player installation is complete.
[05:50] <redwhitewaldo> who here is on 8.04xubuntu?
[05:50] <redwhitewaldo> for those on xubuntu8.04, does your screensaver go on?
[05:51] <deope> done gaurdro :D
[05:51] <deope> and my soundcard is working perfectly
[05:51] <gaurdro> awesome
[05:52] <deope> I am agree hehe, now let's install java
[05:52] <deope> damn I can't scroll up with irssi
[05:52] <cromag> pgup
[05:52] <deope> hehe that's right
[05:53] <deope> what's the best IRC package for you guys?
[05:53] <deope> is package the correct word? should I instead software?
[05:53] <cromag> client
[05:53] <cromag> i would say
[05:53] <deope> client! thats it, thanks
[05:54] <cromag> and for me it is irssi.
[05:54] <cromag> for others it may be xchast or bitchX
[05:54] <cromag> xchat*
[05:54] <deope> I liked mIRC a lot =p i won't lie
[05:54] <cromag> its also pretty easy to set up stuff in mIRC.
[05:54] <cromag> and easy scripting
[05:55] <deope> yeah I used to be a mIRC scripter
[05:55] <deope> yeah
[05:55] <deope> now I am learning php
[05:55] <deope> and well all the unix stuff I guess
[05:55] <gaurdro> I use xchat
[05:55] <deope> gaurdro: I saw some screenshoots I could say the most similar mIRC appearence?
[05:55] <cromag> i think many clients runs perl scripts.
[05:56] <deope> gaurdro: by the way I added the medibuntu repositories
[05:56] <gaurdro> yea, I'd also take a look at uberscript, it's an add-on to xchat
[05:57] <deope> anyone knows the java package, or should I google it?
[05:58] <gaurdro> sudo apt-get install java ?? I'm not sure but it's a logical start
[05:59] <deope> sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts
[05:59] <deope> I guess
[06:00] <deope> where are the sources.list located?
[06:00] <gaurdro> that should do it.
[06:00] <gaurdro> /etc/apt it's normally easier to configure them using synaptic.
[06:01] <deope> I did it I think
[06:02] <deope> the only two commented are:
[06:02] <deope> # deb http://mx.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-backports main restricted unive$
[06:02] <deope> # deb-src http://mx.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-backports main restricted u$
[06:02] <deope> should I uncommented them?
[06:03] <gaurdro> i've had no trouble with backports but it is unsupported and can break things
[06:04] <ouellettesr> hello, i just installed xubuntu and its not working with either the onboard nic or pci nic
[06:04] <deope> How can I select all the text in there?
[06:04] <deope> to show it to you
[06:04] <ouellettesr> deope are you using vi?
[06:05] <deope> uhm I could, instead nano
[06:06] <gaurdro> I'm sorry but it's 1am here and I need to go to bed. I hope I helped and best of luck with xubuntu.
[06:06] <ouellettesr> vi is probably more complicated then nano
=== gaurdro is now known as gaurdro|away
[06:07] <deope> you did
[06:07] <deope> good night!
[06:07] <deope> ouellettesr: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list , did the job :D
=== gaurdro|away is now known as gaurdro
[06:07] <ouellettesr> deope are you using command line only?
[06:07] <ouellettesr> ok good
[06:08] <deope> Are you good at sources.list ?
[06:08] <ouellettesr> somewhat, whats the problem
[06:08] <deope> I would like you to check mine
[06:08] <deope> to see if all is ok
[06:09] <ouellettesr> ok pastebin it
[06:11] <deope> I pasted in ubuntu
[06:11] <deope> :p
[06:11] <deope> by the way how do I open a new server tab on irssi?
[06:12] <ouellettesr> i dont know about irssi
[06:18] <redwhitewaldo> how come firefox doesn't know what the default file-opener for various files is?
[06:18] <redwhitewaldo> is this a bug?
[06:18] <redwhitewaldo> (am using fx3 beta 5) on xubuntu 8.04 beta
[06:20] <redwhitewaldo> which codec package should i download gstream extra plugins? or gstreamer ffmpeg video plugin? (for mp3)
[06:20] <deope> is there any way to change the top bar color??
[06:25] <redwhitewaldo> deope: believe so
[06:25] <deope> how
[06:30] <redwhitewaldo> deope: i thought it was possible, but can't find an option in settings manager.
[06:30] <redwhitewaldo> sorry
[06:31] <deope> np
[06:31] <redwhitewaldo> deope: you don't like grey?
[06:31] <deope> no haha
[06:31] <deope> I want it kinda invisble
[06:32] <deope> just the icons
[06:59] <ouellettesr> why does xubuntu have an ubuntu orange background when it loads up?
[07:01] <redwhitewaldo> ouellettesr: it does?
[07:02] <ouellettesr> yeah i just installed it from the alternate cd,, and i havent even hooked it up to the net yet
[07:03] <ouellettesr> its only orange for a munite till the desktop loads then it goes blue
[07:04] <redwhitewaldo> guys, i am on xubuntu and i installed ubuntu-restricted-extras. I've just realized there is a xubuntu-restricted-extras. how do i remove ubuntu-restricted-extras?
