UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /02 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <Ukonpoika> He knows already ;)
[00:02] <Strangelet> when I press the CAPS lock key while moving my mouse, the pointer goes spastic for a while and sometimes reverts to default mouse settings, why is that?
[00:02] * nonewmsgs presses caps lock
[00:02] <nonewmsgs> doesn't affect my kubuntu
[00:04] <blue_> mines fine too
[00:04] <Strangelet> I configured xorg so when I tap the laptop trackpad, it does not click
[00:04] <hydrogen> !worksforme | blue_, nonewmsgs
[00:04] <ubotu> blue_, nonewmsgs: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/
[00:04] <luis__> hello good afternoon
[00:05] <luis__> to you all
[00:05] <hydrogen> well, that factoid wasn't quite what I wanted
[00:05] <billyd> Hello :-)
[00:05] <Strangelet> hallo :D
[00:05] <nonewmsgs> under system administration there is a keyboard and you can make sure caps lock isn't linked to something
[00:07] <luis__> ok the thing is that i download limewire pro but is almost impossible to conect by itself and on top of that makes my pc very slow is there any way to fix that someone can help me please????????????????????????????????
[00:08] <Strangelet> luis_: If I remember correctly, Limewire functions TERRIBLY on Linux. Perhaps you should give another piece of software a try, I personally use gtk-gnutella, it functions just fine, and gets the job done. ;)
[00:08] <nonewmsgs> luis__: limewire is an application that runs java. perhaps more ram might help?
[00:08] <hydrogen> oh jesus
[00:08] <hydrogen> and here my friends
[00:08] <hydrogen> is a fine example
[00:09] <hydrogen> of why linux should remain arcane and impossible for the average user to use
[00:09] <luis__> ram???
[00:09] * hydrogen goes and washes his eyes out with bleech
[00:09] <Strangelet> ?
[00:09] <luis__> what do you mean?? it use to work real fast when i had windows, but now that i use kubuntu is very very very slow
[00:11] <luis__> is there any way to fix it or other program instead
[00:11] <Yuuki> [01:08:27] <Strangelet> luis_: If I remember correctly, Limewire functions TERRIBLY on Linux. Perhaps you should give another piece of software a try, I personally use gtk-gnutella, it functions just fine, and gets the job done. ;)
[00:12] <luis__> how late is there??
[00:12] <Strangelet> luis_; I know of no solution, gtk-gnutella works well for me, perhaps you could give it a try. Or perhaps Apollon, though I have never used it before
[00:12] <luis__> nutella??
[00:12] <luis__> sounds good to me
[00:12] <Strangelet> Yuuki: excuse me?
[00:12] <luis__> then let me ask you this how do i uninstall limewire???????????????
[00:12] <Yuuki> just c/p your answer to luis__ question:)
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[00:14] <luis__> and i really like to know this because maybe in the future as i go on with kubuntu i like to learn to remove programas
[00:14] <billyd> Are ASUS Linux onboard sound drivers compatible with ALSA??
[00:15] <blue_> luis__: how did you install it?
[00:15] <Strangelet> Yuuki: oh! thank you :)
[00:18] <nonewmsgs> billyd: i have several asus linux mboards and they dont have their *own* soundcard. i remember one was like a realtek ac'97 and one was a hd audio
[00:18] <luis__> with konsole
[00:18] <luis__> reading some instructions that i found in mozilla
[00:19] <blue_> luis__: was it something like sudo apt-get install limewire ?
[00:19] <gwc> how do i install thunderbird?
[00:19] <luis__> yes
[00:19] <luis__> that way exactly
[00:19] <blue_> luis__: well try sudo apt-get remove limwire
[00:19] <billyd> This has a RealTek ALC833 on the borad. I got stereo using ALSA driver that is get by. Not offered more than 2 channels
[00:19] <luis__> thanks
[00:20] <blue_> gwc: what distro u using? kubuntu?
[00:20] <gwc> yes
[00:20] <blue_> luis__: your welcome, we all learn the basics :P
[00:20] <billyd> 7.07 Kubuntu
[00:20] <billyd> 7.04 - sorry
[00:20] <blue_> gwc: load adept manager and search for it
[00:21] <Strangelet> luis_: These 'apt-get' commands get be easier for you to use, run 'adept_manager', it is basically gives a GUI for this command. It includes a search field where you can find your favorite applications. You can use this tool to upgrade, remove, and install applications easily. :D
[00:21] <luis__> it appears that it coulndt find the limewire package
[00:22] <nonewmsgs> luis__: there is also something called frostwire
[00:22] <blue_> luis__: then as Strangelet says load up adept manager and search for it
[00:22] <blue_> my adept manager doesnt find anything for limewire....
[00:23] <Strangelet> luis_,blue_: I searched I did not find limewire nor have I found frostwire. :\
[00:23] <Strangelet> luis_: did you add additional repositories? (deposits of binary applications)
[00:23] <luis__> ok
[00:24] <luis__> no i dont think so i hardly start using kubuntu and i still have a long way to learn tons of things so i dont have a clue of what you asked me but thanks i am opening adept manager and see
[00:25] <blue_> i have the additional repositories fromt eh ubuntu guide and i still dont see limewire :S
[00:27] <Strangelet> blue_: I doubt the Ubuntu guys really like Limewire, from what I have heard, it runs badly on all Linux. XD
[00:27] <blue_> i dont want it, luis__ was wanting to know how to remove it
[00:28] <Strangelet> blue_: gotcha. ;)
[00:29] <luis__> ;p thank you very much i find it and remove it
[00:29] <Doctor_Nick> oh, shit
[00:29] <luis__> thank you guys love you
[00:29] <Doctor_Nick> I think I just figured out the problem
[00:30] <blue_> nice work luis__!
[00:30] <Doctor_Nick> ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[00:30] <blue_> what is the problem?
[00:30] <Doctor_Nick> is there any way to make a partition at the front of the drive after installation
[00:30] <luis__> and for the nutella also is working smooth, nice, deluxe i love it
[00:30] <blue_> ooo cool
[00:30] <Strangelet> luis_: yayyy! :D
[00:30] <Doctor_Nick> i need to make a partition for /boot
[00:31] <luis__> evrytime i get in this channel i find very interesting stuff about kubuntu is adictive
[00:31] <blue_> erm.... you may be able to resize a partition or move them about a bit
[00:31] <blue_> luis__: yeah same here
[00:31] <Doctor_Nick> qtparted says that I can't resize the first partition
[00:31] <nonewmsgs> Doctor_Nick: are you sure you want a /boot
[00:31] <Strangelet> Doctor_Nick: I think you can resize it, but you can only clip out space from the END of the partition, not the front.
[00:31] <Doctor_Nick> yeah
[00:32] <Doctor_Nick> ech.
[00:32] <Doctor_Nick> thats not good
[00:32] <blue_> Doctor_Nick: are you booting from a live CD?
[00:32] <Doctor_Nick> no
[00:32] <Doctor_Nick> im using an old kernel image
[00:32] <blue_> why does the partition have to be at the start of the drive?
[00:32] <Doctor_Nick> because what keeps happening is that the new kernel image is placed on the hard drive AFTER the cylinder limit to which the computer can boot from
[00:33] * genii sips his coffee and contemplates the 1024 limit
[00:33] <blue_> i didnt know there was a limit :P
[00:33] <Doctor_Nick> I know I can move the kernel image to the front of the drive some how, but I'd rather just make a /boot partition
[00:34] <nonewmsgs> blue_ there used to be various limits back in the day
[00:34] <nejode> Doctor_Nick: you shure about that man... that's for really old BIOS
[00:35] <blue_> so can you not make one partition smaller then shuffle them all to the end of the drive and make your new partition at the front?
[00:35] <Doctor_Nick> nejode: its the only explanation I can come up with
[00:36] <nejode> Doctor_Nick: my "/" partition is way over the half of the drive
[00:36] <BluesKaj> Doctor_Nick, recomend using "ultimate Boot disk" or "Super Grub CD", depending on what you are trying to do
[00:37] <nejode> Doctor_Nick: do you have sata+ide drives?
[00:37] <Doctor_Nick> is it a sata drive or an eide drive
[00:37] <Doctor_Nick> eide
[00:37] <Doctor_Nick> its a laptop
[00:37] <Doctor_Nick> its coming up on 4 years old
[00:37] <nejode> and what happens when you update?
[00:38] <Doctor_Nick> that's what happened
[00:38] <nejode> ...GRUB doesn't find your kernel?
[00:38] <Doctor_Nick> there were kernel updates in the last update i did
[00:38] <Doctor_Nick> no
[00:38] <Doctor_Nick> I can only boot from an older one
[00:39] <nejode> do you have nvidia or fglrx drivers?
[00:39] <geowv> please i need help
[00:39] <Doctor_Nick> fglrx
[00:40] <geowv> somebody who knows
[00:40] <geowv> noone?
[00:40] <nonewmsgs> how is your name pink
[00:40] <blue_> ask your question, if anyone knows they'll answer
[00:40] <geowv> ok
[00:40] <kmos> hello
[00:40] <Jucato> !somebody | geowv
[00:40] <nejode> ok, when tou update a kernel you have to reinstal the drivers because the new kernel needs it's own module
[00:41] <ubotu> geowv: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?
[00:41] <geowv> i have a sagem fast 800 modem
[00:41] <geowv> i instaled a package named ubudsl
[00:42] <geowv> i kan ping
[00:42] <geowv> i can speak with you
[00:42] <geowv> i can update my system
[00:42] <geowv> but i cannot load webpages
[00:42] <blue_> can you wget webpages?
[00:43] <geowv> wget???
[00:43] <blue_> "System.out.println("hello world!1");"
[00:44] <blue_> geowv: "wget www.av.com"
[00:44] <Doctor_Nick> ah hah.
[00:44] <geowv> my broser for example says
[00:44] <geowv> An error occurred while loading http://www.google.gr:
[00:44] <geowv> Could not connect to host http://www.google.gr/.
[00:44] <Jucato> I'm guessing DNS problems
[00:45] <blue_> yeah thats what i thought too
[00:45] <Doctor_Nick> So for example, under IDE/ATA, 2^16 or 65,536 cylinders are supported.
[00:45] <geowv> tha modem is connected via usb
[00:45] <Doctor_Nick> thats 128 gigabytes
[00:45] <Doctor_Nick> guess what my harddrive is
[00:45] <blue_> geowv: open a console, type "wget www.av.com" an hit enter
[00:46] <blue_> Doctor_Nick: 40gig
[00:46] <Doctor_Nick> no, 140 gigs
[00:46] <geowv> i did
[00:46] <geowv> it
[00:47] <blue_> does it say Resolving www.av.com...
[00:47] <Doctor_Nick> my harddrive is just about full, so its likely that the new kernel image was placed beyond that
[00:47] <Doctor_Nick> thats the answer
[00:47] <geowv> yeas
[00:48] <blue_> does it say `index.html' saved at the bottom?
[00:48] <nejode> Doctor_Nick: the kernel image are always placed in /boot...
[00:48] <kmos> hola para todos
[00:48] <geowv> index.html' saved [9029]
[00:49] <nejode> ...and a 4 year old laptop should't have the 1024 sector limit
[00:49] <blue_> geowv: it must be your browser then, what browser u using?
[00:49] <petar> hi I'm new in kubuntu
[00:49] <geowv> konqueror
[00:49] <petar> I like to insatl flash player but I don't now how
[00:50] <LaptopFam> hi to all i am nre to linux i just downloaded ubntu 7.10 server amd 64x, i burn the iso on to a cd, but the only file taht i see is a html file and the cd read 500+ megs i even try tobit strat with that cd but nothing happens
[00:50] <blue_> geowv: try firefox, i gtg sleep, im dying here :P
[00:50] <geowv> its the default browser of kubundu 7.04
[00:50] <geowv> how can i download it
[00:50] <blue_> geowv: sudo apt-get install firefox
[00:51] <blue_> petar: look here http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#Browser_Plug-ins
[00:51] <petar> tnx
[00:51] <geowv> blue thank you very much
[00:52] <geowv> i hope it will work
[00:53] <geowv> yes babe
[00:53] <geowv> thats it
[00:53] <geowv> tnk you men
[00:54] <Doctor_Nick> nejode: no, it shouldnt
[00:54] <Doctor_Nick> it has a 65,536 limit
[00:54] <Doctor_Nick> cylinder limit
[00:54] <Doctor_Nick> and i have a 140 gig partition at the beginning of the drive
[00:56] <petar> I don't now what to do
[00:56] <petar> Package flashplugin-nonfree is not available, but is referred to by another package.
[00:56] <kmos> hola
[00:58] <nejode> Doctor_Nick: man, I had that same problem every time I installed a new kernel
[00:58] <Doctor_Nick> :)
[00:59] <Doctor_Nick> now you know what the problem is
[00:59] <nejode> Doctor_Nick: what do you get...a black screen?
[00:59] <Doctor_Nick> no just an error 18
[00:59] <nejode> ...that's a GRUB error!!!
[00:59] <Doctor_Nick> yeah
[01:01] <nejode> Doctor_Nick: give a couple of minutes and I'll give you a link...
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[01:07] <Ar-Pharazon> Hi everyone, can I get rid of KDE wallet? It's of absolutely no use to me.
[01:07] <Alucard_Hellsing> i just finished setting up my skype but the skype out calls are no longer free. anyone know another free voip
[01:07] <Alucard_Hellsing> other that openwengo
[01:09] <genii> Ar-Pharazon: remove package kwalletmanager
[01:09] <Daisuke_Ido> he could try not being so cheap -_-
[01:09] <Ar-Pharazon> genii: That won't have any messy side effects for the applications that use KDE wallet, will it? Specifically the wireless connection
[01:10] <Daisuke_Ido> not the wallet guy
[01:10] <Ar-Pharazon> Daisuke_Ido: Heh =D
[01:10] <genii> Ar-Pharazon: If you're not using it it won't matter
[01:10] <Daisuke_Ido> um, if an app uses the wallet, then it is of use to you... but i don't know for sure, i've never actually attempted to remove kwalletmanager :)
[01:11] <genii> Daisuke_Ido: I've removed it without ill effects
[01:11] <Daisuke_Ido> there you have it, it should be just fine :)
[01:12] <Ar-Pharazon> Ok, hope it doesn't mess up my wifi... Thanks
[01:13] <nejode> Doctor_Nick: http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm#How_to_make_a_separate_boot_partition ... about half way down the page
[01:18] <Doctor_Nick> nejode: looks good, thanks
[01:18] <nejode> Doctor_Nick: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3081671.msg109864#msg109864
[01:18] <swatto> Is there an FTP client installed by default on kubuntu please?
[01:20] <Jucato> swatto: Konqueror
[01:20] <nejode> swatto: sudo apt-get install kftpgrabber
[01:20] <Doctor_Nick> swatto: sudo apt-get install filezilla
[01:20] <Jucato> nejode: "installed by default" :)
[01:20] <Doctor_Nick> konqueror sucks for ftp :/
[01:21] <Jucato> why?
[01:21] <genii> also kasablanca
[01:21] <nejode> Jucato: it's my opinion, I like FireFTP as a firefox add-on too
[01:22] <Jucato> nejode: not you though :)
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[01:22] <Jucato> the "why?" was for Doctor_Nick
[01:25] <nejode> ... the gui's for ksablanca, kftpgrabber, filezilla or Fireftp are "more friendly" as I see it.
[01:25] <Doctor_Nick> yeah
[01:25] <Jucato> hm... ok...
[01:26] <Jucato> (you can have more than 1 split view in Konqueror though... plus tabs... oh well)
[01:26] <genii> Jucato: Konq diehard ;)
[01:26] <nejode> ...well, many people prefer the cli....
[01:27] <Jucato> genii: not really. I mean, not as much before. Dolphin is fancy too :)
[01:28] <nejode> I don't know in KDE4, but in KDE3 konqueror beats dolphin hands down
[01:28] <Jucato> nejode: so true. because it isn't Dolphin
[01:29] <Jucato> it's called D3lphin... but should probably be renamed to clownfish
[01:29] <alex_> HELLO
[01:30] <Daisuke_Ido> Jucato, how dare you slight the noble clownfish by suggesting d3lphin take the name?
[01:30] <Jucato> Daisuke_Ido: I couldn't think of a more appropriate fish in 5 seconds :)
[01:30] <Jucato> !caps | alex_
[01:30] <ubotu> alex_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.
[01:31] <alex_> okay
[01:31] <alex_> so who knows how to use cad?
[01:32] <nejode> ...well...well... D3lphin is a little bit faster, but nowhare near konqueror's superpowers!!
[01:32] <Dr_willis> how to use cad... what a broad and vague question.
