UbuntuIRC / 2008 /03 /19 /#ubuntu-mobile.txt
Initial commit
[01:13] <mboman> Has anyone tried Ubuntu ME on the Asus EEE PC?
[01:13] * The_PHP_Jedi shivers at 'ME'... why not call it UM or something :-/
[01:13] <The_PHP_Jedi> and no, I don't own an eeePC
[01:18] <mboman> but I should be able to install it on a SD card and boot form that, right? (if you assume that the EEE can boot from SD cards)
[01:19] <The_PHP_Jedi> well, in theory it would, since it can boot OSes from an SD card.
[01:19] <The_PHP_Jedi> maybe tested devices are in the FAQ somewhere
[01:41] <cgregan> The_PHP_jedi, mboman: I believe the Canonical Mobile Solutions Group has a Eee and is actively testing on it. Lemme poke my head over into the Canonical internal irc to see if anyone can confirm.
[01:41] <mboman> cgregan: that would be great!
[01:41] <The_PHP_Jedi> nice
[01:50] <cgregan> Sorry folks, Canonical does have a Eee, but not in the MSG.
[01:52] <cgregan> I believe the standard desktop team is the one working with it.
=== KernelPanic is now known as The_PHP_Jedi
[05:31] <rdvon> what devices will this work for?
[06:51] <dholbach> good morning
[06:52] <aristocrat> can anybody help me understand the "Acceptance Criteria" for Ubuntu Mobile ?
[06:53] <dholbach> aristocrat: what exactly are you after?
[06:54] <aristocrat> dholbach, i beleive there is some document which specifies an "Acceptance Criteria" , its some document required as part of any project..
[06:55] <dholbach> accept what? I'm not sure what you're looking for?
[06:55] <aristocrat> I think it discusses what the final product has to be and bla bla.. some project management information ..
[06:56] <dholbach> phew.... no idea - is nothing on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded and in the blueprints tracker?
[06:56] <aristocrat> dholbach, didnt find one there... this is a hard doc to find ..:)
[06:57] <dholbach> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mobile is what the mobile team is working on
[06:57] <dholbach> that's all I know
[06:59] <aristocrat> dholbach, i'll have go through it.. ur help is appreciated
[06:59] <dholbach> no problem :)
[06:59] <dholbach> I'm not intimately familiar with the mobile project, just lurking here :)
[07:00] <aristocrat> hey if you accidently fall upon aything that states "acceptance criteria" or related.. send me a msg..
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[20:02] <bspencer> is hardy stable enough for production system?
[20:02] <bspencer> I'd like to start using it on one of my systems so I can validate the hardy ppa images, but I don't want to spend the day debugging unrelated issues
[20:23] <pat_mcgowan> bspencer, you still there?
[20:24] <pat_mcgowan> bspencer, many folks have switched to Hardy, although regressions can still happen
[20:24] <pat_mcgowan> bspencer, if you have multiple systems, for sure its ok
[20:36] <\sh> lool: just found bug #198861 with the hildon patch against claws-mail 3.3.0...can you test if this patch applies cleanly to 3.3.1, which hit hardy earlier on?
[20:36] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 198861 in claws-mail "There's no flag to enable hildon interface when building for lpia" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/198861
[21:20] <pat_mcgowan> GrueMaster, testing question for you
[21:20] <pat_mcgowan> GrueMaster, have you run Cheese on a D0 or D1 lately?
[21:26] <GrueMaster> No, but I can.
[21:26] <GrueMaster> I have a D1 fired up now.
[21:32] <GrueMaster> I'll have to reboot. Apparently Moblin doesn't support uvcvideo
[21:39] <lool> \sh: I'll try to
[21:39] <lool> Don't have the choice
[21:40] <\sh> lool: I'll port the diff now to 3.3.1
[21:40] <\sh> lool: we just need an FFe for it, because it introduces a new feature ;)
[21:40] <GrueMaster> pat_mcgowan: Looks ok. taking a picture shows my ugly mug no problem. Video record seems semi-smooth (~15-20 FPS).
[21:41] <GrueMaster> I can't playback the video because of the moblin-media docking bug.
[21:41] <\sh> lool: and if you have an idea, how to emulate such a device (I think it's those nokia n8xx series, right?) I'm happy to test those things too :)
[21:42] <pat_mcgowan> GrueMaster, thanks, what build do you have? and what docking bug, no FAT partition?
[21:43] <GrueMaster> This is the Ubuntu Hardy Beta2 from 20080228 with PSB video.
[21:44] <GrueMaster> I saw an email thismorning on the moblin media issue, but rusty's solution didn't work for me.
[21:48] <pat_mcgowan> GrueMaster, I see, he's saying to undefine the mount point so moblin-media ignores it
[21:49] <pat_mcgowan> The problem we had was we disabled the FAT partition creation and all heck broke loose, then we had to do a similar thing
[21:49] <pat_mcgowan> GrueMaster, thanks for the test, something has broken in the last two weeks of upgrades and changes, trying to narrow it down
[21:49] <GrueMaster> ok, it still doesn't seem to fix my side. I'll root around a bit.
[21:50] <GrueMaster> Is this in ubuntu or your "other" image?
[21:59] <pat_mcgowan> GrueMaster, other
[22:01] <GrueMaster> I'll give it a whirl in a little bit. I have 20080313.
[22:11] <pat_mcgowan> GrueMaster, one more thing, our camera uses v4l2 and that seems to be part of the issue
[22:25] <\sh> lool: it looks like that adilson forgot to include ./configure in his patch after he ran aclocal -I m4 ; automake --gnu ; autconf ...
[22:28] <GrueMaster> pat_mcgowan: Not sure what mine uses, but I'll check. I know it uses the uvcvideo driver.
[22:33] <pat_mcgowan> GrueMaster, if you lsmod it should show the chain
[22:34] <GrueMaster> I did. It shows uvcvideo, compat_ioctl32, videodev, v4l1_compat, and v4l2_common.
[22:35] <GrueMaster> uvcvideo is the actual hardware driver. It's for the newer "Vista" ready web cams.
[22:43] <pat_mcgowan> GrueMaster, thats our output too
[23:03] <\sh> lool: I'll attach a debdiff to the bug report for you guys to test build and test run it...
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[23:58] <virtuald> hey, are there any experimental repositories for ubuntu-mobile?
[23:58] <virtuald> specifically, the media player