UbuntuIRC / 2008 /03 /19 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <matt1728> he's not all knowing
[00:00] <matt1728> he didnt know yum
[00:00] <matt1728> lol
[00:00] <dave11> lol
[00:00] <dave11> well everything about ubuntu
[00:00] <Dr_willis> !love
[00:00] <ubotu> Love is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.
[00:01] <Dr_willis> She knows about love.. thats all that matters.
[00:01] <matt1728> lmao
[00:01] <Kaevik> love is a tarp
[00:01] <dave11> its a she??
[00:01] <Kaevik> well yea.
[00:01] <Kaevik> almost all bots become shes
[00:01] <Dr_willis> 'Linux Based Fembots With a Penchant for Evil!'
[00:02] <dave11> well i kind of pictured a muscular mainframe
[00:02] <Kaevik> all the lonely people, were do they all come from. the internet!
[00:02] <dave11> exactly
[00:02] * Kaevik plays the song...
[00:03] <Dark-Alien-Core> hello guys can you help me?
[00:03] <Dark-Alien-Core> The '/home/darkalien' directory does not belong to you.Point $HOME to your home directory and try again.darkalien@Dark:~$
[00:03] <Dark-Alien-Core> what is there wrongh
[00:03] <Dark-Alien-Core> ?
[00:04] * dave11 thinks linux fps's are classically cool
[00:07] <Dr_willis> AlienArena 2008 got released just last week I think. :)
[00:08] <dave11> got it.fast even on slow cards
[00:09] <Dr_willis> world of padman - is fun also.
[00:09] <dave11> thats one i have to lookup
[00:09] <Dr_willis> THen theres Savage. (i think) Savage2 just got released commericlly. (i think thats the name)
[00:10] <Dr_willis> or do i have the name wrong.. You are like Warriors, and the commander guy builds Up the town, and your men get upgraded..
[00:10] <dave11> huh, shows ive just nicked the surface of the linux gaming world
[00:10] <Dragnslcr> Yeah, I was looking at the Savage 2 site earlier
[00:10] <Dr_willis> FreeCiv, and FreeCol are my faves.
[00:11] <Dr_willis> Dragnslcr, they got linux fully supported yet? I havent checked in on the game in a while.
[00:11] <dave11> i have alien areana and sauterbraten
[00:11] <Dr_willis> I wanted to buy it. but last i looked it was online only to buy. and it was a little pricy.
[00:11] <Dragnslcr> I think the Linux client is supposed to be ready in a week or two
[00:11] <Dr_willis> Dragnslcr, bummer. :)
[00:11] <Dragnslcr> $30
[00:11] <Dr_willis> 30 aint bad.. i was thinking it was 50
[00:12] <Dragnslcr> Linux client supposedly went into beta testing last week
[00:12] <dave11> there putting out commercial linux games?
[00:12] <teeahr1> Hey, anyone know how to find out what files foo.deb provides?
[00:12] <Dr_willis> dave11, ther have been comerical linux games for ages.
[00:12] <Dr_willis> Just not lots and lots of them
[00:12] <dave11> lol..shows what i know..lol
[00:13] <Dr_willis> I have several metal-tin boxed sets of Quake3 for Linux. :)
[00:13] <Dr_willis> quake 1 and 2 also had linux native clients
[00:13] <Dr_willis> Then thers others.. Not as successfull ones.
[00:13] <Dr_willis> 'Darwinia' is a good one to pick up if you want somthing different.
[00:13] <dave11> where do you get them?
[00:14] <dave11> besides adept
[00:14] <dave11> can you buy then in stores?
[00:15] <Dr_willis> Online stores/websites often sell a downloadable version
[00:15] <IppatsuMan> teeahr1: dpkg -I foo.deb
[00:15] <Dr_willis> Often the windows packages in store - has a lineu client also.
[00:15] <dave11> ive never seen that and ive been gaming for 20 yrs
[00:16] <Dr_willis> Unreal Turnament had linux client on the cd's
[00:16] <Dr_willis> other games have also done that.
[00:16] <dave11> ohh ok
[00:16] <Dr_willis> NeverWintersNight had a linux client you could download
[00:16] <Kaevik> -s
[00:17] <Dr_willis> not sure about NWN2
[00:17] <dave11> cool.. a whole new aspect to explore thanks
[00:18] <matt1728> how do i get music to play on my headphones only and not headphones and speakers?
[00:18] <nosrednaekim> matt1728: find what channel in Kmix corresponds to your speakers and mute it
[00:19] <matt1728> channel?
[00:20] <nosrednaekim> channel.... it might be "surround" or PCM or Front or Speakers...
[00:21] <nosrednaekim> if you can't find one, right click on the main kmix window and select "channels" and enable them all and try again
[00:22] <matt1728> it say Master PCM Digital
[00:22] <matt1728> and if i get rid of master both sounds go go same thing with PCM
[00:22] <nosrednaekim> hmm
[00:23] <dave11> are there any other repositories i would want to install except cannonical's and medibuntu?
[00:24] <dave11> !repositories
[00:24] <ubotu> The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories
[00:24] <Dr_willis> Thers dozens of unofficial repos. Depends on what you are looking for.
[00:24] <Dr_willis> many are for just a few specific apps.
[00:25] <r0dzilla_> anyone use mythbuntu?
[00:25] <Dr_willis> theres a latest wine repo, and some for specific games, and so forth
[00:25] <dave11> Dr_willis: thanks
[00:25] <matt1728> !headphones
[00:25] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about headphones - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[00:25] <r0dzilla_> I just updated my mythbuntu backend and I have frontend on my kubuntu desktop system
[00:25] <matt1728> what's mythbuntu?
[00:26] <matt1728> !kmix
[00:26] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about kmix - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[00:26] <r0dzilla_> now it says there is a protocol version mismatch but there is no update for kubuntu
[00:26] <dave11> !mythbuntu
[00:26] <ubotu> Mythbuntu is an Ubuntu derivative centered upon setting up a standalone MythTV system. See: http://www.mythbuntu.org for more information
[00:27] <matt1728> cool
[00:27] <matt1728> does anyone how to kill speaker sound and keep the sound in headphones?
[00:27] <dave11> !sound
[00:27] <ubotu> If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3
=== Joey__ is now known as Joey``
=== Joey`` is now known as Joey`
[00:28] <Joey`> How do I install Kubuntu with the "nosplash" option?
[00:30] <ere4si> Joey`: you install then edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst file to have no splash
[00:30] <dave11> system settings,splash screen
[00:30] <Kaevik> so, laptop shutdown wilre performing the normal kubuntu 7.10 install and also using the safe graphics option. but not if I just left the livecd environment up.
[00:30] <Kaevik> while*
[00:31] <Joey`> i cant go past the boot menu from live cd
[00:31] <Joey`> [08:23:23 PM] <c0lored> you have to edit the boot command to include a no splash option and then it will work.
[00:31] <Kaevik> then you probly need to install via command prompt
[00:31] <Joey`> yeah, that doesn't sound fun or easy
[00:31] <rootsnatch> or you can use the alternate install cd
[00:31] <Kaevik> yea
[00:31] <rootsnatch> I had to do that with my 8800gt in this computer
[00:31] <matt1728> is there another sound manager besides Kmix for KDE/
[00:32] <Joey`> i have ati radeon hd 2600 xt
[00:32] <Kaevik> the debian cd I have uses cml interface
[00:32] <ere4si> Joey`: F6 at the boot prompt - type nosplash - I think ity is F6
[00:32] <dave11> !mixer
[00:32] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about mixer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[00:32] <rootsnatch> ere4si: ya it is f6
[00:32] <dave11> !kmix
[00:32] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about kmix - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[00:33] <matt1728> lol
[00:33] <dave11> batting 1000
[00:33] <ere4si> !info kmix
[00:33] <matt1728> ill juste use the gnome mixer
[00:34] <ubotu> kmix (source: kdemultimedia): sound mixer applet for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 396 kB, installed size 1252 kB
[00:34] <fuhreal> Anyone know how to get apps to go beside the menu button in KDE instead of besdie the time ?
[00:34] <rootsnatch> as in applets?
[00:34] <rootsnatch> I like kweather
[00:35] <Apple_Cat> Alt F2 ?
[00:35] <dave11> drag it
[00:36] <fuhreal> dave11: lol that was easy
=== keith__ is now known as compilerwriter
[00:36] <dave11> lol
[00:36] <dave11> linux is alot easier than you would think
[00:37] <matt1728> lol
[00:37] <dave11> on some things
[00:37] * Dr_willis never though it was hard.
[00:37] <Dr_willis> of course - its much easier once you learn to 'think' about what you are doing. :)
[00:37] <coreymon77> dave11: thats what linux users have been trying to say for a very long time
[00:37] <matt1728> and you cna have a tons of programs running and it wont crash like windows
[00:38] <fuhreal> dave11: kde is easy
[00:38] <fuhreal> dave11: try making fvwm look good ..... :\
[00:38] <dave11> coreymon77: well im here to help..:-)
[00:38] <dave11> kde isnt as easy as gnome in imho
[00:39] <fuhreal> dave11: i tried gnome a few years ago.... didn't like it..... first time giving KDE a whirl after using E
[00:39] <dave11> different strokes for different folks
[00:39] <fuhreal> dave11: just don't have the time to put into configuring everything .....
[00:39] <fuhreal> uh huh .....
[00:40] <Kaevik> double checked the cd, all checked out.
[00:40] <matt1728> is there a command to view running applications?
[00:40] <Dr_willis> matt1728, ps
[00:40] <Kaevik> the cdburnign tool and the kubuntu cd both pass the cd error free
[00:41] <Apple_Cat> or top for a resources view
[00:41] <matt1728> PID TTY TIME CMD
[00:41] <matt1728> 6654 pts/1 00:00:00 ps
[00:41] <matt1728> thanks all it showed
[00:42] <fuhreal> Anyone know how to get firefox to display web pages correctly? Konqueror seems to be doing a better job at this point
[00:43] <asobi> firefox has a billion bugs
[00:43] <dave11> has anybody tried PlayOnLinux?
[00:43] <matt1728> what's that?
[00:43] <dave11> !playonlinux
[00:43] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about playonlinux - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[00:43] <coreymon77> ff seems to be working fine for me
[00:43] <Dragnslcr> fuhreal- yeah, tell the owner of the site to write their code correctly
[00:43] <dave11> matt1728: so you can play windows games on linux
[00:44] <matt1728> ahh nice
[00:44] <matt1728> is it free?
[00:44] <dave11> yes
[00:44] <coreymon77> dave11: does it work?
[00:44] <dave11> dont know if it works yet
[00:44] <matt1728> oh can i run programs besides games?
[00:44] <Jucato> PlayOnLinux is basically Wine + GUI utilities
[00:44] <matt1728> ill try it tonight
[00:44] <dave11> www.playonlinux.com
[00:46] <fuhreal> Dragnslcr: I heard firefox is difficult to write for ..... I've come accross so many sites that aren't displaying correctly.. i.e. eterm.org
[00:46] <fuhreal> What kind of icon files does KDE use ?? png?
[00:47] <nosrednaekim> fuhreal: png or SVG
[00:47] <fuhreal> nosrednaekim: thanks....
[00:47] <fuhreal> Now if only Eterm had installed an icon .....
[00:51] <Dragnslcr> fuhreal- Firefox tends to render correct HTML and CSS better than IE, but a lot of sites are written to only work in IE
[00:51] <Dragnslcr> fuhreal- if a site doesn't render correctly in Firefox, it's mostly likely the site's fault
[00:52] <coreymon77> Dragnslcr: by now, if a site is written to only work in IE, i use user agent switcher to look at the site, then i boycott the site
[00:54] <coreymon77> Dragnslcr: by now, that is unacceptable
[00:54] <dave11> konquerer works suprisingly well
[00:54] <NickPresta> dave11, konqueror is awesome ;)
[00:54] <matt1728> ngpluginviewer crashes everytime in it
[00:56] <Apple_Cat> yeah, i was just talking in offtopic about how surprisingly good konqueror is... the mouse-less mode is fantastic
[00:56] <matt1728> lol
[00:57] <matt1728> it has a nice interface
[00:57] <matt1728> swiftfox isnt bad either
[00:57] <NickPresta> I like Mouseless mode when setting up a Kiosk type of setup.
[00:57] <dave11> my ione question is does konqueror have a cach and how do i clear it?
[00:58] <Jucato> Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> Cache
[00:58] <dave11> Jucato: thanks
[01:03] <dave11> wonder if linux works with touch screens?
[01:04] <matt1728> can i put it on my xbox and still play games?
[01:04] <matt1728> !xbox linux
[01:04] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about xbox linux - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[01:04] <matt1728> !xbox
[01:04] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about xbox - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[01:04] <fuhreal> is there a "pretend" flag for apt-get so i can see what its going to install prior to installing ?
[01:04] <nosrednaekim> fuhreal: yes, there is
[01:04] <fuhreal> -P ?
[01:05] <matt1728> -s
=== _czessi_ is now known as Czessi
[01:05] <nosrednaekim> --simulate
[01:05] <fuhreal> ty
[01:06] <urli> buenass
[01:06] <urli> che alguien sabe como hago para desinstalar este linux feo de una vez???
[01:06] <nosrednaekim> !es
[01:06] <ubotu> Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[01:07] <matt1728> 1 more day till spring break!!!!!!!!
[01:07] <matt1728> lol
[01:07] <fuhreal> i miss spring break ....
[01:07] <matt1728> lol
[01:07] <matt1728> did you have it already
[01:07] <fuhreal> haven't had it for like 12 years
[01:07] <urli> como?
[01:07] <fuhreal> :\
[01:08] <matt1728> nice
[01:10] <dave11> whats the name of the foreign language translator for linux?
[01:10] <matt1728> !translator
[01:10] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about translator - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[01:10] <matt1728> !translate
[01:10] <ubotu> Translate Ubuntu into your own language, important translations that are needed are listed first. See https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/
[01:11] <dave11> thats for programming languages
[01:11] <dave11> i think
[01:11] <matt1728> oh
[01:11] <Joey_> I'm in the boot options for installing kubuntu, but how do i use those options?
[01:11] <matt1728> that's for OS language
[01:11] <Joey_> whats the key to activate?
[01:12] <dave11> had it on my system awhile ago and cant seem to remember the name
[01:12] <nosrednaekim> Joey_: hit b
[01:12] <Joey_> just typed in the letter
[01:12] <nosrednaekim> !rosetta
[01:12] <ubotu> rosetta is a Web-based system for translating open source software into any language. See https://launchpad.net/rosetta/+about
[01:12] <matt1728> adept manager
[01:12] <matt1728> search that
[01:13] <Apple_Cat> if i have a partition dedicated to swap, i shouldn't have a intrd.img in /boot should i? or at least not one that has grub pointing to
[01:13] <dave11> all i can find is the programming language translator
[01:13] <matt1728> type language translator maybe
[01:13] <matt1728> !language translator
[01:13] <dave11> thats waht i did
[01:13] <matt1728> oh
[01:13] <matt1728> lo
[01:14] <matt1728> =]
[01:14] <dave11> lol
[01:14] <matt1728> !language
[01:14] <ubotu> Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[01:14] <dave11> a for effort
[01:14] <matt1728> lol
[01:14] <nosrednaekim> Apple_Cat: what makes you think you do?
[01:14] <nosrednaekim> grub device letters is differnt from linux's
[01:15] <Dr_willis> grub 'enumerates' drives differently then linux does. :)
[01:15] <Dr_willis> rember kids. Grub starts Counting at ZERO
[01:15] <matt1728> hah
[01:16] <matt1728> is there anyway to configure how it looks?
[01:18] <Apple_Cat_> well i'm not sure if grub is actually pointing to the intrd.img in /boot, but there is a intrd.img file there
[01:18] <Dr_willis> Hmm.. ive been testing out various live cd's this week. and ONE of them had a stand-alone flash player from adobe, which was handy. But i cant seem to find it in any other disrtos/flash anyone know was it part of the flash installs or a stand alone app?
[01:19] <ubuntu> haaaaaaaaaaaa
[01:19] <ubuntu> sos
[01:19] <ubuntu> g plus de pc
[01:19] <ubuntu> haaaaaaaaaaaa
[01:19] <ubuntu> haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
=== ubuntu is now known as Mondieuuuuu
[01:20] <Mondieuuuuu> haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[01:20] <Apple_Cat_> shouldn't the grub entry be pointing to a partition (hd0,4) rather than /intrd.img
[01:20] <Mondieuuuuu> oula
[01:20] <Jucato> Mondieuuuuu: stop that
[01:20] <Mondieuuuuu> are u guik?
[01:21] <Mondieuuuuu> sorry
[01:21] <Mondieuuuuu> i'm lost
[01:21] <matt1728> !PlayOnLinux
[01:21] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about playonlinux - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[01:23] <dave11> do all linux distributions get the same updates or is it specific to the distro?
[01:23] <Apple_Cat_> top seems to be detecting the swap as the swap partition, maybe i should just not worry about it
[01:24] <fuhreal> Where is the default font folder?
[01:25] <Jucato> dave11: in some ways, specific to the distro
[01:25] <dave11> Jucato: thanks
[01:26] <nosrednaekim> Apple_Cat_: see what "free" says and "mount"
[01:28] <dave11> matt1728: cant reply to pm due to my nic isnt registered
[01:28] <dave11> matt1728: dont think so
[01:28] <matt1728> ahh
[01:28] <matt1728> i've just installed it
[01:29] <dave11> cool
[01:29] <matt1728> im going to try run dvd fab hd decrypter
[01:29] <dave11> tried any games yet?
[01:29] <matt1728> hopefully that works
[01:29] <matt1728> nah its still updating
[01:29] <matt1728> wow nice interface
[01:29] <matt1728> lot better than wine
[01:29] <dave11> :)
[01:30] * Jucato wonders how something that uses wine to function is lot better than wine :)
[01:30] <dave11> lol
[01:30] <dave11> naaaaaa
[01:30] <matt1728> have you used for a wile/
[01:30] <matt1728> lol
[01:30] <matt1728> lol
[01:30] <matt1728> maybe it is maybe it isnt
[01:30] <matt1728> letse hope that it is
[01:31] <dave11> depends if you like wine
[01:31] <Jucato> playonlinux does offer GUI utilities to configure wine and install programs. it doesn't make games that don't work on wine magically run :)
[01:31] <matt1728> damn
[01:32] <dave11> jucato rains on parade
[01:32] <Jucato> :D
[01:32] <dave11> jk
[01:33] <matt1728> its just preconfigured for 10 games or so
[01:33] <dave11> hmmm
[01:34] <dave11> pastebin the games
[01:34] <dave11> any good ones?
[01:35] <matt1728> warcraft steam
[01:35] <matt1728> half life
[01:35] <matt1728> WOW
[01:35] <matt1728> 4 starwars games
[01:35] <matt1728> lol
[01:35] <matt1728> halflife 1
[01:35] <dave11> not bad so far
[01:35] <Apple_Cat_> nosrednaekim: free= displays the amount of swap i should have if it is using the swap partition, but mount = doesn't show my swap partition anywhere
[01:35] <matt1728> is it new/?
[01:35] <dave11> yes
[01:36] <nosrednaekim> Apple_Cat_: ok,i don't know if mount shows swap..
[01:36] <nosrednaekim> nope.... it doesn't
[01:36] <dave11> ohh sorry, its just been in the press plately
[01:36] <matt1728> it has a directx install right in the options
[01:37] <matt1728> brb let me get my starcraft cd and try it
[01:37] <matt1728> lol
[01:37] <dave11> cool
[01:39] <matt1728> i dont think you can install anything besides the listed games
[01:39] <dave11> that would make sence...they might add more later
[01:39] <matt1728> yea
[01:40] <leo_rockw> i'm in the same workgroup as a win comp in my network. I can see the other comp, but when i navigate it none of the shared folders show up, what could be the reason?
[01:41] <leo_rockw> the window$ comp has no firewall
[01:42] <matt1728> dave11: they have the most popular
[01:42] <dave11> matt1728: cool
[01:43] <matt1728> ill borrow steam from my buddy and see how well it works
[01:44] <dave11> matt1728: does starcraft run?
