UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /02 /#ubuntu-artwork.txt
Initial commit
[02:24] <_MMA_> Hey. Did Usplash have an issue where the pulse part stayed for a min once the normal progressbar started? ie: it knocks back and forth for a sec the normal left to right starts but a part of the pulse stayed?
[02:24] <_MMA_> gah
[02:24] <_MMA_> Wrong window.
[03:57] <DaMann> hey guys this is the first time ive been on the artwork channel, is the artwork team for designing anytype of art whether it is a background or a program?
[03:57] <DaMann> or are their strict things that it is specialized in
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
[12:26] <savvas> andreasn: here?
[12:26] <andreasn> yes
[12:26] <savvas> you got the two messages?
[12:27] <andreasn> what messages?
[12:27] <savvas> /msg memoserv read all :)
[12:27] <savvas> there are two bugzillas about the bittorrent icon
[12:27] <andreasn> can you post the url:s?
[12:27] <savvas> sure hold a sec
[12:28] <savvas> of the launchpad bug or the gnome bug?
[12:28] <andreasn> gnome bug
[12:29] <savvas> the one connected to the bug report is http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=330235 - I filed a feature request a couple of days ago: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=525311
[12:29] <ubotu> Gnome bug 330235 in general "several mimetypes have no special icon after upgrade" [Normal,Assigned]
=== elkbuntu_ is now known as elkbuntu
[12:32] <savvas> I think the mimetype problem has been resolved, so probably all that is left is to include the bittorrent icon
[12:33] <andreasn> we currently only include the most common mimetype icons in gnome-icon-theme
[12:33] <andreasn> such as packages, spreadsheets, documents, images etc.
[12:34] <andreasn> we include the rest in gnome-icon-theme-extras
[12:34] <andreasn> so I think it might fit better in that package
[12:34] <savvas> torrents? :) I bet everyone has at least 4-5 torrents sitting in a folder
[12:34] <savvas> ah, should I change the feature request to that one?
[12:35] <andreasn> Rodney that replied to the bug is usually the expert in that area
[12:35] <andreasn> could you reply with the mime type info?
[12:35] <savvas> sure
[12:36] <andreasn> how does a torrent-file work precisely, is it like a package?
[12:37] <andreasn> I don't seem to have any around, I download distro images from time to time using torrent, but they get deleted when the download is done
[12:42] <savvas> /home/forger/.local/share/mime/application/x-extension-torrent.xml
[12:42] <savvas> /home/forger/.local/share/mime/packages/user-extension-torrent.xml
[12:42] <savvas> /usr/share/mime/application/x-bittorrent.xml
[12:42] <savvas> weird, the x-extension is probably a leftover?
[12:44] <savvas> I honestly don't know how it works, all I know is that I can double click on it and deluge-torrent application opens
[12:48] <andreasn> hm, there is a downloads icon in emblems already
[12:48] <andreasn> maybe it would make sense to use that
[12:49] <savvas> can I take a look at it?
[12:49] <andreasn> right click on any file and go to the emblems tab
[12:50] <savvas> the download emblem?
[12:50] <savvas> hm.. that's good
[12:53] <savvas> it's fine by me, as long as the .torrent is not naked :)
[12:56] <kwwii> bersace: ping?
[12:56] <kwwii> 13:28 < seb128> kwwii: bug #210538
[12:56] <kwwii> 13:28 < ubotu> Launchpad bug 210538 in ubuntu-gdm-themes "gdm hangs after theme
[12:56] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 210538 in ubuntu-gdm-themes "gdm hangs after theme upgrade and reboot" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/210538
[12:56] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 210538 in ubuntu-gdm-themes "gdm hangs after theme upgrade and reboot" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/210538
[12:56] <kwwii> upgrade and reboot" [High,Confirmed]
[12:56] <kwwii> https://launchpad.net/bugs/210538
[12:56] <kwwii> 13:29 < seb128> kwwii: the theme upgrade seems to break gdm for all the users
[12:56] <kwwii> running it
[12:56] <kwwii> 13:29 < seb128> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=742511 too
[12:57] <kwwii> bersace: I will be submitting a new gdm theme today, so if you can fix the list theme I can include it
[12:57] <savvas> there won't be a face browser included right?
[12:58] <kwwii> savvas: as long as we fix that bug yes there will be
[12:58] <kwwii> but it is not the default setting
[12:58] <savvas> cool :)
[13:26] <savvas> hm.. .iso have no icon either
[13:28] <savvas> hah, /home/forger/.local/share/mime/application/x-extension-iso.xml - I should really stop double clicking on files :)
[13:47] <_MMA_> andreasn: I found a throbber in a set you guys might like. I'm sorry, what was your email again?