[07:04] <redwhitewaldo> ouellettesr: i see that too
[07:05] <redwhitewaldo> mine's orange for a second
[07:05] <ouellettesr> i have a really old compaq thats probably why it stays so long
[07:05] <ouellettesr> its running an old amd k6
[07:07] <ouellettesr> redwhitewaldo, just do sudo apt-get remove <package>
[07:08] <redwhitewaldo> ouellettesr: that only removes 38 kb. installing it put it 20 megs.
[07:08] <ouellettesr> try sudo apt-get autoremove
[07:08] <ouellettesr> just like that
[07:08] <redwhitewaldo> will that work?
[07:08] <ouellettesr> without the try :)
[07:08] <redwhitewaldo> or is that just a guess
[07:09] <redwhitewaldo> ?
[07:09] <ouellettesr> it will remove any unneeded programs that arent being used anymore
[07:09] <ouellettesr> it wont hurt
[07:10] <redwhitewaldo> ouellettesr: u do know that ubuntu-restricted-extras what they call a "meta" package, right?
[07:10] <ouellettesr> that doesnt matter for autoremove
[07:11] <ouellettesr> it wont remove anything thats apart of your system
[07:11] <redwhitewaldo> ouellettesr: it didn't remove all the codecs
[07:11] <redwhitewaldo> it removed NOTHING of the codes
[07:11] <redwhitewaldo> codecs
[07:12] <ouellettesr> you can try apt-get purge <package>
[07:13] <redwhitewaldo> ouellettesr: i've already removed that meta package, so your latest "try" advice doesn't work.
[07:13] <redwhitewaldo> 8-(
[07:13] <ouellettesr> ahh
[07:14] <ouellettesr> one sec
[07:14] <redwhitewaldo> what's the diff anyway between ubuntu-restricted-codecs and ubuntu-restricted-codecs
[07:14] <redwhitewaldo> and xubuntu-restricted-codecs?
[07:15] <ouellettesr> are you runnung gutsy?
[07:15] <redwhitewaldo> ouellettesr: no. hardy
[07:15] <ouellettesr> one sec
[07:18] <ouellettesr> redwhitewaldo, here is the package website from packages.ubuntu.org, just remove all those packages manually with apt-get remove
[07:18] <ouellettesr> http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/ubuntu-restricted-extras
[07:18] <redwhitewaldo> ouellettesr: that link only has about a dozen packages. but terminal says "39 packages" insalled
[07:19] <ouellettesr> then there ar dependencies of those packages
[07:19] <ouellettesr> :(
[07:20] <ouellettesr> i would think that if you remove those specific packages, then the others will not be needed anymore, and it will tell you to run apt-get autoremove to get rid of them, if it doesnt say that, then i would assume that they are bing used by xubuntu-restricted-extras
[07:22] <ouellettesr> redwhitewaldo, you get that?
[07:22] <redwhitewaldo> i see.
[07:22] <redwhitewaldo> thanks
[07:22] <redwhitewaldo> will try
[07:22] <ouellettesr> yup
[07:23] <ouellettesr> redwhitewaldo, you can do more than one at a time as well like apt-get remove bla bla bla bla
[07:52] <Sheff> can I order an Xubuntu CD?
[08:34] <n-iCe> hello anyone alive??
[08:35] <n-iCe> what's xubuntu? linux-x86 linux_x86_64 , linux-powerpc, linux-sparc or what?
[08:38] <totalwormage> those are all different versions for different architectures
[08:38] <totalwormage> if you don't know which to choose you probable should have linux-x86 :]
[08:39] <n-iCe> emachines intel inside pentium 4 , totalwormage
[08:39] <n-iCe> is my pc
[08:39] <totalwormage> then -x86 for you :]
[08:39] <n-iCe> thanks!
[08:39] <totalwormage> no problem ;]
[08:39] <n-iCe> is there any way to change the top bar color?
[08:40] <totalwormage> i think you can choose a color or a background image for the panel by rightclicking it
[08:40] * totalwormage not in xfce now and haven't been for a while :P
[08:41] <n-iCe> i cantr :º
[08:42] <totalwormage> then rightclick the desktop and go to the settingsmanager, i guess there's a link to the configuration of the panel there
[09:24] <arualavi> clear
[09:24] <arualavi> ops, lol
[10:43] <h0ax> I installed xubuntu last night on my PPC ... and i booted it up this morning and it gets to the stage were the logo appears and the little progress bar comes on ... it moves a tiny bit then doesn't move at all ... any ideas ?
[10:48] <PsynoKhi0> heya
[10:49] <h0ax> hi
[10:55] <PsynoKhi0> when I turn on my laptop (Gutsy) without the network cable plugged in, how do I get my connection to get an IP address once on the desktop?
[10:56] <PsynoKhi0> I've tried dhclient, /etc/init.d/networking restart, ifconfig...