[01:32] <alex_> and does anyone know how to install a hp laserjet 1100 printer on ubuntu?
[01:32] <Dr_willis> I use the 'qcad' program every so often.
[01:34] <alex_> well can you tell me how to use it to create diagrams?
[01:34] <genii> Yeah, qcad isn't so horrible
[01:34] <Dr_willis> run qcad, start drawing the box's and lines and whatever...
[01:35] <Dr_willis> What sort of answer are you expexting?
[01:35] <Dr_willis> Theres other 'vector drawing' programs out there also.
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[01:36] <Dr_willis> xcircuit - Draw circuit schematics or almost anything
[01:36] <Dr_willis> dia - Diagram editor
[01:37] <alex_> well i am having issues with vista! I have one of those pesky machines!
[01:37] <Jucato> (kivio? eek...)
[01:38] <alex_> i am trying to put ubuntu on it, yet it won't let me! can you explain why this might be?
[01:39] <Doctor_Nick> ugh
[01:40] <Dr_willis> depends on how you are trying to isntall it. and the exact error messages you are gettting.
[01:41] * genii sips a coffee and contemplates such complications as wubi and 64bit install on 32 bit systems
[01:42] <alex_> it keeps rebooting and locking up!
[01:43] * Jucato will let that one go this time
[01:43] <genii> hehe
[01:43] <alex_> it is a hp dv 6626us entertainment notebook with a core 2 duo 1.5GHz
[01:44] <Doctor_Nick> is there a disk geometry analyzer for linux that will let me see what sector/track/cylinder a file is taking up on the disk?
[01:45] <Dr_willis> alex_, its possible you burnt the cd badly, check the md5sum on it. its possible theres some issue with that specific laptop. the ubuntu forums may have info on it..
[01:46] <alex_> i am having to open three different programs just to use its integrated webcam, if that gives you any indication of why i am wanting to put linux on it!
[01:46] <Dr_willis> alex_, webcam support under linux - can be very lacking - d3epending onthe webcam
[01:46] <Daisuke_Ido> doesn't mean the webcam's going to work, of course...
[01:46] <lupita_> hi again
[01:47] <Daisuke_Ido> and doc beats me to the punch
[01:47] <lupita_> guys i need help again
[01:47] <Dr_willis> ones integerated into laptops - can be even MORE flakey
[01:47] <Dr_willis> :)
[01:47] <alex_> i am wanting to have a reliable machine for portability and for traveling in the car!
[01:47] <Dr_willis> ok Daisuke_Ido you take over. :)
[01:47] <Dr_willis> i gotta get ready for work.
[01:47] <Daisuke_Ido> and genii, i would personally prefer to never think of wubi, ever
[01:47] <Daisuke_Ido> i'm actually on my way out as well :\
[01:47] <Dr_willis> alex_, try out some other disrtos/live cd's to see how well linux works in general on the box.
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[01:47] <alex_> ok
[01:48] <lupita_> i cannot hear anything theres a red ricle on the voulmen icon how can y activate it again please help??????????????????????????????
[01:48] <genii> alex_: The laptop testing page has nothing yet on the 6626us
[01:48] <alex_> well i am having a instable and unreliable laptop right now!
[01:49] <lupita_> if i place my cursor on the volume icon it appear a legend that say something like unnable to find the mixer
[01:49] <lupita_> can you help me please??????????????????????????
[01:49] <alex_> well lupita what sound card do you have?
[01:49] <nejode> Doctor_Nick: why don't you paste in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ the results of "sudo fdisk -l"
[01:50] <Daisuke_Ido> *ahem*
[01:50] <Doctor_Nick> ...hmm.
[01:50] <Daisuke_Ido> one question mark will do just fine
[01:50] <lupita_> is easy there another user in the same pc and he does get to hear whatever he wants but when i come in with my account i can hear anything
[01:50] <Doctor_Nick> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61877/
[01:50] <Doctor_Nick> interesting
[01:50] <alex_> well are you an administrator?
[01:50] <lupita_> no
[01:51] <lupita_> he is
[01:51] <alex_> well that could be part of it!
[01:51] <lupita_> or i think both cause i have no restrictions
[01:51] <alex_> well try rebooting!
[01:52] <lupita_> is just so i can have my own stuff in the pc without him geting in my account
[01:52] <lupita_> i did everything
[01:52] <lupita_> but no
[01:52] <lupita_> nothing work
[01:52] <genii> alex_: If you're determined to put ubuntu on it, there is a helpful page here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=512059
[01:52] <lupita_> i when into system settings
[01:52] <nejode> Doctor_Nick: hey man, maybe what you got is the 137GB bug
[01:53] <lupita_> and try to fix it but theres nothing there that let me know that something is wrong and i cant get activate it the volume
[01:53] <Doctor_Nick> nejode: yeah probably
[01:53] <Doctor_Nick> imma reboot and check to see if i have LBA turned on
[01:53] <nejode> ...it's a lot more probable, you can try reducing your "/" partition to a size smaller than 137 gb
[01:54] <Doctor_Nick> yeah
[01:54] <nejode> ...run "df -h" to see the ammount of free space you got
[01:54] <Doctor_Nick> not alog
[01:54] <Doctor_Nick> t
[01:54] <Doctor_Nick> like 5 gb
[01:55] <alex_> bye!
[01:55] <nejode> man, you'll have to copy some data to an external disk or dvd's
[01:58] <Doctor_Nick> no, i'll just do the boot partition thing you sent me
[02:05] <LaptopFam> hi to all i am nre to linux i just downloaded ubntu 7.10 server amd 64x, i burn the iso on to a cd, but the only file taht i see is a html file and the cd read 500+ megs i even try tobit strat with that cd but nothing happens
[02:07] <hakxis> hello
[02:07] <hakxis> speak spanish???
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[02:09] <BluesKaj> !es | hakxis
[02:09] <ubotu> hakxis: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[02:11] <hakxis> ok
[02:11] <hakxis> gracias
[02:11] <linuxlover> May you please tell me a Diary like personal information storing software, like Outlook in windows.
[02:12] <BluesKaj> linuxlover, kontact
[02:13] <linuxlover> thank you BluesKaj. It is already installed in my system. Thank you for your help.
[02:24] <jgarneau> hey so uh
[02:24] <jgarneau> i can't get to the kdm login screen
[02:24] <jgarneau> and i don't have autologin enabled in the system settings thing
[02:25] <jgarneau> it just logs me right in on bootup
[02:25] <jgarneau> and killing x then restarting it does the same
[02:25] <epimeth> ahoy!
[02:25] <epimeth> why is my desktop effects empty? :-(
[02:25] <jgarneau> so i clicked the power button on my pc
[02:25] <jgarneau> and logged out through the menu that appeared, which also kills my x session
[02:25] <jgarneau> epimeth: uh did you install the plugins
[02:26] <jgarneau> epimeth: get compiz-fusion-plugins
[02:28] <jgarneau> eh
[02:28] <epimeth> jgarneau: cheers... out of curiosity, where would I find that I need them? :-)
[02:28] <hpgarcia> is there a build in april fools in linux? when I booted it up it came up with w unicorn background after I logged in it went away? did that happen to anyone one else?
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[02:29] <epimeth> jgarneau: I saw that desktop effects was available when I checked out the "whats new" in hardy, but there was no link to documentation
[02:29] <genii> hpgarcia: Yes. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=741833
[02:29] <epimeth> !desktop-effects
[02:29] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about desktop-effects - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[02:30] <hpgarcia> thanks genii
[02:30] <genii> hpgarcia: np
[02:32] <nosrednaekim> epimeth: is should be under "system"
[02:32] <nosrednaekim> epimeth: its just a simple compiz installer
[02:32] <Daisuke_Ido> so much for parity with ubuntu.
[02:32] <hpgarcia> are any of you guys running the 64 bit ver?
[02:33] <genii> hpgarcia: Not on this box, but yes
[02:34] <hpgarcia> 8.04?
[02:34] <epimeth> nosrednaekim: cheers
[02:34] <epimeth> nosrednaekim: I can't believe I didn't see that :-)
[02:37] <genii> hpgarcia: No, 7.10
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[03:03] <gargoyle76> what file has the display info?
[03:03] <gargoyle76> configuration that is
[03:03] <gargoyle76> is it xorg.conf?
[03:04] <genii> Yes, /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[03:05] <gargoyle76> thx
[03:07] <gargoyle76> I can't seem to change the video driver or resolution w/o losing everything
[03:07] <gargoyle76> i can get to cmd line after failure tho
[03:08] <gargoyle76> is there a way to test the driver w/o restarting xserver?
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[03:10] <genii> Not really
[03:10] <stond> does anybody know a really good video converter for KDE I am using Kubuntu 7.10 installed onto my PS3
[03:11] <genii> gargoyle76: What video card does command: lspci | grep VGA report?
[03:12] <Odd-rationale> stond: search www.kde-apps.org there are serveral
[03:17] <gargoyle76> genii-->hold one
[03:18] <gargoyle76> 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS400 [Radeon Xpress 200M]
[03:19] <genii> gargoyle76: Should use "ati" to get system usable.
[03:20] <gargoyle76> ok...i'll try
[03:22] <gargoyle76> ~gone
[03:26] <Alucard_Hellsing> i cant figure out why my frostwire package will not insert, can someone help me
[03:27] <NickPresta> Alucard_Hellsing, will not insert?
[03:28] <Alucard_Hellsing> yes
[03:28] <NickPresta> Alucard_Hellsing, like when trying to type in a song name? or something?
[03:28] <Alucard_Hellsing> wat?
[03:28] <Alucard_Hellsing> the installer package
[03:29] <NickPresta> Alucard_Hellsing, oh. Are you using the deb file provided at the frostwire homepage?
[03:29] <Alucard_Hellsing> the installer package will not insert into my system
[03:29] <Alucard_Hellsing> yes
[03:29] <Alucard_Hellsing> it starts to insert then just exits
[03:31] <Alucard_Hellsing> can u help me
[03:35] <genii> Alucard_Hellsing: Download the file to your home directory. Then in konsole: sudo dpkg -i frostwire-4.13.5.i596.deb (if that was the deb file name)
[03:35] <genii> If it fails the output may tell us why
[03:37] <Alucard_Hellsing> dpkg: error processing frostwire-4.13.5.i586.deb (--install):
[03:37] <Alucard_Hellsing> cannot access archive: No such file or directory
[03:37] <Alucard_Hellsing> Errors were encountered while processing:
[03:37] <Alucard_Hellsing> frostwire-4.13.5.i586.deb
[03:38] <Alucard_Hellsing> and yes that is the correct file name
[03:38] <genii> Alucard_Hellsing: Where did you put the file?
[03:38] <Alucard_Hellsing> home
[03:38] <Alucard_Hellsing> hold on
[03:38] <Alucard_Hellsing> i think i know the prob
[03:39] <Alucard_Hellsing> k got it thx
[03:40] <genii> Alucard_Hellsing: np
[03:41] <Alucard_Hellsing> k now it wont run
[03:43] <BluesKaj> frostwire is very java sensitive ... try lauching it from the konsole and post the errors on pastebin
[03:43] <Alucard_Hellsing> /usr/share/applications/frostwire.desktop: line 1: [Desktop: command not found
[03:43] <Alucard_Hellsing> /usr/share/applications/frostwire.desktop: line 3: Gnutella/Bittorrent: No such file or directory
[03:44] <Alucard_Hellsing> /usr/share/applications/frostwire.desktop: line 4: and: command not found
[03:44] <Alucard_Hellsing> /usr/share/applications/frostwire.desktop: line 9: Network: command not found
[03:44] <genii> !pastebin | Alucard_Hellsing
[03:44] <ubotu> Alucard_Hellsing: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[03:44] <Colonel_Panic> I have a new video card and sound card
[03:44] <Colonel_Panic> is there any particular procedure I have to follow when I install them?
[03:45] <cuznt> i would install then inside the pc
[03:45] <cuznt> ;)
[03:45] <Alucard_Hellsing> that is another prob i have
[03:45] <genii> Colonel_Panic: Do one at a time. When changing video card put driver in xorg.conf to vesa
[03:46] <Colonel_Panic> ok thanks
[03:46] <Alucard_Hellsing> i have ati 9250 but i cant use it with kubuntu
[03:46] <Colonel_Panic> video card first, yes?
[03:46] <genii> Colonel_Panic: Thats adviseable, yes
[03:46] <Colonel_Panic> the video card is a NVIDIA 8600 GTS
[03:47] <Colonel_Panic> ok. Here goes....
[03:47] <Colonel_Panic> talk to you later
[03:47] <Alucard_Hellsing> i cant install the driver without the card in but if i have the card in i cant use the x11 im stuck ing cmd which is not good because i have dialup
[03:47] <Colonel_Panic> wait... will I need my Kubuntu Gutsy install disk for this?
[03:47] <BluesKaj> Alucard_Hellsing, is the frostwire folder located in /home/yourusername/ ?
[03:48] <genii> Colonel_Panic: You shouldn't need it. If you get to a black screen or it hangs up, try to shut down safely, put the old card back in and return here
[03:48] <Alucard_Hellsing> leme see
[03:48] <Colonel_Panic> ok
[03:48] <Colonel_Panic> the 'old card' is onboard video
[03:49] <Alucard_Hellsing> no
[03:49] <genii> Colonel_Panic: Then you should be OK, may need to change order in bios of which to use as default though
[03:49] <yao_ziyuan> what packages in adept-manager should i download in order to have a kde4 desktop (i'm in kubuntu 7.10)
[03:49] <Alucard_Hellsing> blueskaj it is not
[03:49] <Colonel_Panic> ok I'll talk to you all in a bit
[03:50] <Colonel_Panic> oh hey
[03:50] <Colonel_Panic> one more thing
[03:50] <Alucard_Hellsing> i dont know where it is
[03:50] <Colonel_Panic> how do I save my session?
[03:50] <BluesKaj> Alucard_Hellsing, in the konsole/terminal type , whereis frostwire
[03:51] <Alucard_Hellsing> /usr/bin/frostwire /usr/lib/frostwire
[03:56] * genii tries to stay awake
[03:56] <BluesKaj> Alucard_Hellsing, alt+f2 , kdesudo kate /usr/lib/frostwire, in that file look for text file called "Readme" or "Install"
[03:57] <Alucard_Hellsing> it cant open is kate
[03:58] <Alucard_Hellsing> in*
[03:58] <BluesKaj> ok, try, kdesudo konqueror /usr/lib/frostwire
[03:59] <Alucard_Hellsing> there is no readme or install...there is a runfrostwire.sh
[04:00] <jessica_> i need to stop the screen going to black after my system has been idle for 5 or 10 mins
[04:00] <BluesKaj> just for your info Alucard_Hellsing , Ktorrent is much better than frostwire for P2P
[04:00] <Alucard_Hellsing> yea but i dont know how to use ktorrent
[04:01] <jessica_> ktorrent is relativly simple
[04:01] <Alucard_Hellsing> all i get is web searches when i use it
[04:01] <BluesKaj> ok , in the konsole cd /usr/lib/frostwire, then ./runfrostwire.sh
[04:01] <jessica_> i need to stop my screen going to black after my system is idle for 5 to 10 mins
[04:03] <Alucard_Hellsing> bash: ./runfrostwire.sh: No such file or directory
[04:03] <genii> jessica_: Your mileage may vary http://tnlessone.wordpress.com/2007/01/27/how-to-get-rid-of-the-10-minutes-blank-screen-screensaver/
[04:05] <BluesKaj> genii , i must be giving the wrong advice here, can you help , Alucard_Hellsing ?
[04:05] <jessica_> thanks that should have done it
[04:06] <genii> Alucard_Hellsing: Are you still in /usr/lib/frostwire ?
[04:06] <Alucard_Hellsing> yes
[04:06] <Itaku> how do i get a program out of fullscreen mode?
[04:06] <genii> BluesKaj: Not sure I can assist much, I don't use frostwire. But I'll give a shot
[04:06] <Alucard_Hellsing> any help apreiciated
[04:06] <genii> Alucard_Hellsing: try: sudo bash runfrostwire.sh
[04:07] <cuznt> itakeu try esc
[04:07] <cuznt> or f12
[04:07] <Itaku> did
[04:07] <cuznt> i mean f11
[04:07] <Alucard_Hellsing> same thing....
