UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /06 /#ubuntu-ops.txt
Initial commit
[00:47] <nickrud> !slow
[00:47] <ubotu> The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.
[00:47] <nickrud> :)
[00:47] <ompaul> !slow is The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.
[00:47] <ubotu> But slow already means something else!
[00:48] <ompaul> !no slow is <reply> The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.
[00:48] <ubotu> I'll remember that ompaul
[00:48] <ompaul> nickrud, now it never needs to be adapted again ;-)
[00:48] <ompaul> !torrents
[00:48] <ubotu> Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Gutsy: http://fr.releases.ubuntu.com/gutsy/ (CDs) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.10/release/ (DVDs) - Please download using the torrents if you can!
[00:48] <nickrud> you are sooo good ;)
[00:51] <ompaul> !no torrents are <reply> Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CDs) (choose the highest numbers) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVDs) - Please download using the torrents if you can, spread the love!
[00:51] <ompaul> !no torrents are <reply> Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CDs) (choose the highest numbers) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVDs) - Please download using the torrents if you can.
[00:51] <ompaul> hmm why de bot no likey
[00:52] <ompaul> !no torrents are <reply> Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. http://releases.ubuntu.com/ \(CDs\) \(choose the highest numbers\) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVDs) - Please download using the torrents if you can.
[00:53] <ompaul> !no torrents are <reply> Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ CDs or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases DVDs Please download using the torrents if you can.
[00:53] <ompaul> whoami
[00:54] <ompaul> hah
[00:54] <ompaul> !whoami
[00:54] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about whoami - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[00:54] <ompaul> @whoami
[00:54] <ubotu> ompaul
[00:54] <ompaul> haha
[00:54] <ompaul> !torrents
[00:54] <ubotu> Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Gutsy: http://fr.releases.ubuntu.com/gutsy/ (CDs) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.10/release/ (DVDs) - Please download using the torrents if you can!
[00:54] <ompaul> !forget torrents
[00:54] <ubotu> I'll forget that, ompaul
[00:55] <ompaul> !torrents are <reply> Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ CDs or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases DVDs Please download using the torrents if you can.
=== mc44_ is now known as mc44
[00:55] <ompaul> dear me Seveas ^^ can you (A) add that factoid and (B) accept this as a possible bug report please
[00:56] <LjL> what's the problem
[00:56] <LjL> !unforget torrents
[00:56] <ubotu> I suddenly remember torrents again, LjL
[00:56] <LjL> !torrents
[00:56] <ubotu> Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Gutsy: http://fr.releases.ubuntu.com/gutsy/ (CDs) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.10/release/ (DVDs) - Please download using the torrents if you can!
[00:56] <nickrud> LjL 's magic wand restores lost memories. Lovely
[00:57] <LjL> !no torrents is <reply> Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD). Please download using the torrents if you can!
[00:57] <ubotu> I'll remember that LjL
[00:59] * ompaul gets confussed
[00:59] <ompaul> why did it fail on me?
[00:59] <ompaul> the - ?
[00:59] <LjL> ompaul, because "torrents are" is not the same as "torrents is"
[01:00] <ompaul> LjL, caught by my own grammar ....
[01:00] <LjL> what did she catch you doing?
[01:01] <nickrud> ba da boom
[01:02] <LjL> now,
[01:02] <LjL> !guishell
[01:02] <ubotu> Several "hybrid" GUI command line interfaces are in development, see: http://www.bterm.org/ - http://linux.pte.hu/~pipas/CUI/ - http://hotwire-shell.org/
[01:02] <LjL> find me a KDE one like those. now.
[01:02] <LjL> if you can't find it, write it.
[01:05] <nickrud> kde developers have enough to do without adding new stuff
[01:09] <LjL> nickrud: i wish they wouldn't.
[01:09] <LjL> but anyway, it's not like the stuff mentioned by ubotu is written by "GNOME developers"
[01:10] <ompaul> !xterm
[01:10] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about xterm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[01:10] * ompaul goes old skool and gets clobbered for it
[01:12] <nickrud> LjL sory, it was justa chance to make fun of kde ;)
[01:13] <nickrud> oh, something like xterm is a terminal emulation program, considered obsolete.
