UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /07 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:11] <thomass> hey
[00:17] <linux3r> Riddell: ping
[00:19] <mafitzpatrick> evenin
=== zeuz is now known as _ZeuZ_
[00:19] <_ZeuZ_> heya
[00:19] <_ZeuZ_> Over hardy here, x86_64
[00:19] <mafitzpatrick> hows thigns?
[00:20] <mafitzpatrick> same here + kde4
[00:20] <_ZeuZ_> any idea where to get a deb for flashplayer?
[00:20] <mafitzpatrick> hows it going for you?
[00:20] <mafitzpatrick> is it not in the repos? it's working fine for me
[00:20] <mafitzpatrick> although a bit crashy since last update
[00:21] <mafitzpatrick> you want:
[00:21] <_ZeuZ_> thing is I don't want to be emulating a 32bits system...
[00:21] <mafitzpatrick> flashplugin-nonfree
[00:21] <_ZeuZ_> thing is I don't want to be emulating a 32bits system...
[00:21] <mafitzpatrick> ah. no choice i'm afraid. currently the flash plugin is wrapped version of 32bits
[00:21] <mafitzpatrick> doesn't really make any difference tbh
[00:21] <_ZeuZ_> it does on performance
[00:22] <mafitzpatrick> although it seems buggy at the moment
[00:22] <_ZeuZ_> how's Gnash by the way?
[00:22] <babban> hallo
[00:22] <mafitzpatrick> Zeus: do you notice the performance difference in flash? I wouldn't think it would be that big
[00:22] <_ZeuZ_> performance wrapping and adapting 32 bits over 64 bits kernel is lowered the hell out of what it should be...
[00:22] <mafitzpatrick> last time i used gnash it was not good... but isn't flash open source now? or something?
[00:23] <mafitzpatrick> Zeuz: well, then i take it back :) i was probably talking shit
[00:23] <mafitzpatrick> hi babban
[00:23] <babban> somebody is good on computer here...
[00:23] <babban> the kopete dont working for me
[00:24] <Nyad> babban: whats wrong with it? or what you trying to do?
[00:24] <babban> i trie to connect by me email
[00:25] <babban> but dont working
[00:25] <_ZeuZ_> babban, you're not an english native speaker right?
[00:25] <babban> no
[00:25] <_ZeuZ_> You gotta give us more details
[00:26] <babban> yeah i will give
[00:26] <Nyad> babban: kopete is a IM program, not email afaik
[00:27] <babban> but dont working like msn messenger??
[00:28] <babban> you go online, and talks to u friends
[00:29] <gregory> babban, what's your native language?
[00:29] <babban> sweden
[00:30] <_ZeuZ_> babban: yes, it works that way.
[00:30] <_ZeuZ_> remember to add the full address (with @ and all)
[00:30] <_ZeuZ_> and to select the correct protocol
[00:30] <babban> yeah i done babban85@hotmail.com
[00:31] <_ZeuZ_> advice, do not give email addresses on IRC, spam warning... Bots are collecting info all the time
[00:31] <_ZeuZ_> not necesarily the ones on this channel
[00:31] <haramako> test
[00:31] <_ZeuZ_> nor the official ones, those are safe.
[00:32] <_ZeuZ_> gosh, gotta install xchat, this konversation sucks donkey balls xD
[00:32] <haramako> hello
[00:32] <kanadian> nosred, are you there?
[00:32] <babban> xchat??
[00:33] <gregory> i haven't used konversation, i'm using ksirc
[00:33] <kanadian> can anyone help with kpf shares?
[00:33] <babban> now im in the place there i do msn protokoll.. i clik on msn messenger??
[00:34] <haramako> bye
[00:34] <babban> then i type me email there..
[00:35] <babban> something more i must done there??
[00:35] <kanadian> can anyone help with KPF shares?
[00:36] <babban> messenger.hotmail.com 1863 is right???
[00:36] <_ZeuZ_> read the display ? xD
[00:36] <_ZeuZ_> You don't need to touch that
[00:36] <_ZeuZ_> that's the server of Hotmail dispatchers
[00:37] <babban> yeah now i wanna type thats its coming up...
[00:37] <babban> kde crashsystem
[00:38] <_ZeuZ_> babban: reinstall it.
[00:38] <babban> the signal 11( sigsegv)
[00:38] <babban> how??
[00:38] <kanadian> yeah, thats a crash babban
[00:38] <babban> i dont know how to install it on that??
[00:39] <kanadian> reinstall via adept manager
[00:39] <babban> run commander ( adept manager)??
[00:39] <_ZeuZ_> or: apt-get remove kopete && apt-get purge kopete && apt-get install kopete
[00:40] <_ZeuZ_> (of course, as root)
[00:40] <kanadian> K>System>Adept Manager
[00:40] <kanadian> works like Windows Add/Remove dialog
[00:40] <_ZeuZ_> well, I'm a native Debian user, testing hardy, and I rely more on command line though
[00:41] <kanadian> I know, but he seems new and thats probably the easiest way
[00:41] <babban> now im in adept hant.. where i wanna type that??
[00:41] <kanadian> the console is the all powerful tho :D
[00:42] <_ZeuZ_> yup ^^
[00:43] <kanadian> just type in 'kopete'
[00:43] <Firefishe> I'm running kubuntu feisty. Konqueror keeps opening individual windows when I click on even a tree folder. How do I disable this?
[00:44] <babban> now..:D
[00:45] <babban> but i where i will get it from now??
[00:45] <kanadian> babban in adept manager type in Kopete (then right click it and request removal)
[00:45] <_ZeuZ_> Firefishe: The options on it are your answer
[00:46] <_ZeuZ_> Firefishe: Just browse them, and you'll find what you're seeking...
[00:46] <kanadian> then do the same search and reinstall it
[00:46] <babban> i have done.
[00:46] <Firefishe> _ZeuZ_: I've been browsing for a while now, and I can't seem to find the answer, hence why I'm asking here.
[00:46] <babban> and then install again?? i have done already
[00:46] <babban> its right??
[00:46] <Firefishe> _ZeuZ_: What do you mean by "options?"
[00:46] <kanadian> you may have to restart your system. but try and run it again
[00:47] <_ZeuZ_> open Konqueror
[00:47] <kanadian> firefishe: are you using d3lphin?
[00:48] <_ZeuZ_> Gotto sentings, configure konqueror, there are your options
[00:48] <Firefishe> kanadian: no, I'm running kde 3.5.6. I tried 7.10, but had trouble with it, so I went back to Feisty. Using anything later on this five year old lappie wouldn't notice a performance increase, anyway.
[00:48] <Firefishe> Dolphin did weird things
[00:49] <kanadian> anybody have experience with KPF shares?
[00:49] <babban> excuss me?? but i done like u said but that come up again that are crashed
[00:50] <babban> i think thats wrong from the dvd i install that from..
[00:50] <kanadian> babban, the only thing I can suggest is to restart your computer and try again. beyond that, repairing anything is out of my league. sorry
[00:50] <_ZeuZ_> and, that is related to koepete, not to Kubuntu itself also ;)
[00:51] <babban> wanna restart my computer and try again???
[00:51] <_ZeuZ_> how-to add on-demand cpu policy on cpu policy?
[00:51] <kanadian> give it a try babban
[00:53] <kanadian> zeuz...laptop or desktop?
[00:53] <Firefishe> _ZeuZ_: Under the Settings-Configure Konqueror-Behavior Button dialog, there is a checkbox at the top listed as: "Open folders in separate windows" . Normally, one would think that this would be checked, and that unchecking it would disable the behavior. The thing is, it's not checked, and it doesn't seem to have any effect either way.
[00:53] <kanadian> firefishe: thats weird
[00:53] <Firefishe> _ZeuZ_: I'm thinking there is a global override specific to kubuntu, perhaps.
[00:53] <Firefishe> And ubuntu in general
[00:53] <kanadian> try K>System Settings> Window Behavior
[00:53] <Firefishe> k
[00:54] <kanadian> zeuz: kpowersave allows you to change your cpu frequency polling
[00:54] <_ZeuZ_> Well, dunno about that...
[00:55] <_ZeuZ_> As I said before, I'm a native Debian user, where all software uses it's own properties, and config files, mainly without global glitches..
[00:55] <_ZeuZ_> kanadian: yes, but not to ondemand
[00:55] <_ZeuZ_> only dynamic, powersave and performance
[00:55] <Firefishe> kanadian: nothing to do with how konqueror opens windows
[00:55] <Firefishe> _ZeuZ_: I had a very nice install of Etch, until my file system went blooie.
[00:55] <_ZeuZ_> ondemand equals powesave, with the difference that it highers the CPU frequecy as it touches the 100% of the minimal power
[00:56] <_ZeuZ_> Firefishe: Well, that depends
[00:56] <_ZeuZ_> It's not a debian problem, but, a filesystem problem
[00:56] <babban> isnt working...
[00:56] <Firefishe> on what? ;)
[00:56] <kanadian> firefishe: im not sure. sorry
[00:56] <_ZeuZ_> I normally use EXT3 for base system, and ReiserFS for /home
[00:57] <babban> no debuggning symbols is found
[00:57] <Firefishe> _ZeuZ_: Yes, I know. I just happened to have to have the Feisty disc handy, so... ;)
[00:57] <_ZeuZ_> lol ^^
[00:57] <_ZeuZ_> I use SID anyways...
[00:58] <_ZeuZ_> but, if you want stability with no backports, then use Lenny ^^
[00:58] <_ZeuZ_> you might also have been able to recover it from a single user mode with fsck
[01:00] <kanadian> can anyone help with KPF Shares?
[01:01] <kanadian> sigh...google is of no help
[01:01] <_ZeuZ_> kanadian, what's with them?
[01:02] <babban> i will think i will download kubuntu 8.04???
[01:02] <_ZeuZ_> babban, take in count it's beta right now.
[01:02] <_ZeuZ_> I'm using it...
[01:03] <kanadian> _ZeuZ_: i set up the server..installed nfs and samba support
[01:03] <_ZeuZ_> performance has improved...
[01:03] <_ZeuZ_> did you configure samba, and nfs? if it's just for sharing it with Windows pc's, only use SAMBA
[01:03] <kanadian> zeuz: I can access the server from firefox on my linux lappy but can't access it on the windows vista desktop next door
[01:04] <oneeyedelf1> how do I install libdvdcss in hardy
[01:04] <kanadian> zeuz: its apparenly equal to samba only with kpf you can't go from windows>kpf...only kpf>windows
[01:04] <_ZeuZ_> next door = on your network? or from other network?
[01:04] <_ZeuZ_> oneeyedelf1: same way any other debian based one ;) Gotto synaptic, browse, install it.
[01:05] <kanadian> zeuz: next room over/on my network
[01:05] <_ZeuZ_> no, you gotta configure samba first xD
[01:05] <kanadian> accessed via http://laptopname:8001/
[01:05] <babban> but the kubunt i was downloaded was on 3,8 gb i that one only on 700 gb???
[01:05] <babban> its that good??
[01:05] <oneeyedelf1> _ZeuZ_: its not in the repos
[01:06] <Jucato> 700gb? O.o
[01:06] <kanadian> oneeyedelf1: have you enabled extra repos?
[01:06] <_ZeuZ_> it should be. Using the live CD or the Internet repositories?
[01:07] <oneeyedelf1> I enabled software restrictedby copyright or legal issues
[01:07] <_ZeuZ_> oneeyedelf1: goto konsole
[01:07] <_ZeuZ_> run apt-get update
[01:07] <_ZeuZ_> as root
[01:08] <_ZeuZ_> (with sudo)
[01:08] <babban> downloading it...
[01:08] <babban> but that are only uppdate??
[01:08] <_ZeuZ_> babban, well, mostly, and a new kernel implemented.
[01:08] <jords> oneeyedelf1: if that does'nt work, try medibuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu
[01:09] <babban> dont can restore all the computer with it.. so the kopete?? will be fixed??
[01:10] <oneeyedelf1> the package doesn't exist in the repos
[01:10] <_ZeuZ_> I think you're misunderstanding things here.
[01:10] <_ZeuZ_> oneeyedelf1: Definetly, you are using only the live cd repo
[01:10] <_ZeuZ_> you gotta add the online ones,
[01:10] <_ZeuZ_> check /etc/apt/sources.list
[01:11] <oneeyedelf1> oneline?
[01:12] <Matt1728> is there anyway to make a shortcut to minimize and unminimize all windows ?
[01:12] <_ZeuZ_> oneeyedelf1: The repositories are not only on your CD ROM, there are online mirrors
[01:13] <oneeyedelf1> yeah and I have them enabled
[01:13] <_ZeuZ_> And ONline Mirrors, are more complete than the ones that come with the live CD
[01:13] <oneeyedelf1> yeah and the online ones don't have libdvdcss
[01:13] <_ZeuZ_> tell me what is the content of your /etc/apt/sources.list
[01:14] <jords> oneeyedelf1: add thos repo, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu for libdvdcss...
[01:14] <oneeyedelf1> http://rafb.net/p/J35fh986.html is my apt sources
[01:16] <_ZeuZ_> once again
[01:16] <_ZeuZ_> apt-get update
[01:16] <oneeyedelf1> I don't think anything changed between the last minute I did that
[01:18] <_ZeuZ_> try doing this:
[01:18] <_ZeuZ_> sudo apt-get install libdvdcss
[01:19] <_ZeuZ_> if you cant, I'll find you the debs, and you'll download it to a directory and then dpkg -i all of them
[01:21] <oneeyedelf1> nvm figured it out, installed the medibuntu repo
[01:21] <jords> yeah always found that easiest for libdvdcss..
[01:22] <oneeyedelf1> and found out the other issue, its libdvdcss2 not just libdvdcss
[01:22] <_ZeuZ_> loool
[01:23] <oneeyedelf1> now my system flies, if only flash included prober hardware scalling I would be totally happy with my linux system
[01:23] <_ZeuZ_> you mean multiple architecture s?
[01:28] <PeterFA> I need a program that let's me select a character and place it on the clip-board.
[01:28] <PeterFA> Like MS charmap.
[01:28] <PeterFA> I can't find one in the repository.
[01:30] <rootlinuxusr> halp.
[01:30] <rootlinuxusr> 500gb drive says bad blocks, dmesg doesn't detect =/
[01:31] <_ZeuZ_> dmesg doesn't detect what?
[01:31] <_ZeuZ_> try fsck on single user mode.
[01:31] <rootlinuxusr> doesn't detect the drive, but it's dev/sdc
[01:32] <_ZeuZ_> has it got any partition? is it formated? have you tried mounting it?
[01:32] <rootlinuxusr> tried mounting, it had a partition, and formatted...should have stuff on it
[01:33] <_ZeuZ_> what has it got in it?
[01:33] <_ZeuZ_> try mounting it like mount -t FILESYSTEM /dev/sdX /mnt/Some_DIR_that_you_created
[01:33] <rootlinuxusr> stuff that i can lose...
[01:34] <rootlinuxusr> mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc /media/test
[01:34] <rootlinuxusr> Failed to access '/dev/sdc': No such file or directory
[01:34] <_ZeuZ_> try mounting it like mount -t FILESYSTEM /dev/sdX /mnt/Some_DIR_that_you_created
[01:34] <_ZeuZ_> then it's not /dev/sdc xD
[01:34] <_ZeuZ_> describe your hardware
[01:35] <rootlinuxusr> atm, lappy hard drive, another usb drive, speakers, and this one
[01:35] <_ZeuZ_> I mean, how are they connected?
[01:35] <_ZeuZ_> at hardware level
[01:36] <_ZeuZ_> if its not connected individually, along with 3 drives, then it's not sdc, it can be sda or sdb
[01:36] <rootlinuxusr> the two usb drives are plugged in via USB, one is an enclosed can't open the other has a IDE cable and 4-ply
[01:37] <rootlinuxusr> The device '/dev/sdb' doesn't have a valid NTFS.
[01:37] <rootlinuxusr> so maybe it's sdb?
[01:37] <cpk1> to mount it needs to be /dev/sdXY
[01:37] <cpk1> X is a letter Y is a number
[01:37] <cpk1> the number is the partition number
[01:37] <_ZeuZ_> perhaps
[01:37] <_ZeuZ_> try executing df and see there
[01:38] <rootlinuxusr> udev 449284 132 449152 1% /dev
[01:38] <rootlinuxusr> though don't think that's it.
[01:39] <cpk1> try mounting /dev/sdc1 if there is only one partition on that drive
[01:39] <rootlinuxusr> [36349.391785] usb 1-3: reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 3
[01:39] <rootlinuxusr> from dmesg
[01:42] <wpk> rootlinuxusr: not sdb, sdb1
[01:42] <wpk> or sdb2, or sdb3
[01:43] <rootlinuxusr> sdb1 is my other external that im about to unplug for sanities sake
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
[01:47] <rootlinuxusr> okay removed both, plugged just this one dmesg says it device found at 4, sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] 976773168 512-byte hardware sectors (500108 MB)
[01:48] <rootlinuxusr> so i tried mounting sdb, sdb1, sdb2, sda, sdc, nothing mounts it =[
[01:48] <rootlinuxusr> end_request: I/O error, dev sdb, sector 0
[01:48] <rootlinuxusr> Buffer I/O error on device sdb, logical block 0
[01:49] <rootlinuxusr> when i try to open what I think it is in qtparted, it says Critical error during ped_disk_new!
[02:06] <rootlinuxusr> i just want a piece of the 3.1415....
[02:07] <NickPresta> rootlinuxusr, sorry, I ate it all =(
[02:07] <rootlinuxusr> damn....