[10:56] <PsynoKhi0> I just can't get any IP from the dhcp server
[10:57] <PsynoKhi0> the wired connection is set on roaming mode
[10:58] <PsynoKhi0> tried manual config with dhcp (without filling the remaining fields) but same result
[11:04] <Iskr> weird
[11:05] <Iskr> to me, when i connect the cable the network applet automatically contacts the dhcp server
[11:05] <Iskr> but tell me
[11:05] <Iskr> when you first plug the cable and then start the desktop
[11:05] <PsynoKhi0> Iskr: that does that on my other, desktop, Xubuntu rig
[11:06] <Iskr> does in this case (first plug then start) the connection work?
[11:06] <PsynoKhi0> Iskr: yes, using it right now
[11:06] <Iskr> weird
[11:07] <Iskr> what if you kill and then restart the connection applet? =D
[11:07] <PsynoKhi0> hmm I'll try that
[11:08] <PsynoKhi0> btw the NIC on the laptop has to be forced in 10Mbps half duplex to work, dunno if it comes into play
[11:09] <Iskr> neither i do
[11:10] <PsynoKhi0> heh
[11:18] <PsynoKhi0> err what's the connection applet called? gnome-keyring-dameon?
[11:18] <PsynoKhi0> daemon*
[11:19] <PsynoKhi0> nvm... nm-applet :)
[11:24] <h0ax> I installed xubuntu last night on my PPC ... and i booted it up this morning and it gets to the stage were the logo appears and the little progress bar comes on ... it moves a tiny bit then doesn't move at all ... any ideas ?
[11:27] <arualavi> h0ax: try to start it in recovery mode to see where it freezes. Maybe it helps.
[11:29] <h0ax> what the boot option for recovery ?
[11:29] <h0ax> just recovery ?
[11:29] <PsynoKhi0> press ESC at bot whne Grub loads
[11:30] <PsynoKhi0> or without typo: at boot when Grub loads
[13:47] <Adantan_Alex> hi
[13:49] <h0ax> how can i start xubuntu in recovery mode ... with PPC ?
[13:58] <PsynoKhi0> h0ax: press Esc while GRUB loads
[13:58] <h0ax> doesn't work
[13:58] <h0ax> it uses yaboot
[13:59] <maxamillion> h0ax: the powerpc port isn't officially supported anymore
[13:59] <h0ax> to 7.10 it is
[13:59] <h0ax> or there wouldn't be a minimal cd would there ;)
[14:00] <h0ax> seen as though 8.04 is in beta ... i'd of though 7.10 is the main version still
[14:00] <h0ax> so there should be support
[14:00] <maxamillion> h0ax: of course there would, we are community based and therefore we don't follow canonical/ubuntu
[14:01] <maxamillion> h0ax: we still make it, but its not officialy supported by the distro that we are based off of and that makes it a bit harder for us to support it as well (also, there are known issues with PowerMac G5's so if that's what you are using then you might want to look into trying out fedora)
[14:01] <h0ax> mhmm
[14:02] <h0ax> i like debain though =/
[14:02] <h0ax> i like xubuntu .. it's pre-configured
[14:02] <maxamillion> h0ax: i assume you are running on a powermac g5?
[14:02] <h0ax> G4
[14:03] <maxamillion> h0ax: i've found one person who was successful in getting ubuntu on a powermac g5 and he had to use fedora to do it
[14:03] <maxamillion> oh
[14:03] <maxamillion> g4 should "just work"
[14:03] <h0ax> it doesn't
[14:03] <maxamillion> h0ax: new world or oldworld?
[14:03] <h0ax> it gets to the xubuntu screen ... then the load bar moves a lil bit and stays
[14:03] <h0ax> new world
[14:04] <h0ax> i believe
[14:06] <h0ax> meh i want this to work. maybe i should try ubuntu ? instead of xubuntu ?
[14:09] <maxamillion> h0ax: it might be worth a shot
[14:09] <maxamillion> h0ax: but i would recommend running debian on a g4 ... its quite a bit faster
[14:09] <h0ax> yeah but i want to use flux
[14:09] <h0ax> gnome and KDE will lagg =/
[14:10] <h0ax> i used to have openSUSE installed. that lagged
[14:10] <h0ax> i want a simple desktop
[14:10] <h0ax> like flux
[14:12] <PsynoKhi0> h0ax: you can always get fluxbox from the rep and make it your standard WM at the logon screen
[14:12] <h0ax> i'm not too strong with linux though =/
[14:12] <h0ax> i want it on my mac .. because mac OSX sucks ass
[14:15] <h0ax> or maybe i could try an older version ?
[14:15] <h0ax> like 6.x ?
[14:17] <h0ax> just read about some guy installing dapper drake on his mac and it worked fine.
[14:17] <h0ax> gunna try that.
[14:17] <h0ax> and if it works. i'll stick around and help other PPC users. =)
[14:19] <TheSheep> you'd have to stick for quite a while to meet one
[14:19] <h0ax> i've seen alot of users around
[14:19] <TheSheep> but not ppc
[14:19] <h0ax> yeah PPC
[14:19] <TheSheep> here?
[14:19] <h0ax> not here.