[01:14] <ompaul> nickrud, see
[01:15] <LjL> !xterm is <reply> If with all the cute terminals that are around you're still using xterm, then you deserve any problem you're experiencing with it. Go away.
[01:15] <ubotu> I'll remember that, LjL
[01:15] <nickrud> much better than anything I could come up with
[01:19] <ompaul> nickrud, I have used these in real life: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/zoslnctr/v1r7/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.znetwork.doc/znetwork_261.html
[01:19] <ompaul> nickrud, a looonnng time ago
[01:20] <nickrud> ompaul I think I saw those around an ibm 360 once
[01:20] <ompaul> nickrud, that would be the right place for them
[01:21] <nickrud> played tic tac toe on it.
[01:21] <ompaul> nickrud, the keyboard did not move it was part of the main terminal
[01:21] <ompaul> nickrud, the heaviest terminal I ever went near
[01:22] <nickrud> ompaul you forget how old I am. Separate keyboards were an innovation ;)
[01:22] <ompaul> nickrud, yeah I forgetz
[01:22] <nickrud> !xterm
[01:22] <LjL> or a step back?
[01:22] <ubotu> If with all the cute terminals that are around you're still using xterm, then you deserve any problem you're experiencing with it. Go away.
[01:22] <LjL> my a500+ was all in the keyboard, and i never regretted that
[01:22] <nickrud> that is sooooo god
[01:22] <nickrud> good*
[01:23] <ompaul> I have used vt100s
[01:23] <nickrud> those I've used, hooked up to an s100 bus z80
[01:24] <nickrud> it was something like $2500, with 32k ram and 8krom. I was in heaven
[01:33] <ompaul> nickrud, like all good computers of the day
[01:33] * ompaul goes to the land of nod
[01:42] <nalioth> nickrud: you and I and ompaul are of an older era
[01:42] <nickrud> yup. Sorta like blacksmiths who became mechanics
[01:43] <LjL> meh
[01:43] <LjL> it's not like i haven't used computers with 32k ram and z80's
[01:44] <LjL> well, it was a 64k ram and a 6502, but still :P
[01:45] <nickrud> so you had a model t, youngster :)
[01:46] <LjL> only because i was l33t
[01:47] <nickrud> don't you ever sleep either ? must be like nearly 4am there
[01:47] <LjL> still, my mom always tells me of when a bypasser was shocked overhearing my description of how some computers had a key called "Entew" while on others the same key was called "Wetuwn"
[01:47] <LjL> when i was 3
[01:47] <LjL> nah it's not even 3am
[01:48] <nickrud> when I was 3, our tv's didn't even have remote controls. Then we got one of the first. Only problem was you couldn't jingle your keys in the same room, it changed the channel
[01:48] <LjL> nickrud: i know what you're talking about, but i don't think anyone here has ever seen those.
[01:49] <LjL> and, when i was 3, my tv was b/w
[01:49] <LjL> remote control, not really
[01:49] <nalioth> nickrud: when you were 3, you _were_ the remote control
[01:49] <nickrud> yup
[01:49] <LjL> uhm when i was 3, i was the jingling keys changing channels when that wasn't desired
[01:50] <nickrud> finally, dinner time. See you guys soon
[02:43] <LjL> err... what should i make of this
[02:44] <LjL> [03:41:46] <Linux_Is_For_Gan> Hi, someone banned me, and I wanted to explain what happened to you, because I think it was an error [03:41:59] <LjL> join #ubuntu-ops and ask [03:42:08] <Linux_Is_For_Gan> ? [03:42:38] <Linux_Is_For_Gan> Well, I wanted to tell you about my ban, it was someone on my router. [03:42:55] <LjL> someone on your... router? [03:42:56] <Linux_Is_For_Gan> Someone on my router registered as [rocc], and I thought it was him or something.
[02:44] <LjL> [03:43:01] <Linux_Is_For_Gan> Yes, on my network, I mean. [03:43:08] <LjL> and why would someone be on your network? [03:43:23] <Linux_Is_For_Gan> Because it's not secured, while I'm configuring my computer for that.
