UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /06 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:02] <patoe1> i already have the thing installed but idk were it put the shortcut to run it...
[00:03] <patoe1> nevermind found it
[00:43] <vrkhans> hi problem, i just install xubuntu, but the problem is if i leave my computer unattended, like playing music after 10 20 min it stop responding, even i move the mouse, i have to restart to make things work again, let me know what should i do, to fix this
[00:45] <vrkhans> also i here a beep sound
[00:45] <vrkhans> continues beep sound
[04:03] <gkahla> what's the name of the app that configs the mouse settings? can't get my cursor to consistently show up...
[04:05] <gkahla> found it! "xfce-setting-show mouse"
[07:04] <redwhitewaldo> i'm on xubuntu 8.04 beta. is it a bug that screensaver does not go on "lock" mode?
[07:52] <Muhammad_Saad> Hello, I am having trouble with gnome-ppp. Can someone help?
[08:18] <nikolam> i have a problem.
[08:18] <nikolam> I dont want to restart my computer
[08:18] <nikolam> but my DVD is stuck in the second DVD drive
[08:19] <nikolam> and it is shown as mounted
[08:19] <nikolam> but when I try to unmount i cant
[08:19] <nikolam> I left DVD in drive last night
[08:19] <nikolam> and now i cant open it
[08:20] <nikolam> My second (pata, master) DVD recorder opens and works fine
[08:20] <nikolam> But slave pata drive (cdrw DVD combo) wont open tray
[08:20] <nikolam> I were reading from it last night
[08:20] <nikolam> and DVD is stil IN
[08:21] <nikolam> How to kill/disable those processes that are holding DVD inside
[08:21] <nikolam> Or connect/disconnect /dev/hdb drive
[08:21] <nikolam> withour shutting down computer?
[08:22] <nikolam> I just tried.
[08:22] <nikolam> I CAN read from it and ir reads fine
[08:23] <nikolam> But it is simply stuck and i cand umount it and open tray
[08:23] <nikolam> "/media/cdrom0: device is busy
[08:23] <nikolam> ...
[08:28] <siggjen> nikolam: did you try to use lsof to find which processes are using your DVD drive?
[08:31] <nikolam> lsof have huge output
[08:32] <siggjen> grep for cdrom0 then
[08:32] <nikolam> nooutput
[08:32] <siggjen> where is cdrom0 mounted?
[08:32] <nikolam> just a sec, pid 9491 is in error message
[08:33] <nikolam> /dev/hdb 4.2G 4.2G 0 100% /media/cdrom0
[08:33] <siggjen> you could grep for hdb then
[08:34] <nikolam> no output with hdb eather.
[08:34] <nikolam> but error message is: USER PID ACCESS COMMAND
[08:34] <siggjen> you might be able to umount with --force, but then you might not be able to mount it again
[08:34] <siggjen> without a reboot
[08:34] <nikolam> tryed that
[08:35] <nikolam> umount2: Device or resource busy
[08:35] <nikolam> umount: /media/cdrom0: device is busy
[08:35] <nikolam> pid is 9491 bash
[08:35] <siggjen> you have no thunar windows or anything with DVD drive contenst?
[08:36] <siggjen> maybe a bash session in /media/cdrom0 ?
[08:36] <nikolam> I killed that bash process
[08:36] <nikolam> kill -9 9491
[08:36] <nikolam> and now i can umount :)
[08:36] <siggjen> then you might just be stuck with the DVD drive till next reboot
[08:37] <siggjen> aaah
[08:37] <siggjen> nice
[08:37] <nikolam> ejected
[08:37] <nikolam> so... point is..
[08:37] <nikolam> to look at the error messages and to kill that process next time :)
[08:37] <nikolam> 10X a lot for help
[08:37] <nikolam> :)
[08:38] <nikolam> siggjen, 10x
[08:38] <siggjen> i'd try to kill without -9 first but ok
[08:39] <nikolam> i use -9 as last resort, thanks anyway
[08:39] <nikolam> :)
[08:41] <siggjen> (:
[09:40] <nobbi> Hi @ all
[09:40] <nobbi> I need some help
[09:41] <nobbi> I can't mount my 8 GB SD Card on my eee pc
[09:42] <nobbi> Hello, is there anybode here?