[14:19] <TheSheep> ah
[14:19] <h0ax> but on other ubuntu communties
[14:19] <TheSheep> I think we gat about one ppc-related question a month or so
[14:19] <TheSheep> maybe less
[14:20] <TheSheep> s/gat/get
[14:20] <h0ax> i bet if you oppened a channel you'd get quite a few
[14:20] <TheSheep> of course usually we don't know the answer
[14:20] <TheSheep> oppened?
[14:20] <h0ax> opened
[14:20] <h0ax> typo
[14:20] <TheSheep> it is open
[14:20] <h0ax> were
[14:20] <TheSheep> what do you mean?
[14:20] <h0ax> like ... #xubuntu-
[14:20] <h0ax> like ... #xubuntu-PPC
[14:20] <h0ax> or something
[14:21] <TheSheep> what use would an empty channel be?
[14:21] <h0ax> it wouldn't be
[14:22] <TheSheep> therei s no #xubuntu-ppc so they come here now. and there is about one user per month. I'd rather have them here, with at least a slight chance of getting an answer, than in an empty channel
[14:22] <h0ax> i may open a PPC channel.not for xubuntu
[14:23] <TheSheep> I bet there is already #ppc
[14:24] <h0ax> i didn't say here. lol
[14:24] <TheSheep> well, I believe in contributing to existing projects
[14:25] <TheSheep> so that you join forces, instead of everyine doing tehir own thing
[14:25] <h0ax> mhmm debatable.
[14:25] <TheSheep> as all beliefs :)
[14:25] <h0ax> Yes =)
[14:25] <h0ax> going to try 6.06 drapper.. on the mac... may work.
[14:26] <h0ax> i know it's old.
[14:26] <h0ax> but.
[14:26] <h0ax> so's my mac ;)
[14:31] * h0ax hugs mac
=== march is now known as march_afk
[16:36] <Sargaroth> hi
[16:36] <Sargaroth> nobody around?
[16:37] <ere4si> I'm not nobody :)
[16:38] <Sargaroth> let's hope so :)
[16:38] <Sargaroth> I'm at 83% with the xubuntu 7.10
[16:38] <Sargaroth> going to try it out with my laptop
[16:39] <Sargaroth> thing is, i get the "kernel panic" with ubuntu
[16:39] <Sargaroth> can't install it
[16:40] <ere4si> is it the live cd or are you installing?
[16:40] <ere4si> k
[16:40] <Sargaroth> installing
[16:40] <ere4si> how much memory is there in the system?
[16:40] <Sargaroth> 256?
[16:40] <Sargaroth> it's an old one
[16:41] <ere4si> it should be enough - did you do the md5 check on the cd?
[16:42] <ere4si> !md5
[16:42] <ubotu> To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows
[16:43] <Sargaroth> i downloaded it from the official homepage
[16:44] <Sargaroth> i didn't know you were supposed to do a check
[16:44] <ere4si> and you need to check that the d/load and burn happened ok
[16:44] <Sargaroth> k
[16:44] <ere4si> there's an option on the cd boot screen
[16:45] <Sargaroth> yeah, trying it now
[16:45] <ere4si> :)
[16:47] <Sargaroth> everytime it loads the kernel, something called the Busybox appears
[16:47] <Sargaroth> and a command line with initramfs appears
[16:48] <ere4si> I get that when there is a memory issue - I can normally fix it by removing/reinserting the memory sticks
[16:49] <Sargaroth> i could do that on a stationary, but i don't know with a laptop
[16:50] <Sargaroth> btw, it says I hav 128 mb
[16:50] <ere4si> being old it might be the issue - or the memory could be on it's ay out - tried the memcheck option?
[16:50] <ere4si> 128 isn't enough for the live cd
[16:50] <Sargaroth> running it right now...
[16:51] <Sargaroth> i'm installing it
[16:51] <Sargaroth> not doing the live cd
[16:52] <ere4si> so you have the alternate cd?
[16:53] <Sargaroth> maybe i am running the live...
[16:53] <Sargaroth> the alternate was for dev's right?
[16:53] <ere4si> !alternate
[16:53] <ubotu> The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal
[16:54] <Sargaroth> sorry for the noob :D
[16:54] <Sargaroth> nah, i have the graphical menu in the beginning
[16:54] <ere4si> hehe
[16:54] <Sargaroth> so it's not enough simply :P
[16:55] <ere4si> it will run the os - just have troubles installing - try the alternate cd or the minimal one
[16:55] <ere4si> !minimal
[16:55] <ubotu> The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD
[16:55] <Sargaroth> the pain is i don't have internet access on the laptop
[16:56] <Sargaroth> the wireless is on service
[16:56] <ere4si> it will have to be the alternate cd then
[16:56] <Sargaroth> !alternate
[16:56] <ubotu> The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal
[16:56] <zoredache> my question is... why don't they put the minimal cd stuff onto the live disk, so if there is a failure someone could use that to installl
[16:56] <Sargaroth> so it contains all the packages, but you may choose...?
[16:58] <zoredache> Sargaroth: what 'it' are you refering to?
[16:58] <Sargaroth> anyway, having this crappy cpu, am I doomed to use DSL for all eternity?