[01:44] <matt1728> nah it just goes to wine
[01:44] <dave11> grrr
[01:44] <matt1728> and i cant find a way to add more games
[01:44] <dave11> darn
[01:44] <matt1728> lol
[01:45] <dave11> dag nab it
[01:45] <dave11> lol
[01:45] <matt1728> have you installed it
[01:45] <dave11> matt1728: thanks for demoing it for me..you rock!!!
[01:45] <dave11> not yet
[01:46] <matt1728> demoing?
[01:46] <dave11> lol
[01:46] <dave11> demo...ing
[01:46] <matt1728> oh lol
[01:46] <matt1728> gotcha
[01:47] <dave11> :-)
[01:48] <matt1728> Microsoft sold 1000 SUSE licenses for Renault’s data centers. These licenses will replace the existing Linux distributions (Debian and Red Hat).
[01:48] <matt1728> By choosing SUSE as a solution, Renault will be spared by Microsoft.
[01:49] <matt1728> why is microsoft selling linux
[01:49] <dave11> huh?
[01:50] <matt1728> microsoft was selling linux liscences
[01:50] <lumm> ye suse
[01:50] <lumm> the ms linux
[01:50] <lumm> or im wrong?.p
[01:50] <matt1728> lol
[01:50] <lumm> lol
[01:50] <lumm> ;>
[01:50] <matt1728> is it made by them?
[01:51] <lumm> and novell ye
[01:51] <matt1728> bastards
[01:52] <Apple_Cat_> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/11/03/microsoft_novell_suse_linux/ , http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/11/09/149259
[01:53] <dave11> i thought microsoft hated linux
[01:53] <Apple_Cat_> oops, probably an offtopic thing
[01:53] <dave11> guess not for servers
[01:53] <matt1728> lol
[01:53] <leo_rockw> basically, micro$oft owns novell, novell owns suse
[01:54] <matt1728> so ms owns suse =]
[01:54] <matt1728> =[*
[01:54] <nosrednaekim> !ot
[01:54] <ubotu> #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!
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[02:10] <matt1728> does anyone knows how to open .CBV files?
[02:11] <Apple_Cat_> ChessBase Archive File. ?
[02:11] <matt1728> yepp
[02:12] <matt1728> will chessbase run?
[02:14] <Apple_Cat_> I think wine will run it, i just read something from 2005 about it working so I'd assume that it is still working now
[02:14] <Apple_Cat_> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31659
[02:15] <myk_> i need help with the Kubuntu Hardy Alpha 6 live cd. If i boot in normal mode, the graphics/fonts are HUGE to where i cannot use it. If i boot into safe graphics mode, it boots to console
[02:15] <fuhreal> how can i set my active user to root sudo ! ?
[02:16] <myk_> is there a problem with the intel graphics chipset in hardy?
[02:16] <Apple_Cat_> http://knights.klik.atekon.de/
[02:16] <Jucato> fuhreal: huh?
[02:17] <Jucato> myk_: you might want to check with the people in #ubuntu+1
[02:17] <myk_> thank you
[02:18] <fuhreal> Jucato: i want to run some commands as root without typing sudo before the commands
[02:18] <Jucato> sudo -i
[02:18] <Jucato> (don't forget to exit/logout of that prompt after you're done)
[02:19] <fuhreal> Jucato: t
[02:19] <fuhreal> ty
[02:19] <Apple_Cat_> wouldn't su work also
[02:19] <Jucato> no. because the root account is "disabled"
[02:20] <Apple_Cat_> oki ^.^
[02:21] <Apple_Cat_> ooh su is used to become another user, whereas sudo is used to execute a command as another user
[02:22] <Jucato> well, you can also use su to execute something as another user using the -c option
[02:23] <Apple_Cat_> but su won't work if the account you are trying to become/ execute something as , if the account is disabled ?
[02:24] <Jucato> of course. it's as if the user doesn't exist :)
[02:25] <Apple_Cat_> great, thanks for the clarification ^-^
[02:39] <vLdSS> what is the command that will tell me the current time/date?
[02:39] <Apple_Cat_> date
[02:40] <vLdSS> cool
[02:47] <fuhreal> Anyone know why the C compilers default output will not create executables? i'm trying to install a theme that requires compile from source
[02:50] <Regital> how do i check if i have the latest drivers for my graphics card?
[02:50] <Regital> i have kubuntu gutsy and nvidia geforce 7950gt
[02:55] <matt1728> !drivers
[02:55] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about drivers - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[02:56] <nite613> I feel like such a newb. My kicker thas disappeared and I can't figure out how to get it back
[02:57] <nite613> It's running alright. When I restart it it will appear momentarilly then vanish
[03:01] <Regital> hmm... i was wondering if theres any other distros for a newb to try out?
[03:01] <Regital> cause im curious how all the distros are different
[03:02] <kgoetz> Regital: perhaps have a look at distrowatch.com
[03:02] <Regital> kgoetz, wil ldo
[03:02] <vLdSS> are there any good resources out there for helping me set up a MTA on my machine?
[03:02] <kgoetz> !mta
[03:02] <ubotu> A Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is the server software that sends and queues mail. The default MTA (and !MDA) on Ubuntu is !postfix ("exim" is also officially supported). See also !MailServer and !MUA
[03:03] <kgoetz> !postfix | vLdSS
[03:03] <ubotu> vLdSS: postfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer
[03:03] <vLdSS> !MailServer
[03:03] <ubotu> Ubuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/email-services.html
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[03:19] <ncfi1013> hi i cant mount my ipod or get my bookmark links to work in konqueror
[03:21] <ncfi1013> hi i cant mount my ipod in amarok or get my bookmark links to work in konqueror. sorry for saying this a 2nd time but i had to add some thing
[03:37] <kgx> if i want to log something to syslog, will `>>/var/log/syslog` work or is there a better way?
[03:38] <ncfi1013> i cant get my ipod 3rd gen to mount on desktop, amarok to open, or get my bookmark links to open in konqueror
[03:39] <kgoetz> kgx: theres a better way. syslogd
[03:39] <ncfi1013> PLEASE HELP?!
[03:40] <kgx> kgoetz: thanks
[03:40] <kgoetz> kgx: np
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[03:48] <dontpanic> Hi, is that kubuntu bug that disabled access to any admin stuff via the gui fixed?
[03:48] <dontpanic> The one that came out in one of the updates
[03:49] <kgoetz> dontpanic: whats that?
[03:50] <fuhreal> Whats the command to start eth0 ?
[03:51] <fuhreal> /etc/net/et0 start ?
[03:51] <dontpanic> It was a while ago, and I installed an update that made it so when I tried to change something in the control panel thing when I typed in the admin password it still wouldn't let me change stuff.
[03:51] <kgoetz> fuhreal: ifup eth0
[03:51] <kgoetz> dontpanic: are you running hardy?
[03:52] <fuhreal> kgoetz: unknown interface eth0=eth0
[03:52] <fuhreal> wow
[03:52] <fuhreal> this is really odd
[03:52] <kgoetz> fuhreal: then you have to configure it
[03:52] <fuhreal> eth0 will only come up when eth1 is connected
[03:52] <fuhreal> :|
[03:52] <fuhreal> whats up with that
[03:53] <kgoetz> fuhreal: pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file.
[03:53] <kgoetz> also, what version of kubuntu do you run?
[03:54] <Erickj92> how do i CD to a folder that is forbidden for regular users?
[03:54] <Erickj92> it requires root
[03:54] <ktest> hello
[03:54] <dthacker> Erickj92: use sudo
[03:54] <Erickj92> dthacker, sudo didnt work
[03:54] <Erickj92> i did: sudo cd....
[03:55] <kgoetz> Erickj92: pastebin exactly what you did
[03:55] <Pendeta> I've just installed Ubuntu Server Edition. Now I want to add the KED 4.0.2 GUI. I've not been able to find a doc telling how to do this. I suppose I have to type something to download the packages. Can anyone tell me what to type?
[03:55] <Erickj92> no internet on that computer
[03:55] <Erickj92> but i can tell you what i did
[03:55] <kgoetz> !tell Pendeta about kde4
[03:56] <Erickj92> i did: sudo cd cel-src -1.2
[03:57] <dthacker> Erickj92: that doesn't look like a valid path.
[03:57] <tzanger> I manually nuked /lib/modules/2.6.blah.blah (I didn't need them) -- I later decided it might be good to get rid of the package too but of course that's now not working
[03:57] <Erickj92> dthacker, yes it is
[03:57] <tzanger> how do I tell apt to stop trying to be smart?
[03:57] <Erickj92> i cd in a different way
[03:57] <Erickj92> tzanger, yell into its ear?
[03:57] <Pendeta> kgoetz, I mistyped. KDE4 is what I meant.
[03:58] <dthacker> Erickj92: does that path have spaces in it?
[03:58] <Erickj92> no
[03:58] <Erickj92> i made a typo in the chat ehre
[03:58] <Erickj92> here**
[03:59] <Erickj92> it tells me sudo:cd: command not found
[04:00] <dthacker> Erickj92: sounds like your $PATH is borked
[04:00] <Erickj92> well i can get in with dolphin
[04:01] <Erickj92> so its there
[04:02] <dthacker> !path
[04:02] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about path - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[04:02] <dalton2345> hello, i'm trying to install kubuntu,,,but it always give me an error,,, at nvidia kernel
[04:02] <dthacker> ubotu, you disappoint me.
[04:03] <dalton2345> i did like 5 cds i wonder what's wrong
[04:04] <dthacker> dalton2345: your cdrom drive?
[04:04] <dalton2345> i can play dvds....audio cds....it's ok i believe
[04:04] <matt1728> what did you burn them with/
[04:04] <dalton2345> nero
[04:05] <Erickj92> dalton2345, could be your CD drive doesnt like the CD's your using
[04:05] <matt1728> use imgburn
[04:05] <Erickj92> try a different brand
[04:05] <dthacker> Erickj92: can you cd to your home directory without error?
[04:05] <matt1728> did you burn them on windows?
[04:05] <dalton2345> yes on windows
[04:05] <Erickj92> dthacker, yes
[04:05] <Erickj92> dalton2345, same thing that happened to me
[04:05] <matt1728> then use img burn
[04:06] <Erickj92> try a diff brand of CD
[04:06] <matt1728> its better than NERO for a images
[04:06] <TheGonk> What's a good font browser?
[04:06] <dalton2345> i changed...i use sony now
[04:06] <dthacker> ok, so cd is in your path. Then you type "sudo cd /mynew/dir", right?
[04:06] <dalton2345> and i've install it on another pc
[04:06] <Erickj92> i just cd 1 at a time dthacker
[04:06] <Erickj92> dalton2345, its the CD drive and the band of CD, im tellin ya
[04:06] <dalton2345> but on this one...its not working and thats the better one
[04:06] <posingaspopular> hey all, my sound just dropped out. when I try to run a song in amarok, i get a popup about 'audio ouput unavailble: device is busy. xine parameteres'
[04:07] <posingaspopular> any ideas?
[04:07] <Erickj92> dalton2345, doesnt matter how "good" the computer is
[04:07] <dalton2345> i'm on suse 10.3
[04:07] <matt1728> restart kmixer?
[04:07] <dthacker> restart amarok?
[04:07] <dalton2345> but its getting an headache,,,i just found out open office keep crashing over and over
[04:08] <posingaspopular> why would yo need to sudo to a directory
[04:08] <matt1728> sudo killall kmixer
[04:08] <Erickj92> posingaspopular, because the dir is locked
[04:08] <Erickj92> or, protected to non super users
[04:08] <posingaspopular> oh i see
[04:09] <posingaspopular> restart kmix didnt work
[04:09] <posingaspopular> it's not just amarok, it's the videos too
[04:09] <Erickj92> dthacker, i just keep getting the: sudo: cd: command not found
[04:09] <dthacker> try sudo -i, then cd into the dir
[04:11] <Erickj92> dthacker, what would the dir be? it is in a folder called CEL, which is in my Home folder
[04:11] <fuhreal_> is there a command to show free diskspace in term?
[04:12] <hydrogen> df -h
[04:12] <fuhreal_> cool .. thanks
[04:12] <posingaspopular> or 'free' or 'fdisk -l'
[04:12] <hydrogen> no
[04:12] <hydrogen> free shows memory
[04:12] <hydrogen> not diskspace
[04:12] <dthacker> Erickj92: dir should be CEL as well
[04:13] <posingaspopular> oh that's why the floopy drive was complaing hydrogen
[04:13] <Erickj92> what exatly should i type in?
[04:13] <posingaspopular> duh :P
[04:13] <dthacker> you can get a complete listing with ls -l | more
[04:13] <hydrogen> fdisk shows partitions, not disk usage
[04:13] <ubuntu___> buenas noches
[04:13] <dthacker> fuhreal_: df -h
[04:13] <hydrogen> df to show the free space on partitions, du to show the usage in a given directory
[04:14] <Erickj92> dthacker, what would be the exact thing i type in terminal?
[04:14] <Erickj92> cd CEL is not working
[04:15] <dthacker> Erickj92: first type "ls -l | more" to find the directory. Then "cd dirname" to move into it.
[04:16] <Erickj92> dthacker: ls -1 | more does nothing
[04:16] <dthacker> Erickj92: type "pwd" and tell me what it says
[04:17] <Erickj92> ./root
[04:17] <dthacker> Erickj92: are the files under root or under your home dir?
[04:17] <Erickj92> home
[04:18] <dthacker> what is your user name on this machine?
[04:18] <Erickj92> erick
[04:18] <dthacker> Erickj92: ok, type "cd /home/erick/CEL" and see what happens.
[04:18] <Erickj92> yay
[04:18] <posingaspopular> hmm sudo alsa reload doesn't fix the problem, and neither does checking alsamixer
[04:18] <Erickj92> it workedddd
[04:19] <dthacker> :)
[04:20] <dthacker> posingaspopular: you could mess with it all night or....(gasp) you could reboot.
[04:21] <posingaspopular> that was my next option
[04:23] <Menfest> How can i restrict email which comes to a certain account or alias to only come from a specified account or domain?
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[04:27] <Apple_Cat_> Menfest: it's hard to say , maybe a bit more information would help
[04:28] <Menfest> sendmail
[04:29] <Menfest> i want to prevent spam from coming to an alias so if I restrict to to mail from our domain I would think it would cut a lot of spam.
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[04:51] <chinamann> hi @ all
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[05:10] <derekul> how do u uninstall kubuntu desktop
[05:12] <ere4si> sudo apt-get purge kubuntu-desktop
[05:23] <derekul> Package kubuntu-desktop is not installed, so not removed
[05:23] <derekul> whats going on
[05:23] <Kaevik> hmmm
[05:24] <Kaevik> need help configuring network >< (wireless)
[05:24] <derekul> but im on kubuntu right now and wana remove it from my hd with out removing vista
[05:24] <Kaevik> soon as I enable it it disables it
[05:25] <Kaevik> (device eth1)
[05:26] <ere4si> derekul: if you want to remove kubuntu you just format the drive
[05:27] <ere4si> derekul: then you need to get vista to write to the mbr
[05:28] <derekul> how
[05:29] <derekul> im new to it
[05:29] <ere4si> derekul: you'll need to ask on #windows - I don't know
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[05:30] <calcmandan> hi guys
[05:31] <calcmandan> for those who were there the other night, someone suggested another person install virtuaolbox
[05:31] <calcmandan> i did for kicks, and it's a sweet deal
[05:31] <calcmandan> i feel a bit dirty though. for fun i installed xp in the vm. it installed easy as pie.
[05:31] <calcmandan> i did remove it though.
[05:32] <calcmandan> got debian finishing config now, and have another instance of kubuntu 7.04. running 6.06.
[05:32] <calcmandan> runs very well. better than vmware ever did.
[05:32] <calcmandan> never got vmware running, actually.
[05:33] <kgoetz> calcmandan: cool. i might have to look into it
[05:33] <calcmandan> kgoetz: i found an apt repo on their site for dapper.
[05:33] <calcmandan> i got it through apt. sweet and simple.
[05:34] <kgoetz> pity its not in ubuntu (that i can see)
[05:34] <calcmandan> matters not
[05:34] <kgoetz> it does if you want to deploy it at a company :)
[05:34] <calcmandan> it's not in our default repositories. you have to add their repo to your sources list.
[05:35] <ol_dude67> i use vmware and its easy to if you know how to install it.
[05:36] <kgoetz> vmware is proprietary (and its UI annoys the crap out of me)
[05:37] <Kaevik> hmm WPA isn't available on linux?
[05:37] <calcmandan> Kaevik: good question. i've never figured it out successfully.
[05:37] <kgoetz> Kaevik: it depends on your card
[05:37] <calcmandan> Kaevik: i just filter via mac address to make it work.
[05:38] <kgoetz> and (of course) software version
[05:38] <kgoetz> mac filtering will stop windows users (at best). its not super secure
[05:39] <nixternal_> SAY CHEESE!
[05:39] <calcmandan> kgoetz: yeah i know. it's 'something.'
[05:39] <calcmandan> i live in a quiet neighborhood, and my router's range doesn't even make it to the street.
[05:40] <kgoetz> heh. nice
[05:40] <calcmandan> i'm looking for open source firmware for my router that I can play with.
[05:40] <Kaevik> so I guess I will have toi change to wep encryption...
[05:41] <kgoetz> calcmandan: whats the router?
[05:41] <calcmandan> kgoetz: let me look.
[05:41] <calcmandan> forgot
[05:41] <kgoetz> may as well have no encryption with wep
[05:42] <calcmandan> rangemax
[05:43] <kgoetz> not familar with it
[05:43] <calcmandan> netgear wpn824 rangemax
[05:43] <calcmandan> 834 not 824
[05:44] <calcmandan> RangeMax 240 Wireless Router model WPNT834
[05:45] <kgoetz> not familar with hacking netgears sorry
[05:45] <calcmandan> it's cool.
[05:45] <calcmandan> it's not easy.
[05:46] <calcmandan> i haven't looked very hard.
[05:46] <calcmandan> and i am not the only one in the house using it, so i can't fuck with it
[05:50] <calcmandan> anyone know how to disable messages like users timing out and coming online in kopete?
[05:51] <calcmandan> Now listening to:I. Allegro vivace by Michelangeli, Arturo Benedetti on Ravel & Rachmaninov: Piano Concertos
[06:11] <vikku_> #ubuntu-programming
[06:14] <ncfi1013> have codeine, helix, kaffeine, miro, mplayer, noatun, smplayer, and vlc. do any of these have ipod 3rd gen support like amarok does?
[06:15] <kadam> is it true you can navigate KDE well with the keyboard?
[06:16] <Jucato> kadam: depends on what you mean by "navigate KDE"
[06:16] <ncfi1013> if my system sees my ipod, why won't it mount and why won't the ipod icon show up on the desk top?
[06:17] <ncfi1013> should i be in the ubuntu irc to ask these questions?
[06:17] <kadam> Jucato: well... I mean, I have this keyboard next to another keyboard, so it's a pain to use the mouse...
[06:18] <Jucato> kadam: ah you mean use the keyboard to move the mouse?
[06:18] <kgoetz> ncfi1013: if no one here ansers, probably no one knows. you could try #ubuntu, but i expect looking around on the net will be more useful
[06:18] <Jucato> !ipod
[06:19] <kadam> Jucato: Wwell, I mean, perhaps... I was thinking just plain keyboard nav...
[06:19] <Jucato> ncfi1013: maybe, maybe not. try looking through Google. I think there might be some guides there. the good thing is that your iPod is detected. that's one step solved
[06:19] <kadam> Jucato: Cuz I don't have a numerical keypad on this kb either 8)
[06:19] <Jucato> kadam: you can always Alt+Tab to switch windows, Ctrl+F1-F4 to switch virtual desktops (Ctrl+Tab actually, but Kubuntu disables that by default)
[06:20] <Jucato> Alt+F1 to launch the K Menu, Alt+Space to trigger Katapult (a program launcher and more), Alt+F2 to pop up the Run Command box
[06:20] <Jucato> you can bring up the window menu to move, resize, minimize, etc. with Alt+F3
[06:21] <Jucato> what else?
[06:21] <kadam> wow yeah those are just what I need :D
[06:21] <Jucato> you can look at the other keyboard shortcuts in System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse -> Keyboard Shortcuts
[06:22] <servettas> how can i set theme kubuntu ?
