UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /07 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[07:13] <crevette> bonjour
[08:14] <dholbach> good morning
[08:15] <seb128> hello dholbach
[08:15] * dholbach hugs seb128
[08:15] * seb128 hugs dholbach back
[09:26] <asac> hi ... would gdk_window_lookup(0) give me a valid window? root window?
[09:34] <kwwii> seb128: I was thinking about including the clearlooks gtkrc as well since the engine is installed already by default, what do you think?
[09:34] <seb128> kwwii: did you get requests for it? should be alright
[09:34] <seb128> asac: hey, no idea about this one, better to try
[09:35] <huats> moring everyone
[09:35] <asac> seb128: ok
[09:37] <kwwii> seb128: yes, quite a few people asked of it
[09:37] <mvo> asac: if you need the root window id, better use GDK_ROOT_WINDOW()
[09:37] <seb128> kwwii: the gtkrc takes no space, add it again
[09:37] <kwwii> at the same time I hae an small update for the murrine theme
[09:38] <seb128> lut huats
[09:38] <kwwii> execellent, thanks...I'll ping you in a bit
[09:38] <asac> mvo: is Xid 0 root window?
[09:38] <asac> thats what i ask ;)
[09:38] <huats> lut seb128
[09:39] <mvo> asac: aha :) sorry, I don't know. xprop -id 0 gives me a error here, xprop -root is fine, my guess is no
[09:39] <asac> ok thanks ... thats what i expected.
[10:04] <seb128> pochu: want to do some gnome updates? ;-) seahorse?
[10:05] * mvo is off for some minutes to switch network
[10:07] <pochu> seb128: yes, and vinagre and vino when they are released ;)
[10:07] <seb128> I'll sync gnome-keyring when it's available on the mirrors
[10:07] <seb128> pochu: there is also gnome-games to do if you are interested
[10:08] <pochu> seb128: not that one this time... I need to do things for the uni
[10:09] <seb128> pochu: alright, just asking in case you were looking for updates to do ;-)
[11:02] <slomo> seb128: heh, so the epiphany 1st april mail wasn't a joke ;) what are you going to do for ubuntu? keep 2.22 for a long time, move it to universe or get webkit to main?
[11:04] <bhale> hi slomo
[11:04] <seb128> slomo: for hardy no change, the webkit backend is not really good yet in 2.22
[11:04] <slomo> yeah, i mean after hardy of course :)
[11:04] <slomo> hi bhale
[11:04] <bhale> if they get their way they are going to replace gtkhtml with webkit
[11:04] <seb128> slomo: next cycle will likely just package the webkit variant as upstream is doing
[11:05] <seb128> either promote webkit or demote epiphany-browser
[11:05] <bhale> I think it will be ok for use then - webkit epiphany is already pretty usable
[11:05] <slomo> ok, sounds good
[11:05] <bhale> I only have one bug
[11:05] <seb128> it depends on whetever yelp, etc are switched to webkit
[11:05] <slomo> bhale: are plugins working good already?
[11:05] <seb128> bhale: can you use plugins now?
[11:06] <bhale> slomo: eh, ive never used plugins
[11:06] <bhale> the bug is clicking links with a target don't work
[11:14] <pochu> seb128: seahorse looks good, and slomo has already updated it in pkg-gnome too http://emilio.pozuelo.org/~deb/seahorse_2.22.1-0ubuntu1.dsc
[11:14] <slomo> seahorse is only a trivial cleanup change
[11:52] <asac> mvo gone?
[11:53] <asac> ah
[11:53] <asac> ok
[11:53] <asac> :)
[12:05] <pochu> slomo: do we want the new gstreamer core/base in hardy?
[12:13] <asac> mvo: do you have glatzors cell phone?
[12:13] <asac> number ;)
[12:13] <mvo> eh?
[12:13] <mvo> asac: I think I have his regular number, but ... what do you need it for?
[13:08] <slomo> pochu: if you love version numbers... :) we already have the two patches
[13:09] <pochu> ah, so the updates are kind of useless for us... *nevermind* :)
[13:09] <pochu> although base is a sync, so could update it
[13:09] <pochu> s/could/we could/
[13:14] <seb128> ok, I changed the wikiTODO again
[13:14] <seb128> we have now a table listing the things claimed as it used to have
[13:14] <fernando> moin all
[13:15] <seb128> and the list is only used to list usual updaters so you know if you should contact somebody before starting on an update
[13:15] <seb128> hey fernando
[13:15] <fernando> hey seb128
[13:43] <seb128> asac: http://download.gnome.org/sources/epiphany/2.22/epiphany-2.22.1.tar.gz, wants to do the update?