[13:47] <andreasn> andreas at andreasn dot se
[13:47] <_MMA_> k
[14:00] <_MMA_> kwwii: Which bits of this links file did I need again?
[14:03] <kwwii> _MMA_: you just need to link the devices/gnome-dev-* to the right media-* or drive-* names
[14:03] <kwwii> in your case it is only a few files
[14:03] <kwwii> so 90% of that links file I sent is not needed
[14:05] <_MMA_> kwwii: Funny. I just added a bunch of those for disk drives. :P
[14:06] <kwwii> ;-)
[14:18] <kwwii> bersace: I will wait for any changes to HumanList before uploading a new gdm theme
[14:18] <kwwii> bersace: but if something doesn't come today I am afraid that I will have to remove the list theme
[14:28] <_MMA_> andreasn: Damn. Scratch that. There's no .svg in this set and just 1 32x32px .png. Looks like the Mac spinning circle. Dont know if its best to copy that now that I think about it.
[14:30] <andreasn> oh, if it's the mac spinner it's probably best to avoid it
[14:30] <andreasn> for copyright reasons
[15:00] <bersace> kwwii: hi
[15:00] <bersace> i'm having problem with HumanList
[15:01] <bersace> gdm doesn't stop loading
[15:01] <bersace> just the waiting cursor :(
[15:10] <kwwii> exactly
[15:10] <kwwii> I hoped that you would know how to fix it :-)
[15:16] <bersace> hm
[15:17] <bersace> i'm fucked, i bzr merge rather than bzr pull
[15:17] <bersace> :(
[15:18] <bersace> local copy works
[15:18] <bersace> but debs don't
[15:18] <kwwii> hrm...freaky
[15:18] <_MMA_> Then something is most likely different.
[15:18] <kwwii> can you take everything in your local copy, tar it and send it to me?
[15:19] <kwwii> I'll test it on my machine
[15:19] <_MMA_> Ill take a look also.
[15:20] <bersace> Ho god !
[15:21] <bersace> gdmthemetester works only in current directory :(
[15:21] <bersace> e.g. gdmthemetester console .
[15:21] <bersace> how can this be possible ?!
[15:26] <bersace> cd /usr/share/gdm/themes/HumanList && gdmthemetester console . works
[15:26] <bersace> gdmthemetester console HumanList doesn't works
[15:36] <kwwii> it works for me but it comes up fullscreen and I do not know how to reduce the size
[16:06] <bersace> kwwii: i actually think this is not HumanList bug
[16:06] <bersace> it worked until 1st April
[16:14] <kwwii> bersace: hrm, freaky...not sure what to say
[16:45] <kwwii> bersace: so does the theme work locally for you?
[16:56] <bersace> kwwii: only in current directory
[16:56] <bersace> i pushed the latest version
[16:57] <bersace> well, nested gdm works
[16:58] <bersace> gdmthemetester console /usr/share/gdm/themes/HumanList doesn't
[16:58] <bersace> gdmthemetester console . works
[16:59] * bersace works on SANE/HAL
[17:14] <DanaG> Hmm, I must say, I prefer the previous revision of the Hardy login screen -- the new one looks washed out and "pasty-faced" (or something like that).
[17:19] <kwwii> DanaG: sabdfl wanted it that way
[17:19] <kwwii> bersace: freaky
[17:20] <DanaG> Reminds me of a person who'll sunburn easily.
[17:20] <DanaG> Oh, and the Wiki doesn't have the recolored latest Heron wallpaper!
[17:20] <DanaG> I want to get the Heron image from that, so I can make a case skin with it in the summer when I get a new laptop.
[17:20] <kwwii> I'll have to post the svg when i get time
[17:20] <DanaG> Is there a wiki entry for the GDM theme?
[17:22] <kwwii> I didn't make one, no
[17:23] <DanaG> Oh yeah, I updated my screenshot: www.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette/screenshot-orange-nodoka.png
[17:25] <DanaG> I like orange.
[17:26] <DanaG> Dang, I just thought of the fruit.... and now I'm hungry.
[17:27] <DanaG> Oh yeah, I installed some third-party icon themes that don't have previews in Gnome's Appearance Properties thingy. How do I make it regenerate all icon previews?
[17:29] <_MMA_> DanaG: I just delete things in .thumbnails.
[17:37] <DanaG> Okay, now nothing has thumbnails.
[17:38] <kwwii> well at least they are not the wrong/bad thumbnails :p
[17:39] <DanaG> Mmmyeah, not very helpful, though.
[21:07] <psyke83> kwwii, hi, the problem is that it is rendering the metacity border preview using @selected_bg_color, which is not accurate
[21:37] <ethana2> Could someone here have a look at something I made in the GIMP for me?