[04:07] <genii> Alucard_Hellsing: OK, I'm fresh out of ideas on it then. Maybe visit their forum for help
[04:07] <Itaku> f11 worked
[04:07] <Itaku> thanks
[04:07] <Alucard_Hellsing> i have to go
[04:09] <BluesKaj> the runfrostwire.sh made me think it was an installer or run file
[04:09] <genii> Darn and i found a help site for him, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire
[04:09] <genii> BluesKaj: the .sh part mans it should have done something with bash
[04:09] <genii> *means
[04:09] <genii> <- tired
[04:09] <BluesKaj> maybe it should have been chmod +x , or made executable in properties
[04:10] <genii> Yes, perhaps
[04:10] <BluesKaj> oh well , he's better off without frostwire , it's clunky as hell
[04:11] <genii> BluesKaj: Thats generally my view
[04:12] <ReallyhungNbruta> hello could someone please help me with tinyerp?
[04:13] <BluesKaj> what a dumb nick
[04:13] <BluesKaj> anyway , gonna hit the sack ...nite folks
[04:14] <genii> I guess I'll wait 10 minutes more for the guy changing his video card to show up
[04:15] <Todd67> hello could someone please help with tinyerp?
[04:16] <genii> Todd67: I'm not familiar with that program, but there seems to be something about it here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=606498
[04:18] <Xcerca> anybody know how i can put the kubuntu live iso on a usb pen drive and boot of it that ?
[04:19] <genii> Xcerca: http://pendrivelinux.com/2007/01/25/usb-x-ubuntu-610
[04:19] <genii> for 6.10 but applies to almost any version
[04:19] <Xcerca> thx
[04:19] <genii> They may have a later tutorial somewhere on that site
[04:24] <genii> Xcerca: Found the later tutorial http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/09/28/usb-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-install/
[04:26] <Xcerca> thx , i was just looking at the 7.04 version, thx
[04:29] <Xcerc1> is kubuntu using kde 4 ?
[04:30] <nyko> Xcerc1: yes beta for now is 8.04
=== tkesler is now known as gargoyle76
[04:31] <gargoyle76> genii--> couldn't change the driver
[04:33] <genii> gargoyle76: When editing system files need to use admin privelege. So in terminal will be sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf for example if you need to save
[04:35] <nyko> can you said to me how to put the log in log out in task bar
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[04:38] <Xcerc2> are there any compatibility problems with using the x64 version.. flash or another package.. or is that all in the past ?
[04:43] <seba> i dont have eny server for Ktorrent. HELP
[04:43] <seba> or a-mule
[04:43] <metbsd> ok, so the cable between bridge pc and hub/router, should be crossover or normal ethernet cable?
[04:44] <seba> normal ethernet cable 256k
[04:46] <level1> Hi, Im trying to recover a broken mac. Ive named several files with things like question marks, that HFS+ supports, but when I try to move it to my fat 32 hard drive, konqueror just fails, as does cp
[04:46] <level1> is there a command that can correct broken file names
[04:47] <gargoyle76> genii--> I know...I backed up xorg.conf..changed driver to ATI Radeon...didn't come back...had to restore
[04:47] <seba> please anyone
[04:48] <gkffjcs> I'm having an issue with knoqueror, when I try to use the protocal sftp:// or fish:// konqueror tries to resolve to http://fish:// which obviously doesn't work
[04:48] <sarah17f> i am not familiar with fish or sftp
[04:48] <sarah17f> seba what's up
[04:49] <gkffjcs> they allow you to use ssh to access remote filesystems through konqueror
[04:49] <genii> just "ati" should work.
[04:50] <gargoyle76> genii--> tried that driver too...didn't work either...stumped
[04:51] <seba> i dont have eny server for Ktorrent. HELP
[04:52] <seba> please sarah17f
[04:53] <sarah17f> you dont have envy server for ktorrent
[04:53] <sarah17f> i dont understand?
[04:53] <sarah17f> do you want envy or ktorrent
[04:53] <genii> gargoyle76: The fallback of course is the vesa driver
[04:54] <seba> i dont now beacause I use Ubuntu for a wae
[04:54] <seba> for a weak, sorry
[04:54] <gargoyle76> genii--> that's what i'm using
[04:54] <genii> sarah17f: I belive he wants "any" server for ktorrent
[04:54] <seba> someone
[04:54] <sarah17f> his torrent files aren't conecting?
[04:55] <genii> apparently
[04:55] <seba> yes
[04:55] <sarah17f> have you tried azaurus?
[04:56] <seba> program azaurus, or it is a server
[04:56] <Daisuke_Ido> !azureus | seba
[04:56] <ubotu> seba: azureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo
[04:56] <gargoyle76> nothing else to try/
[04:56] <Daisuke_Ido> however, it does have a built-in personal tracker
[04:58] <gargoyle76> dang
[04:59] <seba> thanks Ubotu, Buenas Noches
[05:07] <nyko> kubuntu-fr
[05:08] <nyko> oups sorry
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[05:17] <gkffjcs> if I want to add german to the spell check in openoffice, what is the language pack I should add, anyone know?
[05:18] <gkffjcs> my system is all in english, and I am in the U.S., but I would like ooo to figure out and properly spell check german.
[05:18] <gkffjcs> aswell as english
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[05:35] <NatureTM> wow kde4 was slow for me, konsole-kde4 takes like 30 seconds to give me a prompt
[05:35] <metbsd> wow
[05:35] <metbsd> yiou must have a slow machien
[05:36] <stdin> if that's on hardy, you can probably blame skim
[05:36] <NatureTM> hardy yeah
[05:36] <NatureTM> I'm gonna goog skin, not familiar
[05:37] <stdin> it happens with just about any Qt/KDE app, anything with some text box
[05:37] <NatureTM> oh and the latest hardy update decided to remove kdm4 without setting up kdm3 again
[05:40] <NatureTM> I didn't like kde4 anyways... couldn't (easily) setup multiple panels
[05:40] <NatureTM> felt like it sould still be in beta or rc
[05:55] <wraithmagi> need help with gtk-qt engine...
[05:55] <wraithmagi> have installed the package thru adept, but none of my gtk apps are using my theme...
[05:56] <wraithmagi> when I launch them from konsole get a message that: Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "qtengine"
[05:57] <wraithmagi> any ideas/fixes?
[05:58] <wraithmagi> kde 3.5.8
[06:04] <wraithmagi> is anyone on?
[06:06] <epimeth> why don't the desktop effects load automatically?
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[06:25] <gnarlie> hi
[06:25] <gnarlie> kubuntu 8.04 kde4 beta crashes seriously for me :/
[06:25] <gnarlie> once I almost managed to login but it just freezes at the kdm login screen
[06:27] <Jucato> gnarlie: #kubuntu-kde4 for KDE 4 issues. thanks
[06:28] <gnarlie> ok
[06:29] <gnarlie> thanks
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[06:55] <dwidmann> lah dah dee dah ....
[07:01] * dwidmann is bored to tears
[07:01] * jussi01 points dwidmann to #ubuntu-offtopic
[07:03] * dwidmann wonders why he just got pointed to another dead channel
[07:11] <dek> is there a repository to get latest FF 3.0 beta 5?
[07:15] <jussi01> dwidmann: cause there is always something happening there...
[07:17] <vit> hola
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[07:20] <luis_> hello guys good night
[07:21] <luis_> just a quick question can someone tell me how can i install games from konsole please???????????????????????
[07:21] <nismo> use adept to install games
[07:21] <dwidmann> luis_: what games?
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[07:22] <luis_> like card games spider solitario and those games
[07:22] <dwidmann> luis_: type sudo aptitude and you should have a usable curses interface for installing packages from konsole
[07:23] <luis_> well i am new in kubuntu so what should i type????
[07:23] <dwidmann> luis_: "sudo aptitude"
[07:24] <ForgeAus> hey all :)
[07:24] <dwidmann> hiya ForgeAus
[07:25] <ForgeAus> um whats the "balloon"-like info called that shows "magik"ally when hovering over taskbar buttons?
[07:25] <ForgeAus> and can you turn that off?
[07:25] <ForgeAus> actually its the entire panel not just taskbar
[07:27] <luis_> i did that and it appears a list of installed stuff and a list of non installed
[07:27] <luis_> whats next please??
[07:27] <dwidmann> luis_: select the ones that you want to install next
[07:27] <luis_> i did
[07:28] <luis_> and i press enter but nothing happens
[07:28] <dwidmann> luis_: I think the bar along the top says you need to press "g" next to download/install the things.
[07:31] <ForgeAus> whats this aptitude or dselect or something?
[07:31] <luis_> i did it but appears a message in a gray windows that say that theres no planified package to be install or eliminated or update it
[07:31] <luis_> so i am stuck
[07:31] <ForgeAus> planified? never heard of it
[07:32] <ForgeAus> luis if thats the name of a package perhaps its not listed in the repository?
[07:34] <luis_> well i dont know that a did had them but something went wrong and i had to reinstall kubuntu but someone told me a comman to type in konsole and i got those games but now i cant remember does anyone knows the command please????
[07:35] <ForgeAus> sudo apt-get install <packagename>
[07:35] <dwidmann> I figured adept might be easier, but apparently something's not right ...... perhaps you're better off using "sudo apt-cache search searchforsomethinga" to search and "sudo apt-get install packagename" to install
[07:35] <ForgeAus> is the general command to install things
[07:35] <dwidmann> erm, no sudo on the apt-cache search
[07:35] <dwidmann> I must have been sudo happy o.O
[07:36] <ForgeAus> hehe I'm "naughty" I tend to run a shell in sudo for root stuff
[07:36] <ForgeAus> so no need to sudo all the time on my commands
[07:36] <Daisuke_Ido> ForgeAus, sudo -i
[07:36] <ForgeAus> yeah something like that
[07:37] <dwidmann> ForgeAus: I only do that right after a fresh install when I need to sudo a lot for the most part ...
[07:37] <ForgeAus> oh I'm a tinkerer I find myself sudoing alot
[07:37] <ForgeAus> thats why I found Xephyr to be useful :)
[07:37] <ForgeAus> I could sudo a root X-desktop
[07:38] <ForgeAus> minimize it out of the way and only use it for root stuff
[07:38] <dwidmann> I don't really use xephyr..... I just use xinit and put it in something like vt12 if I need another session .....
[07:38] <ForgeAus> (it helped that I had a slightly different theme set)
[07:38] <ForgeAus> whats xinit and vt12?
[07:39] <cweagans> quick question: does compiz work with KDE?
[07:39] <ForgeAus> cwegans answer: yes, in gerenal
[07:39] <ForgeAus> grr general
[07:39] <Daisuke_Ido> quick answer: yesish
[07:39] <cweagans> (or beryl)
[07:39] <Daisuke_Ido> beryl no longer exists
[07:39] <ForgeAus> there are some minor exceptions like multiple desktops in stuff kile edgy
[07:39] <dwidmann> ctrl+alt+f12 would get you to vt12, here's something I'd normally use for xinit, first, go to a vt .... perhaps vt3 (ie: ctrl+alt+f3), log in, type xinit -- :1 vt12
[07:39] <luis_> ok
[07:40] <ForgeAus> I Don't recommend using beryl
[07:40] <ForgeAus> update to copmiz-fusion if possible
[07:40] <ForgeAus> grr compiz-fusion if I can spell it
[07:40] <cweagans> is there a mostly easy way to install compiz? I just installed the ATI drivers for my card (And they are working).
[07:40] <cweagans> is it just apt-get install compiz-fusion?
[07:40] <rico> GL Desktop for KDE? Good idea?
[07:40] <ForgeAus> oh I don't have vt capability in AndLinux so thats out of the question
[07:40] <ForgeAus> but I Get what oyu mean
[07:40] <luis_> hoursi know i did something cause is installing something and it asked me to introduce de kubuntu cd again and it says that is going to take about
[07:41] <ForgeAus> something like that cweagans
[07:41] <luis_> 7 hours
[07:41] <ForgeAus> but you have to have it available in your repository
[07:41] <ForgeAus> which version of Kubuntu u using? edgy? feisty? gusty? etc?
[07:41] <cweagans> 7.10....dunno what animal :P
[07:41] <ForgeAus> yup thats feisty
[07:42] <dwidmann> ForgeAus: gutsy
[07:42] <luis_> i guess they are cause it showed me a list of uninstalled stuff games among everything
[07:42] <ForgeAus> you might wanna apt-get remove beryl (and any other compiz/beryl packages you hav)
[07:42] <ForgeAus> oops sorry dwidmann your right
[07:42] <luis_> and it also say that something was broken and fix it
[07:42] <cweagans> I don't have any beryl/compiz packages installed at all
[07:42] <ForgeAus> (don't worry I'll get it right one day)
[07:42] <dwidmann> ForgeAus: why can't you use vts?
[07:42] <cweagans> fresh install
[07:42] <ForgeAus> ok cweagans then apt-get install compiz-fusion should work
[07:42] <luis_> that beryl
[07:42] <luis_> look out in google
[07:42] <cweagans> it says it couldn't find the package
[07:43] <cweagans> any specific repo that I need enabled?
[07:43] <ForgeAus> as long as its in your repositories (you might need to add universe, backports or something)
[07:43] <luis_> i just saw something about that and how to download it
[07:43] <ForgeAus> ok make sure you have universe, multiverse and gutsy-backports in your repositories cweagans
[07:44] <cweagans> ah...i found the problem
[07:44] <cweagans> it's apt-get install compiz
[07:44] <cweagans> no "-fusion" at the end
[07:44] <ForgeAus> um not sure compiz is the right package
[07:44] <ForgeAus> I'm fairly certain its now called compiz-fusion
[07:44] <ForgeAus> !info compiz-fusion
[07:44] <ubotu> Package compiz-fusion does not exist in gutsy
[07:44] <ForgeAus> ok maybe it is just compiz
[07:44] <cweagans> !info compiz
[07:44] <ubotu> Package compiz does not exist in gutsy
[07:44] <cweagans> or not.....
[07:44] <DrNaebko> =)
[07:44] <ForgeAus> uh... thats wierd
[07:45] <ForgeAus> !compiz
[07:45] <ubotu> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
[07:45] <ForgeAus> go there cweagans :)
[07:46] <cweagans> cool. that works. thanks!
[07:46] <ForgeAus> note: kde4's kwin desktop manager has some 3dfx built in
[07:46] <dwidmann> ***window manager, not desktop manager
[07:47] <ForgeAus> okok technicalities, dwidmann is right I was inaccurate...
[07:47] <Daisuke_Ido> so has the kde4 release in the repos added the new default style?
[07:47] <dwidmann> ForgeAus: plasma is the desktop & the panel
[07:47] <ForgeAus> what new default style?
[07:48] <ForgeAus> yeah I know theres bits like plasma (gadgets/widgets whatever you wanna call them in that are plasmoids right?) and Oxygen and a few other bits to KDE4
[07:48] <dwidmann> Daisuke_Ido: oxygen? Yes.
[07:48] <Daisuke_Ido> not oxygen
[07:49] <ForgeAus> Okular instead of Kpdf
[07:50] <Daisuke_Ido> Bespin
[07:50] <Daisuke_Ido> http://www.jarzebski.pl/admin/store/publish/kde4_790000_bespin.jpg
[07:52] <khad> I'm running Ubuntu 7.10 with Gnome right now. Would snatching KDE from the repositories be the same thing as installing Kubuntu?
[07:52] <ForgeAus> yes khad
[07:52] <ForgeAus> !purekde
[07:52] <ubotu> purekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »
[07:52] <khad> ok, cool thanks
[07:53] <khad> it's been a year or two since i've installed ubuntu. I'm quite impressed with its progress
[07:53] <khad> i remember the days getting compiz to work took days of hard labor!
[07:54] <ForgeAus> yeah
[07:54] <ForgeAus> well back with Edgy I had ATI problems
[07:54] <ForgeAus> so Beryl was painful and I don't think I ever got it working
[07:54] <ForgeAus> but I'm a little more used to Linux nowerdays
[07:55] <khad> same here
[07:56] <petar> hi
[07:56] <khad> hey petar
[07:57] <petar> i have a problem with kopete
[07:57] <ForgeAus> hey petar :)
[07:57] <ForgeAus> what kind of problem with kopete?
[07:58] <petar> I send mesage but The following message has not been sent correctly  (Connection closed):
[07:59] <ForgeAus> hmmm sounds like a tcpip issue of some kind
[07:59] <ForgeAus> what do you mean you send message?
[07:59] <ForgeAus> first of all are you logged into (ICQ, yahoo, MSN or whatever )
[08:00] <petar> in MSN
[08:00] <rico> a guys
[08:00] <petar> i'm online now and i can't write message
[08:00] <ForgeAus> ok um not sure how to help you petar, I don't know if you'll get more help by asking in #KDE or not
[08:00] <rico> what is a good chat program which supoorts offline messeging and transpart skins?