[06:23] <Kaevik> so WEPA not available in kubuntu? o.O
[06:23] <Kaevik> er -E
[06:23] <Jucato> !changethemes | servettas
[06:23] <kadam> Jucato: Cool, very helpful, thanks!
[06:24] <Jucato> !ping
[06:24] <ubotwo> ping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore
[06:24] <servettas> Jucato: i want add new themes but i don't know where i can find from menu
[06:24] <Jucato> !changethemes | servettas
[06:24] <ubotwo> servettas: To change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy. Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubotu xfce-themes
[06:24] <Jucato> see the 2nd link
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[06:26] <npurciful> hey what is the progress loader called? right after grub
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[06:26] <Jucato> a bootsplash. in Ubuntu's case, it's called usplash
[06:36] <Hobbsee> !help
[06:36] <ubotwo> I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots
[06:36] <Jucato> hehe :)
[06:37] <Hobbsee> so, that works. i won't replace that with my ubotu
[06:40] <luxo> hi
[06:40] <luxo> hola
[06:48] <Apple_Cat_> to remove virtual terminals 3-6, remove the files in /etc/event.d ? or it's not even worth worrying about
[06:49] <Apple_Cat_> and by that i mean, because i never use 3-6 i figure i should or could remove them
[06:49] <Jucato> not worth worrying about
[06:49] <Apple_Cat_> oki ^-^ thanks again
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[07:22] <DreadKnight> 8.04 beta not out yet?
[07:22] <DreadKnight> just for ubuntu?
[07:23] <ncfi1013> does anybody here own an ipod and what gen?
[07:25] <azzco_> DreadKnight: 6:th alpha CD is out
[07:26] <DreadKnight> azzco_: ok, so beta only for ubuntu atm :-)
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[07:38] <noaXess> is there any reason, why the suspend mode or the hibernate mode won't work?.. my notebook goes sleeping but never wake up.. no black display.. any idea, hints?
[07:38] <noaXess> where can i run this command over console
[07:39] <jussi01> noaXess: suspend and hibernate have been hge problems in gutsy, search launchpad for the bugs
[07:39] <noaXess> jussi01: okay.. are ther only bug's or some solutions?
[07:40] <jussi01> noaXess: I think there are some workarounds on the bugs
[07:40] <Kaevik> kubuntu works with broadcom wireless nic?
[07:40] <noaXess> Kaevik: jep.. in think with a restricted driver
[07:40] <Kaevik> ><
[07:41] <noaXess> jussi01: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu
[07:41] <noaXess> right?
[07:41] <jussi01> yes
[07:42] <jussi01> !bcm43xx | Kaevik
[07:42] <ubotwo> Kaevik: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx
[07:44] <azzco_> I have no idea how to use khotkeys, it just doesn't seem to respond at all
[07:44] <azzco_> Any ideas?
[07:44] <posingaspopular> how do I stop the /user/bin/system-config-applet from running?
[07:45] <DreadKnight> posingaspopular: um... ctrl+esc ... select it and hit Kill ? xD
[07:45] <posingaspopular> it's not running
[07:45] <posingaspopular> at least not a gui
[07:45] <posingaspopular> just as a process i can see in htop
[07:47] <Kaevik> seems I have a BCM3218 (AirForce One 54g)
[07:47] <Kaevik> er 4318
[07:51] <jussi01> Kaevik: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Broadcom_BCM4318_%5bAirForce_One_54g%5d?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDevice%29
[08:02] <Kaevik> ><
[08:03] <Kaevik> this one thing tels me to '1) Open System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager'
[08:03] <Kaevik> not finding those options
[08:03] <jussi01> Kaevik: system settings -> advanced -> restricted driver manager
[08:03] <jussi01> :)
[08:05] <Mithsir> Hi! I just noticed that kwalletmanager seems to be blocked while Keep does a backup (via rdiff-backup). Is that correct?
[08:05] <Daisuke_Ido> think for a moment about that. "it wants me to go to edit settings for my system. where would that be in kde?"
[08:06] <Kaevik> oh its System Settings > Advanced tab > Restricted drivers -.-;
[08:07] <jussi01> as I just said...
[08:09] <Kaevik> there are 3 different 'system' menus
[08:10] <Kaevik> ok it says the software sourse for the package is not enabled.
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[08:17] <agibou> allo
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[08:35] <trevor_> Hey... I'm having problems with Compiz-Fusion
[08:36] <trevor_> Settings aren't saving, and if I'm not using compiz, everything gets all sluggish...
[08:36] <Jucato> trevor_: #compiz-fusion is the place to be :)
[08:36] <trevor_> Thank you...
[08:37] * Daisuke_Ido rubs his temples
[08:39] <akhil_> hello
[08:41] <cannon> hi
[08:42] <akhil_> firefox is too slow....can anyone help plzz ?
[08:42] <cannon> have ya tried opera?
[08:43] <cannon> my ff works fine
[08:43] <akhil_> nope
[08:43] <akhil_> and kde even crashing sometimes
[08:43] <akhil_> just switched from gnome to kde
[08:43] <cannon> does anybody know of an rpm manager ... it's a kinda zip file that archive doesn't recognise
[08:44] <cannon> jussi01: prolly knows ;)
[08:44] <Jucato> !alien| cannon
[08:44] <ubotwo> cannon: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)
[08:44] <cannon> oooh, no winamp for me then lol
[08:44] <jussi01> cannon: please stop pinging me all the time ;)
[08:44] <akhil_> :)
[08:44] <cannon> heh ;)
[08:44] <akhil_> songbird is gr8
[08:45] <akhil_> amarok also rox..y winamp
[08:45] <cannon> am looking for one that allows management and playback of movies as well as audio
[08:45] <cannon> movies
[08:45] <cannon> libet is nice for music but no movies
[08:45] <akhil_> any alternative to kaffeine and totem
[08:46] <akhil_> often kaffeine even doesn't start
[08:46] <jussi01> vlc
[08:47] <cannon> vlc doesn't have a compilation viewer though
[08:47] <cannon> though vlc is great for viewing em
[08:48] <akhil_> yep
[08:49] <cannon> i'd also like a better file browser than dolphin ... what that has a preview pane
[08:49] <Jucato> dolphin has a preview pane
[08:50] <akhil_> any better stable browser than firefox
[08:50] <akhil_> ??
[08:50] <jussi01> !dolphin | cannon
[08:50] <ubotwo> cannon: Dolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.
[08:51] <Jucato> cannon: there are only 3 KDE file managers that I know of: Konqueror, Krusader, and Dolphin. only Dolphin has a preview pane
[08:51] <jussi01> !test
[08:51] <ubotwo> Failed.
[08:51] <Jucato> Konqueror has filetips
[08:51] <cannon> filetips?
[08:52] <ren> Anyone care to help a n00b?
[08:52] <jussi01> !ask | ren
[08:52] <ubotwo> ren: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[08:52] <Jucato> you hover over the file and a small yellow window appears with file information and a preview (depending on the file)
[08:53] <ubotu> Failed.
[08:53] <Jucato> !ping
[08:53] <ubotwo> ping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore
[08:53] <Jucato> still lagging oh well
[08:53] <jussi01> probably still joining channels
[08:53] <Jucato> and syncing
[08:53] <Tm_T> Jucato: and sinking
[08:54] <Jucato> no. that would be me
[08:54] * Jucato sinks
[08:54] <ren> I need help getting "flash" to work I downloaded it from Adobe.com it is a .tar.gz file
[08:54] <ubotu> ren: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[08:54] <akhil_> use command tar zxvf filename
[08:54] <ubotu> ping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore
[08:54] <akhil_> and then ./configure
[08:55] <Jucato> no
[08:55] <akhil_> then make
[08:55] <Jucato> you don't compile flash
[08:55] <akhil_> then make install
[08:55] <jussi01> !flash
[08:55] <ubotwo> To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash
[08:55] <ren> thank you!
[08:55] <Jucato> ren: please read that ^^^^
[08:56] <ubotu> To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash
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[08:58] <jussi01> !nickspam | akhil_
[08:58] <ubotwo> akhil_: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #kubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users. (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.) The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also /msg ubotu Guidelines
[08:58] <christianp> hi all
[08:59] <christianp> does anyone know hot to join a kubuntu client into a Windows Active Directory domain?
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[08:59] <ubotu> akhil_: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #kubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users. (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.) The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also /msg ubotu Guidelines
[08:59] <ren> that flash install seems to be for ubuntnu 6.10 I have kubuntu 7.10
[09:00] <jussi01> ren: install the package flashplugin-nonfree
[09:00] <ren> from adobe
[09:01] <jussi01> ren: no
[09:01] <ren> package manager
[09:01] <jussi01> ren: are you familiar with the program adept?
[09:01] <ren> yes
[09:02] <jussi01> so go to adept, search flashplugin-nonfree and install
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[09:06] <ranjan> hi what do i need to do with this kubuntu 7.10
[09:06] <ranjan> i liked the concept of open source
[09:06] <ranjan> but i need to fight now
[09:06] <ranjan> i am getting confused
[09:07] <jussi01> ranjan: whats the issue?
[09:07] <ranjan> can't listen my fav music coz its mp3
[09:07] <ren_> go to adept search mp3
[09:08] <ranjan> yesterday someone told me to download libxine1_ffmpeg
[09:08] <jussi01> ranjan: go to the menu, open system - adept. search for kubuntu-restricted-extras and install it
[09:08] <cannon> jussi01: whats an alternative to archive?
[09:08] <cannon> i'd like to browse with it
[09:08] <jussi01> cannon: ha?
[09:09] <cannon> like ya can with winrar?
[09:09] <cannon> go up one folder
[09:09] <jussi01> ark
[09:09] <cannon> yep
[09:09] <cannon> it's not "functional enough" :P
[09:09] <jussi01> cannon: also, Please stop pinging me!
[09:10] <cannon> lol
[09:10] <cannon> i thought you was teasing earlier
[09:10] <ren_> youtube vids still not working after download and install do I need to restart?
[09:11] <jussi01> ren_: only restart firefox/konq
[09:11] <jussi01> you shouldnt need a full restart
[09:12] <cannon> can I use gnome apps on a kde environment?
[09:12] <Jucato> (might have to "Scan for new plugins" in Konq)
[09:12] <Jucato> cannon: sure
[09:12] <ren_> I did open a new konk window still not working
[09:13] <Jucato> ren_: in Konqueror, go to Settings menu -> Configure Konqueror -> at the left side, Plugins (near the bottom). click on the "Scan for new plugins" button
[09:13] <Jucato> once it finished scanning, click Apply then OK
[09:14] <faLUCE> Hi. how can I launch a process with realtime scheduler from command line?
[09:14] <faLUCE> i've seen that it's possible to do that with the desktop klauncher
[09:15] <ren_> thnx jucato
[09:16] <ren_> ok lol now I have sound but still no video
[09:20] <ren_> any ideas
[09:22] <re-align> Hmm...
[09:23] <jussi01> re-align: ?
[09:23] <ren_> I also keep getting this "Could not commit changes - Adept Manager"
[09:23] <re-align> I'm trying to open and compile a C++ project using KDevelop. It's a Qt3 project and KDevelop is asking me to specify the Qt3 directory (this directory needs an include subdirectory with qt.h in it).
[09:24] <re-align> The problem is, I've searched my entire system for qt.h and can't find it.
[09:24] <Jucato> re-align: install libqt3-mt-dev
[09:24] <Jucato> ren_: hm.. sorry no idea about the flash problem
[09:25] <ren_> that was for kubuntu-restricted-extras
[09:25] <ren_> can I do it from terminal
[09:26] <re-align> Thanks. Just needed to find the right package. :)
[09:26] <Jucato> ren_: sure. close Adept and run "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras"
[09:27] <ren_> ok thank you
[09:27] <cannon> !wine
[09:27] <ubotu> WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.
[09:30] <re-align> Also, Strigi doesn't seem to provide the same functionality that the Find Files/Folders feature from older versions of Kubuntu does as it's mostly limited to whatever directories you have it set to search (and have indexed).
[09:31] <Jucato> strigi and find files/folders are 2 different apps w/ 2 different goals and 2 different ways of working. and strigi in KDE 3.5.x is, afaik, a bit dated and not working properly
[09:32] <Jucato> (strigi is closer to locate/slocate than it is to find)
[09:33] <emilsedgh> Jucato: you know how to start searching and indexing in kde4?
[09:34] <emilsedgh> i never saw a place to search, strigi:/ didnt seem to work
[09:34] <Jucato> nooooope :)
[09:34] <Jucato> um wait... there's a "strigiclient" I think
[09:34] * Jucato wants to play with strigi + nepomuk stuff next time
[09:34] <re-align> Not sure what Kubuntu 7.10 uses by default, but there's no Find Files/Folders on my K Menu like in older versions...have to use Dolphin's find files/folders feature. :(
[09:34] <cpk1> whats wrong with locate? updatedb doesnt take much time and you could always make it a nightly job or something
[09:35] <emilsedgh> Jucato: its a Qt (not kde) app to stop and start deamon
[09:35] <Jucato> and?
[09:36] <Jucato> you asked for a way to start it in kde4. you didn't ask for a kde4 app :)
[09:36] <emilsedgh> i asked for search, not deamon management
[09:36] <Jucato> emilsedgh: there's search in there too
[09:36] <emilsedgh> there is a start/stop strigi in nepomuk's kcm
[09:36] <Jucato> cpk1: 1. updatedb does take time. 2. udpating doesn't happen real time. 3. afaik strigi does more than just index files and folders
[09:38] <emilsedgh> Jucato: you might like this: http://web.archive.org/web/19981205010558/http://www.kde.org/index.html
[09:40] <cannon> anybody installed wine ... am having troubles getting applications to install with it
[09:41] <Jucato> cannon: #winehq people might be able to help
[09:41] <cannon> ta
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[10:01] <_Angelus_> guys
[10:02] <_Angelus_> somebody knows a space flight simulator for linux?
[10:02] <_Angelus_> :p
[10:03] <lodi> hi anyone familiar with openoffice calc?
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[10:13] <fat-head> i dont know if this is a kde thing but why is it that sometimes when i click and drag a folder indo another folder and click "move here" it dissapears from the existing folder and doesnt appear in the selected folder ?? gone from my hd ?
[10:14] <fat-head> anyone ? ^^
[10:17] <clau30_> fat-head: sorry, never heard of anything like that
[10:17] <clau30_> very strange
[10:17] <fat-head> bug ?
[10:19] <clau30_> can you reproduce it? under what circumstances does it happen?
[10:19] <clau30_> maybe hidden files/folders?
[10:30] <meson10> My NetworkManager doesn turn up with any wireless results, but i can connect to a Network via the Command Line.
[10:30] <SlimeyPete> meson10: if you have manually configured any wireless networks (via networkmanager or by editing /etc/network/interfaces) then networkmanager will not try to detect networks
[10:31] <meson10> .. SlimeyPete: I want the GUI to do it... not by command line...
[10:31] <meson10> SlimeyPete: how can i get that working??
[10:32] <SlimeyPete> meson10: ok... do "sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces". If there are any wifi interfaces configured there, comment them out by putting a '#' in front of them.
[10:33] <SlimeyPete> once you've done that and restarted networkmanager (or rebooted) it *should* detect wifi networks for you (if it doesn't then there is another problem)
[10:33] <meson10> SlimeyPete: wifi interfaces? .. u mean any SSID's mentioned?
[10:34] <meson10> SlimeyPete: iface wlan0 inet dhcp && another line says auto wlan0 .. something with this?
[10:35] <SlimeyPete> meson10: for instance in mine there is "iface wifi0 inet dhcp". If you see anything like that, comment out the whole block at that point.
[10:37] <meson10> SlimeyPete: done... and commented the " auto wlan0" as well
[10:37] <meson10> SlimeyPete: what next ?
[10:45] <meson10> SlimeyPete: got disconnected as soon got tthat done... :) and its working now.. Thnaks
[10:45] <meson10> Thnak you*
[10:46] <DiKeert> Hi, all, how can I to configure my aterm? I created .Xdefaults file and wrote commands into this file, but aterm still not working =(
[10:47] <XerXesX> when will kubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron be released?
[10:50] <ncfi1013> i have my harddrive icons on my desktop. is it ok to delete them to the recycle bin without losing any info? if not, what do i do?
[10:51] <servettas> hi everone i have a printer on my server kinika minolta 1611 and i need driver about this can anyone help me please
[11:01] <noaXess> where can i change the default display manager.. have installed ubuntu-desktop and now gdm is the default dm.. but for testing i want to get back kdm.. thanks
[11:05] <Apple_Cat> did you remove KDE, or do you still have them both installed ?
[11:07] <noaXess> Apple_Cat: both installed
[11:07] <acemo> what packages do i need to install to be able to develop with qt?
[11:08] <icewaterman> how does ubuntu on amd64 allow for 3d acceleration on both 64 and 32-bit applications? they both need different drivers. but i have to set the location of the drivers manually for 32-bit apps. is there any way to do that automatically for all 32-bit apps?
[11:09] <Apple_Cat> and there isn't the option when you log in ?
[11:09] <icewaterman> without losing 3d acceleration on 64bit apps of course
[11:12] <Apple_Cat> noaXess:there should be the option to chose kde or gnome when you log in, or do you want to just use kde and get rid of gnome ?
[11:13] <noaXess> Apple_Cat: ok.. thats only the dektop i can select, before login.. but the display manager should be changed also anywhere
[11:13] <Apple_Cat> sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm
[11:14] <noaXess> !kdm
[11:14] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about kdm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[11:14] <acemo> !qt
[11:14] <ubotu> Qt is the Q toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI. Install the libqt3-mt-dev package to compile Qt applications
[11:15] <noaXess> Apple_Cat: jep thats it :) tal.. thanks a lot :)
[11:15] <acemo> !qt4
[11:15] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about qt4 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[11:15] <Apple_Cat> np : )
[11:25] <Stilo> Hi! Does anybody know the program affinity?
[11:27] <Stilo> or affinity-search
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[11:36] <ncfi1013> hi im new to kubuntu is there anybody that can tell me how to hide my mounted harddrives that are on my desktop?
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[11:38] <matt1728> unmount them?
[11:38] <muesli_> matt1728: that's not exactly the same as hiding
[11:38] <dwidmann> ncfi1013: right click on the desktop, configure desktop, behavior lefttab, device icons tab, uncheck any kind that you don't want to have shown on the desktop
[11:39] <muesli_> ncfi1013: you can disable those devices in kcontrol, or when you right click the desktop -> configure desktop
[11:43] <ncfi1013> now where do i go to put the min, max, and close buttons back in the upper right corner of each window i open?
[11:44] <fat-head> i am having trouble with kdm theme manager, when i click administrator mode nothing happens
[11:44] <ncfi1013> or how do make it to where i can move the windows around the screen in just the default way?
[11:45] <fat-head> anyone can help me ? ^
[11:45] * dwidmann prepares to reboot into Hardy
[11:47] <dwidmann> fat-head, well, more than one way to get there .... "kdesudo kcontrol"
[11:47] <fat-head> and when i try to run kcontrol in root so i can edit the theme manager settings i get /var/tmp/kdecache-xxx" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.
[11:47] <dwidmann> That shouldn't be a fatal error .... or is it?
[11:47] <ncfi1013> for example, this konversation irc window is just stuck in the upper left corner of my monitor and i can't move it anywhere or close it unless i go to file>quit
[11:48] <ncfi1013> i can't even maximize it to fit the monitor screen
[11:50] <dwidmann> ncfi1013: that's odd, what did you change?
[11:52] <dwidmann> I'm assuming the entire title bar is gone?
[11:53] <Stilo> When i want to start affinity i get the error segmentation fault. What does that mean?
[11:54] <Stilo> (affinity:30192): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_icon_theme_load_icon: assertion `error == NULL || *error == NULL' failed
[11:54] <ncfi1013> i don't really know, but i went back into system settings and defaulted everthing that i thought was the problem
[11:54] <Stilo> and then comes "Segmentation fault (core dumped)"
[11:55] <ncfi1013> after doing that do i need to restart kubuntu?
[11:55] <dwidmann> Stilo: Means it crashed.
[11:55] <ncfi1013> ...for all the changes to take effect?