[02:08] <rootlinuxusr> so if mount doesn't detect it, and dmesg says it's sdb, and i've tried every possible /dev spot...how can i fix it?
[02:10] <rootlinuxusr> it might be of note to say that both win, and kubuntu hang when this is plugged in when it's starting, i unplug it and it stops hanging..
[02:13] <wayneward> just decided im goin back to debain its better ta ta
[02:13] <mafitzpatrick> haha
[02:13] <BluesKaj> I wish him luck
[02:14] <mafitzpatrick> exactly :)
[02:14] <billyd> I was going to from 7.04 to 7.10 and the DVD seems finky. Apt can't read some files
[02:14] <rootlinuxusr> reburn
[02:14] <billyd> Think I'll wait on 8.04 and upgrade at LUG meeting
[02:15] <BluesKaj> the arcane app choice during the debiamn install turns a lot of ppl off
[02:15] <BluesKaj> err debian :)
[02:17] <BluesKaj> I don't mind kde4 apps , they seem ok except for amarok , so far , but the plasma desktop isn't my cuppa tea
[02:20] <lovely> hello dale
[02:21] <billyd> What is wrong with Amarok BluesKaj - other than it doen't handle many sound formats with out extra help?
[02:21] <lovely> http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/how-to-install-codecs-for-xine-or-kaffeine-193028/
[02:22] <LoneShadow> Hi, I upgraded to hardy, and logitech g5 mouse stopped working, whats the best way to fix this issue ?
[02:22] <billyd> Just bookmarked that for future reference
[02:22] <alain_> hi guys got prob here. i downloaded kubuntu without kde4.. how will i be able to install kde4 with it?
[02:22] <BluesKaj> billyd , it's pre-alpha and crashes when I try to stream internet radio
[02:23] <LoneShadow> checking in #ubuntu+1 as well
[02:23] <BluesKaj> just download and install it like any other app, then choose it in the login menu if you wish to use it for a session
[02:24] <billyd> If I can't get Amarok up and streamimg, I'm gonna see about downloading Helix
[02:32] <j> hi
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[02:39] <naught102> is there any way to get the automatically created links to usb drives to point to /media/device-name/ instead of media:/sdb2, etc?
[02:40] <naught102> from the k desktop + media panel applet
[02:41] <GrueTamer> mount /dev/sdb2 /media/foo ?
[02:46] <naught102> GrueTamer: is already is mounted correctly there, but the shortcuts point to media:/sdx#
[02:47] <naught102> .desktop files, what ever
[02:48] <naught102> they automatically mount correctly, just the links are incorrect
[02:48] <naught102> I mean, correct, just not as nice.
[02:48] <Jucato> media:/ links are just sort of "convenience" URLs. the real mount points are still in /media
[02:48] <Dr_willis> yea it pays to be carefull with the filemanager, and then trying to access the same place with the shell.
=== MrJoey is now known as JoeyAdams
[03:12] <emeline> hay alguien aqui que hable español
[03:13] <epimeth> !es
[03:13] <ubotu> Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[03:13] <emeline> gracias
[03:13] <hazard> Interesting.
[03:14] <hazard> I hadn't known there were channels in other languages.
[03:14] <hazard> Usually I just end up using my half-assed Spanish to try to help.
[03:16] <epimeth> hazard: you might get yelled at by the admins if they catch you...
[03:16] <epimeth> so just learn the shortcuts
[03:16] <epimeth> !es
[03:16] <ubotu> Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[03:16] <epimeth> !de
[03:16] <ubotu> Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[03:16] <epimeth> !fr
[03:16] <ubotu> Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.
[03:16] <epimeth> and my favorite...
[03:16] <epimeth> !he
[03:16] <ubotu> לשיחות בשפה העברית ולגישה לקהילת המשתמשים העברית אנא הקלד:
[03:16] <ubotu> /join #ubuntu-il
[03:16] <epimeth> :-)
[03:24] <hazard> Heh.
[03:24] <hazard> Here I don't help, yet.
[03:24] <hazard> Here I come for help.
[03:26] <hazard> How do I determine which version number I'm on?
[03:27] * hazard finds it humorous that he can find his kernel version, but not Kubuntu version. :-P
[03:34] <hazard> I found aircrack-ng in adept, but not aireplay-ng or airodump-ng. Not that my adept isn't broken anyway, but at least it helps me find packages I can install from the command line.
[03:36] <hazard> Damn it all. Adept crashed again.
[03:46] <adude> where does vlc player save its snapshots?
[03:47] <rootlinuxusr_> ~/.vlc //
[03:47] <rootlinuxusr_> ?*
[03:48] <adude> thanks
[03:48] <hazard> Any idea what repository I need to be able to install airodump-ng?
[03:48] <hazard> It seems that one of the defaults has kismet and aircrack-ng, but not airodump-ng or aireplay-ng, and Google is being less than forthcoming with the answer.
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[03:54] <rootlinuxusr_> Since I use an external mouse, is there a way to turn of my lappys touchpad?
[03:54] <hazard> rootlinuxusr_: Can't just comment it out of xorg.conf?
[03:55] <hazard> Or perhaps uninstall the synaptics driver?
[03:55] * hazard is guessing.
=== david__ is now known as tsetse_david
[04:14] <tsetse_david> Hello
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[04:32] <AngryBacon> Can someone help me get my nvidia drivers going? logs & config in link http://sh.nu/p/24236
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[04:39] <rootlinuxusr_> Angry, join #compiz-fusion
[04:40] <unholyskorn> How's everyone doing tonite?
[04:42] <unholyskorn> Anyone know of a desktop recording tool for Kubuntu?
[04:42] <unholyskorn> I want to take a video of my compiz
[04:42] <maduser> use krecordmydesktop
[04:43] <unholyskorn> is that built into kubuntu?
[04:43] <maduser> no get it through apt
[04:43] <unholyskorn> thank bro
[04:54] <tifine> any good newleecher on kubuntu ? similar to newleecher.com
=== dwidmann_ is now known as dwidmann
[05:10] <o_0> hi all.. does anyone use pppoe for connecting to internet here?
[05:12] <maduser> ?
[05:12] * dwidmann doesn't
[05:12] <maduser> dial up?
[05:12] <maduser> why?
[05:13] <dwidmann> maduser: I think that'd be ADSL?
[05:13] <dwidmann> maduser: (PPP over ethernet)
[05:14] <maduser> ah
[05:14] <maduser> i always thought that was dial up
[05:21] <mefisto__> I'm trying to change the file browser/manager firefox uses (eg, when you right-click your downloads list and "open containing folder"). Currently it's using thunar (default for xfce) and I want it to be konqueror
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[05:28] <o_0> yeah.. i use pppoe.. that's probably what you call dial up.. and it suddenly stopped working with kubuntu on my machine.. no idea what went wrong suddenly.
[05:29] <dwidmann> o_O: well .... is it detecting your modem?
[05:30] <matthew> How can I get updates? I just installed 7.10 and I am online but I don't see any icon for updates showing up...
[05:30] <o_0> <dwidmann>: how should i check for that?
[05:31] <mefisto__> matthew: have you tried "sudo apt-get update" ?
[05:31] <matthew> mefisto__: nope... let me try that!
[05:31] <dwidmann> o_O: Well, what sort of modem is it, and how does it connect to your computer?
[05:32] <matthew> mefisto__: The apt-get update method says there are no updates.. it listed the CDs as sources.. so it must not be checking the web.
[05:33] <kkathman> evening all
[05:33] <o_0> <dwidmann>: we have a LAN here.. and my computer connects to the net through that LAN. our service provider does not give any information about the kind of modem or anything else :(
[05:33] <dwidmann> :S
[05:34] <o_0> <dwidmann>: i used pon / poff for connecting / disconnecting and it was working fine since the last 6 months or so..
[05:34] <dwidmann> Hmmmm
[05:34] <mefisto__> matthew: ok, you need to change your sources. The easiest way is probably doing it in Adept Manager (should be in System menu)
[05:34] <matthew> mefisto__: yes.. just did that.
[05:35] <dwidmann> I've got nothing o_O: if it worked before, I would try downloading the older version of the package and force-installing that, and maybe it will work again?
[05:35] <o_0> <dwidmann>: suddenly stopped workin on kubuntu 7.10 and ubuntu 7.04 but its still working fine in windows.. all three systems on the same machine
[05:35] <mefisto__> matthew: then just click "fetch updates" in adept
[05:35] <o_0> <dwidmann>: i never upgraded the package.. :(
[05:36] <dwidmann> o_O: it just stopped working out of the blue? That's really odd then....
[05:36] <o_0> <dwidmann>: some people told me that pppoeconf goes for a toss if the ISP changes anything at their backend.. don't know if that could be it
[05:36] <dwidmann> o_O It might be an issue with your provider
[05:36] <o_0> <dwidmann>: yeah.. its really odd..
[05:36] <o_0> <dwidmann>: probably..
[05:37] <o_0> <dwidmann>: but it still works with windows!
[05:37] <matthew> mefisto__: after adding the sources.. I just did the apt-get update thing.. and it's still working..
[05:37] <dwidmann> o_O: I'd ask them directly if I were you, if they aren't completely retarded they might even be able to help you.;
[05:38] <matthew> mefisto__: I had to real install because I sent my laptop back to repairs and they wiped out the drives.. put XP back on them...
[05:38] <matthew> mefisto__: it's nice having sound though.. one of these updates I know wipes out my sound, for some reason.
[05:38] <o_0> <dwidmann>: they "don't recommend / or support" using linux..can u believe that.. and we have no choice out here coz he's the only provider in our area.. :(
[05:38] <mefisto__> matthew: so it's working now? or not working?
[05:39] <matthew> mefisto__: it seems to be working...
[05:39] <matthew> ah done..
[05:39] <matthew> I will reboot
[05:39] <dwidmann> o_O: I wonder if pppoe has any sort of debugging options at all. Maybe you could somehow figure out something you could change on your end to force it to work.
[05:41] <kkathman> what is the name of the k-menu applet and can you change its icon??
[05:41] <o_0> dwidmann: hmm.. trying.. couldn't figure out anything so far.. isn't there any other pppoe package robust enough to adjust to such changes like that one? .. i dont know what change though :(
[05:41] * dwidmann starts apt-cache searching for o_O
[05:42] * o_0 thanks dwidmann for help
[05:42] <mefisto__> kkathman: it's called "K Menu" in the applet list, and you can change the icon if you replace the current one with another (with the same filename and location)
[05:43] * o_0 wishes there was an apt-cache on doze too :P
[05:43] <kkathman> mefisto__: do you know where I could find it?
[05:43] <kkathman> mefisto__: I knew the name in the applet list - but was wondering how to change its icon
[05:44] <dwidmann> Well, other related packages include pppoeconf, pppoe, guessnet, br2684ctl, hwinfo, pppstatus, and a few libs - so nothing that looks like clients, but maybe something like hwinfo, guessnet, or br2684ctl could give you some information about the network that you need (I don't know, just an idea)
[05:45] <dwidmann> @ o_O
[05:45] <mefisto__> kkathman: if you're using the default crystalsvg kde icons, it should be /usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/32x32/kmenu.png (32x32 = separate directories for different icon sizes)
[05:46] <kkathman> mefisto__: terrific thank you sir!
[05:47] <mefisto__> kkathman: tastymenu is an alternative menu that lets you choose an icon in the menu's settings. You might like to try it
[05:47] <kkathman> mefisto__: I can aptitude install that?
[05:49] <mefisto__> kkathman: actually, I'm not sure. I think I may have downloaded the .deb from http://www.getdeb.net
[05:50] <mefisto__> http://www.getdeb.net/search.php?keywords=tastymenu
[05:50] <kkathman> mefisto__: also at kde-look.org :)
[05:51] <kkathman> seems the deb would be better since you can just dpkg -i it
[05:51] <mefisto__> kkathman: just opening the deb should start gdebi to install it
[05:52] <kkathman> mefisto__: you mean from like dolphin? Hmm nice - I always had to dpkg -i the file :)
[05:53] <hollen19> In the KDE4 preview I lost the 'K gear' application launcher menu and when I replace it it will not go in the lower left. How do I move it back to where it came from?
[05:53] <o_0> dwidmann: hey thanks for the list.. thanks a ton..
[05:54] * o_0 using windoes based IRC client.. it sux. it doesnt even let him know when he's pinged :(
[05:55] <kkathman> mefisto__: very nice :) thanks :)
[05:55] <mefisto__> hollen19: I'm not sure how you move it in the taskbar, but you can add the menu widget to the desktop, then drag that one to the position you want
[05:56] <mefisto__> kkathman: you installed tastymenu?
[05:56] <dwidmann> o_O: No problem
[05:56] <kkathman> mefisto__: yep...works like a champ - it appears as an applet you can choose by "add applet to panel"
[05:57] <hollen19> mefisto__: I just tried but the icon disappears behind the panel.
[05:57] <mefisto__> kkathman: I was using both menus for a while :)
[05:58] <kkathman> mefisto__: suse had a nice slab-like menu, but more elegant, that was pretty nice, but too many keystrokes
[05:58] <tifine> I am getting this error message whenever i try to open something KLanucher couldnt reached via DCOP
[06:00] <hollen19> mefisto__: Hrmm.. I cannot find any "add applet to panel" but I can grow and shrink and rotate it.
[06:01] <tifine> how to restart a process e.g. klauncher
[06:01] <tifine> ?
[06:03] <kkathman> aww man no avant window manager :(
[06:04] <kkathman> navigator I mean, sorry
[06:04] <mefisto__> hollen19: and you can't drop it onto the panel?
[06:05] <hollen19> mefisto__: No it just slides behind the panel. I can hide it completely behind if I try.
[06:07] <mefisto__> hollen19: have you tried asking in #kde4 ?
[06:08] <hollen19> mefisto__: No. I thought I'd start here.
[06:08] <hollen19> But I will thanks.
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[06:17] <PeterFA> What's the skim Panel Applet? I added it and search the tubes, but alas, I found nothing.
[06:27] <Fr|0z3n> hello anyone willing to help?
[06:27] <DarkestHour> I am.
[06:28] <DarkestHour> Or not if you leave, lol.
[06:28] <mefisto__> PeterFA: it's for use with the skim panel. I think it just allows it to be docked in kde's panel
[07:03] <darkwolf> hello everyone, I have just installed Kubuntu and rebooted my computer multiple times, but for some reason I cannot run the adept package manager to install programs, it keeps telling me it is busy and when I try to resolve the problem it crashes!
[07:04] <p_quarles> darkwolf: what version of kde?
[07:04] <darkwolf> uh, I don't know... its Kubuntu 7.10
[07:04] <Jucato> !aptfix
[07:04] <ubotu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[07:04] <darkwolf> its a fresh install, so I am new to this
[07:05] <darkwolf> ok, trying it
[07:07] <darkwolf> it is asking me whether to keep my current version of the package manager or install the maintainers version?
[07:07] <darkwolf> I upgraded and it worked!
[07:10] <darkwolf> for some reason the codecs to play mp3s in Amarok and such is faded out in the installer?!
[07:10] <simula_> darkwolf... i think you have to apt-get install them
[07:10] <simula_> try... sudo apt-get install lame
[07:12] <mefisto__> darkwolf: which installer? adept?
[07:13] <darkwolf> yes, adept
[07:16] <darkwolf> yes, got it to work! :)
[07:22] <jussio1> darkwolf: great :)
[07:23] <darkwolf> okay my problem now is when I play videos fullscreen on my monitor, it gets very choppy
[07:23] <darkwolf> in Puppy Linux the same videos played fine with Xine
[07:23] <jussio1> darkwolf: which gfx card do you have?
[07:24] <dwidmann> Hmmmm, I wonder if I taskset 2 3 4 soundkonverter if it will effect the processes it starts or not ....
[07:25] <darkwolf> jussio1: embarassing to say, but I have forgotten :(
[07:25] <jussio1> darkwolf: go to terminal, and type: lspci
[07:25] <jussio1> should be listed there
[07:26] <darkwolf> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5500] (re v a1)
[07:27] <kadko> hola alguien me pude ayudar a instalar los codecs de mp3?
[07:27] <mefisto__> darkwolf: are you playing videos in kaffeine?
[07:27] <kadko> some one can help me to install mp3 codecs
[07:27] <jussio1> darkwolf: ok, you need the restricted drivers
[07:27] <jussio1> !ati | darkwolf
[07:27] <ubotu> darkwolf: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[07:27] <jussio1> !es | kadko
[07:27] <ubotu> kadko: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[07:28] <jussio1> !mp3 | kadko
[07:28] <ubotu> kadko: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[07:28] <jussio1> kadko: you can also try opening a mp3 in amarok, they should auto install
[07:29] <kadko> amarok does not work
[07:29] <kadko> it frezze the so
[07:29] <kadko> and need to restart the pc
[07:31] <jussio1> kadko: install the package: kubuntu-restricted-extras
[07:31] <kadko> ya im doing that tnx boot and tnx to u jussio1
[07:32] <kadko> and some one can recomend me a p2p program for kubuntu 7.04 like ares
[07:33] <jussio1> kadko: ktorrent, amule
[07:33] <kadko> i have that i want one like ares or lime wire whit out use the wine
[07:34] <jussio1> !limewire
[07:34] <ubotu> limewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install /msg ubotu java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider /msg ubotu FrostWire as an alternative.