[21:37] <ethana2> It's a mockup
[21:38] <ethana2> http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/4347/guimockuppb1.png
[21:38] <ethana2> ..I've finally illustrated where I'm trying to go with this: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=521131
[21:54] <ethana2> ubotu: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=521131
[21:54] <ethana2> hmm, nevermind
[21:54] * ethana2 goes to jog
[21:55] <ubotu> Gnome bug 521131 in general "Merge gnome panel and window decorator, reimplement standard window components and decorations as panel applets." [Enhancement,Unconfirmed]
[21:56] <ethana2> oh hey, it works, it just takes forever ;)
[23:03] <psyke83> kwwii, I emailled you an updated gtkrc file. There's still a problem with the preview for me, though, but it's a caching problem with the app. I created a new "test" user, logged in, and the Human preview was fine
[23:04] <psyke83> I'm trying to find out exactly where this cache or setting is causing problems with my current account
[23:04] <kwwii> psyke83: excellent, I appreciate the help
[23:05] <psyke83> kwwii, try updating the gtkrc on your system and see if it updates the colour for you; perhaps something corrupt on my machine
[23:05] <psyke83> np :)
[23:06] <kwwii> psyke83: yeah, I'll do that once I have my mail sorted out
[23:06] <kwwii> the ubuntu-art list just got 446 spam emails at once
[23:10] <psyke83> kwwii, rm ~/.thumnails/* -r
[23:10] <psyke83> sorry
[23:10] <psyke83> rm ~/.thumbnails/* -r
[23:10] <psyke83> that will regenerate the previews
[23:10] <kwwii> I was thinking that it created a thumbnail or something like that
[23:11] <psyke83> yep :)
[23:11] <psyke83> the updated gtkrc is necessary as well, though
[23:11] <kwwii> did you add a definition for the metacity window or such in the gtkrc?
[23:12] <kwwii> my email app is busy filtering all the apm messages atm
[23:12] <kwwii> s/apm/spam
[23:14] <psyke83> kwwii, I changed the default @selected_bg_color and added a new variable, @selected_base_color, and matched the original Human theme with these new codes
[23:14] <kwwii> hehe, cool...you seem to know your way around gtkrc very well
[23:15] <psyke83> the original is a bit hacky, I was just replicating those hacks ;)
[23:16] <ethana2> *sigh*
[23:16] <ethana2> gnome
[23:16] <psyke83> kwwii, I'm not happy with my mod, in fact, let me look over it again before you push anything
[23:18] <kwwii> psyke83: ok, I'll wait until tomorrow afternoon to push anything
[23:18] <kwwii> I am going to bed soon anyway :-)
[23:18] <psyke83> cool
[23:21] <kwwii> psyke83: yes! that fixed it
[23:21] <psyke83> kwwii, the color picker doesn't work well anymore, though. I'll rework it properly and have it done by tomorrow
[23:23] <psyke83> hmm it was easier than I expected, one sec
[23:23] <kwwii> psyke83: ahhh, right I see that now
[23:23] <kwwii> psyke83: how did you learn so much about gtkrc? you really know your stuff :-)
[23:24] <psyke83> kwwii, I learned from comparing the ones available to me ;)
[23:25] <psyke83> I sent the fix (it's just a one line modification)
[23:25] <psyke83> don't forget to delete thumbnails again
[23:26] <kwwii> psyke83: right, will do....thanks again, great work
[23:26] <psyke83> no problem
[23:26] <psyke83> kwwii, before you head off, I was curious... perhaps we can create a human-themes-extra and put in the murrine theme? It won't be associated with ubuntu-desktop or included on the cd... what do you think?
[23:28] <kwwii> psyke83: yes, lots of people are asking for it so I think I will put it back in
[23:29] <kwwii> and if I can remove the extra wallpaper I put it the cd space won't be an issue
[23:29] <kwwii> I will include the clearlooks theme anyway since that is installed by default
[23:29] <kwwii> and try to get murrine back in to the default selection
[23:30] <psyke83> kwwii, if you do add my modified version, I think it has the same metacity preview bug. Will I send you a fixed version?
[23:30] <kwwii> if nothing else it will be in an installable package
[23:30] <kwwii> psyke83: if it is different than the last version you sent, please send it to me
[23:30] <psyke83> I'll work up the fix and send it to you when I'm done
[23:31] <psyke83> the Human theme should be fixed properly, anyway
[23:37] <kwwii> yepp, the selected color look right
[23:37] <kwwii> ok, I am off to bed...see you tomorrow
[23:38] <kwwii> boah, someone is attacking the email server
[23:38] <kwwii> another 100+ spams just came in
[23:38] <kwwii> what a waste of time