[08:00] <ForgeAus> but its somethin gyou might be able to try
[08:01] <ForgeAus> rico transparent skins? I dunno offline messaging well msn and yahoo do that now in windows but I don't know if pigdin and/or kopete have yet followed suit
[08:01] <ForgeAus> ICQ and AOL I don't know if they have offline messaging or not
[08:01] <rico> i tried it on those, it doesnt work
[08:01] <dwidmann> Daisuke_Ido: yeah, okular is in as the default viewer, and it works quite well
[08:01] <ForgeAus> ok... well then I don't know
[08:01] <ForgeAus> okular is nice :)
[08:01] <ForgeAus> from what I've seen sofar
[08:03] <ForgeAus> whats gnome's default terminal called?
[08:03] <dwidmann> ForgeAus: gnome-terminal
[08:03] <ForgeAus> hehe lol ok
[08:03] <ForgeAus> thanx
[08:04] <ForgeAus> hmm 33meg for that, no thanx
[08:04] <petar> my friends send me a message but I can't read
[08:04] <ForgeAus> happier with kde :)
[08:05] <petar> i read just the nicname of my firend
[08:05] <ForgeAus> petar I wish I could help but I don't know enough about kopete
[08:05] <dwidmann> ForgeAus: yakuake looks like its using 3mb for me o.O
[08:05] <petar> ok
[08:06] <ForgeAus> what it says 127kb archive here ?
[08:07] <ForgeAus> (also rudely installed without checking if I really wanted it :)
[08:07] <ForgeAus> of course I can always apt-get remove
[08:07] <ForgeAus> I like konsole anyway...
[08:08] <ForgeAus> I was just curious about some of the fetures of gnome-terminal becuase I have a friend who is a gnome-a-holic...
[08:08] <ForgeAus> does the default gnome-terminal have tabs?
[08:08] <dwidmann> ForgeAus: yakuake ftw
[08:09] <khad> ForgeAus, yes
[08:09] <dwidmann> It's a quake style terminal (press a hotkey and it slides down), and it uses konsole-kpart to do all the work :)
[08:10] * khad is installing KDE. I can't wait to see what it's like now. It's been yeeeaaarrs since I've loaded it up.
[08:11] <dwidmann> khad: don't forget to give KDE4 a run too, 'tis the future
[08:11] <ForgeAus> hmmm are you sure is is the right word? maybe will be
[08:11] <ForgeAus> is going to be?
[08:12] <ForgeAus> hmmm I always liked the slogan "The Future is Now" :)
[08:12] <khad> kde4? that's different from kde?
[08:12] <ForgeAus> but its technically incorrect
[08:13] <dwidmann> khad: newer version that won't be pushed in by default for some time because as of yet its a bit buggy, unoptimized, and incomplete
[08:13] <ForgeAus> khad kde3.5.x is the general KDE release, KDE4 is the new one that I agree with dwidmans suggestion to try
[08:13] <ForgeAus> dwidmann buggy?
[08:13] <ForgeAus> ouch!
[08:13] <ForgeAus> hopefully by Ibex's release most of that will be ironed out :)
[08:14] <dwidmann> ForgeAus: I consider crashes and hangs to be signs of bugs, yes.
[08:14] <ForgeAus> I think Ibex is the next Kubuntu I'll b downloading
[08:14] <khad> ahhh i see. will they run beside each other or is it an upgrade?
[08:14] <ForgeAus> swidman crashes and hangs? ouch!
[08:14] <ForgeAus> they can run beside eachother
[08:15] <dwidmann> khad: standard kubuntu desktop with kde3 = kubuntu-desktop, standard kubuntu desktop with kde4 = kubuntu-kde4-desktop
[08:15] <ForgeAus> (or in a nested x-desktop by either X-nesting with Xephyr or possibly dwidmanns suggestion earlier using different vt's
[08:15] <Boohbah> khad: no don't try kde4 it's not done yet
[08:15] <dwidmann> Boohbah: that's no reason not to try it though
[08:16] <khad> I have ubuntu installed on a side computer to mess with, I don't mind running betas
[08:16] <dwidmann> ForgeAus: can also just log out and choose kde4 instead of kde3 when logging in
[08:16] <dwidmann> khad: it can also be considered feature incomplete
[08:17] <ForgeAus> hehe I use a virtual machine for a kubuntu too my "messabout" one
[08:17] <dwidmann> A lot of apps haven't been ported to kde4 yet either
[08:17] <ForgeAus> except my normal Kubuntu these days happens to be AndLinux
[08:17] <khad> ahhh
[08:17] <ForgeAus> (essentially Kubuntu within Windows)
[08:27] <khad> alrighty, KDE is finished installing. gonna load it up now. nice to see the ubuntu community is still great these days :)
[08:27] <mike_> salut e cineva din ro?
[08:34] <mike_> salut e cineva din ro?
[08:44] <booch> hello
[08:45] <booch> hello enybody home?
[08:46] <booch> heey
[08:47] <booch> hey
[08:48] <emilsedgh> hi!
[08:48] <emilsedgh> !patience
[08:48] <ubotu> The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[08:48] <emilsedgh> !night
[08:48] <ubotu> It's the middle of the night in the US and Europe, and surrounds. This means that a lot of people are likely asleep, therefore there are less potential people who can answer your question. Please be patient, and consider asking at a time when more people will be awake. This is particularly true in the quieter channels.
[08:48] <emilsedgh> booch: now if you need help, just ask your question
[08:48] <booch> yes
[08:48] <booch> i need help
[08:49] <booch> i'm downloding cd from off web page, CD with Kubuntu 8.04 KDE 4.0
[08:50] <booch> and installed on my desktop PC
[08:51] <booch> but i do not see where i can configure my network
[08:51] <emilsedgh> go on
[08:51] <emilsedgh> hm, you could go to System Settings->Network or try knetworkmanager for wireless i think
[08:52] <booch> yes i tried
[08:52] <booch> but...
[08:53] <emilsedgh> you could use ifconfig too, sudo ifconfig etch0 sets your ip to (run it in command line)
[08:53] <booch> yes i use this commands
[08:54] <Carutsu> hello, my laptop is trying to burn myself alive, it's ridulosly hot, las thing that I remember I did was to let powertop change the USB autosuspend to 1, i've read that's wrong but nothing is concluding, can this be the cause of so much hot? how do I change it back?
[08:54] <emilsedgh> booch: so what is the problem/error?
[08:54] <booch> this is true copy file text (old my file)
[08:54] <booch> auto lo
[08:54] <booch> iface lo inet loopback
[08:54] <booch> address
[08:54] <booch> netmask
[08:54] <booch> iface eth0 inet static
[08:54] <booch> address
[08:54] <booch> netmask
[08:54] <booch> gateway
[08:54] <booch> auto eth0
[08:54] <booch> à, DNS âïèñûâàòü â /etc/resolv.conf
[08:54] <emilsedgh> !paste | booch
[08:54] <booch> Êîä:
[08:54] <ubotu> booch: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[08:55] <booch> nameserver
[08:55] <Daisuke_Ido> !paste | good god man~
[08:55] <ubotu> good god man~: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[08:55] <booch> but he writes that it does not see my NETWORK ADAPTER
[08:55] <Daisuke_Ido> aww, i got there too late. sorry for adding to the spam :\
[08:55] <booch> my network adapter is Realtek 8139
[08:56] <booch> how is it possible??
[08:56] <Daisuke_Ido> booch, are you using knetworkmanager?
[08:57] <booch> no! i enter all settings by hands
[08:57] <booch> example...
[08:57] <booch> sudo nano /etc/network/intarfaces
[08:57] <booch> sudo network /etc/resolv.conf
[08:58] <booch> sorry for my englsih i writing you from ukraine
[09:01] <booch> please tell me anybody installed Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 4.0 on your Desktop PC ???
[09:03] <booch> :(
[09:04] <TameLion> booch: You have all those settings under lo
[09:04] <TameLion> don't you need them under wlan0 ?
[09:06] <booch> but i think that i need have that settings under my eth0
[09:06] <booch> how in Kubuntu 7.10
[09:06] <TameLion> well sure.. whatever it's been picked up as
[09:07] <TameLion> booch: my realtek adapter is still playing up with knetworkmanager in 8.04, but it might be worth trying
[09:07] <TameLion> anyway, off to work..!
[09:11] <booch> To DrNaebko. do you see me here&
[09:11] <DrNaebko> yep
[09:11] <booch> à òàê =)
[09:11] <booch> íà íàøååì
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[09:14] <booch> u menya bila ustanovlena Kubuntu 7.10
[09:15] <booch> i vse prekrasno rabotalo
[09:15] <booch> #kubuntu-ru it is chat-room?
[09:15] <DrNaebko> yep
[09:20] <booch> to DrNabko: it is true name for chat-room #kubuntu-ru. i do not see that room
[09:20] <booch> but i see other 4616 caht-room
[10:00] <booch> so...please tell me enybody, do you worked with Kubuntu 8.04 KDE 4.0?
[10:02] <booch> where is network in that OS
[10:02] <dino_> ciao a tutti ieri ho modificato la risoluzione del mio portatile(con kubuntu 7.10) oggi l'ho riacceso ed è saltata... non riesco più a modificare la ris. qualcuno riesce a darmi un consiglio
[10:04] <gerenuk> !kde4
[10:04] <ubotu> KDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[10:11] <rico_> hey
[10:11] <KingOfDos|lap> On kubuntu 8.04 i can't access the administrator mode for screen settings.
[10:12] <rico_> I need help installin KDE 4, Kubuntu is havin issues updating :(
[10:12] <gerenuk> !kde4
[10:12] <ubotu> KDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[10:13] <rico_> thanks
[10:13] <rico> yeah same here thx
[10:13] <KingOfDos|lap> when i click the "administrator mode" in the systemsettings application. the first time i get the question for the password. after entering the correct password the systemsettings changes back to usermode
[10:16] <KingOfDos|lap> and when i try to use -> kdesu -u root systemsettings
[10:16] <KingOfDos|lap> then the systemsettings wont start
[10:17] <KingOfDos|lap> so is there any way to change the display behavior from GUI?
[10:18] <KingOfDos|lap> ok. i can enable the dualscreen support with editing the X11/Xorg configuration file. that's not the problem ;)
[10:19] <KingOfDos|lap> but i just was thinking as a "user", not as a "system manager/operator". for testing how 804 works :)
[10:19] <jussio1> KingOfDos|lap: #ubuntu+1 for hardy stuff or #kubuntu-kde4 for kde4
[10:23] <rico_> whats the kde 4 channel, restart = lost it
[10:24] <Jucato> #kubuntu-kde4
[10:26] <amerigo> !monitor
[10:26] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about monitor - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[10:28] <krabador> someone use ktorrent?
[10:29] <a_c_m> krabador: i do... for now - dont like it much
[10:30] <krabador> now is the only i can use...
[10:30] <krabador> i've a problem
[10:31] <krabador> the client don't want seed torrent i've downloaded in my disk
[10:32] <krabador> it want download again in folder where i've the complete download
[10:32] <krabador> do you know how can i set the client for seedeing?
[10:33] <sonoftheclayr> krabador: it should seed automatically when the download has finished. Did you download it using ktorrent?
[10:36] <krabador> sonoftheclayr: the problem is this : i've torrents downloaded with other clients, i would seed with ktorrent, but when i open torrents with ktorrent in their folder, it wants download again
[10:38] <le_tresorier> hi, i wanted to share a disapointing experience with kubuntu install during an install party.
[10:38] <le_tresorier> i did so many install... this is the first time it turned so bad.
[10:39] <le_tresorier> i installed a kunbuntu on an usb external drive, all went smoothly and i was surprised to have no prompt for confirmation of grub install
[10:39] <Hamra> what happened?
[10:40] <le_tresorier> at reboot : grub was installed on MBR of internal hard drive and referenced following stages on external drive.
[10:40] <le_tresorier> then : internal drive didn't boot anymore, neither external one
[10:41] <Signil> hey any1 heard about ubuntus decision to rename top level directories..is that a joke?
[10:41] <le_tresorier> since goal was to install everything on external without affecting internal one ( this was the deal to promote linux on a windowsian machine ... ) result : could boot windows neither kubuntu...
[10:42] <sonoftheclayr> krabador: did you set the download folder in ktorrent to the one where the torrents have already downloaded?
[10:42] <le_tresorier> i tried to find a backup of the internal MBR but i didn't find any
[10:43] <le_tresorier> it could be very interesting at install to save a backup of the mbr before overwritting it.
[10:43] <le_tresorier> i usualy do it, but this time i was overconfident
[10:44] <Hamra> you need to boot windows cd, go to recovery console and do fixmbr
[10:45] <le_tresorier> well the major problem is : recovery tool install a brand new windows ( no data keep ), and user never had any windows install cd . i don't have any windows stuff.
[10:45] <Creationist> Could someone help me figure out why Firefox will always just stop working after a while? It doesn't crash, but just sits on "Loading..." indefinitely. This happens every single time I use Firefox after about a half hour or so of browsing. It works fine again when I restart it...
[10:45] <le_tresorier> we used a little backup tool, but i am still waiting to know wether t worked.
[10:46] <Hamra> creationist: how much RAM do you have? firefox is known to eat up memory by time
[10:46] <le_tresorier> this is anyway a bad idea to install anything that split between a fixed drive and a removable one.
[10:47] <Creationist> Hamra: I have 1gb DDR
[10:47] <Creationist> Hamra: This is a relatively new problem, though.
[10:47] <le_tresorier> either kubuntu install should prompt user to ask where to install or it should have a good heursitic to not split between a fixed and a removable drive.
[10:48] <Hamra> 1 gb is good enough, you can still visit this page, it might help http://www.ubuntugeek.com/speed-up-firefox-web-browser.html
[10:48] <le_tresorier> and it should save a backup of MBR since it is really tiny ( 446 bytes ) and saves lifes of poor installer users
[10:50] <le_tresorier> then just for everybody : don't install kubuntu on an external drive if you don't already have a linux on the internal one.
[10:56] <rico_> im gettin an error with the kubuntu-desktop and update manager when i try to update :S
[10:56] <Hamra> is it just me or it's with everyone that konqueror crashes on acid3 test?
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[11:03] <KingOfDos|lap> ok. i've got the dualscreen working. this created with the GUI instead of editing the xorg.conf
[11:03] <KingOfDos|lap> to hack around the bug that the "administrator mode" isn't working. i executed -> kdesu -u root /usr/bin/kcmshell Peripherals/displayconfig
[11:04] <KingOfDos|lap> now i've got running kubuntu 8.04 at dualscreen, so i'm happy :)
[11:04] <rico_> cool :)
[11:04] <rico> good job dude
[11:04] <rico_> got an idea why the update manager might have issues updateing? for 7.10
[11:04] <rico_> ?
[11:05] <rico> i had that problem once, the disk use of /swap /root was full...check your hard drive
[11:07] <rico_> how do i check my swap?
[11:07] <rico_> my hdd is like empty
[11:07] <rico_> i got XP on first partition and Kubuntu on 2nd
[11:08] <KingOfDos|lap> on 7.10 i've got some update issues to. apt says that the distribution file (or something) is malformed
[11:08] <rico_> ah k
[11:08] <rico> sry dont really know how to check /swap partition. I just ended up reistalling the 7.10 version
[11:09] <rico_> ah bugga
[11:09] <rico_> yer i think a previous update might have corrupted a file
[11:09] <Jucato> rico_: does update manager give you error messages?
[11:09] <rico_> yes
[11:09] <rico_> it has 2
[11:10] <rico_> 1 min, tryin update now so i can see it
[11:10] <rico_> says that lib somethin is no longer supported
[11:11] <rico_> it says: "Cannot install 'Kubuntu-desktop'"
[11:11] <rico_> and the 2nd 1 says: "Cannot calculate the upgrade"
[11:12] <rico_> stupid computers :P lol
[11:13] <Jucato> rico_: you're just doing a regular update? you're not trying to upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04?
[11:13] <rico_> just the update in update manager
[11:13] <rico_> it says trying to update to 7.10, but I have 7.10 :S
[11:15] <Jucato> you can try doing it in Konsole: "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
[11:16] <rico_> if i try to do a 'full update' when i hit the button nothing happens, only if i hit the other update that it will try
[11:16] <rico_> and then it dies
[11:16] <rico_> k
[11:17] <rico_> in konsole i got this:
[11:17] <rico_> "Kubuntu-desktop"
[11:18] <rico_> sorry, copy didnt work
[11:18] <rico_> The following packages have been kept back:
[11:18] <rico_> kdebase-kio-plugins
[11:18] <rico_> 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.
[11:18] <rico_> dats what it said
[11:19] <Hamra> almost how much gets downloaded when upgrading to hardy beta? coz i have a limited bandwidth
[11:21] * zarlino is upgrading to hardy
[11:21] * zarlino crosses fingers
[11:22] <rico_> is hardy unstable?