[07:34] <jussio1> !frostwire
[07:34] <ubotu> frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire
[07:34] <jussio1> kadko: use frostwire
[07:34] <kadko> tnx, im new on this and i like this
[07:34] <jussio1> !edonkey
[07:34] <ubotu> eDonkey clients: aMule (GTK, stand-alone), mldonkey-gui (GTK, based on MLDonkey), KMLDonkey (KDE, based on MLDonkey) - See also !P2P
[07:35] <kadko> ya im downloading the frost~
[07:35] <mEck0> Hi! in which app can I test if my microphone is working?
[07:35] <jussio1> kadko: :)
[07:35] <dwidmann> Wow, it does work .... Quads ftw .... and taskset also
[07:37] <jussio1> mEck0: audacity, skype, and a multitude of others...
[07:38] <mEck0> jussio1: thx
[07:39] <jussio1> :)
[07:42] <darkwolf> okay, kubuntu crashed when I tried to test my graphics card driver...
[07:43] <darkwolf> took me a while to get back, but I am here now :)
[07:44] <darkwolf> okay so videos are still choppy when I run them fullscreen, what can I do?
[07:44] <deepfreez> Hi, why i can remove/add a new document in partition ntfs what is wrong ? http://pastebin.com/m172ce7fc , and how i need add the line for work!
[07:46] <kadko> Im tried to install the restricted elements for mp3 support
[07:46] <kadko> and i get an error
[07:47] <eddieftw> kadko: whatt error
[07:47] <kadko> when it go in 20% i got an a download error and the installation can not finish
[07:49] <kadko> "Error produced when sending the changes. Probably it's a problem whit the download of some pakets or the sending can demage the pakets
[07:56] <darkwolf> okay I am trying to install the package for flash/java etc. on Ubuntu and I keep getting a "problem committing packages" error
[07:56] <jussio1> darkwolf: are you on gutsy or hardy?
[07:57] <kadko> so the packages are "demaged"?
[07:58] <darkwolf> dur... I dun know
[07:59] <jussio1> !version | darkwolf:
[07:59] <ubotu> darkwolf:: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell
[08:00] <kadko> well my problem is on the file sun-java6-plugin it apper as broken
[08:02] <darkwolf> gutsy
[08:05] <darkwolf> okay I used to commandline and things seem okay...
[08:05] <darkwolf> so... about that choppy ,avi playback...
[08:13] <darkwolf> fullscreen flash playback is choppy as well
[08:14] <jussio1> darkwolf: did you manage to get the drivers installed?
[08:15] <darkwolf> nope
[08:15] <darkwolf> I had to reboot
[08:15] <darkwolf> I switched it to generic Geforce Fx and I then when I clicked Test the screen turned monochrome and my cursor turned to an X and I had to reboot...
[08:16] <jussio1> darkwolf: thats going to be the problem. get those installed and see how you go.
[08:16] <jussio1> darkwolf: go to system settings -> advanced -> restricted drivers and install it :)
[08:24] <darkwolf_> argh I did it again :(
[08:25] <darkwolf_> okay ubuntu detects my graphics card as a geforce 4
[08:25] <darkwolf_> how do I install the driver?
[08:27] <jussio1> darkwolf_: did you d what I said?
[08:27] <jussio1> [10:13:31] <jussio1> darkwolf: go to system settings -> advanced -> restricted drivers and install it :)
[08:28] <darkwolf_> yes I see, I apologize
[08:29] <darkwolf_> I need to reboot before I test it corrext?
[08:29] <darkwolf_> correct*
[08:30] <darkwolf_> okay, well I will reboot...
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[08:56] <darkwolf> I installed the driver, tried to reboot... and now my monitor says kubuntu is out of frequency
[08:57] <darkwolf> I had to boot Puppy Linux, which is what I am in now...
[08:57] <darkwolf> ehat do I do?
[08:58] <darkwolf> how to I get Kubuntu to boot within my monitorys frequency?
[08:58] <darkwolf> *monitor's
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[09:01] <darkwolf> anyone?
[09:01] <darkwolf> I am keeply trapped out of Kubuntu!
[09:02] <darkwolf> completely!*
[09:02] <eatThisAndDie> darkwolf.... a little more description would be good
[09:06] <darkwolf> when it boots, my monitor says out of frequency
[09:06] <darkwolf> I installed the driver for my geforce4 and rebooted
[09:06] <darkwolf> now everything boots up fine but my monitor says "out of frequency"
[09:07] <darkwolf> so how can I get back into Kubuntu and fix the frequency it boots into so my monitor can display it?
[09:09] <eatThisAndDie> are you able to use the CLI without starting Xserver?
[09:09] <darkwolf> yeah I can use the CLI
[09:10] <SlimeyPete> the driver installation may have created a backup xorg.conf
[09:10] <SlimeyPete> it'll be in /etc/X11, probably called xorg.conf.0 or xorg.conf.old or something
[09:43] <noaXess> !harddisk
[09:43] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about harddisk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[09:44] <noaXess> someone has a good harddisk check tool.. on windows i use easyrecovery from ontrack, http://www.ontrack.de/easyrecovery-datarecovery/..
[09:44] <jussio1> noaXess: whats up?
[09:44] <Tm_T> noaXess: is that a question?
[09:44] <noaXess> yeah :)
[09:45] <Tm_T> ok :)
[09:45] <noaXess> it seems that i forget the ?.. right? :)
[09:46] <noaXess> i need a tool to search eg fs or sector failures on a harddisk
[09:46] <noaXess> to recover i use testdrive
[09:46] <noaXess> testdisk..
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[09:51] <faLUCE> i'm trying to increas the maximum number of fds allowable for my_user; i have added this line in /etc/security/limits.conf: my_user - nproc 50000 .... however after rebooting the number of procs remains the same: 1024 ... any suggestion? thnks
[10:07] <nitin> how do i know the kde version of kubuntu that i am using now
[10:08] * o_0 wonders 0-o
[10:08] <RogueJediX> nitin: Try typing in "kded version"
[10:08] <RogueJediX> nitin: Sorry, I meant "kded --version"
[10:10] <nitin> RoguejediX, thanks
[10:11] <hydrax77> Hallo! I am from vienna and am currently in London. I have to synchronize my system with an NTP server. However I'm not getting the local time here. How can I swtich the timezone?
[10:14] <kblin> hi folks
[10:17] <kblin> I'm just trying to set up a network of kubuntu boxes using ldap for the passdb. unfortunately this means I have an overlap of two users with the uid of 1000. I've tried changing the local user to uid 999, but that one fails to log in (granted, I forgot to chown $HOME). but that seems like a clumsy solution overall
[10:17] <kblin> wouldn't it be better to just reenable the root account?
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[10:20] <catweazle> kblin: user must over 1000 id
[10:20] <catweazle> uid i mean
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[10:24] <kblin> catweazle: why? the livecd uses uid 999 as well :)
[10:25] <kblin> catweazle: it's just a convention, after all
[10:27] <kblin> ok, never mind, I'll just enable the root account and remove the local conflicting user
[10:35] <wers> whenever I try to start a kde4 session, my computer just hangs. any idea?
[10:38] <kblin> wers: and if you start a failsafe session things work?
[10:38] <wers> haven't tried that
[10:38] <wers> at least, whenever I try any other DE, I experience no problem
[10:39] <kblin> goes opengl work in the other envs?
[10:40] <wers> i'm sorry
[10:42] <kblin> ?
[10:47] <bin4ry> hi together, i just can't install absinthe (http://www.0x90.org/releases/absinthe/download.php). Cant figure out why
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[11:15] <jeffinhedon> Hello Greetings from East Riding of Yorkshire
[11:43] <max_> I need to list my serial port in kubuntu, what is the command? (I use usb serial port device)
[11:44] <jussio1> lsusb will list all usb devices
[11:45] <max_> I need to connect with serial usb device widh minicom.... what is the name? tty?
[11:55] <DexterF> hi
[11:55] <DexterF> !compiz
[11:55] <ubotu> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
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[12:18] <ubuntu_> Hi is there any one here
[12:20] <makdaknife> hi
[12:21] <ActionParsnip> hi makdaknife
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[12:22] <makdaknife> hi ActionParsnip
[12:23] <ActionParsnip> !hi | makdaknife
[12:23] <ubotu> makdaknife: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[12:23] <makdaknife> :-)
[12:24] <makdaknife> been here a while... I was just returning the greet from ubuntu_ but just realised s/he has already left :-(
[12:25] <ActionParsnip> haha
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[12:34] <jussio1> !nickspam > solid_liq
[12:35] <solid_liq> jussio1, no, it was nick maintanence actually
[12:35] <jussio1> solid_liq: ahh, sure :)
[12:36] <solid_liq> jussio1, I had to reclaim a variant of my nick, and add a few more variants, to ensure my cloak would always hold, even after an auto reconnect due to a timeout
[12:37] <solid_liq> jussio1, funny how of the 11 channels I'm in, this is the only one where someone said something about it
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[12:59] <lod__air> hi, when I try to open app. trough console i've receive message: cannot open dispay
[13:00] <lod__air> how to setup display, I'm using fgrlx driver
[13:01] <PhilRod> lod__air: you probably just want to start the app from a konsole in your kde session, instead of from the terminal
[13:02] <lod__air> yes
[13:02] <lod__air> I know I can start it with Alt+F2
[13:03] <PhilRod> lod__air: sorry, I'm confused - are you trying to start the app from a "konsole" within KDE, or from the terminal you get to with Ctrl+Alt+F<something>?
[13:03] <lod__air> i wan to run fgl_glxgears from konsole
[13:04] <PhilRod> can you paste (pastebin if it's long) the exact error message you get?
[13:04] <lod__air> Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyError: couldn't open display (null)
[13:05] <lod__air> or with other app
[13:05] <lod__air> (thunderbird-bin:13733): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.0
[13:05] <PhilRod> what does "echo $DISPLAY" say?
[13:05] <lod__air> :0.0
[13:06] <PhilRod> are you using a different user perhaps?
[13:06] <lod__air> no
[13:06] <lod__air> btw
[13:06] <lod__air> yes
[13:06] <lod__air> root
[13:06] <lod__air> so stupid
[13:06] <lod__air> 10x
[13:08] <PhilRod> heh
[13:08] <lod__air> why I cannot start app with root from konsole?
[13:08] <jussio1> !enter
[13:08] <ubotu> Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!
[13:08] <lod__air> must I be loged in ass rot
[13:09] <Pici> !root | lod__air
[13:09] <ubotu> lod__air: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo
[13:09] <lod__air> i've setuped root's password
[13:10] <PhilRod> it's to do with the way X decides whether to allow other users to access the display
[13:11] <PhilRod> which in turn is to do with the fact that X is fundamentally a network-transparent multi-user system
[13:11] <PhilRod> if you just want to allow any user on your system to access your display, you can do something like:
[13:11] <lod__air> but root is the super user, hasn't he got the privilige to do so?
[13:11] <PhilRod> xhost +localhost
[13:11] <PhilRod> <log in as another user>
[13:11] <PhilRod> <some X app>
[13:12] <PhilRod> no, it's just one of the quirks of how X works. Well, actually, it's probably possible, but indirectly
[13:13] <lod__air> 10x, your help was verry helpful
[13:14] <lod__air> where can I read about how X works?
[13:14] <PhilRod> if you're interested in some of the technical details, the documentation from the linux doc project might be good
[13:14] <PhilRod> it's the sort of stuff I learnt from back when I started
[13:14] <PhilRod> tldp.org
[13:15] <lod__air> i preffer something lighter.. for a beginer
[13:15] <lod__air> but 10x anyway I will look in it
[13:15] <PhilRod> probably the (k)ubuntu documentation then
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=== ubuntu is now known as Cannon
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[13:30] <LinaLove> how do i setup a scanner using kubuntu? can't find anything with usefull info in system properties
[13:30] <kgx> anyone used sunOS (solaris i guess). how do i restart sshd in it?
[13:32] <elTigre> hey I just installed HardyHeron and Kubuntu KDE 4 ... but I am missing my second screen...
[13:32] <elTigre> it only shows the defaul blackandwhite tiled wallpaper of a pristine X Server
[13:32] <elTigre> with the "X" shaped mouse pointer
[13:33] <elTigre> how can I extend my desktop to the second screen?
[13:33] <mschiff> any idea why "dcop kded mediamanager fullList" always lists different media as mounted regardless if they are or not?
[13:42] <_myrtille_> Hi :)
[13:42] <_myrtille_> could someone help me with creating a bugreport?
[13:42] <_myrtille_> i found an invalid bugreport concerning "my" bug:
[13:43] <_myrtille_> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-games/+bug/190625
[13:44] <_myrtille_> in which is stated, that one should submit the crashreport in var/crash
[13:44] <_myrtille_> but i don't have a crashreport?
[13:44] <_myrtille_> how do i make one?
[13:48] <BluesKaj> 'Morning
[13:55] <CapitalT> Hi, is there a KDE alternative for Miro (aka Democracy Player)?
[13:58] <PhilRod> bah, I just installed the wrong gif library and adept decided to remove all of kde
[14:00] <adrock358> Anybody know how i can mount my windows partition?
[14:00] <BluesKaj> CapitalT, which feeds are you referring to ?
[14:01] <CapitalT> this one: http://subscribe.getmiro.com/?url1=http%3A%2F%2Fsubscribe.getmiro.com%2F%3Furl1%3Dhttp%253A%2F%2Fwww.progbox.co.uk%2Fwordpress%2Fwp-rss2.php%253Fcat%253D14
[14:01] <elTigre> hey, I installed xinerama and everything, but I can't get that second screen to display anything but a crude X server
[14:01] <elTigre> kde4 doesn't use it
[14:03] <BluesKaj> ok CapitalT , I have to ask why do you need an alternative ?
[14:04] <adrock358> anyone?
[14:05] <CapitalT> BluesKaj: Miro brings a lot of GNOME related luggage, and I read that it interferes with KDE's power management
[14:05] <CapitalT> http://www.getmiro.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=107
[14:06] <adrock358> ahhhhhhhh help!
[14:07] <CapitalT> adrock358: Have you tried System Settings->Advanced->Disk & Filesystems?
[14:08] <CapitalT> adrock358: also check ubuntuforums.org. you'll find all your answers there
[14:09] <BluesKaj> CapitalT, some ppl install the gnome desktop sisde by side with kubuntu-desktop, just for those reasons , then choose their fancy at the login menu :P
[14:11] <CapitalT> BluesKaj: I don't want to start a flamewar, but I can't stand GNOME. I prefer everything KDE and Qt.
[14:12] <adrock358> capitalT. yeah but that takes too long. I'm looking at them right now. I don't have a lot of time. plus, this is kind of urgent.
[14:16] <BluesKaj> CapitalT, this may help , http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=588617
[14:17] <makdaknife> adrock358: what's the problem?
[14:18] <CapitalT> BluesKaj: I think I'll search more, thanks anyway
[14:18] <adrock358> makdaknife. i need to mount my win partition from the live cd
[14:20] <makdaknife> adrock358: open konsole; sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /media/floppy;
[14:21] <makdaknife> adrock358: obviously if you are using ntfs s/vfat/ntfs
[14:23] <makdaknife> adrock358: and of course, specify the correct device node to mount (e.g. /dev/hda1; /dev/sdb1; /dev/sda2); depending on where your windows partition is
[14:23] <makdaknife> once mounted, you should be able to open konqueror and browse to /media/floppy to access your disk
[14:24] <makdaknife> adrock358: is any of this making sense to you?
[14:25] <adrock358> yeah. totally. sounds like just what i did before that worked...i'm pretty new to linux...but it's "rad" in my opinion! Oh, here please check this out. Thank you very much man. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62409/
[14:26] <adrock358> makdaknife. just a bad day for all this to happen to my comp
[14:27] <zx80user> anybody know of this bug http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=681770 - I have a friend trying to install kubuntu and he is suffering from this atm
[14:27] <zx80user> (NB he's not a virtual machine)
[14:27] <makdaknife> adrock358: okay, a couple of misunderstandings... but not a problem... it clarifies that the /media/floppy mountpoint is not available on the live cd... i did not know that...
[14:27] <coggz> need some help with apache
[14:28] <adrock358> i think media works, no floppy.
[14:28] <coggz> i would like to be able to acccess my site from the internet, but i am behind a router and my ip takes me to the router login page
[14:28] <makdaknife> adrock358: try the following: mkdir /tmp/mydisk; mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /tmp/mydisk
[14:28] <makdaknife> adrock358: then paste me the output
[14:32] <adrock358> you rock bro
[14:32] <makdaknife> :-)
[14:33] <makdaknife> adrock358: I presume you are up and running
[14:33] <mst__> hallo zusammen
[14:34] <adrock358> yes sir
[14:34] <makdaknife> good man
[14:35] <mst__> I gave a new password to root in the terminal. But now the distri upgrade doesnt work anymore.
[14:36] <ubuntu> i need urgent help ... i tried to install kubuntu but on 94% i get "Executing 'grub-install (hd0)' failed. This is a fatal error. :'(
[14:36] <ubuntu> it's also messed my windows up too
[14:36] <mst__> Is it possible to remove this password again or what have I to do now?
=== ubuntu is now known as Cannon
[14:38] <mst__> It should work if I do the command for the distupgrade in the terminal, shouldnt it? but how is that command?
[14:39] <Cannon> I need urgent help ... I tried to install kubuntu but on 94% i get "Executing 'grub-install (hd0)' failed. This is a fatal error. :'(
[14:43] * NK is away: Lähtenyt toistaiseksi.
[14:44] <Cannon> is there a way to make a new partition with the installation cd so that I don't lose all my data on my other sata drive?