[16:58] <Sargaroth> it = alternate cd
[16:59] <Sargaroth> what linuxes might i use?
[16:59] <zoredache> I believe the altcd has all the same packages as what you get on the livecd
[16:59] <ere4si> I use the server install and fluxbox on an oldr comp - 40mb mem use after boot
[16:59] <zoredache> !lowmem
[16:59] <ubotu> For installing on low memory systems, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements.
[17:00] <zoredache> maybe check out those pages for how to install on an older system
[17:01] <Sargaroth> yeah, I did
[17:02] <Sargaroth> but is the DSL the best choice i have?
[17:02] <ere4si> there's puppy
[17:02] <ere4si> you can ask in #puppylinux
[17:02] <Sargaroth> would you choose it over DSL?
[17:03] <ere4si> I prefer ubuntus' packaging - so I went with a server install and light desktop
[17:04] <ere4si> but puppy is quick
[17:28] <torroella> Hello all :D
[17:29] <zoredache> !hi
[17:29] <ubotu> Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!
[17:29] <torroella> thank you :p
[17:29] <torroella> question, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qddueXkD8E
[17:29] <torroella> what's that application called?
[17:29] <torroella> Indeed I installed xubuntu because of that
[17:29] <zoredache> is that a rick roll....
[17:29] <torroella> I really would like to install it :D
[17:29] <torroella> is compiz the name zoredache ?
[17:30] <zoredache> yes probably
[17:30] <torroella> wow
[17:30] <torroella> !compiz
[17:30] <ubotu> Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion
[17:31] <torroella> have you used it?
[17:32] <zoredache> nope, I don't have supported video cards...
[17:32] <zoredache> that and it all looks kinda silly to me
[17:34] <torroella> hi
[17:34] <zoredache> you already said that once
[17:34] <torroella> was /amsg sorry
[17:59] <torroella> how do I take a screen shoot with xubuntu???
[18:14] <oliver_g2> hello
[18:14] <maxamillion> hi
[18:14] <oliver_g2> is this the right channel also for questions about eeeXubuntu?
[18:15] <maxamillion> oliver_g2: no, i do not believe so
[18:15] <maxamillion> oliver_g2: i'm almost positive that distro is hosted elswhere
[18:15] <zoredache> some of your questions probably could be answered here if they are more general xfce/ubuntu stuff
[18:16] <oliver_g2> no, I specifically wanted to ask what exactly is the difference between xubuntu and eexubuntu :-)
[18:16] <zoredache> if you questions are very specific to the eeepc you probably should ask in a group for that
[18:16] <oliver_g2> and I couldn't find a more specific channel so far
[18:17] <maxamillion> oliver_g2: as far as i know, there aren't any *real* differences accept that the entire eeeXubuntu system was compiled to be optimized for the specific hardware configuration of the eeePC
[18:17] <zoredache> my random guess would be that it has different packages selected by default
[18:21] <torroella> how do I take a screen shoot with xubuntu???
[18:23] <zoredache> add the screen shooter plugin to a panel, then click the button
[18:23] <zoredache> right click on a panel and choose add new item
[18:23] <torroella> jojo thanks
[18:23] <torroella> by the way is there any way to change the bar color??
[18:24] <zoredache> probably, but I don't know how
[18:50] <redwhitewaldo> is there a way to import photos without installing a new app/program? Is there a way to import photos, say, via Thunar (file manager) or via Terminal?
[18:51] <zoredache> import from where?
[18:51] <redwhitewaldo> from digital camera
[18:52] <redwhitewaldo> sorry, i should have been clearer
[18:52] <zoredache> does your camera mount as a disk when you plug it in?
[18:52] <redwhitewaldo> no it doesn't
[18:52] <zoredache> honestly I find it far easier to simply buy a memory card reader
[18:52] <redwhitewaldo> zoredache: i'm thrifty/poor
[18:53] <redwhitewaldo> maybe i'll buy one in the future, but for now, how can i import via terminal (without having to install any more programs)?
[18:53] <zoredache> if it doesn't mount as a disk, then I doubt you can
[18:54] <redwhitewaldo> zoredache: well maybe i shoudl dbl check. how can i see if it is mounted as disk?
[18:54] <zoredache> but you should probably continue asking around. I tend to always just buy a device
[18:54] <zoredache> if it was mounted, you would see something left pane in thunar
[18:55] <redwhitewaldo> zoredache: ok. it's not mounting then.
[19:02] <torroella> zoredache, how do I install a network icon ?
[19:05] <redwhitewaldo> hi, folks. i'm using firefox (ver 3 beta 5) and clicked on a link that is "application/x-java-vm". Firefox is presenting me with 4 plugin choices. 1) GCJ Web Browser Plugin. 2)Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6. 3) The Java (TM) plug-in, Java SE 5.0. 4) The GCJ Web Browser Plugin (using IcedTea). How in the world should one choose? What should one choose? What are the differences between the 4?
=== danielm_ is now known as danielm
[19:53] <redwhitewaldo> how do i import photos from digital camera to comp via terminal?
