UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /06 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
Initial commit
[00:44] <levander> Is there some secret to getting off the developers meeting notifications? I just don't have time right now to participate and keep getting these stupid emails.
[00:46] <tgm4883_laptop> levander, should be fixed now
[00:46] <levander> tgm4883_laptop: Cool, thanks.
[00:46] <levander> I went to Google Calendar, tried declining the even nothing worked.
[00:47] <levander> It's interesting stuff yall are working on, I just can't do it now.
[00:47] <levander> Even though I'd love to.
[00:47] <tgm4883_laptop> let me know if you get another in 2 weeks
[00:47] <tgm4883_laptop> or rather
[00:47] <tgm4883_laptop> let me know if you get one tomarrow
[00:47] <tgm4883_laptop> you should get a cancelation notice today
[00:47] <levander> Cool, thanks.
[00:47] <levander> Yeah, I just deleted it.
[00:48] <levander> Anybody got any interesting web links? I'm so bored tonight.
[00:49] <tgm4883_laptop> stumbleupon
[00:49] <levander> Actually, I just pulled that site up. Remember reading about it awhile ago. This first time I'm browsing it.
[00:50] <tgm4883_laptop> get the firefox plugin
[00:50] <tgm4883_laptop> it's pretty neat
[00:50] <levander> What's it do?
[00:51] <tgm4883_laptop> based on some of your interest categories, when you click the button it gives you a random website that you should be interested in
[00:51] <tgm4883_laptop> the firefox plugin just gives you a button to click
[00:51] <levander> K, I'm trying it.
[00:55] <levander> This is crazy. They've made like a slideshow of the internet.
[00:55] <superm1> ?
[00:55] <levander> Stumbleupon Firefox plugin.
[00:55] <superm1> ah
[00:58] <levander> The slideshow does kind of show how primitive all the content on the internet still is.
[00:58] <levander> Society is still developing enough talent to populate the internet with.
[01:16] <|DuReX|> I installed mythtv
[01:16] <|DuReX|> can view dvb-t with other tools like mplayer
[01:16] <|DuReX|> but I get a 'can't get channel lock' in mythtv
[01:16] <|DuReX|> any id ?
[01:26] <|DuReX|> ok found out
[01:26] <|DuReX|> bug with importing
[01:27] <|DuReX|> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mythtv/+bug/188473
[01:31] <superm1> you on 0.21?
[01:31] <|DuReX|> y
[01:32] <|DuReX|> using hardy
[01:32] <superm1> well no one reproduced it on 0.21 yet
[01:32] <superm1> so if you have
[01:32] <superm1> then please open it back up
[01:34] <|DuReX|> send response
[01:34] <|DuReX|> going to sleep now
[02:36] <TelnetManta> superm1: hows it goin
[02:37] <TelnetManta> how can I switch mythbuntu to use gnome?
[02:50] <superm1> sure
[02:50] <superm1> just install ubuntu-desktop
[02:50] <superm1> and pick gnome at login instead
[04:20] <emja> for some reason my ~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_profile won't execute for the myth frontend user. opening a shell on the console doesn't source those files, yet logging in reomtely (via ssh) does. any pointers?
[04:23] <emja> also, /etc/profile doesn't get sourced or executed by the frontend
[04:24] <emja> but it does by a ssh login
[04:43] <emja> hmm... the culprit was 'for i in /etc/profile.d/ ; do source $i ; done'
[04:53] <keck> hello, i was wondering why myth isn't transcoding my .nuv files -- not finding it in the docs
[04:53] <keck> it went through and flagged commercials after finishing capturing, but it's not converting it to a smaller format..
[05:00] <mpontillo> emja: how was that the culprit? on my system, (1) the 'mythtv' user has a shell of '/bin/sh', so bash-specific syntax of course doesn't work. (2) since the 'mythtv' user has no .profile, .bashrc doesn't get executed (since .profile is responsible for executing .bashrc if it finds that bash is running)
[05:01] <emja> mpontillo: for some unknown reason the sourced files didn't have any effect, but when I moved the content to within /etc/profile all was well with the world
[05:02] <mpontillo> well, if /bin/sh is really the interpreter, /bin/sh doesn't have the bash-specific "source" keyword
[05:02] <mpontillo> you'll have to use "." instead
[05:02] <emja> ahhh
[05:02] * emja slaps forhead
[05:03] * emja thumps his desk with his forhead - repeatedly
[05:03] <mpontillo> that's why I suggesting changing the mythtv user's shell... no need for forehead thumping - that was a tricky one! ;)
[05:03] * emja ends up a slobbering mess, crying in the corner
[05:04] <emja> two frikkin hours. no need for forehead thumping? I argue that! ;-)
[05:04] <mpontillo> heh - it's your forehead!
