UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /02 /#edubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[04:09] <johnny_> hi, anybody here worked with openoffice.org and using twinview or xinerama?
[04:09] <johnny_> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/181819
[04:09] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 181819 in openoffice.org "SlideShow displays on 2 screens in dual-head system" [Undecided,New]
[04:09] <johnny_> i see that bug there
[04:09] <johnny_> is there a way around using sun's binaries?
[10:11] <d_rwin> stray error while compiling c prog help ; problem with keyboard layout (double quote)
=== manu_ubu is now known as manu_ubu-away
=== RichEd-1 is now known as RichEd
[19:18] <praktora> i am trying to install the latest ubuntu and i am getting this error Loading hardware drivers...error receiving uevent message: No buffer space available can anyone help ?
[19:21] <johnny> try in #ubuntu
[20:19] <johnny> anybody here used a presentation remote with ubuntu?
[20:19] <johnny> i must be missing something in xorg.conf
[20:19] <LaserJock> what do you mean by remote?
[20:22] <johnny> uhmm.. a lil box with buttons :)
[20:23] <johnny> that you hold in your hands
[20:39] <LaserJock> johnny: I know, but I'm trying to figure out what kind, etc.
[20:39] <LaserJock> my remote works fine without doing anything ... at all
[20:40] <LaserJock> which of course isn't any help to you
[21:16] <johnny> LaserJock, but do you have an xorg.conf ?
[21:17] <johnny> i had to write one manually to set up gutsy to do multi monitor with a projector the way i wanted
[21:19] <LaserJock> I do have an xorg.conf
[21:19] <ogra_cmpc> does anyne feel the urgent need for a meeting ? (20:00 UTC was scheduled today if im not wrong (fridge seems broken))
[21:19] <LaserJock> as far as I know that had nothing to do with my remote
[21:20] <LaserJock> ogra_cmpc: I don't know that we need a meeting per se
[21:20] <LaserJock> is RichEd around?
[21:20] <ogra_cmpc> no idea, havent seen him today
[21:21] <ogra_cmpc> and i'm pretty tired, my first meeting usually starts at 6:00 UTC now so if there is nothing pressing ....
[21:21] <LaserJock> I do want to get https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Edubuntu/Documentation/HardyRequirements fixed up
[21:21] <LaserJock> that would probably be the only item I'd put forward
[21:22] <LaserJock> ogra_cmpc: did you need to change the seeds with the tuxpaint changes?
[21:22] <ogra_cmpc> handbook isnt installe danymore, right ?
[21:22] <LaserJock> yep
[21:22] <LaserJock> so it's just getting down what we need to write before release
[21:22] <ogra_cmpc> npe, the packages were all listed already
[21:22] <LaserJock> ah, k
[21:22] <johnny> the device worked before i made my own xorg.conf :)
[21:22] <ogra_cmpc> should be fine
[21:22] <johnny> what driver does it use?
[21:23] <LaserJock> I saw that tuxpaint and tuxpaint-data was, I didn't know about tuxpaint-stamps-default
[21:23] <LaserJock> johnny: I have no idea, it just works so I didn't mess with it ;-)
[21:23] <ogra_cmpc> yeah, i'm likely responsible fr the install doc
[21:23] <johnny> i'm having trouble finding info :(
[21:24] <ogra_cmpc> the skeletn i wrote seems to be successfully used already
[21:24] <LaserJock> ogra_cmpc: nixternal (I think) and I were thinking of trying to get a wiki/html version of the handbook up
[21:24] <ogra_cmpc> our users are clever enough to search the wiki \o/
[21:24] <LaserJock> on www.edubuntu.org
[21:24] <ogra_cmpc> yeah
[21:24] <ogra_cmpc> bu there is no real pressue to do that on release day
[21:25] <LaserJock> yeah, as long as we have the content and it's organized wiki and/or www.edubuntu.org should work well
[21:25] <LaserJock> I think we really only need 2 thing on release day
[21:25] <LaserJock> 1) install docs, you got that covered I think
[21:25] <LaserJock> 2) changes from Gutsy/Feisty. basically good release notes
[21:26] <ogra_cmpc> well, its only a skeleton yet
[21:26] <LaserJock> k
[21:26] <ogra_cmpc> needs screenshots and some flesh
[21:26] <ogra_cmpc> and generally the advice about rebuilding the chroot on upgrades
[21:27] <LaserJock> right
[21:27] <ogra_cmpc> (for ltsp servers)
[21:28] * ogra_cmpc prays to the gods of diskspace that this classmate install suceeds