[11:22] <Jucato> Hamra: almost as much as 1 CD I presume, plus if you have installed other packages.
[11:22] <Jucato> #ubuntu+1 for Hardy questions please
[11:22] <rico_> rgr
[11:22] <rico_> atm i cant even get 7.10 to run without issues lol
[11:22] <rico_> prob somethin i did :( lol
[11:25] <The_Hunt> .
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[11:33] <Hamra> i was downloading with adept and it crashed, now it's always saying that database is locked, what can i do?
[11:40] <Jucato> !adeptfix | Hamra
[11:40] <ubotu> Hamra: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[11:42] <rico_> my screen is buggered, its like the windows dont register the edge of the screen and go over the size of my monitors screen lol :S
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[12:01] <paule118> Konversation ß? terminated
[12:01] <hype> Hi all i cant get sound from my intel macmini, using kubuntu 8.04...
[12:01] <Jucato> hype: #ubuntu+1 for Hardy questions. thanks
[12:02] <hype> ohh, sorry didn't know...
[12:02] <paule118> Konversation ß? terminated be a channel operator
[12:02] <Jucato> paule118: huh?
[12:03] <paule118> HI
[12:03] <khaije1> how's the beta looking?
[12:04] <Jucato> khaije1: #ubuntu+1 for Hardy questions. thanks
[12:04] * khaije1 bows and backs away from query
[12:04] <paule118> be a channel operator
[12:05] <Jucato> !de | paule118
[12:05] <ubotu> paule118: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[12:05] <paule118> thanks
[12:05] <paule118> banned from that channel
[12:07] <denis_> !de
[12:07] <ubotu> Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[12:13] <Bauldrick> hello together, what command can i use to make all folders within a folder writeable
[12:25] <kgx> for some reason, my fish:// so slow when accessing cygwin. ts fast if im accessing a linux machine, and ssh into cygwin is fast. its just fish:// is slow. anyone else experienced this?
[12:25] <kgx> !fish
[12:25] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about fish - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[12:30] <Haskear> hi all, anyone know whats the channel for 8.10 discussion?
[12:31] <Haskear> nm
[12:34] <gerenuk> #ubuntu+1 I think
[12:35] <gerenuk> !ubuntu
[12:35] <ubotu> Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com
[12:35] <Haskear> ty
[12:37] <xeross> hey
[12:38] <xeross> the sound of my computer plays through the speaker implemented in the pc
[12:38] <Haskear> how do I change the logon screen?
[12:39] <xeross> i have a compaq dc5100mt with intel intergrated audio
[12:43] <xeross> my sound doesnt play i have intel intergrated audio can anyone give me a link to some drivers or something /
[12:43] <SlimeyPete> is it HDA sound?
[12:43] <SlimeyPete> !intelhda
[12:43] <ubotu> For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto
[12:45] <xeross> thx
[12:45] <xeross> also my shift button doesnt seem to work
[12:45] <xeross> logitech
[12:46] <xeross> ex110
[12:46] <Dr_willis> it may be easier to wait for the next release. (or test out the live cd of the beta) to see if your card works in it.
[12:48] <denis_> !de
[12:48] <ubotu> Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[12:48] <xeross> im upgrading kubuntu to 8,04 now
[12:48] <xeross> also amarok just went haywire and keeps skipping to the next song
[12:51] <xeross> i hate this computer
[12:51] <xeross> i want my own one back
[12:54] <xeross> this upgrade takes long :(
[12:59] <wbonfim> hi!!
[12:59] <xeross> ill first try everything in a vmware or something
[13:00] <Kano> Riddell: whats the url of the original unicorn image?
[13:01] <Riddell> I've no idea
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[13:03] <Kano> still openoffice 2.3?
[13:04] <denis_> !de
[13:04] <ubotu> Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[13:04] <ocs> hi. which is the best way to send an email through command line, on (k)ubuntu ?
[13:07] <Kano> Riddell: how about sourcing . /etc/bash_completion by default
[13:08] <Kano> Riddell: just change /etc/bash.bashrc and remove the # for the 3 lines around it
[13:10] <jermain> hi everyone
[13:10] <Kano> Riddell: best in bash package...
[13:10] <Dr_willis> or the users .bashrc or was it .bash_profile
[13:10] <Dr_willis> if You dont want it as default for everyone
[13:12] <nyko> hi
[13:12] <Dr_willis> !hi
[13:12] <ubotu> Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[13:12] <Kano> well it is really helpfull that autocomplete
[13:12] <nyko> i have a question can i play on a vm ware or pcvirtual to play game ? via linux
[13:13] <Kano> especially for apt-get install you have tabcomplete too, i really like that
[13:13] <Dr_willis> nyko, depends on the game. Its not going to do 3d games very well at all.
[13:13] <nyko> Dr_willis: because cedega its not to well
[13:13] <nyko> and i pay for it
[13:14] <Dr_willis> nyko, Theres always the latest wine, or that new crossover-games thing.
[13:14] <Dr_willis> vmware is not going to do much for any sort of mondern 3d game.
[13:14] <nyko> Dr_willis: ok wine is better dan cedega ?
[13:15] <Kano> hmm it seems to be enabled,but not after sudo -i
[13:15] <Kano> per user it is not that idal
[13:15] <Kano> i dont like to write sudo in front of every command ;)
[13:16] <nyko> Dr_willis: ok because im a gamer a big gamer i love linux entertainement with 3d space and no virus i like the way linux kde going and i not want to return in windows
[13:16] <Dr_willis> cedega is wine.
[13:16] <Dr_willis> just with different support from the cedega company
[13:17] <nyko> Dr_willis: i not anderstan wine at all lol
[13:17] <Kano> nyko: nexuiz is very cool
[13:17] <Dr_willis> nyko, you instgall wine, then you run wine whatever.exe
[13:17] <Dr_willis> :)
[13:18] <nyko> Dr_willis: lol yes but when i want to open a installed prog its not working at all lol
[13:18] <nyko> Kano: nexuiz ?
[13:18] <Dr_willis> try it from a the terminal nyko and see what error messages show up
[13:19] <Kano> nyko: yes install it
[13:19] <cpk1> anyone using hardy beta and able to comment on the stableness?
[13:19] <nyko> lol its unreal tournament
=== ubuntu is now known as Kano_test
[13:20] <nyko> Dr_willis: allright thansk and i think he have #wine if i wrong ?
[13:20] <JuJuBee> Lately every time I boot up, my speakers are muted and the PCM level is way down in the mixer. How can I change these defaults?
[13:20] <Dr_willis> !wine
[13:20] <ubotu> WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.
[13:20] <nyko> ok good thanks
[13:21] <Kano> Riddell: the url in the kubuntu-wallpaper.jpg.desktop file points to http://djmattricks.deviantart.com/art/Aquapattern-46516380
[13:21] <Kano> Riddell: and thats not the image used
[13:31] <nyko> why my é is a square in linux
[13:32] <le_tresorier> nyko: !fr
[13:33] <le_tresorier> !fr
[13:33] <ubotu> Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.
[13:33] <le_tresorier> ?
[13:33] <nyko> le_tresorier: ok merci
[13:33] <nyko> lol
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[13:46] <BluesKaj> howdy folks
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[13:54] <kkathman> I just did a wget on a file and I have NO idea where it put the file (lol) - I thought it put it on the desktop but its not there :(
[13:54] <Malique> Hey guys, I'm back *sigh*
[13:54] <Kano> until you do cd Desktop it will be in your home (by default)
[13:56] <Dr_willis> kkathman, whever dir you were in when ya did the wget command - most likely
[13:57] <Malique> I got the 32bit Kubuntu Hardy beta installed now. I've got ndiswrapper running with the drivers for my RaLink RT2790 installed. Now my card is detected and I can see wireless access points, but it won't connect, it seems to hang on "obtaining IP address" (in wicd). Any idea where to go now?
[13:57] <Jucato> kkathman: wget downloads where you ran the command I think
=== janmalte__ is now known as JanMalte
[14:00] <Malique> Oh, not to mention it now takes ages to boot, with errors something about usb device descriptor read errors under "Loading manual drivers"
[14:01] <jussio1> Malique: Hardy stuff in #ubuntu+1 :)
[14:16] <romme> hwo do i remove kde4? if i try to remove kdelibs5, it takes everything from kde4 with it
[14:17] <Jucato> (isn't that what you're trying to do?)
[14:17] <romme> oops
[14:17] <Jucato> romme: #kubuntu-kde4 for KDE questions
[14:17] <romme> s/from kde4/from kde3/
[14:17] <Jucato> er KDE4 questions
[14:23] <nyko> someone can help me with my mouse plz after a while using linux she not working she just turn off the light stay open anything stay open but i have to take my wireless ps2 to continue usiing linux
[14:24] <Itaku> what does this error mean when i try to go to a cd. mount: block device /dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful ingo is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so
[14:24] <xeross> hey
[14:25] <xeross> how do kth files work if i open them the system starts a theme installer that closes after a while but when i look in my themes list it doesnt show, do i need to restart x ?
[14:27] <Kano> Itaku: whats your fstab entry for the cdrom?
[14:28] <nyko> no one can help me ?
[14:28] <xeross> how do kth files work if i open them the system starts a theme installer that closes after a while but when i look in my themes list it doesnt show, do i need to restart x ?
[14:28] <Itaku> Kano: where do i find that?
[14:28] <Kano> grep cdrom /etc/fstab
[14:29] <Itaku> /dev/hda /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0 0
[14:30] <Kano> Itaku: replace udf,iso9660 with auto
=== Elvis is now known as Herkules
[14:30] <Itaku> how?
[14:30] <Herkules> hm=
[14:30] <Kano> Itaku: sudo sed -i 's|udf,iso9660|auto|' /etc/fstab
[14:30] <Jucato> !changethemes | xeross
[14:30] <ubotu> xeross: To change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy. Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubotu xfce-themes
[14:30] <Jucato> look at the 2nd link, there are some notes there
[14:30] <Itaku> still same error
[14:30] <genii> Kano: Note the difference between fstab hda and error message he gets referring to /dev/scd0
[14:31] <Itaku> im typing in mount -t udf /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0
[14:31] <Itaku> and then get
[14:31] <Itaku> mount: block device /dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only
[14:31] <Itaku> mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd0,
[14:31] <Itaku> missing codepage or helper program, or other error
[14:31] <Itaku> In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
[14:31] <Itaku> dmesg | tail or so
[14:31] <Itaku> whoopsie
[14:31] <xeross> thanks
[14:31] <Itaku> thought that woulda came out 1 line
[14:31] <Kano> writeprotect is normal
[14:31] <jussio1> !paste | Itaku
[14:31] <ubotu> Itaku: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[14:31] <Itaku> i know .-.
[14:31] <Kano> try without -t
[14:32] <Itaku> gives me usages
[14:33] <Kano> Itaku: when it was burnt with v then i guess the udf support in the kernel is too old
[14:33] <Itaku> i burned it on vista
[14:33] <Kano> yes thats the problem, dont know where a working kernel patch would be to fix this
[14:34] <Itaku> .-.
[14:34] <Itaku> would the cd work on other linux distros cuz i got an old comp in the basement i could use
[14:34] <Kano> hmm really
[14:38] <xeross> how long does it take to reinstall dpkg
[14:40] <Hub441> hi!
[14:40] <Itaku> ok i found a program that can mount udf's supposivly
[14:40] <Itaku> and this is what i get
[14:40] <Itaku> root@itaku-desktop:/dev/pktcdvd# mount /dev/pktcdvd/pktcdvd0
[14:40] <Itaku> mount: can't find /dev/pktcdvd/pktcdvd0 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab
[14:41] <Hub441> i'm trying to change the mac of my Netgear WG511T (atheros) but after changing it for wifi0 (or/and ath0) i can't connect any more to my WPA2 encrypted network. goal: get the same IP for wlan and lan
[14:42] <Hub441> tried ifconfig ath0 hw ether xx:xx:... and macchanger so far
[14:42] <Hub441> or do i have to stop any services before that?
[14:42] <makdaknife> Itaku: you will need to specify where you want to mount /dev/pktcdvd/pktcdvd0 and probably the filesystem type
[14:42] <Itaku> how?
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[14:43] <makdaknife> itaku: mount -t udf /dev/pktcdvd/pktcdvd0 /mnt/disk
[14:44] <Itaku> mount: mount point /mnt/disk does not exist
[14:44] <Itaku> -
[14:44] <makdaknife> itaku... you will need to specify a mount point that actually exists... make a directory and mount onto it...
[14:45] <Itaku> i get the same error from last time
[14:45] <makdaknife> Itaku: e.g. mkdir ~/mnt; mount -t udf /dev/pktcdvd/pktcdvd0 ~/mnt
[14:46] <makdaknife> are you sure you have a device: /dev/pktcdvd/pktcdvd0 ?
[14:46] <Itaku> yes
[14:47] <makdaknife> Itaku: what is the error you get when you try to mount?
[14:48] <Itaku> sec
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[14:58] <xeross> i looked at the theme information page but what do i have to do to have them show in the theme dropdown after i opened the .kth and its finished
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[15:02] <JasonWard> Hello. I am using KDE4 and I accidentally removed my taskbar, how do I get it back?
[15:03] <neville_> That panel at the bottom of the screen?
[15:03] <JasonWard> ya
[15:03] <neville_> It's called Kicker, try the command kicker
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[15:04] <JasonWard> thanks :)
[15:04] <neville_> No worries
[15:04] <neville_> =]
[15:04] <nyko> i going to pay someone can repair my issus
[15:04] <nyko> issues
[15:05] <nyko> my usb mouse and keyboard just going off or in sleep mode after a while using linux
[15:05] <nyko> someone know how i can repair that ?
[15:05] <JasonWard> unfortuanately it opened kicker for KDE3.5 and not the KDE4 one :(
[15:06] <makdaknife> JasonWard: if you're using KDE4, kicker isn't what you're after... you probably want to restart plasma
[15:06] <neville_> KDE4
[15:06] <neville_> How is it?
[15:07] <makdaknife> neville_: very experimental
[15:07] <nyko> neville_: is like beta right now lol
[15:07] <makdaknife> JasonWard: if restarting plasma doesn't help, you may need to logout and nuke ~/.kde4 and then login again
[15:08] <nyko> !kde
[15:08] <ubotu> KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.
[15:08] <neville_> so, worth waiting for the next major release of it under the pretense of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" ? :P
[15:08] <nyko> !kde4
[15:08] <ubotu> KDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[15:08] <makdaknife> JasonWard: apparently this bug was fixed recently
[15:08] <JasonWard> very nice. It looks simialr to vista in a way. it is faster than KDE3 and has some good features which I saw in XFcs.
[15:08] <JasonWard> makdaknife: I downloaded it last night
[15:09] <makdaknife> neville_: you can play around with it without messing up any of your KDE3 stuff as it stores its settings in ~/.kde4 as opposed to ~/.kde3
[15:09] <makdaknife> JasonWard: are you running 4.0.2?
[15:09] <JasonWard> yes
[15:10] <neville_> Ahh
[15:10] <neville_> How many megabytes is it to download though?
[15:10] <neville_> I'm on a quota -_-v
[15:10] <JasonWard> 100
[15:10] <JasonWard> makdaknife: I typed. sudo apt-get install kde4-core
[15:10] <JasonWard> so I hope its 4,02
[15:14] <genii> Darn was getting ready to try and help nyko then he leaves
[15:14] <BluesKaj> JasonWard, no it's not 4.02 , it's 4.00
[15:14] <BluesKaj> if you are using a repos
[15:14] <JasonWard> dang
[15:14] <JasonWard> will it be an expensive upgrade?
[15:14] <BluesKaj> 4.02 has to be DL'd fron source
[15:15] <JasonWard> so I have to compile from source?
[15:15] <BluesKaj> nope it's free
[15:15] <JasonWard> by expensive I meant in Megabytes :)
[15:15] <BluesKaj> check with #kubuntu-kde4
[15:16] <makdaknife> JasonWard: add this to your sources: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu gutsy main
[15:16] <genii> nyko: You may want to try the kernel option of usb-handoff for the mouse and keyboard issue
[15:16] <makdaknife> then do an aptitude update
[15:16] <makdaknife> aptitude upgrade
[15:17] <nyko> genii: ummm kernel i tap usb-handoff ?
[15:18] <BluesKaj> ok sorry JasonWard, I didn't realize 4.0 was out and in the repos
[15:18] <BluesKaj> 4.02
[15:18] <neville_> Kubuntu DVD is both the alternate and Live in one, correct?