[11:55] <wesley> !adeptfix
[11:55] <ubotu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[11:55] <dwidmann> ncfi1013: shouldn't need to, but restarting kde may help
[11:55] <dwidmann> ncfi1013: ie: log out, log back in
[11:56] <ncfi1013> well i'll do it and see then i'll get back to you on this
[11:57] <dwidmann> Stilo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segmentation_fault
[12:01] <ncfi1013> well i'm back and i still can't move the irc window or min/max it
[12:03] <fat-head> what is a valid kde theme archive ?? .kth ???
[12:04] <ncfi1013> what i went back and defaulted was appearance, desktop, window display, keyboard and mouse, and monitor and display in system settings
[12:04] <dwidmann> ncfi1013: It is a regular kde session right? Not a compiz or beryl session?
[12:04] <ncfi1013> oh i did make a few changes in compiz-fusion
[12:05] <dwidmann> ncfi1013: well, I believe you've probably found your problem.
[12:05] <ncfi1013> should i go back and default them too?
[12:05] <dwidmann> ues
[12:05] <dwidmann> **yes
[12:05] <ncfi1013> alright will do
[12:05] <fat-head> anyone help me ? ^
[12:06] <dwidmann> fat-head: sounds valid .... but I haven't touched a kdm theme in over a year .... can't remember
[12:06] <fat-head> :S k
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[12:09] <ncfi1013> the max, min, and close buttons are back but i cant get compiz to open after trying 3 or 4 times
[12:11] <ncfi1013> and now they're gone again
[12:11] <nosrednaekim> ncfi1013: join #compiz-fusion
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[12:21] <ncfi1013> pastebin? what's that?
[12:22] <nosrednaekim> !pastebin
[12:22] <ubotu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[12:25] <dwidmann> :( KDE4 seems to definitely be on the slow side of things
[12:31] <Apple_Cat> how can i disable katapult? just comment it out of a start up script somewhere ?
[12:33] <dwidmann> apple_cat, just close it (alt + space, ctrl + c), then save your session.
[12:36] <AQ_LIVE> anyone here who can help me with my soundcard?
[12:36] <AQ_LIVE> ATI Technologies Inc SB450 HDA Audio
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[12:37] <SlimeyPete> AQ_LIVE: I have one of those. I've never managed to make it work. I've heard that the latest ALSA works with it though.
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[12:38] <AQ_LIVE> and how do I get taht and how do I install it?
[12:40] <SlimeyPete> AQ_LIVE: you can get it from alsa-project.org. You have to compile from source. Personally I'm just going to wait and see if Hardy fixes the problem.
[12:41] <AQ_LIVE> and how do I compile from source?
[12:42] <blackwaltz> SlimeyPete: If you have the time and bandwidth, why not give hardy a try now? ........ seems to be working relatively okay for me so far.
[12:42] <SlimeyPete> AQ_LIVE: the method changes according to what you're compiling. I haven't compiled ALSA recently so can't remember. It'll be something along the lines of "install kernel headers, run ./configure, run make, run make install"
[12:42] <SlimeyPete> blackwaltz: I would, but I use this box for work so I don't want to break it.
[12:43] <blackwaltz> SlimeyPete: Yeah, breaking that might be a problem.
[12:43] <SlimeyPete> I do need to reinstall another box soon so I will probably whack Hardy on that one.
[12:43] <SlimeyPete> 'cos Gutsy committed suicide for reasons as yet unknown ;)
[12:44] <blackwaltz> Gutsy seemed good at that.\
[12:44] <SlimeyPete> yeah... stability still isn't one of Ubuntu's strong points, unfortunately. Hopefully Hardy will improve on that.
[12:46] <blackwaltz> SlimeyPete: yeah ..... my laptop had been crashing a lot lately ;..... so I decided to Upgrade to hardy on a whim. (How much worse could it be, right? .... better than hard powering off at any rate)
[12:46] <SlimeyPete> heh, yeah.
[12:46] <blackwaltz> in fact, I just did that 20 minutes ago
[12:47] * ActionParsnip is downloading hardy now
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[12:53] <arriesp> hi
[12:55] <ActionParsnip> sup arriesp
[13:10] <akhil_> hi
[13:11] <akhil_> I'm getting very low sound in both ubuntu and kubuntu
[13:11] <akhil_> how to fix this low sound issue?
[13:12] <ActionParsnip> akhil_, crank your mixer
[13:12] <akhil_> crank?
[13:13] <ActionParsnip> akhil_, pull all the sliders up
[13:14] <akhil_> how to do that?
[13:14] <akhil_> me a noob
[13:16] <akhil_> it's already in max
[13:16] <akhil_> i mean volume control slider
[13:17] <akhil_> thanx ..it worked
[13:17] <akhil_> wow..amazing sound
[13:22] <Dr_willis> Crank it up to 11! :)
[13:22] <ActionParsnip> akhil_, sweet move dude
[13:22] * ActionParsnip widdles on his air guitar
[13:23] <Dr_willis> !ohmy | ActionParsnip
[13:23] <ubotu> ActionParsnip: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[13:23] <Dr_willis> :)
[13:24] <Dr_willis> all this cranking, and sliding and widdleing! thats just not right! :P
[13:24] <ActionParsnip> Dr_willis, you ever seen anyone do a fiddly solo on a guitar?
[13:24] <ActionParsnip> thats widdling
[13:24] <Dr_willis> *fiddly*!
[13:24] * Dr_willis covers his ears and eyes
[13:27] <crashhandler> can i join?
[13:27] <ActionParsnip> crashhandler, sure!
[13:28] <crashhandler> why so happy here?
[13:28] <ActionParsnip> cos everything is working :)
[13:28] <Dr_willis> we are getting down and fiddly! :)
[13:29] <genii> Fiddly and widdling
[13:30] <crashhandler> there are so many people not happy @ #ubuntu! but here is different
[13:30] <crashhandler> hu-hu
[13:30] <akhil_> I had earlier installed linux and usually I remove it within a month
[13:31] <akhil_> this time i had determined..no matter how tough it is..i'm gonna use this linux stuff
[13:31] <crashhandler> yesterday ive removed my pclinuxos and installed ubuntu.
[13:31] <akhil_> pissed off with vista
[13:31] <ActionParsnip> alain_, vista is garbage
[13:31] <crashhandler> but i found gnome is too ...And i installed kde env.
[13:31] <akhil_> yep
[13:31] <ActionParsnip> yeah I dont like gnome
[13:31] <akhil_> kde is cool
[13:32] <akhil_> but my kopete is in trouble
[13:32] <akhil_> no option for reconnect
[13:32] <akhil_> forced to use pidgin
[13:33] <Apple_Cat> under session manager , applications to be excluded from sessions; write the application name, or the absolute path? how are arguments separated ?
[13:34] <genii> comma separated
[13:34] <ActionParsnip> akhil_, i always use pidgin
[13:35] <ActionParsnip> akhil_, make sure you uninstall kopete if you arent using it
[13:35] <Apple_Cat> oki ,thanks for that genii : )
[13:35] <akhil_> i want to use it..but unable to use it . :)
[13:38] <Apple_Cat> so "Session Manager" is just a frontend for KSMServer ?
[13:43] <Apple_Cat> and .desktop files under /usr/share will show what processes are started at login ?
[13:43] <Pyriel> what's wrong with my webcam when it says, "could not connect to video device (dev 0/????)
[13:43] <Pyriel> something like that
[13:44] <Pyriel> pls help me
[13:44] <Pyriel> if you know
[13:45] <crashhandler> how can i browse on internet and possibly install kdm theme in one click (a-la synaptic)? any recommendation/.?
[13:46] <Pyriel> i dont know with camorama
[13:46] <Pyriel> it says could not connect to video device
[13:46] <nosrednaekim> !kdmtheme
[13:46] <ubotu> To customize your !KDM theme, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu - However, see http://subtrnl.homelinux.com/kdmtheme.html for working around bug #132723 (http://tinyurl.com/2prhgc)
[13:47] <Pyriel> nosrednaekim: can you help me?
[13:47] <Apple_Cat> eek i think i got that .desktop thing wrong, i just read what the katapult.desktop had in it , and it didn't seem to have much to do with starting it at login
[13:47] <Apple_Cat> !webcam
[13:47] <ubotu> Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras
[13:47] <Pyriel> thanks
[13:47] <Pyriel> iiih iiih abreunussi
[13:48] <Apple_Cat> np
[13:52] <bab> Hi, I want to use my HDD as host drive. I've a Linux system and want to start Windows XP in qemu. WinXP is on the same HDD and on boot of qemu there will be an error 17 by grub. What can I do?
[13:54] <nosrednaekim> bab: I don't think you can di it if its on the same HD
[13:56] <titanix88> is there any way to configure the clock to 12 hour clock? :((
[13:56] <Jucato> titanix88: right-click on the clock -> Date and Time format
[13:57] <titanix88> Jucato: thanku. :)
[14:04] <Apple_Cat> what path is the $KDEDIR/ ?
[14:04] <emilsedgh> Apple_Cat: echo $KDEDIR
[14:05] <francesco_> hello...i have a biggggggg problem. today i've istalled kubuntu, but the login screen appears characterized by huge fonts, how can i reduce those ones???
[14:05] <Apple_Cat> wait.... i found it *facepalm*, mm i tried echo $KDEDIR but there was no output
[14:06] <Apple_Cat> francesco_: is everything big, or just the fonts ?
[14:06] <francesco_> the fonts
[14:06] <Apple_Cat> kde just happened to be in ~./kde
[14:06] <emilsedgh> Apple_Cat: you tried echo $KDEDIR in terminal and there was no output?
[14:07] <emilsedgh> Apple_Cat: ~/.kde is $KDEHOME or something like that, KDEDIR is usually /usr
[14:07] <Apple_Cat> well not no output, but just a newline
[14:07] <emilsedgh> then $KDEDIR is not set
=== genii_ is now known as genii
[14:08] <titanix88> emilsedgh: i tried that too. no output for me as well.
[14:08] <Jucato> $KDEDIR is almost never set by distros.
[14:08] <Jucato> (binary distros, that is...)
[14:09] <Apple_Cat> the reason i wanted to know was because of this site about KSMServer http://www.fruitsalad.org/people/phil/kde/userguide-tng/ksmserver.html, but apparently they were talking about the KDEHOME dir as the files match up
[14:09] <francesco_> the fonts are so big that i cannot select and read anything
[14:09] <emilsedgh> oh, i havent kubuntu packages, sorry
[14:09] <Jucato> Apple_Cat: "kde-config --prefix"
[14:09] <Jucato> Apple_Cat: $KDEHOME is almost always ~/.kde except in the case of KDE 4, where it is sometimes ~/.kde4
[14:09] <emilsedgh> yeah, i was going to say it
[14:11] <Jucato> Apple_Cat: in Kubuntu's case, $KDEDIR = /usr. $KDEHOME (for KDE3) is ~/.kde/
[14:12] <Jucato> that translate to /usr/share/autostart and ~/.kde/Autostart/
[14:13] <Apple_Cat> thanks Jucato and emilsedgh : )
[14:14] <Jucato> ah, it seems "kde-config --localprefix" gives you $KDEHOME
[14:16] <michal_> zdar:)
[14:18] <Apple_Cat> so .desktop files in /usr/share/Autostart will run for every kde login, and .desktop files in ~/.kde/Autostart will only start for the owner of the home directory they are in ?
[14:19] <Jucato> yep
[14:19] <Jucato> er.. /usr/share/autostart/ not Autostart/
[14:19] <Jucato> (case sensitive)
[14:19] <Jucato> one is "global"/system wide, the other is local/per-user
[14:20] <Apple_Cat> oops ,so it is autostart rather than Autostart
[14:20] * Jucato nods
[14:20] <Apple_Cat> thanks that makes things a lot clearer now ^.^
[14:21] <PommesDieFritte> Hiho!
[14:21] <titanix88> sometimes my network interface gets named "eth1" instead of "eth0". whats the prob?
[14:23] <titanix88> it gives me headache as my mac changing script is written with "eth0"
[14:25] <Aw0L> what's the name of that CPU Throttling/Battery monitor app that's installed by default and sits in the tray?
[14:25] <llutz> Aw0L: you mean" guidance-power-manager"?
[14:27] <titanix88> i have a "celeron inside" cpu. Why cant i scale my processor freqency?
[14:27] <Pyriel> does logitech quickcam 8.3.0 (windows drivers) work for ubuntu camorama? it says "could not connect to video device"?
[14:27] <titanix88> i can downgrade it in windows with a gigabyte's utility.
[14:29] <Aw0L> llutz, I don't know? I don't have kubuntu installed at the moment - thanks
[14:30] <titanix88> guys...it's funny that i an downgrade my celeron 1.6 cpu so that it consumes only 83% power. :s
[14:30] <titanix88> *can
[14:31] <genii> titanix88: What does: grep stepping /proc/cpuinfo show?
[14:32] <titanix88> genii: stepping : 1
[14:33] <wolas> Hello
[14:33] <genii> titanix88: Then it doesn't support scaling
[14:33] <wolas> i need help with amarok
[14:33] <wolas> who know about sqlite config i m movin from debian etch to kubuntu
[14:33] <titanix88> genii: in linux?
[14:34] <wolas> and i want to have my amarok database same as in debian
[14:34] <genii> titanix88: At all
[14:34] <wolas> when i simply copy amarok settings it is no good :)
[14:34] <titanix88> genii: it sure does in windows with a mb vendors utility. It can be scaled in five steps.
[14:35] <wolas> i know somewhere are sqlite passwords or something like that which need to be same as in debian
[14:35] <wolas> anyone have ideas?
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[14:37] <francisco_f_r> ñ
[14:38] <genii> titanix88: This is a feature of the motherboard bios to ignore the fixed ratio of the cpu. The cpu you have natively does not support scaling.
[14:39] <genii> bah he left already
[14:43] <genii> wolas: I assume you've paid the $2000 US for the Encryption Extensions then?
[14:43] <Apple_Cat> how do .desktop files in other directories differ from those in the autostart directory ? when looking in /usr/share/autostart there is no katapult.desktop, but there is one in the /usr/share/applications/kde/ directory
[14:45] <Jucato> Apple_Cat: katapult isn't autostarted through /usr/share/autostart/ but through KDE's session management (saved when you logout by default)
[14:45] <Jucato> Apple_Cat: .desktop files are a cross-desktop (works across GNOME, KDE, etc... standardized by freedesktop.org) way of describing/defining things and directories
[14:47] <Apple_Cat> hrm, I thought KDE's session manager == KSMServer, which runs the files in the two autostart directories ?
[14:48] <Jucato> um. no...
[14:48] <Jucato> there's manual autostarting and there's session management... different things
[14:49] <Apple_Cat> manual autostarting = autostarting directories, and session manager is a different thing
[14:50] <Jucato> yeah
[14:51] * arriesp xao
[14:51] <Apple_Cat> is there some documentation on session management anywhere?
[14:51] <frank_the_tank> hello guys
[14:52] <Jucato> Apple_Cat: System Settings -> Advanced -> Session Manager -> Help button :)
[14:52] <frank_the_tank> ??? was tht for me?
[14:52] <Jucato> Apple_Cat: there's something in http://docs.kde.org/kde3/en/kdebase/userguide/index.html but my internet is slooow tonight so I can't be specific
[14:53] <frank_the_tank> so not for me then...
[14:53] <genii> Apple_Cat: Also http://techbase.kde.org/SysAdmin/Startup
[14:54] <frank_the_tank> i got a question: since yesterday evening my samba-network client cannot enter the network and show the shared data from other pcs.. ist there some kind of firewall in kubuntu that i accidentally activated?
[14:55] <Apple_Cat> great, thanks ^-^. I'm off now, thanks for all the help
[14:55] <dwidmann> wow, my lag says 23s ..... that's the worst I've seen yet.
[14:56] <dwidmann> ah, finally dropped to 1s .... that's better
[14:57] <frank_the_tank> i got a question: since yesterday evening my samba-network client cannot enter the network and show the shared data from other pcs.. ist there some kind of firewall in kubuntu that i accidentally activated?
[14:58] <dwidmann> frank_the_tank: probably something else happened, I doubt it was that
[14:59] <frank_the_tank> ok, so what do you think did happen?
[15:03] <BluesKaj> howdy all
[15:03] * genii slides BluesKaj a large coffee
[15:03] * BluesKaj accepts with thanks :)
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[15:06] <genii> BluesKaj: I'm on mint tea, stomach unsettled today
[15:06] <BluesKaj> bummer, genii
[15:09] <cies> i want to install any kde4-dbg libs to produce meanigful backtraces
=== emilsedgh is now known as kdegames-info
[15:09] <cies> i tried, but now i get:
[15:09] <cies> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
[15:09] <cies> kde4libs-dbg: Depends: kdelibs5 (= 4:4.0.2-0ubuntu2~gutsy1~ppa1) but 4:4.0.2-0ubuntu1~gutsy1~ppa2 is installed and it is kept back.
[15:10] <cies> when i do an apt upgrade
[15:10] <cies> anyone some idea?
=== kdegames-info is now known as emilsedgh
[15:11] <BluesKaj> cies, kde4 installed
[15:12] <BluesKaj> ?
[15:12] <Jucato> cies: #kubuntu-kde4 please
[15:13] <biopod> I've made such a mess, first i installed kde4, then somehow removed kde3, and now made another mistake, i wanted to try some gnome, so i just apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, gnome runs very bad and slow... back to kde4, firefox keep crashin, of course i tried to re-install it, but some how only the remove part work...
[15:13] <wolas> pro :D
[15:14] <biopod> some times i think that I should not be dealing with linux at all, and just stay with XP or something.
[15:14] <wolas> try removing configs
[15:14] <biopod> wolas: from where?
[15:14] <wolas> ./home
[15:14] <biopod> wolas: and of which program..
[15:15] <wolas> if i were you i just make fresh install
[15:15] <biopod> wolas: wouldnt I be losing everything I made so far?
[15:15] <wolas> i dont know how far u are ;) bacup what is important for you
[15:16] <biopod> i'm with the same install for more then 4 months, so I'm pretty "invested" in my HD.
[15:16] <cies> BluesKaj: yes k4 installed
[15:16] <cies> Jucato: i repost it there
[15:17] <BluesKaj> cies, then go to #kubuntu-kde4
[15:17] <BluesKaj> err join
[15:23] <fat-head> where does kde theme-manager keep ot themes ?
[15:23] <fat-head> its*
[15:24] <Jucato> .kth files? in ~/.kde/share/apps/kthememanager/
[15:24] <fat-head> thnx
[15:30] <BluesKaj> hey Jucato , I'd like the pyTivo server script to start automatically at login ,like apps I have autostart, except pyTivo.py is a cli app. Where and how would I do that ?
[15:30] <Jucato> ~/.kde/Autostart/ or ~/.kde/env/
[15:31] <Jucato> either will do
[15:31] <nosrednaekim> BluesKaj: make a file that has two lines in it first is "#!/bin/bash"
[15:31] <nosrednaekim> second is "python path/to/pyTivo.py"
[15:31] * Jucato would find it strange for a python script to start with #!/bin/bash :P
[15:31] <nosrednaekim> and then chmox +x it
[15:32] <Jucato> as long as the python script is executable (and with the write shebang) it should work without needing a bash script to run it
[15:32] <BluesKaj> yes nosrednaekim i noticed that trying some advice previously and wasn't sure if that was the right command
[15:32] <BluesKaj> shebang ?
[15:32] * Jucato might be wrong though. can't test right now
[15:32] <Jucato> the #!/foo at the start of scripts
[15:32] <Jucato> bash and/or python scripts
[15:33] <SlimeyPete> any kind of script, really
[15:33] <BluesKaj> yes i run the script in the cli to start it "~pyTivo ./pyTivo.py"
[15:33] <ScorpKing> just run locate .sh and look at example scripts
[15:33] <ScorpKing> or .pl even
[15:33] <Jucato> (or "python ./pyTivo.py")
[15:34] <ScorpKing> ah yes. true..
[15:34] <Jucato> BluesKaj: try it without the bash script that calls it. make sure that the python script is executable (chmod +x)
[15:34] <Jucato> if that doesn't work, try nosrednaekim's method
[15:38] <ScorpKing> how can i put a label on say /dev/sda1 so it mounts to /media/<label> instead of /media/disk ?