[14:46] <kblin> hi folks
[14:46] <Cannon> hi kblin
[14:47] <kblin> I'm looking for a nice GUI for initiating SSH sessions similar to PuTTY on Win32. I've got a user who knows jack about Linux/ssh but who has been using pine to read his emails for decades
[14:48] <SlimeyPete> kblin: there's PuTTY for Linux.
[14:48] <kblin> there is_
[14:48] <kblin> ?
[14:48] <kblin> wow
[14:48] <SlimeyPete> yep
[14:48] <kblin> I know putty runs in wine, of course ;)
[14:48] * kblin goes to google :)
[14:48] <snowolf> no no, there's putty for linux no need for wine :)
[14:48] <SlimeyPete> kblin: sudo apt-get install putty
[14:49] <kblin> yeah, found it
[14:49] <kblin> cool stuff
[14:49] * genii ponders kdessh
[14:49] <kblin> snowolf: I like the concept of running putty in wine, though
[14:51] <kblin> I still don't get why people'd need a gui for ssh, but nobody asks me anyway
[14:51] <genii> kblin: I think so they have the comfort of something to click on to start it up
[14:58] <elTigre> how can I start firefox in KDE4?
[14:58] <elTigre> the usual ways don't work...
[14:58] <elTigre> even in Konsole there is no error message
[14:59] <elTigre> it just doesn't do anything...
[15:02] <rumbaroy> can somebody help me with knetwork manager?
[15:04] <genii> elTigre: Perhaps they may know in #kubuntu-kde4
[15:04] <rumbaroy> i'm also there...:P
[15:06] * BluesKaj fools around with miro-internet tv...very gnome oriented but if one installs the gnomelibxine-plugins , it seems to run with NP.
[15:07] <_myrtille_> help :)
[15:07] <_myrtille_> i'm having trouble connecting to the internet via my lan-connection (wifi is fine)
[15:07] <genii> BluesKaj: Heh, still trying to integrate your Tivo with the computer?
[15:09] <genii> _myrtille_: In Konsole what does: lspci | grep Ethernet report?
[15:09] <_myrtille_> so i told knetworkmanager to use DHCP vor adresses and know my lan-connection has completely disappeared from knetworkmanager
[15:09] <rumbaroy> same problem here!
[15:09] <_myrtille_> genii: 02:02.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4401 100Base-T (rev 01)
[15:10] <_myrtille_> knetworkmanager still recognizes the controller, but i can't choose to connect it
[15:12] <BluesKaj> genii, I have thingd setup pretty well , now that i have 2 way access between my pc and the tivo on both linux and windows
[15:12] <chi_> hi all, need help- there is no FAN-activity on my hardy - lm_sensors is not soupported
[15:14] <genii> _myrtille_: I'm seeing a forum report of same issue with this card but finding no solution yet
[15:15] <_myrtille_> genii: if there are any information i can give/get you tell me
[15:15] <genii> _myrtille_: That link http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?p=4546103 but there is not much useful there yet for solving it
[15:16] * NK is back.
[15:22] <genii> Sorry for lag, work required me.
[15:28] <genii> _myrtille_: Have you tried from Konsole: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart or: sudo ifconfig eth0 up (assuming the adapter is seen as eth0 in this case)
[15:30] <_myrtille_> genii: the problem lies with eth0, yes... the first gives the following message, though:
[15:30] <_myrtille_> * Reconfiguring network interfaces... Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0.
[15:31] <epimeth> ~/.strigi is taking up gigs and gigs of space... what can I do about this?
=== kriptix is now known as Kr|ptiX
[15:33] <Kr|ptiX> !broadcom
[15:33] <genii> _myrtille_: Perhaps make an entry in /etc/network/interfaces of 2 lines,: auto eth0 and then: iface eth0 inet dhcp
[15:33] <ubotu> Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx
[15:33] <genii> And then to retry sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
[15:34] <genii> Kr|ptiX: The 4401 is different than the 43xx series
[15:35] <Kr|ptiX> genii: i kno how to fix it now just redid my system
[15:35] <Kr|ptiX> genii: u kno wat sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Apr 7 14:26:37 2008 means
[15:36] <genii> Kr|ptiX: Future timestamp means you d/loaded some file from a timezone which is ahead of your own and so system thinks it is from the future
[15:37] <Kr|ptiX> genii: how do i fix it?
[15:37] <genii> Kr|ptiX: Use the touch command to change the timestamp
[15:38] <Daisuke_Laptop> go back in time and don't download the file yet :)
[15:38] <Kr|ptiX> genii: touch command?
[15:38] <genii> Daisuke_Laptop: Heh
[15:38] <Kr|ptiX> nvm i fixed it
[15:38] <genii> Kr|ptiX: Yes. man touch
[15:39] <eagles0513875> hey hey my favorite peeps in my favrriot linux distro channel
[15:39] <bipolar> Does anyone else have weird issues with radio buttons and check boxes in firefox on Kubuntu Hardy?
[15:39] <Daisuke_Laptop> man is such a vague and potentially disturbing name
[15:39] <meta> hi all
[15:39] <eagles0513875> Daisuke_Laptop: lol
[15:39] <meta> does i remember well, that there was a select box to which panel's parameter will be setted?
[15:39] <eagles0513875> bipolar: wish i could help u out my hardware on this laptop is too new cant get it even to load the desktop once i install
[15:40] <meta> I mean the window that appears for rightclick on kicker -> configure panels
[15:40] <eagles0513875> im on the icky open suse which im having morep roblems getting setup than its actually worth
[15:40] <meta> i only can set the main kicker panel, and i'm unable to set the others
[15:40] <meta> (width/length)
[15:40] <_myrtille_> genii: im getting the following output:
[15:40] <_myrtille_> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62424/
[15:41] <Daisuke_Laptop> meta: go through kcontrol
[15:41] <genii> _myrtille_: OK, reading
[15:41] <meta> oh
[15:41] <meta> Daisuke_Laptop: thank you
[15:41] <Daisuke_Laptop> you're welcome
[15:42] <genii> _myrtille_: OK, that means it's not finding a dhcp server which will give it an IP
[15:43] <_myrtille_> genii: ok. would it work without one? It worked just fine, without me configuring it in any way up to yesterday
[15:44] <genii> _myrtille_: Wen there is no entry for an adapter in /etc/network/interfaces then knetworkmanager can configure it. When an entry exists in /etc/netwrok/interfaces then knetworkmanager assumes the device is manually configured and won't override settings.
[15:46] <genii> Work, not responding for a couple minutes
[15:46] <_myrtille_> genii: yes i figured that much. But when i "unconfigure" it by deleting the existing entry, i'm unable to connect to the internet as well
[15:47] <_myrtille_> genii: I'm sorry i'll have to go... and I probably won't be back for a couple of hours, about 7-8. Thanks for your help
[15:48] <_myrtille_> I'll try to check back with you, as soon, as i can lay my hands on some internet ;)
[15:53] <zeuz> any idea how to deal with bcm43 wireless cards with propietary drivers under hardy? the manager that comes with it does not seem to work with the firmware it downloads...
[15:55] <genii> _myrtille_: I'll be around as work allows for the next 6 hours or so
[15:57] <chi_> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpid/+bug/160291 got this bug on hardy
[15:57] <chi_> me is dustrial
[15:58] <zx80user> A friend has this problem with a kubuntu install: When I hit enter to start or install kubuntu, a little box pops up with
[15:58] <zx80user> the description "/casper/vmlinuz".
[15:59] <zx80user> he says he cannot get beyond this - anyone know what's up?
[15:59] <Odd-rationale> zx80user: did he check the cd for errors?
[15:59] <zx80user> I'll ask
[16:00] <chi_> zx80user: !!!!!!!!!!!!1
[16:00] <chi_> this kubuntu is trying to load floppy disk
[16:00] <chi_> disable all floppy stuff in bios
[16:00] <chi_> might be several
[16:01] <chi_> btw the solution is google-able
[16:01] <zx80user> chi__ I love the gnome, so don't blame me :)
[16:02] <zeuz> "the gnome"
[16:02] <zeuz> lol
[16:02] <Pici> There is no reason why the Kubuntu install CD should be looking on a floppy disk for anything, It sounds like either a media or hardware incompatibility to me.
[16:02] <chi_> pici i really got the exact same error
[16:02] <epimeth> ~/.strigi is taking up gigs and gigs of space... what can I do about this?
[16:02] <zeuz> well, managed to use b43 legacy instead of bcm43xx drivers... they are now loaded through insmod and cp the firmware
[16:03] <chi_> pici indeed other linux distros fixed that problem afaik ...
[16:03] <zeuz> any idea how to reduce the ammount of ram memory the default installation takes? with Debian and Compiz I've got 730mb free, here without anything, I only have 200mb free of ram
[16:04] <sigma_> is crossover linux free or do you have to pay for it?
[16:04] <genii> not free
[16:04] <makdaknife> sigma_: crossover office is a commercial product that runs on linux
[16:04] <makdaknife> sigma_: it is built around the same codebase used for wine, which is free
[16:05] <zeuz> yes
[16:05] <zeuz> but its fine tunned
[16:05] <zx80user> thanks for the help, btw - I'll let you know if it fixes his problem
[16:05] <zeuz> for windows normal apps
[16:05] <zeuz> or games
[16:05] <Pici> chi_: I've never seen any Ubuntu install ask for a floppy disk.
[16:05] <sigma_> ok thanks, it wont run every single windows app though hey?
[16:06] <zeuz> that really depends
[16:06] <zeuz> not everything is easily emulabe
[16:06] <genii> sigma_: It's been specifically tweaked to run MS Office stuff specifically
[16:06] <zeuz> though, things like Photoshop, will run
[16:06] <zeuz> genii: not only iy.
[16:06] <zeuz> Check their database.
[16:06] <sigma_> ah ok i see, thanks guys
[16:06] <Dr_willis> Floppy Disk? How Quaint. :)
[16:08] <genii> I would suspect it may ask for a floppy if you have some storage device configured as one. Some bios allow usb storage to be seen as floppies, etc
[16:08] <zeuz> damn damn damn... how do I reduce the ammount of memory it's using? I don't want swap to go into for doing nothing on the system with 1,5gb+ of RAM memory
[16:09] <chi_> pici fact is, i installed on my brand new desktop a kubuntu gusty and it didn'T do any installation untill i found a hint, that i have to disable floppy drives in bios
[16:09] <chi_> and that made the trick
[16:12] <zeuz> how do I change the kdm theme?
[16:12] <zeuz> !change kdm theme kubuntu
[16:12] <zeuz> @change the kdm theme kubuntu
[16:12] <Dr_willis> theres a kdm theme tool you use
[16:12] <zeuz> Hmmm... no bots here?
[16:12] <kuta> how can I edit the source list
[16:12] <Dr_willis> !find kdm
[16:12] <ubotu> Found: kde-kdm-themes, kdmtheme, kdm
[16:12] <Dr_willis> kuta, its a text file. use any text editor. (with root priviliges)
[16:13] <zeuz> kuta: nano /etc/apt/sources.list
[16:13] <zeuz> (as root)
[16:13] <Dr_willis> zeuz, you frogot the sudo :)
[16:13] <zeuz> hehe I specified it before your last reply ;)
[16:13] <Dr_willis> heh heh.. and rember in nano ^o = CONTROL KEY - O
[16:13] <kuta> Dr_willis: how
[16:13] <zeuz> Still on the question, How to change KDM theme on Kubuntu?
[16:13] <zeuz> kuta
[16:13] <Dr_willis> i had to explain to a guy the other day
[16:13] <zeuz> you have to do exactyl this>
[16:13] <Dr_willis> zeuz, use the kdmtheme tool.
[16:14] <kuta> yes
[16:14] <zeuz> sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
[16:14] <zeuz> Dr_willis: Thing is, through KDE mangar, it's not there, oin the same place in my debian is.
[16:14] <Dr_willis> zeuz, kde manager? I just login and run the kdmtheme tool.
[16:15] <zeuz> it won't run, neither from terminal running $ kdmtheme
[16:15] <Dr_willis> Its running here for me.. You did install it?
[16:15] <zeuz> Default installation of HArdy
[16:15] <Dr_willis> Oh wait thats not the right name.. what is the name.. heh
[16:16] <kuta> zeuz: I have edit the source list, how to save?
[16:16] <zeuz> CTRL (control key) plus O
[16:16] <Dr_willis> sudo kcontrol ---> System Admin --> kdm theme.
[16:16] <zeuz> Dr_Willis, located it
[16:16] <zeuz> not on it, not on the config files.
[16:16] <zeuz> so I located it and run it.
[16:16] <Dr_willis> Heh heh teres a reason i says that ^o = Control o earlier. :)
[16:17] <kuta> thanks
[16:17] <Dr_willis> nano could really use a little comment in the window telling people that.
[16:17] <zeuz> Dr_Willis, any idea on my above question? (how to reduce theammount of memmory it's taking for doing anything?)
[16:17] <zeuz> Nano HAS that
[16:17] <zeuz> it says WriteOUT
[16:17] <Dr_willis> zeuz, no idea. I dont worry about it much
[16:17] <zeuz> ^^
[16:18] <Dr_willis> zeuz, it dosent say what ^ actually means..
[16:18] <zeuz> My debian runs faster, consuming less memory, even with Compiz-Fusion running
[16:18] <Dr_willis> ive had many a total noob look at me and aak.. How did yu learn that ^ = ctrl.
[16:18] <Dr_willis> zeuz, never noticed any differance on my machines between debian and ubuntu.
[16:19] <zeuz> Because I code in Pyhthon, Visual Basic and TCL ^^
[16:19] <aomegax> ciao
[16:19] <zeuz> you never looked deep in them, because even being based upon Debian, it differs.
[16:19] <Dr_willis> Egads! this machins is using some swap! :) out of my 4 machines.. only this one.. heh.
[16:19] <aomegax> hi
[16:19] <zeuz> like in things such as root being virtualized, not accesible trhough su but still accesible trough sudo su
[16:20] <Dr_willis> zeuz, i know they differ. ive never seen any SPEED or MEMORY ussage differances
[16:20] <Dr_willis> of course never did any real benchmarking either.
[16:20] <Dr_willis> THere was some company making some linux benchmark tools i saw the other day. I forget who.
[16:20] <zeuz> as for now, doing really nothing, and I only have 84 mb of ram free, while doing anything like here, without cmpiz, only konverstaion and superkaramba, i would have 800++
[16:22] <Dr_willis> Ive learned over the years of reading forums and threads on memory ussage of linux to let it alone. and it does a darn good job. Sorry i dont know how to tweak it other then to say close down apps,, but even then - it will use all it wants as disk cache. so Unles I am using swap - i dont worry about memory.
[16:22] <zeuz> wasnt mem the command to find out how many memory is in buffer?
[16:22] <Dr_willis> 'free' command
[16:22] <zeuz> tested it too
[16:22] <zeuz> command not found
[16:22] <zeuz> I'm indignated with Hardy xD
[16:22] <SlimeyPete> top will also show memory usage
[16:23] <Dr_willis> Never noticed not being installed by default.. I dont recall ever installig it.
[16:23] <Dr_willis> YOu may want to check out 'htop' also.
[16:23] <SlimeyPete> you sure it's not just your cache?
[16:23] <zeuz> top will show me less detail on what I'm seeking
[16:23] <Dr_willis> Id almost bet its the cache.
[16:23] <Dr_willis> htop - has a lot more info. then normal top i belive. Looks nicer also
[16:23] <cannon> !compiz
[16:23] <ubotu> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
[16:23] <SlimeyPete> I mean, I have 8MB free on this machine and I consider that normal
[16:23] <zeuz> it has a good ammount cached... but not as much to render this usage
[16:24] <Dr_willis> but there may be better memory monitoring tools out.
[16:25] <ubuntu> cool
[16:25] <zeuz> Hmm... it also has a bad memory on harddrive check in d3lphin
[16:25] <zeuz> patches patches... this beta should still be alpha
[16:25] <zeuz> even Experimental (on Debian) runs smoother in that two aspects...
[16:26] <zeuz> evne though, I ralize the difference on propietary drivers and firmware being more automatical.
[16:27] <Dr_willis> Then stop using the beta.. or go file bugs.. or to ask about it in #ubuntu+1
[16:27] <Dr_willis> or all 3 :)
[16:27] <Dr_willis> or pick any of the above. heh..
[16:28] <zeuz> neh, I'm just testing this to realize if gOs is really based on Ubuntu or not... and gosh, it runs smooth (gOs) definetly based on Debian, cuz of the packet managing and it has also merged RPM to apt-get without ALIEN
[16:28] <Dr_willis> I do think the dolphin file manager needs a bit of work. (i hate it) :)
[16:28] <zeuz> hell yeah! konqueror ftl!
[16:29] <Dr_willis> gOS is ubuntu + the enlighement desktop and a lot of little tweaks.
[16:29] <zeuz> and, base system is also pretty different.
[16:29] <Dr_willis> Ive played with gOS for some time. DIdent care for it much however.
[16:29] <Dr_willis> the core of gOS is ubuntu, ive installed the gOS stuff on ubuntu machines, and visa versa.
[16:29] <zeuz> I love apt-get being able to manage RPM and DEBS... still tgz or pcbsd are the best packages for performance IMO
[16:30] <zeuz> That doesn-t mean anything dude
[16:30] <zeuz> you can install anything in any system, from source, or from packages.
[16:30] <Dr_willis> go to the gOS site and read all about it.
[16:30] <zeuz> dependencies and stuff, do not form part of the core system
[16:30] <zeuz> same I say, go and read ;)
[16:30] <Dr_willis> you add the one gos repo and you an install it. Its using Ubuntu for a large # of its repos last i look at its sources.list
[16:30] <zeuz> core system = kernel, plus native tools
[16:30] <zeuz> and gnu/tools
[16:31] <zeuz> so what?