[15:18] <kblin> hi
[15:19] <genii> nyko: sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.old then alt-f2 kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst and look for the kernel it normally loads. Add after the quiet splash usb-handoff then save.
[15:19] <kblin> since the DTS last weekend my kubuntu 7.10 box keeps usng the wrong time when coming out of a suspend. I don
[15:19] <kblin> 't have a ntp drift file, any ideas what could be the cause for that?
[15:20] <JasonWard> how do I view what version of KDE4 I have
[15:20] <JasonWard> I downloaded it last night so surely I must have 4.02
[15:21] <makdaknife> JasonWard: just open an application (e.g. konqueror) and click on Help->About
[15:22] <JasonWard> ok I have 4.00
[15:24] <neville_> Kubuntu DVD is live and alternate in one, right? Can you also use it to upgrade install of full reinstall?
[15:24] <makdaknife> JasonWard: just add that source to your apt sources and you will be able to upgrade to the latest version
[15:25] <makdaknife> JasonWard: that source is linked off the kubuntu site http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php
[15:26] <JasonWard> I did put that there. thats how I got it. someone tpye !KDE4 JasonWard
[15:27] <JasonWard> !KDE4 JasonWard
[15:27] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about kde4 jasonward - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[15:27] <JasonWard> something like that
[15:30] <JasonWard> I did all that already last night when I downloaded it
[15:30] <zorglu_> q. i got a photo on my computer and would like to rotate it and resize it, is there a tool able to do that without asking me more than 30min ?
[15:30] <nyko> genii:quiest splash ok i whrite after ou down it
[15:30] <nyko> genii: and he have more than one qiet slash
[15:33] <genii> nyko: The line you look for is 2 lines below one like: title Ubuntu 7.10, kernel 2.6.22-14-generic
[15:34] <Michiny> hi. i use wine to run mirc 6.31. its very buggy. gui shuts down on fast clicks. not good graphics. but i met someone whos uses it and its fine for him. what can be wrong? http://pastebin.com/d3b557105
[15:35] <nyko> genii: ok just after i do space and handoff right ?
[15:35] <JasonWard> hey I added what this site told me to to my sources.list http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php and It downloaded kde4.00
[15:35] <genii> nyko: a space then: usb-handoff <-- exactly like so
[15:35] <nyko> usb-handoff *
[15:35] <nyko> ok
[15:36] <nyko> genii: i reboot ?
[15:37] <genii> nyko: That change will take effect next reboot, yes.
[15:37] <nyko> ok
[15:37] <nyko> what that those ?
[15:39] <makdaknife> JasonWard: :-( I had no problem
[15:39] <JasonWard> check your version with konquerer
[15:41] <makdaknife> JasonWard: I'm currently running in KDE3, but if I run my KDE4 konqueror, version is definitely 4.0.2
[15:41] <JasonWard> strange
[15:41] <JasonWard> what did you type? sudo apt-get install kde4-core
[15:41] * genii ponders the question "what that those?"
[15:42] <makdaknife> JasonWard: probably... its been about three weeks since I installed it
[15:42] <makdaknife> I started on 4.00
[15:43] <makdaknife> I had the same problem with the disappearing taskbar... and kept nuking my .kde4 folder
[15:43] <makdaknife> then when I upgraded to 4.0.2 all functioned properly again
[15:44] <JasonWard> did you remove it yourself or did it just dissapear?
[15:44] <makdaknife> JasonWard: it would just disappear
[15:45] <JasonWard> oh. lol. I didn't do sudo apt-get update after I had added the link in the sources.list
[15:45] <JasonWard> let me restart to make it effective
[15:49] <Michiny> i use wine to run mirc 6.31. its very buggy. gui shuts down on fast clicks. not good graphics. but i met someone whos uses it and its fine for him. what can be wrong? http://pastebin.com/d3b557105
[15:52] <makdaknife> JasonWard: how are you doing with your kde upgrade?
[15:53] <xeross> i installed beryl but as soon as i start it my title bars dissapear
[15:53] <JasonWard> well I did. install kde4-core again and it just picked up a few files 2KB and now its still saying its version 4.00
[15:54] <JasonWard> if I type upgrade. it wants to get 123MB off the net
[15:54] <makdaknife> I'm having an issue with postfix, if anyone can help me? Basically, when I send mail to my postfix server e.g. To: user@domain.com, postfix exands this to To: user@host.domain.com... is there any way to tell postfix not to do the expansion?
[15:55] <makdaknife> JasonWard: yeah... update (just updates the package list and version info etc); upgrade will actually upgrade installed packages to the versions that apt knows about from the package list
[15:56] <makdaknife> JasonWard: if you want to upgrade to kde4.0.2 you need to do the download
[15:57] <JasonWard> but what about the 100MB I downloaded last night? does it have to redownload the entire file for every file?
[15:57] <rodolfo> #kubuntu-ar
[15:57] <makdaknife> JasonWard: pretty much :-(
[15:58] <rodolfo> #ubuntu-ar
[15:59] <xeross> i installed beryl but as soon as i start it my title bars dissapear
[15:59] <Michiny> i use wine to run mirc 6.31. its very buggy. gui shuts down on fast clicks. not good graphics. but i met someone whos uses it and its fine for him. what can be wrong? http://pastebin.com/d3b557105
[15:59] <dragon_> salut
[15:59] <hydrogen> Michiny: I think the fact that you want to run mirc in wine is what is wrong
[15:59] <makdaknife> JasonWard: 4.0.3 was released today, so if you have bandwidth limits, you might want to wait for a week or two for the update to be packaged for ubuntu
[15:59] <dragon_> use "konversation"
[16:00] <Michiny> hydrogen why. many run it. finely
[16:00] <hydrogen> Michiny: I've yet to meet one
[16:00] <dragon_> i'm alredy use it, it's goog ans fast
[16:00] <makdaknife> Michiny: why? why? why?
[16:00] <JasonWard> makdaknife: thanks a lot. I will wait. so how do I 'nuke' something?
[16:00] <hydrogen> I've yet to meet a sane person who uses it on *windows*, let alone via wine on linux
[16:00] <Michiny> hydrogen meet pep1 in winehq
[16:01] <runlevelten> Michiny: irssi, konversation, kvrc, xchat - all native, all snappier, and I don't think mirc has anything useful one of those doesn't :)
[16:01] <makdaknife> JasonWard: rm ~/.kde4
[16:01] <Michiny> runlevelten l like it. scripting for eg
[16:01] <makdaknife> JasonWard: you might want to logout of kde4 before you do this
[16:02] <rodolfo> #ubuntu-es
[16:02] <JasonWard> tnx
[16:02] <JasonWard> brb
[16:02] <runlevelten> Michiny: each to their own, of course, but I'd strongly recommend irssi, myself.
[16:02] <hydrogen> however
[16:02] <makdaknife> JasonWard: maybe login to kde3 to rm the folder... or Alt-F1; login and rm
[16:02] <hydrogen> I have a feeling that not many people here actualyl do that
[16:02] <JasonWard> makdaknife: is that my root or my homedir
[16:02] <hydrogen> and as such, are not going to be able to help you do it
[16:03] <makdaknife> JasonWard: that's in your homedir
[16:03] <JasonWard> ok tnx
[16:03] <makdaknife> ~ is a shortcut to /home/jasonward
[16:03] <makdaknife> :-(
[16:04] <Michiny> where can i get the windows font packages?
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[16:05] <genii> Michiny: msttcorefonts - Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts
[16:10] <xeross> how do i install beryl properlu
[16:10] <xeross> properly*
[16:11] <jessica_> ubuntu dosnt use beryl now
[16:11] <xeross> i want to install it
[16:11] <jessica_> !beryl
[16:11] <ubotu> Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion. New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz
[16:11] <xeross> isnt that possible
[16:11] <xeross> !compiz
[16:11] <ubotu> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
[16:11] <xeross> do beryl themes work with compiz ?
[16:11] <jessica_> i have not tryed that sorry i wouldnt know
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[16:12] <Michiny> anyone useing mirc with wine???
[16:13] <jessica_> no i use xchat
[16:14] <jessica_> i see no need for mirc because linux come's with very good native irc software
[16:14] <makdaknife> http://www.last.fm/user/muesli :-)
[16:19] <Michiny> how can i get an older version of wine?
[16:20] <jpatrick> Michiny: is Konversation not good enough?
[16:20] <Michiny> jpatrick no
[16:21] <jessica_> what is wrong with the linux irc software
[16:21] <jessica_> i found them not just as good at mirc but better
[16:22] <LimCore> hello
[16:22] <LimCore> anbyone have Open Office and can spend 20 seconds to verify a bug?
[16:24] <makdaknife> LimCore: wassup?
[16:24] <metbsd> setup a linux bridge, traffic is so damn slow
[16:24] <genii> jessica_: Heh, I don't think he wants to be converted from the familiar
[16:27] <LimCore> what is "fix-release" bug status?
[16:43] <jessica_> dose anyone know how well second life works
[16:44] <makdaknife> jessica_: I tried it out a good few months back and it seemed to work okay
[16:44] <jessica_> ok thanks
[16:51] <lucas__> opa
[17:06] <miki_> hi all
[17:06] <rickest> hello miki_
[17:07] <amerigo_> !wmp
[17:07] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about wmp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[17:07] <billbar> having some trouble install flashplayer 9. TIA for help.
[17:12] <jessica_> can i get second life through apt or do i have to download the tarball from the second life site
[17:13] <jussio1> !flash | billbar
[17:13] <ubotu> billbar: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash
[17:21] <makdaknife> jessica_: I think you have to download the tarball
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[17:45] <nyko> genii: i try what you said to me before
[17:50] <nyko> genii: you there ?
[17:51] <genii> nyko: Did it make a difference when you used usb-handoff ?
[17:51] <genii> nyko: I am here, but at work so not always directly at the computer to answer right away
[17:51] <nyko> genii: yes my mousse and keyboard turn off in the same time now l
[17:51] <nyko> ^^
[17:53] <nyko> si i don't know
[17:53] <nyko> if i not use my mouse usb its work alway but when i use my mouse she goin sleep whit keyboard
[17:54] <tuxi> hi, anyone knows how the "tool/package" is called which shows up if i change the sound volume due scrollwheel on my laptop
[17:54] <tuxi> you know that osd thingy
[17:55] <genii> nyko: Hmm. The problem may then be power settings. Maybe try along with the usb-handoff the option of: noacpi
[17:56] <nyko> change usb per noacpi ?
[17:57] <genii> nyko: quiet splash noacpi usb-handoff
[17:57] <nyko> genii: change usb per noacpi :P
[17:57] <nyko> o ok thanks
[17:59] <nyko> root=UUID=9234a66e-6737-4f34-b67f-19b26b5d8a4e ro quiet splash locale=fr_FR noacpi usb-handoff
[17:59] <nyko> like that ?
[18:00] <genii> nyko: That should work, yes
[18:00] <nyko> ok
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[18:06] <nyko> genii: my keyboard stay open but mouse turn off
[18:06] <jessica_> is there a key short cut to open a new tab on konsole
[18:07] <genii> nyko: Do you know how to use pastebin?
[18:07] <nyko> nop
[18:07] <nyko> im new in linux
[18:07] <genii> !paste | nyko
[18:07] <ubotu> nyko: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[18:07] <nyko> ok you want to paste what?
[18:07] <tuxi> jessica_: alt+strg+n
[18:07] <tuxi> afaik
[18:07] <genii> nyko: The results of command: dmesg
[18:08] <nyko> ok where i find that ?
[18:08] <genii> nyko: Open Konsole, then to type in: dmesg
[18:09] <FrauHansen> how to remove a corrupted file? (input/output error)
[18:09] <nyko> genii: syntax ?
[18:09] <FrauHansen> hi folks. i accidentaly mounted a partition to my home folder. kubuntu started to create files on that partition since the home folder was suddenly empty. i resettet my computer
[18:10] <genii> nyko: test
[18:10] <genii> nyko: plain text
[18:10] <genii> rather :)
[18:10] <nyko> genii: text only ?
[18:10] <FrauHansen> unmounting was not possible (device busy)...deleted all created files but two get this I/O error
[18:11] <genii> nyko: Yes
[18:11] <nyko> genii: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61941/
[18:11] <genii> nyko: OK, reading
[18:11] <nyko> ok thnaks
[18:12] <Dondata> Can someone please help me getting my Wifi-USB-stick to work?
[18:12] <Dondata> It's the first time I've ever tried Linux so I'm absolutely clueless about what to do
[18:13] <tuxi> Dondata: what brand is it
[18:13] <Dondata> The adapter is a Zonet ZEW2502
[18:14] <amerigo_> hello, where I can find a list of notebook that support kubuntu?
[18:14] <jessica_> im wanting to learn bash dose anyone know a good tutorial
[18:14] <nyko> amerigo_: alll after intel chipset
[18:14] <nyko> ^^
[18:14] <trappist> jessica_: google for bash howto
[18:14] <jessica_> ok thanks
[18:14] <amerigo_> really?? Great!!!!
[18:14] <nyko> amerigo_: after pentium 3
[18:15] <Dondata> tuxi: I (think) that I have downloadet some drivers for it, but I dont know what to do with them... Can't find an install.exe ;)
[18:15] <nyko> Dondata: .exe in linux ?
[18:15] <tuxi> what filetype is it
[18:15] <Pici> jessica_: This is my favorite bash guide: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/
[18:15] <amerigo_> !notebook
[18:15] <ubotu> Laptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org
[18:15] <nyko> lol
[18:16] <nyko> yeah to
[18:16] <Dondata> tuxi: Several files... *.8 *.spec the rest have no extensions.
[18:17] <Dondata> tuxi: the zip is called "ndiswrapper-1.52"
[18:17] <tuxi> ah.. k
[18:17] <tuxi> but i havent that much expirience with ndiswrapper, just google or wait if sb else helps you
[18:17] <Dondata> I was told that was what I needed to get my adaptor to work.
[18:18] <tuxi> yeha seems like this
[18:18] <tuxi> ndiswrapper allows you to use the windows driver under linux
[18:19] <Dondata> tuxi: yes, if I can get it to work ;)
[18:19] <Dondata> Anyway, the readme tells me to: "make uninstall" and "make" and several other commands.
[18:19] <nyko> genii: do you find something ?
[18:19] <SlimeyPete> !ndiswrapper
[18:19] <ubotu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[18:19] <mifauna> cual es el canal en español
[18:19] <Dondata> How where do I use these commands?
[18:20] <SlimeyPete> Dondata: best to use the ndiswrapper ubuntu package rather than source, as far as I know (this is a general rule - I don't use ndiswrapper myself)
[18:21] <Dondata> SlimeyPete: so ubuntu has it's own version of ndis, but not installed by default?
[18:21] <SlimeyPete> Dondata: yes. It is available in the package manager (Adept, available from your K menu)
[18:21] <genii> nyko: I had to some research into the NFORCE-MCP51 your computer has. Others are reporting usb issues also. Some report that the kernel option of: irqpoll helps.
[18:22] <Dondata> SlimeyPete: Now I'm getting somewhere :)
[18:22] <nyko> genii: ok so if you find something plz tell
[18:22] <pagan0ne> hey, how do i make grub look in / instead of /boot for the images?
[18:22] <jthomas> I am working on a non-GUI Dapper server, and I want to install a single package (and dependencies) from Medibunti. However, it always wants to pull the ffmpeg from Dapper Security; how can I force it to pull from Medibuntu?
[18:22] <genii> nyko: Perhaps try the: irqpoll
[18:22] <SlimeyPete> Dondata: the package you need is called ndiswrapper-utils I think
[18:23] <Dondata> I'll go now. I'm on a dual boot system for the time being... So I'll be booting a lot :)
[18:23] <SlimeyPete> Dondata: there's an ubuntu tutorial at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper . In Kubuntu, you do the same things but if the tutorial says "use synaptic" you substitute "use adept".
[18:23] <SlimeyPete> k.
[18:23] <nyko> genii: where ?
[18:23] <genii> nyko: eg: quiet splash irqpoll
[18:23] <BluesKaj> comment out dapper security temporarily pagan0ne
[18:23] <nyko> ok
[18:24] <Dondata> SlimeyPete: thanks a lot. I'll give it a try right now.
[18:24] <nyko> genii: irqpoll and i stay thre the other command right ?
[18:24] <BluesKaj> oops jthomas
[18:24] <SlimeyPete> good luck :)
[18:24] <philipp_> gibt es einen Konsolenbefehl der eine http seite anfordert?
