UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /06 /#ubuntu-server.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <zylstra555> sommer: Is there a way to cause the computer to reconnect every, say, 45 minutes or so?
[00:00] <zylstra555> sommer: Like, to drop its current connection, and reconnect?
[00:01] <sommer> zylstra555: from your ISP? you could setup a cron job to restart networking I guess...
[00:01] <zylstra555> sommer: But, it is connected through a router, so that probably wouldent work
[00:02] <zylstra555> sommer: What if I set up a computer in a remote location to just sign into its FTP server every 45 minutes, and then disconnect? Do you think it could perhaps keep the connection up?
[00:02] <sommer> ya, what you might try though is a setting a cron job to ping an Internet host every so often... to make sure the connection is working
[00:02] <sommer> that's a good idea too
[00:02] <zylstra555> sommer: How would I do that?
[00:03] <sommer> zylstra555: you would need to have access to another outside computer I guess
[00:03] <zylstra555> sommer: Rather, what is the ping command? (I can get the Cron job up, I use Webmin for things like that, which, is my way of cheating CLI)
[00:03] <sommer> ah
[00:04] <sommer> zylstra555: this page covers it pretty well: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto
[00:04] <zylstra555> sommer: Is there a difference between scheduled commands, and scheduled cron jobs?
[00:05] <sommer> not sure what "scheduled commands" are... do you configure that through the gui? I'd think they are the same things though
[00:05] <sommer> or they could be at jobs :)
[00:05] <zylstra555> sommer: Ill just go with Cron jobs, it should work fine
[00:06] <sommer> cool
[00:08] <keithclark> This may be a stupid question, but I have to ask. I have ssh working but is there a graphical front end for it instead of using the terminal to start programs?
[00:09] <sommer> gnome-terminal :)
[00:09] <keithclark> :)
[00:10] <sommer> you could create a shell script with the commands you'd like to execute, then create a launcher
[00:10] <keithclark> Yeah, good idea
[00:11] <sommer> you'd probably want to setup ssh-keys if you haven't, to avoide having to enter a password
[00:11] <keithclark> No, I've not done that. Is that easy to do?
[00:12] <zylstra555> sommer: Once again, thanks. Hopefully, pinging will fix the problem
[00:12] <sommer> yep, here's some instructions: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html
[00:12] * zylstra555 over and out
[00:12] <sommer> zylstra555: you're welcome
[00:12] <keithclark> Awesome, thanks
[00:12] <sommer> np
[00:14] <keithclark> Now, If I could just figure out port forwarding on my router
[00:14] <Deeps> www.portforward.com
[00:16] <keithclark> deeps, thanks....you guys are just a never ending information pool!
[00:19] <keithclark> Deeps, amazing database!
[00:37] <keithclark> Is there a way to distribute the computation of copying a dvd?
=== Cahan is now known as rtorrent
=== rtorrent is now known as Cahan
[01:19] <Cahan> somehow rtorrent is corrupting my filesystem and causing my server to freeze up (Ubuntu 7.04), and I need to boot a live cd and run fsck to fix it. rtorrent is run from a ReiserFS partition and is saving to an Ext3 partition if that helps
[01:34] <mindframe> Cahan, you using the most recent stable?
[01:34] <Cahan> whichever one apt-get installs, I only installed it this mornign
[01:34] <mindframe> bad idea
[01:35] <mindframe> http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/
[01:35] <mindframe> compile/install the latest stable
[01:36] <Cahan> mindframe, I see, thank you, brb then, need to fix the server first
[01:37] <kgoetz> if the rtorent in ubuntu is broken a bug should be filed
[01:38] <mindframe> if its not the most current stable then there are bugs :)
[01:39] <kgoetz> there are bugs in the most current stable too
[01:39] <mindframe> nothing that i've noticed so far
[01:39] <mindframe> and i use it quite a bit
[01:49] <Cahan> mindframe, you think I should remove the current install before compiling the latest one?
[01:50] <mindframe> yes
[01:50] <mindframe> apt-get remove --purge
[01:51] <kgoetz> Cahan: if your building from source checkinstall may be helpful to you.