[02:44] <LjL> i banned this guy (while he was using another nickname - two nicknames actually) because it seemed like he was impersonating [Rocc] and talking to his own clone.
[02:45] <Linux_Is_For_Gan> Hi, I wanted to say about my banning in #Ubuntu
[02:46] <Linux_Is_For_Gan> I was on my network, which is unsecured, and someone else in my neighborhood must have connected to it, and started impersonating [rocc]. I know a few friends that would do that. I was talking to rocc, and I didn't know who it was, and I guess you guys thought it was me because my IP was the same or something.
[02:47] <LjL> Linux_Is_For_Gan: and how would your neighbors know that you were connected to #ubuntu?
[02:48] <Linux_Is_For_Gan> Because we were talking about ubuntu a lot lately, and we've een getting in to it. and It's possible it's coincidence.
[02:48] <Linux_Is_For_Gan> If I was them, I'd know.
[02:48] <LjL> why did you change your nickname to contact me? that doesn't make tracking what happened any easier
[02:49] <Linux_Is_For_Gan> Because my other one was banned
[02:49] <Linux_Is_For_Gan> and I didn't know if I'd be able to contact you on it.
[02:49] <LjL> so you were attempting to evade the ban?
[02:49] <Linux_Is_For_Gan> No, I was attempting to be able to talk to you to get it resolved.
[02:49] <LjL> you get banned from channels, not from PM'ing
[02:49] <Linux_Is_For_Gan> Oh.
[02:49] <Linux_Is_For_Gan> well, I'm new to IRC.
=== jordan_ is now known as Jordan_U
[02:51] <LjL> Linux_Is_For_Gan: even if your neighbors knew you were on #ubuntu, how would they know you were talking to [Rocc]?
[02:52] <Linux_Is_For_Gan> Because they know what my username is on ubuntuforums, and it was the same
[02:52] <Linux_Is_For_Gan> and I was talking to rocc from that?
[02:52] <LjL> are aliens also involved?
[02:52] <Linux_Is_For_Gan> No, they're not.
[02:54] <LjL> Linux_Is_For_Gan, you aren't *so* new to IRC, you've been here since march at least
[02:54] <Linux_Is_For_Gan> No I haven't.
[02:54] <Linux_Is_For_Gan> I just made my account today.
[02:54] <LjL> one would figure you'd have secured your network in the meanwhile
[02:54] <LjL> [23:08] *** ub3r31337!n=jd@dpc6746109171.direcpc.com has joined #ubuntu
[02:54] <LjL> [23:12] <ub3r31337> version ctcp
[02:54] <LjL> [23:13] <ub3r31337> how do I do a version ctcp
[02:55] <LjL> (that was Session Start: Sat Mar 15 04:25:11 2008)
[03:06] <Jordan_U> LjL, Nice sleuthing :)
[03:07] <LjL> well i have to give him that it was a more original excuse than "it was my brother"
[03:21] <Pici> it was your brother.
[03:29] * nickrud makes a note to be more cautious with his avatars
[03:35] <LjL> jdong: (yes please)
[05:55] <ubotu> izinucs called the ops in #ubuntu (sorry)
[05:57] <nalioth> sorry klined
[05:57] <nickrud> thanks
[06:45] <tonyyarusso> why is tuntun on my hilights?
[06:45] <tonyyarusso> @btlogin
[07:47] <ubotu> FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)
[07:47] <ubotu> FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)
[07:48] <nalioth> yep, they're here
[07:54] <macogw> hey i just saw like 50 K-lines in #ubuntu...what's going on?
[07:54] <nalioth> macogw: bots
[07:54] <nalioth> would you like me to leave them?
[07:55] <macogw> hah no i just saw a *ton* of joins and then a bunch of k-lines and was wondering what was up
[07:56] <macogw> if it wasnt for irssi usually warning of netsplits, i would've thought it was that
[07:56] <nalioth> well, if you didn't see a netsplit warning, it's usually a bot attack
[07:56] <nalioth> #ubuntu is a desirable target for trolls
[07:56] <nalioth> the most people to disrupt, you see
[07:58] <macogw> ah ok
[08:01] <ubotu> FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)
[08:01] <ubotu> FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)
[08:26] <macogw> there are a lot of joins happening quickly in #ubuntu...more bots?