[18:24] <genii> nyko: You should remove: noacpi usb-handoff
[18:24] <BluesKaj> !de | philipp_
[18:24] <ubotu> philipp_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[18:24] <nyko> genii: ok np
[18:25] <genii> nyko: Work requires me. If I do not respond quickly, have patience, I have not departed :)
[18:26] <nyko> genii: reboot ?
[18:26] <BluesKaj> let me try again jthomas, in your sources.list ,comment out dapper security temporarily
[18:26] <nyko> genii: ok np
[18:27] <jthomas> BluesKaj: I've tried that (took out everything BUT medibuntu) but it complains that ffmpeg is referred to by another package but isn't available. If i manually browse to the page and wget it, though, it comes down fine (but not the dependencies)
[18:28] <genii> nyko: Yes, to reboot
[18:29] <jessica_> i have a problem with second life when i run it it works fine for about 3 mins then my whole screen gose black and everything stops working
[18:30] <BluesKaj> jthomas, that's odd , ffmpeg is available in other debs ...medibuntu isn't necessary
[18:30] <jthomas> BluesKaj: yes but it doesn't have the compile options we wanted
[18:31] <BluesKaj> ok, what options would they be ?
[18:32] <jthomas> not sure, i was just asked by someone to recompile it but when i mentioned this we were going to do the Medibuntu first to see if it worked for him.
[18:32] <krabador> someone use ktorrent
[18:34] <nyko> genii: no she close right after boot
[18:34] <jthomas> krabador: i use ktorrent
[18:34] <krabador> jthomas: i've a problem
[18:34] <BluesKaj> as do I
[18:34] <genii> nyko: The mouse stops right after boot?
[18:34] <nyko> yes
[18:35] <BluesKaj> jthomas, just a suggestion check sourceforge for the latest ffmpeg release
[18:35] <krabador> i can't open torrent files for seeding
[18:35] <nyko> i try to clik on someting and she stop
[18:35] <genii> nyko: OK. Let me research some more.
[18:35] <nyko> ok thanks
[18:35] <jthomas> krabador: not sure on that one, sorry. Generally I don't seed new stuff, just keep seeding what I've DL'ed
[18:36] <jthomas> BluesKaj: yes I may. Another option we have is copying the libs and bins from a Debian system but I don't know how well that will go.
[18:36] <krabador> jhomas: i cant seed torrent downloaded with other clients?
[18:37] <jthomas> Not sure, krabador. I would think so, if you open the torrent file and point at the correct data, you should be able to do so.
[18:37] <jthomas> but I don't know.
[18:38] <krabador> jthomas: i try , but the client want download the torrent again, it create a folder inside torrent's folder
[18:39] <jthomas> maybe you should select up a level, so it sees that its already there?
[18:44] <krabador> jthomas: it want overwrite...
[18:47] <krabador> jthomas: it works, i was wrong, now it works, selecting up a level
[18:47] <jthomas> krabador: then i'm sorry, I don't know. Maybe ask in #kde ?
[18:47] <krabador> jrhomas, thanx !
[18:48] <jthomas> yep!
[18:53] <genii> nyko: please try: quiet splash pci=routeirq and after booting to this, to put again in the pastebin new result of: dmesg from Konsole
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[18:55] <nyko> genii: ok i try
[18:55] * genii makes more coffee and looks for his Tylenols
[18:55] <nyko> lol
[18:56] <nyko> i going to give you something if you got my issues
[18:57] <genii> nyko: No worries. I work for coffee
[18:57] <nyko> oot=UUID=9234a66e-6737-4f34-b67f-19b26b5d8a4e ro quiet splash locale=fr_FR pci=routeirq
[18:57] <nyko> like that ?
[18:57] <genii> nyko: Yes, like so
[18:57] <nyko> genii: loll thanks
[18:57] <nyko> ok good
[19:01] <syke> hi, are there 4.0.3 packages for kubuntu hardy yet?
[19:02] <nyko> genii: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61946/
[19:02] <Odd-rationale> syke: yes
[19:02] <Odd-rationale> !kde4
[19:02] <ubotu> KDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[19:02] <Odd-rationale> hmm factoid out-dated
[19:03] <syke> indeed
[19:03] <Odd-rationale> syke: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.3.php
[19:03] <genii> nyko: OK, reading
[19:05] <syke> odd-rationale: it doesn't have instructions for hardy
[19:05] <nyko> genii: i go to future shop i need some part for my clien i be back in 30 45 min but i will answer when i comming back thanks
[19:05] <nyko> i stay online
[19:06] <Odd-rationale> syke: it should come as an update.
[19:06] <Odd-rationale> syke: in terminal do "sudo apt-get update"
[19:07] <syke> yes, I know :) it just didn't come down an hour ago
[19:07] <Odd-rationale> syke: then "sudo apt-get upgrade"
[19:07] <JoshOvki> syke: should be sudo apt-get dist-upgrade really
[19:07] <JoshOvki> otherwise some packages might not come down
[19:07] <syke> josh: I know, thanks :)
[19:08] <syke> been using kubuntu since dapper and linux since 1995 or so :)
[19:08] <syke> nope, still not appearing
[19:08] <JoshOvki> syke: lost my phsykick ability, along with my spelling a few weeks ago ;)
[19:08] * Odd-rationale been using linux for 6 months...
[19:08] <JoshOvki> syke: im guessing you did update first?
[19:09] <syke> yup
[19:09] <syke> is it appearing for you guys?
[19:09] <JoshOvki> yeh
[19:09] <JoshOvki> i updated not long ago
[19:09] <syke> oh wait
[19:09] <syke> der
[19:09] <Odd-rationale> syke: maybe your mirror is slow
[19:09] <Odd-rationale> *behind
[19:09] <syke> nevermind, I got it :)
[19:09] <Odd-rationale> ok
[19:09] <JoshOvki> what did you forget?
[19:11] <BluesKaj> hey genii , you should have wished him luck at future shop, the salesguy may have been selling shoes last week ...real experts over there :)
[19:11] <syke> I misread the output scrolling by -- it said it was "replacing" 4.0.2, not installing it
[19:11] <JoshOvki> ah :)
[19:12] <syke> <-- dokus maximus
[19:13] <syke> btw, I'm offering bounties for various kubuntu related tasks: http://wiki.yak.net/894
[19:14] <praktora> i am trying to install the latest ubuntu and i am getting this error
[19:14] <praktora> Loading hardware drivers...error receiving uevent message: No buffer space available
[19:14] <Knightlust> nice..
[19:14] <lokpest> hi, something has gone bad with my ksysgard, it only showing the tab with CPu load and memory usage and not the one with the processes. I got a errormessage the first time (but not when I launch ksysgard now) that It coulnt find some file at som path but
[19:14] <praktora> please give me some help
[19:14] <lokpest> -but
[19:14] <BluesKaj> still not impressed with kde4.03 even , no scrnsaver options that work , no panel options to retrieve lost apps etc , pretty one dimensional in terms of configuring anything .
[19:15] <IppatsuMan> !hardy | praktora
[19:15] <ubotu> praktora: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu
[19:15] <xeross> My resolution was 1280X1024 and i switched it to 1152X864 to see how that would look but now it went to 1024X768 and i cant get it to 1280X1024 anymore
[19:16] <praktora> ubotu so i cant fix it ?
[19:17] <MarcC> anybody know why my screen goes black for a few seconds whenever networking is resumed?
[19:17] <xeross> think its normal happens here too
[19:17] <xeross> think its normal happens here too
[19:17] <xeross> think its normal happens here too
[19:17] <xeross> think its normal happens here too
[19:17] <xeross> My resolution was 1280X1024 and i switched it to 1152X864 to see how that would look but now it went to 1024X768 and i cant get it to 1280X1024 anymore
[19:19] <lokpest> anybody on my ksysguard problem, I think its should be a rather easy one...
[19:20] <IppatsuMan> praktora: you can try to add noapic irqpoll noirqdebug as kernel boot parameters
[19:20] <praktora> IppatsuMan how can i do this my friend ?
[19:23] <IppatsuMan> praktora: when the CD boots and you can see the boot menu, press F6 for "other options" and add "noapic irqpoll noirqdebug" (without quotes) at the and of the line
[19:25] <praktora> IppatsuMan thx you very muck
[19:25] <praktora> much
[19:26] <IppatsuMan> You're welcome.
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[19:26] <genii> nyko: I think the main problem may be the system is putting the mouse asleep by auto-suspending the usb devices. If so, then to fix this is: echo -1|sudo tee -a /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend
[19:30] <Seren__> hi, anyone tried installing 4.0.3 next to hardy 3.5.9 ?
[19:31] <Seren__> I am tempted to try but don't want to break my install
[19:32] <SlimeyPete> Seren__: I did try 4.0.0 next to 3.5.8 and nothing broke
[19:32] <SlimeyPete> the packages are designed to be independent
[19:32] <Seren__> i'll give it a shot then
[19:33] <SlimeyPete> there's a specific support channel at #kubuntu-kde4 by the way
[19:33] <SlimeyPete> if you run into difficulties
[19:33] <Seren__> ok thx
[19:37] <nyko> genii: ok where i put this
[19:37] <genii> nyko: A command to type into Konsole, like before with dmesg.
[19:38] <genii> nyko: echo -1|sudo tee -a /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend
[19:39] <genii> nyko: If this does not work then I have no more ideas on it today
[19:39] <nyko> in kopnsoel
[19:39] <BluesKaj> Seren__, I have kde4.03 beside kde3.5.8 if that's what you mean...you just choose which desktop at the login menu
[19:39] <nyko> ok when i do it
[19:39] <nyko> its appear a -1
[19:39] <Seren__> BluesKaj: More precisely I want to know if it does not break anything already installed
[19:39] <Seren__> like configuration files
[19:40] <Seren__> or bookmarks
[19:40] <Seren__> stuff like that
[19:40] <dan_> hey.. just wondering how you play encoded dvds in kubuntu
[19:41] <Seren__> The following packages will be REMOVED:
[19:41] <Seren__> kdebase-bin-kde3
[19:41] <Seren__> is it safe ?
[19:41] <BluesKaj> Seren__, I haven't installed anything other than the plasma desktop so far , so I'm not sure ,but asking in #kubuntu-kde4 might be in oreder
[19:42] <Seren__> ok thx I will stop bother people here :)
[19:42] <jereme> hi all... can I run kdm-kde4 and still access kde 3.5.x?
[19:42] <Odd-rationale> dan_: have you installed kubuntu-restricted-extras?
[19:42] <dan_> Odd-rationale yea.. i think so.. sec lemme check. :P
[19:43] <dan_> Odd-rationale: yep, I have
[19:43] <genii> nyko: Thats fine
[19:43] <dan_> I heard something about automatix tho... but I'm not sure
[19:43] <Odd-rationale> dan_: After you have installed kubuntu-restricted-extras you need to do this "sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh" to be able to play encrypted dvd's
[19:43] <genii> nyko: does: cat /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend produce -1 also now?
[19:44] <Odd-rationale> dan_: After that. You should be able to dvd in kaffeine.
[19:44] <DOOM_NX> a DC client for ubuntu please?
[19:45] <dan_> Odd-rationale: ah ok. thanks.. I'll try that
[19:45] <nyko> one min
[19:46] <nyko> yes
[19:46] <nyko> genii: yes *
[19:46] <Odd-rationale> dan_: let me know if that works
[19:47] <dan_> Odd-rationale: I got this "dpkg: status database area is locked by another process"
[19:47] <genii> nyko: OK, then the auto suspend for usb is disabled. I do not know if this will help, but it it the last idea I have today on this issue.
[19:47] <spiroo> Will Flash be default in (K)Ubuntu, for Firefox and Konqueror. I am sick of the lack of something you need. I do not want to install it manually every time. I dont even know which package to install.
[19:47] <dan_> Odd-rationale: nvm.. I hade adept going
[19:49] <dan_> Odd-rationale: It worked! thanks. :)
[19:49] <nyko> genii: o my god :( im bored to get this work
[19:49] <spiroo> same story everytime. And now in firefox 3, you cannot install it as extension automticly because of a bug.
[19:49] <Odd-rationale> dan_: np
[19:50] <Odd-rationale> spiroo: i is the kubuntu-restricted-extras package
[19:50] <Odd-rationale> *it
[19:50] <Odd-rationale> spiroo: ubuntu-restricted-extras if using ubuntu
[19:51] <spiroo> allrigth, but why not install that package as default inside Ubuntu?
[19:51] <Odd-rationale> spiroo: becuase that may not be legal in some countries.
[19:52] <spiroo> But it is legal to have it there?
[19:52] <spiroo> I mean, I can still install it from your the servers.
[19:52] <Odd-rationale> spiroo: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/licensing
[19:52] <genii> spiroo: Complaining about the shortcomings of beta software seems unreasonable
[19:53] <spiroo> genii: Beta?
[19:53] <genii> spiroo: eg: Firefox 3 BETA 4
[19:53] <diogo> hi
[19:53] <spiroo> genii: Yes, maybe but still. It is not only firefox.
[19:54] <genii> nyko: The last step we took may work still. Is the mouse currently working?
[19:54] <spiroo> I mean, Flash for god sake is free.
[19:58] <jessica_> how can i set up a vpn
[19:59] <Odd-rationale> spiroo: Well that really depends on your definition of "free." Adobe Flash is free as in price but not free as in freedom. But this better be discussed in offtopic....
[20:00] <tuxi> does no one knows which program handles the volume down and up osd
[20:00] <genii> Explanations of what is in what repositories and why is well documented. Multiverse is where flash is, because it's a commercial product, etc etc
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[20:05] <syke> hi
[20:05] <syke> is there a debug package for kdebase-kde4?
[20:07] <nyko> genii: no
=== Dave2 is now known as Dave3
[20:08] <nyko> :(
[20:08] <nyko> genii: sorry im on a rebuild computer right now may some delay before i answer
[20:09] <genii> nyko: No worry. But I think there is no more help I can think of for this now
[20:10] <lascar> how do i enable ipod Shuffle Support in kubuntu?
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[20:13] <lascar> !ipod
[20:15] <ubotu> For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod
[20:17] <repaco> hihi
[20:18] <nyko> genii: do you know where i can get help for that ?
[20:21] <ScorpKing> nyko: whats the problem?
[20:25] <yotux> how would I install kubuntu with kde 4 from hardy-beta
[20:25] <yotux> sorry wrong channel
[20:27] <Coggz> hi
[20:27] <yotux> hello Coggz
[20:28] <Coggz> i need some major help, im using ircii (command-line) to chat
[20:30] <yotux> I can try to help you Coggz
[20:31] <josh__> im using kde 3 and my volume control will not work for some reason anyone know how to fix this
[20:31] <genii> nyko: Offhand I would just say to keep searching Google and the Ubuntu Forums for a possible answer
[20:39] <Bauldrick> I installed a printer on a remote cups server - that printer has since been removed off the server, but I cannot delete the printer within system settings
[20:39] <eddieftw> hey all, im trying to get my sound working again.
[20:40] <ScorpKing> Bauldrick: did you try doing it in administrator mode?
[20:40] <wesley> how do i start aircrack-ng ?
[20:40] <Bauldrick> ScorpKing: yeah, it won't budge!!
[20:41] <eddieftw> wesley: ./aircrack-ng and then pass it the options
[20:41] <eddieftw> so it would be ./aircrack -1 (for wep) etc.
[20:41] <ScorpKing> Bauldrick: go to http://localhost:631 and try again. the username and passwd is your user
[20:41] <matthew> How can I install the mysql text client.. the new add/remove programs option doesn't seem to show specific packages anymore
[20:43] <Bauldrick> ScorpKing: the printers not on there anymore, but is still showing in system settings on my pc -
[20:43] <Bauldrick> sorry my bad..
[20:43] <eddieftw> sigh usless to bother
[20:43] <philipp_> how can i find out the id of konqueror?
[20:44] <Seren__> ps aux | grep konqueror
[20:44] <fdoving> philipp_: for use with dcop?
[20:44] <ScorpKing> Bauldrick: you can also poke around in ~/.kde/share/config/* or somewhere else in ~/.kde/* .not sure where to delete it manually
[20:45] <wesley> dont i need to typ wich ssid i wanna test on hacking ?
[20:45] <philipp_> how is the syntax fdoving
[20:45] <fdoving> philipp_: depends on what you want to do with the id.
[20:45] <philipp_> kill fdoving
[20:45] <fdoving> ah, for kill.
[20:46] <fdoving> you can use 'pidof konqueror' to find the pid. you can use 'pkill konqueror' to kill all konquerors
[20:46] <genii> Heh, "kill fdoving"
[20:46] * genii sips
[20:47] <philipp_> pidof konqueror | kill must do the same right?
[20:48] <philipp_> fdoving pidof konqueror | kill must do the same right?