[15:38] <llutz> ScorpKing:check e2label
[15:39] <ScorpKing> llutz: thanks
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[15:55] <BluesKaj> ok Jucato, nosrednaekim , this is what the /.kde/env/pyTivo.py file looks like : http://www.pastebin.ca/949039
[15:55] <Jucato> BluesKaj: ~/.kde not /.kde right?
[15:56] <Jucato> BluesKaj: I'm confused... 1. you have a ~/.kde/env/pyTivo.py file that is a bash script. 2. what is ~pyTivo in line 3 for?
[15:57] <BluesKaj> Jucato, it's the script start command
[15:59] <BluesKaj> Jucato, the command I used is , "kdesudo konqueror ~/.kde/env/" ,in the run command
[16:00] <BluesKaj> Jucato, I should drop line 3 ?
[16:01] <julie> how do I check which kubuntu version this is? (2.6.20 kernel) and where is the upgrade guide
[16:01] <Jucato> BluesKaj: why do you need to use kdesudo to run konqueror? ~/.kde/ is in *your* home
[16:01] <Jucato> !version | julie
[16:01] <akhil_> is there any kde-theme manager like stuff where i can change themes?
[16:01] <ubotu> julie: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell
[16:01] <Jucato> !changethemes | akhil_
[16:01] <ubotu> akhil_: To change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy. Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubotu xfce-themes
[16:01] <|Dreams|> is there any way to split a wmv hd movie into two parts in linux?
[16:02] <Jucato> BluesKaj: I'm not even sure why line 3 is there or what it does
[16:03] <julie> running 7.04. 7.0.7 or something is latest stable right?
[16:03] <BluesKaj> Jucato, I don't understand> How else do I access ~/.kde/env/ ?
[16:04] <Jucato> BluesKaj: like any other directory in your $HOME... like you would access ~/.kde/share/config or ~/.kde/Autostart
[16:04] <Jucato> in fact, you can just use ~/.kde/Autostart
[16:05] <genii> julie: 7.10 (Gutsy) is latest stable, yes. The kernel for it should be 2.6.22 You may have 7.04 (Feisty) to check: cat /etc/issue or: lsb_release -a
[16:06] <julie> yeah I have 7.04
[16:06] <genii> julie: Notes/ingo for upgrading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes
[16:06] <genii> *info
[16:06] <unimatrix> any krusader developers here?
[16:07] <BluesKaj> Jucato, but you're still using the run command box for those entries, right ?
[16:07] <Jucato> BluesKaj: why are you using run command? I'm confused
[16:07] <julie> I'm looking at it and I don't see an update manager... what's the command to run?
[16:07] <Jucato> unimatrix: try #krusader if they have a channel or try their mailing list
[16:08] <unimatrix> Juncao, the channel is empty, but maybe the mailing list isn't a bad idea.. thx
[16:08] <BluesKaj> so am I , Jucato where else would i enter the text ?
[16:08] <Jucato> BluesKaj: ~/.kde/env/ is a directory, not a file
[16:09] <Jucato> you put the scripts or programs inside that directory, like you would in the ~/.kde/Autostart/ directory
[16:09] <BluesKaj> yeah, so ?
[16:10] <Jucato> so? make a script (kwrite, kate, whatever). save it. make it executable (chmod +x or just right-click on the file), then put it in the ~/.kde/env/ or ~/.kde/Autostart directory
[16:11] <vad> somebody knows something about pykde4 packages?
[16:11] <BluesKaj> Jucato, I went into the dir and created a text file ..so i used the run box with permissions , what's wrong with that ?
[16:11] <vad> now they are broken...
[16:12] <genii> julie: http://tinyurl.com/32785o has kubuntu-specific instructions. The link from there also has screenshots
[16:12] <Jucato> BluesKaj: I'm really confused. not understanding you at all. can you tell me step by step how you "used the run box with permissions"?
[16:12] <kristjan_> hi, how do I cancel apt-get update? the server is down
[16:12] <Jucato> Ctrl+C
[16:13] <kristjan_> thanks
[16:15] <BluesKaj> Jucato, Alt+F2 , kdesudo konqueror ~/.kde/env/, then i created a text file and typed in the text
[16:16] <Jucato> BluesKaj: my earlier question was why you had to run konqueror as root actually...
[16:17] <BluesKaj> ok Jucato , what are the steps you would take ?
[16:17] <julie> yeah it said it couldn't verify the upgrade tool... now it's supposedly downloading it and verifying it...
[16:17] <Jucato> anyway... other than 1. it's a bash script, so it shouldn't be ending in .py and 2. line #3 looks weird., you could give it a try
[16:18] <Jucato> BluesKaj: regular Konqueror, type in ~/.kde/env/ in the location. right-click Create New -> Text File etc. etc.
[16:18] <BluesKaj> run as root is force of habit , cuz i'm not sure where permissions are required and where thy're not when dealing with konq
[16:18] <SQLDarkly> I just added a 500GB HD in my kubuntu box. It is failing to mount because its NTFS... How can I format this in kubuntu
[16:19] <Jucato> BluesKaj: clue.. whenever you're dealing with anything at your $HOME, you don't need to be root/sudo
[16:19] <BluesKaj> Jucato, yeah, ok ~/ ..I think I've got it now
[16:20] <Jucato> BluesKaj: in fact, running as root when you're not supposed to might give you permissions problem with whatever you create in that Konqueror running as root
[16:20] <SQLDarkly> exact error is "hal-storage-fixed-mount-all-options refused uid 1000
[16:21] <BluesKaj> Jucato, ok I'll do it without permissions :)
[16:22] <Jucato> BluesKaj: in fact, if you created that file in a kdesu konqueror window, that file will belong to root, even if it is in your home directory. which is not something you want
[16:25] <genii> SQLDarkly: You want to use it as ntfs or to format the drive into ext filesystem for use on linux?
[16:27] <SQLDarkly> ext for use with linux... this type of setup still shares with windows if im not mistaken
[16:29] <BluesKaj> Jucato, ok I've deleted the orignal text file that I created with kdesudo and followed your instructions. Now , does the "textfile name" matter ?
[16:30] <Jucato> hm.. not really, but just to avoid confusion, since it's a shell script, use .sh instead of .py for the file name
[16:30] <genii> SQLDarkly: You will need on the Windows side an ext filesystem driver, but yes. So if you know the /dev name: sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/<the-dev-name-goes-here>
[16:30] <BluesKaj> ok , Jucato thx :)
[16:31] <genii> SQLDarkly: The ext filesystem driver for windows can be found at http://www.fs-driver.org/
[16:31] <SQLDarkly> ah thnk you
[16:31] <genii> SQLDarkly: np
[16:32] <dwidmann> Hm, could someone give me their keyboard config (Non-evdev, i'm checking if that's the problem...)
[16:32] <genii> dwidmann: Desktop or laptop?
[16:33] <dwidmann> laptop, with another keyboard attached (usb)
[16:33] <dwidmann> the keymap is absolutely nuts right now
[16:33] <dwidmann> of course, the laptop keyboard still works fine
[16:36] <limbeaux> is there a kubuntu package that will act in the same fashion as ms remote installation services? i would like to be able to distribute linux and windows desktops
[16:38] <nosrednaekim> !oem
[16:38] <ubotu> Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate
[16:38] <yao_ziyuan> my video card is ati radeon 9200 with 3d acceleration,
[16:38] <yao_ziyuan> it seems kubuntu can't exactly drive it
[16:39] <genii> dwidmann: Remind me which file again :) Something in /usr/share/X11/xkb/ ? Or other to do with console-data
[16:39] <yao_ziyuan> for example, it seems to underestimate my video RAM
[16:39] <dwidmann> genii: ?? ... I was just going to change from evdev and see if it behaved afterwords .... but I guess I could check that file
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[16:41] <dwidmann> genii: Just as soon as I find out which one(s) you're talking about
[16:41] * dwidmann goes to get more coffee
[16:41] <genii> Hmm
[16:43] <julie_> seems I don't have enough space on / to do the upgrade I have the extra space on /home is there anywhere that I could symlink to a new dir in /home for the upgrade to gutsy
[16:44] <dwidmann> home is pause, up is print, pgup is keypaddivide?, pgdown is menu, end is super_l, left is alt_r, right is unassigned, ............ and I'm sure I've got more problems with it than that genii, like the keys those are supposed to be assigned to
[16:45] <sivaji> julie_ i think its better to go for fresh installation only then you can experience the power of gutsy
[16:46] <genii> dwidmann: I would suggest sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-data
[16:46] <sivaji> genii hi
[16:46] <julie_> pain in the arse. I hate this n00buntu crap
[16:46] <nosrednaekim> julie_: how large is your / partition?
[16:47] * genii slides sivaji a coffee
[16:47] * sivaji thanks dude
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[16:47] * sivaji ksivaji
[16:47] <nosrednaekim> genii: apparently you have no been reduced to "dude"
=== sivaji is now known as ksivaji
[16:48] <julie_> 4.6G
[16:48] <jpatrick> nosrednaekim: you've never seen the big lewboski?
[16:48] <julie_> 3.3G used
[16:48] <genii> nosrednaekim: Heh :)
[16:48] <nosrednaekim> jpatrick: I've heard the story, but no
[16:49] <julie_> svaji why? will the new installer change something that just following an upgrade won't
[16:49] <jpatrick> nosrednaekim: find a DVD of it... now
[16:50] <nosrednaekim> julie_: try an "sudo apt-get clean" and see how much space you have left
[16:50] <ksivaji> julie_ i found fresh installation works faster than upgrading
[16:50] <julie_> nosrednaekim might be enough lets check.
[16:51] <dwidmann> genii: I'll try it, though like I said, the laptop keyboard works ... only the usb one acts funny
[16:51] <julie_> ksivaji you mean linux runs faster or the install goes faster
[16:51] <ksivaji> julie_ linux runs faster
[16:52] <nosrednaekim> ksivaji: not when you add all the applications back on
[16:52] <julie_> ksivaji theoretically an upgrade should clean the system right. unfortunately most linux's don't
[16:53] <nzk> Are there any countdown applications in existance for Linux?
[16:53] <dwidmann> genii: hm, that's odd, and might explain a few things, console-data isn't even installed :O
[16:53] <Kaevik> I was updating things, and adept kept saying another copy was running or another package manager was, so I restarted now grub can't locate any file to boot -.-;
[16:53] <ksivaji> julie_ you are correct
[16:53] <Kaevik> Error 15: File not found
[16:53] <julie_> *curses* still need 111M of space
[16:53] <nosrednaekim> Kaevik: you need to boot a liveCD, chroot into your linux installation and apt-get install a new kernel
[16:54] <Kaevik> o.o
[16:54] <dwidmann> genii: what a strange dist-upgrade to hardy this has been
[16:54] <Kaevik> so Adept destroyed the kernal? -.-;
[16:54] <nosrednaekim> Kaevik: it didn't install it correctly, and you rebooted == not good
[16:55] * genii hums "What a Long Strange Trip It's Been"
[16:55] <SQLDarkly> whats a good ftp server for kubutnu
[16:55] <Kaevik> it was trying to update itself
[16:55] <dwidmann> Kaevik: probably an installation of a kernel image failed ..... you can chroot in to install the linux-image from a liveCD though.
[16:55] <ksivaji> SQLDarkly filezilla
[16:55] <Kaevik> I was updating adept
[16:55] <SQLDarkly> filezilla server is windows only
[16:56] <SQLDarkly> filezilla client is *nix
[16:56] <dwidmann> SQLDarkly: depends what good is ... I tried pureftpd the other day, not secure at all, but required zero configuration
[16:56] <ksivaji> SQLDarkly sorry
[16:56] <nosrednaekim> Kaevik: apparently you updated the kernel too.... do you only have one kernel option in grub?
[16:56] <ksivaji> i was bit excited
[16:56] <SQLDarkly> ;)
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[16:58] <ksivaji> can i upgrade to hardy 8.04 now itself is it possible ?
[16:58] <julie_> this should be fun... moving a hot /var to home :P
[16:58] <dwidmann> ksivaji: yes, it's possible, just change your /etc/apt/sources.list to say hardy instead of gutsy, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
[16:58] <dwidmann> **dist-upgrade
[16:58] <nosrednaekim> uhh.... dist-upgrade
[16:58] <nosrednaekim> :)
[16:59] <ksivaji> dwidmann nosrednaekim is there any risk in that ?
[16:59] <nosrednaekim> ksivaji: of course.... its still beta (and even with fial there is risk)
[16:59] <nosrednaekim> back up before you do it
[16:59] <dwidmann> ksivaji: sure, it's a development version of an operating system, heck, it might not even work
[17:00] <nosrednaekim> but if you have a separate /home, you should be fine.
[17:00] <ksivaji> nosrednaekim no i dont have a separate /home,
[17:00] * ksivaji leaves that
[17:01] <dwidmann> overall hardy has been more stable for me thatn gutsy though, if tha'ts any reassurance ksivaji.
[17:01] <dwidmann> ksivaji: might be a good idea to have one in the future eh?
[17:02] <ksivaji> dwidmann ok i will do in future
[17:03] <dwidmann> Beyond me why ubuntu's guided options don't default to having a seperate home anyway ...
[17:03] <ksivaji> i have a generl question which programming language is better(will be useful if i learn ) python or php
[17:05] <dwidmann> php is very useful for web scripting .... python is very useful for everything else
[17:06] <emilsedgh> php still rulez the web
[17:06] <Trollinator> php is good for nothing
[17:06] <Trollinator> python is better for everything
[17:06] <ksivaji> Trollinator dwidmann ok :D
[17:07] <emilsedgh> maybe
[17:07] <julie_> well moving /var worked ln -s ftw
[17:08] <kaminix> HE-AAC 5.1. I only get sound out of my left speaker using libfaad to decode it. Any solutions?
[17:09] <ksivaji> kaminix test your speakers
[17:10] <dwidmann> If only speaker setup in Linux could be dirt easy ....... :(
[17:13] <julie_> can anyone tell me what package is needed for this wifi card
[17:13] <julie_> 0b:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)
[17:14] <dwidmann> julie_: should be built into the kernel
[17:14] <dwidmann> Use the iwl3945 module or ipw3945 module .....
[17:14] <dwidmann> (for me iwl3945 has worked better)
[17:15] <julie_> funny it doesn't seem to just work on feisty... one of the reasons I'm upgrading... maybe it's not on (I hate laptops)
[17:16] <julie_> is wpa_supplicant installed by default
[17:16] <SQLDarkly> i mounted a drive on an incorrect mount point and im getting error 15 when booting
[17:16] <SQLDarkly> i hit e for grub boot commands hd reads 0,0
[17:16] <dwidmann> julie_: I would create a file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist_wireless and add this line to it "blacklist ipw3945" and add this line to /etc/modules "iwl3945", then reboot and see if it behaves
[17:16] <root> como estas
[17:17] <SQLDarkly> that is right although my main drive is a sata and i odnt think sata mounts on hd
[17:17] <dwidmann> SQLDarkly: try changing it around
[17:18] <dwidmann> SQLDarkly: and hd(x,x) is where SATA shows up, which drive is and/or should be read first, I don't know, but try changing the number
[17:18] <julie_> welling turning the wireless on has helped :P
[17:18] <julie_> this isn't my laptop :P
[17:18] <dwidmann> julie_: d`oh
[17:19] <RunicP> anyone know the default mount point of a sata drive?
[17:20] <flipstar> probably in /media/sdx
[17:20] <julie_> all drives should be on /dev/sd(x)
[17:21] <RunicP> Yes I know let me rephrase. How is it typed like hd0,0?
[17:21] <RunicP> I need to modify GRUB to boot on that drive
[17:21] <flipstar> hd0,0 is first drive, first partition
[17:21] <julie_> what sdx is it? hda hdb?
[17:22] <RunicP> I refuse to reinstall kubuntu over a mount point problem
[17:22] <julie_> err.. sda sdb
[17:22] <julie_> or should I say sda1 sda2
[17:22] <flipstar> julie_: sata uses sd(x) instead of ide hd(x)
[17:22] <Jucato> but the latest kernel has all switched to using sda even for non-sata
[17:23] <RunicP> flipstar so would i make the grub command (sd0,0)
[17:23] <flipstar> RunicP: no..still hd0,0 in grub
[17:23] <dwidmann> Check your /boot/grub/device.map file to see which drive is which in grub
[17:23] <RunicP> i cannot get to the CLI
[17:24] <llutz> use grub-shell "find" command to identify partition containing /boot/grub/stage1
[17:24] <julie_> flipstar yes yes I know... typo I think I corrected myself and even I mentioned that earlier
[17:24] <dwidmann> RunicP, chroot into the partition then, if you want to (ie: sudo mkdir /media/sda1; sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /media/sda1; sudo chroot /media/sda1)
[17:25] <julie_> I hate n00buntu's over-reliance on sudo
[17:25] <RunicP> I need to use a live cd to get to the CLI then
[17:26] <Jucato> julie_: there's "sudo -i"
[17:26] <Jucato> (for instances where you want to use "su -")
[17:26] <dwidmann> julie_: My computers probably could be used by someone else, and I have a tendency of leaving my shells opened ..... so sudo it is, lest I'll forget to de-root myself .....
[17:27] <julie_> jucato how is that different that sudo su -
[17:27] <dwidmann> julie: shouldn't be, but it's less letters to type
[17:28] <Jucato> julie_: the difference is that there is no root account (or rather disabled) to su - into... "su -" there is just an illusion :P
[17:28] <julie_> dwidmann there is that... but I recall being told ubuntu could have problems with having a root user
[17:28] <dwidmann> sudo -i = full root environment, sudo -s = not so full root environment(ie; echo $USER != root)
[17:28] <julie_> well thanks for the tip
[17:29] <Jucato> sudo -i = "su -", sudo -s = (plain) "su" iirc
[17:29] <dwidmann> Jucato: it's definitely there, just it's password is set to an impossible value.
[17:30] <Jucato> dwidmann: hence the "(or rather disabled)"
[17:30] <dwidmann> I must have read over that, I'm good at doing that, especially where there's caffeine involved
[17:31] <julie_> my other main complaint about *buntu is by default /home doesn't have it's own partition... *buntu would be so much smarter to recommend it on it's own partition install
[17:31] <RunicP> i booted using the live cd. will kcontrol modify the kubuntu setup that is installed since im using livecd?
[17:31] <dwidmann> julie_: I'm with you on that
[17:31] <Odd-rationale> julie_: that is being planned
[17:31] <flipstar> RunicP: yes..sure but only for the currect session
[17:32] <flipstar> *current, until you restart
[17:32] <Jucato> RunicP: only for that Live CD, not for your installed system. and as flipstar said, only for that session. rebooting resets it
[17:32] <julie_> odd-rationale about time
[17:32] <dwidmann> Odd-rationale: any spec/blueprint for it? I'm curious to see how they'll lay it out
[17:32] <Odd-rationale> dwidmann: let me get it...
[17:34] <RunicP> how can I access the CLI then?
[17:34] <RunicP> I cannot get past Grub
[17:34] <flipstar> kmenu>system>konsole .. ?
[17:34] <julie_> runicp grub has it's own cli
[17:35] <RunicP> yes normally. But I cannot boot into my installed system
[17:35] <RunicP> only into live cd
[17:35] <julie_> you can edit the lines when you are in grub
[17:35] <julie_> I think the e key
[17:35] <julie_> what error does grub give you
[17:35] <julie_> exactly
[17:35] <RunicP> error 15 : file not dound
[17:35] <RunicP> found
[17:36] <RunicP> this happened after I mounted a 500gb IDE
[17:36] <julie_> moment
[17:36] <RunicP> So I know its a mounting issue. Can you have a master IDE and Master SATA in KDE?
[17:37] <julie_> runicp yes
[17:37] <Odd-rationale> dwidmann: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendSeparateHome
[17:37] <Kaevik> I am getting the same error after a somewhat failed adept version update.
[17:38] <julie_> runicp can you pastebin the copy of your fstab that you are trying to boot so I can see what drive /boot is on?