[13:44] <pedro_> salut seb128!
[13:44] <seb128> hey pedro_!
[13:44] <glatzor> servus asac
[13:45] <asac> glatzor: hey ;)
[13:45] <asac> glatzor: got my SMS ?
[13:46] <glatzor> asac, you are already approved :)
[13:46] <asac> seb128: ill after sorting out the langpacks ;) ... or if i need a break from that :)
[13:46] * asac hugs glatzor
[13:46] <asac> glatzor: sorry for the SMS, btw
[13:46] <seb128> asac: ok, thanks
[13:47] <asac> glatzor: so how can i approve?
[13:47] <glatzor> asac, no problem. I was just a little bit surprised.
[13:47] <asac> do i just need to select the radio button next to the suggestion?
[13:47] <glatzor> was my first ubuntu related sms :)
[13:47] <asac> like for https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/xulrunner-1.9/+pots/xulrunner/de/+translate?batch=10&show=untranslated
[13:49] <asac> glatzor: select the radio and then "save & continue" ?
[13:51] <glatzor> asac, what is the problem at all?
[13:51] <glatzor> asac, an import problem?
[13:51] <asac> glatzor: we have a bunch of translations that have suggestoins that need to be improved (due to deficiency of our import script)
[13:51] <asac> glatzor: so basically its going over the list and approving the suggestion
[13:51] <asac> some might have two ... but its obvious which is the right one
[13:52] <asac> glatzor: i am trying thta now ;) (e.g. selecting the radio next to the suggestion and pushing "save & continue"
[13:52] <glatzor> asac, you just have to pay attention to brain split problems in the future
[13:53] <asac> glatzor: huh?
[13:53] <glatzor> asac, that is ok. you want to do this for all languages? or only the "core" languages?
[13:53] <asac> glatzor: personally i will only do german and hope for translator teams to do that for the other
[13:53] <glatzor> asac, if you overwrite/confirm a translation in launchpad you won't get any upstream changes later
[13:54] <asac> as sometimes there are two suggestions and i have no idea about chinese
[13:54] <dholbach> seb128, pitti: I implemented your suggestions for 5-a-day
[13:54] <asac> glatzor: ok. you say that new translation imports will not overwrite those tha i now approve?
[13:55] <glatzor> asac, afaik right.
[13:55] <asac> i think thats ok. given that we are at early stage we might be able to reset things once the import works perfect (me hides from translators)
[13:55] <asac> but in order to get the right translation now i need to approve them ;)
[13:55] <asac> and i want to test whats missing when i have german fully translated
[13:56] <seb128> dholbach: which one?
[13:57] <dholbach> seb128: namespacing stuff :)
[13:57] <dholbach> it's 5-a-day <options> now (the old stuff still works via symlinks)
[13:57] <seb128> ah ;-)
[13:57] <asac> glatzor: i guess new imports will make new suggestions pop up?
[13:57] <glatzor> asac, right
[13:58] <asac> glatzor: what happens to the suggestions i am not using?
[13:58] <asac> do i need to remove them manually for them to disappear?
[13:58] <glatzor> asac, they will be sitting there until the end of time :)
[13:58] <asac> or will they be removed because i chose one out of two?
[13:58] <asac> glatzor: no chance to deny them?
[13:58] <glatzor> asac, I am not aware of such a feature
[13:59] <asac> thats interesting ... doesn't there accumulate cruft over time=
[13:59] <asac> ?
[13:59] <asac> there must be something ;) .. ill ask carlos
[14:00] <pitti> dholbach: 5aday> thanks! *hug*
[14:01] * dholbach hugs seb128 and pitti
[14:01] * seb128 hugs dholbach and pitti
[14:01] <seb128> oh, pitti is there!
[14:01] * Hobbsee hugs dholbach and pitti and seb128
[14:02] * seb128 hugs Hobbsee
[14:02] <Hobbsee> :)
[14:02] * dholbach hugs hobbsee back
[14:03] <dholbach> seb128: 5-a-day now has bash completion too and it only commits stuff to the remote branch if you haven't committed anything in the last 60 minutes - that should make it a bit quicker and avoid locks
[14:06] <seb128> cool
[14:07] <pitti> hey seb128
[14:07] <pitti> seb128: yeah, woke up very early (6:30) and did my mail and blogged
[14:08] <seb128> pitti: had a nice trip to go there?