[20:49] <fdoving> philipp_: 'pidof konqueror | xargs kill' does the same as 'pkill konqueror'
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[20:53] <praktora> My wireless is dissable how can i enable it ?
[21:01] <Darkrift2> heh, pkill eh... i was using kill $(pidof blah)
[21:02] <silverblade> Got a bit of a weird problem. Ever since my install of Kubuntu on this PC everything has been pig slow. Xorg is consuming excessive amounts of CPU (50% when doing scrolling in Firefox... 15% when typing in Kopete). Now, I have enabled Compiz-Fusion and also installed xfce, and this has made little difference (obviously Compiz would *increase* the load - on graphics at least - but it was bad before this)
[21:02] <silverblade> Any ideas as to why this is happening
[21:08] <ScorpKing> hmm.. close superkaramba
[21:08] <ScorpKing> oh, he's gone
[21:09] <genii> ScorpKing: I'm noticing a trend of "Ask and run"
[21:09] <ScorpKing> genii: it's very annoing :(
[21:09] <genii> ScorpKing: I agree.
[21:10] <ScorpKing> someone here that can guide me to setup a bridged network? or just point me to some docs?
[21:10] <Coggz> please need help with kde/xorg
[21:11] <ScorpKing> !ask | Coggz
[21:12] <Coggz> ok, i changed some settings in display manager, now xorg will not run. I have done this on 2 laptops, so please help...
[21:12] <fdoving> Coggz: any idea which settings?
[21:12] <ScorpKing> Coggz: sounds like you xorg.conf is messed up. you have a graphics card?
[21:13] <fdoving> one can break the kdmrc too.
[21:13] <tonky> hi guys. i know this came up a gazillion times, but i somehow couldn't find it on forums\google, was trying for couple of hours, you're my last resort :) a got a new 22" lcd, but it shows 1400x1050, instead of 1680x1050
[21:13] <Coggz> clone display... one is shared one is possibly shared
[21:13] <ScorpKing> Coggz: try pressing <ctrl>+<alt>+<keypad+> or <ctrl>+<alt>+<keypad-> to switch between modes
[21:14] <tonky> i have installed xorg-intel packages, updated 915resolution modes, and still - can't get to 1680x1050. any ideas?
[21:14] <fdoving> tonky: which make/model is the 22" ? - i had issues with a samsung syncmaster 226BW and the intel graphics driver a while back.
[21:14] <tonky> fdoving: ViewSonic VX2240w + intel
[21:14] <luis> hello guys, good afternoon
[21:15] <Coggz> no, it does not do anything... how do i start the kde service?
[21:15] <luis> can somebody tell me how to install gtk-nutella from konsole please?????????????????????????
[21:15] <ScorpKing> Coggz: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start
[21:15] <ScorpKing> luis: sudo aptitude install gtk-nutella
[21:16] <luis> thank you very much
[21:16] <Coggz> ScorpKing: I think i love you... it has fixed one laptop...
[21:16] <Coggz> lol
[21:17] <ScorpKing> Coggz: haha. it's not fixed. you still have to go end undo what you did ;)
[21:17] <ScorpKing> and*
[21:17] <Coggz> can i execute commands from ircii (commandline) as i need to stay connected
[21:18] <orlandoj> hi all, my Ubuntu find an USB Cam. Bus 004 Device 004: ID 0ac8:307b Z-Star Microelectronics Corp. but when i run camorama, could not conect to /dev/video. Someone can help to install/run this webcam
[21:18] <Coggz> oh, i renamed one of the backup xorg.conf.1 to xorg.conf as it looked ok... monitor settings seem ok
[21:18] <Coggz> is that enough?
[21:19] <ScorpKing> Coggz: if you have a backup you can just copy it back. another thing that also works is if you boot from a livecd and copy the xorg.conf from that to your hard drive
[21:19] <AndreSantos> i got knetworkmanager uninstalled. how can i detect and modify wireless configuratins? what file?
[21:19] <luis> it fail why???????????????????
[21:19] <luis> couldn install gtk nutella
[21:19] <jpatrick> luis: one "?" is enough thanks :)
[21:20] <ScorpKing> Coggz: always make sure you have a working backup of xorg.conf
[21:20] <fdoving> tonky: not sure what you should do, you can try to ask in #xorg maybe.
[21:20] <Coggz> hmm, lesson learned i think...
[21:20] <Coggz> obviously not... i changed my screen res and now it is dead again
[21:21] <ScorpKing> Coggz: copy from the backup and try again ;)
[21:21] <luis> any other option to install gtk nutella please?
[21:21] <Coggz> oh, <ctrl>+<alt>+<backspace> worked
[21:21] <ScorpKing> luis: sudo aptitude search nutella and see what's available
[21:21] <tonky> fdoving: oh, ok, thx, i'll try
[21:22] <luis> it appears some files
[21:22] <Coggz> fixed... ok now how do i run commands from irc
[21:22] <luis> as follow:
[21:22] <luis> gtk-gnutella - shares files in a peer to peer network
[21:22] <luis> p libgnutella-gift - giFT plugin for the Gnutella netwo
[21:23] <ScorpKing> !paste | luis
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[21:23] <luis> i just did
[21:23] <ScorpKing> luis: sudo aptitude install gtk-gnutella
[21:23] <luis> the files are the ones that i paste it so you can see it
[21:23] <luis> oo
[21:24] <Strangelet> luis: Hallo again. :P
[21:24] <luis> hello strangelet
[21:24] <luis> i am been working with this
[21:25] <luis> i think i have a nother question about updating
[21:25] <luis> seems to have problems
[21:25] <anton_> is there anyone in here who knows if its possible to get kubuntu working with ps3 or if theres some other channel maybe where i can get info?
[21:25] <Coggz> 123
[21:26] <Coggz> brb all, just fixing this laptop
=== DarkriftX is now known as Darkrift2
[21:28] <tonky> btw - while i'm here - i get the blank screen and console after login. if i don't type - after like 30 seconds it gets back to login screen. if i shut down X and login manually and then do 'startx' - everything works as normal. any ideas?
[21:33] <shadowbox> hey guys and gals
[21:33] <anton_> sup shadowbox
[21:33] <luis> ok now about the updating, i install kubuntu last night again, and then i went to konsole to do updates with this command. sudo aptitude and it took lot of time, actually i just finish one part but there are still thing that it say that needs to be update but it fails evrytime i try to do it what can i do??
[21:33] <shadowbox> looking for some sound solutions
[21:34] <shadowbox> ubuntu not wanting to use my intergrated Intel sound card for some reason
[21:35] <luis> can i be surfing on the web while updating guys ?
[21:35] <shadowbox> I D/L the newer drivers for it and still doesnt work
[21:35] <jpatrick> yes
[21:35] <anton_> shouldn't be a problem
[21:35] <luis> great thanks
[21:36] <sigma_1234> how do i subscribe to kubuntu mailing lists?
[21:36] <shadowbox> it thinks it does work, but I get no sound, but if boot into Windows it works fine (rather imberracing)
[21:38] <IppatsuMan> sigma_1234: https://lists.ubuntu.com/
[21:38] <sigma_1234> thanks
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[21:42] <ChrisAshton84> Is this the place for hardy heron support? If so, has anyone had problems with getting thunderbird to work?
[21:42] <AndreSantos> i got knetworkmanager uninstalled. how can i detect and modify wireless configuratins? what file?
[21:42] <ScorpKing> !hdaintel
[21:42] <kgx> if i stop something in /etc/init.d/, it shouldnt start again after a reboot right?
[21:42] <ScorpKing> kgx: yes
[21:42] <kgx> thanks
[21:42] <ScorpKing> kgx: wait
[21:43] <kgx> :)
[21:43] <ScorpKing> kgx: it will start again
[21:43] <kgx> ScorpKing: how do i stop it from restarting again?
[21:43] <ScorpKing> kgx: you have to remove the link in /etc/rc.?/? that points to it
[21:43] <kgx> ScorpKing: ah ok, thanks
[21:44] <ScorpKing> yw
[21:47] <mueslix> ChrisAshton84: try #ubuntu+1
[21:52] <ChrisAshton84> mueslix: thanks
[22:20] <welkin> hi,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
[22:20] <snikker> i'm unable to get songs titles (audio-cd) with amarok 1.4.8 (gutsy) can you help me?
[22:21] <tuxi> snikker: does this work in older versions
[22:21] <tuxi> ?
[22:21] <snikker> tuxi: i don't know...
[22:22] <welkin> in my ubuntu laptop eventhough i plugged in my head phone i can still hear sound frm my speakes so can any one help me with it......
[22:22] <tuxi> disable the speakers in kmix?
[22:22] <tuxi> or the other sound channel
[22:22] <welkin> k... thank u.....
[22:22] <welkin> let me try it...
=== Timmy is now known as TimS
=== ubuntu is now known as anthony_j
[22:24] <anthony_j> yo
[22:25] <anthony_j> need help partitioning linux w/ vista already installed, wanna keep windows
[22:26] <tuxi> snikker: i'm not sure if amarok has cdba support, or how this thingie is called
[22:28] <anthony_j> can some one help me partition linux onto a drive without removing windows?
[22:28] <welkin> s u can..... just google it....
[22:29] <anthony_j> not sure wat to google
[22:29] <snikker> tuxi: amarok has cddb support... it use xime engine, but don't work..
[22:29] <snikker> *xine
[22:29] <Daisuke_Ido> it does have cddb support
[22:29] <Daisuke_Ido> and cddb has nothing to do with xine
[22:29] <Daisuke_Ido> at all
[22:30] <chemist109> anthony_j: If you just want to try Kubuntu out, you can download the beta of Hardy Heron and use the WUBI installer.
[22:30] <chemist109> It doesn't require partitioning.
[22:31] <snikker> Daisuke_Ido: but amarok don't use xine engine for cddb? in the preferences of amarok, cddb support is under xine engine...
[22:31] <chemist109> anthony_j: Here's an article on Hardy and wubi: http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080224-wubi-arrives-a-look-at-ubuntu-8-04-alpha-5.html
[22:32] <Daisuke_Ido> the two aren't really related, you'd have the cddb info there anyway
[22:32] <Daisuke_Ido> make sure you have an email in there
[22:32] <Daisuke_Ido> even if you make one up
[22:32] <welkin> anthony_j: here try this.... http://www.brownbaron.com/blog/2008/03/26/install-ubuntu-804-%E2%80%9Chardy-heron%E2%80%9D-beta-in-windows/
[22:32] <Daisuke_Ido> nevermind, don't need it with freedb :\
[22:34] <welkin> i cant play any video file in VLC player in wine... can any one help me with that??
[22:34] <SlimeyPete> why are you running VLC in wine?
[22:34] <LimCore> welkin: in wine?
[22:34] <SlimeyPete> there is a native Linux version of VLC
[22:34] <welkin> just to try......
[22:34] <ubuntu> maybe he means winamp
[22:34] <LimCore> welkin: just install normal vlc man
[22:34] <snikker> Daisuke_Ido: i've filled the cddb info, but i've not any email field...
[22:34] <anthony_j> i dont want it to try out
[22:34] <welkin> nope its VLC PLAYER IN WINE
[22:35] <anthony_j> ive never installed linux on a pc that has windows on it as well
[22:35] <anthony_j> idk what to do with the partitions
[22:35] <anthony_j> i want windows to stay
[22:35] <anthony_j> but i also want linux on here
[22:35] <Daisuke_Ido> snikker, that's why i said nevermind to that part
[22:35] <Daisuke_Ido> anthony_j, when you install, use the guided method
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Y-Town
[22:36] <anthony_j> but then it wants to use the entire hard drive?
[22:36] <snikker> Daisuke_Ido: ok
[22:36] <welkin> anthony_j: just check this link......... http://www.brownbaron.com/blog/2008/03/26/install-ubuntu-804-%E2%80%9Chardy-heron%E2%80%9D-beta-in-windows/
[22:36] <anthony_j> it says guided - use entire disk
[22:36] <anthony_j> welkin
[22:36] <anthony_j> i told you i will jnot use hardy heron or run linux in windows....
[22:36] <Daisuke_Ido> anthony_j, no, the top option, which should resize things for you
[22:36] <nismo> when is hardy out?
[22:36] <anthony_j> it only offers me guided entire disk and manual
[22:37] <Daisuke_Ido> two options on install? that's nuts
[22:37] <nismo> choose manual and create new partition
[22:37] <anthony_j> but i dont want to lise windows...
[22:37] <Daisuke_Ido> should have a guided (resize) guided (use entire disk) and manual
[22:37] <anthony_j> this is a compaq built pc, preinstalled windows vista...
[22:37] <SlimeyPete> can it resize ntfs filesystems, then?
[22:38] <anthony_j> i dont think so?
[22:39] <anthony_j> when i hit manual it brings me to a prepare partitions screeen
[22:39] <anthony_j> two devises
[22:39] <anthony_j> ./dev/sda1 & sda3
[22:39] <anthony_j> i cant modify the size
[22:39] <SlimeyPete> you can use Partition Magic under Windows to resize the Windows filesystem before you install (I imagine there are other tools that'll do it, too - it's been a while since I tried)
[22:39] <Daisuke_Ido> recovery partition and the actual windows partition
[22:40] <anthony_j> ill look that program up slimey pete
[22:40] <anthony_j> brb
[22:40] <SlimeyPete> it costs money, unfortunately
[22:40] <anthony_j> oh
[22:40] <anthony_j> any free ones?
[22:40] <chemist109> I think qtparted can resize ntfs.
[22:41] <chemist109> I would back everything up first, though.
[22:47] <venik> How do I force Kubuntu 7.10 to rescan its USB ports to see if a new drive had been plugged in?
[22:47] <venik> or refresh fstab?
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[22:49] <Itaku> !netsplit
[22:49] <ubotu> netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit
[22:52] <_Vermux> how do I connect in kubuntu to //machine name
[22:52] <_Vermux> ?
=== _Vermux is now known as Vermux
[22:52] <stdin> !samba
[22:52] <ubotu> Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.
[22:55] <chemist109> Vermux: You can open a konqueror window and type smb://machinename
[22:56] <ronnie> by the looks of that link, I'm guessing the stable version of hearty herion is out, or does beta mean test version?
[22:57] * DOOM_NX eipa feugw feugw feugw, 8a vrw allh gkomena, na mai egw kala mwro mou kai apo gunaikes NA!
[22:57] <chemist109> beta means test
[22:57] <stdin> DOOM_NX: ?
[22:57] <DOOM_NX> yes i know
[22:58] <ronnie> oh so the stable one's not out?, will it be called alpha version?
[22:58] <chemist109> ronnie: It goes like this: Alpha->Beta->Release
[22:59] <stdin> the development goes like this: alpha (likely will break) -> Beta (most major bugs worked out) -> release (stable)
[22:59] <ronnie> ok thx, any idea when the offical release will be out this month??
[22:59] <stdin> the final date isn't announced yet
[23:00] <ronnie> ok ty anyways ; )
[23:00] <chemist109> The release schedule says April 24th.
[23:00] <stdin> but that's an estimate
[23:00] <ronnie> great thx
[23:00] <ronnie> ok
[23:08] <now3d> updatedb doesnt update my extnernal drive, any ideas?
[23:28] <vit> THRT
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[23:40] <Azzco> I'm trying to compile a old version of zsnes but ./configure tells me I need SDL >= 1.2.0, I have libsdl1.2debian installed... Shouldn't that be enough?
[23:42] <stdin> Azzco: make sure you have libsdl1.2-dev
[23:43] <Azzco> stdin: got it, tried egein but got the same output
[23:43] <Azzco> again*
[23:45] <ethan> race?
[23:46] * dwidmann announces his presence
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=== brigon_ is now known as brigon
[23:50] * Daisuke_Ido announces his delight with dwidmann's presence
[23:55] <nitin> hello, i downloaded noatun but when i try to start it, it gives this error message: Connecting/starting aRts soundserver failed. Make sure that artsd is configured properly. can somebody help
[23:56] <Darkside> uh, hi, network manager is using over 90% of my CPU constantly... whats going on?
[23:57] <dwidmann> Darkside: probably some sort of bug .... I'd report that for sure at http://launchpad.net
[23:57] <Darkside> i'll attempt to
[23:57] <Darkside> when i can actually do anything with my computer
[23:58] <dwidmann> Darkside: do you use wireless or wired connections mostly?
[23:58] <Darkside> its going soooooooooo slow
[23:58] <Darkside> wireless
[23:58] <dwidmann> Thought so, but if it were wired I'd have recommend you just manually connect with "sudo dhclient eth0" or something ..
[23:59] <Darkside> well yeah
[23:59] <Darkside> i would, but i'm not.. so it's a bit harder