[09:42] <nobbi> anybody
[09:44] <siggjen> nobbi: how did you try to mount the sd card?
[09:47] <nobbi> per Terminal
[09:47] <siggjen> which command?
[09:47] <nobbi> Had find some sites in the net and I was following the instructions
[09:48] <nobbi> sudo nano -l
[09:48] <nobbi> I
[09:48] <nobbi> #ve forgotten the rest
[09:49] <siggjen> you got the url for the site?
[09:49] <nobbi> it's so hard for a linux newbie
[09:49] <nobbi> just a moment, I try to find out
[09:51] <siggjen> i'd mount a sd card with something like this: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/mountpoint
[09:51] <siggjen> ofcourse depending on the sd card being in /dev/sdb1
[09:55] <nobbi> mount: mount point /media/mountpoint does not exist
[09:55] <siggjen> make it then
[09:55] <siggjen> or change to a mountpoint that suits you better
[09:55] <nobbi> How to do?
[09:56] <siggjen> mkdir /media/mountpoint
[09:56] <siggjen> /media/mountpoint is the path to the folder where you want to mount the drive
[09:56] <siggjen> you can place it many places
[09:57] <siggjen> you might need to put a sudo in fornt of that command
[09:58] <siggjen> s/fornt/front/
[09:58] <nobbi> At the moment, it work
[09:58] <nobbi> The ( GB sd card is mounted
[09:58] <nobbi> 8 GB
[09:59] <siggjen> you might want to put it in /etc/fstab
[09:59] <siggjen> try to read man fstab
[09:59] <siggjen> and google it
[09:59] <nobbi> I try to find out
[10:00] <nobbi> It's easier for me in german
[10:00] <siggjen> man is a nice command to learn about things
[10:54] <helpme> sdfds
[10:55] <helpme> is there any one willing to help me
[10:55] <helpme> with some irc problem
[10:56] <nikolam> irc?
[10:56] <helpme> yes
[10:57] <helpme> can not connect to the server
[10:57] <helpme> my client is php irc server .platform :linux
=== march is now known as march_afk
[13:11] <Naraic> ive a problem with a realtek 8187 card. it isnt listed under any sort of network config tool, but when i run "lsusb" it appears, does anyone know how i can get my system to detect this card as a wireless adapter
[13:12] <Iskr> i have a similar problem =P
[13:16] <ere4si> !wireless
[13:16] <ubotu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[13:25] <grothesk> Hi
[13:26] <grothesk> Is language support improved in hardy in comparison to dapper?
[13:26] <grothesk> In dapper, many menu entries remain englisch when installing german language support.
[13:28] <Iskr> das ist nicht gut!
[13:28] <grothesk> Finde ich auch.
[13:29] <TheSheep> grothesk: yes, it is improved
[13:32] <grothesk> Then I'll cosider upgrading my parents dapper to hardy this summer.
[13:46] <Iskr> ok one thing that cannot be performed on 128 mb ram boxes is the use of gui packet managers
[13:46] <Iskr> lol it went using 125 mb of swap
[14:13] <Gar1> good morning! hardy beta question
[14:14] <Gar1> can't access my ntfs hd
[14:16] <ere4si> !hardy
[14:16] <TheSheep> !ntfs | Gar1
[14:16] <ubotu> Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu
[14:16] <ubotu> Gar1: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE
[14:16] <ere4si> hehe
[14:17] <Gar1> thanks....
[14:17] <ere4si> Gar1: try the ntfs-3g link
=== Iskr_ is now known as Iskr
[15:18] <Iskr> mmmh
[16:45] <AC0RNZ> yo guys, im looking for progrram that can like.... rar a huge iso file, but mark it up into like .... 2 areas both 500mb... then wen i click extract on part 1... it will extract part2 also and make the iso again
[16:48] <keb> if you use rar with the -v500M option it will make such a multivolume archive
[16:49] <keb> then unrar will rebuild if you have all the pieces
[16:49] <keb> i dunno of a graphical client for rar
[16:49] <AC0RNZ> 9,is
[16:50] <AC0RNZ> wait, how do i get rar with the -v500M?