[14:08] <pitti> seb128: the flight here was pretty hectic, but yesterday was nice (see blog)
[14:09] <seb128> I didn't know that you have a blog, looking ;-)
[14:58] <jcastro> seb128: btw, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Prep
[14:59] <jcastro> seb128: feel free to put a desktop topic on the list, or just let me know and I can do it
[15:00] <seb128> jcastro: ok, will have a look to that, thanks
[15:39] <mvo> seb128: if you (or someone else) have a moment, I would appreciate if you could test if compiz from "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/mvo/ubuntu hardy main" work well for you
[15:39] <seb128> ok
[15:40] <Amaranth> mvo: btw, works fine for me :)
[15:40] <mvo> did anything change with the nautilus/nautilus-cd-burner/libeel2-2 breaks?
[15:40] <mvo> Amaranth: cool, thanks .:)
[15:40] <Amaranth> but i can't test any of the specific things it was supposed to make better right now
[15:42] <seb128> mvo: I did rebase nautilus on the debian version, I might have dropped a change or something, why?
[15:42] <seb128> mvo: any issue?
[15:42] <mvo> seb128: yeah, lts upgrades can not be calculated currently, not sure what the issue is exactly yet
[15:43] <mvo> but it might be some inconsitency in the archive
[15:43] <mvo> some bits build some not, I haven't really looked into it yet
[15:44] <seb128> ok
[15:45] <mvo> yeah, looks like nautilus-cd-burner is not yet publushed
[15:46] <mvo> but the libeel2-2 breaks on (<= 2.20.0-1)
[15:46] <mvo> eh, no
[15:46] * mvo scratches his head
[15:49] <pochu> great, we can't just sync vinagre this time
[15:49] <pochu> unless we merge cdbs, but I doubt we will do it this late in the cycle, pitti?
[15:49] <seb128> pochu: not a good idea no
[15:50] <pochu> well, there's no changes needed so it's an easy one
[15:50] <ember> pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy: Depends: ggzd (>= 0.0.14) which is a virtual package.
[15:50] <seb128> mvo: could you sponsor bug #213357?
[15:50] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 213357 in gnome-terminal "Please sponsor gnome-terminal 2.22.1 (main) into Hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/213357
[15:50] <ember> i'm getting this on gnome-games
[15:51] <seb128> ember: slomo added a builddepends on ggzd in debian
[15:52] <ember> i know, i added it to gnome-games too
[15:52] <seb128> did the upstream configure changed or something?
[15:53] <pitti> pochu: no, toolchain changes are not appropriate now
[15:54] <mvo> seb128: ok, looks like gnome-control-center is not yet published but libgnome-desktop-2 breaks on it
[15:54] <mvo> transient hopefully
[15:54] <ember> seb128 http://paste.ubuntu.com/6562/
[15:54] <seb128> mvo: yes, I've uploaded a g-c-c rebuild one hour ago or so
[15:54] <mvo> ok
[15:55] <seb128> ember: the new builddepends doesn't seem required then, not sure why it has been added there
[15:55] <seb128> mvo: can you do the sponsoring? just trying to split GNOME 2.22.1 sponsoring tasks ;-)
[15:56] <pitti> pochu: what do you need from the new version?
[15:56] <ember> seb128 it ftbs without ggzd
[15:57] <seb128> ember: no idea about the issue
[15:59] <pochu> pitti: not really needed... Vinagre in Debian build-depends on it now to get dh_icons called, which is in gnome.mk now, but I can leave it in rules and postpone the sync to Intrepid
[16:00] <pitti> pochu: ubuntu's cdbs has done that for ages, so it should be good
[16:00] <mvo> seb128, ember: checking out the gnome-terminal update now
[16:00] <pochu> pitti: oh, nice
[16:02] <ember> ggzd have too many changes upstream to merge it to ubuntu humpfh
[16:08] <seb128> ember: just builddepends on whatever has the requires files rather than on ggzd if that's doesn't work correctly
[16:13] <pochu> seb128: err, I thought I was here when I requested you the sync/sponsorship :)
[16:13] <seb128> pochu: that's alright ;-)
[16:23] <seb128> pochu: uploaded
[16:59] <ember> seb when you have time check pidgin, is mostly bugfix
[16:59] <seb128> yeah, will do that later today
[17:00] <ember> thanks
=== fernando_ is now known as fernando
[19:28] <pochu> slomo: can I have sponsoring for this? :) http://emilio.pozuelo.org/~deb/liferea.debdiff
[19:28] <pochu> slomo: it backports two patches from SVN, fixing 2 crashes
[19:29] <pochu> one I could reproduce it and it's fixed. The other one I couldn't, but jwendell could and has confirmed it fixes it
[19:30] <slomo> ok
[19:52] <pochu> slomo: thank you :)
[20:45] <fta> seb128, i've posted a debdiff of the new cairo 1.5.18 yesterday
[20:46] <seb128> fta: yes, I've noticed thanks, I'll upload that later
[20:46] <fta> pixman is in now
[20:46] <seb128> fta: btw maybe you could send your pixman change to debian so they can use it and we can sync again? ;-)
[20:47] <seb128> fta: I did the upload so I noticed ;-)
[20:47] <fta> oh :)
[20:47] <fta> or i can do a merge
[20:48] <seb128> you can but still would be nice to get them applying your change rather than having to keep ubuntu specific changes
[20:49] <fta> yep, so feel free to send them.