[08:27] <tonyyarusso> looks like it
[10:43] <elkbuntu> * FloodBot2 removes exempt on mib_3lsdqi99!i=3a13210e@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-dc825dbdc8d29 <--- eh?
[10:45] <tonyyarusso> elkbuntu: If you try to join #ubuntu from mibbit, you get forwarded to -proxy-users. If you stay a moment, it sets an exemption for you to join #ubuntu. Once you leave, it removes the exemption for your session.
[10:45] <elkbuntu> oh, nice
[10:47] <tonyyarusso> yeah, it's pretty smart
[11:16] <ubotu> In #ubuntu-offtopic, rodserling said: !rmssong is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sJUDx7iEJw
[11:18] <ubotu> In #ubuntu-offtopic, BaD_CrC said: ubotu: rmssong is <reply> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sJUDx7iEJw
[11:18] <ubotu> In #ubuntu-offtopic, rodserling said: !rmssong is <reply> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sJUDx7iEJw
[11:25] <Daviey> hmm, should it be that or Soulja boy :)
[12:45] <Seveas> --- Loaded Chanserv helper 1.0.8 by Seveas <dennis@kaarsemaker.net>
[12:45] <Seveas> now bans mibbit users by ident, not hostmask :)
[12:46] <Hobbsee> ooo
[12:46] <Hobbsee> ie, by real IP
[12:46] <Seveas> yup
[12:48] <nalioth> by the hex _AND_ IP, right, Seveas ?
[12:48] <Seveas> -EPARSE
[12:50] <Seveas> what do you mean>
[12:54] <nalioth> mibbit users connect with their connecting IP shown as their ident in hexidecimal. does your chanserv.py ban both the hex (which will stop 90% of all reconnects through other gateways) _AND_ the numeric IP ( to keep them from just directly connecting and bypassing the hex ban ) ?
[12:56] * nalioth goes to hunt down a mibbit user for an example
[12:56] <Seveas> ah right
[12:56] <Seveas> it does not, but nice idea
[12:56] <Seveas> it now does this
[12:56] <Seveas> --- Seveas sets ban on *!i=53a0071a@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/*
[12:56] <nalioth> [i=62d531e0@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-c62de1fb97ef4583] has joined #ubuntu-proxy-users
[12:57] <nalioth> -!- Irssi: 62d531e0 =
[12:57] <nalioth> Seveas: i have an irssi script to convert hex > IP
[13:06] <Seveas> don't need a script for that
[13:06] <Seveas> socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('!I',eval('0x'+ip)))
[13:09] <Fragglerock> you wanted a victim?
[13:09] <nalioth> Seveas: if you're gonna make your chanserv.py non-#ubuntu specific, you might like to add that feature
[13:09] <nalioth> victim?
[13:09] * nalioth puts on his hip waders
[13:10] <Fragglerock> that works
[13:10] <Fragglerock> or not
[13:10] <Seveas> now it does
[13:10] <Fragglerock> does it
[13:11] <nalioth> Seveas: if you just ban *!i=53a0071a@* it'll work for all the gateways that pass the hex as an ident ( and not just mibbit )
[13:11] <Seveas> Fragglerock, what can we do for you?
[13:11] <Gary> sorry Seveas I read those bans wrong
[13:11] <nalioth> Gary: fragglerock is connecting from a gateway
[13:12] <Seveas> nalioth, that makes sense. Even beats cloaks :)
[13:12] * nalioth has grown more sneaky as a staffer :|
[13:12] <nalioth> or is that more lazy ?
[13:13] <nalioth> and seveas, remember to use ?=1234abcd@* instead of i= or n=
[13:14] <Seveas> how evil is it not to detect mibbit but 8-char hex idents?