[17:38] <dwidmann> thanks Odd-rationale
[17:38] <RunicP> yes
[17:39] <julie_> runicp here's a good grub error guide ttp://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/grub-error-guide.xml
[17:39] <RunicP> how can I get to /etc/fstab if I cannot access a command line. I tried at GRUB command line however VI or Nano does not work
[17:41] * xenoterracide == julie_ the kubuntu system rebooted
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[17:44] <dwidmann> RunicP: I would boot with the livecd, then mount the partition and edit it from within the live environment
[17:45] <RunicP> I was just told that the live session would reset my changes
[17:45] <dwidmann> RunicP: even easier if you've got a knoppix live cd, it puts all of the partitions on the desktop and lets you mount them from there automatically when you try to access it.
[17:45] <RunicP> is that inaccurate?
[17:45] <dwidmann> RunicP: umm, sounds inaccurate to me.
[17:45] <xenoterracide> yeah you have to boot to linux to read fstab... grub editor just edits grub stuff... and it only does so in memory (e.g. you would still have to fix it once you are booted).
[17:46] <xenoterracide> and I assume fstab is correct where grub is not
[17:46] <dwidmann> RunicP: you can edit pretty much anything from within the live environment, but you'll have to mount the partition(s) for your linux install first
[17:46] <RunicP> understood
[17:48] <xenoterracide> why must the kde4 build take so long..
[17:48] <dwidmann> in your linux install, /boot/grub/device.map is what grub thinks the drives are. (ie: my /boot/grub/device.map says this: "(hd0) /dev/sda")
[17:49] <dwidmann> in your linux install, /boot/grub/menu.lst is the file that tells ubuntu where your bootable kernels are
[17:49] <dwidmann> xenoterracide: think its slow to build, it feels like it runs even slower :(
[17:50] <xenoterracide> dwidmann? really? never had that problem in opensuse beta was buggy. 4.0.1 was less buggy
[17:50] <xenoterracide> supposedly 4.x uses less memory than 3.5 (hasn't tested that)
[17:51] <dwidmann> xenoterracide: well, start up speed sucks, and there's massive lag between doing certain things ..... certainly plenty of bugs in which the applications decide to disappear, but the general speed is decent, although not as fast as kde3
[17:51] <dwidmann> xenoterracide: I think I'll be waiting til KDE 4.2 or so til I switch
[17:53] <xenoterracide> lol... I'm going to do a full switch around 4.1.1 but I volunteered to help with amarok2 therefore I need a trunk build of kde4
[17:53] <Kaevik> hmmm I put a live cd in now I have a cli "(Initramfs)"
[17:53] <dwidmann> xenoterracide: what sort of help were they looking for?
[17:54] <olie> my boot screen dosent come up
[17:54] <xenoterracide> I offered sql help... 'cause I think I know sql and there past sql has been so so...
[17:54] <dwidmann> Kaevik: that's no fun
[17:54] <xenoterracide> buthere is an amarok help wanted page somewhere
[17:54] <dwidmann> Kaevik: try switching on safe graphics mode
[17:54] <dwidmann> xenoterracide: maybe google knows
[17:55] * dwidmann asks google
[17:55] <xenoterracide> is kaevik runic?
[17:58] <RunicP> Well my device.map is correct. /dev/sda
[17:59] <RunicP> no im runic
[17:59] <xenoterracide> k... was confused what does menu.list say
[17:59] <xenoterracide> menu.lst
[18:00] <RunicP> a lot ;) want me to pastebin?
[18:00] <xenoterracide> yeah
[18:01] <RunicP> http://pastebin.ca/94220
[18:01] <RunicP> wrong one
[18:01] <RunicP> http://pastebin.ca/949220
[18:05] <xenoterracide> runicp what devices does the livecd detect
[18:05] <RunicP> all of em
[18:05] <RunicP> my install
[18:05] <xenoterracide> cat /proc/mounts if they are mounted
[18:05] <RunicP> my 2nd drive
[18:05] <xenoterracide> I want devices not all of them
[18:06] <xenoterracide> #
[18:06] <xenoterracide> #
[18:06] <xenoterracide> # alternative=true
[18:06] <xenoterracide> wtf
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[18:06] <xenoterracide> whoops
[18:07] <RunicP> http
[18:07] <RunicP> http://pastebin.ca/949233
[18:08] <ranjan> hi can someone help with kubuntu
[18:08] <ranjan> got sound but not to satisfaction level
[18:09] <RunicP> xenoterracide the full results of the proc output is here http://pastebin.ca/949236
[18:09] <xenoterracide> runicp any drives other than this? /dev/sda1 /dev ext3 rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,data=ordered 0 0
[18:10] <RunicP> no i have a second but I did not mount it
[18:10] <RunicP> i mounted sda1 when i booted with the live cd
[18:10] <RunicP> if needed ill mount the second drive and give you new output
[18:11] <xenoterracide> does sda1 contain /boot?
[18:11] <RunicP> yes
[18:11] <RunicP> sda1 is the drive that my linux install is on
[18:11] <xenoterracide> then your menu.lst looks right
[18:11] <xenoterracide> have you run grub install?
[18:11] <xenoterracide> or just the grub shell?
[18:11] <xenoterracide> type in grub as root
[18:12] <RunicP> ok im at the grub cli
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[18:14] <RunicP> so my device.map lists hd0 as /dev/sda not /dev/sda1 is that because I booted via live cd or should I change the device.map
[18:14] <xenoterracide> type this
[18:14] <xenoterracide> grub> root (hd0,0) (Specify where your /boot partition resides)
[18:14] <xenoterracide> grub> setup (hd0) (Install GRUB in the MBR)
[18:14] <xenoterracide> grub> quit (Exit the GRUB shell)
[18:14] <xenoterracide> just the root setup and quit
[18:14] <xenoterracide> http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/handbook-x86.xml?part=1&chap=10
[18:14] <xenoterracide> linkage
[18:14] <ranjan> help with volume level on kubuntu 7.10
[18:15] <xenoterracide> also I modified a line of your menu.lst to be human readable
[18:15] <xenoterracide> http://pastebin.ca/949245
[18:15] <RunicP> i specify with /dev/sda1? or /dev/sda1/boot?
[18:15] <pinepain> ranjan, kmix?
[18:15] <ranjan> no
[18:15] <xenoterracide> runicp where
[18:15] <ranjan> added options snd-hda-intel model=3stack to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base
[18:16] <ranjan> it increased volume level but not upto the mark that i had in XP
[18:16] <BluesDrive> hey all
[18:17] <dwidmann> hey BluesDrive
[18:17] <RunicP> sorry was copying ure paste to the menu file
[18:17] <RunicP> specify in the grub cli
[18:17] <BluesDrive> I can't seem to get my wifi to work. I've got a Sony VGN-AR570 with integrated wLAN I think. Can you help me out or do you need more info?
[18:17] <RunicP> u said to specify where .boot resides
[18:18] <xenoterracide> http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/handbook-x86.xml?part=1&chap=10
[18:18] <xenoterracide> runicp look at listing 2.8
[18:20] <RunicP> ok i see now
[18:20] <xenoterracide> grub is grub whether on gentoo or ubuntu and gentoo has awesome docs
[18:20] <RunicP> I went ahead and did root (hd0,0) us said disk does not exist
[18:20] <RunicP> the device.map needs to be modified i think
[18:21] <xenoterracide> are you change rooted into the install
[18:21] <xenoterracide> chroot
[18:21] <xenoterracide> you might need to be
[18:21] <dwidmann> xenoterracide: indeed ... I use gentoo's docs all the time and I've never evne used gentoo
[18:22] <BluesDrive> Kubuntu won't seem to acknowledge my wLAN's existence, but bluetooth works just fine.
[18:22] <aled72> ciao a tutti
[18:26] <xenoterracide> what does bluetooth have to do with wlan's?
[18:28] <RunicP> Same error after doing the Grub Commands
[18:28] <BluesDrive> my bluetooth is controlled by the same switch as wLAN, and on windows sometimes leaving them both on could mess up the wLAN
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[18:29] <RunicP> going to see what list of drives Grub can see
[18:29] <RunicP> just a second
[18:29] <xenoterracide> k
[18:29] <BluesDrive> I'm a heavy windows user. I just ditched windows completely cause of Vista pains. Been running kubuntu for 4 days now
[18:29] <niall> I did the same thing ;D
[18:31] <Odd-rationale> when is the kubuntu website going to get updated? I remember awhile back they were planning on redesigning it.
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[18:34] <xenoterracide> runicp like I said you might have to chroot do you know how to do that?
[18:37] <RunicP> root console?
[18:37] <RunicP> sudo?
[18:38] <xenoterracide> I'll take that as a no
[18:39] <xenoterracide> all of these have to be run with root permissions
[18:39] <RunicP> lol yes im reading about it on wikipedia atm
[18:39] <xenoterracide> mount -t proc none /where sda1 is mounted/proc
[18:40] <xenoterracide> mount -o bind /dev /where sda1 is mounted/dev
[18:40] <ranjan> hi can anyone help me with volume of my ubuntu7.10
[18:40] <RunicP> have to boot back into the live cd environment uno momento
[18:40] <ranjan> hi can anyone help me with volume of my ubuntu7.10
[18:40] <xenoterracide> chroot /bin/bash /where sda1 is mounted
[18:40] <xenoterracide> ranjan patience is a virtue
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[18:41] <xenoterracide> what's your problem with your volume
[18:41] <ranjan> added options snd-hda-intel model=3stack to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base
[18:42] <ranjan> made some increase in volume level but not to extent
[18:42] <ranjan> that is in XP
[18:42] <xenoterracide> in XP?
[18:43] <ranjan> xentoterracide: will appreciate anything you can teach me about installing diff softwares
[18:43] <xenoterracide> do the volume levels look good in alsamixer
[18:43] <xenoterracide> run alsamixer on cli
[18:43] <ranjan> yes
[18:43] <ranjan> max
[18:43] <genii> Sounds like it needs the !intelhda process
[18:43] <ranjan> ???????????
[18:43] <ranjan> dont know anything
[18:43] <xenoterracide> genii could be right I don't know intel sound
[18:44] <ranjan> what should i do
[18:44] <xenoterracide> you do have non kernel beep sound right?
[18:44] <ranjan> yes
[18:45] <xenoterracide> and it isn't 3d sound is it?
[18:46] <ranjan> no it is not
[18:46] <FFForever> can i unmount my cdrom?
[18:46] <FFForever> (so i can have a cd in the drive without it spinning)
[18:47] <genii> !intelhda | ranjan: Follow the instructions here carefully. Use however the alsa version which is latest from their site at http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Main_Page
[18:47] <ubotu> ranjan: Follow the instructions here carefully. Use however the alsa version which is latest from their site at http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Main_Page: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto
[18:47] <xenoterracide> FFForever yes (assumes you are in livecd) you have to run the cd with a parameter docache or something...
[18:47] <xenoterracide> defers that question to someone who know kubuntu livecd
[18:48] <FFForever> i am not in the live cd :P
[18:48] <ranjan> thanx genii uboto
[18:48] <xenoterracide> then yes...
[18:48] <ranjan> will look at it
[18:48] <stamen> hi
[18:48] <xenoterracide> ranjan uboto is a bot
[18:49] <stamen> how to return the older view of GTK aplications
[18:49] <stamen> like GIMP and FIREFOX
[18:49] <stamen> they look like this now http://www.picvalley.net/v.php?p=u/45/11096_514.JPG
[18:50] <stamen> I want them like they were before
[18:50] <stamen> not with this borders
[18:50] <stamen> how to fix this
[18:50] <RSC-232> kubuntu is using my pci sound card
[18:50] <RSC-232> i want it to use my onboard sound card how do i switch it in kubuntu
[18:50] <stamen> only GIMP and FF look like this :(
[18:51] <xenoterracide> um... might want to ask people that know gtk...
[18:51] <stamen> xenoterracide: do you know the irc channel
[18:52] <stamen> for gtk ?
[18:54] <xenoterracide> try #gtk
[18:54] <stamen> I tried, nobody answer to me
[18:55] <stamen> this happened after upgrading GIMP to version 2.4.5
[18:55] <xenoterracide> wait for a long time... you could also try mailing lists and forums
[18:55] <stamen> k
[18:55] <xenoterracide> #ubuntu might know too
[18:55] <stamen> I know this, but I thought that here is faster
[18:55] <xenoterracide> but I've a feeling kubuntu people know kde more
[18:56] <stamen> :)
[18:56] <stamen> ok
[18:56] <stamen> thanks
[18:56] <xenoterracide> np
[18:57] <BluesKaj> RSC-232, why don't you want to use the PCI soundcard ?
[18:58] <squixl> hi
[18:58] <Odd-rationale> stamen: In your spstem settings, under appearance --> gtk styes and fonts --> gtk styles, do you have "Use my kde styles" selected?
[18:59] <squixl> does someone know where to settings for .bash_history are?
[18:59] <flipstar> in bashrc
[18:59] <squixl> how much is logged, and how big the file could be?
[18:59] <julie_> weirds system upgrade seem stuck on cups-pdf
[18:59] <flipstar> per default 500 or 1000 entries
[18:59] <squixl> .bash_history does not log everything or?
[19:00] <squixl> after a definied size the older logs are dropped?
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[19:00] <flipstar> everything you type in bash and that isnt exluded in bashrc
[19:00] <dennister> hep ppl...having a bit of trouble with livecd 7.1 and alternate install 7.1 AND even knoppix 5.1 livecd, which will *not* recognize either of my 2 ps2 mice, only the 3rd, a usb optical...any ideas as to what could be wrong?
[19:00] <julie_> I really don't want to download the cd and install it
[19:00] <stamen> Odd-rationale: yes
[19:00] <squixl> @flipstar so nothing is dropped?
[19:00] <francesco> !it
[19:00] <ubotu> Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!
[19:00] <squixl> after a while...
[19:00] <stamen> Odd-rationale: and there is no change
[19:00] <Odd-rationale> stamen: hmm. ok nvm
[19:00] <dennister> all 3 mice and cd's work on other hardware, so...
[19:01] <flipstar> squixl: nope..if you have over 500 then the first one is lost and so on
[19:01] <squixl> i see...
[19:01] <squixl> but intersting is,
[19:01] <squixl> that there is a user on the machine
[19:01] <squixl> which is used often
[19:01] <squixl> and it has only three entries,
[19:01] <squixl> althoug
[19:01] <flipstar> of corse you can set this to your own needs
[19:01] <squixl> the bash was used about 10ttimes more
[19:02] <squixl> where can i set this?
[19:02] <flipstar> in bashrc
[19:03] <flipstar> export HISTSIZE=<value> will limit the history to <value>
[19:03] <sean987> hello. my first time here and my first attempt with kubuntu.
[19:03] <squixl> @sean987 enjoy it ;)
[19:03] <dennister> just about the only thing i haven't tried is upgrading the bios...does one really have to have the mobo model and amibios specific to that mobo?
[19:03] <squixl> @flipstar you mean : export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups
[19:03] <sean987> thanks! it's a challenge so far! how has anyone overcome the "GRUB loading Error 2" problem?
[19:04] <flipstar> squixl: nope..this existent entry just ignores dubes..nothing with history size
[19:04] <BluesKaj> !grub | sean987
[19:04] <ubotu> sean987: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto
[19:04] <dennister> or can u generically flash upgrade the bios without knowing the mobo model no?
[19:05] <flipstar> squixl: export HISTIGNORE="[ \t]* for e.g. will ignore every entry that starts with a emtpy space
[19:05] <flipstar> good for privacy things
[19:06] <squixl> @flipstar yeah, you are right,
[19:06] <squixl> but i want to log everything,
[19:06] <squixl> a real hard log
[19:06] <BluesKaj> dennister, it's risky , I flashed my BIOS on an older pc and got lucky but I had the mobo make and model plus the BIOS maker as well
[19:06] <soon> join #ubuntu
[19:06] <squixl> every entry,
[19:06] <squixl> how much space is used doesn't bother...
[19:06] <flipstar> squixl: then just set export HISTSIZE=100000 or so
[19:06] <squixl> i also only want to log my stuff,
[19:07] <squixl> where can i read about the settings?
[19:07] <sean987> thank you. i will take a look at the HowTo. It's a fresh install on a new machine. installation seems to go well. then it attempts to reboot and gives me the "grub error 2" problem
[19:07] <squixl> ;)
[19:07] <squixl> thanks for your help ;)
[19:07] <dennister> yeah, i know...i did it successfully years ago, but I had the mobo model no and everything...withthis mobo i can't find the model no
[19:07] <BluesKaj> dennister, there are apps that will scan & list your mobo and bios
[19:07] <dennister> really? any examples of good apps to do this?
[19:08] <flipstar> squixl: hm maybe start with google for bashrc history or something..but remember this is only for the user where bashrc is located..
[19:10] <squixl> thanks ;)
[19:10] <sean987> it was a "grub error 21" problem for ages, then somehow became a "grub error 2"... well, at least i know i'm having some kind of affect on it :)
[19:10] <dennister> BluesKaj: pls keep in mind that i can't load any ubuntu variant livecd...can only load knoppix and dsl...haven't tried feather yet
[19:11] <dennister> BluesKaj: but any examples of an app that I can get on knoppix or dsl livecd's, to scan for mobo and bios, would be greatly appreciated
[19:11] <BluesKaj> dennister, from what i understand the bios has little to do on linux , not like windows
[19:13] <dennister> BluesKaj: except that some of the boot options for livecd's include bios options, so they must impact linux somehow
[19:13] <dennister> they're just not used as often as, for example, acpi=off
[19:14] <dennister> or noapic
[19:14] <BluesKaj> but you're trying to get a mouse recognized , that's HAL , isn't it ?
[19:14] <foibles> i am forever manually mounting my /dev/hda1 partition, and the fstab entry i have just won't work
[19:14] <foibles> could anyone tell me why perhaps?
[19:15] <dennister> you'd think so...but as i said, the same livecd's recognize the working ps2 mice on other machines...the problem is specific to this particular pc
[19:15] <tafsen> Can you use a fingerprint scanner to login with kdm?
[19:15] <dennister> so that's why i think it has to do with this machine's bios
[19:15] <genii> foibles: Perhaps paste your fstab file to the pastebin website and give us the url for examination
[19:18] <dennister> ahh genii :-) do you know an app i can download to scan a mobo model no and bios info? mobo info is not written on the board
[19:18] <foibles> http://pastebin.com/m15f97499
[19:18] <foibles> there it is
[19:18] <foibles> genii,
[19:19] <genii> dennister: Not offhand. The program Everest may have something like this in the reporting, but I think it's a Windows app only
[19:19] <genii> foibles: OK, reading
[19:21] <dennister> hmmmm. ok, will try emailing the guy who donated this pc
[19:23] <genii> foibles: Does the result of: blkid | grep hda1 agree with the UUID that appears in the fstab?
[19:23] <foibles> yes
[19:23] <foibles> genii,
[19:24] <genii> foibles: I think you may need the option: user so that your regular user is allowed to do the mounting
[19:25] <dennister> I'm also trying to load a livecd on a P2 Tecra8000 laptop, and it doesn't even want to boot from the cd drive, even though it is listed in the bios boot order :(
[19:26] <dennister> just goes right past the cd drive to the hdd, with winblows xp :(
[19:26] <BluesKaj> dennister , the only other suggestion is to edit the xorg.conf file with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg command to set up the particular mouse in the "InputDevice Configured mouse" section
[19:26] <foibles> genii, i can mount it manually with "sudo mount /dev/hda1 blah blah"
[19:26] <foibles> and i think i have "users" under the term
[19:26] <genii> foibles: Note the sudo there.
[19:28] <dennister> BluesKaj: ah, yes...forgot about that one :) but that may help for the livecd; won't help with installing kubuntu with alternate (always fails right after the hardware detection and at the installer portion...b4 it gets to the partitioner
[19:28] <foibles> genii, ah true
[19:28] <BluesKaj> dennister, bummer :(
[19:28] <foibles> my user has read/write privledges, so its not like its root only access
[19:29] <dennister> BluesKaj: yes, it is a bummer...but then again, this is why i do upgrade these older machines...i like the challenge :) of learning how to fix new probs
[19:32] <sean987> dennister - i have a challenge if you really want one :)
[19:32] <squixl> @flipstar
[19:32] <squixl> the option:
[19:32] <squixl> hopt -s histappend
[19:33] <dennister> foibles: first, you don't need the 'auto' in your fstab...auto does not refer to mounting automatically
[19:33] <squixl> allows two save the history of shells if more than one is open ;)
[19:33] <genii> foibles: For non-root allowed to mount you need user or users as an option there.