[01:51] <kgoetz> (dont know if you've built stuff from source or no)
[01:51] <Cahan> not by had no, but I've read a guide once :p
[01:51] <kgoetz> also, backporting mifght work if your so inclined
[01:52] <Cahan> mindframe, is purge required? or would a remove suffice?
[01:52] <mindframe> well a few of the config syntax changed somewhere between those versions so yes
[01:52] <kgoetz> if you build from source you'll use different config file anyway
[01:53] <kgoetz> s/will/should
[01:53] <Cahan> righto
[01:53] <mindframe> i mean .rtorrent.rc
[01:53] <mindframe> version from apt might not even produce that
[01:54] <kgoetz> user configuration? i doubt its patched to remove stuff
[01:54] <kgoetz> !info rtorrent gutsy
[01:54] <ubotu> rtorrent (source: rtorrent): ncurses BitTorrent client based on LibTorrent. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.4-2ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 285 kB, installed size 768 kB
[01:54] <kgoetz> what came before gutsy? i think thats what 7.04 will be
[01:55] <mindframe> feisty
[01:55] <mindframe> !info rtorrent feisty
[01:55] <kgoetz> !info rtorrent feisty
[01:55] <mindframe> heh
[01:55] <kgoetz> snap ;
[01:55] <kgoetz> ;)
[01:55] <ubotu> rtorrent (source: rtorrent): ncurses BitTorrent client based on LibTorrent. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.6.4-1 (feisty), package size 314 kB, installed size 860 kB
[01:55] <mindframe> yeah that's a terrible version to use
[01:55] <kgoetz> !info rtorrent hardy
[01:55] <ubotu> rtorrent (source: rtorrent): ncurses BitTorrent client based on LibTorrent. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.9-1 (hardy), package size 329 kB, installed size 924 kB
[01:56] <mindframe> i remember having quite a few problems with it when feisty was current
[01:56] <kgoetz> wonder if theres a backported version
[01:56] <kgoetz> or how hard a backport from hardy would be
[01:57] <mindframe> probably easier just to compile
[01:57] <kgoetz> i prefer to backport if i can, but each to their own :)
[01:58] <Cahan> tar -xvf right?
[01:58] <mindframe> yeah its nice to keep everything in-house
[01:58] <mindframe> zxvf
[01:58] <mindframe> then cd into libtorrent dir. ./configure && make && sudo make install
[01:58] <mindframe> then cd to rtorrent dir and do the same
[01:59] <kgoetz> use checkintall if you can. makes it easier to remove the thing later
[01:59] <mindframe> they both have an uninstall option in the makefile
[01:59] <mindframe> make uninstall
[01:59] <kgoetz> you have to hang onto the source though
[01:59] <mindframe> true
[02:00] <mindframe> im gonna try out checkinstall
[02:00] <mindframe> looks neat
[02:01] <kgoetz> it works 'well enough' for small things. not sure i'd try to checkintall OO.o or Linux, but not tried :)
[02:03] <Cahan> huh, i have no C compiler installed
[02:03] <kgoetz> Cahan: not by default no
[02:03] <kgoetz> !be
[02:03] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about be - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[02:03] <kgoetz> bah
[02:03] <kgoetz> !build-essential
[02:03] <ubotu> Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)
[02:04] <Cahan> thanks kgoetz
[02:04] <kgoetz> as factoids go, thats pretty useless
[02:04] <kgoetz> !b-e
[02:04] <ubotu> Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)
[02:05] <kgoetz> alias
=== yarddawg is now known as yarddog_
[09:48] <SwissPhoenix> Hi there, I just toying around with hardy and noticed that any eth interface other than eth0 is being renamed to eth#_rename. I tried adding more interfaces to the 70-persistent-net.rules file, but that does not the trick....
[12:12] <DsB> hi to all
[12:13] <DsB> how can i manage a proxy server install in ubuntu from the web browser, is there some pakage that will do that?
[12:26] <dthacker> ebox?
