UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /07 /#ubuntu-mobile.txt
Initial commit
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== bouncy`_ is now known as bouncy`
[07:52] <crevette> hello
[08:14] <dholbach> good morning
[08:26] <crevette> salut dholbach
[08:27] <dholbach> hiya crevette
[08:31] <crevette> hello
[08:32] <crevette> who should I ping to have gnome-phone-manager updated and gnokii as well, it would fix some bugs
[08:32] <crevette> I assume I have to ask a FFE ?
[08:33] <Hobbsee> yes.
[08:33] <crevette> for ref it would fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-phone-manager/+bug/181909
[08:33] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 181909 in gnome-phone-manager "SonyEricsson phones can't send SMS" [Undecided,New]
[08:33] <crevette> at least
[09:36] <crevette> heu lool
[09:37] <crevette> the maobile is responsible of gnome-phone-manager ?
[10:01] <davmor2> guys I'm using moblin image creator to test out ume following the instructions here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/UMEdesktop MIC's console can't locate ports.ubuntu.com? I'm guessing it's a dns issue as I can't ping google either or is it something else? How can I get around it?
[10:09] <StevenK> davmor2: Check /etc/resolv.conf
[10:09] <StevenK> davmor2: It is probably pointing to nameservers you don't have
[10:10] <davmor2> ta
[10:14] <davmor2> fixed thanks
=== doko__ is now known as doko
[11:37] <lool> crevette: I don't think we are (BTW, ping me with "lool: " otherwise I don't see the ping ;)
=== inspired_ is now known as inspired
[12:14] <crevette> hey lool
[12:14] <crevette> okay
[12:15] <crevette> it's a bit diffcult from outside to see who to poing, I'll look at the package and 'ill ping the previous uploader
[12:15] <crevette> ah it'come from debian
[12:17] <dns53> i can't seem to get a rw usb image to boot that i used image-creator to build, what should i do to track down the problem?
[12:18] <dns53> it may be in the kernel or the start of init, i can't see where one starts and the other follows
[13:59] <lool> crevette: I don't think we have someone in particular doing it in Ubuntu indeefd
[16:07] <luke_yang> msg nickserv register 123456
[16:09] <luke_yang> msg luke_yang test
[16:10] <luke_yang> msg NickServ IDENTIFY 123456
[16:10] <agoliveira> luke_yang: I don't think you're going to do much without the / in front of the command :)
[17:15] <lool> luke_yang: Do change your password, you just sent it to a public channel
[19:51] <GrueMaster> davidm: ping Did the ABI changeover complete successfully?
[19:53] <davidm> GrueMaster, I believe it did, amitk is the master of ceremonies on the mobile kernel so he is the best to ask.
[19:54] <GrueMaster> Ok. Just checking as I'm having image build issues. Of course, they could be image-creator related (again).
[19:57] * davidm is away: I'm busy
[20:54] <crevette> lool: sorry I didn't read what you said this afternoon
[20:54] <crevette> could you repeat please ?
[21:02] <lool> crevette: 14:59 < lool> crevette: I don't think we have someone in particular doing it in Ubuntu indeefd
[21:04] <crevette> okay
[21:04] <crevette> thanks
[21:05] <lool> GrueMaster: Last time I checked, linux-restricted-2.6.24-15 was still waiting for NEW processing on lpia
[21:05] <lool> But it doesn't take long
[21:10] <lool> I poked #ubuntu-kernel to have a look
[21:27] <GrueMaster> lool: I think image creator is having other issues with the ppa.
[21:28] <GrueMaster> my log is showing unmet dependencies with contacts-snapshot, moblin-applets, and tasks-hildon
[21:42] <lool> GrueMaster: I'd need more details on how to reproduce the error; we've started setting up daily builds based on snapshot to catch these, but I don't think they are ready yet (didn't check though)
[21:43] <lool> GrueMaster: What exact configuration are you using?
[21:44] <GrueMaster> I get a daily git snapshot of image creator from the git tree on moblin.org. Then I have a script that generates images from there.
[21:45] <lool> GrueMaster: What matters to me is what package set you try to apt-get install with what APT repositories in your sources
[21:45] <GrueMaster> The fset I use is crownbeach-Full-Mobile-Stack-With-Proprietary
[21:46] <GrueMaster> Everything is automated at this point.
[21:46] <GrueMaster> s/crownbeach/Crownbeach/
[21:48] <lool> GrueMaster: I think that's enough info; I'm not too tempted to start debugging tonight TBH (10:46 pm), but I'll try to think of reproducing; it's very likely GNOME 2.22.1 updates again
[21:49] <GrueMaster> the platform is menlow-lpia-ubuntu-hardy-ppa
[21:50] <GrueMaster> And the complete image-creator command is:
[21:50] <GrueMaster> /usr/bin/image-creator --command=install-fset --platform-name=menlow-lpia-ubuntu-hardy-ppa --project-name=ubuntu-hardy-20080407-1 --target-name=20080407 --fset=CrownBeach-Full-Mobile-Stack-with-Proprietary
[21:51] <GrueMaster> Looks like unmet dependency issues with ubuntu-mobile:
[21:51] <GrueMaster> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
[21:51] <GrueMaster> ubuntu-mobile: Depends: contacts-snapshot but it is not going to be installed
[21:51] <GrueMaster> Depends: moblin-applets but it is not going to be installed
[21:51] <GrueMaster> Depends: tasks-hildon but it is not going to be installed
[21:52] <GrueMaster> Hope that's helpful
[21:52] <lool> GrueMaster: if you want to help debug, you can chroot into the /fs dir and type apt-get install ubuntu-mobile contacts-snapshot moblin-applets tasks-hildon
[21:52] <lool> This will force apt-get to tell you about a more direct mismatch
[21:52] <lool> Ultimately, either a missing package or a package with a too old version or a conflict or something
[21:53] <lool> ATM, it reports contacts-snapshot can't be installed, but it wont tell you why (probably because e-d-s is too old)
[21:56] <GrueMaster> looks like it boils down to two problems. first is with contacts-snapshot, which depends on evolution-data-server with depends on a newer file:
[21:56] <GrueMaster> evolution-data-server: Depends: evolution-data-server-common (= 2.22.1-0ubuntu1) but 2.22.0-0ubuntu2 is to be installed
[21:57] <GrueMaster> I think this is the root of current evil.
[22:09] <lool> GrueMaster: I've pushed evolution-data-server 2.22.1-0ubuntu1~804um1 to the ppa; it should solve the first issue you see; if there are others, let me kno
[22:09] <lool> w
[22:09] <lool> (It will be built and installed in a couple of hours I'd say; less if the buildds are idle)
[22:12] <GrueMaster> it seems to be pushing through now.
[22:12] <GrueMaster> I ran apt-get update, then apt-get install ubuntu-mobile. Lots of packages are installing now.
[22:16] <lool> GrueMaster: Well it shouldn't have been that quick
[22:17] <lool> And MIC is supposed to apt-get update
[22:17] <lool> So it means the problem went away by itself which isn't nice
[22:22] <GrueMaster> I didn't think it would be that easy. I deleted the project and am rebuilding through my script. I should know one way or the other in a couple of minutes.
[22:24] * lool &
[22:35] <GrueMaster> lool: It's now building the usb install images (last stage in my script). That means it has gotten past whatever hiccup was currently there. Thanks for your help.
[22:41] <crevette> good night