[16:31] <zeuz> same could do on Debian, or MINT
[16:31] <Dr_willis> I cant say that i noticed the kernel being any differnt on the gOS install vs the Ubuntuinstall.
[16:31] <zeuz> I did..
[16:31] <zeuz> Directly managed the propietary firmware and drivers as first thing to do.
[16:31] <Dr_willis> same version # same package I think. but i got rid of gOS the other day so cant check.
[16:31] <Dr_willis> geubuuntu is another disrto similer to gOS.
[16:31] <zeuz> again, packets do not determine de base system xD
[16:31] <Dr_willis> they renamed it the other day.
[16:31] <zeuz> neither the Desktop it runs
[16:32] <Odd-rationale> Dr_willis: geubuntu got renamed to opengeu i think
[16:32] <Dr_willis> Odd-rationale, yea.. it really dident have much going for it either when i tried it.
[16:33] <Odd-rationale> I'm not a too big fan of enlightenment...
[16:33] <Dr_willis> I imagine we will see a lotof these vaiants vanish in the next year.
[16:33] <Dr_willis> Odd-rationale, i hear ya there. It gets a lot of press and hype.. but dosent seem to really live up to it.
[16:34] <Dr_willis> Odd-rationale, is Linspire actually ubuntu based now also? I thought i saw it in a list of ubuntu variants the other day
[16:34] <Odd-rationale> If I want lightweight, i'd do my own install of xfce4 (not xubuntu) or fluxbox.
[16:34] <Odd-rationale> Dr_willis: Yes linspire is ubuntu based.
[16:34] <SlimeyPete> yeah, the latest release of Linspire is Ubuntu-based
[16:34] <Dr_willis> I was playing with xfce for a week or so. - the file manager... had.. some odd quirks..
[16:36] <Odd-rationale> Actually, I found a new one that looks pretty good called lxde (lightweight X Desktop Enviroment)
[16:36] <Dr_willis> I noticed the other day with it. i would 'shift click' on somthing to get the 'delete' menu item to show. and it would select a range by mistake.
[16:36] <Dr_willis> Odd-rationale, I saw that in the list the other day also
[16:37] <Odd-rationale> Dr_willis: i tried lxde on an old laptop. works pretty good. Might use it insead of fluxbox.
[16:37] <Dr_willis> Odd-rationale, ive gotten where i tend to use Jwm wheni want somthing minimal
[16:37] <Dr_willis> Fluxbox just annoys me in ways :)
[16:38] <Dr_willis> I set up the wife with jwm, and a little menu of the 10 things she wants.. and thats it. She dont need no of the fancy-fluxbox stuff.
[16:38] <kuta> how to tell the version of my kubuntu?
[16:38] <Odd-rationale> jwm and icewm looked interesting. but I could not keep the menus looking nice...
[16:38] <Odd-rationale> kuta: lsb_release -a
[16:38] <Dr_willis> I was playing with 'matchbox' for a while.. but its to 'specific' for its intended tasks.
[16:39] <kuta> is there a gui method?
[16:39] <Dr_willis> Odd-rationale, whats to look nice, :) just some text.. well i think they can do icons. but i remove those.
[16:39] <Dr_willis> kuta, ya could typeed that in the time it took to ask. heh
[16:39] <Odd-rationale> Dr_willis: organization... It is a pain to do manually...
[16:40] <Dr_willis> Odd-rationale, yep. The use of the menu files is a bit of an annoyance.
[16:40] <Dr_willis> Odd-rationale, 'wmx' just uses a directory with links for its menu. its very minimal also
[16:40] <kuta> I mean in ubuntu I can find the gui method, in k I cannot find
[16:40] <Dr_willis> I think it was wmx.. it has the odd on the side title bar.
[16:41] <Dr_willis> kuta, i never noticed any gui method for lsb_release -a, I just open up a shell and typoe the command.
[16:41] <kriptix> genii wat does it mean when i get a error that says in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail.
[16:41] <Odd-rationale> Dr_willis: what's wmx?
=== kriptix is now known as Kr|ptiX
[16:41] <Dr_willis> Odd-rationale, a rather old. VERY VERY minimal window manager.
[16:41] <Odd-rationale> Dr_willis: similar to wmii ?
[16:42] <Dr_willis> it predates wmii by quite a few years.
[16:42] <genii> Kr|ptiX: Don't know, haven't seen that
[16:42] <Dr_willis> i was thinking the compiled binary for wmx was like.. 1 mb :)
[16:42] <Kr|ptiX> hrmm
=== dyve is now known as Divilinux
[16:42] <Dr_willis> http://www.all-day-breakfast.com/wmx/
[16:43] <Dr_willis> the only reason i rembered it was i am on the wmx mailing list.. and have been for the last 5+ years..
[16:43] <Dr_willis> and only recently did there get any actual MAIL on the list. :)
[16:44] <zeuz> !compiz
[16:44] <ubotu> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
[16:44] <Odd-rationale> Dr_willis: I went through a phase of trying to be very minimalistic. Kind of got over it by now...
[16:44] <Dr_willis> Odd-rationale, yep. I stick with jwm. :)
[16:45] <Dr_willis> all i need in feture is a launcher, and app list. and perhaps a clock..
[16:45] <Dr_willis> icewm has way too many ugly themes.
[16:45] <Odd-rationale> Dr_willis: for me, if it runs kde fine, use kde!
[16:45] <Dr_willis> oh yea.. and nice large fonts in the menus so i can read them
[16:45] <Dr_willis> some of my machines are just ssh terminal box's mainly. :)
[16:46] <Dr_willis> all they show is a few xterms. heh
[16:46] <Odd-rationale> otherwise it is fluxbox or perhpas lxde if it shows better promise...
[16:47] <Dr_willis> i used sawfish for ages.. :)
[16:47] <zeuz> the one that DSL uses, is cool if are minimalist
[16:47] <Odd-rationale> Dr_willis: we're way ot... :)
[16:47] <Odd-rationale> dsl uses both jwm or fluxbox.
[16:48] <Dr_willis> i was thinking the latest DSL used jwm,
[16:48] <Dr_willis> that may of been PuppyLinux ,, heck it may be both
[16:48] <Dr_willis> Puppy did have a nice jwm theme setup.
[16:48] <Odd-rationale> you can switch between jwm and fluxbox in dsl
[16:48] <Odd-rationale> puppy > dsl
[16:49] <Dr_willis> I did notice that when i installed OpenBox on this kubuntu system it added a Openbox-KDE session
[16:49] <Dr_willis> which seemed a little strange. :) wonder why thers no fluxbox-kde or whatver-kde for the other ones.
[16:50] <Dr_willis> 100+ items in the kdm sessions menu. heh
[16:51] <Dr_willis> Menu Clutter - the upcomming disaster! Soon your menu will take up more ram then the rest of the OS!
[16:52] <Keule> hi there
[16:52] <Dr_willis> Wow - i just noticed icewm That im using now - has like 100 themes in its theme menu.
[16:52] <Odd-rationale> hi!
[16:53] <Dr_willis> well night all.
[16:53] <makdaknife> Keule: hi
[16:53] <Keule> does anybody knows problems with kopete and ubuntu?
[16:53] <Keule> i have icon problems...
=== dyve is now known as Divilinux
[17:05] <aseem_> Hi Friends
[17:05] <aseem_> I am using Kubuntu Gutsy
[17:06] <aseem_> I am currently using KDM4 but want to go back to KDM3
[17:06] <aseem_> dont know how to do it
[17:06] <aseem_> Would appreciate any pointers
[17:06] * Signil is back.
[17:08] <sigma_1234> whens the next kde4 hardy cd due out?
[17:10] <Odd-rationale> sigma_1234: I think the rc will be released soon...
[17:10] <Odd-rationale> aseem_: you might want to try asking in #kubuntu-kde4 I'm still using kde3.
[17:11] <aseem_> Oh, ok! Thanks Odd-rationale
[17:12] <Odd-rationale> aseem_: np
=== hydrogen is now known as Hydrogone
[17:15] <rabindra> hey i am facing difficutly in installing synaptic package manager
[17:15] <rabindra> please someone guide me
[17:16] <ere4si> what's wrong with adept?
[17:16] <Matt1728> is there anything better than k9copy that doesn't crash with copyrighted dvds
[17:19] <rabindra> please help me
[17:20] <ere4si> rabindra: open up adept package manager - search for synaptic - click to install
[17:20] <Odd-rationale> rabindra: if you are using kubuntu, it is a better idea to use adept instead of synaptic.
[17:20] <rabindra> Package synaptic is not available, but is referred to by another package.
[17:20] <rabindra> This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
[17:20] <rabindra> is only available from another source
[17:20] <rabindra> E: Package synaptic has no installation candidate
[17:20] <Odd-rationale> !adept
[17:20] <ubotu> adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto
[17:21] <rabindra> Odd-rationale: but how to install real player, vlc, etc. using adept i don't know
[17:21] <matthew_> I cannot get security updates, because the updater gives me an extremely obscure error with no directions on what to do about it--"There was an error committing changes. Possible there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages."
[17:21] <rabindra> i am facing problems while installing vlc player from add or remove softwares
[17:22] <matthew_> I am just trying to do an initial security updates after install... (I did do a "sudo apt-get update" but otherwise have not installed any packages)
[17:22] <Odd-rationale> rabindra: read the link from ubotu
[17:24] <rabindra> Odd-rationale: searching synaptic in adept doesn't give any results
[17:25] <amerigo> ! smile
[17:25] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about smile - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[17:25] <Odd-rationale> rabindra: you don't need to install synaptic
[17:26] <Odd-rationale> rabindra: also. before installing software, click the update button on the top left
[17:27] <rabindra> Odd-rationale: i add software sources in manage repositories and clicked fetch updates, is that ok?
[17:27] <Odd-rationale> rabindra: yes.
[17:28] <eddieftw> in cs class... bored out my mind. anyone have issues, point them my way and i'm more than willing to help out. ;p
[17:33] <zeuz> Hmm... how to hack ff2 extensions to f3b5?
[17:33] * BluesKaj searches for a way to access linuxbox from windows ...dunno why it won't work , done all the samba edits in the tutorials , but windows insists that I use an acount and pw , which I've eliminated in the smb.conf file ...I can access the same windows pc from my linux box without any probs , but it bothers me that I can't do the reverse.
[17:34] <zeuz> did you restart the samba service?
[17:34] <zeuz> (after reconfiguring it, of course)
[17:35] <Odd-rationale> BluesKaj: ssh + putty ?
=== zeuz is now known as _ZeuZ_
[17:36] <eddieftw> i think he might want a GUI browse of the linux box, is that right?
[17:36] <makdaknife> BluesKaj: winscp
[17:37] <makdaknife> BluesKaj: http://winscp.net/
[17:37] <_ZeuZ_> where to get sexy-python?
[17:38] <eddieftw> python?
[17:38] <_ZeuZ_> !sexy-python
[17:38] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about sexy-python - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[17:38] <Pici> _ZeuZ_: its in the repositories, just search for it
[17:38] <eddieftw> python 2.5 is already built into ubuntu.
[17:38] <eddieftw> sexy python is what now?
[17:39] <Pici> !info python-sexy | _ZeuZ_
[17:39] <ubotu> _zeuz_: python-sexy (source: sexy-python): python language bindings for libsexy. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.9-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 13 kB, installed size 132 kB
[17:40] <genii> Ubuntu has so many suggestive sounding packages...
[17:42] <_ZeuZ_> is there any way to use Gambas on an x64 system?
[17:44] <Matt1728> does anyone know why k9copy always crashes?
[17:45] <Matt1728> or have any tips or patches for it
[17:45] <BluesKaj> makdaknife, I don't neeed remote access , just LAN access
[17:47] <rabindra> Odd-rationale: can you guide me on how to configure wine, presently it shows only one application, i.e. Notepad
=== JasonWard is now known as Nyad5
[17:50] <pedro__> !aptfix
[17:50] <ubotu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[17:50] <kadko> Hello
[17:50] <kadko> I detected an error while you want to instal the ubuntu restricted elements
[17:56] <Nyad5> hello
[17:57] <_ZeuZ_> !kiba-dock
[17:57] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about kiba-dock - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[17:57] <_ZeuZ_> ! install kiba dock
[17:58] <_ZeuZ_> anybody has a tutorial for kiba-dock?
[17:58] <babban> hallo
=== diego is now known as diego__
[17:58] <_ZeuZ_> babban, did you solve the problem with Kopte?
[17:59] <_ZeuZ_> !console decoration
[18:00] <diego__> buenas
[18:01] <babban> noo
[18:01] <babban> dont working
[18:01] <babban> its always crashing
[18:01] <diego__> alguien de españa?
[18:01] <kadko> diego sabes manejar linux?
[18:01] <diego__> algo
[18:02] <kadko> amm es k necesito un alguien k me ayude por k encontre un error en una aplicacion y en el char kubuntu es no me asen caso
[18:02] <babban> now is working..:D
[18:02] <babban> when i uppgradate.::D
[18:03] <Nyad5> can anyone see this message?
[18:03] <babban> thankd för help eny way..:D
[18:03] <diego__> a ver si te echo una mano.. dime
[18:03] <kadko> mira quiero instalar los codecs para oir mp3
[18:03] <_ZeuZ_> gente
[18:03] <_ZeuZ_> para espa;ol hay otro canal
[18:03] <kadko> si pero no hacen caso en el otro canal
[18:03] <Nyad5> nobody?
[18:03] <_ZeuZ_> aunque yo tambien estoy aca porque el espa;ol no tiene vida xD
[18:03] <Pici> !es
[18:03] <ubotu> Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[18:03] <trappist> !es
[18:03] <_ZeuZ_> Nyad
[18:03] <babban> somebody know how to run windows software in linux??
[18:03] <_ZeuZ_> all of us
[18:04] <Nyad5> thanks
[18:04] <_ZeuZ_> babban: wine
[18:04] <diego__> dale kadko
[18:04] <kadko> entonces
[18:05] <Nyad5> babban: winehq.org
[18:05] <kadko> tengo k instalar los elementos restringidos de ubuntu
[18:05] <kadko> los descargo y al instalarlos me aparece un elemento roto
[18:05] <kadko> y ya no se instala
[18:05] <babban> free software??
[18:05] <trappist> guys, this is an english channel
[18:05] <trappist> #ubuntu-es por favor
[18:05] <_ZeuZ_> kadko: dependencias rotas
[18:05] <thomass> anyone else running kubuntu on a dell d620?
[18:05] <trappist> or #kubuntu-es
[18:05] <_ZeuZ_> kadko: danos mas informacion
[18:05] <kadko> deja me paso a kubuntu es
[18:05] <_ZeuZ_> o mejor vamos a kubuntu-es
[18:06] <trappist> _ZeuZ_, kadko: please join #kubuntu-es
[18:06] <diego__> ok vamos
[18:06] <trappist> y diego__
[18:07] <_ZeuZ_> trappist, sorry, gonna help them there
[18:07] <trappist> _ZeuZ_: thanks
[18:08] <makdaknife> babban: use wine
[18:09] <_ZeuZ_> how to recursively ls folders inside a folder?
[18:11] <makdaknife> _ZeuZ_: tree
[18:11] <genii> -R
[18:11] <genii> Oh just folders
[18:13] <bubba> hello
[18:14] <babban> what kind i would get on wine?? i could hit kubuntu there??
[18:15] <babban> the ubuntu is same???
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[18:18] <astan> hello. where's the standard place to put iptables rules on *buntu/debian? i've only set up routers using BSD, so i'm used to pf.conf.
[18:18] <astan> i just need to set up a simple NAT.
[18:19] <astan> with standard place i mean so that it's read at startup.
[18:20] <genii> astan: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/where-is-iptables-config-file-584024/
[18:21] <astan> genii: thanks a bunch.
[18:21] <genii> babban: Please ask your question more clearly
[18:22] <genii> astan: You should check the differences in rules between bs and linux, one uses first-match-wins , the other uses last-match-wins (you can't just use a bsd rule in linux)
[18:22] <MetaMorfoziS> Hi all
[18:25] <astan> genii: yea. i have used netfilter on linux a _long_ time ago, i'll just find some basic NAT config somewhere.
[18:26] <astan> btw how come *ubuntu doesn't have a /etc/init.d/iptables or similar for initializing iptables rules?
[18:27] <genii> astan: I don't know offhand
[18:27] <astan> genii: okay.
[18:27] <Odd-rationale> rabindra: sorry, I was away. what did you need help with?
[18:30] <ubuntu> hello
[18:31] <ubuntu> I have a question on booting into kde
[18:31] <rysiek|pl> fire at will, ubuntu
[18:33] <ubuntu> I just upgraded (I have a fairly fresh install) after the upgrade I get to the command prompt and I get dropped off there. Bus wont talk me all the way home.
[18:33] <ubuntu> now I am on the Live CD
[18:33] <ubuntu> how can i get the system to boot into KDE like I had before?
[18:34] <ubuntu> sing
[18:34] <ubuntu> Using 7.10
[18:35] <ubuntu> hello?
[18:38] <genii> ubuntu: You're getting some "dbus" error?
[18:39] <ubuntu> no, I just need to know how to boot into kde automaticly
[18:40] <ubuntu> after I upgraded, it decided to boot to the c-prompt
[18:42] <TeslaTony> Where can I go to learn more about MySQL?
[18:42] <Pici> TeslaTony: #mysql perhaps ;)
[18:43] <TeslaTony> Durrrrr....thanks!