[19:34] <dennister> sean987: oh yeah? well don't count on me for a solution...genii or BluesKaj maybe :-)
[19:34] <dennister> i come here to learn from these guys when I'm stumped, lol
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[19:36] <nosrednaekim> dennister: hmm, you havin a problem?
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[19:37] <dennister> nosrednaekim: of course, u know of an app that i can install from dsl or knoppix livecd, to find my mobo model no & bios info?
[19:37] <nosrednaekim> dennister: lshw say that.
[19:37] <nosrednaekim> *might say that
[19:37] <dennister> none of the ubuntu livecd's will load...or install
[19:39] <dennister> i suspect it's broken/buggy bios that are causing unusual hardware detection issues...but without the mobo model no i don't want to risk flashing bios
[19:39] <nosrednaekim> dennister: I see.
[19:40] <dennister> nosrednaekim: so can u help me with an app suggestion for scanning for mobo info?
[19:40] <Igo_rafas> igno: are you brazilian?
[19:40] <igno> no, why?
[19:40] <Igo_rafas> igno: because your name..
[19:41] <flipstar> dennister: you could give lshw a try..it also has an gui (optional)
[19:41] <nosrednaekim> dennister: try running "lshw"
[19:41] <igno> what does it mean?
[19:41] <sean987> i'll keep reading the howto and ask if i get really stuck
[19:41] <dennister> lol...lshw is a program or command? thought it was a typo
[19:41] <nosrednaekim> command/program
[19:41] <flipstar> a program
[19:41] <nosrednaekim> for th terminal
[19:41] <Igo_rafas> igno: c u later
[19:42] <dennister> ok, will do...but think i need to take a nap first before i tackle it again...(have written it down) i was up most of the night with this frustrating donation
[19:42] <genii> sean987: Grub error 2 means the selected disk is nonexistent
[19:43] <dennister> nosrednaekim: flipstar: thank you
[19:45] <hunteke> can any one point me in the direction of how to get twinkle to work with my usb headset?
[19:45] <hunteke> the frustrating thing is that I have it working (finally) with audacity
[19:45] <hunteke> with a kludge or something of setting up a device with /etc/asound.conf
[19:47] <sean987> genii - thanks
[19:47] <sean987> but the disk is there. i can assure you :)
[19:48] <genii> sean987: Are you on a livecd?
[19:48] <sean987> this is a fresh installation of kubuntu on a new machine. i'm wiping windows completely. it went through the whole install, then got to "reboot" and now it gives me the dreaded error 2
[19:49] <sean987> i haven't heard of livecd. it can still boot from the cd and run "repair"
[19:49] <sean987> and repair seems to work, but then it doesn't really.
[19:50] <flipstar> you should try to reinstall grub..
[19:50] <genii> sean987: The bootable cdrom which has a running version of ubunt/kubuntu is often called the livecd. You can use it for diagnosing problems such as these
[19:51] <brice> mmm
[19:51] <sean987> genii: thanks. yes, i have a livecd.
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[19:54] <foibles> genii, thanks for the help
[19:54] <sean987> if i have a machine with only ubuntu on it, is it sensible to tell grub to use hd0,0 for my root partition?
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[19:56] <nosrednaekim> sean987: yes, thats the most likely location
[19:57] <rami> Is there any more visualisation things than libvisual to amarok?
[19:58] <genii> foibles: np
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[19:59] <genii> sean987: Yes, that would be the default. Some machines (notoriously proprietary laptops for instance) have a special system partition on which recovery or re-install software is kept. On those it would normally be hd0,1
[20:00] <genii> sean987: As well on the occasional embedded controller in laptops the cdrom unit is master, so for those hd1,0
[20:00] <rami> is there other visualisation plugins than libvisual to amarok?
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[20:02] <genii> rami: You can use any xmms visualisation in it as well
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[20:02] <rami> and whats xmms? and is google really my friend when it comes to those?
[20:03] <sean987> genii: ah thanks. i'm on a new laptop (vaio). i will try both those combinations and let you know how i get on.
[20:03] <genii> Google is almost always your friend :) xmms is another player
[20:03] <rami> aah
[20:04] <rami> projectM?
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[20:05] <julie_> hey what do I do when a dist upgrad stop running at 57% with no reason given
[20:05] <julie_> it's just hanging
[20:07] <nosrednaekim> julie_: try hitting ctrl+c
[20:09] <genii> rami: You don't need to download anything from sourceforge to have xmms. Just use the package manager to install it
[20:10] * pinepain__ have fun with irc
[20:10] <julie_> nosrednaekim: I mean besides just killing it
[20:10] <genii> eg: Add/Remove programs then look for xmms
[20:10] <Jarlaxle> hi all
[20:11] <nosrednaekim> julie_: thats all you can do.... and it might actually not kill it, jst kill a dpkg-configure
[20:11] <nosrednaekim> hey Jarlaxle
[20:11] <nosrednaekim> julie_: you can always resume with no problem
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[20:13] <genii> rami: Also for the Milkdrop stuff package called libvisual-projectm also libprojectm1 and libprojectm1-data
[20:14] <julie_> another process is using pkg manage. what's the pkg manager process so I can kill it
[20:16] <flipstar> should be in kicker..(adept or synaptic)
[20:16] <nosrednaekim> !adeptfix
[20:16] <ubotu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[20:16] <flipstar> if not try this julie_ ^
[20:17] <Jarlaxle> hmm, i am always remove all lock by hand :В
[20:19] <julie_> oh to hell... I'm hoping it'll survive the reboot
[20:20] <Jarlaxle> :)
[20:21] <nosrednaekim> dont reboooot!
[20:21] <nosrednaekim> uhhhh oh
[20:21] <flipstar> lol
[20:21] <Jarlaxle> :D
[20:22] <xenoterracide> too late
[20:22] <xenoterracide> kernel panic
[20:22] <xenoterracide> I'm just gonna burn a cd and install
[20:22] <xenoterracide> and make an note that ubuntu is not to use a dist-upgrade process
[20:22] <ProbeDot> I have a system installed already, and am about to put in another disk. Can i do a software raid 1 on an already installed system?
[20:23] <flipstar> ProbeDot: not for the root filesystem
[20:23] <flipstar> afaik
[20:24] <xenoterracide> maybe I'll give her suse...
[20:24] <ProbeDot> flipstar hm
[20:27] <nosrednaekim> there might be a way using LVM
[20:27] <nosrednaekim> but I think you have to start that before you write /
[20:28] <flipstar> to late
[20:28] <joseluix> hola
[20:28] <joseluix> Hi
[20:29] <flipstar> hi joseluix :)
[20:30] <joseluix> flipstar, do you know where can i find plugins for compiz fusion
[20:30] <flipstar> just search in adept for compiz..there should be some listed
[20:31] <sean987> is hd0,0 the same as /dev/sda1 ?
[20:31] <kristjan_> joseluix: sudo apt-get install compiz-fusion-plugins-main
[20:31] <joseluix> kristjan, thank you
[20:31] <flipstar> sean987: yes
[20:32] <joseluix> flipstar i've tried with adept,
[20:32] <joseluix> thank you anyway
[20:32] <nosrednaekim> sean987: if you only have serail discs, yes
[20:33] <flipstar> serail..?
[20:33] <sean987> nosrednaekim - i do not know what serail discs are. i have 2 200gig raid 0 disks
[20:33] <flipstar> sean987: is this a hardware raid or via software ?
[20:34] <SlimeyPete> nosrednaekim: even ide disks are /dev/sd* these days
[20:34] <flipstar> if its a software raid..you have to change some settings in grub
[20:34] <flipstar> SlimeyPete: only with 2.6.24 kernel afair
[20:35] <SlimeyPete> flipstar: well, for me the change occurred in gutsy.
[20:35] <SlimeyPete> so... presumably whichever kernel gutsy started with
[20:35] <flipstar> running 2.6.22? okay then im wrong
[20:35] <SlimeyPete> it is quite a new thing, though, yes.
[20:36] <sean987> um, hardware raid i assume - it's a new vaio laptop i bought today!
[20:36] <flipstar> okay then you have less problems :)
[20:36] <nosrednaekim> SlimeyPete: but hd0 has to do with BIOS numbering, and if you have both a master IDE and one serial, just because the serial is sda, does not make it hd0
[20:36] <SlimeyPete> some "hardware raid" is actually just software raid embedded into the motherboard, and requires drivers.
[20:36] <SlimeyPete> nosrednaekim: ah, yes, indeed
[20:37] <sean987> i'll just read the spec about the raid on the webiste
[20:37] <flipstar> sean987: or just take a look at /dev/mapper
[20:37] <SlimeyPete> my sda is hd1 iirc, and my "hda" is hd0 (which confuses the grub setup script no end - I have to manually edit the grub config every time ubuntu updates its kernel)
[20:38] <sean987> slimeypete: oh dear
[20:38] <sean987> flipstar: i'll get into /dev/mapper in just a sec
[20:38] <spiroo> Is there any support for Hardy somewhere_
[20:38] <SlimeyPete> but it's academic atm because my ubuntu install appears to have spontaneously combusted somehow ;)
[20:38] <flipstar> spiroo: #ubuntu+1
[20:38] <SlimeyPete> still, no doubt I'll be able to fix it when I get time to look at it.
[20:39] <pushax> hi all. What the name of the program that formats hd partions on the live cd;s?
[20:39] <flipstar> pushax: qtparted
=== trevor_ is now known as TR3V0R
[20:39] <pushax> flipstar: thnaking you...
[20:39] <nosrednaekim> pushax: mkfs
[20:39] <TR3V0R> Hey does anyone mind helping me really quick?
[20:40] <nosrednaekim> TR3V0R: whats the problem?
[20:40] <TR3V0R> Ok. When i go to use admin mode in monitor and display setting it like doesn't work
[20:41] <sean987> still that blasted GRUB ERROR 2 with hd0,0 hd0,1 and hd1,0 .... i'm gonna look at /dev/wrapper as suggested
[20:42] <flipstar> *mapper .. /dev/mapper
[20:42] <sean987> ^mapper^wrapper
[20:42] <TR3V0R> "Ok. When i go to use admin mode in monitor and display setting it like doesn't work" Can anyone help me?
[20:42] <kristjan_> TR3V0R: what doesn't work
[20:42] <kristjan_> TR3V0R: it doesn't load; can't switch resoultions?
[20:42] <flipstar> !doesntwork | TR3V0R
[20:42] <ubotu> TR3V0R: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.
[20:43] <TR3V0R> when I type the password in it just says that same and I still need to log in'
[20:43] <dwidmann> Hahaha, that's a pretty funny bot message
[20:43] <kristjan_> TR3V0R: you still need to log in there?
[20:43] * ScorpKing waves at dwidmann..
[20:44] <flipstar> dwidmann: the bot has humor sometimes :)
[20:44] <dwidmann> hey scorpking, long time
[20:44] <dwidmann> flipstar: indeed
[20:44] <dwidmann> !botsnack
[20:44] <ubotu> Yum! Err, I mean, APT!
[20:44] <ScorpKing> dwidmann: yeah ;)
[20:44] <spiroo> How do I switch keyboard layout_
[20:44] <TR3V0R> No one can help?
[20:44] <nosrednaekim> !love
[20:44] <ubotu> Love is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.
[20:44] <flipstar> TR3V0R: are you the only user ?
[20:45] <TR3V0R> Yes.
[20:45] <flipstar> so the pw is correct..?
[20:45] <TR3V0R> yes
[20:45] <dwidmann> nosrednaekim: ..... interesting
[20:45] <flipstar> TR3V0R: other tabs do work ?
[20:45] <TR3V0R> When I log in I use the same pass right?
[20:45] <flipstar> yep
[20:45] <TR3V0R> Yes, Ive log in admin for other settings.
[20:45] <nosrednaekim> TR3V0R: try running "kdesudo kcmshell displayconfig"
[20:46] <TR3V0R> Umm. I'm new to linux. Do I download this?
[20:46] <pushax> Is there a program to repair filesystems? My Secure Digital mem card was killed by laptop with kunbuntu. I probably needed to safely remove the docking session.
[20:46] <flipstar> spiroo: systemsetting>language>keyboard layout
[20:46] <kristjan_> Trevinho: press alt+F2
[20:46] <kristjan_> (without +)
[20:47] <spiroo> flipstar: allright thanks, found it
[20:47] <flipstar> TR3V0R: nope..you drop this in a terminal or ALT+F2
[20:47] <dwidmann> pushax, what file system?
[20:47] <pushax> dwidmann: I think it's proable fat16
[20:47] <pushax> dwidmann: what ever the standard is with SD ram.
[20:48] <pushax> dwidmann: I'd be happy if I could recover the fiels and then reformat it
[20:48] <nosrednaekim> pushax: that would be vfat, yes
[20:48] <flipstar> pushax: you can use foremost or photorec
[20:48] <pushax> nosrednaekim: ok. do you know of a program to recover files from vfat?
[20:48] <nosrednaekim> pushax: ah... I just read an article about that......
[20:48] <pushax> flipstar: ok looking
[20:49] <TR3V0R> Flipstar: So alt + f2 then pate that in
[20:49] <flipstar> yep
[20:50] <pushax> nosrednaekim: can you recall the site?
[20:50] <sean987> about /dev/mapper - it is a directory containing a single file called control which looks like this: "crw-rw---- 1 root root 10, 63 mar 19:46 control"
[20:50] <kristjan_> Trevinho: oops, sorry that was not meant for you ;-)
[20:50] <sean987> but i can't cat or vi it
[20:51] <flipstar> sean987: and is the drive currently accessable ?
[20:51] <flipstar> if yes you dont have a fake/software raid
[20:51] <nosrednaekim> pushax: lookin
[20:51] <pushax> nosrednaekim: thanking you
[20:51] <emilsedgh> how could o block foreign ip's access to my ssh port?
[20:52] <genii> emilsedgh: Change the port it runs on.
[20:52] <emilsedgh> genii: im sure this is not the best solution!
[20:52] <emilsedgh> thats possible with iptables, i just dont know how
[20:53] <flipstar> pushax: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery
[20:53] <sean987> flipstar: how can i tell actually which drive i'm using?
[20:54] <genii> emilsedgh: The main problem with leaving sshd to run on 22 is that it's a well-known port and so you get brute-force attempts. Also by the time you get to ad an ip to the blocked list they will have another.
[20:54] <nosrednaekim> pushax: http://blog.mypapit.net/2007/10/how-to-recover-photo-files-from-sd-card-mmc-with-photorec.html
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[20:55] <emilsedgh> genii: i couldnt say 'accept connections only from'?
[20:55] <pushax> nosrednaekim: Thanks to you and Flip
[20:55] <flipstar> sean987: just type mount and look for the directory you are in
[20:55] <TR3V0R> One more quick question. How do I restart the X server?
[20:55] <sean987> "mount" tells me i have /dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,data=ordered)
[20:57] <nosrednaekim> TR3V0R: ctrl+alt+backspace
[20:57] <kristjan_> TR3V0R: press "alt+E" in login screen or run "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart" in terminal (ctr+alt+f1)
[20:57] <kristjan_> nosrednaekim: I don't think he meant it like that
[20:57] <nosrednaekim> TR3V0R: or log out, sessions button, restart X server
[20:58] <nosrednaekim> looks like he did it though.... ooops :\
[21:01] <genii> emilsedgh: A couple of strategies http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/restrict-ssh-access-use-iptable/ http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/openssh-root-user-account-restriction-revisited.html
[21:01] <emilsedgh> genii: really thanks
[21:03] <sean987> "mount" tells me i have /dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,data=ordered) so i'm guessing it is accessible! it still doesn't tell me what RAID it has. but - unless someone thinks it's a bad idea, i'll change all my /dev/hd0 to /dev/sda in my grub config.
[21:04] <nosrednaekim> sean987: first, try mounting it and seeing if you see data on it...
[21:05] <nosrednaekim> sean987: oh.. never mind... duh, ignore that
[21:05] <sean987> is it not already mounted?
[21:05] <nosrednaekim> sean987: yeah, you can try that.
[21:05] <nosrednaekim> sean987: yeah it is..I didn't read carefully enough :)
[21:06] <sean987> nosrednaekim: cool. i'll try it and see. i think there's no /dev/hd so of course grub can't start it. it's all making sense to me, slowly but surely. thanks!
[21:07] <nosrednaekim> you had /dev/hd ?
[21:08] <sean987> nosrednaekim - yes. i had /dev/hd0,0 - this was what kubuntu put in by itself. this is a fresh install and i'm just learning it as i go.
[21:08] <fra> ciao a tutti!!
[21:09] <nosrednaekim> sean987: what grub config are you refering to? menu.lst?
[21:11] <sean987> nosrednaekim - yes, menu.lst which was created automatically when my machine was first set up 2 hours ago
[21:11] <ProbeDot> In setting up software raid, would on recommend traditional partitions or LVM ? The installed system is using lvm btw.
[21:12] <nosrednaekim> sean987: well, menu.lst does not understand "sda" or ""hda", it only understands hd0, hd1, etc. could you pastebin your menu.lst for me?
[21:13] <flipstar> ProbeDot: i just set up usual partitions with my fakeraid
[21:13] <sean987> nosrednaekim - the kubuntu is on the laptop next to this machine, so i can't paste it, sorry... it did have "hd0,0" in there and "hd1,0" in a different place.
[21:14] <ProbeDot> flipstar k
[21:15] <user1> hi
[21:15] <user1> !startup
[21:15] <ubotu> To make programs start up automatically when you log into your KDE session, run all programs that you want to be started and close all other programs, then select 'Save Session' in the K menu. Alternatively, create a !symlink to the wanted program in ~/.kde/Autostart - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot
[21:15] <nosrednaekim> sean987: ok, I'll pastebin a "normal" grub entry and you see what it looks like compared you yours.
[21:16] <user1> !symlink
[21:16] <ubotu> The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal
[21:16] <user1> !symlink
[21:16] <user1> hmm
[21:16] <flipstar> !msgthebot > user1
[21:16] <user1> a symlink is a shortcut, basically?
[21:16] <flipstar> yep
[21:16] <user1> thanks
[21:17] <user1> well it said to use !symlink in the description for !startup, so I assumed it existed. I guess not.
[21:17] <Jarlaxle> bye-bye all, 23:17......
[21:19] <ProbeDot> do you know if its possible to tell irssi to save the servers iam connected to and the channels iam in into its config file? so it would automaticaly reconnect and join those channels if i start irssi?
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[21:20] <nosrednaekim> sean987: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60216/
[21:23] <pushax> nosrednaekim: and flip, thanks for putting me int he right direction with recovering files. haven't fiexed yet but as scan takes a while. cheers.
[21:23] <sean987> nosrednaekim - thank you. that looks very similar to mine... and that is giving me the "Error 2" which means "not found"... compare this with the "mount" command telling me i'm on "/dev/sda1" and i'm well confused about it all.
[21:24] <flipstar> sean987: just ignore that mount command..
[21:24] <nosrednaekim> what does your "root" line look like in your menu.lst?
[21:24] <flipstar> has nothing to do with grub
[21:24] <alixthedark> can someone tell me how to get a file on my desktop in a zip folder installed?
[21:25] <flipstar> alixthedark: you probably can use Ark for that
[21:25] <alixthedark> tried it is now a folder cause i extracted it
[21:27] <flipstar> alixthedark: in Ark >new>choose .zip>saved whereever you want>add files
[21:27] <sean987> in menu.lst, i have had (hd0,0) and (sda,1) but both gave the "error 2"
[21:27] <alixthedark> ok ty
[21:28] <flipstar> sean987: you only should have hd0,0 in the root line
[21:29] <sean987> flipstar - hd0,0 gave me a "grub error 2"
[21:29] <flipstar> maybe hd0,1 ..
[21:30] <flipstar> depends on where you installed kubuntu's root+if you have a recovery partition by the manufactor
[21:30] <nosrednaekim> sean987: does this computer have two disc drives?