[19:58] <PsynoKhi0> via terminal? dunno, but I use gThumb to fetch pics fom my digital cam
[19:59] <PsynoKhi0> it's in the repo
[20:01] <redwhitewaldo> PsynoKhi0: what's your comp specs?
[20:02] <PsynoKhi0> redwhitewaldo: mobile duron 1Ghz, 380ish RAM
[20:02] <redwhitewaldo> PsynoKhi0: your camera is not mountable? is it PTP only?
[20:03] <PsynoKhi0> well it didn't seem to be too cooperative so
[20:04] <PsynoKhi0> btw shouldn't cp /media/your_cam'
[20:04] <PsynoKhi0> oops
[20:05] <PsynoKhi0> btw shouldn't "cp /media/your_cam's_folder/pic*.jpg /home/user/blabla" work?
[20:05] <PsynoKhi0> in your case I mean
[20:36] <torroella> brb rebooting
[20:49] <redwhitewaldo> PsynoKhi0: i don't have the camera showing up in media folder
[21:04] <PsynoKhi0> redwhitewaldo: and with gThumb?
[21:46] <oliver_g3> hello (again)...
[21:47] <oliver_g3> can you tell me how much disk space I need for Xubuntu?
[21:47] <oliver_g3> (xubuntu 7.10, that is)
[21:47] <Stroganoff> somewhere between 2 and 3gb i suppose
[21:48] <oliver_g3> hm...
[21:48] <Stroganoff> oliver_g3 you could try my icebuntu scripts if your hardware is really old, takes no more than 2gb
[21:48] <oliver_g3> oh that's better :-)
[21:48] <oliver_g3> I have an SD card with 2GB...
[21:48] <capi> does anyone know of a way to change the Desktop folder to home or something?
[21:48] <TheSheep> oliver_g3: eee?
[21:48] <oliver_g3> yes :-D
[21:49] <Stroganoff> mmh installing on sd card
[21:49] <TheSheep> oliver_g3: I think there is an ubuntu flavor specially for that
[21:49] <Stroganoff> yep
[21:49] <TheSheep> capi: yes, but that's not recommended
[21:49] <oliver_g3> the default xubuntu installer seems to have quitted right during install - just found the traces in syslog :-/
[21:49] <Stroganoff> oliver_g3: http://ubuntu-eee.tuxfamily.org/
[21:49] <capi> TheSheep, how?
[21:49] <oliver_g3> actually, this was eeeXubuntu I tried...
[21:50] <Stroganoff> dont install default distros on a SD card, this dramatically reduces its lifetime
[21:50] <Stroganoff> temporary files etc. should be stored in a ramdisk
[21:50] <oliver_g3> hm
[21:51] <oliver_g3> the various pages about installing xubuntu etc. on eee say it's actually not that much of a problem
[21:51] <TheSheep> capi: http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/xdg-user-dirs
[21:51] <oliver_g3> apparently it's even ok to have swap on flash devices
[21:51] <Stroganoff> swap on flash devices???
[21:51] <Stroganoff> MY EYEZ
[21:52] <capi> TheSheep, I already tried modifying that and XFCE still used the Desktop folder
[21:52] <capi> it's as if they've hardcoded it in.
[21:52] <TheSheep> capi: I'm pretty sure they didn't, I had my desktop in home for some time, I can tell you it's a really bad idea
[21:53] <capi> I disagree, depends on how you manage home.
[21:53] <capi> anyway, I know it works on Gnome, but I've never gotten it to work with XFCE
[21:53] <TheSheep> capi: you don't relly have much choice, apps put their config files and directories in there automatically, and not all of them respect the .config directory
[21:54] <TheSheep> capi: I can't find the exact howto I fowllowed back then, it was 2 years ago
[21:54] <capi> I'll mess around a bit more if you're sure that's the right path.
[21:54] <TheSheep> capi: you can always symlink Desktop to ~ :)
[21:55] <oliver_g3> capi: doesn't the desktop just use the folder "Desktop" in your home directory?
[21:55] <capi> yes
[21:55] <oliver_g3> ... what TheSheep said :-)
[21:55] <TheSheep> oliver_g3: it does by default, it can be changed
[21:55] <capi> I don't like capital letters
[21:55] <oliver_g3> ?
[21:55] <TheSheep> oliver_g3: for example, if you are Polish you might want 'Pulpit' or 'Biurko' instead
[21:56] <oliver_g3> oh
[21:57] <oliver_g3> Stroganoff: is this the icebuntu you meant: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DerivativeTeam/Derivatives/IceBuntu ?
[21:57] <Stroganoff> no thats the other one :D
[21:57] <oliver_g3> heh
[21:57] <Stroganoff> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=741631
[21:57] <Stroganoff> thats mine
[21:59] <oliver_g3> Stroganoff: I wonder how much it deviates from xubuntu? Does it still have a full browser (more than Dillo :) and that stuff?