[18:43] <babban> somebody know where too get the drivers to sound??
[18:44] <ubuntu> hello?
[18:44] <genii> ubuntu: Upgrading should not have affected what window manager the computer was booting to.
[18:44] <genii> ubuntu: So that the answer to your question is not so simple
[18:45] * genii ponders "c-prompt"
[18:45] <rabindra> Odd-rationale: ya, I needed help with configuring wine, it shows only one application, i.e. Notepad
[18:45] <Odd-rationale> rabindra: what do you want ti install?
[18:45] <ubuntu> yeah i know, but my experience when upgrading is when you have ALLOT of files it will do this
[18:45] <ubuntu> c-prompt = command prompt
[18:46] <you_idiot> sound question, help please. If I start amarok the music plays through usb phone - if I unplug phone and start amarok I get : xine was unable to initialise any audio drivers. I have /dev/dsp1 but no /dev/dsp
[18:46] <genii> ubuntu: Perhaps try: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm
[18:47] <rabindra> Odd-rationale: i wanted to run windows applications using wine, that is what it's used for, right?
[18:47] <ubuntu> what is the boot log/file that tells the system to start up into KDE
[18:47] <Odd-rationale> rabindra: yes. what windows app do you want to install. wine comes with only one: notepad.
[18:48] <ubuntu> ok, cool. I dont ahave the commands down yet
[18:48] <jermain> hi everyone
[18:48] <genii> ubuntu: kdm is the KDE Login Manager, it is what should come up graphically and ask for name/passowrd to go into KDE with
[18:49] <rabindra> Odd-rationale: whichever application I can, any exe file, do I need to install it separately in wine, can't I just open my C: drive and run any exe file using wine?
[18:49] <you_idiot> cat /dev/null > /dev/dsp1
[18:49] <Odd-rationale> rabindra: yes. you will need to install it sparately in wine
[18:49] <ubuntu> I know. I need to bott into that when I start my system up
[18:49] <ubuntu> boot
[18:50] <jermain> i got me an external hard disk but kubuntu doesn recognize it (neither does vista) Iḿ thinking i should be doing more than just connecting it
[18:50] <jermain> any advice?
[18:50] <Odd-rationale> rabindra: you would do "wine file.exe" to open the exe.
[18:50] <Odd-rationale> rabindra: wine has it's own c: drive located in ~/.wine/drive_c
[18:50] <ubuntu> what is the root command?
[18:50] <fdoving> jermain: is it formatted?
[18:50] <jermain> iḿ guessing it isnt
[18:50] <ubuntu> ~s?
[18:50] <jermain> but i dunno how to do it
[18:51] <Odd-rationale> !wine | rabindra
[18:51] <ubotu> rabindra: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.
[18:51] <ubuntu> sudo isnt working on this command ---- > dpkg-reconfigure kdm
[18:51] <genii> ubuntu: If you have both kdm and gdm (Gnome Display Manager) then: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm will let you choose kdm there. If only kdm installed then just the: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm (to choose kdm and not kdm-kde4 from there)
[18:51] <fdoving> jermain: open synaptic package manager, install the package 'gparted' then run it as root. alt+f2 'kdesu gparted' - to exec it.
[18:52] <jermain> k
[18:52] <genii> ubuntu: Perhaps then kdm is currently not installed/configured. To try: sudo apt-get install kdm
[18:52] <ubuntu> oh wait, I know why its not working
[18:52] <ubuntu> (that command at least) I'm on the Live CD
[18:52] <ubuntu> lol, I'm an idiot
[18:53] <jermain> fdoving; installing now
[18:54] <rabindra> Odd-rationale: thanks for all the help
[18:54] <rabindra> Odd-rationale: i will again ask if anything comes up
[18:54] <Odd-rationale> rabindra: no problem. also be sure the check the wine appdb before trying to install any thing..,
[18:54] <Odd-rationale> !appdb
[18:54] <ubotu> The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org
[18:56] <jermain> fdoving; WOW it detected the hardware (finally)!
[18:56] <maroo> hello, is there a way to disable the "zoom effect" when clicking on icons in the panel and konqueror
[18:56] <genii> ubuntu: assuming sda1 as old / :sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/;sudo mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev;sudo mount -o bind /sys /mnt/sys;sudo mount -t proc proc /mnt/proc;sudo chroot /mnt and then from there now any command which needs to be executed such as the sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm
[18:56] <genii> Bah they left
=== Hydrogone is now known as Hydrogen
[18:57] <jermain> fdoving; oh wait it found the ntfs partitions where vista is installed
[18:57] <fdoving> jermain: you can select harddisk device in the upper right corner, if i remember correctly.
[18:57] <fdoving> it's a dropdown-button-thing.
[18:58] <jermain> sdb
[18:58] <jermain> i found it
[18:58] <jermain> its all unallocated
[18:58] <fdoving> then you need to create a partition there.
[18:59] <genii> If it's unallocated but previously ntfs with a windows install, the windows is almost certainly bye-bye now
[18:59] <fdoving> vfat is good enough if you rarely have files larger than 4G, and want good support for multiple platforms (macosx, linux, windows). or ntfs if you can make that work properly on linux.
[19:00] <fdoving> genii: it's a fresh external. not formated.
[19:00] <fdoving> +t
[19:00] <jermain> ill go for vfat, since that seems the easy way out for my noob ass
[19:01] <coggz> anyone know the key for the cdc channel?
[19:01] <Frank__> hi i wanted to know how i can recover my login password
[19:01] <Frank__> is there any way to do so?
[19:02] <_ZeuZ_> how to install a .bin file?
[19:02] <_ZeuZ_> !.bin install
[19:02] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about bin install - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[19:02] <_ZeuZ_> ! install .bin
[19:02] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about install .bin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[19:02] <_ZeuZ_> ! bin
[19:02] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about bin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[19:02] <jermain> i can only choose between msdos, amiga, bsd, dvh etc. but i dont see vfat
[19:02] <Pici> !msgthebot | _ZeuZ_
[19:02] <ubotu> _ZeuZ_: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.
[19:02] <Odd-rationale> !password | Frank__
[19:02] <ubotu> Frank__: Forgot your password? Boot into recovery mode. What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords
[19:03] <Pici> _ZeuZ_: chmod +x filename.bin then ./filename.bin
[19:04] <jermain> is an msdos disklabel okay?
[19:06] <jermain> if i dont get an answer i will resort to terrorism and send you letters powdered with my ignorance :)
[19:06] <Odd-rationale> jermain: yes it is ok
[19:06] <jermain> ty ^^
[19:07] <tdn> How can I configure Ubuntu to automatically install updates?
[19:07] <ScorpKing> add a cron job
[19:08] <jermain> 'cron job' sounded so obscure before i knew what it was >.>
[19:09] <jermain> hmm linux reads fat32 right?
[19:09] <fdoving> yep.
[19:09] <Odd-rationale> jermain: yes
[19:10] <jermain> sweet ty :)
[19:10] <Odd-rationale> but ext > vfat
[19:10] <jermain> is ext readable for vista though?
[19:11] <Odd-rationale> jermain: only with third party drivers.
[19:11] <Odd-rationale> ext3 | jermain
[19:11] <Odd-rationale> !ext3
[19:11] <ubotu> ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org
[19:12] <jermain> woot sweet
[19:12] <Odd-rationale> vfat has a file limit of about 4gb and it fragments awfully.
[19:12] <jermain> :( i know..
[19:12] <TeslaTony> Is there any advantage to going with ReiserFS or some other filesystem over ext3?
[19:13] <fdoving> tdn: you can select that in kmenu -> system -> adept manager. then in the menu: adept -> manage repositories - a new box will appear. now go to the Updates tab, and under Automatic updates, select Install Automatically.
[19:13] <Odd-rationale> TeslaTony: I've heard the reiserfs is faster with larger files.
[19:13] <TeslaTony> I've also heard it's really good with larg numbers of small files
[19:14] <TeslaTony> But is it really that much faster?
[19:14] <Hydrogen> ricerfs is not worth it
[19:14] <Hydrogen> that iz all
[19:14] <fdoving> TeslaTony: it might be faster in some situations. i'd use XFS before reiserfs though.
[19:14] <babban> how i can install wine???
[19:15] <you_idiot> is it possible to have 1 soundcard for pc speakers and then another soundcard solely for kaffeine to get sound to tv?
[19:15] <Odd-rationale> babban: sudo apt-get install wine
[19:15] <Odd-rationale> !wine | babban
[19:15] <ubotu> babban: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.
[19:15] <fdoving> !software | babban
[19:15] <ubotu> babban: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents
[19:16] <babban> thanks
=== you_idiot is now known as matt__
[19:20] <ultrazauberer> hi
[19:20] <Odd-rationale> hi
[19:20] <matt__> is it possible to have onboard soundcard for pc speakers and then another soundcard solely for kaffeine to get sound to tv?
[19:21] <ultrazauberer> can anyone help me? i have a problem with grub
[19:21] <Odd-rationale> !grub | ultrazauberer
[19:21] <ubotu> ultrazauberer: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto
[19:22] <ultrazauberer> that's not my problem... i want to have a triple boot system
[19:22] <ubuntu> ok help
[19:22] <ultrazauberer> i installed winxp, then backtrack 3 and then kubuntu
[19:23] <ultrazauberer> all works fine, but my backtrack doesn't work
[19:23] <ubuntu> how can i get my pc to boot into kde when I start the pc VIA live CD?
[19:23] <ultrazauberer> i can't boot into that system
[19:24] <ubuntu> how can i get my pc to boot into kde when I start the pc VIA live CD?
[19:24] <Odd-rationale> i've got to go. goodbye!
[19:24] <ScorpKing> ubuntu: it should just boot into kde
[19:25] <ScorpKing> cheers Odd-rationale
[19:25] <ubuntu> it doesnt do that anymore
[19:25] <ubuntu> so I have to use live cd now
[19:25] <xenol> hello, i'd like to ask if there is any how to/wiki on how to install from alternate cd
[19:25] <ScorpKing> ubuntu: what does it say? any errors?
[19:25] <ubuntu> after I upgraded it quit on me
[19:25] <_ZeuZ_> I want to search the entire disk for the pattern -"XXXXX1X" how do I do this? I know I have to use find / but what more? -name would be the name
[19:25] <ubuntu> none
[19:25] <ubuntu> just takes me to the login
[19:26] <ultrazauberer> hmm
[19:26] <ScorpKing> _ZeuZ_: find -name 'xxxx1x'
[19:26] <Pici> _ZeuZ_: find / -name "XXXXX1X"
[19:26] <Pici> for case insensitivity, use -iname
[19:26] <_ZeuZ_> I don't need the NAME, i need a content on the file
[19:27] <jermain> guys i wanna mount a hd but it says i have to specify the file system type
[19:27] <ScorpKing> _ZeuZ_: use grep then
[19:27] <jermain> how do i do that?
[19:27] <_ZeuZ_> cat recursively all files to grep that? neh, it has to be another way
[19:27] <genii> ubuntu: Which partition is the / on? (usually sda1 or sda2)
[19:27] <fdoving> _ZeuZ_: grep -niR 'thing' (the i is for case-insensitive)
[19:28] <ubuntu> crap I dont know. I have windows on this machine too (installed first)
[19:28] <_ZeuZ_> fdving, I know, but I'll have to do a cat on each file on the hard drive to find in wich is it
[19:28] <ScorpKing> ubuntu: press <f6> at boot and remove - quiet splash - from the kernel line. it should give you an error message or something usefull
[19:28] <fdoving> _ZeuZ_: for example: grep -niR ubuntu docs/
[19:28] <genii> ubuntu: Please use pastebin website to post result of command: sudo fdisk -l
[19:29] <ubuntu> ok..... after grub or before?
[19:29] <fdoving> _ZeuZ_: no, the output from that command would be something like 'meeting.txt:21:Installing Ubuntu is easy'
[19:29] <_ZeuZ_> fdoving: that will only display the files that have it, right? will not touch it right?
[19:29] <fdoving> _ZeuZ_: correct.
[19:29] <ScorpKing> ubuntu: when you boot the livecd
[19:30] <ubuntu> ohhh, ok
[19:30] <ubuntu> ttl
[19:34] <hazard> Any suggestions on where to start reading to get the builtin webcam on my laptop working?
[19:34] <fdoving> hazard: linux-laptop.net
[19:34] <rabindra> Odd-rationale: I have CRT monitor, the refresh rate is just 50 Hz and it badly hurts my eyes tell me what to do, whether to change something in xconf.org or otherwise
[19:34] <hazard> fdoving: I'll go take a look, thanks.
[19:35] <jussio1> !webcam | hazard
[19:35] <ubotu> hazard: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras
[19:36] <hazard> Figures that the first thing I find on my particular model and Ubuntu is in Czech. :-P
[19:36] <rabindra> I have CRT monitor, the refresh rate is just 50 Hz and it badly hurts my eyes tell me what to do, whether to change something in xconf.org or otherwise
[19:37] <tdn> fdoving, can I do it from the console?
[19:37] <indre> Hi
[19:37] <indre> What would be there iptables command to allow all ports
[19:37] <indre> port range
[19:38] <ubuntu> ok didnt work
[19:38] <ubuntu> options only went up to f5
[19:38] <hazard> jussio1: Thanks. I'm looking now.
[19:38] <jussio1> indre: you could just install guarddog and do it graphically :)
[19:39] <fdoving> tdn: sure.
[19:39] <ubuntu> jucato: hey man are you free?
[19:39] <fdoving> tdn: open /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic with a texteditor of your choice. Set Apt::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade to "1".
[19:39] <indre> jussio1: I will give a try ;)
[19:40] <ScorpKing> ubuntu: weird.. it's called advanced options
[19:40] <tdn> fdoving, okay. Thanks. What does that do? When will updates be installed then?
[19:41] <tdn> fdoving, I do not have that line. This is my /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic: http://thomasdamgaard.dk/paste/P1106.html
[19:42] <ubuntu> yeah, its crazy, I have people help me before, but I have a brain fart and cant remember what was done
[19:42] <ubuntu> it was a fairly simple fix
[19:42] <ScorpKing> ubuntu: what's the problem with you current installation?
[19:42] <jussio1> ubuntu: whats the issue? (I missed it)
[19:42] <fdoving> tdn: add this then: APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade "0";
[19:42] <fdoving> tdn: sorry, replace the 0 with a 1.
[19:43] <xenol> plz, can someone tell me how can i look for packages using apt?
[19:43] <tdn> fdoving, done. Is that all?
[19:43] <tdn> fdoving, how often will updates be installed?
[19:43] <jussio1> xenol: apt-cache search keyword
[19:43] <Noq^> Riddell: ping
=== Noq^ is now known as Nookie^
[19:44] <ScorpKing> xenol: or - aptitude search <keyword>
[19:44] <ubuntu> no probblems other than after installing update packages pc now wont boot into KDE on its own
[19:44] <fdoving> tdn: the updates will be installed when /etc/cron.daily/apt is executed. that defaults to 0625 every day. or when the computer is powered on if off at that time.
[19:44] <xenol> ScorpKing: will it search repos?
[19:44] <ScorpKing> xenol: yes
[19:44] <ubuntu> Jucato: no probblems other than after installing update packages pc now wont boot into KDE on its own
[19:45] <tristan_> !adeptfix
[19:45] <ubotu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[19:45] <tdn> fdoving, ok.
[19:45] <Riddell> hi Nookie^
[19:46] <mooper> firefox is being most vexsome
[19:46] <Nookie^> Hi Riddell: did u see my beta box or rc box which i was supposed to do for u?
[19:46] <mooper> it wont let me brose of the internets but knoqueror does not seem to ail
=== fserrani is now known as faithless
[19:46] <ubuntu> Jucato: is this a difficult fix?
[19:47] <fdoving> tdn: you can make it install updates every X days, by changing the APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists "1"; line, to 2, for every 2 days, 3 for every 3 days, etc. 0 Disables the feature.
[19:47] <Riddell> Nookie^: I did not
[19:47] <mooper> I really am a silly cock. I did set up socks server last night
[19:47] <ScorpKing-Lost> !ghost > me
[19:47] <Nookie^> Riddell: let me upload it.. just a sec
=== ScorpKing-Lost is now known as ScorpKing
=== sthomas is now known as insaneroot
[19:48] <auron> hola
[19:48] <auron> buenas tardes
[19:49] <auron> wenass
[19:49] <auron> tardesss
[19:49] <emilsedgh_> !es
[19:49] <ScorpKing> ubuntu: got disconnected. when you boot press <ctrl>+<alt>+<f1> to get to konsole. you can fix things from there
[19:49] <ubotu> Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.
=== Nookie^ is now known as Noq^
[19:49] <hazard> Next problem. I followed the easycam instructions, and it appeared to recognize my cam on bus004, but it still isnt' working.
[19:50] <Stoynov> How can I install KickOff on Kubuntu 7.10? Where can I download it?
[19:50] <ubuntu> ScorpKing: how can I do it from live CD?
=== emilsedgh_ is now known as emilsedgh
[19:51] <ScorpKing> ubuntu: boot into the livecd then mount the hard drive and go from there
[19:52] <ubuntu> your talking to a newbie man, but I'm fast if you ahve the patience
[19:52] <ScorpKing> :) no problem.
[19:52] <ubuntu> cool
[19:52] <genii> ubuntu: Please use pastebin website to post result of command: sudo fdisk -l since you've indicated earlier you don't know which partition your old / is on and also you have Windows on some partition as well
[19:53] <ScorpKing> ah genii. taking over? ;) bbl
[19:53] <ubuntu> lol
[19:54] <ubuntu> mounting now
[19:54] * ScorpKing hands genii a warm cup of coffee for some energy..