[05:05] <emja> many (!) thanks
[05:05] <mpontillo> np
[05:32] <mpontillo> keck: I've not done it myself, but this page has a good section on transcoding: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Removing_Commercials
[10:53] <|DuReX|> weird, when I play TV in mythtv, the screen looks not really nice :s
[10:53] <|DuReX|> using mplayer & tzap screen looks nicer
[10:53] <|DuReX|> any id ?
[10:56] <directhex> |DuReX|, you'd be hard pushed to give a less descriptive report
[11:43] <|DuReX|> video seems to be out of sync with sound etc :s
[11:43] <|DuReX|> not nice to watch
[11:43] <|DuReX|> but when I use my dvb-t card with tzap & mplayer
[11:43] <|DuReX|> it looks perfect
[11:46] <elliot42> hey, I have a problem with sound. It was working fine the other day but now it doesn't. lspci reports the card (CMedia CM3738) and the modules are loaded automatically (snd-cmipci) but I'm getting no sound devices available for alsamixer, aplay or anything
[11:49] <elliot42> i also can't see anything useful in dmesg, not even anything relating to sound in fact (from what i can see)
[11:50] <Dar1us> elliot42: cat /proc/asound/devices ?
[11:50] <Dar1us> although if it used to work and now doesn't you need to consider what has changed
[11:51] <elliot42> well, all i have done is put the comp into a case (was just sitting on the ground b4)
[11:51] <elliot42> the cards are in the same slots
[11:52] <Dar1us> elliot42: I'd double check the card is seated properly
[11:52] <Dar1us> did you change slots or anything?
[11:52] <elliot42> although when i started myth up yesterday the frontend asked to be configured again, other than that, it seems normal
[11:53] <elliot42> i removed the backplane on the card and put it directly in the slot so that the case wasn't making it sit at an angle or anything
[11:54] <elliot42> http://pastebin.ca/973850
[11:54] <elliot42> that's cat /proc/asound/devices
[11:55] <elliot42> also, this is a combined front/backend machine if that's relevant
[11:57] <elliot42> well, well, well... sudo aplay -l gives me some output
[11:57] <elliot42> I didn't try that one before.. silly me. I'll see if permissions to /dev/dsp is the problem
[11:58] <elliot42> what other devices does alsa use? /dev/dsp is for OSS, correct?
[12:01] <Dar1us> elliot42: /dev/snd/*
[12:01] <elliot42> thanks
[12:02] <Dar1us> np
[12:02] <Dar1us> crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116, 0 2008-04-06 20:10 controlC0
[12:02] <Dar1us> is one of the files in mine
[12:02] <elliot42> I added the user to the audio group (which shuld be a member anyway, but maybe something went awry)
[12:02] <Dar1us> there are others.. hw, pcm etc
[12:02] <elliot42> i'll see in a sec if it worked
[12:04] <elliot42> ha! that was it.. so simple
[12:04] <elliot42> thanks
[12:05] <Dar1us> np
[12:15] <mu> I'd like to ask about search in Mythbuntu. I can't see howin Thunar and I don't know where my transcoded .isos are kept. I'd like to search for all isos on all disks but can't see how. I'm not connected to the net so hope there is something out of the box... what command line could I use to search for *.iso?
[12:24] <Dar1us> mu: find / -name \*.iso
[12:28] <mu> Dar1us: thanks... I get permission denied... should I do as root to get the whole drive?
[12:29] <mu> damn, can't do root on ubuntu can I?!
[12:53] <elliot42> sudo for root access, or sudo -s to stay as root in the open shell
[12:56] <mu> thanks!
[14:00] <versus> Hi I recently created my own lircd.conf with irrecord what should I do nextt? I have been looking for a remote.conf but I couldnt find one?
[14:01] <Dar1us> irrecord basically generates the lircd config..
[14:04] <Dar1us> versus: mythbuntu-lirc-generator will create mappings for applications for you
[14:04] <Dar1us> if you named your buttons how it expected anyway
[14:12] <versus> darlus so all I have to do is run mythbuntu-lirc-generator?
[14:15] <versus> I named my buttons in german, does that matter?
[14:27] <versus> I have run mythbuntu-lirc-generator and all I got are several empty files like .lircrc or mythtv at /home/versus/.lirc
[14:30] <sebrock> if dpkg shows 'pn' as desired and status how can I remove this from DB?
[14:41] <directhex> sebrock, "p" means purged, "n" means not installed
[14:41] <sebrock> I noticed
[14:41] <sebrock> I thought it would be removed from DB
[14:43] <directhex> debconf settings are maintained iirc
[14:51] <versus> I tested my remote with irw but I dont get any responses lird.conf tells me that all codes are written down as "raw-codes" may this be the reason?