[21:59] <Stroganoff> of course
[22:00] <Stroganoff> it's aimed at providing full functionality
[22:00] <oliver_g3> ... right, why do I actually bother to ask ;)
[22:00] <Stroganoff> look at the readme and screenshots
[22:00] <Stroganoff> i still wouldn't mount swap, /var and /tmp on SSD
[22:00] <oliver_g3> just wondering how it was possible to make xubuntu even smaller (I thought it was about as small as possible=
[22:01] <oliver_g3> well I have 512MB ram...
[22:02] <oliver_g3> the sd card was cheap... if it fails, no big thing
[22:02] <oliver_g3> :-)
[22:02] <Stroganoff> yeah well
[22:02] <Stroganoff> thats right
[22:02] <Stroganoff> btw theres no wifi manager yet included
[22:02] <Stroganoff> in my script
[22:03] <oliver_g3> oh...
[22:03] <oliver_g3> I need that...
[22:03] <oliver_g3> :-)
[22:03] <oliver_g3> any idea how to add one?
[22:05] <oliver_g3> what would it take to add network-manager and stuff?
[22:05] <oliver_g3> too big?
[22:06] <Stroganoff> oliver_g3 just some: sudo apt-get wifi-radar gnome-system-tools
[22:06] <Stroganoff> i myself have no wifi hardware available so i couldn't be bothered yet
[22:06] <oliver_g3> btw. what ubuntu version is it based on? 7.10?
[22:06] <Stroganoff> but im working on it
[22:06] <Stroganoff> you can use 7.10 or 8.04
[22:07] <oliver_g3> what would you recommend?
[22:07] <Stroganoff> 8.04 is a little faster
[22:07] <Stroganoff> but there might be some bugs left
[22:07] <Stroganoff> soooo
[22:07] <Stroganoff> 7.10 for now :D
[22:07] <oliver_g3> ok
[22:08] <Stroganoff> i'd really like to now how my scripts runs on eee :D
[22:08] <oliver_g3> I just noticed I have that iso here anyway, so 7.10 it is
[22:08] <Stroganoff> the alternate iso?
[22:08] <oliver_g3> yes
[22:08] <Stroganoff> good
[22:08] <Stroganoff> ethernet port available too?
[22:08] <oliver_g3> yes
[22:08] <Stroganoff> i think you'r good to go
[22:09] <oliver_g3> ... right... how do you recommend to install it to SD card?
[22:09] <oliver_g3> I would do same as the (failed) xubuntu attempt: run qemu and have /dev/sda as first disk
[22:10] <oliver_g3> the eee has no cd drive, that makes installation difficult...
[22:10] <Stroganoff> just use some ubuntu netinstall guide
[22:12] <Stroganoff> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#head-ca8e337bdfab6bfa1d064371898775fe1e9e22fd
[22:28] <j1> Hi, am I connected? Is my first time in irc ...
[22:29] <Stroganoff> nope
[22:29] <Stroganoff> try again
[22:29] <j1> ggg :-)
[22:29] <j1> at last !!
[22:30] <Stroganoff> now this is irc
[22:30] <Stroganoff> it's not THAT big as one would have thought, is it?
[22:30] <j1> had trouble with xcfe keyboard shortcuts
[22:30] <Stroganoff> ;-)
[22:31] <Stroganoff> what kind of trble?
[22:31] <j1> oh, thanks ... I just want so assign a ket to the applications menu, but don't find the way
[22:32] <j1> (a key)
[22:32] <Stroganoff> sudo mousepad /usr/share/xfce-mcs-plugins/shortcuts/default.xml
[22:32] <Stroganoff> it's not possible to assign the WINKEY to the menu, just in case you wonder :D
[22:32] <Stroganoff> you'd have to use icewm for that (i.e. not xubuntu)
[22:33] <j1> well, I'm just trying ... ah, not possible to use win key, ja ja , it's just that I've been trying :-)
[22:34] <Stroganoff> you can use winkey as a modifier (like shift and alt) but not as a single button
[22:35] <Stroganoff> most open source developers have great fears of implementing the same degree of usability as microsoft did, hehehe
[22:35] <Stroganoff> one could accuse them of "stealing" just for doing the only logical thing (making everything convenient that is)
[22:36] <j1> Ok, Thanks... In fact i neither like microsoft's ways, but just used to push that key :-) ... So, with that mousepad...etc will I be able to assign the menu to a key, as for example the "m" one??
[22:39] <Stroganoff> yes, j1
[22:39] <Stroganoff> you see, there is <shortcut command="xfce4-popup-menu" keys="Control+Escape"/>
[22:39] <Stroganoff> change that line
[22:40] <j1> hi, please Stroganoff, I'm on it, what have I to put instead?
[22:40] <Stroganoff> by the eay, i'm not just used to push that WINKEY, i like it
[22:40] <Stroganoff> just replace "Control+Escape" with M
[22:40] <Stroganoff> but then you wont be able to TYPE m (in chats etc) without popping up the menu
[22:40] <j1> ahh, fantastic :-)
[22:41] <Stroganoff> you might be interested in my ubuntu light script based on icewm.