[13:14] * nalioth bans by ident when he catches any gateway user misbehaving
[13:15] <nalioth> stops return visits from another gateway
[13:15] <Seveas> no, I mean for detecting gateway users
[13:15] <Seveas> now I do this:
[13:15] <Seveas> 319 if self.mask[1].startswith('gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com'):
[13:15] <Seveas> 3
[13:16] <Seveas> could do if hex_ip_regex.match(self.mask[1])
[13:16] <nalioth> gateway/web will indicate a proxy user
[13:16] <Gary> Seveas: unaffiliated cloaks will not mask a mibbit user, but project ones will
[13:16] <Seveas> Gary, they won't mask the ident
[13:17] <Seveas> nalioth, not with a project cloak
[13:17] * nalioth masks Gary
[13:17] <nalioth> Seveas: look for the hex ( like fragglerock had )
[13:17] <Seveas> that's what I'm saying :)
[13:18] <Seveas> hmm
[13:21] <Seveas> works now
[13:21] <Gary> yay
[13:22] <Gary> want to test it on a cloaked mibbit user?
[13:22] <Seveas> sure, why not
[13:23] <fragglerock> seems to work
[13:23] <Gary> does it work on a normal user (try me)
[13:24] <Gary> cool
[13:24] * Gary misses chanserv.py
[13:28] <Seveas> --- Bans matching mib_zt0fsh!i=53a0071a@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-66b3b8e44f5fe882 (seveas.demon.nl)
[13:28] <Seveas> --- *!?=53a0071a@*
[13:28] <Seveas> --- Bans matching mib_zt0fsh!i=53a0071a@ (seveas.demon.nl)
[13:28] <Seveas> --- *!*@
[13:28] <Seveas> --- *!?=53a0071a@*
[13:28] <Seveas> /cs bans sees it as well
[13:28] <Seveas> now for /cs unban
[13:34] <Seveas> Gary, make irssi-python work and you'll have chanserv.py for irssi :)
[13:35] <Gary> Seveas: did you like my version reply
[13:35] <Seveas> Gary, it's not the worst in history
[13:36] <Gary> I thought it was very clever, for me
[13:38] <ubotu> astro76 called the ops in #ubuntu (ultramalf)
[13:39] <ompaul> ban forwarded to here or so it appears
[13:39] <ompaul> gone anyway
[15:28] <LjL> !staff | eng2 (serial poet) spamming #kubuntu ##linux and others
[15:28] <ubotu> eng2 (serial poet) spamming #kubuntu ##linux and others: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel or Gary, I could use a bit of your time :)
[15:32] <Seveas> serial poet, now there's an intersting crime :)
[15:33] <LjL> Seveas: but hardly unheard of in here :)
[15:33] <Seveas> true
[15:34] <LjL> Seveas: see -irc by the way, about ubotu and -se
[15:34] <Seveas> not in there
[15:35] <Seveas> care to summarize?
[15:36] <LjL> Seveas: ah yeah, nothing, nafallo just wanted ubotu in there in an attempt to get the channel back on track (it appears to be roaming), so i joined it.
[15:36] <LjL> Seveas: (and look at what he just said - i can't do that)
[15:36] <Seveas> k
[16:49] <mohi> hi :)
[16:49] <mohi> I have a question,
[16:50] <mohi> How can someone cloak his/her IP like ubuntu/members/Name ?
[16:51] <mc44> http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks
[16:51] <mc44> !member
[16:51] <ubotu> Want to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember
[16:52] <mohi> ty mc44 :)
[17:00] <ompaul> mohi, is there anything else?
[17:00] <ompaul> uberator, is there anything we can help with?
[17:00] <uberator> ompaul: community college, indiana it's that you don't try and do anything which is likely to be stopped by an actionshrimp. it's just not worth the tax penalty
[17:01] <ompaul> what?
[17:01] <ompaul> uberator, that was something I could not parse
[17:01] <uberator> ompaul: thats all. uberator i dont need to fix anything i think :). well may be some things yes
[17:01] <mohi> ompaul: no thanks. :) I'm reading and working on it. I'm ubuntu-ir forum and wiki staff and wanna become ubuntu member (if its possible) :)
[17:02] <ompaul> mohi, I know who you are ;-)
[17:02] <ompaul> !idle
[17:02] <ubotu> Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.