[15:05] <versus> does someone know a channel for lirc users?
[15:27] <versus> mode2 works
[15:52] <sebrock> Where does Mythweb look for it the videos? I have mythweb and my files on the same computer and have made symlinks from mythweb/data/ to all my music / video etc... still when I click on then in mythweb this path shows: http://x.x/data/video//mnt/200GB/Movies/300.mkv
[15:52] <sebrock> and "/mnt/200GB/Movies" is a mount on my frontend (another computer)
[16:09] <toad0225> is there anywhere I might be able to discuss softcam with someone?
[16:09] <toad0225> even in pvt?
=== shawn_ is now known as neoneddy
[16:10] <neoneddy> anyone around?
[16:10] <toad0225> jsut me and I know nothing...hehe
[16:10] <toad0225> I'm trying to find out about softcam myself
[16:11] <neoneddy> ahh
[16:11] <neoneddy> know anything of dvd burning?
[16:11] <toad0225> yes, shoot
[16:12] <neoneddy> mytharchive rather
[16:12] <toad0225> oh nothing no myth yet
[16:12] <neoneddy> I've been trying to get a Nascar Race to burn for my father-inlaw for a while now.. frsutrating
[16:12] <toad0225> I'm a Windows guy for the most part right now....wanting to convert but cant find info on softcam
[16:12] <neoneddy> I'm going to try a 30 minute show .. should be shorter failure cycles
[16:13] <neoneddy> is softcam hardware or software?
[16:14] <toad0225> software
[16:15] <neoneddy> looks like some capture software..
[16:23] <cosmic> hi @ all
[18:46] <shawn_> afternoon
=== shawn_ is now known as neoneddy
[18:58] <MythbuntuGuest90> hallo
[19:41] <versus> hi I got a problem, which is described over here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=648821 but I have a different remote so I need another way to fix that I hope someone can help me (sitting here for more than 5 hours. . .)
[19:50] <nadolph> I'm curious about setting up a firewire STB in mythbuntu 8.04/mythtv.21 The online documentation says that the way firewire is handled in .21 is changed. Does anyone know of an applicable guide?
[19:52] <directhex> nadolph, devices are dealth with by GUID now, not by port number
[19:52] <directhex> since that's liable to change when your pc reboots, or goes into suspend, or your firewire bus randomly resets itself
[19:54] <nadolph> right, i noticed that problem with the previous version
[19:54] <_StefanS_> hi there, I was just trying out mythbuntu 8.04 beta, and in some cases mythtv crashes xorg, and sends me back to the login screen. I'm using an Intel GMA950, on a core2 duo. I suspect it has something to do with video overlay (Xv) not working well in all situations; can someone verify this ?
[19:57] <directhex> _StefanS_, there are a lot of updates to the intel driver in hardy. seems they upload a new version daily at the moment
[19:58] <_StefanS_> directhex: so do you think that may be the issue ? Its a rather old chipset
[19:59] <_StefanS_> (I noticed the frequent intel-xorg updates btw)
[20:01] <versus> is there an irc channel for lirc problems?
[21:51] <Nikas> So, no root-user for the mysql-server in mythbuntu?
[21:51] <Nikas> need to add my own db with a new user.. :/
[21:58] <mpontillo> Nikas: mine has a root user, but I don't recall doing anything special to get it. You could try something like this: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/recover-mysql-root-password.html
[21:58] <directhex> Nikas, mysql always has a root user. on ubuntu, the root user has no password.
[21:59] <Nikas> well..
[21:59] <directhex> Nikas, as in "sudo mysql" or "mysql -uroot" will both give you root access to the database
[21:59] <Nikas> mysql -u root
[21:59] <Nikas> ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
[21:59] <Nikas> i havent done anything special
[22:00] <directhex> and "sudo mysql"
[22:00] <directhex> ?
[22:00] <Nikas> same
[22:00] <Nikas> mpontillo: Thanks. Will look in to that if i cant find another solution
[22:00] <directhex> then you've definitely changed something from the norm
[22:01] <directhex> changing the root password in mysql without debconf knowing about it will cause future problems for database-using apps
[22:01] <Nikas> well.. i have to do something ;)
[22:02] <directhex> sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow mysql-server-5.0
[22:02] <Nikas> and that cant mess with the mythtv-user?
[22:02] <directhex> unix users are not mysql users
[22:03] <Nikas> i mean.. the db-user
[22:03] <directhex> no, mysql-server-5.0's settings relate only to the root user
[22:04] <Nikas> ok.. i'll try later. thanks
[23:07] <Nikas> directhex: the command worked... i now have root-access :)
[23:07] <Nikas> so.. thanks! :)
=== tgm4883_laptop_ is now known as tgm4883_laptop