[12:55] <faulkes-> proxy server? depends on the proxy server
[12:55] <faulkes-> squid has a web ui built in with it iirc
[12:57] <Diogo_79> hi to all
[13:11] <Diogo_79> can i post some questions that i have about ubuntu-server
[13:12] <Diogo_79> ?
[13:24] <faulkes-> that is what the channel is for, you have no need to ask, to ask questions
[13:31] * fromport like humble ;-)
=== Ben____ is now known as BCMM
[13:59] <BCMM> Is there a way to see the messages that scrolled on boot, over an SSH connection/
[13:59] <BCMM> the machine has no working monitor
[13:59] <Nafallo> cat /var/log/dmesg
[13:59] <BCMM> and some kind of error is happening during boot up
[13:59] <BCMM> hmm
[13:59] <BCMM> isn't that just teh same as dmesg output?
[13:59] <BCMM> i need to see the output of init
[14:00] <Nafallo> ah
[14:00] <Nafallo> serial?
[14:00] <BCMM> ah, how do you do that?
[14:00] <Nafallo> how to configure that beforehand II?RC
[14:01] <Nafallo> there are a page about it on help.u.c/community :-)
[14:01] <BCMM> thanks
[14:02] <BCMM> hmm what exactly do you mean by "serial"? what should i search for?
[14:06] <BCMM> does it require extra hardware?
[14:06] <Nafallo> yes
[14:06] <Nafallo> rs232
[14:07] <faulkes-> basicly you are connecting a serial console cable to another device which can see those messages
[14:08] <faulkes-> i.e. a console server (2511, 2611 in cisco land) or other manufactuer, but it could be another linux box, wyse terminal, etc..
[14:30] <Diogo_79> is squid capable of block ports?
[14:38] <Diogo_79> how can i configurate ubuntu to block msn and porno sites with squid?
[14:46] <faulkes-> that is best answered by going to the primary squid site
[14:46] <faulkes-> however, you can only block http based msn stuff, if you wish to either proxy or filter msn traffic, that is something you want to do with ip tables
[14:47] <faulkes-> as for porno sites, that's a bit trickier, squid allows you to do url regex filtering
[14:47] <faulkes-> so, you could tell it any url that contains "porn" or "sex" would be disallowed
[14:47] <faulkes-> I'm unusure if it does content level filtering
[14:48] <faulkes-> you might want to look at dans guardian for that (which is squid based iirc)
[14:48] <Diogo_79> ok, faulkes thanks for the help
[14:49] <faulkes-> squid is a bit tricky to learn for configuration but generally once you get the syntax down, you'll be good
[14:49] <faulkes-> the primary squid site has some good howto/material
[14:49] <Diogo_79> tel me one thing
[14:50] <Diogo_79> is there a good web administration utility for configuration of squid on ubuntu server
[14:50] <dthacker> Diogo_79: there are some lists you can pull in that list most of the adult sites, but you'll have to read the logs.
[14:50] <dthacker> and add sites as needed
[14:50] <faulkes-> Diogo: squid itself has a built in web management facility, I'm not sure about how much it covers as I don't use it
[14:51] <faulkes-> iirc it's just a cache administrator function
[14:51] <faulkes-> dans guardian may have more, you would have to investigate
[14:51] <dthacker> Diogo_79: no idea on the web utility. I just use the command line
[14:51] <Diogo_79> ok
[14:51] <faulkes-> and of course, it all depends on what you want / require in the way of a "web management facility"
[14:52] * faulkes- is a firm believer in vi being the management facility
[14:52] <Diogo_79> web management only for a local computer with ssh access on ubuntu
[14:52] <dthacker> faulkes-: ++
[14:53] <faulkes-> "web management" is a very broad topic, you'd have to be more specific
[14:54] <Diogo_79> manage squid with the web bwoser on a client computer
[14:54] <faulkes-> and yes, you can configure web based management utilities for local/local lan only access
[14:54] <Diogo_79> sorry my bad english
[14:54] <faulkes-> I'm going to assume when you say "manage" you mean the ability to configure squid as required (i.e. add new rules, etc..)