[16:50] <keb> full description of options is in /usr/share/doc/rar/rar.txt.gz
[16:51] <AC0RNZ> ok
[18:34] <nikolam> hi
[18:34] <nikolam> does anyone here uses linux software raid1
[18:36] <nikolam> I installed my xubuntu a year ago o software raid1 partition i made during setup
[18:37] <nikolam> and i had another raid0 partition
[18:37] <nikolam> Now i decided to turn raid0 to raid1
[18:37] <keb> /dev/md0: 54.38GiB raid1 2 devices, 0 spares.
[18:37] <keb> :)
[18:38] <nikolam> and i have done cat /proc/mdstat http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62341/
[18:38] <nikolam> Now I see that my system md0 raid1 is not the same labeled as md2 i just created!
[18:38] <nikolam> hi keb
[18:38] <nikolam> :)
[18:39] <nikolam> keb would you please look at the pastebin and tell me why md0 is different then md2 i just created?
[18:40] <nikolam> is md0 cofigured right here at me, as 2 devices, 0 spares like you?
[18:40] <nikolam> or setup that uses md2 now is the same as yours?
[18:40] <nikolam> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62341/
[18:40] <keb> looks like you didnt add the sda6 partitions to the md0 assemly
[18:41] <nikolam> just a sec, sda6 and sdb6 are parts of md2 assembly
[18:41] <keb> you have three partitions: sda5, sda6, sdb6
[18:41] <keb> do you want all of them in a raid1?
[18:41] <nikolam> ahaaaa sdb5 is not even ADDED to RAID??? aaah
[18:42] <nikolam> oh, now i see, i lived in oblivion through all of las year with md0 raid1 with not actually using raid1 aaah
[18:42] <keb> hehe
[18:43] <nikolam> ok, I will tranfer all of my system to md2 anyway
[18:43] <keb> well at least your sdb5 partition is nice and rested
[18:44] <nikolam> aaaah keb keb, you are hurting me aaaah
[18:44] <nikolam> ;I))
[18:44] <keb> :)
[18:44] <nikolam> Ok, I am just not shure why that was the case
[18:45] <nikolam> I made that raid during setup of ubuntu
[18:45] <nikolam> xubuntu
[18:45] <Stroganoff> xubuntu is too slow ;)
[18:45] <Stroganoff> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=741631&page=2
[18:45] <nikolam> Ok, I have one more question,
[18:46] <nikolam> If I want to make sda5 and sdb5 like, separate normal partitions,
[18:47] <nikolam> so that i can use whole space there, should i use raid0 for that
[18:47] <nikolam> or can i make them have data on them in a normal fashion
[18:47] <nikolam> but to make them and act like a single device?
[18:48] <keb> nikolam : either raid0 or lvm
[18:48] <keb> lvm has lower risk of failure
[18:49] <nikolam> should i mess up with lvm, could i continue to use md2 as raid1 and use lvm at the same time
[18:49] <nikolam> i never used lvm
[18:49] <keb> raid0 should be faster
[18:50] <keb> lvm comes installed with xubuntu, but i never figured out how to set it up
[18:50] <nikolam> Yes, but i am thinking, if I loose one drive, not to loose all data, but just to make them adressed as one drive
[18:51] <nikolam> I have no experience with lvm , also i am not shure how 2 xp installations would like lvm on drive beside 2 ubuntus
[18:51] <keb> yes that would be lvm, they are just blocks of storage catenated. with raid0 they are striped and one drive going down means lose all data
[18:51] <nikolam> and lvm on top
[18:51] <nikolam> Ok, to me lvm sounds better for semi-important data
[18:51] <keb> oh you mean combine storage of md0 and md2?