[19:55] <ubuntu> ok, how do I mount? its not working
[19:56] <ubuntu> for me at least
[19:56] <ScorpKing> ubuntu: sudo fdisk -l like genii said and paste it to pastebin
[19:57] <ubuntu> !paistbin
[19:58] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about paistbin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[19:58] <ubuntu> paistbin!
[19:58] <ScorpKing> !paste
[19:58] <ubotu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[19:59] <ubuntu> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62446/
[20:00] <ScorpKing> sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Ubuntic1
[20:02] <Ubuntic1> Hello
[20:02] <ubuntu> very good, thats my linux partition
[20:02] <ScorpKing> i've noticed ;)
[20:02] <ubuntu> hehe
[20:03] <ubuntu> want me to go into the boot folder?
[20:03] <Ubuntic1> I want to install ubuntu on my harddisk. I don't know what version is better to install.
[20:03] <Ubuntic1> And what choice between ubuntu and Kubuntu. Now running live-cd
[20:03] <ScorpKing> ubuntu: now you have to figure out why it's not booting ;)
[20:04] <Ubuntic1> The general problem is that I use ATI Radeon X1650 video.
[20:04] <ubuntu> buntic1: kubuntu 32 bit 7.10 (my opinion)
[20:04] <delphine> 7.10 from fresh install has some disturbing bugs, i would suggest 7.04 or waiting fr 8.04
[20:04] <ubuntu> thats why I'm here
[20:04] <ScorpKing> ubuntu: look in /mnt/var/log/Xorg.0.loXorg.0.log and see if there's any reason why X isin't starting
[20:04] <Ubuntic1> What distribution is best compattible with my Radeon X1650 ?
[20:04] <ubuntu> :o)
[20:05] <Ubuntic1> Is the new Ubuntu ot Kubuntu Hardy compattible with Radeon X1650 ?
[20:05] <ubuntu> no such file
[20:05] <Ubuntic1> Pleas help if you can
[20:06] <ubuntu> I copy and pasted
=== ubuntu_ is now known as wind-rider
[20:06] <ScorpKing> ubuntu: sorry /mnt/var/log/Xorg.0.log
[20:06] <ubuntu> np
[20:06] * ScorpKing summons genii..
[20:06] <ubuntu> sudo?
[20:06] <ScorpKing> yeah
[20:07] <ScorpKing> sudo cat /mnt/var/log/Xorg.0.log
[20:07] <Stoynov> How can I install KickOff on KDE3
[20:07] * genii sips a coffe and watches the goings-on
[20:07] <BlackAura> So are the official kubuntu mirrors still down? I'm still having problems downloading updates....all the .deb files are still 0 bytes.
[20:07] <delphine> Ubuntic1 : it works with both
[20:08] <ScorpKing> ubuntu: genii looks bored. ;) i'm going away for a while. follow him. bbl
[20:08] <Ubuntic1> Please tell me is Kubuntu or ubuntu Hardy compattible with ATI Radeon 1650 videocards? (And the new Xorg server)
[20:08] <genii> ubuntu: I would recommend to chroot to the mounted / and ensure kdm is installed and then to make it the login manager.
[20:08] <ScorpKing> !hardware | Ubuntic1
[20:08] <ubotu> Ubuntic1: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection
[20:09] <Ubuntic1> Ok ScorpidKing. i will go there
[20:09] <Ubuntic1> Thanks
[20:09] <genii> ubuntu: eg: sudo mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev;sudo mount -o bind /sys /mnt/sys;sudo mount -t proc /proc /mnt/proc;sudo chroot /mnt will prepare the chroot and then go there. After this can execute commands which will run like they are in the old /
[20:10] <ubuntu> genii: I ahve do do all this from the live cd
[20:10] <ubuntu> could you walk this newbie through? :o)
[20:11] <genii> ubuntu: Yes, that is why all the sudo mount -o bind things there. This makes /mnt able to be mounted like root for a while
=== delphine is now known as steph_30
[20:11] <ubuntu> ahh ok
[20:11] <genii> ubuntu: to reiterate: sudo mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev;sudo mount -o bind /sys /mnt/sys;sudo mount -t proc /proc /mnt/proc;sudo chroot /mnt
[20:12] <genii> ubuntu: Anything after this you put will run like it is running in your hard drive / and not the livecd /
[20:12] <BlackAura> The error I'm getting is "Failed to fetch http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-356-pre-feisty-upgrade/pool-edgy/kdelibs/kdelibs-data_3.5.6-0ubuntu1.1really3.5.5_all.deb Size mismatch" by the way......when I go get the file by hand it returns 0 bytes. Is there another mirror I can use?
[20:13] <ubuntu> sweet got it
[20:13] * rysiek|pl afk: Gone away for now.
[20:14] <ubuntu> what next?
[20:14] <hazard> My install can't find aireplay-ng via apt, but it found aircrack-ng just fine. Any suggestions why that might be?
[20:16] <genii> ubuntu: So then make sure the upgrade/update process is finished: apt-get update;apt-get upgrade
[20:18] <ubuntu> done and ready i guess, lol
[20:18] <genii> ubuntu: You may get some message if the update/upgrade was interrupted previously like: run dpkg --configure -a
[20:18] <genii> ubuntu: OK. So then make sure kdm is installed.eg: apt-get install --reinstall kdm
[20:19] <ubuntu> its installed, cause I have been using it up until I updated
[20:19] <ubuntu> unless you want me to reinstall anyway
[20:20] <genii> ubuntu: It may have ben left in some half-installed state by the update. The command given will fix that
[20:20] <ubuntu> cool
[20:20] <ubuntu> ok
[20:21] <BlackAura> Am I just missing a setting somewhere or something? I'm so confused as to why the Kubuntu repositories are returning 0 bytes for any file I download. (Ubuntu is fine though)
[20:21] <genii> ubuntu: The output of command: apt-cache policy kubuntu-desktop you should put in pastebin website, so I can make sure it is also installed.
[20:22] <ubuntu> says installatiuon not poss. and it cannot be downloaded
[20:23] <genii> ubuntu: apt-cache is the command and not apt-get
[20:24] <genii> ubuntu: Are you able to ping somewhere on the internet from inside the chroot?
[20:25] <ubuntu> lol, dude I have no idea
[20:25] <genii> ubuntu: When you say installation not possible etc, you mean kdm??
[20:25] <ubuntu> I'm on dsl.......... thats all I can tell you
[20:25] <ubuntu> yes
[20:25] <genii> OK
[20:26] <genii> ubuntu: We need to exit chroot and then make a few more commands to allow the chroot to access internet, and then go back in again. So to type for now: exit
[20:26] <ubuntu> k
[20:26] <ubuntu> done
[20:26] <Jack111> hi
[20:27] <genii> ubuntu: OK. 1 minute
[20:28] <ubuntu> k
[20:28] <Jack111> i have got the problem that konqueror or dolphin (kde4) done use the embedded viewer but gwenview, even if i adjust in the settings for the file formats that embedded viewing is default
[20:28] <genii> ubuntu: It's mounted in /mnt , yes?
[20:28] * rysiek|pl afk: Gone away for now.
[20:29] <ubuntu> can I copy and paste it for you?
[20:29] * rysiek|pl re.
[20:29] <Pici> !away > rysiek|pl (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)
[20:29] <genii> ubuntu: Yes but use the pastebin website and do not paste into this channel
[20:30] <rysiek|pl> Pici: uhm... I used /away
[20:30] <ubuntu> k
[20:30] <BlackAura> Okay.....new conclusion, it's only the .deb installer files that seem to be 0 bytes.......any ideas?
[20:30] <ubuntu> paistebin!
[20:31] <ubuntu> !pastebin
[20:31] <ubotu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[20:32] <babban> hallo
[20:32] <babban> somebody know its a aktivhets hanter here??
[20:33] <ubuntu> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/
[20:33] <Piero_Scarufii> Friends
[20:33] * genii ponders what "aktivhets hanter" could be
[20:33] <Piero_Scarufii> i have a question what is the desktop zoom called in kubuntu?
[20:33] <Piero_Scarufii> the one that zooms the entire desktop
[20:33] <Piero_Scarufii> via compiz
[20:34] <genii> ubuntu: OK reading
[20:34] <Piero_Scarufii> sorry for many enters
[20:34] <genii> ubuntu: You forgot to put the URL the pastebin gave you
[20:34] <babban> onders what "aktivhets hanter" could be... its so u can see whats program its runnings
[20:35] <ubuntu> crap ok doing it again
[20:36] <steph_30> babban = ALT+ESCAPE (or ps-ef on a konsole)
[20:36] <babban> y
[20:36] <babban> thanks
[20:36] <ubuntu> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62453/
[20:36] <genii> ubuntu: OK reading
[20:36] <ubuntu> there you go
[20:37] <babban> ps- ef??
[20:38] <steph_30> babban : sorry ps -ef (in konsole) or you can use top
[20:38] <babban> what is ps -ef??
[20:39] <genii> ubuntu: Ok, looks like "/mnt" is correct then. 1 minute
[20:39] <steph_30> babban: a command line that list process of your computer
[20:40] <genii> ubuntu: sudo cp /etc/hostname /mnt/etc/;sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces /mnt/etc/network/;sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc/;sudo cp /etc/hosts /mnt/etc/
[20:40] <genii> ubuntu: This will copy networking info from the livecd setup onto the old / which should let us use internet now from there
=== jose is now known as d3ce1t
[20:41] <genii> ubuntu: then as before: sudo mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev;sudo mount -o bind /sys /mnt/sys;sudo mount -t proc /proc /mnt/proc;sudo chroot /mnt
[20:42] <babban> ok... i dont understand.. i just wanna install wine and the pathinstaller say i have anather programs running. but i have restat the computer 3 times
[20:43] <genii> ubuntu: So far so good?
[20:44] <jussio1> babban: whats the exact error?
[20:45] <ubuntu> ok good
[20:45] <sigma_1234> could i create a local repository on a pc on a network that all the other pcs on the network can update off?
[20:46] <ubuntu> all good
[20:46] <babban> i just wanna install the wine.. for running the windows softwares
[20:46] <jussio1> sigma_1234: yes you can do that
[20:46] <jussio1> babban: and when you go to install it what happens?
[20:47] <sigma_1234> jussio1: do you know where i can get a guide on how to do it?
[20:47] <genii> ubuntu: OK, so to try again: apt-get update;apt-get upgrade and see if now it wants to try and go online etc
[20:47] <jussio1> sigma_1234: not off the top of my head, no.
[20:47] <JoshOvki> you guys are busy, anyone waiting?:P
[20:48] <babban> and i install it in the packed installer the packed installer say i wanna close all thna close all programs for exempel aptitu are synaptic
[20:48] <ubuntu> mount point /mnt/sys does not exist
[20:48] <SlimeyPete> !aptfix
[20:48] <ubotu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[20:48] <genii> sigma_1234: Perhaps look into apt-mirror you will need about 30Gb free space for it however
[20:48] <jussio1> !aptfix | babban
[20:48] <ubotu> babban: please see above
[20:49] <ubuntu> genii: mount point /mnt/sys does not exist
[20:49] <genii> ubuntu: OK. type: exit
[20:49] <_ZeuZ_> how can I copy all .png in a given directory, and the directories within it, into a separate folder?
[20:49] <ubuntu> k
[20:49] <sigma_1234> genii: is that a program?
[20:49] <ubuntu> done
[20:49] <genii> ubuntu: I am doubting /mnt is where your old / is mounted right now.
[20:49] <genii> sigma_1234: Yes
[20:50] <genii> sigma_1234: The program is not that large, but te size of the files it grabs to mirror a repository is that large
[20:50] <sigma_1234> !info apt-mirror
[20:50] <ubotu> apt-mirror (source: apt-mirror): APT sources mirroring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.4-5ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 11 kB, installed size 120 kB
[20:50] <babban> wanna trie it in the terminal??
[20:50] <ubuntu> all I can tell you is that I have windowsinstalled (first) and linux second
[20:50] <genii> ubuntu: please put into pastebin website result of command: mount
[20:50] <steph_30> babban : try it in a terminal yes
[20:50] <ubuntu> might not mean anything to you
[20:50] <sigma_1234> i see. how does it work though?
[20:51] <ubuntu> ok
[20:51] <babban> shit i dont so god at terminal what i wanna type to install in the terminal??
[20:51] <genii> Work requires me, returning a couple-few minutes
[20:51] <_ZeuZ_> babban, what do you want to install?
[20:51] <JoshOvki> _ZeuZ_: in terminal if you cd to the folder, and then cp *.png newlocation
[20:51] <steph_30> babban just do ALT+F2 and then type konsole
[20:51] <babban> wine
[20:52] <ubuntu> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62454/
[20:52] <jussio1> babban: type: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a
[20:52] <_ZeuZ_> JoshOvki: that only copies what it's inside it, and no the recursive
[20:52] <JoshOvki> oh, so you want it to hunt the folders?
[20:52] <_ZeuZ_> babban: apt-get install wine
[20:52] <_ZeuZ_> tried the -r
[20:52] <_ZeuZ_> yup
[20:52] <_ZeuZ_> but tried -r and didn't work xD
[20:53] * JoshOvki scratches head
[20:56] <ubuntu> good news or bad :o)
[20:58] <babban> i have trie dont working to type sudo
[20:59] <_ZeuZ_> babban, what does writing sudo alone do?
[20:59] <steph_30> did you type : sudo dpkg --configure -a
[21:00] <ubuntu> genii: whats the vertict
[21:01] <babban> configure??
[21:01] <babban> exacktly like i write??
[21:01] <ul> salut la room
[21:01] <steph_30> babban yes
[21:01] <genii> back
[21:01] <PhilRod> salut ul
[21:01] <PhilRod> !fr | ul
[21:01] <ubotu> ul: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.
[21:02] <Thermostaten> Can any one help me with a hint here.. When I insert my belkin f8t020 pcmcia bluetooth card i see the dmesg message: "0.0: ttyS3 at I/O 0x2e8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A" but the kde bluetooth server does not see the card before i issue the command "hciattach /dev/ttyS3 bcsp 1000000" how do i get the system to auto execute that command ?
[21:02] <genii> ubuntu: That indicates your old sda2 is mounted under /mnt, which is what I gave the commands for
[21:02] <ibou> Do someone know a soft to use a cue sheet to split audio files ?
[21:02] <babban> now is happing something..:D
[21:02] <steph_30> babban : good news
[21:02] <boston> Ciao a tutti..
[21:03] <babban> but i dont know it install wine???
[21:03] <ubuntu> oh great
[21:03] <steph_30> babban : type : sudo apt-get install wine
[21:04] <CheGuevara> !it | boston
[21:04] <ubotu> boston: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!
[21:04] <genii> ubuntu: Your previous pastebin shows X attempting to start but gives no specific error, which means likely your kdm and kde are OK but that your xorg.conf file is scrwed up perhaps
[21:05] <babban> E: could no find wine
[21:05] <genii> ubuntu: It is listing there many resolutions it is trying but none that it finds workable for instance
[21:05] <babban> in what dot i wanna download that then??
[21:06] <benkong2> hello everyone. Would someone look here and tell me what might be the problem with kubuntu-docs? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62456/
[21:06] <ubuntu> yeah, but it works fine
[21:07] <ubuntu> super clear
[21:07] <LinuxLINKS> hi guys
[21:07] <steph_30> babban, can you paste the content of your /etc/apt/sources.list (in pastebin)
[21:08] <babban> that its working now .. was 100% install... but i could not find sudo apt-get instahe file??
[21:08] <steph_30> babban what do you want to do?
[21:08] <ubuntu> genii: would it be easier to reinstall everything?
[21:08] <babban> i have install the wine now..:D but i want to hit the program to run it..
[21:09] <steph_30> to install wine i think you can go back in adept, your problem is solved
[21:09] <Thermostaten> Does any one here know how to get a command executed when inserting a pcmcia card ?
[21:10] <MrJoey> Can anyone confirm that winecfg crashes once wine is installed on Kubuntu Hardy beta?
[21:10] <steph_30> Mrjoey, i have a computer with hardy and winecfg isn't crashing here
[21:10] <rabindra_> hey i am installing netbeans and it's asking me whether to agree or not but no yes or no button is there
[21:11] <MrJoey> steph_30> is it updated all the way?
[21:11] <steph_30> yes get the last update
[21:11] <rabindra_> only a checkbox infront of the question is there
[21:11] <MrJoey> okay
[21:12] <steph_30> thermostaten, look at the "up" keyword in /etc/network/interfaces that might be a start
[21:12] <MrJoey> steph_30> Did you test it on a brand new account or one with no .wine directory?
[21:12] <steph_30> one with a .wine directory
[21:13] <Thermostaten> great - thanks
[21:13] <MrJoey> I'm upgrading now (it's keeping back some things, most notably the kernel)
[21:13] <MrJoey> I'll restart, too
[21:13] <ubuntu> genii: still with me?
[21:15] <confrey> ciao a tutti
[21:15] <confrey> ragazzi ho due problemi
[21:15] <confrey> ooops
[21:15] <confrey> excuse me
[21:15] <JoshOvki> _Zeuz_: have you found a way yet?
[21:15] <confrey> wrong channel
[21:16] <sh4rm4> is there an option that konversation pastes a text delayed, so as not to be floodkicked ?
[21:17] <genii> back
[21:17] <ubuntu> genii: would it be easier to reinstall everything?