[22:41] <Stroganoff> winkey included :D
[22:41] <Stroganoff> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=741631
[22:41] <j1> arrr... so better to choose another key... alrigt, you're a mine of resources , ggggg
[22:42] <Stroganoff> yeah well i'm trying ;)
[22:43] <j1> wow, did you made your own desktop I see ...
[22:44] <Stroganoff> yes
[23:07] <j1> HI Stroganoff, I just thanked your useful post in the forum!!! As to the editing of the default.xml file :It seems to somehow work, as now the new shortcut do appear when clicking on applications->settings->keyboard settings, in the default theme for shortcuts. The problem is that I created a month ago another theme (named jc) which is now the active one, and I'm not able to activate back the default theme. I see that the default for t
[23:08] <Stroganoff> "...default for t" ?
[23:09] <j1> yes.. the default shortcut key for the applications menu was ctrl-esc, but almost never worked in my laptop.
[23:10] <Stroganoff> mousepad .config/xfce4/shortcuts/jc.xml
[23:10] <j1> ok ... doing
[23:11] <oliver_g3> grml... the installation in qemu froze near the end :-((
[23:11] <oliver_g3> isn't there a way to copy an iso file onto the card and add some bootloader than can directly read the iso file?
[23:13] <Stroganoff> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#head-ca8e337bdfab6bfa1d064371898775fe1e9e22fd
[23:13] <oliver_g3> right... but isn't there an easier way? :-(
[23:15] <Stroganoff> "Preparing the Flash Drive using isotostick.sh" doesnt sound that hard to me
[23:32] <Stroganoff> oliver_g3 do you copy?
[23:32] <Stroganoff> sudo ./isotostick.sh ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso /dev/sdX1
[23:33] <oliver_g3> yes...
[23:33] <Stroganoff> i'd try that
[23:33] <oliver_g3> had to make partitions first
[23:33] <Stroganoff> ok :D
[23:33] <oliver_g3> and install syslinux
[23:33] <Stroganoff> yeah u need some linux for that i guess :D
[23:34] <oliver_g3> and just remembered that I'm right now copying the stuff onto the sd card onto which I actually want to install the system :-(
[23:35] <oliver_g3> don't you happen to have a "basic" alternate install (raw hard disk image) around that you could upload? That could be put onto the sd card with dd?
[23:36] <Stroganoff> if have a vmware image of a basic install
[23:36] <oliver_g3> how much space does it take?
[23:37] <Stroganoff> 680mb :/
[23:37] <Stroganoff> wow
[23:37] <oliver_g3> ugh
[23:37] <Stroganoff> that much
[23:37] <oliver_g3> that's too much
[23:38] <TheSheep> you can use the minima cd
[23:38] <TheSheep> it will download the rest from the net
[23:39] <Stroganoff> no cd drive.
[23:39] <TheSheep> Stroganoff: put the iso on the card
[23:39] <oliver_g3> well the copying has finished, and I have booted from the sd card
[23:39] <Stroganoff> you could create an extra partition for the iso2hdd
[23:39] <oliver_g3> tried the rescue option, but it seems it wants to install instead :-/
[23:40] <TheSheep> there is also an option of netboot :)
[23:40] <Stroganoff> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot
[23:40] <oliver_g3> TheSheep: do you know a way to put an iso file on the card and add a bootloader that can directly load the iso file?
[23:40] <Stroganoff> that tutorial sucks though
[23:41] <TheSheep> oliver_g3: no, you have to mount the iso with loop and copy the files from it
[23:41] <Stroganoff> http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso
[23:41] <oliver_g3> btw. does the alternate cd have some simple live console system available, so I can check if it has correct network drivers and stuff?
[23:43] <Stroganoff> nope
[23:43] <Stroganoff> you have a raw bash at ctrl+alt+fX
[23:44] <Stroganoff> during installation
[23:44] <oliver_g3> yes, it's a busybox...
[23:44] <Stroganoff> yeah well whatever dude ;)
[23:45] <Stroganoff> do you fear ubuntu not having drivers for eee?
[23:45] <oliver_g3> yes
[23:45] <Stroganoff> i dont think xandros has coded their own binary drivers
[23:45] <oliver_g3> I had an usb stick laying around which has a bootable feisty system on it
[23:46] <oliver_g3> it booted, but no ethernet and no wireless :-/
[23:46] <Stroganoff> k thats feisty
[23:46] <oliver_g3> it's some atheros chipset, so I'm not sure about drivers
[23:47] <Stroganoff> http://ubuntu-eee.tuxfamily.org <--- there's nothing about special drivers
[23:47] <Stroganoff> they say just to use a vanilla ubuntu cd with isotostick
[23:47] <Stroganoff> so i'm confident
[23:48] <Stroganoff> ah wait
[23:48] <oliver_g3> well it's late already (nearly 1:00 AM) so I won't do much more today
[23:49] <Stroganoff> i'd scrap feisty from the stick and use it to install eee
[23:49] <oliver_g3> will probably have to do that
[23:49] <oliver_g3> but not today :-)
[23:50] <oliver_g3> thanks for your help
[23:50] <Stroganoff> np
[23:50] <oliver_g3> I'll get back to this tomorrow
[23:50] <oliver_g3> night...