[18:52] <nikolam> no no, i will break md0 to eather raid0 or vvm with system and important data on md2 as raid1
[18:53] <keb> Stroganoff is that the new xubuntu install
[18:54] <Stroganoff> nope
[18:54] <nikolam> no, I am using is since 7.10 came out
[18:55] <nikolam> I plan just to copy whole system to new md2 mount it as root restart an delete md0
[19:45] <nikolam> Hi
[19:46] <nikolam> If I just copy whole system to another partition
[19:46] <nikolam> and change /etc/fstab and grub settings
[19:46] <nikolam> will it be enough to migrate linux from one partition to another?
[19:47] <keb> you also have to run grub
[19:47] <nikolam> yes.
[19:47] <nikolam> cp all fix fstab, fix /boot/grub/menu.lst
[19:48] <nikolam> and that is it?
[19:48] <nikolam> if I just copy, will it also kopu appropriate permisions?
[19:48] <nikolam> Both partitions are ext3
[19:49] <keb> you can use dd to copy partitions
[19:49] <nikolam> new partition is smaller. I will not copy part of /home
[19:50] <keb> i am not sure about the special files like /dev
[19:50] <nikolam> me neaither
[19:51] <nikolam> maybe i should use cp --preserve
[20:04] <zoredache_> use rsync
[20:04] <zoredache_> rsync -a src dst
[20:04] <zoredache_> or or tar with a command like 'tar -c . | tar -C /dst -x'
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[20:07] <nikolam> rsync would be great.
[20:07] <nikolam> I just need to make src partition to have less data then dst
[20:08] <nikolam> or maybe tar would be better in this case
[20:08] <keb> there should be an exclude parameter to rsync
[20:09] <nikolam> it would be very nice
[20:10] <keb> check the man page ;)
[20:12] <nikolam> i checked: should rsync -a / /md2--exclude=/home do the trick?
[20:17] <zoredache> you would probably want a space after the md2... you might also want to through in a -v so you see what is going on
[22:08] <redwhitewaldo> how do i import my photos with xubuntu 8.04beta/
[22:08] <redwhitewaldo> ?
[22:09] <keb> plug in the camera to usb, an icon should show up on the desktop, copy the files...
[22:10] <redwhitewaldo> keb: i plugged in camera to usb, powered on camera, but no icon on desktop
[22:10] <redwhitewaldo> my camera worked in ubuntu 7.10
[22:10] <keb> hmm
[22:10] <redwhitewaldo> do i need a special program?
[22:11] <keb> not likely
[22:11] <redwhitewaldo> when i plug in my iPod, i see an icon on desktop, but not with my digicam
[22:11] <keb> if you do 'lsusb' in a terminal does it show the camera plugged in?
[22:11] <redwhitewaldo> yes
[22:12] <redwhitewaldo> Bus 001 Device 005: ID 04a9:3074 Canon, Inc. PowerShot A60 (ptp)
[22:15] <redwhitewaldo> keb, you there?
[22:15] <keb> yes. not sure what now
[22:16] <redwhitewaldo> this is a strange problem
[22:25] <redwhitewaldo> how can i figure out whether my camera is set up to work as USB drive?
[22:28] <S0210> I have a Canon A610. How can I download the pictures from it under Xubuntu 8.04beta?
=== S0210 is now known as Salix_
[22:29] <keb> is the camera in "review mode"
[22:30] <Salix_> keb: Yes, in review mode.
[22:32] <Salix_> keb: What's next? I have no idea if it is recognised at all...
[22:32] <keb> if you do 'lsusb' in a terminal does it show the camera plugged in?
[22:33] <keb> another fellow here has the same problem
[22:33] <siggjen> mkdir /media/camera; mount /dev/sdb1 /media/camera
[22:33] <redwhitewaldo> Salix_: (make sure you power on comp before trying the lsusb command
[22:33] <siggjen> might work
[22:34] <Salix_> keb: "lsusb" finds it.
[22:36] <redwhitewaldo> folks, what's the Xubuntu equivalent of Ubuntu's "Places / Computer"?