[14:54] <Diogo_79> yes
[14:54] <Diogo_79> you are rigth
[14:55] <faulkes-> on that, I'm not sure what exists, although I can imagine that stuff does, in ubuntu particular, I could not say, other than squid does have it's own administrative server portion which is web accessable
[14:56] <faulkes-> to what extent it will meet your needs, you will have to look at it
[14:56] <faulkes-> primary site will give you that information I imagine
[14:56] <faulkes-> and no need to apologize for your english, this is a multi-national channel
[14:58] <Diogo_79> thanks
[14:58] * faulkes- returns to beating on a rebranded bastardized version of IOS on a particular vendors switch
[14:58] * faulkes- grumbles about it
[15:01] <Diogo_79> tel me faulkes is squid a firewall what i mean is that squid can filter or block inside traffic to internet
[15:02] <Diogo_79> but it cannot block outside trafic to inside local area network?
[15:11] <Tatster> Diogo_79: You may also want to have a look at Ebox (http://ebox-platform.com/ ) it's kind of like a web management framework.
[15:52] <chimp___> during installation of ubuntu server i didnt select the LAMP option, but i want to retrospectively, is it worth reinstalling the server (its a fresh install) or is there a package that will install them together seemlessly like the LAMP option is supposed to
[15:53] <Cahan> chimp___, your better off installimg the packages seperate imo
[15:53] <chimp___> Any reason Cahan?
[15:54] <Cahan> saves you installing things you don't need
[15:54] <chimp___> Ok :)
[15:55] <dthacker> what's an example of something LAMP loads that's typically not needed?
[15:55] <Cahan> apache ;p
[15:55] <Cahan> lighttpd ftw
[15:55] <dthacker> for specific use cases.....
[15:56] <Cahan> I don't know, I installed things as I needed them
[15:56] <chimp___> Basically im very new to all this, so if installing them seperately is difficult, then would the lamp option be simpler?
[15:57] <Cahan> chimp___, I did it for the first time a couple of days ago, there are good resources on the ubuntu site
[15:57] <dthacker> chimp___: tell you what, try it separately once, then if you find you are spending too much time installing, use LAMP next time.
[15:58] <dthacker> If you are in a hurry, use LAMP
[15:58] <chimp___> I imagine that doing it myself will at least teach me :)
[16:20] <mralphabet> chimp___: sudo tasksel
=== Diogo is now known as Diogo_79
[16:49] <soren> ScottK: The postfix documentation clams that the default for virtual_alias_domains is $virtual_alias_maps. my virtual_alias_maps is set to hash:/etc/postfix/virtual, and I have a few @my-domain.com addresses in there. However, postfix rejects e-mails destined for whatver@my-domain.com if I don't explicitly add my-domain.com to virtual_alias_domains..
[16:50] <soren> ScottK: Am I misreading the docs, are they faulty, or is postfix misbehaving?
[17:38] <soren> ScottK: Never mind. I apparantly need more hand holding from the documentation than everyone else :/
=== yarddawg is now known as yarddog_
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
[19:11] <ScottK> soren: Glad you got it figured out.
[19:12] <ScottK> soren: Upstream for Postfix often suggests that the documentation is written with the advanced Postfix user in mind. It's easy to get cross-threaded in there.
[19:14] <soren> ScottK: Yeah. The problem turned out to be that I needed a line like "ubuntu-dk.org dummy-value" in my virtual file.
[19:15] <soren> ScottK: The docs sort of led me to believe that it'd magically work if I just put a "foo@ubuntu-dk.org destination@address.org" in there, but that was not the case.
[19:15] <soren> I understand why, though.
[19:17] <ScottK> Upstream is reasonably accepting of patches to improve clarity of the documentation.
[19:38] <sainzeo> hello - i have an install of ubuntu server 7.10 on a parallels VM and it stalls when booting at running local scripts...any ideas?
[20:21] * faulkes- grumbles at incorrect labelling
=== blue-frog__ is now known as blue-frog