[17:02] <mohi> ompaul: oh! ;) ok
[17:03] <ompaul> uberator, so ehh anything else?
[17:03] <uberator> ompaul: thats all. uberator i dont need to fix anything i think :). well may be some things yes
[17:03] <ompaul> !test
[17:03] <ubotu> Failed.
[17:04] <ompaul> @test
[17:22] <nickrud> uberator seems to be a bot, don't you think?
[17:24] <ompaul> nickrud, I got that feeling
[17:49] <Seeker`> uberator: how can we help you?
[17:49] <uberator> Seeker`: rarely more than a half-dozen
[17:49] <Seeker`> ompaul: your friend is back :)
[17:54] <nickrud> uberator are you a bot?
[17:54] <Seeker`> uberator: where are you from?
[17:55] <uberator> Seeker`: it's hard to be sure
[17:55] <Seeker`> nickrud: try uberator: question
[17:55] <nickrud> uberator: are you a bot?
[17:55] <uberator> nickrud: rarely more than a half-dozen
[17:55] <mc44> uberator: how many eggs do you buy?
[17:56] <Seeker`> uberator: does it always take you 7 seconds to respond?
[17:56] <uberator> mc44: that's exactly right
[17:56] <uberator> Seeker`: that's exactly right
[17:56] <mc44> damn
[17:57] <ompaul> uberator, long tall right
[17:57] <Seeker`> I wonder who told him to join
[17:57] <uberator> ompaul: forever.
[17:58] <nickrud> not even a very smart bot
[17:59] <Seeker`> can anyone find out who "owns" uberator?
[18:23] <ompaul> Seeker`, no one here that we can see
[19:04] <Seeker`> just got: -19:03:35- ASLi_Afyon: 100 Konturrree Caammda Soyuuyorum Ekleeee Beyenmesssenn Göndermemeee Bekliyorummm Canan.ist22 @
[19:05] <Seeker`> in PM
[19:05] <Seeker`> he joined #ubuntu about 15 mins ago, hasn't said anything since
[19:05] <Seveas> removed
[19:06] <Seeker`> cool
[19:09] <User790> Hello all
[19:09] <MaDDoG300> Anyone home
[19:09] <Seeker`> how can we help you?
[19:10] <MaDDoG300> Im having trouble with multimixing
[19:10] <Seeker`> This isn't a support channel
[19:11] <MaDDoG300> ah im sorry
[19:11] <MaDDoG300> I was giving this channel by a friend
[19:11] <MaDDoG300> my appologies
[19:12] <LjL> !staff | SexyGirL spamming #ubuntu and #gentoo
[19:12] <ubotu> SexyGirL spamming #ubuntu and #gentoo: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel or Gary, I could use a bit of your time :)
[19:33] <ompaul> LjL, and #perl
[19:33] <ompaul> hehe
[20:33] <Seveas> Pici, poke
[21:32] <Pici> Seveas: ?
[21:32] <Seveas> Pici, can I take a look at your bantracker code?
[21:34] <LjL> it's, like, on launchpad?
[21:34] <Pici> Seveas: its on LP: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bnrubin/ubuntu-bots/bantracker-devel/files
[21:34] <Pici> its like, on the ubuntu-bots project page too
[21:34] <Seveas> heh, didn't know :)
[21:35] <Pici> I havent touched it in a while though :/
[21:48] <Seveas> gonna see how much of it is usable in µbot
[21:49] * LjL takes bets he'll rewrite regardless
[21:49] * Pici thinks so too
[21:51] <Seveas> I'll need to rewrite quite a bit of it anyway
[21:51] <Seveas> but I'm fighting dbus first
[21:54] <LjL> amateur... i'm fighting dtrain
[21:54] <PriceChild> :)
[21:57] <ubotu> DJones called the ops in #ubuntu-uk ()
[23:04] <alan_m> quick question for team meetings, who did our last team meeting transcript for the forum beginner team?
[23:12] <PriceChild> alan_m: erm, probably best you ask the team leader, or read the diffs on the wiki if its there
[23:13] <alan_m> Thanks PriceChild
[23:13] <alan_m> ill ask bodhi if he's got his logs for that night.