[20:49] <seb128> ok
[20:49] <seb128> will do after having packaged GNOME 2.22.1, etc
[20:49] <seb128> brb
[21:22] <seb128> re
[21:22] <seb128> mvo: around?
[21:23] <mvo> seb128: yes, but not for long
[21:23] <seb128> mvo: your compiz update doesn't work for me
[21:23] <mvo> ohhh
[21:23] <seb128> I get stucked on workspace 1 now
[21:23] <mvo> tell me mor e please
[21:23] <seb128> the workspace switcher applet still has the grib
[21:23] <seb128> but neither the keybindings nor dnd success to switch workspace
[21:24] <seb128> it's worth noting that compiz and compiz-fusion-plugin-main have not been updated
[21:24] <seb128> /usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Error: no 'core' plugin with ABI version '20080214' loaded
[21:25] <seb128> /usr/bin/compiz.real (imgjpeg) - Error: InitObject failed
[21:25] <seb128> /usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Error: Couldn't activate plugin 'imgjpeg'
[21:25] <seb128> /usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Error: no 'core' plugin with ABI version '20080214' loaded
[21:25] <seb128> /usr/bin/compiz.real (text) - Error: InitObject failed
[21:25] <seb128> /usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Error: Couldn't activate plugin 'text'
[21:25] <seb128> /usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Error: no 'core' plugin with ABI version '20080214' loaded
[21:25] <seb128> mvo: etc in .xsession-errors
[21:26] <mvo> seb128: what did you do? a dist-upgrade and that lead to compiz and compiz-fusion-plugins-main being held back?
[21:26] <seb128> mvo: no, I use your update-manager thing ;-)
[21:26] <mvo> crap :P
[21:26] <mvo> sorry SCNR
[21:27] <seb128> and I can't use the dist-upgrade mode since it refuses to install non authentificated packages and close
[21:27] <mvo> yeah, I guess that explains the trouble
[21:27] <seb128> yeah
[21:27] <seb128> still point a lack of Breaks somewhere
[21:27] <mvo> could you please check with apt-get dist-upgrade what it would do in upgrade mode ?
[21:27] <mvo> agreed
[21:28] <seb128> Calculating upgrade... Done
[21:28] <seb128> The following packages will be REMOVED:
[21:28] <seb128> compiz-fusion-plugins-main-dbgsym
[21:28] <seb128> The following packages will be upgraded:
[21:28] <seb128> compiz compiz-fusion-plugins-main
[21:28] <seb128> doing it now
[21:28] <seb128> I just wanted to point the partial upgrade issue thing
[21:28] <mvo> aha!
[21:28] <mvo> thanks
[21:29] <seb128> brb
[21:30] <seb128> mvo: not better :-(
=== walters_ is now known as walters
[21:30] <seb128> but it might be that the plugin loading issue kicked them out of the config
[21:30] <seb128> mvo: should I reset /apps/compiz to try?
[21:30] <mvo> meh :(
[21:31] <mvo> yeah, or just fire up ccsm
[21:31] <mvo> that is not encouraging
[21:31] <mvo> same error with core too?
[21:31] <seb128> no, no error now
[21:31] <seb128> just no workspace switching
[21:32] <seb128> mvo: ok, that was it
[21:32] <seb128> the plugins had been dropped from my profile apparently
[21:33] <seb128> back to normal after resetting the config
[21:36] <mvo> seb128: ok, thanks for testing. not that good
[21:36] <seb128> mvo: you are welcome
[21:37] <seb128> mvo: just make sure that you block partial upgrades and that should be alright ;-)
[21:37] <mvo> :)
=== DrPepperKid is now known as MacSlow
=== pmf__ is now known as ember
[23:47] <ember> seb128 can i do file-roller?
[23:48] <seb128> ember: no, I'm doing it, I've gio changes to use
[23:50] <seb128> I did upload your piding update
[23:55] <ember> thanks on pidgin upload
[23:55] <seb128_> you are welcome
[23:56] <ember> is anything on .1 that i can do?
[23:57] <seb128_> ember: not right know, the updates are either done or waiting for a sync on debian or have somebody doing those usually
[23:57] <seb128_> s/know/now
[23:57] <ember> okidoki