[21:17] <genii> ubuntu: At this point I'm thinking a reinstall may actually just be faster than trying to sort it out, yes
[21:18] <mEck0> hi! I'm searching for a good bookkeeping-software
[21:18] <ubuntu> ahh, bummer
[21:18] <ubuntu> ok
[21:18] <_ZeuZ_> JoshOvki: Not yet
[21:19] <ubuntu> thanx for your help
[21:19] <_ZeuZ_> acually, I'm not really trying it righrt now
[21:19] <genii> ubuntu: Sorry we could not resolve it another way
[21:19] <_ZeuZ_> trying to solve a problwm on a VB code of mine... damn rich text box plus multiplage + impressions
[21:20] <ubuntu> take care
[21:20] <ubuntu> reinstalling
[21:21] <MrJoey> steph_30> My wine still crashes even after reboot and update. My uname -r (kernel version) is 2.6.24-12-generic
[21:21] <ibou> Do someone know a soft to use a cue sheet to split audio files ?
[21:21] <dave11> does kubuntu use grub?
[21:21] <MrJoey> For i386, yes
[21:21] <steph_30> dave: yes
[21:21] <dave11> thanks
[21:21] <MrJoey> for PowerPC, I'm not sure exactly how it boots
[21:22] <_ZeuZ_> for x86_64 too
[21:22] <_ZeuZ_> so for amd64
[21:22] <MrJoey> I know there's yaboot, but I don't know if grub's in there or not
[21:23] <steph_30> Mrjoey>i haven't the computer with me right now so i can't confrm my kernel version, but i launch winecfg 4 hours ago
[21:24] <MrJoey> Okay, thanks
[21:24] <MrJoey> I'll try my .wine directory from Gutsy, then
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[21:25] <dave11> so in order to multi boot I should learn grub?
[21:26] <steph_30> dave :well not really, when installing kubuntu it will detect your existing partition and place it in grub
[21:26] <genii> dave11: At least about the syntax of the menu.lst file
[21:26] <dave11> steph_30:ok thanks
[21:27] <dave11> genii: thanks
[21:27] <MrJoey> If you need help creating a boot entry for your other OS, just ask here
[21:27] <_ZeuZ_> or just run grub-update (or update-grub) after installing it
[21:27] <dave11> i have kubuntu and want install other distros, how would i go about that?
[21:28] <MrJoey> Use the manual partitioning settings when installing the other distros
[21:28] <_ZeuZ_> dave11: just create the partitions, and install them...
[21:28] <_ZeuZ_> then you'll have to add the entries to the bootloader you're using, and you'll be able to boot them, and mount other partitions
[21:29] <Odd-rationale> you can make all you distros share a /boot partition
[21:29] <MrJoey> You can preserve your original bootloader MBR by doing this: dd if=/dev/sda of=bootsector.img bs=32256 count=1
[21:29] <dave11> sounds confusing
[21:29] <_ZeuZ_> Odd-rationale: Yes, but for a new to linux user, it's not the best I would say..
[21:29] <MrJoey> Then, to copy it back: dd if=bootsector.img of=/dev/blah bs=446 count=1 (blah used instead of sda because this is a dangerous command)
[21:30] <Odd-rationale> _ZeuZ_: ok
[21:30] <_ZeuZ_> Conserve each distor in separated mount points and partitions is the best to startoff
[21:30] <dave11> its not as easy as i thought:-/
[21:31] <dave11> _ZeuZ_: thanks anyway, you scared me off
[21:32] <dave11> lol
[21:32] <_ZeuZ_> lol xD
[21:32] <_ZeuZ_> dave11
[21:32] <MrJoey> Some distros may even detect your other Linux partitions, so their bootloaders might suffice
[21:32] <_ZeuZ_> just create a partition, install the distro to it, and run update-grub from Debian/*Ubuntu and it's done
[21:32] <MrJoey> Or that :)
[21:32] <dave11> MrJoey: thats the answer i wanted..lol
[21:33] <_ZeuZ_> Debian based ones will
[21:33] <ibou> Do someone know a soft to use a cue sheet to split audio files ?
[21:33] <_ZeuZ_> Slackware based ones, might, mightnot
[21:33] <MrJoey> So does update-grub (try to) find all Linux partitions?
[21:34] <MrJoey> What about Fedora?
[21:34] <_ZeuZ_> yes, it does.
[21:34] <_ZeuZ_> Fedora? I dunno, being based on NASH core from Red Hat, it should, but update-grub is not called the same way on it
[21:34] <eragon> Hi!
[21:34] <_ZeuZ_> Also, make sure to not install them on XFS partitions, or you'll have to deal with that too
[21:35] <awry> hey everyone
[21:35] <eragon> I got a small question about 8.04
[21:35] <awry> can someone explain to me the two different branches of kde4 packages?
[21:35] <awry> in gutsy?
[21:35] <awry> there are kde4* packages and *-kde4 packages
[21:35] <awry> which seem to overlap and are not compatible
[21:35] <steph_30> ibou did you try mp3splt ?
[21:36] <eragon> Will kubuntu 8.04 kde 4 remix receiver the official updates via update-manager?
[21:36] <awry> my specific problem
[21:36] <eragon> because the website says there won't be commercial support for it
[21:36] <awry> is that i'd like to use the kde4 version of kdesu so that i can run, e.g. systemsettings for kde4, but kdesu is in the kde4base pkg, which is incompatible with all the *-kde4 packages
[21:39] <awry> anyone?
[21:40] <dave11> ahh i found it..http://www.linux.com/articles/41263
[21:45] <JoshOvki> _ZeuZ_: i know your not looking, but i give up. im getting yelled at for trying different things
[22:01] <Piero_Scarufii> i have a question what is the desktop zoom called in kubuntu?
[22:03] <fdoving> Piero_Scarufii: do you mean screen magnifier? - app that zoom the part of the desktop around the mousepointer or some shortcut-thing to zoom a the whole screen?
[22:04] <Piero_Scarufii> the whole screen
[22:04] <Piero_Scarufii> zoom
[22:07] <fdoving> Piero_Scarufii: i'm not aware of such feature in kde3. in kde4 on the other hand, it's available.
[22:08] <Piero_Scarufii> alt+ button 1 does it
[22:08] <Piero_Scarufii> its via ccsm
[22:08] <Piero_Scarufii> compiz
[22:08] <Piero_Scarufii> but works in every gui
[22:08] <Piero_Scarufii> just forgot the name
=== Nyad5 is now known as Nyad
[22:17] <deepfreez> Hi, i running kubuntu , how i can upgrade the pidgin program? i have a old version
[22:19] <Schorfi> www.getdeb.net
[22:20] <Piero_Scarufii> Apple sued NYC for their greenyc logo http://www.camecrashing.com/nav_greenyc.jpg
[22:20] <Piero_Scarufii> D:
[22:20] <Piero_Scarufii> logo infringement
[22:20] <Piero_Scarufii> all apples belong to apple
[22:21] <dave11> deepfreez: what version do you have?
[22:21] <deepfreez> 2.2.1
[22:22] <dave11> i have the same version, the version updates are a little delayed
[22:23] <deepfreez> http://www.getdeb.net
[22:23] <deepfreez> i found the .deb here
[22:23] <deepfreez> :)
[22:24] <dave11> you can go to the pidgeon website and download it, but it takes awhile for the repository to update it automatically
[22:24] <Vermux> which channel has voip discussion?
[22:25] <trappist> Vermux: maybe #asterisk
[22:26] <Vermux> ok
[22:26] <Jorg1> hi there
[22:27] <deepfreez> updated finished Pidgin 2.4.1
[22:27] <Jorg1> does somebody knows how to solve this error, error while loading shared libraries: libXm.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[22:27] <dave11> cool
[22:28] <jussi01> Jorg1: when did you get that error?
[22:29] <Jorg1> when i do this ./wfcmgr
[22:30] <Jorg1> jussi01, any idea?
[22:30] <jussi01> Jorg1: 1 moment please
[22:31] <Jorg1> ok, tnxs
[22:31] <deepfreez> Jorg1, you need install libXm
[22:31] <Jorg1> i've already installed all the libXm libraries
[22:31] <jussi01> Jorg1: I understand you need to: apt-get install libmotif3
[22:32] <reese> if I try to install kaffeine-xine, it says it's a broken package. how can I install it?
[22:32] <jussi01> Schorfi: would you mind changing your ident please?
[22:32] <Jorg1> let me explain u something, citrix, was running before, and then i installed openmotif2.2, and whap, it's gone
[22:33] <Schorfi> err
[22:33] <Schorfi> ok
[22:33] <Jorg1> i really don't know what happened
[22:35] <Schorfi> jussi01: noone ever complained, however, will be changed after next relog
[22:35] <jussi01> Schorfi: sure. and thank you :)
[22:36] <Jorg1> jussi01, u got it, tnxs, it's running now, tnxs a lot
[22:37] <jussi01> Jorg1: excellent :D
[22:37] <Jorg1> c U
[22:37] <jussi01> Jorg1: I found that on the forums, seems like its a common question :)
[22:37] <Jorg1> i'm on this since 4 hours ago
[22:38] <jussi01> :/
[22:38] <Jorg1> i did that too, but i don't know
[22:38] <jessie> hello guys
[22:38] <Jorg1> well, it's solved now
[22:38] <Jorg1> tnxs
[22:39] <jessie> so if i download the hardy beta and just use the update manager, will it be the same as if i downloaded the full version when it came out in a couple of weeks?
[22:39] <reese> how do I install a package that's broken?
[22:40] <jussi01> jessie: yes, btw, hardy support is in #ubuntu+1 :)
[22:40] <jussi01> reese: try: sudo apt-get install -f
[22:40] <jessie> jussi01, ahhh.... thank you! I think it's about time I upgrade anyways... things have been..... not pretty recently. haha
[22:42] <reese> jussi01: i tried, but it still doesn't work
[22:42] <jussi01> reese: can you pastebin the output of that command?
[22:43] <reese> jussi01: don't know how to pastebin
[22:43] <jussi01> !paste
[22:43] <ubotu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[22:45] <nonewmsgs> +
[22:45] <wile> Hello. I messed up my X config on kubuntu 8.04... ati driver not loaded, mouses problems, wrong keyboard layout in the login screen... Is there a way to restart the autoconfiguration that normally happen during installation ?
[22:46] <jessie> wile, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"
[22:46] <algyz> wile: maybe try to recover your old xorg.conf?
[22:46] <algyz> jessie: I was going to write this :)
[22:46] <jessie> algyz, beat you to the punch... haha
[22:47] * algyz resign
[22:47] <wile> Thanks for the command, I try that. (no old enough conf file available)
[22:47] <jessie> wait, what wile? that doesn't make any sense
[22:47] <algyz> wile: often problems with ati, next time buy nvidia ;)
[22:47] <jessie> post the exact error
[22:48] <jussi01> wile: also, you should use #ubuntu+1 for hardy stuff :)
[22:48] <wile> Professional laptop.. didn't choose !
[22:48] <wile> jussi01, sorry... first time on IRC ! I will not do the mistake anymore ! Thanks
[22:48] <jussi01> wile: its fine, just advising :)
[22:49] <algyz> wile: at the worst reinstall
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[22:51] <reese> jussi01: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62464/
[22:51] <rmiranda> hellow
[22:52] <algyz> reese: sudo apt-get install kaffeine-xine
[22:52] <reese> algyz: doesn't work
[22:52] <algyz> reese: or try sudo apt-get install -f
[22:52] <jussio1> reese: ok, couple of quick questions, hardy or gutsy? do you have all the repositories enabled?
[22:52] <jussio1> algyz: just been through that
[22:53] <algyz> reese: kate /etc/apt/sources.list, paste it
[22:54] <reese> jussi01: gutsy. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62465/
[22:55] <algyz> reese: maybe try uncomment 51 and 52 line
[22:56] <algyz> reese: what about sudo apt-get update, does it giving errors?
[22:56] <reese> algyz: still nothing
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[22:57] <jussi01> reese: out of curiosity, can you install kaffeine normally?
[22:58] <reese> kaffeini is already installed
[22:58] <algyz> reese: maybe try sudo aptitude upgrade
[22:59] <reese> update went smooth
[23:04] <algyz> reese: what if sudo aptitude reinstall kaffeine?
[23:05] <Nyad> why doesn't shipit.kubuntu.org have Hardy there?
[23:05] <algyz> It is not released yet ;)
[23:06] <Nyad> ya but I ordered Gutsy before it was out, they only started shipping after it was released but I could still place an order
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[23:07] <cannon> hey guys ... what chmod command do I use to unlock a directory?
[23:08] <jast-mxm> meh alsa broked when i tried to use jackd
[23:09] <_myrtille_> reese: you might also try "apt-cache policy kaffeine" to see which version of kaffeine is installed and where the package is located in the repositories
[23:11] <nejode> cannon: for full read, write, execute permisions for everybody: sudo chmod -R 777 directoryname
[23:13] <cannon> ta
[23:13] <cannon> is there a list of chmod values somwhere nejode?
[23:14] <reese> i've downloaded kaffeine-xine from packages.ubuntu.com and worked from there :D
[23:14] <maduser> man chmod?
[23:15] <reese> nevermind, it doesn't work
[23:15] <maduser> cannon: man chmod
[23:15] <reese> the output from apt-cache policy kaffeine http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62468/
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[23:16] <cannon> ta
[23:16] <nejode> cannon: give me a few minutes... I have a link someware
[23:16] <cannon> ta
[23:18] <joobles> what is the command to restart audio system?
[23:19] <inNeed> my kubuntu 8 installation is continually freezing at the point in the installation where (at 7 of 7 steps) it is attempting to detect the file systems is there ne way to fix this?
[23:20] <inNeed> it stops at 15%
[23:20] <nejode> cannon: http://www.linuxforums.org/security/file_permissions.html
[23:21] <_myrtille_> reese: have a look at kaffeine-xine as well (apt-cache policy kaffeine). The thing might be, that the kaffeine version and the kaffeine-xine version don't match
[23:22] <_myrtille_> you've installed the newer kaffeine version 0.8.6, while the official version from main packages still seems to be 0.8.5
[23:22] <reese> kaffeine-xine is also 0.8.5
[23:23] <_myrtille_> 5 or 6? Your installed version is 6. Which would explain why the installation doesn't wokr ;)
[23:23] <reese> 5.. so how do I solve this, by reinstalling kaffeine 0.8.5?
[23:23] <_myrtille_> i suppose :)
[23:24] <algyz> reese: comment first line of your /etc/apt/sources.list - cdrom
[23:24] <reese> thanks :D
[23:26] <reese> another question: how do I install the KDE headers? or where do they are on my system?
[23:29] <joobles> How can I tell what kind of audio device i have?
[23:30] <ScorpKing> !audio
[23:30] <ubotu> If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3
[23:30] <ScorpKing> joobles: it's somewhere on one of those pages ^
[23:30] <cannon> is there a way to enable double click in kubuntu instead of single click to open files?
[23:31] <ScorpKing> cannon: in kcontrol
[23:31] <cannon> ta
[23:32] <ScorpKing> cannon: kcontrol --> peripherals --> mouse
[23:32] <cannon> woot, I have been wondering how to install mouse themes :)
[23:34] <cannon> !compiz
[23:34] <ubotu> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
[23:38] <ScorpKing> is it safe to run fsck on a loopback encrypted disk? something like fsck /dev/loop0
[23:39] <babban> i will know where too find soundcards drivers
[23:39] <babban> and install dem??
[23:39] <LimCore> ScorpKing: yes
[23:39] <LimCore> ScorpKing: ofcourse once the loop is set up
[23:39] <LimCore> but the loop must be not mounted
[23:40] <ScorpKing> LimCore: ah ok. that's what i thought. thanks :)
[23:41] <babban> someone now to hack a into me computer?? and help me litle??
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[23:43] <ScorpKing> !sound | babban
[23:43] <ubotu> babban: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3
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[23:43] <klergy> does the latest 7.10 downloadable iso include kde4?
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[23:43] <ScorpKing> klergy: no. only 8.04 iirc
[23:43] <babban> thanks
[23:44] <klergy> may just wait for that release..
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[23:45] <ejm> hey, do you guys know of a program that's made for making sheet music?
[23:45] <ejm> the church I'm at needs a song book made, because we're wasting a lot of paper.
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[23:46] <ejm> and all the music consists of just lyrics with some chords.
[23:46] <ScorpKing> ejm: i've seen one but can't remember the name.
[23:47] <algyz> ejm: music program is lmms
[23:47] <ejm> I was thinking of just using openoffice or something like that.
[23:47] <ScorpKing> lmms won't work for that i think
[23:47] <ejm> ok.
[23:47] <ScorpKing> musical notes :)
[23:48] <ejm> i'll give it a shot though.
[23:48] <ScorpKing> ejm: stay here. i'll look on google
[23:48] <algyz> ejm: mscore
[23:48] <ejm> we're just wasting a lot of paper, and I thought we could cut down on waste.
[23:48] <ejm> ok
[23:48] <algyz> ejm: look: apt-cache show mscore ;)
[23:49] <ScorpKing> ejm: or this one - http://vsr.informatik.tu-chemnitz.de/staff/jan/nted/nted.xhtml
[23:49] <ejm> i looked through ubuntu's repos. just because they have a lot more programs available than other distros.
[23:50] <ejm> though if I wanted a lot more, I'd go with Debian. but time is the thing.
[23:51] <ejm> debian takes bit more time to setup, get the repos, etc. done than kubuntu or ubuntu.
[23:52] <ejm> thanks for the suggestions guys.
[23:53] <ejm> i'll stay on, but i won't be around much.