[22:36] <siggjen> thunar isn't that bad starting point
[22:38] <Salix_> siggjen: /dev/sdb1 doesn't exist
[22:38] <siggjen> maybe it's /dev/sda1 instead
[22:38] <siggjen> i'd browse /dev/sd* to check
[22:39] <Salix_> siggjen: /dev/sda1 seems to be OK
[22:40] <keb> /dev/sda1 could be your sata hard disk too
[22:41] <Salix_> keb: I'm afraid you're right... (seeing the content of /media/camera)
[22:44] <keb> this thread has some things people tried with previous versions https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgphoto2/+bug/91250
[22:44] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 91250 in libgphoto2 "[edgy-backports] Error in libgphoto2 udev rules" [High,Won't fix]
[22:46] <keb> redwhitewaldo does your camera have a PC and a PTP setting?
[22:46] <redwhitewaldo> keb: how can i figure that out?
[22:47] <keb> well your lsusb is saying PTP so i'm guessing it does
[22:47] <TheSheep> redwhitewaldo: there is a places plugin for the panel
[22:47] <redwhitewaldo> TheSheep: oh, yeah. I have the places plugin already there, right between "applications" and firefox icon
[22:49] <keb> PC = USB mass storage mode, PTP = Picture Transfer Protocol mode
[22:50] <redwhitewaldo> keb, oh yeah, so i guess my camera has a PTP setting.
[22:50] <redwhitewaldo> keb, how can i figure out whether my camera has a PC (USB mass storage mode) setting?
[22:50] <Salix_> keb: I don't have /etc/udev/rules.d/45-libgphoto2.rules
[22:51] <keb> redwhitewaldo : the manual for the camera maybe
[22:51] <keb> Salix_ yeah that may have changed in 8.04beta. is gphoto2 installed?
[22:53] <siggjen> «lsmod | grep usb_storage» could tell if the module is loaded or not
[22:54] <Salix_> keb: Khm... No. I checked only libgphoto2-2 but forgot to check gphoto2 (and gtkam). They're not installed yet. That should be the next step, right?
[22:55] <keb> Salix_ maybe. your system should see the camera without those apps
[22:55] <redwhitewaldo> keb: the manual (http://www.retrevo.com/search/f/d/742a0e086fc8fb40748d194346461e14.pdf?email=) doesn't say anything about it being a PC/USB camera
[22:57] <Salix_> keb: Would you recommend to try to give a try with gphoto2 or rather to find the reason seeing the camera only from "lsusb"?
[22:57] <keb> if you have a memory card reader in the computer, you can try taking out the memory card from the camera and plugging it directly into the computer
[22:58] <keb> assuming the slot is the same type
[22:58] <redwhitewaldo> assuming that my camera (powershot a60) is a PTP camera and not a PC/USB-Mass_storage camera, what should i do now?
[22:58] <redwhitewaldo> ...to get pics from cam to comp?
[22:59] <keb> Salix_ : i would try to figure out what is wrong before complicating the situation with more software
[23:00] <redwhitewaldo> hi, keb. i don't think my canon powershot a60 can do USB-mass_storage mode. I think my camera can only do PTP mode. What is the next step? 8-(
[23:00] <redwhitewaldo> 8-)
[23:02] <keb> redwhitewaldo : i don't know. google around for PTP support and ubuntu. i have to go to meeting so good luck
[23:02] <redwhitewaldo> keb, my cam says it DOES have ptp. so why do we need to search for that?
[23:03] <keb> well the question is how to use the PTP in xubuntu
[23:03] <redwhitewaldo> i see
[23:03] <redwhitewaldo> keb, are you saying that xubuntu doesn't have as good digital camera support as ubuntu?
[23:04] <keb> redwhitewaldo not saying that
[23:04] <Salix_> keb: as well as I see it is the same question for me (Canon A610 is another PTP case)
[23:05] <keb> this thread might be relevant too https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gphoto2/+bug/189506
[23:05] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 189506 in gphoto2 "Normal user can't access USB camera Error (-53: 'Could not claim the USB device')" [Undecided,Fix released]
[23:06] <keb> bbl
[23:09] <redwhitewaldo> is there no makeshift solution to importing the pics from cam to comp? No command I can enter into terminal?
[23:16] <Salix_> I have to go
[23:17] <Salix_> keb: thanks
[23:26] <redwhitewaldo> is it possible to give each workspace its own background image/color?
[23:37] <quittt> hi