[21:31] <flipstar> sean987: you can change this on the fly by going into grub menu at startup and pressing e for editing
[21:31] <sean987> flipstar - i installed kubuntu root on /dev/sda1
[21:31] <sean987> nosrednaekim - this machine has 2 drives, yes, 200Gig each running RAID 0
[21:32] <flipstar> hd0.0 should be correct then..however you can try hd0,1
[21:33] <sean987> flipstar - changing on the fly??? as soon as it boots, it gives me the "error 2"... is there a way to bypass that or stop before that? i have set the timeout to 90 but it still goes straight in there with the "error 2" (not found)
[21:33] <nosrednaekim> sean987: wait.... are you on the liveCD?
[21:34] <sean987> nosrednaekim - yes, on a livecd
[21:35] <alixthedark> what does the suffix .nsi.in mean?
[21:35] <nosrednaekim> sean987: then where are you seening that its mounting / on sda1 ?
[21:35] <sean987> when i type "mount" on the command line. i'll just check and do it again now
[21:36] <flipstar> usally you can enter grub via pressing escape
[21:36] <sean987> nosrednaekim = yep mount returrns /dev/sda1 on / and /dev/scd0 on /media/cdrom0
[21:37] <alixthedark> what does the suffix .nsi.in mean?
[21:37] <flipstar> alixthedark: try google
[21:37] <alixthedark> lol
[21:37] <alixthedark> ok
[21:37] <nosrednaekim> sda1.... that must be the CD drive!
[21:37] <nosrednaekim> try hd1,0 !
[21:37] <flipstar> scd usally is cdrom ....
[21:38] <alixthedark> flipstar: cant find it
[21:39] <aaroncampbell> Will Kubuntu get Eclipse Europa anytime in the near future?
[21:39] <flipstar> alixthedark: it doesnt exist..
[21:40] <alixthedark> what?
[21:40] <alixthedark> the filename is setup.nsi.in
[21:41] <nosrednaekim> sean987: I have NEVER seen a liveCD mount something other than the cdrom as / .... and what file are you modifying to change your grub settings?
[21:41] <flipstar> alixthedark: where did you find it ?
[21:41] <ScorpKing> nosrednaekim, flipstar: ls -l /dev/disk/by-path/
[21:41] <alixthedark> muzicbrainz.com
[21:42] <alixthedark> sorry musicbrainz.org
[21:42] <flipstar> alixthedark: hm it might be an windows file try in ##windows
[21:42] <alixthedark> it said linux/unix version
[21:42] <sean987> nosrednaekim: i am editing /boot/grub/menu.lst
[21:43] <sean987> flipstar - i'm going go try to go in with hd1,0 and see if it can find the disk. takes about 10 minutes to go through the restore menues otherwise
[21:43] <alixthedark> and there are files with the python suffix
[21:43] <nosrednaekim> sean987: that won't modify anything.....
[21:43] <sercik> HI
[21:44] <sercik> someone can help me about volume wheel??
[21:44] <nosrednaekim> sean987: you have to mount your ubuntu root partition and modify ITS menu.lst
[21:46] <sean987> nosrednaekim - my ubuntu root partition is, i believe, on /dev/sda1
[21:46] <sean987> and i can't be sure, but i do think that's probably a hard drive and not a CD.
[21:47] <sean987> coz the cd is is /dev/scd0 on /media/cdrom0
[21:47] <nosrednaekim> right right... weird.
[21:47] <nosrednaekim> sean987: did you mount /dev/sda1 manually?
[21:48] <sean987> nosrednaekim - no, not manually... but when i tried to do a restore i was asked which one to moount as my root partition and i answered /dev/sda1
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[21:48] <sean987> ^restore - i meant 'repair'
[21:49] <nosrednaekim> sean987 a restore?
[21:49] <nosrednaekim> I wasn't aware of any such option in the liveCD
[21:50] <sean987> i'll go into it now and tell you what it say. takes a few minutes. i'll be back
[21:50] <Kaevik> I might need to do that, if I bother trying to fix it, thats is.
[21:50] <Roey> hello
[21:51] <sean987> nosrednaekim - i've rebooted and i'm choosing "rescue a broken system"
[21:51] <Kaevik> 2hur windows install vs 2 days messing with kubuntu mostly just to get it to use a built in wireless card.
[21:51] <nosrednaekim> sean987: thats the alternate installer!
[21:51] <Roey> any Wacom users here? I'm having a permissions problem--can't issue 'wacdump /dev/input/wacom' without using sudo, and also GIMP gives me "State: Device not available: Permission denied" in the extended input device configuration dialog for the wacom device.
[21:52] <coreymon77> Kaevik: whats the card?
[21:53] <coreymon77> Kaevik: sometimes wifi can be a bit of a pain, but thats not a reason to turn off of linux completely
[21:53] <coreymon77> Kaevik: what card are we talking here?
[21:53] <sean987> nosrednaekim - would you not try to rescue this? or would you start again???
[21:53] <nosrednaekim> sean987: well, since you have nothing at all changed, I'd certainly start ove
[21:54] <Kaevik> BCM4318 I got in enabled, but then I had to work on WPA so I loaded Adept and it wastalking about newer version of Adept so let it go update itself but then it said another package manager was running (adept/or apt-get, what not) and errored. I closed everything down rerun it and it wouldn't start, so I restarted. now grub throws up Error 15: File not found.
[21:54] <coreymon77> Kaevik: ouch
[21:54] <coreymon77> Kaevik: let me assure you that that does not normally happen
[21:55] <sean987> nosrednaekim - okay... but it takes about 20 minutes! wish i could get this on-the-fly going that flipstar mentioned
[21:55] <Kaevik> so I have to either reinstall or rebuild the kernal via the lice cd.
[21:55] <Kaevik> livecd*
[21:56] <flipstar> sean987: just press ESC when grub tell you to..
[21:56] <nosrednaekim> flipstar: go ahead and take over.... I'm not familiar with the grub CLI
[21:57] <coreymon77> Kaevik: that sucks, but as i said, that normally does not happen, you just ran into something that borked
[21:57] <coreymon77> Kaevik: getting it enabled is the hardest part
[21:57] <flipstar> nosrednaekim: sorry im out now-->watching a movie :P
[21:57] <sean987> flipstar - i assure you, grub doesn't give me a chance to do anything. the first i see of it is the "error 2" and that's straight after the bio splash screen.
[21:57] <nosrednaekim> flipstar: oh... <_<
[21:58] <flipstar> sean987: then you maybe have a problem with grub itself..(?)
[21:58] <sean987> no worries chaps... thanks for your help so far! enjoy your movie :) hopefully i'll be gone when you're done!
[21:58] <flipstar> normally you have the option to go into a menu
[21:59] <flipstar> thanks
[21:59] <nosrednaekim> sean987: i'd reinstall...
[21:59] <nosrednaekim> probably easiest
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[22:00] <nosrednaekim> since I can't be sure what the problem EXACTLY is
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[22:01] <sean987> nosrednaekim - i think i'll do as you suggest. i'll just go one more test and put a load of garbage in my menu.lst to see if it's actually being read at all...
[22:01] <Kaevik> reinstall grub
[22:02] <nosrednaekim> well, with an immediate error2... it probably won't matter
[22:02] <adaran_> is it possible to print to a windows printer through samba when there is no linux driver available?
[22:02] <Kaevik> or rebuild grub, what ever you do with it
[22:05] <sean987> kaevik - was that suggestion for me?
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[22:10] <lovre> im trying to use posix2 classes with my konsole in kubuntu, and it doesnt seem to work. Is posix2 even implemented yet?
[22:16] <trevor_> Hey guys can someone help me, When I restart X server my whole linux doesn't work after that
[22:17] <nosrednaekim> trevor_: hey.... you much have messed up your xorg.conf
[22:17] <trevor_> how can I fix it?
[22:17] <nosrednaekim> trevor_: if you can get to a command line, run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"
[22:18] <trevor_> K
[22:18] <trevor_> I did that
[22:18] <nosrednaekim> now, run "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart"
[22:19] <trevor_> k
[22:20] <nosrednaekim> did that work?
[22:21] <trevor_> idk nothin happend
[22:21] <trevor_> So no?
[22:21] <nosrednaekim> try going to ctrl+alt+f7
[22:22] <trevor_> nothing happens
[22:22] <trevor_> when I press em.
[22:22] <knightz> hi there
[22:23] <knightz> what does it means when i get a ata error?
[22:23] <nosrednaekim> trevor_: what did you change in that monitor configuration?
[22:23] <trevor_> well i just reinstalled the whole os again
[22:23] <trevor_> so nothing
[22:24] <nosrednaekim> oh...
[22:24] <dwidmann> knightz: ata errors can be very bad.
[22:24] <dwidmann> knightz: I don't know that they have to be though
[22:25] <knightz> i think windows is killing my hardware on my laptop .... cause it works find in linux but I reinstall windows and same thing
[22:25] <knightz> is there a scan disk in linux?/
[22:25] <weiser> fsck
[22:26] <knightz> ok
[22:26] <dwidmann> I don't know what that sort of error would cause in windows, but it was enough to make things unusable for me in linux (couldn't get linux, encryption, and my motherboard to play well together I guess)
[22:26] <Dr_willis> knightz, you fsck disks, when they are unmounted.
[22:27] <dwidmann> Come to think of it, I need to download the latest hardy alternate cd and get a small hard drive for testing that .....
[22:27] <knightz> ok
[22:27] <Kaevik> think that repair option in the alternative cd hunt on scanning the cd for errors.
[22:27] <knightz> problem i only have one drive
[22:27] <Kaevik> still at 15%
[22:28] <knightz> i can run it with the live cd right?
[22:28] <fat-head> i am having a problem with kde theme-manager, i added a .kth theme but it was corrupted so i redownloaded the theme in hope of being able to remove the same theme from theme-manager but the remove button is greyed out.
[22:28] <knightz> hello?
[22:29] <genii> knightz: You can run it from recovery mode or from the livecd
[22:29] <Dr_willis> I normally boot a live cd and manually fsck filssystems
[22:30] <Daisuke_Ido> is that legal?
[22:30] <knightz> if it weren't for virtual dj I would get read of windows all together
[22:30] <knightz> ok
[22:30] <knightz> thanks
[22:31] <fat-head> anyone help me ??? ^^^^^^^^
[22:31] <jpatrick> fat-head: kdmtheme is full of bugs :(
[22:32] <Kaevik> ok I am in the grub cli, how do I check the drives, try to figure out whats or where everything went?
[22:32] <nosrednaekim> !grub
[22:32] <ubotu> grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto
[22:32] <Dr_willis> if you installed the theme to the local user. the theme files are somewhere stored in their .kde dir i belive
[22:32] <genii> fat-head: Whats the name of the theme?
[22:32] <wardjason> hi. my middle mouse button is paste. how do I change this?
[22:32] <Dr_willis> a .thm file defines what other theme parts a theme uses..
[22:32] <knightz> i think it's time to migrate of windows to linux 100%
[22:33] <Dr_willis> wardjason, thats a feature. :) been in X for like 20+ years..
[22:33] <wardjason> can I change it?
[22:33] <Dr_willis> wardjason, not sure how you disable it. Never noticed, never wanted to.. id have to say hit google and see.
[22:33] <wardjason> k
[22:33] <Dr_willis> I think of it as a 2nd clipboard. :)
[22:34] <Dr_willis> technicially thats the 'selection' then you still have the clipboard buffer.
[22:34] <dwidmann> wardjason: what do you want your middle button to do?
[22:34] <Dr_willis> The Klipper tool. can sync the 2 items.
[22:34] <knightz> well l8rz peepz
[22:34] <dwidmann> Dr_willis: and that's very handy too
[22:34] <dwidmann> Dr_willis: I use it to death :)
[22:34] <Dr_willis> dwidmann, Im used to having 2 seperate ones. :)
[22:34] <wardjason> anything but paste. pressing it should rather do nothing. I have an awful habbit of pressing it for no reason
[22:35] <genii> fat-head: At any rate, you may find the name of it in /usr/share/apps/kthememanager/themes/ and manually remove it.
[22:35] <Dr_willis> but i also use a lot of window manager that dont have their own clipboard stuff.
[22:35] <dwidmann> Dr_willis: nothing stopping you from running klipper in those too is there?
[22:35] <Dr_willis> dwidmann, assuming i got kde installed on those box's :)
[22:36] <fat-head> jpatrick , genii : its not kdm theme manager its kde theme-manager the only which comes with kubuntu. the themes name is nuoveXT2.5 http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/NuoveXT2-Theme?content=66685
[22:36] <Dr_willis> ages ago there used tobe all kind of issues with the clipbord/selection, but now a days - most people dont even notice there is a selection.
[22:37] <wardjason> dwidmann: anything but paste. pressing it should rather do nothing. I have an awful habbit of pressing it for no reason
[22:37] <Dr_willis> I notice now that the 'synergy' tool can even make use of the selection, across different machines.
[22:38] <Dr_willis> wardjason, yea - the whole 'wheel mouse' is also a button - sort of puts a damper on usingit. Unles you have a decent mouse.
[22:38] <Dr_willis> but rembering the selection middle click to paste.. can come in handy.
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[22:39] <wardjason> I don't mind the wheel. I just don't want it to be paste. I found a link to make it a scroll, but no for changing paste
[22:39] <wardjason> Dr_willis: It can but i prefer control+V
[22:39] <genii> fat-head: In /usr/share/apps/kthememanager/themes/ as I said, or ~/.kde/share/apps/kthememanager/themes or ~/.kde4/share/apps/kthememanager/themes if you are on kde4
[22:40] <Dr_willis> That Paste feature is so imbeded in X. that it may need a xorg.conf tweak to disable it.. Heck it may not be disablable.
[22:40] * genii sips his mint tea and ponders the disablable
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[22:42] * dwidmann calls on google to aid wardjason
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[22:45] <Hallizh> Kubuntu newest version - Fixing wireless ... any off-the-hook idead ?
[22:45] <Hallizh> ideas*
[22:46] <sven_oostenbrink> Hi there, I just installed a program with Adept but it crashed and now adept won't start anymore, its complaining about locks.. How do I fix this?
[22:46] <SlimeyPete> !aptfix | sven_oostenbrink
[22:46] <ubotu> sven_oostenbrink: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[22:47] <sven_oostenbrink> !aptfix
[22:47] <ubotu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[22:47] <ere4si> wardjason: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=711907 - tells you how to disable the mouse click paste
[22:47] <fat-head> genii i was able to remove the one in .kde/etc... but how do i remove it if i installed it through kdesudo kcontrol ??
[22:47] <mario_> ola
[22:47] <sven_oostenbrink> SlimeyPete> thanks!
[22:47] <SlimeyPete> no problem.
[22:48] <Kaevik> hmmm not helping
[22:48] <Hallizh> My computer finds the wireless hardware, and it looks promising. But nevertheless, the notwork just wont work.
[22:49] <fat-head> genii ?? ^^
[22:50] <dwidmann> wardjason: I don't think it can be done by the looks of what I'm reading now
[22:51] <Kaevik> I get a Error 15: when I do find menu.lst form the grub cli ><
[22:51] <wardjason> hmm let me read this quick
[22:52] <jpatrick> Kubuntu meeting in 10 minutes in #ubuntu-meeting
[22:53] <fat-head> meeting ?
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[22:53] <fat-head> can i come ?
[22:53] <Kaevik> as long as it isn't locked
[22:54] <jpatrick> fat-head: all are most welcome
[22:54] <wardjason> jpatrick: whats the meating about?
[22:55] <Riddell> ** Kubuntu Meeting in 5 minutes in #ubuntu-meeting
[22:55] <jpatrick> wardjason: mostly https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings
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[22:55] <fat-head> anyone here members of anonymous ???
[22:55] <genii> fat-head: If you manually deleted the file then the kcontrol just won't find it next time
[22:56] <fat-head> genii kk thnx so much guess ill have to restart machine then
[22:56] <wardjason> well it seems near impossible to change the middle mouse button to stop pasting.
[22:57] <dwidmann> wardjason: short of patching the code yourself, yeah. It's a deeply integrated feature integrated at a low level, according to what I read
[22:57] <wardjason> dwidmann: yeah, I'll just have to break my habbit :)
[22:58] <ere4si> wardjason: "- It's possible to get around middle-click paste by mapping the middle-button to something else. For a standard 3-buttoned mouse, you could try: Option "ButtonMapping" "1 1 3" " - from that post
[22:59] <Hallizh> Does nobody have any informatin on fixing wireless network under kubuntu newest release?
[23:00] <nosredna_ekim> !wireless
[23:00] <ubotu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[23:00] <Kaevik> ok run the livecd look into boot and the files listed in grub are there.
[23:01] <Hallizh> Thanks alot
[23:01] <Hallizh> !wireless
[23:01] <ubotu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[23:01] <wardjason> ere4si: that is possible but in KPDF I use it for zooming so that would take away my favourite feature in kpdf
[23:01] <Kaevik> only possible issue is root (hd0,0)
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[23:01] <Kaevik> I'm guessing first partition on the first hdd.
[23:02] <Kaevik> sata or IDE does not matter.
[23:02] <ere4si> wardjason: the scroll will still work - it is just what happens when the wheel is pressed that changes
[23:03] <Kaevik> when I change it to hd0,1 I get Error 17: Cannot mount selected partion
[23:04] <Kaevik> partition
[23:05] <wardjason> ere4si: yes I know. but the zoom in kpdf is from pressing the middle mouse, scrolling the wheel scrolls the page
[23:06] <ere4si> k
[23:11] <ido-> without building it manually
[23:11] <Kaevik> so if grub won't even mount the hardrive this isn't really an issue with the kernal or stuff?
[23:12] <ido-> how can i upgrade my kde4 on ubuntu to the latest build ?
[23:14] <ido-> anyone?
[23:14] <ere4si> !kde4 | ido
[23:14] <ubotu> ido: KDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[23:14] <ido-> thanks
[23:15] <ere4si> k
[23:15] <genii> ido-: If you used the method of adding the "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu gutsy main" line and installing that way from package manager, just use sudo apt-get update as usual
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[23:17] <ido-> thanks genii
[23:18] <wardjason> Is there a list which contains all the default keyboard shortcuts in kubuntu? like one to go to the desktop or open my home folder?
[23:21] <genii> ido-: np
[23:23] <ere4si> !shortcuts | wardjason seen this
[23:23] <ubotu> wardjason seen this: keyboard shortcuts can be set in K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. Try also "Input Actions" in KControl. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts
[23:24] <wardjason> thanks
[23:24] <Erickj92> can anyone recomend a terminal web browser?
[23:24] <ere4si> lynx
[23:24] <r11t> Erickj92: Even gmaik works with elinks !
[23:25] <r11t> *gmail
[23:25] <wardjason> something really strange just happened. I cut some files and they are still there. why?
[23:25] <Erickj92> wardjason, you need to paste them somewhere
[23:26] <wardjason> I did
[23:26] <ere4si> wardjason: you need to paste them somewhere - cut is for moving
[23:26] <r11t> wardjason: strange but I have had similar experience a few times
[23:26] <wardjason> but now its as if I copied them.
[23:26] <wardjason> yet I cut
[23:26] <ere4si> hmmm
[23:27] <shamal> hi, got the same experience....
[23:29] <wardjason> has anyone else also had copy (clipboard) problems. where you press control+C or even control x and it will remove the text but when you press control+V it doesn't paste the removed text
[23:30] <kristjan_> wardjason: yeah, sometimes. but selecting manually it from clipboard helps
[23:31] <kristjan_> wardjason: (klipper) in system try
[23:31] <kristjan_> *tray
[23:32] <wardjason> sometimes I do a cut and it doesn't go there. so I must press control+Z to undo my "cut", yet I look in klipper and its not there
[23:49] <aib_> mplayer plays sound in kde3 but not kde4. what could the problem me? how do I even troubleshoot it? other sounds seem to work
[23:49] <NickPresta> aib_, ask in #kubuntu-kde4
[23:56] <gene> question re glx, I'd installed the nvidia version but now have nuked it. BUT numerous re-insstalls of the lkibraries have not restored a 'glx' to xorg.conf usability
[23:56] <gene> Ideas anyone?
[23:58] <gene> this is kubuntu-6.06 LTS, running emc, which must have the glx extension.